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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mach es recht!: Ein bislang unbekanntes Fragment einer gesetzlichen Regelung aus dem Frühen Prinzipat

Ehmig, Ulrike, Haensch, Rudolf 04 October 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Erotics as Decolonization and Pathway to Spiritual Activism in Chicana Literature: Demetria Martínez's Mother Tongue and Alma Luz Villanueva's Naked Ladies

Walker, Wendy L. 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.


GUSTAVO DA ROSA PIRES 09 May 2024 (has links)
[pt] Região de conflito de interesses econômicos e ambientais, no oeste do estado do Pará, fica a Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, que é alvo de crescentes ataques por atividades ilegais como o garimpo, a extração de madeira e o plantio de soja em larga escala. No intuito de fortalecer lutas sociais através da comunicação, o Projeto Amazônia (Universidade de Brasília) é uma série de ações feitas por grupo de pesquisadores que atuam junto a aldeia de etnia Munduruku. Na intenção de contemplar o entre-lugar que há na pós-colonialidade latino-americana, o presente trabalho serve-se da ideia de ciborgues: manifestações existenciais físicas constituídas no apagamento de suas identidades originais, e, ao focalizar o aspecto de responsividade que o vídeo oferece aos que se encontram em tal realidade, o estudo também busca conceituar o que seria afinal esse suporte eletromagnético. Para tanto, serão rememoradas vivências de ensino do audiovisual no território mencionado. A reflexão está calcada em autores como Phillipe Dubois; Donna Haraway e Silviano Santiago. Em conclusão, esta dissertação elogia o uso da tecnologia digital em questão enquanto possibilidade de registro da memória e projeto de sociedade para transformação de futuro. / [en] A region of conflicting economic and environmental interests, in the west of the state of Pará there is the Tapajós National Forest, a target of increasing attacks due to illegal activities such as mining, wood extraction and large-scale soybean planting. In order to strengthen social struggles through communication, the Amazon Project (University of Brasília) is a series of actions carried out by a group of researchers who work with a Mundurucu ethnic village. With the intention of contemplating the in-between place that exists in Latin American post-coloniality, this work uses the idea of cyborgs: physical existential manifestations constituted in the erasure of their original identities, and, by focusing on the aspect of responsiveness that the video offers those who find themselves in such a reality, the study also seeks to conceptualize what this electromagnetic support would ultimately be. To this end, audiovisual teaching experiences in the aforementioned territory will be recalled. The reflection is based on authors such as Phillipe Dubois; Donna Haraway and Silviano Santiago. In conclusion, this dissertation praises the use of the digital technology in question as a possibility for recording memory and a societal project for future transformation.


[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral investigar os desafios e oportunidades da mediação de conflitos familiares. São objetivos específicos: a partir da perspectiva do(a) mediador(a), pesquisar as repercussões da conjugalidade no exercício da parentalidade e mapear estratégias de intervenções utilizadas pelos mediadores. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa com a participação de oito mediadores: quatro do campo da Saúde e quatro do Direito. Os dados coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas foram objeto do método de análise de conteúdo na vertente categorial e apresentados em formato de dois artigos. Das narrativas, emergiram várias categorias de análise. O primeiro artigo discutiu a categoria repercussões da conjugalidade sobre a parentalidade no contexto da mediação de conflitos familiares, desdobrada em duas subcategorias: visões cristalizadas e dificuldade de diferenciar o par conjugal do par parental; e impactos da parentalidade conflituosa sobre os filhos. Os resultados indicaram que dificuldades de diferenciação entre o par conjugal e o par parental podem acarretar a reprodução da dinâmica conjugal conflituosa na parentalidade, com consequências danosas aos filhos. O segundo artigo discutiu a categoria intervenções do mediador, desdobrada em duas subcategorias: escuta inclusiva e devolutiva; e intervenções voltadas ao resgate de confiança. Os resultados indicaram que uma escuta atenta às possibilidades (escuta inclusiva) e indicativa dos temas a serem cuidados (escuta devolutiva) pode auxiliar na autoimplicação, protagonismo e colaboração. Indicaram também a pertinência de realização de reuniões privadas e celebração de acordos provisórios para a tentativa de resgate da confiança. Concluiu-se que o mediador de conflitos familiares deve adotar uma postura proativa, a fim de auxiliar na construção de parceria na parentalidade e promover transformação no sistema familiar, a despeito das dificuldades psíquicas inerentes à dissolução da conjugalidade. / [en] This paper aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities of mediating family conflicts. From the mediator s perspective, the specific objectives are to research the repercussions of conjugality on parenting performance and map intervention strategies used by mediators. Therefore, qualitative research was performed with the participation of eight mediators: four from the field of Health and four from Law. The data collected through semi-structured interviews were the subject of the content analysis method in the categorical aspect and presented in two papers. Several categories of analysis emerged from the narratives. The first paper debated the category of repercussions of conjugality on parenting in the context of family conflict mediation, broken down into two subcategories: stagnant views and difficulty in differentiating the marital pair from the parental couple, and the impacts of conflictual parenting on children. The outcomes demonstrated that difficulties determining the marriage pair from the parental couple may result in the reproduction of conflictual marital dynamics in parenting, with harmful consequences for children. The second article discussed the category mediators interventions, broken down into two subcategories: inclusive and feedback listening; and external interventions to restore trust. The results indicated that attentive listening to possibilities (inclusive listening) and, at the same time, indicative of the topics to be addressed (feedback listening) may assist in the auto implication, protagonism and collaboration. They also indicated the relevance of holding private meetings and concluding provisional agreements in an attempt to restore trust. It was concluded that the family conflict mediators should adopt a proactive attitude in order to assist in building a partnership in parenting and promoting the transformation of the familiar system, despite the psychic difficulties inherent to the dissolution of conjugality.

Persuasions of archaeology : the achievements and grandeur of the Omrids at their royal cities of Samaria and Jezreel

Schneider, Catharina Elizabeth Johanna 01 1900 (has links)
Our perception, of the Omrid kings of the Kingdom oflsrael in the ninth century BCE, is based on the Books of 1 and 2 Kings in the Hebrew Bible. The Biblical author's concentration, on Omrid apostasy rather than on their abilities and accomplishments, has robbed these competant monarchs of the prominence allotted to kings like David and Solomon. Recent archaeological excavations, in conjunction with extra-Biblical sources, have however projected a different image. Excavations at the royal Omrid cities of Samaria, and especially Jezreel, have indicated that Omri, and his son Ahab, had erected immense and grandiose structures. These edifices bear testimony to periods of peace, stability and great economic prosperity. The Omrids deserve new assessments as to their accomplishments, and therefore, by means of visible and tangible structural remains, I wish to promote the persuasion of archaeology as vindication of Omrid grandeur and achievement at Samaria and Jezreel. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

甲骨卜辭與《周易》經傳吉凶觀念思想研究 / Auspicious Concepts of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and “Chou Yi” Classics and Commentaries

陳芝豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討《周易》經傳吉凶觀念,不欲陷入「經傳分觀」與「以傳解經」的爭執中,所以對於《易經》與《易傳》的吉凶觀念討論,採取調和方式,也就是運用「經傳分觀」者的優點,回歸《易經》與《易傳》於各處之時代來加以討論各自的吉凶觀念;運用「以傳解經」者的優點,看《易傳》對《易經》的吉凶觀念,是如何的詮釋。並且嘗試整理存在卜辭中「吉凶觀念」的形成初期,到存在於《周易》經、傳中的「吉凶思想」,由此,一方面得以梳理《周易》經、傳間吉凶觀念承續與再現的問題,一方面得以此為基礎,論析《周易》經、傳思想與思想史間的互動關係,就吉凶思想,追尋其形成、轉化的軌跡,或許更能瞭解《周易》所蘊藏的價值內涵,及《周易》思想與其他思想間的授受關係。 職此,筆者之研究,第一章為緒論,即討論《甲骨卜辭與周易經傳吉凶觀念思想研究》之研究動機與目的,接著討論其研究範圍,之中包含時間與材料兩種範圍的討論,繼而回顧前人對於《周易》中,有關「吉凶」觀念方面研究成果,從中得出當前研究概況,最後提出本文的研究方法與研究進路。 第二章首先對《周易》經、傳形成背景中,可能的思想資源作一探溯,透過殷墟甲骨卜辭中的探問,觀察先民對於吉凶觀念有何種認知、運用與作為,及如何從對卜辭中吉凶的解讀,以達趨吉避凶之道。 第三章探討由甲骨卜辭進入到《易經》中,《易經》吉凶觀念的內容為何?又《易經》對甲骨卜辭中的吉凶觀念繼承與發展了哪些?而從卜辭到《易經》卦爻辭這一時期,恰好歷經商末到西周初的歷史大轉變,其中「思想文化的變化」是殷周之際最顯著的變動。因此,當《易經》卦爻辭,經歷殷周之際的思想文化轉變後,對《易經》卦爻辭中的吉凶觀念和天人關係,起了何種影響?《易經》作者們回應時代潮流,表現於卦爻辭中,其吉凶內容與思想與先前的卜辭,有何不同?此皆是本章所要說明的論點。 第四章探討《易傳》對《易經》吉凶觀念的繼承與發展。我們可從《彖傳》與《象傳》對卦義、卦爻辭的解釋看,《周易》已不只是占筮吉凶用的典籍,而且成了依據天道變化,處理生活得失,治理天下國家和進行道德修養的指南。《易傳》對《易經》的吉凶觀念,有往哲理化發展傾向。而這一發展與春秋戰國時期思想文化變動有關。所以,筆者本章首先探討軸心期思想文化有何突破?而此突破對《易傳》的作者們,起了何種影響?而《易傳》作者們回應時代課題下,其吉凶觀念與天人關係為何?而對《易經》的吉凶觀念與天人關係,有什麼繼承與發展之處?《易傳》的人文化發展如何?此皆是本章的討論重點。 第五章為結論。討論本文研究發現與心得、未盡待研究之處。 / The purpose of this paper is to investigate the auspicious concept of “Chou Yi” classics and commentaries; without involving the arguments of “division of scriptures and commentaries” and “scriptures explained by commentaries”, this paper uses a compromised approach to discuss the auspicious concepts “Yi Scriptures” and “Yi Commentaries”. That is to apply the advantages of “division of scriptures and commentaries” to discuss the auspicious concepts, respectively, in the era when “Yi Scriptures” and “Yi Commentaries” originated and apply the advantages of “scriptures explained by commentaries” to observe the auspicious concepts of “Yi Scriptures” interpreted from the standpoint of “Yi Commentaries”. It intends to collect and organize the initial stage of “auspicious concept” contained in inscriptions and the “auspicious thinking” existed in scriptures and commentaries in “Chou Yi”. Thus, this study examines the inherent and recovery issue of auspicious concepts between scriptures and commentaries of “Chou Yi” in order to discuss and analyze the interaction among the thinking and thinking history of “Chou Yi” scriptures and commentaries. In terms of auspicious thinking, this paper intends to explore the course of its formation and transformation so that people may have more understanding of the content of “Chou Yi” and the reciprocal relationship between “Chou Yi” thinking and the other thinking. Based upon the above objectives, the first chapter of this paper is an introduction to discuss the research motive and goals of “Auspicious Concepts of Oracle Bone Inscriptions and ‘Chou Yi’ Confucian Classics and Commentaries” and the research scope, including time and materials. Next, previous research results of “auspicious” concepts in “Chou Yi” are explored to understand the current findings; finally, research method and prospect are presented in the article. In Chapter 2, the background of “Chou Yi” scriptures and commentaries is studied to investigate the possible foundation of thinking; by exploring oracle bone inscriptions from Shang Dynasty, cognition, application and actions concerning ancient people’s auspicious concepts are observed and how they interpret the indication of oracle bones for pursuing auspicious indication and avoiding bad lucks. Chapter 3 investigates the auspicious concepts in “Yi Scriptures” contained in the oracle bone inscriptions. It also examines the inherent auspicious concept and its development from oracle bone inscriptions in “Yi Scriptures”. During the time between inscription to “Yi Scriptures” divination when a historical transition occurred in the end of Shang Dynasty and early West Chou Dynasty, “changes of thinking culture” is the most significant transformation during the era of Shang and Chou. Hence, after the cultural transition in Shang and Chou Dynasties, what effect of “Yi Scriptures” divination due to the auspicious concepts and relationship of heaven and human contained in “Yi Scriptures” divination. In response to changes of time, what difference between the divination content presented by the authors of “Yi Scriptures” and the ancient inscription is the focal point stated in this chapter. Chapter 4 examines the heritage and development of auspicious concept in “Yi Scriptures” from “Yi Commentaries”. From the divination interpretation of “Tuan Commentaries” and “Image Commentaries”, “Chou Yi” is not only an ancient book of divination and also becomes a guideline to deal with life, govern a nation and the world, and to have moral trainings based upon changes of natural revolution. There is philosophical tendency in the development of auspicious concept of “Yi Scriptures” from “Yi Commentaries”. This development is relevant to the cultural and thinking changes during the era of Spring Autumn and Warring States. Hence, this chapter begins with the breakthrough of thinking culture during a core period and what effect of this breakthrough on the authors of “Yi Commentaries”. In response to the issue of times, what is the auspicious concepts and relationship of heaven and human from the authors of “Yi Commentaries”, what do they inherit from “Yi Scriptures” and what are their developments? How is the cultural development of “Yi Commentaries”? These are all the crucial discussions in this chapter. Chapter 5 is the conclusion to discuss research findings, lessons learned and follow-up efforts to be focused for the study.

Entwicklung und Gestaltung variabler Bedienelemente für ein Bedien- und Anzeigesystem im Fahrzeug

Sendler, Jochen 25 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Angesichts der steigenden Anzahl von Funktionen in Fahrzeugen, insbesondere im Pkw, sind neue Bedien- und Anzeigesysteme notwendig, die eine optimale Bedienbarkeit der Funktionen sicherstellen und die Ablenkung des Fahrers von der Fahraufgabe minimieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird dazu der Einsatz variabler Bedienelemente verfolgt, die sich der aktuellen Bedienaufgabe optimal anpassen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es insbesondere, Vorgehensweisen und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für variable Beschriftung von Tasten und zentrale Bedienelemente mit variabler Formcodierung für abgesetzte Bedien- und Anzeigesysteme zu erarbeiten. Unter Zuhilfenahme arbeitswissenschaftlicher Methoden wird dafür zunächst die Gestaltung variabler Beschriftung von Tasten untersucht und Empfehlungen für deren Gestaltung abgeleitet. Des Weiteren wird die Entwicklung eines zentralen Bedienelements mit variabler Formcodierung beschrieben. Dazu wird, aufbauend auf bekannten Entwicklungs- und Auswahlverfahren für Bedienelemente, eine Vorgehensweise zur Entwicklung variabler Bedienelemente vorgeschlagen. Das entwickelte variable zentrale Bedienelement wird darüber hinaus hinsichtlich seiner Bedienbarkeit und Ablenkungswirkung bewertet. Aus den Versuchsergebnissen konnten Gestaltungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden, wie durch ein variables zentrales Bedienelement die Bedienbarkeit von abgesetzten Bedien- und Anzeigesystemen verbessert und die Ablenkungswirkung reduziert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit leisten einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung zukünftiger abgesetzter Bedien- und Anzeigesysteme und geben insbesondere Entwicklern und Gestaltern eine Hilfestellung beim Einsatz variabler Bedienelemente.

The individual development plan as tool and practice in Swedish compulsory school

Hirsh, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
Since 2006 Swedish compulsory school teachers are required to use individual developmentplans (IDPs) as part of their assessment practices. The IDP has developed through two major reforms and is currently about to undergo a third in which requirements for documentation are to be reduced. The original purpose of IDP was formative: a document containing targets and strategies for the student's future learning was to be drawn up at the parent-pupil-teacher meetingeach semester. The 2008 reform added requirements for written summative assessments/grade-like symbols to be used in the plan. This thesis aims to generate knowledge of the IDP as a tool in terms of what characterizes IDP documents as well as teachers' descriptions of continuous IDP work. It contains four articles. The first two are based on 379 collected IDP documents from all stages of compulsoryschool, and the last two build on interviews with 15 teachers. Throughout, qualitative content analysis has been used for processing data. The analytical framework comprises Latour's conceptual pair inscription – translation, Wartofsky's notions of primary/secondary/tertiary artifacts, and Wertsch's distinction between mastery and appropriation, which together provide an overall framework for understanding how the IDP becomes a contextually shaped tool that mediates teachers' actions in practice. Moreover, the activity theoretical concept of contradictionis used to understand and discuss dilemmas teachers experience in relation to IDP. In article 1, targets and strategies for future learning given to students are investigated and discussed in relation to definitions of formative assessment. Concepts were derived from the data and used for creating a typology of target and strategy types related either to being aspects (students' behavior/attitudes/personalities) or to subject matter learning. In article 2, the distribution of being and learning targets to boys and girls, respectively, is investigated. The results point to a significant gendered difference in the distribution of being targets. Possible reasons for the gendered distribution are discussed from a doing-gender perspective, and the proportion of being targets in IDPs is discussed from an assessment validity point of view. In article 3, teachers' continuous work with IDPs is explored, and it is suggested that IDP work develops in relation to perceived purposes and the contextual conditions framing teachers' work. Three qualitatively different ways of perceiving and working with IDP are described in a typology. Article 4 elaborates on dilemmas that teachers experience in relation to IDP, concerning time, communication, and assessment. A tentative categorization of dilemma management strategies is also presented. Results are synthesized in the final part of the thesis, where the ways in which documents are written and IDP work is carried out are discussed as being shaped in the intersection between rules and guidelines at national, municipal and local school level, and companies creating solutions for IDP documentation. Various purposes are to be achieved with the help of the IDP, which makes it a potential field of tension that is not always easy for teachers to navigate. Several IDP-related difficulties, but also opportunities and affordances, are visualized in the studies of this thesis. / <p>Svensk sammanfattning: s. 111-126.</p>

Persuasions of archaeology : the achievements and grandeur of the Omrids at their royal cities of Samaria and Jezreel

Schneider, Catharina Elizabeth Johanna 01 1900 (has links)
Our perception, of the Omrid kings of the Kingdom oflsrael in the ninth century BCE, is based on the Books of 1 and 2 Kings in the Hebrew Bible. The Biblical author's concentration, on Omrid apostasy rather than on their abilities and accomplishments, has robbed these competant monarchs of the prominence allotted to kings like David and Solomon. Recent archaeological excavations, in conjunction with extra-Biblical sources, have however projected a different image. Excavations at the royal Omrid cities of Samaria, and especially Jezreel, have indicated that Omri, and his son Ahab, had erected immense and grandiose structures. These edifices bear testimony to periods of peace, stability and great economic prosperity. The Omrids deserve new assessments as to their accomplishments, and therefore, by means of visible and tangible structural remains, I wish to promote the persuasion of archaeology as vindication of Omrid grandeur and achievement at Samaria and Jezreel. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Development of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Based Devices for Force, Flow and Temperature Measurement for Emerging Applications in Biomedical Domain

Shikha, * January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Efficient and accurate sensing of various parameters is needed for numerous applications. In this regard, different categories of sensors play a significant role and different applications require diverse sensing mechanisms owing to the operating conditions and field constraints. Among the several sensor methodologies available, optical fiber sensors have found significant attention, because of their advantages such as negligible foot print, small mass, immunity to Electromagnetic Interference, etc. In the category of optical fiber sensors, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have found importance in many fields such as health monitoring of civil structures, environmental monitoring involving gas & humidity sensing, monitoring parameters like pressure, tilt, displacement, etc. In the recent times, FBGs have found applications in biomedical, biomechanical and biosensing fields. A FBG is a periodic change of the refractive index of the core of a single mode optical fiber along its longitudinal axis. The periodic modulation in the index of refraction is obtained by exposing a photosensitive germanium-doped silica fiber to an intense UV laser beam. FBGs, in the basic form, can sense strain and temperature. However, in recent years, several newer sensing applications of FBGs have been demonstrated. Some of the main features of the FBG sensor which qualify them for diverse sensing applications are high sensitivity, large operational bandwidth, multiplexing & multi modal sensing capability, etc. In this thesis work, FBG sensor based devices have been developed for newer applications in bio-medical fields for the measurement of force, flow and temperature. Particularly, novel transduction methodologies have been proposed, in order to convert the measurand parameter into a secondary parameter that can be sensed by the FBG sensor. The evaluation of the force required for a spinal needle to penetrate various tissue layers from skin to the epidural space is vital. In this work, a novel technique for dynamic monitoring of force experienced by a spinal needle during lumbar puncture using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor has been developed. The Fiber Bragg Grating Force Device (FBGFD) developed, measures the force on the spinal needle due to varied resistance offered by different tissue layers during its traversal. The effect of gauge of the spinal needle used for the lumbar puncture procedure affects the force required for its insertion into the tissue. The FBGFD developed, has been further utilized for a comparative study of the force required for lumbar puncture of various tissue layers with spinal needle of different gauges. The results obtained may serve as a guideline for selection of suitable gauge spinal needle during lumbar puncture minimizing post puncture side effects on patients. The pulmonary function test carried out using a spirometer, provides vital information about the functional status of the respiratory system of the subject. A Fiber Bragg Grating Spirometer (FBGS) has been developed which has the ability to convert the rate of air flow into a shift in wavelength that can be acquired by the FBG sensor. The FBGS can dynamically acquire the complete breathing sequence comprising of the inhalation phase, pause phase and exhalation phase in terms of the air flow rate along with the time duration of each phase. Methods are adopted to analyse and determine important pulmonary parameters using FBGS and compare these parameters with those obtained with a commercially available hospital grade pneumotachograph spirometer. Thermal imaging is one of the emerging non-invasive neuro-imaging techniques which can potentially indicate the boundaries of a brain tumor. The variation in tissue surface temperature is indicative of a tumor existence. In this work a FBG temperature sensor (FBGTS) has been developed for thermography of a simulated tissue using Agar material. The temperature of the embedded heater which mimics a brain tumor along with the surface temperature of the tissue model, is acquired using FBGTSs simultaneously. Further, the surface temperatures are studied for varying heater temperatures as well as varying positions of the heater in the simulated tissue model. To conclude, FBG based devices have been developed in this work, for applications in biomedical domain, with appropriate transduction methodologies for sensing different parameters such as force, flow and temperature.

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