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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tutela de urgência e tutela da evidência nos processos societários / Urgent and evident provisional measures in corporate disputes

João Paulo Hecker da Silva 18 April 2012 (has links)
A tese trata do tema das tutelas de urgência e da evidência nos processos societários e está dividida em dez partes. A primeira parte aborda a tutela de urgência e tutela da evidência no contexto da tempestividade da tutela jurisdicional, sempre sob a égide da celeridade do processo, da segurança jurídica e da técnica processual e as propostas para o Novo Código de Processo Civil. A segunda, trata do devido processo legal e o do contraditório, da análise econômica do direito, das relações entre direito e processo e do regime jurídico das medidas urgentes. A terceira parte aborda os limites do controle judicial, as medidas inaudita altera parte, as astreintes, o descumprimento, a contracautela, a irreversibilidade; a relação entre a medida urgente nas eficácias da sentença e seu reflexo no regime das nulidades em direito societário. A quarta parte trata da tutela da evidência no direito societário, abordando a quebra da ordinariedade do sistema processual brasileiro atual, alguns conflitos societários e as propostas para o Novo Código de Processo Civil. A quinta parte contém desdobramentos da tutela da evidência e da tutela de urgência nas deliberações sociais. A sexta e a sétima partes tratarão das tutelas de urgência e demais questões societárias (produção antecipada de provas, a antecipação de haveres, afastamento de sócio, arrolamento, exibição de livros e documentos societários). A oitava parte diz respeito à arbitragem em matéria societária e as relações entre juízes togados e árbitros. A nona parte conterá propostas legislativas e as concusões da tese. A décima e última parte trará a bibliografia utilizada. / This thesis focuses the subject of interim measures and injunctive relief in corporation litigation and is divided in ten parts. The first part addresses ínterim measures and injunctive relief in the context of judicial reliefs opportune timing, always taking into account readiness, legal security and procedural technique, as well as the proposals for a new Code of Civil Procedure. The second addresses procedural due process and participation in the proceedings, law and economics, the relations between substantive and procedural law, and the legal regime of interim measures. The third part approaches the limits of judicial review, inaudita altera parte relief, contempt of court fees, noncompliance, counter-guarantee, irreversibility, the relationship between the interim measure in the final awards effects and its impact in the regime of nullity defects in corporate law. The fourth part discusses interim measures based on preponderance of evidence in corporate law, bracing the fracture of ordinary proceedings in the current Brazilian Procedural system, some corporate disputes, and the proposals for the New Code of Civil Procedure. The fifth parte contains the unravelling of interim relief based on preponderance of evidence and urgent relief regarding the corporations decisions. The sixth and seventh parts will engage in the matters of urgent relief and other remaining corporate issues (anticipated disclosure of evidence, anticipated payment of shareholders assets, termination of shareholders, probate proceedings, disclosure of business records and other company documents). The eight part focuses arbitration in corporate law and the relationship between state judges and arbitrators. The ninth part contains proposals for statute drafts and the conclusions of the thesis. The tenth and last part shall bring the bibliography utilised.

Observation et simulation de la température de surface en Antarctique : application à l'estimation de la densité superficielle de la neige / Observation and simulation of surface temperature in Antartica : application in snow surface density estimation

Fréville, Hélène 24 November 2015 (has links)
La situation en Antarctique est complexe. Continent peu connu et isolégéographiquement,les processus qui contrôlent son bilan de masse et son bilan d'énergie sont encore mal compris. Dans ce contexte, l'étude de la température de surface connaît un intérêt grandissant de la part de la communauté scientifique. En effet, en contrôlant fortement la température de la neige jusqu'à des dizaines, voire des centaines, de mètres sous la surface, la température de surface influence l'état thermique de la calotte du plateau antarctique, sa dynamique et, par conséquent, son bilan de masse. De plus, en agissant sur les émissions de flux thermiques infrarouges et sur les flux turbulents de chaleurs sensibles et latents, la température de surface est directement liée au bilan énergétique de surface du plateau antarctique. L'analyse de la température de surface et l'étude des processus physiques à l'origine de sa variabilité participent à l'amélioration de la compréhension du bilan énergétique de surface, étape nécessaire pour déterminer l'état actuel de sa calotte et faire des prévisions sur sa potentielle contribution à l'élévation du niveau des mers. Ce travail de thèse participe à cet effort en s'intéressant au cycle diurne de la température de surface et aux différents facteurs contribuant à sa variabilité spatiale et temporelle sur le plateau antarctique. Il débute par une évaluation de différentes données entre 2000 et 2012 montrant le bon potentiel de la température de surface MODIS qui peut dès lors être utilisée comme donnée de référence pour l'évaluation des modèles et réanalyses. Un biais chaud systématique de 3 à 6°C dans la réanalyse ERA-interim de la température de surface est ainsi mis en évidence sur le plateau antarctique. L'observation du cycle diurne de la température de surface a, quant à elle, permis d'identifier la densité superficielle parmi ses facteurs de variabilité. Sur les premiers centimètres du manteau neigeux où se concentrent la majorité des échanges de masse et d'énergie entre l'atmosphère et la calotte antarctique, la densité de la neige est une donnée cruciale car elle agit sur l'absorption du rayonnement solaire dans le manteau neigeux mais également sur la conductivité thermique du manteau et donc sur la propagation de la chaleur entre la surface et les couches en profondeur. La densité superficielle de la neige présente cependant de nombreuses incertitudes sur sa variabilité spatio-temporelle et sur les processus qui la contrôlent. De plus, ne pouvant être mesurées qu'in situ, les données de densité superficielle en Antarctique sont restreintes géographiquement. Cette thèse explore une nouvelle application de la température de surface consistant à estimer la densité superficielle de la neige via une méthode d'inversion de simulations numériques. Une carte de la densité superficielle en Antarctique a ainsi pu être produite en minimisant l'erreur de simulation sur l'amplitude diurne. / The antarctic ice sheet is a key element in the climate system and an archive of past climate variations. However, given the scarcity of observations due to the geographical remoteness of Antarctica and its harsh conditions, little is known about the processes that control its mass balance and energy. In this context, several studies focus on the surface temperature which controls the snow temperature up to tens, if not hundreds, of meters beneath the surface. It also influences the thermal state of the antarctic ice sheet, its dynamics, and thus, its mass balance. Surface temperature is also directly linked to the surface energy balance through its impact on thermal and surface turbulent heat flux emissions. Thus, surface temperature analysis and the study of physical processes that control surface temperature variability contribute to the better understanding of the surface energy balance, which is a necessary step to identify the actual state of the antarctic ice sheet and forecast its impact on sea level rise. This thesis work contributes to this effort by focusing on the surface temperature diurnal cycle and various factors impacting spatial and temporal surface temperature variability on the Antarctic Plateau. First, an evaluation of MODIS data, done by comparison with in situ measurements, shows MODIS great potential in the observation of the surface temperature of the Antarctic Plateau under clear-sky conditions. Hourly MODIS surface temperature data from 2000 to 2011 were then used to evaluate the accuracy of snow surface temperature in the ERA-Interim reanalysis and the temperature produced by a stand-alone simulation with the Crocus snowpack model using ERA-Interim forcing. It reveals that ERA-Interim has a widespread warm bias on the Antarctic Plateau ranging from +3 to +6°C depending on the location. Afterwards, observations of the surface temperature diurnal cycle allow an identification of the surface density as a factor of surface temperature variability. On the topmost centimeters of the snowpack where most mass and energy exchanges between the surface and atmosphere happen, density is critical for the energy budget because it impacts both the effective thermal conductivity and the penetration depth of light. However, there are considerable uncertainties around surface density spatio-temporal variability and the processes that control it. Besides, since surface density can only be measured in situ, surface density measurements in Antarctica are restricted to limited geographical areas. Thus, this thesis also explores a new application of surface temperature by estimating surface density in Antarctica based on the monotonic relation between surface density and surface temperature diurnal amplitude. A map of surface density is obtained by minimising the simulation error related to diurnal amplitude of the surface temperature.

Extreme value analysis of non-stationary time series: Quantifying climate change using observational data throughout Germany

Müller, Philipp 11 March 2019 (has links)
The overall subject of this thesis is the massive parallel application of the extreme value analysis (EVA) on climatological time series. In this branch of statistics one strives to learn about the tails of a distribution and its upper quantiles, like the so-called 50 year return level, an event realized on average only once during its return period of 50 years. Since most studies just focus on average statistics and it's the extreme events that have the biggest impact on our life, such an analysis is key for a proper understanding of the climate change. In there a time series gets separated into blocks, whose maxima can be described using the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution for sufficiently large block sizes. But, unfortunately, the estimation of its parameters won't be possible on a massive parallel scale with any available software package since they are all affected by onceptional problems in the maximum likelihood fit. Both the logarithms in the negative log-likelihood of the GEV distribution and the theoretical limitations on one of its parameters give rise to regions in the parameter space inaccessible to the optimization routines, causing them to produce numerical artifacts. I resolved this issue by incorporating all constraints into the optimization using the augmented Lagrangian method. With my implementation in the open source package **climex** it is now possible to analyze large climatological data sets. In this thesis I used temperature and precipitation data from measurement stations provided by the German weather service (DWD) and the ERA-Interim reanalysis data set and analyzed them using both a qualitative method based on time windows and a more quantitative one relying on the class of vector generalized linear models (VGLM). Due to the climate change a general shift of the temperature towards higher values and thus more hot and less cold extremes would be expect. Indeed, I could find the cation parameters of the GEV distributions, which can be thought of as the mean event size at a return period of approximately the block size of one year, to increase for both the aily maximum and minimum temperatures. But the overall changes are far more complex and dependent on the geographical location as well as the considered return period, hich is quite unexpected. E.g. for the 100 year return levels of the daily maximum temperatures a decrease was found in the east and the center of Germany for both the raw series and their anomalies, as well as a quite strong reduction for the raw series in the very south of Germany. The VGLM-based non-stationary EVA resulted in significant trends in the GEV parameters for the daily maximum temperatures of almost all stations and for about half of them in case of the daily minima. So, there is statistically sound evidence for a change in the extreme temperatures and, surprisingly, it is not exclusively towards higher values. The analysis yielded several significant trends featuring a negative slope in the 10 year return levels. The analysis of the temperature data of the ERA-Interim reanalysis data set yielded quite surprising results too. While in some parts of the globe, especially on land, the 10 year return levels were found to increase, they do in general decrease in most parts of the earth and almost entirely over the sea. But since we found a huge discrepancy between the results of the analysis using the station data within Germany and the results obtained for the corresponding grid points of the reanalysis data set, we can not be sure whether the patterns in the return levels of the ERA-Interim data are trustworthy. / Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die massiv parallele Anwendung der Extremwertanalyse (EVA) auf klimatologischen Zeitreihen. Dieser Bereich der Statistik beschäftigt sich mit den Schwänzen von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen und deren großen Quantilen, wie z.B. dem sogenannten 50-jährigen Return Level. Dies ist ein Ereignis, welches im Mittel nur einmal innerhalb seiner Return Periode von 50 Jahren realisiert wird. Da sich aber die Mehrheit der wissenschaftlichen Studien auf die Analyse gemittelter statistischer Größen stützen, aber es gerade die extremen Ereignisse sind, welche unser Leben maßgeblich beeinflussen, ist eine solche EVA entscheidend für ein umfassendes Verständnis des Klimawandels. In der Extremwertanalyse wird eine Zeitreihe in einzelne Blöcke geteilt, deren Maxima sich bei hinreichend großer Blocklänge mittels der generalisierten Extremwertverteilung (GEV) beschreiben lassen. Die Schätzung ihrer Parameter ist auf solch massiv parallelen Skalen jedoch mit keinem der verfügbaren Softwarepakete möglich, da sie alle vom selben konzeptionellen Problem der Maximum Likelihood Methode betroffen sind. Sowohl die Logarithmen in der negativen log-Likelihood der GEV Verteilung, als auch die theoretischen Beschränkungen im Wertebereich eines ihrer Parameter machen Teile des Parameterraumes für den Optimierungsalgorithmus unzugänglich und führen zur Erzeugung numerischer Artefakte durch die Routine. Dieses Problem konnte ich lösen, indem ich die Beschränkungen mittels der augmented Lagrangian Methode in die Optimierung integrierte. Mittels dem verbesserten Fit, den ich in dem Open Source Paket **climex** zur Verfügung stellte, ist es nun möglich beliebig viele Zeitreihen in einer parallelen Analyse zu behandeln. In dieser Arbeit verwende ich Temperatur- und Niederschlagszeitreihen des deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) und den ERA-Interim Reanalyse Datensatz in Kombination mit sowohl einer qualitativen Analyse basierend auf Zeitfenstern, als auch einer quantitativen, welche auf der Modellklasse der Vektor-generalisierten linearen Modellen (VGLM) beruht. Aufgrund des Klimawandels ist intuitiv eine Verschiebung der Temperaturverteilung zu höheren Werten und damit mehr heiße und weniger kalte Temperaturextreme zu erwarten. Tatsächlich konnte ich für die täglichen Maximal- und Minimaltemperaturen einen Anstieg des Location Parameters finden, dem man sich als mittlere Ereignisgröße für eine Return Periode gleich der verwendeten Blocklänge von einem Jahr versinnbildlichen kann. Im Großen und Ganzen sind die Änderungen jedoch deutlich komplexer und hängen sowohl vom Ort, als auch von der Return Periode ab. Z.B. verringern sich die 100 jährigen Return Level der täglichen Maximaltemperaturen im Osten und im Zentrum Deutschlands für sowohl die unprozessierten Zeitreihen, als auch für deren Anomalien, und weisen eine besonders starke Reduktion im Süden des Landes für die prozessierten auf. Durch die VGLM-basierte, nicht-stationäre EVA konnte ich zeigen, dass nahezu alle Stationen für die täglichen Maximaltemperaturen, sowie rund die Hälfte aller Stationen für die täglichen Minimaltemperaturen, signifikante Trends in den Parameters der GEV Verteilung aufweisen. Somit war es mir möglich statistisch fundierte Beweise für Veränderungen in den extremen Temperaturen finden, die jedoch nicht ausschließlich in einer Verschiebung zu höheren Werten bestanden. Einige Stationen wiesen eine negativen Trend in ihren 10 jährigen Return Leveln auf. Die Analyse der Temperaturzeitreihen des ERA-Interim Reanalyse Datensatzes ergab ebenfalls überraschende Resultate. Während in einigen Teilen der Welt, hauptsächlich an Land, die 10 jährigen Return Level steigen, sinkt ihr Wert für den Großteil der Zeitreihen und fast über den gesamten Ozeanen. Da jedoch eine große Diskrepanz zwischen den Ergebnissen der Stationsdaten des DWD und den dazugehörigen Rasterpunkten im ERA-Interim Datensatz besteht, konnte nicht abschließend geklärt werden in wieweit die Resultate der Rasteranalyse der Natur entsprechen.

Temporära bostäder i den socialt hållbara staden / Temporary housing in the socially sustainable city

Borg, Gustaf, Kennerstedt, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
Majoriteten av världens befolkning bor i städer, och ännu fler kommer bo där i framtiden. Denna urbanisering ställer stora krav på stadsutvecklingen, samtidigt som vår tids utmaning handlar om att ställa om vårt samhälle till att bli mer hållbart. Det finns många idéer om hur stadsplaneringen ska skötas. En metod är att använda temporära bostäder, något som har gjorts vid Frihamnen i Göteborg. Detta ställer då frågan om liknande projekt är tillämpningsbara på större skala, samtidigt som det inte får hamna i konflikt med strävan efter hållbarhet? Socialt hållbar stadsutveckling och social hållbarhet går hand i hand. Det ena skapar plattformar för det andra. Termerna har breda definitioner inom litteraturen, dock framhålls ofta viktiga aspekter som social interaktion, delaktighet, variation, och samverkan för att skapa social hållbarhet. Temporära installationer har blivit ett alltmer vanligare och uppskattat fenomen inom stadsplanering eftersom man inte binder upp sig i långsiktiga lösningar, och framtagandet av sådana platser kan ske i samråd med invånarna. Rapporten är delvis gjord på en fallstudie av Frihamnen, där de temporära bostäderna har en central del i planeringsprocessen. Frihamnen har planer på att inrätta andra temporära områden som exempelvis Jubileumsparken intill. Många av dimensionerna av social hållbarhet kommer att behöva identifieras i efterhand, men det går att dra paralleller redan innan mellan projektet och social hållbarhet. Exempel på dessa är delaktighet och variation av funktioner. Temporära bostäder påverkar social hållbarhet i sig inte särskilt mycket mer än vad permanenta byggnader kan göra. Däremot bör de utgöra en del av ett temporärt område för att gynna en blandning av funktioner och verksamheter, och kan på så sätt vara en del av social hållbarstadsplanering. Ämnesområdet kring temporära bostäder i förhållande till social hållbarhet och planering är dock relativt outforskat, vilket gör att det är svårt att ställa generella slutsatser. / The majority of the world’s population live in the cities, and even more will live there in the future. This urbanization puts great demands on urban development, at the same time as our times great challenge will be to make our society sustainable. There are many ideas of how the urban development should be done. One method is to use temporary housing, something which has been done at Frihamnen in Gothenburg. This raises the question if similar projects are applicable on a bigger scale, whilst still not conflicting with our pursuit for sustainability? Social sustainable urban development and social sustainability walks hand in hand. One creates platforms for the other. The terms have broad definitions within the literature, although important aspects that often is highlighted consists of social interaction, participation, variation and collaboration to create social sustainability. Temporary installments have become a more frequent used and appreciated phenomenon within urban development since one does not commit to long term solutions, and the process of building such places may be in collaboration with the citizens. The thesis is done partly on a case-study of Frihamnen, where temporary housing has a central place in the planning process. Frihamnen has other plans to build other temporary installments in the nearby area, such as Jubileumsparken. Many of the dimensions of social sustainability will need to be identified after the project, but it is possible to draw parallels already between the project and social sustainability. Examples of such is participation and a variation of functions. Temporary housing does not affect social sustainability much more than permanent buildings would do. However, they should be a part of an area that consists of temporary installments, and can in that way be a part of social sustainable urban development. The topic about temporary housing within social sustainability and planning is relative unexplored, which means that it is hard to make general conclusions.

Corporate Risk Disclosure: A Content Analysis of Swedish Interim Reports

Khaledi, Soheila January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this research is to examine the determinants of the level of corporate risk disclosure (CRD) in the interim reports of Swedish non-financial companies. A quantitative research approach is used, the sample data of which consist of 166 firms with 4,849 interim reports over a 10-year period. By utilizing the notion of risk and its definition, I have distinguished three categories of risk, namely risk as uncertainty, risk as threat and risk as opportunity. A systematic content analysis is conducted with the use of a software program, which is specifically designed for this purpose. The number of sentences that contain keywords related to the three risk categories is counted as the total CRD score, which is transformed to the disclosure index. I have examined the impact of firms’ characteristics and corporate governance mechanisms on the level of CRD based on agency theory. The ordinary least squares regression method with  control for fixed year effects is used to analyse the data, which show that firm size and audit committee have a positive relationship with the level of corporate risk disclosure. The result demonstrates also that there is a negative relationship between family ownership and the level of CRD, and an insignificant relationship between leverage and the level of CRD.

Předběžná opatření uplatňovaná mezinárodními soudy a kvazisoudními orgány v oblasti lidských práv / Preliminary measures applied by international courts and quasi-judicial bodies in human rights

Hodysová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Provisional measures indicated by international courts and quasi-judicial organs in human rights cases Abstract Whenever human rights are at stake there should be quick response of the authority dealing with the situation. Provisional measures are therefore useful tool how to prevent irreparable harm. The aim of my thesis is to analyse provisional measures indicated by various human rights adjudicators from different continents. Main focus is put on legal provisions empowering international courts and quasi-judicial organs to indicate provisional measures, examining whether provisional measures are legally binding, exploring the extent to which international forums indicate provisional measures and highlighting some specific types of provisional measures. The approach is description with elements of comparison. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter one is introductory and defines the concept of provisional measures and its main characteristics and conditions for use. Chapters two to five are dealing with various courts and quasi-judicial organs on the universal level and in Europe, Africa and the Americas. Chapter two is subdivided into two parts. Part one examines International Court of Justice, which is not strictly speaking human rights adjudicator and is not allowing individual complaints, but...

'Talk deep to write deeper': an exploration of the value of talk in developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)

Layton, Delia 06 April 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to discover the value of ‘deep’ talk in developing Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), with primary focus on a group of ‘under-prepared’ first year university students for whom English is an additional language (EAL), who were registered for an ‘extended degree’ in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Johannesburg, Kingsway campus. The method of research was qualitative and took the form of a teaching intervention in which groups of students voluntarily participated in the performance of different learning activities (such as reading, talking and writing) either as individuals of as members of a group. All of the students were given identical background texts to read. The texts provided contextual information on a topic pertaining to a gender debate. Some students read the texts prior to participating in a discussion on the topic, after which they wrote an argumentative essay. Other students talked about the topic first, and then read the texts before writing their essay. A ‘control’ group of students did not talk at all, but just read the texts and then wrote an essay on the topic. The researcher analysed transcriptions of tape-recordings of the group discussions, using limited discourse analysis to highlight various ‘speech acts’ to assess how the students used language to actively engage with each other and build their arguments. The research findings were also assisted by an analysis of the essays and reflections written by each student. The research found that the process of talk itself in which the students used language to respond to each other’s ideas, helped to cognitively challenge the students in the development of their arguments. The research also found that the cognitive development gained through the talk was helpful in assisting students to formulate their written arguments in their essay. The research found that some contextual support in the form of background readings was also helpful. The order in which this took place was also found to be important. The research found it to be particularly useful for students to be given background reading before their talk, rather than after their talk, as this gave students a more informed perspective with which to approach their group discussion. By examining the essays in relation to the transcripts of the talk, the researcher explored the extent to which a more informed perspective on the topic, coupled with the way in which students used language, helped students to develop a more balanced approach in developing their written arguments.

"Armazenagem de combustível nuclear queimado" / SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL STORAGE

Romanato, Luiz Sergio 15 February 2005 (has links)
Quando um país se torna auto-suficiente em uma parte do ciclo nuclear, quanto à produção de combustível que será usado em suas centrais nucleares para a geração de energia, precisa voltar sua atenção para a melhor forma de armazenar este combustível após a sua utilização. A armazenagem do combustível nuclear queimado é uma prática necessária e utilizada nos dias atuais em todo o mundo como temporária, tanto por países que não têm definido o plano de destinação final, isto é, o repositório definitivo, como também por aqueles que já o possuem. Existem dois aspectos principais que envolvem os combustíveis queimados: um referente à armazenagem do combustível nuclear queimado destinado ao reprocessamento e o outro ao que será enviado para deposição final quando o sítio de deposição definitiva estiver definido, corretamente localizado, adequadamente caracterizado quanto aos diversos aspectos técnicos, e licenciado. Este último aspecto pode envolver décadas de estudos por causa das definições técnicas e normativas em um dado país. No Brasil, o interesse está voltado para a armazenagem dos combustíveis queimados que não serão reprocessados. Este trabalho analisa os tipos possíveis de armazenagem, o panorama internacional e a possível proposta para a futura construção de um sítio de armazenagem temporária no país. / When a country becomes self-sufficient in part of the nuclear cycle, as production of fuel that will be used in nuclear power plants for energy generation, it is necessary to pay attention for the best method of storing the spent fuel. Temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel is a necessary practice and is applied nowadays all over the world, so much in countries that have not been defined their plan for a definitive repository, as well for those that already put in practice such storage form. There are two main aspects that involve the spent fuels: one regarding the spent nuclear fuel storage intended to reprocessing and the other in which the spent fuel will be sent for final deposition when the definitive place is defined, correctly located, appropriately characterized as to several technical aspects, and licentiate. This last aspect can involve decades of studies because of the technical and normative definitions at a given country. In Brazil, the interest is linked with the storage of spent fuels that won't be reprocessed. This work analyses possible types of storage, the international panorama and a proposal for future construction of a spent nuclear fuel temporary storage place in the country.

A new way to quantify stratosphere-troposphere coupling in observations and climate models

Clemo, Thomas Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Atmospheric mass is transported in and out of the stratospheric polar cap region by a wave-driven meridional circulation. Using composites of polar cap pressure anomalies, defined as deviations from the average annual cycle, it is shown that this stratospheric mass flux is accompanied by a similar mass flux near the surface. This 'tropospheric amplification' of the stratospheric signal is introduced as a new way to quantify stratosphere-troposphere coupling. Regression analysis is used to create a vertical profile of atmospheric pressure during a tropospheric amplification event, and the regression slope profile is used as a tool to quantify the amplification. Using data from 5 reanalysis datasets and 11 climate models, it is shown that high-top models, with a model lid of above 1 hPa, are significantly better at reproducing tropospheric amplification than low-top models, due to having more detailed parameterisations of stratospheric processes. However, the regression slope profiles of all models, bar one, are significantly different to the profile of reanalysis data at a 95% confidence level. Tropospheric amplification is also investigated in historical and future simulations from these models, and it is concluded that there is not expected to be a large change in the phenomenon over the next 100 years. The processes needed to reproduce tropospheric amplification can be identified by comparing idealised models of different complexity. A simple dry-core model is not able to reproduce tropospheric amplification, while a model with a comprehensive radiation scheme does produce the basic regression slope profile under certain configurations. The associations between pressure change and mass flux are further investigated using primitive equations. It is found that vertical and horizontal contributions to mass flux act to mostly cancel each other out, leaving a poorly-conditioned residual, and that the horizontal mass flux across the polar cap boundary has both geostrophic and ageostrophic components.

Prazer e sofrimento no trabalho bancário : um olhar sobre o gestor intermediário

Mattos, Elisangela Carpenedo de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho propôs a estudar as articulações entre saúde mental e trabalho, mais especificamente a dinâmica prazer-sofrimento bancário dos trabalhadores que ocupam cargo de gestores intermediários em um banco estatal, localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em agências diversas, de diferentes cidades. Fundamenta-se na importância de estudar as experiências relacionadas ao prazer e o sofrimento no trabalho, assim como, no significado do trabalho de gestão, além de interessar-se em investigar se gestores com tempos diferentes no cargo percebem de forma diferente o prazer e o sofrimento relacionado ao trabalho. Isto porque temos poucos estudos que visam aprofundar conhecimentos acerca destes gestores intermediários. Nossa pesquisa fundamenta-se nos pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da Clínica em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. O método qualitativo foi utilizado, realizando-se entrevistas individuais, semiestruturadas com gestores intermediários. Com relação as fontes de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho destes gestores intermediários, nossos estudos apontaram que as vivências de prazer podem ser relacionadas à satisfação em resolver os problemas dos clientes. No que diz respeito ao sofrimento, este foi relacionado a excessiva cobrança de metas, consideradas inatingíveis, intensificado pela existência de avaliações individuais, e estas, sendo objetivas, desconsideram esforço empregado para realizar uma tarefa, o que causa frustração. O volume de serviço excessivo também é mencionado como causador de desconforto, além do sofrimento ético, que coloca o trabalhador em um dilema moral, ao não saber se atende aos desígnios da empresa ou as necessidades dos clientes. Esses fatores que provocam sofrimento, muitas vezes, podem culminar no adoecimento do trabalhador. Os fatores identificados ora como fontes de sofrimento, ora como fontes de prazer, foram: o reconhecimento, a sensação de estabilidade e a quantofrenia. No que diz respeito as estratégias defensivas utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para manterem-se trabalhando, as possíveis de serem detectadas foram: a negação, a racionalização, repensar a escolha e não realizar a reflexão. Todas elas objetivam proteger a saúde mental do trabalhador contra a descompensação, porém não modificam a organização do trabalho. O eixo significado do trabalho de gestão nos mostrou que, os gestores entrevistados têm vigorosamente interiorizadas as diretrizes da organização, por conta disto, seu trabalho é essencialmente centrado na tarefa. Há casos mais raros, nos quais o sentido do trabalho está ligado aos valores relativos à construção de identidade, reconhecimento e relacionamento interpessoal, além daqueles de dupla racionalidade, entretanto, entendemos que a racionalidade instrumental ainda se sobrepõe. Portanto, não causa espanto o aparecimento de inúmeras vivências relacionadas ao sofrimento no trabalho, visto a satisfação estar mais intimamente relacionada ao caráter subjetivo daquele. Dentre os achados mais relevantes neste estudo, consideramos a relação entre uma maior adesão à cultura do management, com estratégias defensivas mais efetivas, permitindo aos trabalhadores continuar trabalhando. Por outro lado, a baixa adesão a estes novos modelos satura as defesas, ocasionando mais vivências de sofrimento e, mesmo o risco de adoecimento. / This work aims to study the links between mental health and work, more specifically the banking dynamics pleasure-suffering occupying position of middle managers in a state bank, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in different agencies, different cities. It is based on the importance of studying the experiences related to pleasure and suffering at work, as well as the significance of management work, as well as interest in investigating whether managers with different times in office perceive differently the pleasure and suffering work-related. This is because few studies have aimed to deepen knowledge about these middle managers. Our research is based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Clinic for work psychodynamics. The qualitative method was used, carrying out semistructured individual interviews with middle managers. With regard to pleasure and pain sources in the work of these middle managers, our studies indicated that the experiences of pleasure can be related to satisfaction in solving customer problems. With regard to suffering, this was related to overcharging goals, considered unattainable, intensified by the existence of individual assessments, and these are objective, disregard effort employed to perform a task, which causes frustration. The excessive volume of service is also mentioned as causing discomfort, beyond the ethical suffering, that puts the worker in a moral dilemma, not knowing whether to meet the company designs, or customer needs. These factors that cause suffering, can often culminate in worker illness. The factors identified either as sources of suffering, either as sources of pleasure, were: recognition, sense of stability and quantofrenia. With regard to defensive strategies used by workers to keep yourself working, possible to detect been denial, rationalization, rethink the choice not to bring about reflection. We design all of them as defense strategies and health, aimed at protecting the mental health of the worker against decompensation, but do not change the organization of work. The axis meaning the management work has shown us that the managers interviewed, has strongly internalized the guidelines of the organization, because of this, his work is mainly focused on the task. There are rare cases in which the meaning of work is linked to values relating to the construction of identity, recognition and interpersonal skills in addition to those of dual rationality, however we understand that the instrumental rationality still overlaps. So do not astonishes the appearance of numerous experiences related to suffering at work, as the satisfaction be more closely related to the subjective nature of that. Among the most important findings in this study, we consider the relationship between greater adherence to the management culture with more effective defensive strategies allowing workers to continue working. On the other hand, the low adherence to these new models, saturate the defenses, causing more experiences of suffering, and even the risk of illness.

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