Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intercultural communication."" "subject:"lntercultural communication.""
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El Correo Electrónico en el Aprendizaje del Español como Lengua Extranjera(L2) en Estudiantes Universitarios ChinosHu, Chun 26 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] Debido al creciente interés por el español como lengua académica y profesional en la universidad china, la presente propuesta de investigación tiene como punto de partida el análisis de rasgos seleccionados de correos electrónicos escritos por estudiantes universitarios chinos que estudian español como lengua extranjera. Dado que es una herramienta de comunicación básica en su interacción académica, facilitaría el aprendizaje de la escritura de textos, en especial los cibergéneros.
Basando en un análisis estadístico, el análisis se centra en las teorías de la lingüística textual (marcadores discursivos y el registro) y la lingüística aplicada (la cortesía, las expresiones de los elementos culturales entre el chino y el español y la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua), desde las perspectivas del género discursivo, la propiedad del texto, la pragmática.
El objetivo general de la investigación del análisis de dicho corpus tendrá en cuenta tanto el componente lingüístico como el intercultural, con el fin de llevar a cabo la propuesta de un modelo de análisis pedagógico comparativo con el que se pretende mejorar la enseñanza del español escrito de estos estudiantes universitarios.
La investigación se justifica, por tanto, por la carencia de estudios de este tipo de discurso que presenta características textuales propias, así como por el auge de los estudios de español en China. En el contexto virtual, pueden experimentar el uso del idioma a partir de unas convenciones lingüísticas que difieren en ambas culturas, pero, al mismo tiempo, estableciendo unas pautas gracias a las cuales puedan mejorar su aprendizaje de la lengua española.
En concreto, al principio, se presenta la necesidad de divulgar la destreza en el uso del CE en el aula universitaria china. Luego, se concentra en los conocimientos académicos relacionados, finalmente basándose en el resultado de práctica pedagógica, se consigue el programa definitivo.
El principal resultado de la tesis es obtener un programa útil en el aula china que sirva a los universitarios chinos a llevar a cabo un acto comunicativo intercultural a través del CE en español de forma más fluida, aceptable y con menos malentendidos. En total, se han recopilado 115 correos electrónicos, aunque están relacionados con unos conocimientos académicos demasiados básicos, comparados por distintas perspectivas, presentan faltas en el uso de correo electrónicos, por supuesto, esta carencia es un paso hacia el aprendizaje. / [EN] Due to the growing interest in Spanish as an academic and professional language in the Chinese university, this research proposal has as a starting point for the analysis of selected traits of Emails written by Chinese university students studying Spanish as a foreign language. Since it is a basic communication tool in its academic interaction, it would facilitate the learning of text writing, especially cybergenres.
Based on a statistical analysis, the analysis focuses on theories of textual linguistics (discursive markers and registration) and applied linguistics (courtesy, expressions of cultural elements between Chinese and Spanish and teaching Spanish as a second language), from the perspectives of the discursive genre, ownership of the text, pragmatics.
The general objective of the research of the analysis of said corpus will take into account both the linguistic and intercultural components, in order to carry out the proposal of a model of comparative pedagogical analysis with which it is intended to improve the teaching of written Spanish of these university students.
The research is therefore justified by the lack of studies of this type of discourse that has its textual characteristics, as well as by the rise of Spanish studies in China. In the virtual context, they can experience the use of language from linguistic conventions that differ in both cultures, but at the same time establishing guidelines thanks to which they can improve their learning of the Spanish language.
In particular, at first, there is a requirement to disclose the prowess in the use of the Email in the Chinese university classroom. Then, he concentrates on the related academic knowledge, finally based on the result of pedagogical practice, the final program is achieved.
The main result of the thesis is to produce a functional program in the Chinese classroom that serves Chinese university students to carry out an intercultural communicative act through the Email in Spanish in a more fluid, acceptable and with less misunderstanding. In total, 115 emails have been collected, although they are related to over-basic academic knowledge, compared to diverse perspectives, they have shortages in the use of e-mail, of course, this lack is a move towards learning. / [CA] A causa del creixent interés en l'espanyol com a idioma acadèmic i professional en la universitat xinesa, aquesta proposta d'investigació té com a punt de partida l'anàlisi de trets seleccionats de correus electrònics escrits per estudiants universitaris xinesos que estudien espanyol com a llengua estrangera. Atés que és una eina de comunicació bàsica en la seua interacció acadèmica, facilitaria l'aprenentatge de l'escriptura de textos, especialment els cibergéneres. Basat en una anàlisi estadística, l'anàlisi se centra en les teories de la lingüística textual (marcadors discursius i registre) i la lingüística aplicada (cortesia, expressions d'elements culturals entre xinés i espanyol i l'ensenyament de l'espanyol com a segona llengua), des de les perspectives del gènere discursiu, propietat del text i pragmàtica. Respecte a la investigació d'aquest corpus, l'objectiu general tindrà en compte els components lingüístics i interculturals, per a dur a terme la proposta d'un model d'anàlisi pedagògica comparativa amb el qual es pretén millorar l'ensenyament de l'espanyol escrit d'aquests estudiants universitaris. Per tant, la investigació es justifica per la falta d'estudis d'aquesta mena de discurs que té les seues característiques textuals, així com per l'augment dels estudis espanyols a la Xina. En el context virtual, poden experimentar l'ús de l'idioma a partir de convencions lingüístiques que difereixen en totes dues cultures, però al mateix temps estableixen pautes gràcies a les quals poden millorar el seu aprenentatge de l'idioma espanyol. En particular, al principi, existeix el requisit de revelar la destresa en l'ús del correu electrònic a l'aula universitària xinesa. Després, es concentra en el coneixement acadèmic relacionat, finalment basat en el resultat de la pràctica pedagògica, s'aconsegueix el programa final. El principal resultat de la tesi és produir un programa funcional a l'aula xinesa que serveix a estudiants universitaris xinesos per a dur a terme un acte comunicatiu intercultural a través del correu electrònic en espanyol d'una manera més fluida, acceptable i amb menys malentesos. / Hu, C. (2020). El Correo Electrónico en el Aprendizaje del Español como Lengua Extranjera(L2) en Estudiantes Universitarios Chinos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153134
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Лексика обозначений чисел в китайских объявлениях и вывесках и способы их перевода для туристов : магистерская диссертация / Vocabulary of numbers in Chinese advertisements and signs and ways to translate them for touristsЛян, Я., Liang, Y. January 2024 (has links)
Relevance in the context of the modern rapid development of globalization, language and cultural exchanges are becoming more frequent. In this context, public signage and billboards, as important means of transmitting cultural information, play a vital role in promoting international tourism and cultural understanding. Effective language translation, especially in tourist centers, can not only help tourists better understand the local culture, but also improve the overall impression of tourists. Therefore the study of the translation of digital terms into publicly available signage is of great importance for improving intercultural exchanges. The purpose of the study is to in-depth study the use of numbers and methods of their translation in public signs in China and Russia. By analyzing the differences in the semantics and use of numerals in two languages, this study attempts to identify the complexity and difficulties of translating numerals in intercultural communication. / Актуальность в условиях современного стремительного развития глобализации языковые и культурные обмены становятся все более частыми. В этом контексте общественные вывески и рекламные щиты, являясь важными средствами передачи культурной информации, играют жизненно важную роль в продвижении международного туризма и культурного взаимопонимания. Эффективный языковой перевод, особенно в туристических центрах, может не только помочь туристам лучше понять местную культуру, но и улучшить общее впечатление туристов. Поэтому изучение перевода цифровых терминов на общедоступные вывески имеет огромное значение для улучшения межкультурных обменов. Целью исследования является углубленное изучение использования цифр и методов их перевода в общественных вывесках Китая и России. Анализируя различия в семантике и употреблении числительных в двух языках, данное исследование пытается выявить сложность и трудности перевода числительных в условиях межкультурной коммуникации.
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Формирование лингвокраеведческой компетенции в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному : магистерская диссертация / Formation of linguistic and cultural competence in the process of teaching russian as a foreign languageХа, Л. Ч., Ha, L. T. January 2024 (has links)
In the context of globalization and intensive intercultural interaction, proficiency in foreign languages, including Russian, becomes an important means of cultural integration. The Russian language, widely used in many different countries, plays a significant role in creating a space for intercultural dialogue and polylogue of cultures. Incorporating regional and cultural linguistics into education allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical features of the region, which contributes to more effective language acquisition and increased motivation to study it. This is especially important for foreign students studying in specific regions of Russia, as they perceive the culture of the country through the local context. Moreover, in a multipolar world, the ability to communicate effectively and show tolerance towards other cultures become necessary competencies. Developing these competencies not only facilitates the successful adaptation of foreign students to a new linguistic and cultural environment but also enhances their communication skills, which is crucial for their future professional activities. This work explores the linguistic and cultural competence and its formation in foreign students learning Russian as a foreign language in the Ural. The research discusses the integration of regional cultural and linguistic materials into the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to develop students' linguistic and cultural competence. The study is based on a threecomponent structure of linguistic and cultural competence, which includes knowledge of local culture, the ability to use the language in a cultural context, and intercultural interaction skills. The "Road to the Ural" course uses regional and cultural materials, including lectures, seminars, and multimedia resources. Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, attend historical and cultural events, and independently explore the region's features. The results of experimental work showed that after completing the course, students' indicators of linguistic and cultural competence significantly improved. This indicates that integrating regional linguistic-cultural materials into the teaching of Russian as a foreign language significantly enriches students' educational experience, increases their motivation, and enhances their understanding of linguistic and cultural context. Thus, the introduction of courses like "Road to the Ural" demonstrates the effectiveness of using regional linguistic-cultural materials to develop linguistic and cultural competence in foreign students, ultimately contributing to their successful adaptation to a new sociocultural environment. / В условиях глобализации и интенсивного межкультурного взаимодействия, владение иностранными языками, включая русский, становится важным средством культурной интеграции. Русский язык, используемый широко в много разных странах, играет важную роль в создании пространства межкультурного диалога и полилога культур. Включение лингвокраеведческого материала в обучение позволяет студентам глубже понять культурные и исторические особенности региона, что способствует более эффективному усвоению языка и повышению мотивации к его изучению. Это особенно важно для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в определенных регионах России, так как они воспринимают культуру страны через местный контекст. Кроме того, в условиях многополярного мира, способность к эффективной коммуникации и толерантное отношение к другим культурам становятся необходимыми компетенциями. Формирование этих компетенций способствует не только успешной адаптации иностранных студентов к новому языковому и культурному окружению, но и развитию их коммуникативных навыков, что важно для их дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. В данной работе проведено исследование лингвокраеведческой компетенции и ее формирования у иностранных студентов в процессе обучения русскому языку как иностранному на Урале. В данном исследовании рассматривается интеграция регионального лингвострановедческого материала в процесс изучения русского языка как иностранного для формирования лингвокраеведческой компетенции у студентов. В основе исследования лежит трехкомпонентная структура лингвокраеведческой компетенции, включающая знания о местной культуре, умение использовать язык в культурном контексте и навыки межкультурного взаимодействия. В учебном курсе «Дорога на Урал» используется страноведческий и краеведческий материал, который включает лекции, семинары и мультимедийные ресурсы. Студентам рекомендуется активно участвовать в обсуждениях, посещать исторические и культурные мероприятия, а также самостоятельно исследовать особенности региона. Результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы показали, что после прохождения курса у студентов значительно улучшились показатели лингвокраеведческой компетенции. Это свидетельствует о том, что интеграция регионального материала в преподавание русского языка как иностранного значительно обогащает образовательный опыт студентов, повышает их мотивацию и способствует лучшему пониманию языкового и культурного контекста. Таким образом, внедрение таких курсов, как «Дорога на Урал», демонстрирует эффективность использования регионального лингвострановедческого материала для развития лингвокраеведческой компетенции у иностранных студентов, что в конечном итоге способствует их успешной адаптации в новой социокультурной среде.
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Лексические единицы выражающие радость в прозе Николая Васильевича Гоголя и трудности их перевода на китайский язык : магистерская диссертация / Lexical units expressing joy in the prose of Nikolai Gogol and their difficulties translation into ChineseЧжао, Б., Zhao, B. January 2024 (has links)
It is customary to judge the general emotional state of a person by his speech, which can serve as a kind of mirror that can determine the mental and moral state of the interlocutor. The ability to capture and understand human emotions is one of the most important conditions for establishing contact between speakers of different languages. The final qualifying work is devoted to the study of the features of translating emotionally charged vocabulary expressing joy in the works of Nikolai Gogol into Chinese. The relevance of this work is due to the fact that the analysis of these topics will make it possible in the future to answer questions related to the description of similarities and differences in the understanding of emotions in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures in the process of communication. The object of the study is the core lexeme of the concept “joy” in the Russian and Chinese languages, as well as multi-level linguistic units expressing the emotion of joy in the Russian and Chinese languages. The subject of this final qualifying work is the peculiarities of the functioning of various lexical and syntactic units with the help of which the concept of “joy” is expressed in modern Chinese and modern Russian and the difficulties of their translation into Chinese. The purpose of the study is to identify and study the common and distinctive features of the concept “joy” at the level of lexical-semantic fields in Russian and Chinese, which include a number of synonyms, antonyms and other means of verbalizing this emotion, as well as to identify the difficulties of their translation based on literary work by N.V. Gogol. / Об общем эмоциональном состоянии человека принято судить по его речи, которая может служить неким зеркалом, которое может определить психическое и моральное состояние собеседника. Умение улавливать и понимать эмоции человека –одно из важнейших условий к установлению контакта между носителями разных языков. Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена исследованию особенностей перевода эмоционально окрашенной лексики, выражающей радость, в произведениях Николая Васильевича Гоголя на китайский язык. Актуальность данной работы обусловлена тем, что анализ данных тем позволит в будущем ответить на вопросы, связанные с описанием сходств и различий в понимании эмоций в русской и китайской лингвокультурах в процессе коммуникации. Объектом исследования являются ядерные лексемы концепта «радость» в русском и китайском языках, а также разноуровневые языковые единицы, выражающие эмоцию радости в составе русского и китайского языков. Предметом данной выпускной квалификационной работы являются особенности функционирования различных лексических и синтаксических единиц при помощи, которых, выражается концепт «радость» в современном китайском языке и современном русском языке и трудности их перевода на китайский язык. Цель исследования состоит в выявлении и изучении общих и отличительных черт концепта «радость» на уровне лексико-семантических полей в русском и китайском языке, которые включают в себя ряд синонимов, антонимов и других средств вербализации данной эмоции, а также выявлении трудностей их перевода на основе литературного произведения Н.В. Гоголя.
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Faculty training manual-- academic component: International student volunteersNiven, Jessica Sue 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a training manual that will provide a common foundation for all faculty, regardless of their academic field and to take a comprehensive approach to teaching and understanding environmental education within the context of different cultures. It looks at what shapes environmental attitudes and how these attitudes vary between cultures.
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A practical theological study of the efficacy of the Roman Catholic Church, Witbank Diocese’s teaching regarding the healing ministry : towards the development of an integrated and intercultural healing ministryMagagula, Vusumuzi Jan 11 1900 (has links)
Sickness is a problem that has not escaped any society and thus is on the agenda of every culture. Since time immemorial cultures have searched for answers to the questions raised by the phenomenon of sickness but none have provided solutions, as it has become clear that sickness is part of our human existence. Many people have resorted to religion in search consolation in times of affliction and the Roman Catholic Church is not immune to this expectation, as we see many leaving the church in search of healing in the African Traditional Religions and other Christian churches because they feel that the church is inadequately dealing with the problem. In this study the author undertakes a research journey within the Diocese of Witbank of the RCC to investigate as to why the church’s healing ministry is not effective. Through engagement with participants in the research field and relevant literature the author discovered that the RCC is seen to be suspicious of the African worldview and consequently does not take its members’ fears and frustrations around the phenomenon of sickness serious as it judges them to be superstitious. This suggests that there is nothing that Western Christianity can learn from African cultures maintaining its superior attitude and further alienating indigenous communities. The author suggests that in order for the RCC to responds with relevance to this problem it needs to reconcile the Christian worldview, which is western, with the African worldview. He puts high on the agenda of Christian theology the urgent call to African theologians to develop an African theology that will give birth to a genuine African Christianity. In conclusion as a solution the author proposes an integrated and intercultural healing ministry for the Diocese of Witbank. This model is aimed at appropriating African values, idioms and language in the RCC to create an atmosphere where the church is seen as a welcome guest who comes bearing gifts but at the same time expects to be taken care of by its host. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Pastoral Therapy)
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The language, identity and intercultural communication of the Shona living among Xhosa communities in Cape TownMambambo, John 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 253-298 / This study examines the language, identity and intercultural communication dynamics in the
Xhosa communities of Cape Town where some immigrant Shona speakers dwell. Language is a
complex and nuanced repertoire of culture and the choice of language constitutes part of an
individual’s identity construction. Owing to these identity dynamics, the Shona speakers resident
among the Xhosa communities find themselves entangled in the politics of belonging and identity
that define the Shona-Xhosa immigrant landscape in Cape Town. The Shona speakers engaging
in intercultural communication in Xhosa communities are confronted with language and cultural
hurdles. Orbe’s Co-cultural Theory among others was central to the unpacking of the intricacies
of culture and the Xhosa hegemony. Results show that Shona people speak Xhosa for social
acceptance and to secure economic benefits. Nevertheless, this seems not to offer them profound
indulgence with the Xhosa culture. Even if they comprehend the culture, their Shona cultural
identity hampers their full admission into the Xhosa culture. This lack of cultural acceptance
leaves the Shona speakers alienated from both Xhosa and Shona cultures. In that regard, Shona
speakers among Xhosa communities in Cape Town live a fluid life in which relentless cultural
change is the only constant. This transitory life promotes intercultural concession in the personal
layer of self, leading to the emergence of a hybrid multicultural self-concept. The study thus
contributes towards scholarship by revealing that the differences in individual linguistic
circumstances in the process of intercultural negotiation appear to produce different levels of
acquisition of the Xhosa culture and Xhosa by the Shona speakers. This is corroborated by the
fact that Shona speakers who could not speak English learnt Xhosa faster than those who could
speak English. This study argues that the maintenance of the Shona language by its speakers in
Xhosa communities is as much their duty, as it is their right. Ultimately, the study posits that
ethnocentrism stifles the intercultural communication process and leads to tiffs in multicultural
communities / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)
1088 |
Drama as an instructional tool to develop cultural competency among learners in multicultural secondary schools in South AfricaMoore, Glynnis Leigh 03 1900 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
1089 |
Drama as an instructional tool to develop cultural competency among learners in multicultural secondary schools in South AfricaMoore, Glynnis Leigh 03 1900 (has links)
Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)
1090 |
Intercultural communication between African-American and Zimbabwean women: focussing on identity and survival/liberationGourdet, Sandra 11 1900 (has links)
African-American and Zimbabwean women live and do theology from different cultural and
contextual worldviews, although they share the same skin colour. The narrative stories of three
Zimbabwean and one African-American Christian women and how they share inter culturally the
struggle of identity, identity-formation and survival/liberation while maintaining their cultural
uniqueness form die basis of this research project. These shared experiences can offer
significant contributions to the broader feminist liberation theology. The Christian faith has
served as a shared source of sustenance, resilience, healing and renewal as well as a shared source
for constructive and affirming identity-formation for Zimbabwean and African-American
women. Consequently, building strong relationships that address contextual issues facing
women of Africa and the Diaspora, as suggested by this research, offers significant opportunities
for eliminating some of the barriers and boundaries that prevent Zimbabwean and African-
American women from enjoying the quality of life that God meant for everyone. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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