Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intimate"" "subject:"untimate""
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Constructions of intimate partner violence in gay male relationships.Moodley, Yolandran 12 June 2014 (has links)
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Nudes como prática de expressão na contemporaneidade: relatos na comunidade Ousadia permitida do Facebook / Nudes as a practice of expression in the contemporary world: reports in the Ousadia permitida Community on FacebookMurad, Carolina 27 May 2019 (has links)
O modo de ser e existir na contemporaneidade é marcado pelo aumento de necessidades, como o desejo de ampliar a própria visibilidade, caracterizando a dissolução das fronteiras entre público e privado. Diante da conjuntura em que imperam as novas tecnologias de comunicação no ambiente digital, novos comportamentos são fomentados, quando fenômenos como o nudes passam a merecer atenção. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa abordou a temática da divulgação de relatos íntimos em plataformas de redes sociais, precisamente o Facebook, considerando a fragmentação da identidade do sujeito pós-moderno que se baseia na lógica da identificação. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi investigar as interações comunicacionais no grupo Ousadia permitida que tem como prática a postagem de imagens e relatos íntimos. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e caráter descritivo-exploratório apoiada em revisão de literatura e pesquisa documental. Com relação ao trabalho de campo, a técnica da etnografia virtual foi adotada para a observação das interações no interior do grupo por um período de três meses. Por fim, foi aplicada uma enquete junto aos participantes e conduzidas entrevistas de tipo semiestruturada com administradores da comunidade Ousadia permitida. Como resultados da pesquisa, a comunidade estudada age como mecanismo para a construção de si pela postagem de selfies e nudes, as formas principais de interação. A intenção é alcançar visibilidade e aprovação do outro quando aglutinados em tribos no ciberespaço. A fundadora da comunidade, por sua vez, figura como a personificação desse sujeito contemporâneo em busca de um eu visível amado por seus pares, ao galgar seu espaço como celebridade / The way of being and existing in contemporaneity is marked by the increase of needs, such as the desire to expand ones visibility, characterizing the dissolution of the boundaries between public and private. Given the current situation of new communication technologies in the digital environment, new behaviors are encouraged, when phenomena such as nudes become worthy of attention. In this context, this research addressed the theme of the dissemination of confidential reports on social networking platforms, namely Facebook, considering the fragmentation of the identity of the postmodern subject that is based on the logic of identification. The general objective of the research was to investigate the communication interactions in the Ousadia permitida group that has as practice the posting of images and intimate reports. As for the methodological procedures, it is a research of qualitative nature and descriptive-exploratory character supported in the literature review and documentary research. About the field work, the technique of virtual ethnography was adopted to observe the interactions within the group for three months. Finally, a poll was applied to the participants and conducted semi-structured interviews with administrators of the Ousadia permitida community. As results of this research, the studied community acts as a mechanism for the construction of self by the posting of selfies and nudes, the chief forms of interaction. The intention is to achieve visibility and approval of the other when agglutinated in tribes in cyberspace. The founder of the community, in turn, figures as the personification of this contemporary subject in search of a visible self-loved by his peers, as he gains his space as a celebrity
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Identifiera och hantera våld i nära relation på arbetsplatsen : Kartläggning av chefers inställning och kunskaperKron, Mikaela, Jessica, Söderlund January 2019 (has links)
The societal problem of intimate partner violence is becoming more recognized and can be tackled from several angles, including the workplace. The workplace could help the victims of intimate partner violence by raising the issue during staff appraisal and implementing it as a routine so that these questions are asked to everyone. This survey studies the attitudes of managers at Region Norrbotten towards implementing routines at the workplace in order to be able to reach and help more people exposed to intimate partner violence. The manager's attitude has been investigated through a digital questionnaire sent out to managers at Region Norrbotten. The questionnaire contained both quantitative and qualitative questions. The quantitative questions were obligatory to answer while the qualitative questions were follow-up questions that could be answered if the respondent had anything to add. 82 managers responded, of which 72 women, 9 men and 1 non gender. The result was compiled in Google Docs survey program and the qualitative questions were set up in themes. The study showed that most of the respondents do not see any obstacles to introducing preventive work with the aim of helping employees who may be exposed to intimate partner violence. However, it emerged that today they do not have the required knowledge. They lack routines and training, which may explain that the majority of managers are uncertain about how to proceed if an employee is subjected to violence at home. They also state that they would feel safer to ask questions about the employee's home situation if there were clear routines in place. Almost all managers are positive about participating in an education on intimate partner violence. Since the attitude regarding the introduction of routines among the managers is predominantly positive, conclusions are drawn that there are good opportunities to introduce such work within Region Norrbotten but that support and training for managers in that case need to be developed. / Samhällsproblemet våld i nära relationer blir allt mer uppmärksammat och kanangripas från flera håll, däribland på arbetsplatsen. Arbetsplatsen skulle kunna hjälpa den våldsutsatta genom att lyfta frågan på medarbetarsamtal ochimplementera det som en rutin så att dessa frågor ställs till alla. Den här studien kartlägger vad chefer har för inställning till att införa insatser på arbetsplatsen för att kunna fånga upp fler våldsutsatta. Chefers inställning har undersökts genom en digital enkät som skickats ut till chefer inom Region Norrbotten. Enkäten innehöll båden kvantitativa och kvalitativa frågor. De kvantitativa frågorna var obligatoriska att besvara medan de kvalitativa frågorna var öppna följdfrågor som kunde besvaras om respondenten själv ville.82 chefer svarade, varav 72 kvinnor, 9 män och 1 hen. Materialet sammanställdes i Google Docs enkätprogram och de kvalitativa frågorna tematiserades. Studien visade att merparten av de tillfrågade cheferna inte ser något hinder till att införa ett förebyggande arbete med syfte att hjälpa anställda som kan vara utsatta för våld i hemmet. Det framkom dock att de idag inte har den kunskap som krävs. Desaknar rutiner och utbildning vilket kan förklara att majoriteten av cheferna är osäkra på hur de ska gå tillväga om en anställd skulle vara våldsutsatt hemma. De anger även att de skulle kännas sig tryggare att ställa frågor om den anställdes hemsituation om det fanns tydliga rutiner. Nästan alla chefer är positivt inställda till att gå en utbildning om våld i nära relationer. Eftersom inställningen gällande ett införande av rutiner bland cheferna är övervägande positiv dras slutsatser att det finns goda möjligheter att införa ett sådant arbete inom Region Norrbotten men att stöd och utbildning för chefer i så fall behöver utvecklas.
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”Nu får det fan räcka!” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors utövade motstånd mot våld inom nära relationer / “Enough is enough!” : A qualitative study of battered women’s exerted resistance within domestic relationshipsRost, Veronica, Forsmark, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine battered women’s stories about resistance within domestic relationships, and to problematize previous research theoretical description of adaptation and resistance as a dichotomous contradiction. More specifically the aim of this study was to challenge the view of battered women as only passive victims without agency, and to gain an increased understanding how adaptation can be a form of resistance. The study was based on five autobiographies, where the female authors described their experiences of living with an abusive male partner in a heterosexual relationship in a swedish context. Allan Wades definition of resistance, the leaving process and the normalization process were used as theoretical perspectives to analyze the study’s results. One of the main results showed that all the women in the autobiographies exercised resistance and that the resistance was expressed in different forms. Another result showed that more open forms of resistance almost always led to severe consequences for the battered women. As a conclusion battered women’s adaptation can be perceived as a subtle form of resistance, since they adapt to survive but still opposes the violence through thoughts and subtle acts. Thus another conclusion were that a description of adaptation and resistance as a dichotomous contradiction is problematic.
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A mimese da escrita intimista nas narrativas autodiegéticas de Eça de Queirós / Mimesis of intimate writing on autodiegetic narratives of Eca de QueirozSousa, Marcio Jean Fialho de 15 April 2016 (has links)
A proposta desta tese é apresentar uma análise das obras O Mandarim e A Relíquia, de Eça de Queirós, a partir da perspectiva da escrita intimista. Para essa leitura serão considerados os aspectos inerentes à escrita de si segundo Michel Foucault, descritas nos textos Lécriture de soi, publicado pela primeira vez no ano de 1983, e no Volume III da História da Sexualidade: O cuidado de si, publicado em 1985. A escolha desse aporte teórico se dá pela evidenciação dos traços desse tipo de escrita nessas duas narrativas de Eça de Queirós, ora classificadas como autodiegéticas. Pretende-se demonstrar que a mimese da escrita de si elaborada pelo escritor nessas duas obras está a serviço de uma forte crítica social, que visa a atingir a própria constituição do sujeito oitocentista. / The aim of this thesis is to present an analysis of the works The Mandarin and The Relic of Eca de Queiroz, from the intimate writing perspective. On this reading will be considered aspects of the writing the self, according to Michel Foucault, described in the texts L\'écriture de soi, first published in 1983, and in Volume III of the History of Sexuality: Self care, published in 1985. The choice of this theoretical contribution is given by the disclosure of the features of this kind of writing these two narratives of Eca de Queiroz, now classified as autodiegéticas. We intend to demonstrate that Eça de Queirozs writing of itself as mimesis in these two works is at the service of a strong social criticism, which aims to achieve the very constitution of the subject nineteenth century.
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Da visita íntima à intimidade da visita: a mulher no sistema prisional / The intimate visit to the visit's intimacy: the woman in the prisional systemLima, Marcia de 06 October 2006 (has links)
Até o ano de 2001 mulheres do sistema prisional do estado de São Paulo não tinham o direito a receber seus parceiros para realizar a visita íntima, o que constituía uma das principais queixas e reinvidicação das presidiárias, já que para o homem preso isto sempre existiu. Em 27/12/2001 a resolução no. 96 da Secretaria das Administrações Prisionais regulamentou o exercício da visita íntima às mulheres presas assegurando este direito, prescrevendo igualdade de gênero já previstos na Constituição federal. No entanto, há baixa adesão por parte das mulheres em inscrever seus parceiros para a realização da visita íntima. O estudo teve como objetivo compreender os significados da visita íntima, na perspectiva da mulher presa, como também, caracterizar o perfil das mulheres da Penitenciária Feminina da Capital de São Paulo (PFC), do ponto de vista sóciodemográfico, prisional e familiar/conjugal. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Foram consultados 655 prontuários das mulheres da PFC, das quais são bastante jovens, da raça branca e de baixa escolaridade. Referem ser solteiras e não ter companheiro. A maioria das mulheres está envolvida nos delitos referentes a entorpecentes como também os do roubo e extorsão. Somente 2,6% (17) referiram, nos prontuários, ter o desejo em inscrever o parceiro para a visita íntima. Também foram realizados dois grupos focais, um com mulheres que optaram pela visita íntima e outro com as que não optaram. Não obstante relatos de constrangimento e humilhação, no contexto da visita íntima, os significados da mesma para a mulher da PFC são modelados pelo interesse na manutenção da conjugalidade, pela necessidade de satisfazer o parceiro ou como modo de afirmar a liberdade sexual através da recusa à visita íntima. / Until the 2001 women's of the system prisional of the state of São Paulo they were not entitled to receive their partners to accomplish the intimate visit what constituted one of the main complaints and the convicts' request, since for the arrested man this always existed. In 27/12/2001 the resolution number 96 of Prisional's Administration Department the exercise of the intimate visit to the women arrested assuring this right, prescribing gender equality already foreseen in the Federal Constitution. However, there is low adhesion on the part of the women in enrolling their partners for the intimate visit's accomplishment. The study looked for to know who they are the women of the Feminine Prison of the São Paulo City (PFC), of the socialdemographic point of view, prisional and family matrimonial, as well as to understand the intimate visit's meanings, in the woman's perspective arrested, so much of the ones that chose or not for the same. That was a quantitative and qualitative research, were consulted 655 records of the women's PFC, of which are plenty young, of the white race and of low education. They refer to be single and not to have partner. The majority of the women is involved in the crimes regarding narcotics as well as the one of the robbery and extortion. Only 2,6% referred, in the records to have the desire in enrolling the partner for the intimate visit. Also two focal groups were accomplished one with women that opted for the intimate visit and the other with the ones that didn't choose. The intimate visit's meanings for the woman of PFC are marked strongly by the gender relationships, where the conflict among the need of accomplishing the sexual encounter it is related to the maintenance of the matrimonial with the need of the man's satisfaction. Subjects as embarrassment and humiliation are present in the little adhesion to intimate visit's Program as well as the institutional rigidity.
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Le discours de 'l'intime' dans les 'Rougon-Macquart' : Etude d'une trilogie romanesque : la Joie de vivre, L’OEuvre, Le Docteur Pascal / The Discourse of the “ intimacy ” in the Rougon-Macquart series : a study of the trilogy novels : a Joie de vivre, L’OEuvre, Le Docteur PascalTerashima, Miyuki 23 June 2011 (has links)
Le mot « intime » en français suggère à la fois la convivialité au sein du cercle familial et la conscience intérieure de l’individu. Cette dualité essentielle de l’« intime », qui attire de nombreux écrivains français depuis des siècles, englobe un large éventail de thématiques littéraires, caractérisées par deux courants : la représentation de la vie familiale et les écrits autobiographiques. En règle générale, l’esthétique du naturalisme établie par Zola est considérée comme indifférente à l’égard de la littérature intime, développée par les écrivains romantiques. Cependant, certains de ses romans présentent les caractéristiques de l’écrit de l’intime du XIXe siècle. Dans cette étude, nous nous attacherons à établir le lien intérieur entre La Joie de vivre (1884), L’Oeuvre (1886) et Le Docteur Pascal (1893), trois romans exceptionnellement chargés d’éléments autobiographiques dans la série des Rougon-Macquart. L’intrigue de ces œuvres se déroule au sein du foyer et se concentre sur la psychologie des protagonistes, qui pourraient être définis comme alter ego de l’auteur. Dans La Joie de vivre, Zola projette son angoisse personnelle sur Lazare, jeune pessimiste souffrant de névrose. Dans L’OEuvre, l’auteur exprime sa vision esthétique à travers la création douloureuse du peintre Claude. Dans Le Docteur Pascal, véritable synthèse de la série, Zola manifeste enfin sa croyance optimiste à la vie à travers Pascal, son porte-parole. Le discours de l’« intime » chez Zola, aspect essentiel mais pourtant négligé de son œuvre romanesque, montre ainsi une mise en pratique du roman psychologique que l’auteur semble pourtant vouloir rejeter dans ses écrits « naturaliste ». / This study focuses on the two themes which the word “ intimacy ” refers to : firstly private life in a family, and secondly internal conscience of each individual. Due to the dual meaning of this word, two mainstream themes in the 19th century literature were formed : presentation of familial life and autobiography. In considering “ intimacy ” in naturalism, which have not been taken up until now, the autobiographic nature of Zola’s novels will be brought to light, as compared to autobiography in romanticism. This study examines and analyses three particularly autobiographical novels from total twenty volumes of the Rougon-Macquart series : La Joie de vivre (1884), L’OEuvre (1886) and Le Docteur Pascal (1893), considering those novels as a trilogy. Those three pieces clearly reflect the duality of “ intimacy ”, in depicting family life of the protagonist and, at the same time, the interior mind of Zola who appears as his alter ego. In La Joie de vivre, Zola, as a pessimist suffering neurosis, is depicted through Lazare. In L’OEuvre, Zola, based upon his experience as an art critic, demonstrates his artistic vision through the painter Claude. In Le Docteur Pascal, Zola’s confession full of optimism, contrary to the past after having concluded his works in the Rougon-Macquart series, is reflected in Pascal who is a philosophical scientist. This study analyses how Zola, who has been deemed as a naturalist in sharp contrast to an autobiographical writer, has taken the theme of “ intimacy ” into his novels through his own experience in private life, and how he produced the trilogy novels which are fiction and, at the same time, autobiographical pieces.
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Une mise à l'écoute de la langue. L'image du chevet dans l'écriture de Julien Gracq / Being listening to the language. The idea of chevet in Julien Gracq’s writingDuraffourg, Céline 02 April 2012 (has links)
Le chevet a été choisi comme outil pour cette étude car il représente, pour nous, l’écriture même de Julien Gracq : l’observation, la remémoration, la transmutation, toutes ces étapes non seulement comportent la notion de chevet, mais elles constituent aussi plénièrement l’écriture gracquienne. D’emblée, nous affirmons qu’il n’est pas question de traquer, même au figuré, l’individu, mais toujours de rechercher comment l’intime s’infiltre dans la langue. Car le chevet, ou plutôt l’image du chevet, symbolise à nos yeux l’intime gracquien. Cette image du chevet va se révéler plurielle, et nous guide à travers nos trois axes d’étude. Tout d’abord, l’écoute intérieure de l’écrivain laisse immédiatement affleurer une mise au chevet du monde qui se perçoit grâce à une grande acuité de perception. Cette écoute intérieure va dévoiler en outre une intense mise au chevet de soi : Gracq s’écoute, Gracq se remémore, Gracq noue finalement un pacte d’étroite intimité avec lui-même. Ce qui a tendance à exclure le lecteur. Mais celui-ci parvient pourtant à entrer en résonance avec cette langue. Enfin la mise à l’écoute de cette langue va révéler une forte permanence de l’imaginaire malgré une évolution certaine de l’écriture. / The chevet was chosen as a tool for this study because it represents for us the very writing of Gracq : observation, memory retrieval, transmutation, all these steps not only involve the concept of chevet, but they are also fully Gracq’s writing. From the outset, we say it is not to hunt the individual, but always to look how intimacy close seeps into the language. For the chevet or rather the image of the chevet symbolizes the intimate of Gracq. This image is plural and guides us through our three focal areas. First of all, listening inside the writer leaves appear the chevet of the world that is perceived with great clarity of perception. This inner listening will also reveal an intense set at the chevet of the self : Gracq listens to himself, recalls, ties a pact of close intimacy with himself. Which tends to exclude the reader but the reader nonetheless manages to resonate with the language. Finally, if we still listen to the writing, we see a strong permanence of the imaginary in spite of an evolution of writing.
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Adolescent intimate partner violence : exploring the experiences of female survivorsMcgregor, Kirsty January 2018 (has links)
This research contributes to existing knowledge of intimate partner violence (IPV) by highlighting the lived experiences of female adolescent survivors through the examination of the lived experiences of seventeen participants. Framed within an intersectional feminist epistemology and informed by psychoanalytical theories, a hybrid of the Free Association Narrative Interview method (Hollway and Jefferson, 2001) and the Biographical Interview Method (Wengraf, 2002) was applied, allowing an in-depth analysis of the young women's adolescent experiences of IPV. The female participants' narratives highlighted significant levels of psychological, sexual and physical violence by various male partners, suggesting that gender is indeed a mediating factor. These experiences reflect Johnson's Typologies of Domestic Violence (2008). In addition, consideration of other intersecting factors, such as age, socioeconomic demographic information, familial exposure to IPV and previous IPV victimisation, highlighted the necessity to consider all factors when determining risk and experience (Potter, 2015). This research adds to the debate regarding gender symmetry of IPV perpetration and victimisation, with analysis of participants' experiences suggesting gender symmetry is not experienced by all adolescents, thus further exploration of this phenomenon is required. Similarly, participants experienced severe forms of physical, sexual and psychological violence at each stage of adolescence (early 10 to 13 years; middle 14 to 16 years; late adolescence and young adulthood 17 to 25 years) contradicting the oft held assumption that more severe violence occurs solely in adulthood. Analysis of participants' experiences of informal and formal support, and an exploration of participants' ideal prevention intervention model argues for a public health approach to preventing AIPV, with resources focused on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Ultimately the young women felt that with appropriate education, support and intervention they could have avoided, or at least reduced, their exposure to abuse. Hence in order to reduce and/or prevent adolescents from experiencing IPV resources should be aimed at giving young people the information, skills and abilities to resist gendered inequalities and unhealthy relationship behaviours, and promote healthy and happy romantic and sexual relationships.
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The needs of women in a refuge : a qualitative studyOwen, Catherine January 2018 (has links)
This is a qualitative study exploring the needs of women when residing in a refuge. In the context of the United Kingdom, women's refuges are a specialist provision that provide temporary accommodation for women escaping domestic violence and abuse (DVA). Recent literature that looks at the needs of women who reside in refuges is limited. However, considering these needs is important at a time when austerity measures have resulted in funding cuts to the DVA sector, which have had a direct impact on refuge service provision. This study contributes to the literature on women's refuge services, as they are the most likely specialist DVA service to be accessed, and are consequently in high demand. In this study, 35 participants took part in total. Within two research phases 32 residents across 6 refuges and 3 focus groups answered the first research question: What are the self-articulated needs of women in a refuge? Within the first phase a thematic analysis of the data from the first two focus groups identified six key themes: Accessing a refuge, Loss, To feel safe, Support, To move on, and To feel valued. Within the second research phase, a further focus group was conducted, the analysis of which is presented without decontextualising the content into themes, as it was felt to be important to represent the narrative structure of the documented accounts. The analysis of the material is presented by providing summaries demonstrating examples of the physical and emotional journeys that three women took to get to a refuge, and their subsequent needs upon arrival. In the third phase of the study, three semi-structured interviews were conducted with refuge staff members to answer the second research question: What do workers in a refuge setting perceive to be the needs of the residents? Thematic analysis of each interview identified 11 main themes, of which two themes per staff member were discussed. The final phase of the analysis process involved comparing and contrasting the salient findings that appeared similar or dissimilar across the data. Key emerging issues related to research question one identified the unexpected outcome addressing the needs of children and the helplessness felt by the mothers. Other issues discussed were the emotional challenges that accessing a refuge brought in terms of preparation, isolation, and location along with the importance of relational support in service delivery. In relation to research question two, key issues highlighted include the engagement of residents in support interventions and the impact that financial cuts have had on refuges. From a counselling psychology perspective, implications are identified for research and professional practice across a range of roles, from refuge personnel and funding commissioners to services that work alongside refuges, such as housing associations, local governments, and mental health professionals.
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