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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trois critiques internes du champ intellectuel en Europe : Julien Benda, Karl Kraus et Gilbert Keith Chesterton (des années 1890 à la fin des années 1930) / Three critics of the intellectual field in Europe : Julien Benda, Karl Kraus et Gilbert Keith Chesterton (from the 1890s to the end of the 1930s)

Kozan, Aksel 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette enquête s’est proposée de mettre en lumière l’émergence de la fonction de critique interne du champ intellectuel dans les premières décennies du XXe siècle à travers la confrontation de trois cas principaux à Paris, Londres et Vienne, en tentant de dégager des homologies et des logiques de structuration transnationales. La mise en relation de Julien Benda (1867-1956), Karl Kraus (1874-1936) et Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) s’appuie principalement sur leur appartenance à une même génération et sur leur fonction commune de critique interne du champ intellectuel. Celle-ci désigne l’intellectuel positionné en tant que critique de son propre milieu, au nom de valeurs intellectuelles. La première partie de ce travail étudie l’émergence d’une instance critique, à travers l’étude des années de formation de Benda, Kraus et Chesterton, et de leur participation à la culture de masse. La deuxième partie entreprend de dégager les caractéristiques principales de la critique interne du champ intellectuel, entre stratégies iconoclastes et stratégies d’ajustement. La troisième partie porte sur les réceptions, les voisinages et les héritages de ces trois critiques du champ intellectuel, dans les aires culturelles anglo-saxonne, germanique et française. L’étude des médiateurs et des récepteurs impliqués dans les transferts culturels révèle ainsi à la fois l’intégration des différents champs intellectuels nationaux à l’échelle de l’Europe et le poids déterminant des problématiques nationales dans les usages qui sont faits des œuvres importées. / This study deals with the birth of the internal critic of the intellectual field, in the first decades of the XXth century, through the confrontation of three major « cases » in Paris, London and Vienna and the identification of homologies and transnational logics of structuration. Our intent to establish links between Julien Benda (1867-1956), Karl Kraus (1874-1936) and Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) relies mainly on the fact that they belong to the same generation of intellectuals and have devoted part of their work to internal critic of the intellectual field in their respective countries. The expression "internal critic" refers to the intellectual as a critic of his own social microcosm, taking a stance in the defence of intellectual values. The first part of this PhD focuses on the growth of a critical authority, through the study of the authors' formative years and their action within mass culture. The second part highlights the main distinctive features of the internal critic of the intellectual field, from iconoclastic to adaptative strategies. The third part focuses on the reception of the three authors' work by their contemporaries and thereafter on their legacy in English, German and French-speaking areas. Mediators and receivers involved in cultural transfers reveal the European integration of the various national fields as well as the importance of national issues in the uses that are made of imported works.

“Nou led, nou la!” : “estamos feios, mas estamos aqui!” : assombros haitianos à retórica colonial sobre pobreza

Marques, Pâmela Marconatto January 2017 (has links)
A geografia de hegemonias e subalternidades pautada na lógica colonial foi atualizada, ganhando complexidade, no contexto pós 2ª Guerra Mundial, com a criação da Organização das Nações Unidas e, com ela, uma agenda de desenvolvimento a ser seguida pelos países do recém rebatizado “3º mundo” que exigia indicadores, relatórios, diagnósticos e, no limite, intervenções diretas. Um dos resultados dessa corrida pela “medição do mundo” foi a sistematização de uma listagem daqueles que seriam seus 50 países mais pobres, inicialmente chamada “lista de países inviáveis” ou “fracassados”. Entre as consequências mais expressivas do ônus de figurar nessa listagem de países está o fato de que, uma vez ali, a soberania nacional fica “relativizada”, dando ensejo a todo tipo de intervenção internacional “terapêutica”, a ser administrada pelas potências do Norte. Assim, entendemos que mesmo o Sul conta com uma periferia ainda mais profundamente subalternizada e silenciada, localizada, em sua maioria, no continente africano, com alguns representantes no Oriente Médio e apenas um caso nas Américas: o Haiti. A questão dessa tese é que esses países “menos avançados” perderam seu “lugar de enunciação”, deslegitimados pelo suposto “fracasso” na execução de um projeto de cuja definição sequer participaram. Não nos parece coincidência o fato de a maioria deles localizar-se no continente africano. A consequência dessa maquinaria é o silenciamento dos saberes e práticas desse continente e sua diáspora, desperdiçados como produtores de alternativas aptas a serem compartilhadas e traduzidas entre os povos do Sul. Esses saberes desperdiçados não se restringem a práticas cotidianas, resultado de saberes tradicionais compartilhados de forma oral entre as gerações (algo que se espera do Sul, que se tolera do Sul e que compõe o acervo imaginário de contribuições possíveis quando se concebe a diferença como corpo dócil), mas também se estendem a saberes tipicamente atribuídos ao Norte, como as narrativas científicas e literárias. Com o intuito de enfrentar esse problema, o presente trabalho de tese está organizado em dois capítulos. No primeiro, apresenta-se um conjunto de vestígios capazes de sugerir que aquilo que se convencionou chamar de pobreza não é um “fato inerte da natureza”, “não está meramente ali”, mas trata-se de uma ideia que porta uma narrativa, um imaginário, uma estética e um vocabulário que lhe dão realidade em e para determinado grupo e contexto histórico-político. A partir da ideia de pobreza como lugar vazio é que o lugar de enunciação do intelectual haitiano – um dos cinquenta países mais pobres do mundo – torna-se, no limite, impossível. No segundo, apresentaremos a obra de intelectuais haitianos como Antenor Firmin, Jean Price-Mars, Jacques Roumain e René Depestre, que desafiaram o cânone europeu, entrando com eles em franca disputa, em um marco que podemos considerar antirracista e anticolonial. / The geography of hegemonies and subalternities based on the colonial logic was updated, gaining complexity, in the post World War II context, with the creation of the United Nations and with it a development agenda to be followed by the countries of the recently renamed "3rd World" that required indicators, reports, diagnoses and, in the limit, direct interventions. One of the results of this race for "measuring the world" was the systematisation of a list of those which would be the 50 poorest countries. Among the most significant consequences of the burden of appearing in this list of countries is the fact that, once there, national sovereignty becomes "relativized", giving place to all kinds of international "therapeutic" intervention, to be administered by the powers of the North. Thus, we understand that even the South has an even more profoundly subalternized and silenced periphery, located mostly in the African continent, with some representatives in the Middle East and only one case in the Americas: Haiti. The point of this thesis is that these "least advanced" countries lost their "place of enunciation", delegitimized by the supposed "failure" in the execution of a project whose definition they did not even participate. It does not seem coincidental to us that most of them are located on the African continent. The consequence of this machinery is the silencing of the knowledge and practices of this continent and its diaspora, wasted as producers of alternatives suitable to be shared and translated among the peoples of the South. These wasted knowledge is not restricted to everyday practices, the result of traditional knowledge shared orally among generations (something that is expected from the South, which is tolerated from the South and which makes up the imaginary collection of possible contributions when the difference is conceived as a docile body), but also extends to the knowledges typically attributed to the North, such as scientific and literary narratives. In order to address this problem, this thesis is organized in two chapters. The first presents a set of traces that suggest that what is conventionally called poverty is not an "inert fact of nature," "it is not merely there," but it is an idea that carries a narrative, An imagery, an aesthetic and a vocabulary that give it reali ty in and for a particular group and historical-political context. From the idea of poverty as an empty place, the place of enunciation of the Haitian intellectual - one of the fifty poorest countries in the world - becomes, in the limit, impossible. In the second, we will present the work of Haitian intellectuals such as Antenor Firmin, Jean Price-Mars, Jacques Roumain and René Depestre, who challenged the European canon, entering with them in frank dispute, within a framework that we can consider anti-racist and anti-colonialist.

O Movimento de Cultura Popular do Recife (1959-1964) / The Popular Culture Movement in Recife (1959-1964)

Souza, Fabio Silva de 08 August 2014 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, analisamos as dinâmicas internas do Movimento de Cultura Popular (MCP) nos anos 1960 e a aproximação de determinada elite intelectualizada com as camadas populares. Entendemos que os jovens intelectuais que militaram no MCP, uma vez confrontados com os desafios do meio sócio-político-cultural popular da cidade do Recife e do interior de Pernambuco, desenvolveram propostas programáticas e ações político-culturais que contribuíram para a percepção de que as classes populares deveriam ser sujeitos da sua história e protagonistas da construção de sua identidade. Na nossa hipótese, essa percepção pode ser contraposta às ações e aos valores dos intelectuais que se caracterizaram por certo dirigismo e elitismo. Em outras palavras, sustentamos que a experiência histórica do MCP rompeu os limites e valores que motivaram os intelectuais que formaram o Movimento. A partir dessa hipótese, buscamos, por meio da análise das especificidades das correntes, debates e contradições do Movimento, demonstrar que o MCP surgiu de um interesse político-partidário, mas acabou indo além dele. O lugar dos intelectuais no movimento foi tensionado entre o dirigismo e o contato efetivo com as massas populares, na construção de um idioma cultural e ideológico comum, marcado por um reformismo e pelo nacionalismo progressista. As relações entre intelectuais e povo, no contexto recifense, seguiram padrões nacionais (intelectual como mediador entre povo, Estado e Nação), porém, também sofreram influxos do contexto local. Por último, defendemos que o MCP, como movimento cultural e político, não teve tempo de maturar suas próprias contradições, dado seu fim abrupto em 1964 / In this masters thesis, we analyze the 1960s internal dynamics of the Movimento de Cultura Popular (MCP) and the approximation of a certain intellectualized elite with the working class. We understand that the young intellectuals who have participated in activism in MPC, when confronted with the challenges of the socio-political and cultural working class environment from the city of Recife and from the country side of Pernambuco, have developed programmatic proposals as well as political and cultural actions that have contributed to the perception that the working class should be the subjects of their own history and protagonist of their own identity construction. Its our hypothesis that this perception contrasts with the intellectuals actions and values which are characterized by a certain dirigisme and elitism. In other words, we claim that the MCP historical experience has surpassed the limits and values that have motivated the intellectuals from the Movement. Based on this hypothesis and trough the analysis of the specificities of the different lines of thoughts, debates and contradictions of the Movement, we have tried to demonstrate that MCP was originated by partisan interests, but was not restricted to it. The intellectuals place in the Movement was a battle between dirigisme and the actual contact with the working class in the construction of a common cultural and ideological language marked by a reformism and by the progressive nationalism. The relationship between intellectuals and the people, in the context of Recife, has followed the national pattern (intellectual as mediators of the People, State and Nation), but it was also influenced by the local context. Lastly, we conclude by saying that MCP as a cultural and political movement didnt have time to bring to maturity their own contradictions as it was abruptly interrupted in 1964

Moses Finley e a \"economia antiga\" : a produção social de uma inovação historiográfica / Moses Finley and \"ancient economy\": the social production of an innovation historiographic

Palmeira, Miguel Soares 12 September 2008 (has links)
Nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, os estudos sobre a economia antiga foram transformados pela crítica sistemática do emprego de noções econômicas formais a sociedades que não formularam elas mesmas um conceito de economia. Os debates acadêmicos que então se travaram, nos termos dos próprios debatedores, tiveram em Moses Finley (1912-1986) um protagonista. A partir de uma análise das concepções de história econômica esposadas por Finley, dos mecanismos de validação de tais concepções e da trajetória desse historiador, esta tese procura iluminar algumas das condições sociais e epistemológicas que tornaram possível a reconfiguração das percepções acadêmicas modernas sobre a vida econômica antiga e estabelecer o papel por ele desempenhado nesse processo. / This thesis examines the role played by Moses I. Finley (1912-1986) in the academic controversies about ancient Greek and Roman economic history in the second half of the twentieth century. During the 1960s and 1970s, the studies on the ancient economy were transformed by systematic criticism of the use of formal economic notions in the analysis of societies which had not themselves forged a concept of economy. Among those who got involved in these debates, it is believed that Finley was its protagonist. Based on an analysis of the views on economic history held by Finley, of the mechanisms of validation of these views and of his trajectory, I try to elucidate some aspects of the social and epistemological conditions that made the reconfiguration of modern academic perception of ancient economic life possible.

Revista do Arquivo Municipal de São Paulo: um espaço científico e cultural esquecido ( proposta inicial e as mudanças na trajetória - 1934-1950 ) / Review of the Municipal Archive of São Paulo: a forgotten scientific and cultural space (initial proposal and changes in trajectory - 1934-1950)

Claro, Silene Ferreira 31 October 2008 (has links)
Nosso objeto de pesquisa é a Revista do Arquivo Municipal de São Paulo, publicação que esteve veiculada a vários órgãos da municipalidade desde sua criação e foi utilizada no período estudado, entre 1934 e 1950, como espaço de publicação científica e cultural de um grupo de intelectuais no momento de préprofissionalização e definição dos campos de conhecimento. Através da proposta de desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de pesquisa voltada para uma análise de periódico - no caso uma revista que ainda não recebeu tal tratamento por ser considerada de menor importância - e acompanhando as mudanças institucionais e editoriais, pudemos perceber certas tensões, conflitos, aproximações e distanciamentos entre os campos do conhecimento durante os anos acima indicados. Algumas das características percebidas se pulverizaram ao longo dos anos, outras ainda são perceptíveis atualmente no relacionamento entre as áreas do conhecimento. / This research reports on a study about the Review of the Municipal Archive of São Paulo, publication that was propagated to some agencies of the municipality since its creation and was used in the studied period between 1934 and 1950, as scientific and cultural publication space of a group of intellectuals at the moment of daily before professionalization and definition of the knowledge fields. Through the proposal of development of a methodology of research directed toward an analysis of periodic - in the case a magazine that do not received such treatment and it is not considered so importance - and following the institutional and publishing changes, we could perceive certain tensions, conflicts, approaches and the distance among the fields of the knowledge during the years above indicated. Some of the perceived characteristics if had sprayed throughout the years, others are still perceivable in the relation among the areas of the knowledge

A trama das ideias: intelectuais, ensaios e construção de identidades na América Latina (1898-1914) / An intricate web of ideas: intellectuals, essays and identity-building in Latin América (1898-1914)

Santos Junior, Valdir Donizete dos 27 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a questão da circulação de ideias e a construção de identidades na América Latina a partir de três ensaios produzidos entre fins do século XIX e inícios do século XX: El porvenir de las naciones hispanoamericanas (1899), do mexicano Francisco Bulnes (1847-1924); A América Latina: males de origem (1905), do brasileiro Manoel Bomfim (1868-1932) e Les democraties latines de lAmerique (1912), do peruano Francisco García Calderón (1883-1953). Por meio desses textos, este trabalho procura discutir as concepções sobre o fazer intelectual presente em cada um desses autores, o processo de elaboração e circulação das ideias no subcontinente em relação aos paradigmas europeu e norte-americano e a variedade de projetos identitários existentes na América Latina no umbral do século XX. O cotejo desses três ensaios permite que se explicite um conjunto de temas e problemas comuns que permeavam o pensamento político na América Latina da época, entre os quais é importante ressaltar a discussão sobre o lugar do subcontinente no mundo diante da expansão do capitalismo e do imperialismo entre fins do século XIX e inícios do século XX. / I intend to analyze in this research three major essays produced in Latin America in the beginning of the 20th Century: El porvenir de las naciones hispanoamericanas (1899), by Mexican Francisco Bulnes (1847-1924); A América Latina: males de origem (1905), by Brazilian Manoel Bomfim (1868- 1932) and Les démocraties latines de lAmerique (1912), by Peruvian Francisco García Calderón (1883-1953). I will emphasize the problems around the circulation of ideas and the building of identities in the subcontinent. The comparison among these three essays will allow me to discuss a whole set of common themes and issues related to political ideas in Latin America at that time and to think about Latin Americas place during the so called Age of Empire.


MOEMA DE REZENDE VERGARA 10 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da presente tese é destacar a ciência no processo de formação de uma identidade nacional na passagem da Monarquia para a República, a partir da leitura de duas fases distintas da Revista Brasileira, dos anos de 1879 a 1900. Esta Revista foi escolhida, por ser um importante espaço de expressão dos intelectuais da época. Para tal, utilizaremos o conceito de vulgarização científica, que nos permite verificar as práticas de popularização da ciência junto ao público leigo. / [en] The goal of the present thesis is to underline the scientific aspects of the formation of a national identity in the transition of the Monarchic to the Republican regimes, based on an approach to the two distinct phases of the Brazilian Magazine (Revista Brasileira), between the years of 1879 and 1900. This specific magazine has been chosen due to the fact that it was a relevant midia used by the intellectuals of that time. In order to achieve such goal, the concept of scientific vulgarization has been adopted, allowing for the verification of the techniques of popularization of science among the laic public.

Tradition and exile of the intellectuals: a comparative study of Karl Mannheim and Tang Junyi. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2012 (has links)
本比較研究討論兩位廣被推崇,卻常被誤解的的知識份子一曼海姆(1893-1947)及唐君毅(1909-1978) 。驟眼看來,他們似乎沒有太大可比擬之處。曼海姆是匈牙利古典社會學家。而唐君毅則為近代中國文化運動一當代新儒家一的中堅人物。在本文看來,他們之所以容易被誤解是他們的思想均有較重要的紕漏,而他們共同作為流亡知識份子的經驗,是導致他們思想的缺失的主要原因,亦是本文將他們作比較研究對象的根據所在。本文演繹曼海姆的思想,尤其針對其中帶試驗性質的不連貫性,至於唐君毅思想的特質是近乎玄想式的觀念主義。本文通過他們各自的流亡經驗及社會本體論處境以解釋他們思想的缺點。 / 按布伯的看法,有利的知識及文化環境須建基於社群內的互動生活,只有在這樣的背景下,社會及文化(傳統)條件才可平衡地交往發展。循這思路出發,本文分析的二位知識份子均生活於長期失卻「家」的狀態一即與個人存在所契合的生活場所一及失卻人置身於「家」中的安全戚、自然白發的戚覺。正是因此曼海姆的流亡可說是直接引發他思想的試驗色彩與性格,他試圖在不同社會與文化脈絡中找尋一個文化的平衡點,卻因將注意力過份著眼於面對各種社會關條而不幸失落在其中,故此他難以找到一個統一的思想觀念或架構來綜合他不同時期的思想,以及其中的不連貫甚或矛盾。至於唐君毅,跟曼海姆剛好相反,只將注意力集中在中國文化及儒家傳統的傳承上,在其流亡期間沒有作出多大文化適應。一方面他離開了他本來身處的社群,男一方面他亦沒有融入新的社會。這正好解釋他觀念及玄想意味甚濃的思想形態,他過份集中於文他想像中,而相對抽離於社會生活及現實。 / 通過研究這兩位學者,本文提出對「傳統的社會學強度綱領」,指出「傳統」的重要性可同時普及於現代及傳統社會,因為傳統所司的功能對不同類型的社會均有其價值一提供文化框架、文化慣習及文化的信託。本文希望藉理解曼海姆及唐君毅作為流亡知識份子與傳統的關係,推動社會學中對「傳統」的詮析及應用以理解社會生活。 / The present comparative study engages with two highly regarded intellectuals who are however also candidates of convenient misinterpretation-Karl Mannheim (1893-1947), the Hungarian classical sociologist, and Tang Junyi (1909-1978), the major spokesperson for the Chinese cultural movement of contemporary Neo-Confucianism. These intellectuals are juxtaposed for the common experience of exile that each had to undertake, which spanned the major part of their mature lives, as well as disrupted their affinity with tradition. Mannheim's and Tang's experiences of exile and tradition are considered here as among the major factors for the misinterpretation that they face, as regarding Mannheim's experimentalism and Tang's contemplative idealism. / On the empirical level, by way of probing into the respective social ontology of Mannheim and Tang as intellectuals in exile, this study establishes their different epistemic predicaments as diametric manifestations of the unhomely and hence unnatural intellectual conditions plaguing them in exile. Unhomeliness designates the condition in which an intellectual loses his home base-an existential realm of familiarity and certainty-that underlies the unity and continuity of his individual and intellectual identity. An unhomely intellectual is situated in an unending intermediate state between home and host, for which the social and cultural orientation of intellectual identity becomes problematic. / Along Martin Buber's line of thinking, a productive intellectual and his cultural condition has to be one of a spontaneous communal setting where there is a balanced interplay of the social and the cultural/traditional dimensions. The experimental incoherence of Mannheim's thought is thus considered here as the predominance of the social factors in his intellectual production during exile. While for Tang Junyi, his primarily contemplative posture even regarding the substantive agenda of Chinese modernisation is the result of the pre-eminence of the cultural/traditional parameter in his intellectual formation. / On the conceptual level, the state and experience of exile also spell the significant breaching and the bracketing of the immediate relationship between intellectual and the cultural tradition he was raised in. Exile thus provides the vantage point for a closer diagnosis of the immediacy of tradition and intellectual, which is generally overlooked in a naturalistic communal context. / The substantive concern with exile notwithstanding, opting for the (re )instatement of tradition in the form of a strong programme of the sociology of tradition comprises the broader leitmotif of the present study. A strong programme for sociological study of tradition reaffirms the centrality of tradition in all forms of societies, even modem society. Tradition as in this dissertation is delineated into the three analytical attributes of cultural framework, cultural habitus, and cultural commitment, viewed as indispensable to the survival of all societies. A strong programme of tradition is meant to rectify the protracted asymmetric relations between tradition and modernity which impedes meaningful exegesis of not only the traditional, non-Western (or non-modem) societies, but modem societies as well. It is also essential for the ongoing reflection of Western sociology and the Enlightenment discourse, regarding their relationship with the alleged 'tradition' that they unwittingly fabricates. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Chan, Siu Han. / "December 2011." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 319-350). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / ABSTRACT --- p.i / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.iv / Tradition, Intellectual and Utopia: Towards a Strong Programme of the Sociology of Tradition / Chapter 0.0 --- Prologue --- p.1 / Chapter 0.1 --- Detraditionalization Thesis and the Strong Programme of the Sociology of Tradition --- p.2 / Chapter 0.2 --- Towards a Strong Programme of Tradition in Sociological Inquiry: Thematics --- p.22 / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Analytical Framework: Tradition and the Social Ontology of an Intellectual in Exile / Chapter 1.0 --- Prologue --- p.50 / Chapter 1.1 --- Research Design and Analytical Considerations --- p.51 / Chapter 1.2 --- Analytical Framework: Tradition and the Social Ontology of an Intellectual in Exile --- p.59 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Karl Mannheim and a Sociology with Cosmopolitan Intent: The Labyrinth of Tradition and Utopia / Chapter 2.0 --- Prologue --- p.101 / Chapter 2.1 --- Karl Mannheim: The Awkward Classical Sociologist --- p.102 / Chapter 2.2 --- Stages of Mannheim's Intellectual Development --- p.106 / Chapter 2.3 --- German Tradition and Mannheim's Utopian Sociology --- p.108 / Chapter 2.4 --- The Crossroad of Traditions and Mannheim's Sociology with Cosmopolitan Intent --- p.122 / Chapter 2.5. --- The Labyrinth of Tradition and Utopia: Mannheim and Unrooted Cosmopolitanism --- p.136 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Karl Mannheim's Split Allegiance to Cultural Traditions: The Intellectual Experimentalism of an Unhomely Intellectual / Chapter 3.0 --- Prologue --- p.143 / Chapter 3.1 --- Mannheim's Intellectual Experimentalism and Immaturity --- p.144 / Chapter 3.2 --- Mannheim's Exile, and his Exile from Exile --- p.148 / Chapter 3.3 --- Gaining Access to the Centre: The Immigrant Intellectual in Germany --- p.152 / Chapter 3.4 --- Mannheim's Hobson's Choice: The Refugee Scholar in England --- p.157 / Chapter 3.5 --- Split Allegiance to Traditions: The Epistemic Predicament of an Unhomely Intellectual --- p.173 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Tang Junyi and Cultural Evangelism: Chinese Tradition and the Utopia of Here and Now / Chapter 4.0 --- Prologue --- p.185 / Chapter 4.1 --- Tang Junyi: The Peripheral 'Giant of the Cultural Universe' --- p.186 / Chapter 4.2 --- Collective Deliverance from the Tragic: Precocious Settlement of Tragic Consciousness in Chinese Culture --- p.201 / Chapter 4.3 --- A Philosophy of Philosophy: The Spirit of Human Unity in the Nine Realms of Mind --- p.221 / Chapter 4.4. --- Envisioning a (Confucian) Utopia of Here and Now: Living as Redemption --- p.237 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Tang Junyi's Epistemic Predicament: The Homely Intellectual away from Home / Chapter 5.0 --- Prologue --- p.243 / Chapter 5.1 --- The Contemplative and Religious Posture of Tang Junyi's Thought --- p.244 / Chapter 5.2 --- Tang Junyi's Engagement with the Pathogenesis of Chinese Intellectual Milieu --- p.249 / Chapter 5.3 --- Tradition in Exile: Defending the Centre from a Peripheral Position --- p.255 / Chapter 5.4 --- Tradition and Exile: The Intellectual Sojoumer in Hong Kong --- p.263 / Chapter 5.5 --- Idealistic Approach and The Homely Intellectual away from Home --- p.277 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Tradition and Intellectuals in Exile: A Comparison of Karl Mannheim and Tang Junyi / Chapter 6.0 --- Prologue --- p.283 / Chapter 6.1 --- The Interplay of the Social and the Cultural/Traditional on Exiled Intellectuals: A Comparison of Karl Mannheim and Tang Junyi --- p.285 / CONCLUSION / Chapter 7.1 --- Tradition and the Inner-order of an Intellectual Vocation --- p.306 / Chapter 7.2 --- Further Thought on Utopia --- p.315 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.319

Dionélio Machado (1895-1985): os múltiplos fios da trajetória ambivalente de um intelectual

Dors, Marines 28 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T19:29:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 28 / Milton Valente / A presente dissertação constrói uma “biografia intelectual” do médico, literato e político Dyonélio Machado, personagem destacado da sociedade gaúcha durante o século XX, que assumiu posição marginal em virtude de seus posicionamentos político-ideológicos e de seu estilo. Tem como objetivo geral examinar as possíveis relações existentes entre Dyonélio Machado, sua biografia e a história, considerando os múltiplos papéis sociais que este desempenhou durante sua existência – como político, jornalista, escritor e médico. Ao longo deste estudo, procuramos verificar o modo como se inseria nos debates da intelectualidade, como se relacionava com seus pares e com o poder. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram empregadas diversas fontes, sobretudo, documentais, dentre as quais se destaca o conjunto da obra literária e científica do intelectual e suas escritas auto-referenciais, entre outras, cujos conteúdos, uma vez analisados, permitem a chegada a uma compreensão de que o personagem vanguardista, em alguns asp / The present thesis introduces an “intelectual biography” of the physician, litterateur, and politician Dyonélio Machado, an outstanding character of the gaúcha society during the 20th century, who was undermined due to his political and ideological viewpoints as well as his style. The general objective of this study is to examine the possible existing relationship among Dyonélio Machado, his biography and History, considering the multiple social roles that he played during his living time – as a politician, a journalist, a writer, and a physician. Throughout this study, we attempted to verify the way he addressed the debates of intellectual groups, the way he related to his peers, and to power. In order to develop this study, a great variety of sources, mainly documents, were employed. Among these, particular attention was paid to Dyonélio´s literary and scientific body of work and his self-reference writings. Once these sources were analyzed, one was able to understand that this, at times avant-garde, at o

Intelectuais, modernidade e discurso educativo no Jornal “Diário dos Campos” (1907-1928). / INTELLECTUALS, MODERN TIMES AND EDUCATIONAL DISCOURSE IN THE “DIÁRIO DOS CAMPOS” NEWSPAPER (1907-1928)

Souza, Eliezer Felix de 16 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eliezer Felix.pdf: 1059745 bytes, checksum: 819a53f6d17c8a923e2feb3976d5a820 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-16 / This dissertation analyzes the response to the country’s debate on education in the Diário dos Campos newspaper, acknowledging the participation of Ponta Grossa intellectuals (Jacob Holzmann, Hugo Mendes de Borja Reis and José Cadilhe) in publicizing educational ideas. This analysis goes from 1907 to 1928, basing itself on fragments which were published in this newspaper in addition to the concept of the intellectual as an organizer of culture as discussed by Antonio Gramsci and in the interpretation of discourse in Bakhtin’s circle. This article discusses the role of intellectuals in the process of organizing and spreading a view of the world marked by the symbols of modern times and public education. Founded on documentation, it is possible to show that this group, in the newspaper, established a means of communication within the educational discussions promoted in the major cities of Brazil and reasserted education’s salvationist discourse to fight illiteracy and the social problems existing in the city of Ponta Grossa. / Esta dissertação analisa a recepção do debate educativo nacional no jornal Diário dos Campos, privilegiando compreender a participação dos intelectuais pontagrossenses (Jacob Holzmann, Hugo Mendes de Borja Reis e José Cadilhe), na divulgação das ideias educativas. Este percurso analítico está circunscrito ao período de 1907 a 1928, apoiando-se nos fragmentos publicados neste periódico e no conceito de intelectual como organizador da cultura, discutido por Antônio Gramsci, e na acepção de discurso do círculo de Bakhtin. Discorre ainda sobre o papel dos intelectuais no processo de organização e de disseminação de uma visão de mundo marcada pelos símbolos da modernidade e da educação popular. Com base na documentação acessada é possível indicar que o grupo do jornal estabeleceu uma interlocução com as discussões educativas promovidas nas principais cidades brasileiras, e reafirmou o discurso salvacionista da educação para combater o analfabetismo e os problemas sociais que se apresentavam na cidade de Ponta Grossa.

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