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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identity constructions of black South African female students.

Mophosho, Bonolo Onkgapile 25 July 2013 (has links)
A viewpoint of the intersectional and complex nature of identity is seen to be integral to the understanding of the identities of black female students. ‘Identity constructions of black South African female students’ is an exploratory study with a view to understand the identities of black South African women in institutions of higher learning and education. The study investigated the experiences of 16 female South African black students; with a focus on their race category, gender as well as class subject positions. The study is placed within the context of the Historically White University (HWU) and was specifically conducted in a HWU situated in Johannesburg. The students’ articulations of their university experiences were explored qualitatively, within three focus group discussions through an open-ended interview guideline. Results show that their education is accounted for as a significant influence in their subjectivity given the social mobility it grants as the women’s experience of self shifts as does their position in society. Furthermore it was found that with the cultural capital attained through education, notions of class, racial and gender identities are affected and a multiplicity of identities exists as a result.

Des équilibres instables : construction de soi et relations familiales chez les lesbiennes maghrébines migrantes et d'ascendance maghrébine en France / Unstable equilibria : self-construction and family relationships among North African lesbians and North African descent in France

Amari, Salima 19 June 2015 (has links)
À partir d’une enquête par récit de vie auprès de vingt et une lesbiennes et d’une observation de terrain, cette thèse se propose de rendre compte de la construction sociale les itinéraires croisés en tant que femmes maghrébines migrantes ou d’ascendance maghrébine et en tant que lesbiennes. En effet, ces lesbiennes agissent sur deux fronts. Celui qui relève de la construction de soi en tant que lesbiennes et celui de gérer leurs relations familiales qu’elles tentent de préserver. Le but de cette recherche à travers son approche intersectionnelle permet de (re)penser les différentes dominations sans ordre hiérarchique et de proposer une analyse qui permet de mettre à jour non seulement les mécanismes d’oppression mais également les stratégies de résistance. De « la découverte » de leur lesbianisme jusqu’aux différentes projections d’avenir en matière de conjugalité et de parentalité, les carrières lesbiennes sont jalonnées par un certain nombre d’obstacles liés aux contraintes au mariage hétérosexuel et à la maternité. Ces carrières lesbiennes sont construites soit sur des ruptures familiales, soit sur des équilibres instables entre des vies lesbiennes d’un côté et des relations familiales de l’autre. Ainsi, face à ces contraintes socio-familiales hétéronormatives, de nombreuses lesbiennes maghrébines migrantes et d’ascendance maghrébine privilégient la loyauté filiale tout en continuant à vivre leurs vies affectives et sexuelles lesbiennes. / From a life story survey of twenty one lesbians and a field observation, this PhD dissertation proposes to realize the social construction crossed routes as migrants Maghrebi women or North African descent and as lesbians. Indeed, these lesbians act on two fronts. Whoever falls self-construction as lesbians and the managing family relationships they are trying to preserve. The purpose of this research through its intersectional approach allows (re) think the different dominations no hierarchical order and offer an analysis that allows to update not only the mechanisms of oppression, but also the strategies of resistance. The "discovery" of their lesbianism to the different projections of the future for conjugal and parenthood, lesbians careers are marked by a number of obstacles to the constraints to heterosexual marriage and motherhood. These lesbians careers are built either on family breakdown, or on unstable equilibria between lesbians lives on one side and family relations of the other. So, faced with these socio-heteronormative family constraints, many migrants Maghrebi lesbians or North African descent prefer loyalty subsidiary while continuing to support their emotional and sexual lives as lesbians.

Gender Renovation : A case study analysis of the feminist urban development project #UrbanGirlsMovement discussing gender-transformative urban planning techniques as a means for more equal cities

Anneroth, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is a case study analysis of the feminist urban development project #UrbanGirlsMovement discussing how gender-transformative urban planning techniques impact local girls in the Million Dwellings Program area Fittja south of Stockholm. The thesis draws on a theoretical framework of feminist geography, intersectionality, and territorial stigmatization to analyze narratives from eleven girls participating in #UrbanGirlsMovement. The girls’ narratives reveal that it has been an empowering experience to be part of an urban development process as it has enabled them to recognize their own abilities. By re-evaluating the role of the planner to take on a more facilitating role, the girls shouldered the role of experts. It legitimized the girls’ ideas and designs, enabling them both to recognize and to use their own agency. Additionally, the process of redesigning a familiar place enabled the girls to regenerate the meaning of the urban public space around Fittja to mirror their own subjective spatial identities. The thesis shows that intersectional planning tools that transform, rather than inform, power and spatial oppression are crucial when renewing the Million Dwellings Program of Swedish suburbs. #UrbanGirlsMovement shows that a planning process is more than physical designs, it is as much a tool for enhanced democracy, equality, and justice in cities.

Genus i samspel med klass : Fokus på Norrbottniska rallar- och arbetarfamiljer / Intersection of class and gender : The example with navvy- and other working class families in Norrbotten

Pihl, Per-Jonas January 2018 (has links)
This essay is about classhabitus. It concerns No1Tbottnic railway navvies and other working­class families lifestyle and revealed preferences. Gender and class is seen as important in order to explain gender relations concerning division of labour, childcare and the function of homes. The results show that railway navvies had a clear view concerning appropriate tasks for men and women to perform. The same is true for other working-class families, although they had a more equal view on this. Railway navvies had often bad relations with people outside the family. The children of navvies had a lot of work to perform and these tasks were gender coded. Other workning-class children tasks were more flexible concerning these codes. Living conditions in the homes were generally bad although it was seen as important to arrange things as good as possible.

An Intersectional Approach to Earlier Interventions within the Criminal Justice System in the UK : An Analysis of Two Governmental Documents

Martin, Lee January 2019 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explore how two governmental documents discuss earlier preventions of criminality. The two documents analyzed are the Female Offender Strategy and The Government’s Approach to Crime Prevention. The first of these documents main aim is to provide a more gender sensitive approach to the criminal justice system within the United Kingdom and the latter document does not explicitly differ between the genders. The analysis will be carried out with the use of feminist pathways theory and through an intersectional lens, in order to demonstrate how the two documents discuss earlier prevention of criminality. By utilizing the methodology of What’s the Problem Represented to be (WPR) the aim is to demonstrate who benefits from the documents and who is relegated to the sidelines. Neither of the two documents demonstrate a strategy or policy which takes into account the many varying identities which exist amongst the inmate population of the criminal justice system.

Os tambores das \'yabás\': raça, sexualidade, gênero e cultura no Bloco Afro Ilú Obá De Min / The drums of \"Yabás\": race, sexuality, gender and culture on Bloco Afro Ilú Obá De Min

Souza, Valéria Alves de 26 November 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa que deu origem a esta dissertação investigou as maneiras pelas quais as componentes do Bloco Afro Ilú Obá De Min: Educação, Cultura e Arte, operacionalizam e articulam os marcadores sociais da diferença raça, gênero e sexualidade no sentido de entender como, a partir desta articulação, o grupo construiu um diálogo e agenciou políticas culturais e os discursos sobre cultura e identidade negra na cidade de São Paulo. Os discursos acerca dos temas em tela são entendidos aqui como categorias política. Neste estudo percorremos quatro pontos fundamentais: a história do carnaval no Brasil o lugar ocupado pelo Ilú Obá no carnaval paulistano; os processos que deram origem ao bloco, sua composição artística e o perfil das integrantes; as dinâmicas das relações de raça, gênero e sexualidade no interior do bloco; o trânsito entre o Bloco Afro Ilú Obá De Min e o seu Ponto de Cultura Ilú Oná: Caminhos do Tambor. / The research that led to this dissertation investigated the ways in which the components of the Bloco Afro Ilú Obá De Min: Educação, Cultura e Arte articulate the social markers of difference race, gender and sexuality in order to understand how, from this intersection, the group built a dialogue and made use of cultural and political discourses about black identity and culture in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The speeches under scrutiny here are understood as political categories. In this study we focused four key points: the history of carnival in Brazil and the position occupied by Ilú Obá in São Paulos carnival; the processes that led to the creation of the Bloco, its artistic composition and profile of members; the dynamics of race, gender and sexuality within the Bloco; and the traffic between the Bloco Afro Ilú Oba De Min and its transformation in the Ponto de Cultura Ilú Oná: Caminhos do Tambot.

Necessidades em saúde de escolares na perspectiva das instituições de ensino e saúde do território / Health needs of students from perspective of educational and health institutions of the territory

Eduardo, Lara de Paula 17 December 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Na adolescência, existem muitas marcas prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento decorrentes dos processos deletérios de desgaste que os grupos populacionais mais subalternos vem sofrendo. Os escolares do ensino fundamental tornam-se, portanto, potenciais alvos para intervenções que possam prevenir ou amenizar esta realidade. As escolas são os loci privilegiados para encontrar este grupo social e, portanto, reconhecer e enfrentar as necessidades em saúde. Objetivo geral: Identificar as possibilidades das escolas no reconhecimento e enfrentamento das necessidades em saúde de sua população e a articulação com as demais instituições do território. Metodologia: estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semidiretivas com roteiro previamente testado, com os trabalhadores das escolas municipais e unidades de saúde de São Paulo e tratados com o programa de análise lexical ALCESTE. Resultados: inexiste uma sistematização para o reconhecimento das necessidades de saúde do escolar, as ações de enfrentamento estão voltadas a atender emergências e encaminhamentos aos serviços de saúde. As necessidades reconhecidas e enfrentadas referem-se à adaptação dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em meio a outros alunos, que ocorrem nas salas de aula, e menos em outros momentos da presença dos escolares na instituição. A relação entre escola, o setor saúde e os demais encontra-se desarticulada. Conclui-se ser imperativo monitorar as necessidades em saúde e as vulnerabilidades dos escolares que permitem verificar que existe um grande campo de atuação interdisciplinar na saúde coletiva. / Introduction: In adolescence, there are many brands affects the development of deleterious processes resulting from wear which population groups have suffered more underlings. The schoolchildren become therefore potential targets for interventions that could prevent or ameliorate this situation. Schools are privileged loci to meet this social group and, therefore, recognize and address the health needs. General Objective: To identify the opportunities for schools to recognize and cope with the health needs of its population and coordination with other institutions in the territory. Methodology: exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews with semi-direct route previously tested, with workers at local schools and health units in Sao Paulo and treated with ALCESTE lexical analysis program. Results: does not exist a systematic method to the recognition of the needs of school health, coping actions are intended to meet emergencies and referrals to health services. Needs recognized and addressed relate to the adjustment of students with special educational needs among other students, that occur in classrooms, and less at other times the presence of students at the institution. The relationship between school, the health sector and the other is disjointed. It is imperative to monitor the health needs and vulnerabilities of the school verifying that there is a large field of interdisciplinary work in public health.

“Surfing? That’s a White Boy Sport”: An Intersectional Analysis of Mexican Americans’ Experiences with Southern California Surf Culture

Comley, Cassie 30 April 2019 (has links)
The primary purpose of this ethnographic study is to contextualize Mexican American surfers experiences with sport as a lens into race, gender and class relations. Specifically, it seeks to understand how a history of gender, race, and class oppression has played out in this understudied terrain of sports. This study offers empirical insight into the ways in which Mexican Americans navigate and (un)successfully infiltrate predominantly white, male, middle-class sporting arenas. In this study I also examine the relationship between access and barriers, specifically how access to public recreational spaces are constricted by participants’ real and imagined barriers. By exploring Mexican American surfers’ everyday experiences, I unearthed the varying ways Mexican American surfers experienced discrimination and marginalization across intersecting and interlocking identities.

Exploring Organizational Structures for Women in Academe: A Feminist Exploration of Career and Care

Ashton M. Mouton (5930072) 10 June 2019 (has links)
In 2008, Women’s Studies in Communication released a special issue entitled “Conversations and Commentary on Redefining the Professor(iate): Valuing Commitments to Care and Career in Academe” where the authors discussed how a lack of support for multiple and competing roles related to care and career responsibilities negatively impacted the careers of women faculty members. Today, women faculty members still experience more challenges associated with advancement, tenure, and promotion compared to their male counterparts and are also more likely to leave academia as leaks in the pipeline. Previous research has demonstrated that these challenges are due to organizational barriers rather than individual choices and abilities (McMurtrie, 2013; Slaughter, 2012). As such, this study employs two theoretical frameworks to explore career challenges in more detail: structuration theory (Giddens 1979; 1984) and feminist intersectional theory (Crenshaw, 1988; 1989/1993; 1991). Coupled together, structuration theory and feminist intersectional theory enable the researcher to understand what structures enable and constrain tenure/promotion and care needs/responsibilities and to be critical of those structures and who they privilege along the way. Semi-structured interviews (n=49), in combination with document collection (n=433) and logging, were used to assess the organizational structure and the movement of participants through the structure. Analysis of the documents and interviews illustrate rules and resources that both enable and constrain tenure, promotion, and care work for female faculty.

Redes sociais e intersetorialidade na gestão da saúde

Silva, Maria de Fátima da 05 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-11T11:51:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria de Fátima da Silva.pdf: 5347308 bytes, checksum: 1467179ecb9db4ba8eccc8c4cef587a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-11T11:51:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria de Fátima da Silva.pdf: 5347308 bytes, checksum: 1467179ecb9db4ba8eccc8c4cef587a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims to investigate the patterns of interactions in the intraorganizational and interorganizational relationship, as well as the intersectoral network, based on the analysis of the social networks among the managers that integrate the management team of health units and services of the Unified Health System (SUS) of the Municipality of São Paulo, a non-profit organization - SPDM. It was investigated if there is a process of interaction in social and intersectoral network in the management and between the units and health services of Ipiranga, Vila Mariana and Jabaquara and the other areas that work with the health area in meeting the demands of health users. The methodology of network analysis, of a quantitative nature, was carried out through the execution of an individual interview with the application of a form, to identify the existence of an interorganizational and interorganizational network and the intersectoral action, between sectors and organizations that interact with the health area. In the analysis of the data, the networks and the contact links among the agents, the subjects and shared themes were characterized, and the identification of the professionals demanded in these interactions, between the health units, health services and other organizations that interact with the Cheers. The data were entered in Excel and processed in the network analysis software, ORA.NetScenes. The metrics adopted allowed the identification and analysis of the structure of the network and the centrality of the agents in the interactions of the health area with the social assistance, education and services of the health care network, such as the relationship between Attention in Emergency and Emergency, Hospital Attention, Specialized Ambulatory Care and Psychosocial Care. The analyzes showed that the established links represent a small fraction of the total number of possible links between the health care modalities analyzed in the Ipiranga region and the Vila Mariana and Jabaquara regions. The regions denote high potential of development and strengthening intra-organizational relations between the modalities of attention in the integral care to the health user / Esta tese se propõe a investigar os padrões de interações na relação intraorganizacional e interorganizacional, bem como a rede intersetorial, a partir da análise das redes sociais entre os gestores que integram a equipe de gestão das unidades e serviços de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) do Município de São Paulo, de uma organização sem fins lucrativos - a SPDM. Investigou-se se há um processo de interação em rede social e intersetorial na gestão e entre as unidades e serviços de saúde do Ipiranga, Vila Mariana e Jabaquara e as demais áreas que atuam com a área da saúde no atendimento às demandas dos usuários da saúde. Adotou-se a metodologia de pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa, realizada mediante a execução de entrevista individual com a aplicação de um formulário, a fim de identificar a existência de uma rede intraorganizacional e interorganizacional e a ação intersetorial, entre setores e organizações que interagem com a área da saúde. Na análise dos dados, caracterizaram-se as redes e os vínculos de contato entre os agentes, os assuntos e temas compartilhados, e a identificação dos profissionais demandados nessas interações, entre as unidades de saúde, serviços de saúde e demais organizações que interagem com a saúde. Os dados foram inseridos no Excel e tratados no software para análise de redes, o ORA.NetScenes. As métricas adotadas permitiram a identificação e a análise da estrutura da rede e a centralidade dos agentes nas interações da área de saúde com a assistência social, educação e serviços da rede assistencial como as relações entre Atenção na Urgência e Emergência, a Atenção Hospitalar, a Atenção Ambulatorial Especializada e a Atenção Psicossocial. As análises revelaram que os vínculos estabelecidos representam uma baixa fração do total de vínculos possíveis, para os tipos de relação analisada nesta pesquisa, entre todas as modalidades de atenção à saúde, tanto na região Ipiranga quanto na região Vila Mariana e Jabaquara. As regiões denotam alto potencial de desenvolvimento e fortalecimento das relações intraorganizacional entre as modalidades de atenção no atendimento integral ao usuário da saúde

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