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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kan förskollärares upplevelse av hur väl det psykologiska kontraktet uppfylls predicera intentionen att lämna en anställning?

Faxlin Ekman, Ann, Sjölander, Jennifer January 2024 (has links)
Många utbildade förskollärare arbetar idag inom andra yrken och en brist på förskollärare förutspås av fackförbundet Sveriges lärare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan medarbetarnas skattning av styrkan i det psykologiska kontraktet samt sektorstillhörighet och medarbetarnas avsikt att lämna en tillsvidareanställning som förskollärare. En digital enkät användes där frågorna baserades på en svensk översättning av PSYCONES- projektets mätinstrument samt en svensk översättning av Intention to quit scale. Enkäten besvarades av 65 deltagare som tagit del av den via sociala medier eller genom att de tilldelats en länk via sin chef. En multipel regressionsanalys visade att hur väl det psykologiska kontraktet uppfylldes signifikant kunde predicera intentionen att lämna en anställning som förskollärare.Ett t-test visade att inget stöd fanns för att sektor påverkade intentionen för förskollärare att lämna sin anställning. Resultatet överensstämmer med tidigare forskning och lyfter vikten av att vara medvetna om det psykologiska kontraktets påverkan på relationen mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. / Many educated preschool teachers today work in other professions and a shortage of preschool teachers is predicted by the union Sveriges lärare (Sweden's teachers). The purpose of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between the employees' estimation of the strength of the psychological contract as well as sector affiliation and the employee's intention to leave a permanent employment as a preschool teacher. A digital survey was used where the questions were based on a Swedish translation of the PSYCONES project's measuring instrument and a Swedish translation of the Intention to quit scale. The survey was answered by 65 participants who took part in it through social medias or by being assigned a link from their manager. A multiple regression analysis showed that how well the psychological contract was fulfilled could significantly predict the intention to leave a job as a preschool teacher. A t-test showed that there was no evidence that sector would affect preschool teachers’ intentions to leave the profession. The result is consistent with previous research and highlights the importance of being aware of the impact of the psychological contract on the relationship between employer and employee.

(Un)Sustainable consumption at the expense of uncertain times : A qualitative study on the factors changing the Sustainable Consumption Intention-Behavior gap.

Larsson, Ella, Kallin, Hedvig January 2024 (has links)
Background: The world is currently experiencing an economic and socio-political crisis causing the global environment to be characterized by increased uncertainty and risk (Carter et al., 2021). After severe years of the COVID-19 pandemic havoc, the world has been presented with yet another setback of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (Assaf et al., 2023) resulting in significant inflation, increasing energy prices, and serious impact causing financial struggles for individuals. Together with an increasing awareness of environmental deterioration and environmentally conscious demanding sustainable products, consumer behaviors are being shaped (Du et al., 2014). Despite the increase in environmental consciousness among the public, a gap exists between an individual’s sustainable consumption intention and behavior becoming particularly apparent during times of uncertainty. To explore how individual sustainable consumption intentions/attitudes and behavior are affected by the current economic and socio-political uncertainty this study seeks to build upon previous research analyzing determining factors to better understand and strengthen sustainable consumption behaviors. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how perceived risk and uncertainty due to economic and socio-political uncertainty affects individuals’ ability to act on the intended consumption behavior, to generate a better understanding of how sustainable consumption behavior can be supported during times of uncertainty. Method: This study is conducted using a qualitative research strategy through an inductive approach following a more positivistic epistemological stance and an internal realism from the ontological viewpoint, where ten semi-structured interviews have been collected. Conclusion: After generating data from our interviews and analyzing the results in connection to relevant studies and theories, different factors have become apparent to affect respondents during uncertainty. The results have shown that among the most determinant factors affecting consumption behavior during times of increasing uncertainty are price, quality, longevity, social norms, time, and energy. The study has thereby also identified factors with a tendency to encourage sustainable consumption behavior during times of uncertainty such as environmental concern and strong personal values and attitudes as well as behavioral motivation originating from altruistic values can enhance individual ability to act on one's intention even during times of uncertainty. These findings identify the need for and the importance of increasing the environmental knowledge and risk perception of how the environment is affected by production and consumption as well as developing personal norms and moral obligations by ascribing an individual responsibility for preventing environmental degradation with the belief that the sustainable consumption actions performed will generate the desired outcomes.

Aspects of implementing the culpability principle both under international and national criminal law /

Francisco Francisco, María Inmaculada. January 2003 (has links)
Thèse de l'auteur (Ph. D.)--University of Groningen, 2003. / Comprend un résumé en allemand et en espagnol. Bibliogr.: p. 277-286.

The Impact of Personal Norms, Environmental Awareness & Ascribed Responsibility on Pro Environmental Intentions of Young Travelers in Sweden

Perera, Samudika January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between personal norms and pro environmental intentions of youth travelers in Sweden including the intention to involve in sustainable purchasing behaviors while travelling (IISPB), intention to involve in recycling activities while travelling (IIRA) and intention to preserve natural and local resources while travelling (IPNLR). Also the study aims to test the moderating impact that the environmental awareness and ascribed responsibility have on the relationship between personal norms and pro environmental intentions considered. Design/Methodology/Approach- The study distributed an online questionnaire among university students in Sweden employing non probability sampling methods of volunteering sampling and snowball sampling methods. Answers of 293 completed questionnaires were subjected to the analysis, employing structural equation modelling, muli group structural equation modelling. Findings – The results indicated positive and substantial relationships between personal norms and each pro environmental intention considered in the study (IISPB, IIRA & IPNLR). Both environmental awareness and ascribed responsibility could not be tested for its moderating influence on the relationship between personal norms and each pro environmental intention due to the existence of metric variance in the measurements. Practical Contribution –Considering the highly influential impact of personal norms on pro environmental intentions, the study proposes the destination marketing organizations across Sweden to address the moral obligations of young travellers to ensure environmentally friendly behaviors within their destinations. The study proposes to do this via implementing advertising and awareness campaigns, devised to activate the personal norms of young tourists. Value/Originality- This study contributes to the existing gap in tourism literature regarding the application of Norm Activation Model as a moderator model in pro environmental intentions of young travellers in Sweden.

Étude longitudinale du lien entre la satisfaction intrinsèque et la satisfaction extrinsèque au travail et l’intention de quitter chez les travailleurs du secteur des TIC

Parent, Céline 01 1900 (has links)
Le but de ce mémoire est de comprendre l’influence de la satisfaction intrinsèque et de la satisfaction extrinsèque sur l’intention de quitter des travailleurs. Afin d’étudier ce sujet, nous avons formulé trois hypothèses basées sur la théorie des attentes et la théorie des deux facteurs d’Herzberg. La première hypothèse stipule que la satisfaction intrinsèque fait diminuer l’intention de quitter des travailleurs. La seconde hypothèse est formulée à l’effet que la satisfaction extrinsèque fait diminuer l’intention de quitter des travailleurs. La dernière hypothèse stipule que la satisfaction intrinsèque a une influence plus importante sur l’intention de quitter des travailleurs que la satisfaction extrinsèque. Les données utilisées afin de tester nos hypothèses de recherche ont été collectées dans le cadre d’une étude plus vaste portant sur « les liens entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement des compétences et l’attraction et la rétention d’employés clés ». L’entreprise au sein de laquelle les données ont été collectées est dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) à Montréal. Les employés interrogés sont les nouveaux employés embauchés par l’entreprise. Les résultats de notre mémoire confirment deux de nos hypothèses. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que la satisfaction intrinsèque fait diminuer l’intention de quitter des travailleurs d’ici six mois, un an et deux ans. De plus, nos résultats ont démontré que la satisfaction intrinsèque a une influence plus importante sur l’intention de quitter que la satisfaction extrinsèque. Par contre, une de nos hypothèses est partiellement confirmée. En effet, nos résultats ont démontré que la satisfaction extrinsèque fait seulement diminuer l’intention de quitter d’ici un an et deux ans et n’a aucune influence significative sur l’intention de quitter d’ici six mois. Le soutien organisationnel perçu est une variable qui a également une forte influence sur l’intention de quitter des travailleurs. Pour terminer, la conclusion de ce mémoire présente en quoi nos résultats peuvent être utiles aux gestionnaires des ressources humaines et des relations industrielles. / The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction on workers’ intention to quit. In order to investigate this subject, we have formulated three hypotheses based on the theory of expectations and two-factor theory. The first hypothesis states that intrinsic satisfaction decreases worker’s intention to quit. The second hypothesis stipulates that extrinsic satisfaction decreases worker’s intention to quit. The last hypothesis states that intrinsic satisfaction has a stronger influence on worker’s intention to quit than extrinsic satisfaction. In order to test our hypotheses, we used data collected in a larger study on “ the links between compensation, training and skills development attracting and retaining key employees “. The data were collected in an organization in information technology and telecommunications sector located in Montreal. Newly hired employees were invited to answer the survey. The results of our study confirm two hypotheses. Indeed, our results indicate that intrinsic satisfaction decreases worker’s intention to quit within six months, one year and two years. Moreover, our results show that intrinsic satisfaction has more influence on intention to quit than extrinsic satisfaction. However, our results indicate that extrinsic satisfaction decreases only intention to quit within one year and two years and has no significant influence on intention to quit within six months. Perceived organizational support also has an important influence on worker’s intention to quit. Finally, the conclusion of this study presents how our results can be interesting for human resources and industrial relations managers.

Étude per-opératoire par stimulation électrique directe des représentation sensorimotrices corticales et cérébelleuses chez l'homme / Per-operative investigation with direct electrical stimulation of cortical and cerebellar sensorimotor representations in humans

Mottolese, Carmine 21 December 2013 (has links)
Durant les dernières décennies, le système moteur a été largement étudié. Pourtant, bien des zones d'incertitudes persistent concernant d'une part la nature des circuits neuronaux de haut niveau impliqués dans l'émergence des sentiments d'intention ou de conscience motrice et d'autre part l'organisation des structures cérébrales de bas-niveau impliquées dans l'expression de ces sentiments. Il a été suggéré que le cortex pariétal et l'aire motrice supplémentaire pourraient jouer un rôle dans la génération des intentions motrices, alors que le cortex prémoteur pourrait plutôt sous-tendre la conscience du geste. Cela étant, les processus exacts implémentés dans chacune de ces régions, la façon dont elles interagissent fonctionnellement et la nature des signaux qu'elles échangent avec les structures sensorimotrices considérées de bas-niveau demeurent méconnus. Il est établi que ces structures bas-niveau, dont le cortex moteur primaire et le cervelet, contiennent des cartes sensorimotrices organisées de manière topographique. Cependant, l'organisation fine de cette topographie et la nature des interactions entre les différentes cartes restent à définir. Dans ce travail de thèse, j'ai utilisé la stimulation électrique directe chez des patients opérés de tumeurs et malformations cérébrales pour explorer la manière dont les multiples représentations motrices sont organisées et pour identifier les régions responsables de l'émergence des sentiments d'intention et de conscience motrice. J'ai alors pu montrer, en particulier, l'existence de cartes motrices multiples au sein des cortex moteur primaire et cérébelleux. Par ailleurs, j'ai pu identifier le rôle critique du cortex pariétal pour l'émergence du sentiment d'intention motrice et -sur la base de processus prédictifs- de la conscience d'agir. Par rapport à ce point, j'ai aussi pu mettre en évidence que le cortex prémoteur était impliqué, à travers un contrôle continu des prédictions pariétales, dans l'émergence d'une conscience d'agir non plus inférée mais véritable / During the last five decades, the motor system has been widely studied. Yet, little is known about the neural substrate of high-level aspects of movement such as intention and awareness and how these functions are related to low-level movement execution processes. It has been suggested that the parietal cortex and supplementary motor area are involved in generating motor intentions, while premotor cortex may play a role in the emergence of motor awareness. However, the precise mechanisms implemented within each of these areas, the way they interact functionally and the nature of the signals conveyed to primary sensory and motor regions is far from being understood. Furthermore, intention and awareness of movement are also influenced by peripheral information coming from the skin, muscles and joints, and this information must be integrated to produce smooth, accurate and coordinated motor actions. Cortical and subcortical structures such as the primary motor cortex and the cerebellum are known to contain motor maps thought to contribute to motor control, learning and plasticity, but the intrinsic organization of these maps and the nature of their reciprocal relations are still unknown. In this thesis I used Direct Electrical Stimulation in patients undergoing brain surgeries to investigate how multiple motor representations are organized and identify the regions responsible for the emergence of conscious motor intention and awareness. I showed, in particular, the existence of multiple efferent maps within the cerebellum and the precentral gyrus. Furthermore, I identified the critical role of the parietal cortex for the emergence of conscious intention and -based on predictive processes- motor awareness. I also provided evidence that the premotor cortex is involved in "checking" parietal estimations, thus leading to a sense of "veridical awareness"

The impact of social media on B2C commercial organizations performance / L'impact des réseaux sociaux sur la performance des organisations commerciales B2C

Azouri, Marwan 19 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis des décennies, la seule obsession de la stratégie organisationnelle des entreprises est de pouvoir fidéliser les consommateurs en les incitants à acheter le produit ou service qu’ils offrent afin de pouvoir améliorer leurs performances financières. Les réseaux sociaux vont transformer en profondeur le fonctionnement organisationnel des entreprises. Les réseaux sociaux dévoilent la structure organisationnelle d'une entreprise car ils sont également les porteurs d'information « confidentielles » livrées sans réserve par des employés peu discrets. Les RS sont une force puissante avec lesquelles les entreprises doivent dorénavant composer, à l’heure où beaucoup d’entre elles tentent de se réinventer et de se projeter dans un monde en pleine mutation. D’après Stéphane Hugon, 2012, Le digital est le révélateur d’une transformation de la société. Les jeunes sont dans le court, l’intense ; une temporalité qui colle aux outils comme les réseaux sociaux. Ces transformations impactent directement la culture du travail et sa structure organisationnelle. / For decades, the only obsession of organizational business strategy is to build consumer loyalty to justify the buying intention of the product or service they offer in order to improve financial performance. Social networks will fundamentally transform the organizational functioning of companies. Social networks unveil the organizational structure of a company because they are the holders of "confidential" information delivered unreservedly by little discreet employees. Social Media is a powerful force / tool, which companies must now deal with, at a time when many of them are trying to reinvent themselves and to plan for a changing world. According to Stéphane Hugon, 2012 the digital world is a hint of a transformation in our society. Young people are more oriented to the just in time, instant information and the intensity if the new era; a temporality that sticks to tools such as social networks. These changes directly influence the work culture and organizational structure.

Les croyances, représentations et facteurs façonnant l'intention de croissance du dirigeant de PME / Beliefs, representations and factors shaping SMEs owners' growth intention

Grandclaude, Didier 01 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux croyances, représentations et facteurs qui façonnent l’intention de croissance du dirigeant de PME. Produire de la connaissance sur ces éléments est essentiel. A un niveau social, l’intention de croissance constitue un enjeu dans une période marquée simultanément par le chômage et le manque d’attirance des dirigeants pour la croissance. A un niveau académique, la connaissance des micro-fondations de la croissance demeure méconnue et à renforcer (Wright et Stigliani, 2012). L’enquête qualitative est constituée de 32 entretiens individuels, complétée par 2 entretiens collectifs focalisés et des données recueillies lors des salons majeurs de la PME. Les résultats mettent d’abord en évidence la construction cognitive du phénomène de croissance, puis soulignent la nature distincte des croyances qui façonnent l’intention de croissance et ses deux formes de négation identifiées : l’intention de non-croissance et la non-intention de croissance. Des propositions concrètes sont avancées pour encourager l’intention de croissance du dirigeant. / This thesis focuses on the beliefs, representations and factors shaping SMEs owners’ growth intention. Produce knowledge on these elements is crucial. At a social level, growth intention is an issue in a period marked simultaneously by unemployment and lack of attraction of entrepreneurs for growth. At an academic level, knowledge of the micro-foundations of growth remains unknown and need further strengthening (Stigliani and Wright, 2012). The qualitative survey consists of 32 individual interviews, supplemented by 2 focus group interviews and data collected during major exhibitions of SMEs. First results highlight the cognitive construction of growth phenomenon and emphasize the distinct nature of the beliefs that shape growth intention and its two forms of denial identified: intention of no-growth and no-intention of growth. Concrete proposals are put forward to encourage SMEs owners’ growth intention.

Sur les traces de la théorie de l’Esprit chez les singes : compréhension de l’attention, des perceptions et des intentions d’autrui / On the tracks of theory of mind in monkeys : attention, perception and intention reading abilities

Canteloup, Charlotte 28 November 2016 (has links)
La Théorie de l’Esprit est l’ensemble des capacités cognitives permettant à un individu de se mettre à la place d’autrui. Longtemps considérée comme spécifiquement humaine, de plus en plus de comportements sociaux complexes sont rapportés chez les grands singes et plus récemment chez certaines espèces de singes, rendant son existence au sein d’autres espèces hautement débattue. Ce travail s’intéresse aux capacités de macaques à discriminer l’attention, la perception et les intentions d’autrui en situation de coopération ou de compétition, intraspécifique ou interspécifique. Dans ces expériences, les macaques se comportaient différemment selon les états d’attention, la perception visuelle et les intentions de leurs partenaires. Toutefois, les mécanismes sous-jacents à ces comportements complexes restent incertains. Les primates non humains peuvent en effet être de très bons lecteurs de comportements, capables de déchiffrer les comportements des autres sur la base d’apprentissages associatifs, mais pourraient également faire usage de représentations mentales. / Theory of Mind is the set of cognitive abilities allowing an individual to put himself in the place of others. Considered as specifically human for a long time, more and more complex social behaviours are reported in great apes, and more recently in some monkeys’ species. This work focuses on attention, perception and intention reading abilities in macaques in cooperative or competitive experiments and in interspecific and intraspecific situations. In these experiment, macaques behaved differently according to the attentional state, visual perception and intentions of their partners. However, the underlying mechanisms of these complex behaviours remain uncertain. Nonhuman primates would thus be very good behaviour readers, capable of decoding others behaviours via associative learning but could also use mental representations.

Factors impacting the uptake of mobile banking in China : integrating UTAUT, TTF and ECM models

Wang, Shanshan January 2018 (has links)
The mobile banking is an increasingly popular service for customers of the traditional banking industry. On the surface, China has the highest adoption rate of this new technology, yet many users do not remain active or they only use mobile banking for the simplest tasks such as checking their balance. This research was designed to uncover the reasons for these two issues by identifying the major factors influencing users' intention to continue using mobile banking (continuance intention) as well as their behavioural intention to try new mobile banking functions. To do so, an integrated model was developed on the basis of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT), task-technology fit model (TTF) and expectation confirmation model (ECM). Empirical data were collected from China's mobile banking users and the integrated model was tested using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The results indicate that the main factors which positively influence the continuance intention include satisfaction, performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Continuance intention, in turn, influences behavioural intention to try new functionality, together with social influence, facilitating conditions and confirmation. Moreover, some mediating effects were discovered. For example, task-technology fit may indirectly affect the continuance intention through users' satisfaction. The research results have a number of theoretical contributions. Firstly, this research discovers that the impact of task-technology fit on users' continuance intention towards mobile banking is fully mediated by users' satisfaction. This enriches the extant literature that is mostly focused on the technology perceptions (e.g. performance expectancy and effort expectancy) of users. Secondly, this research identifies that satisfaction also mediates the impact of confirmation of expectations on continuance intention, also extending the literature on the continuance usage of information systems. Thirdly, this research fills the gap in extant research regarding users' intention to try new mobile banking functions, by proposing a new integrated model using constructs from UTAUT, TTF, and ECM, and demonstrating that continuance intention itself fully mediates the impact of performance expectancy and effort expectancy on behavioural intention. The new model has a high explanatory power than each individual model offers. The research results also have management implications in terms of how to improve the task-technology fit to support continuous use and extended the use of mobile banking. For instance, to improve continuance intention banks can improve satisfaction by optimising task-technology fit. This in turn will require better understanding of users' different task requirements in specific market segments. In addition, banks can also attract users' behavioural intention to try new functionality by timely updating corresponding technology and launching marketing campaigns to keep users informed of any new functions of their mobile banking application.

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