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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of verbal recognition on work performance and intrinsic motivation: Using behavior modification techniques

Chalmers, Rodney Eric 01 January 2005 (has links)
The effect of both public and private verbal recognition on intrinsic motivation and sales performance in fourteen restaurant waitstaff was evaluated using organizational behavior modification techniques. The hypothesis that public recognition would be more effective than private recognition in increasing intrinsic motivation and sales was not supported.

On the Workings of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation : A study on its cause and effects on the experience of learning a second language

Andersson, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to focus on the cause and effect of what has been referred to as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation when it comes to second language learning through literature, where the novel To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee served as an example. The study started off by presenting a definition of the so called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation respectively, as well as the three perspectives psychodynamic, cognitive and socio-cultural by which it was discussed, in order to cement the framework of it and problematize its boundaries accordingly. It later focused on where and how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation respectively came into play, and what possible outcome the two different types might result in when discussing language learning. The applied method was to do a qualitative hermeneutic study by presenting earlier research and having it as a basis when hypothesizing in order to solve the research questions. This study was limited to discussing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation respectively in order to ascertain how both phenomena manifest themselves and ultimately how they affect learning, and by presenting numerous examples in the analysis it was concluded that: a) extrinsic and intrinsic motivation tend to inescapably intertwine during the process of learning and thereby end up being in need of each other, and b) that the order to how one musters extrinsic motivation, when undertaking in the educational enterprise of reading a novel, was opposite from that of the intrinsic motivation as extrinsic motivation is based on an external source of reward and therefore merely in need of an external source rather than an intrinsic curiosity. Keywords Intrinsic motivation, Extrinsic motivation, Cognitive perspective, Psychodynamic perspective, Sociocultural perspective, Zone of proximal development, Efferent reading, Aesthetic reading.

Vem når akademisk framgång på högskolan? - skillnader mellan studenter antagna via olika urvalsgrupper och samband mellan psykologiska faktorer samt betyg / Who reaches academic success in college? - differences between students admitted through different selection groups and relationships between psychological factors and grades

Möller, Daniel, Roslund, Nathalie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Effektivitetens mjuka sida i tillverkande företag / The soft side of efficiency in manufactoring companies

Olow, Christofer, Masser, Sanna January 2016 (has links)
Tillverkningsföretag har länge strävat efter att uppnå en så hög effektivitet som möjligt i sin produktion. Detta har bland annat skett genom att effektivisera processer och minimera processernas kostnader. Rationaliseringen, tillsammans med forskning avseende psykologi, har haft ett arbetsorganisatoriskt fokus under åren. Framförallt utvecklades en hel del teorier inom motivation i arbetsorganisationer. Tidigare motivationsteorier ser yttre och inre motivation som additiv till varandra. Det innebär att de monetära belöningssystem som många företag etablerat bara tillfredsställer den yttre motivationen, därefter är det upp till individen att uppfylla den inre motivationen. Self-determination theory ser istället faktorerna som interaktiva där chefen, som extern motivationsfaktor, kan påverka den inre motivationen hos arbetstagaren. Ansvaret ligger därför hos chefen för att se till att motivationsförhållanden föreligger och att en ständig förbättringsprocess pågår inom bolaget. Misslyckas chefen kan det ofta leda till omotiverad personal och sämre effektivitet.   Chefen är den som ställs inför uppgiften att främja den inre motivation hos sina arbetstagare men frågan kvarstår hur chefen ska gå tillväga. Studien syftar till att se till de mjuka faktorerna genom att analysera vilket beteende en chef kan anta för att tillmötesgå arbetstagares inre motivationsbehov i tillverkningsföretag. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv tyngdpunkt. Det var intressant för studien att analysera tillverkningsföretag med monotona arbetssätt. Fyra bolag kom att medverka i studien där skillnader i både produktionsstorlek och produktion förelåg. Därmed finns det även skillnader i hur monotont arbetssättet är mellan de olika företagen. Genom intervjuer med arbetstagare och chefer kunde studien utläsa samband relaterat till ett specifikt beteende och analysera detta för att besvara studiens syfte. Studien kom fram till att eftertraktat beteende hos en chef, för att inre motivation ska främjas, är att chefen ska vara engagerad i arbetsprocessen och se individen i produktionen. Detta görs genom att uppskattning och uppmuntran till delaktighet genom bland annat förslagssystem sker kontinuerligt. / Manufacturing companies have for a long time strived to achieve the highest efficiency in their production. This has been achieved by streamlining processes and minimizing process’ cost. The rationalization, along with psychology has had a work organizational focus over the years. Especially has a lot of theories concerning psychology in the workplace been developed. Earlier motivations theories saw extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as additive to each other. This means that a company's monetary reward system only cater to the external motivation to a certain point, then its up to the individual to meet the internal need of intrinsic motivation. In contrary to the earlier motivation theories, Self-determination theory sees an interaction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, where the manager serve as a external motivator, who can influence the worker’s intrinsic motivation. Therefor lies the responsibility in the manager hands to ensure that motivations conditions exist and a continuous improvement process is going on within the company. If the managers fail in accomplishing this, it can often lead to unmotivated staff and poor efficiency. The manager is the one who’s faced with the task of promoting the workers intrinsic motivation, but the question remains how the managers should proceed. The study aims to analyse which behaviour a manager can adopt to meet the worker’s need for intrinsic motivation within a manufacturing company. To examine this, the study came to use a qualitative study method with an emphasis towards a deductive approach. It was interesting to analyse manufacturing companies with monotonous work. Four companies came to participate in the study, where differences in both production scale and production existed. Through interviews with managers and workers the study could deduce a correlation on a specific behaviour and analyse it to answer the purpose of the study. The study found that coveted behaviour that managers could adopt to promote intrinsic motivation among the workers is, engagement in the workplace and the manufacturing process that is executed by the workers, and therefore see the individual in the process of the production. This is done with appreciation and encouragement for participation by including suggestion system in the company and ensures that suggestions are continuous.

Gymnasieelevers definition av

Wennstam, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative study of high school students’ definition of their conception of a “good” teacher. Its purpose is to provide increased insight for teachers about students’ ideas of the phenomenon. The study is based on the reports of six respondents, which was later analysed according to the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA). The reason of the aim of the study is combination of a found interest and the fact that it had not been done before.</p><p>The result shows that teachers image has great effect on students’ academic motivation and ambition. Furthermore, it reveals a number of personal features to have a significant effect on students’ academic effort and their attitude towards school. Of special importance is the students’ perception – of being seen, of being taken seriously and the relevance of studying. In this sense, a “good” teacher is one who wins and preserves the students trust, combined with a distinct leadership with flexibility and accommodation. The students’ conception of education tends to relate to their perception of how the teacher manages his or hers function as a leader, which means that the teachers profile is playing an important role to students’ ambition and so even their results.</p><p>The meaning of a ”good” teacher can be said to be related to being inspiring and motivating, as well as inspired and motivated. Among the most important skills in this matter is, according to the respondents, the ability to match the leadership style to different contexts and situations that occurs.</p><p>Keywords: The importance of students’ perception, intrinsic motivation, being seen as an individual, inspiration and meaningfulness.</p> / <p>Det du håller i dina händer är en kvalitativ studie över gymnasieelevers definition av begreppet ”en bra lärare”. Undersökningen, vars syfte är att ge en inblick i elevernas perspektiv på fenomenet och därmed öka kunskapen för verksamma lärare, bygger på 6 respondenters redogörelser av sin syn på ämnet. Respondenternas delgivelser har efter insamlandet analyserats med hjälp av IPA-metoden (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis), analyserats, tematiserats och slutligen syntetiserats i den text som utgör resultatet.</p><p>Anledningen till ämnesvalet och dess inriktning bottnar i såväl ett eget intresse av att utreda saken närmare som att jag i mina efterforskningar inte har funnit någon forskning på området som tar upp just elevernas perspektiv.</p><p>Resultatet slår för det första fast att lärares framtoning har en stor påverkan på elevernas studiemotivation (drivkraft) och ambition (målmedvetenhet). Vidare visar det på ett antal, enligt respondenterna, särskilt betydande drag hos en lärare, varav de flesta i varierande grad inverkar på elevernas attityd till och strävan i skolan och sina studier. Till dessa hör huruvida läraren får eleverna att uppleva sig sedda, tagna på allvar och ämnet relevant. Den ”gode läraren” är en tydlig ledare men likväl personlig, flexibel och tillmötesgående. Denne vinner och förvaltar också elevernas förtroende genom att vara uppriktig, att ta initiativ till goda relationer och elevinflytande. I allt detta visar resultatet på vikten av lärares ledarskap – elevernas attityd till ämnet tenderar att i hög grad hänga ihop med deras perception av läraren som ledargestalt. Således blir lärarens profil en mycket viktig påverkansfaktor i elevers studiemotivation och -ambition, och därmed även ett led i deras prestation och resultat.</p><p>Resultatet visar på att betraktas som en ”bra” lärare hänger samman med att vara en engagerande och motiverande lärare, vilket utgörs av många delar som de som nämnts ovan, men främst, betonar respondenterna, av en förmåga att forma sitt ledarskap efter olika kontexters skiftande behov.</p><p>Nyckelord: Perceptionens betydelse, inre motivation, att se individen, engagemang, meningsfullhet.</p>

Veiksniai, įtakojantys 9 - 12kl. mokinių motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose, lyties aspektu / Factors, affecting students grade 9 – 12 motivation in physical education classes, gender related aspect

Danyla, Deividas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas - mokinių požiūris į motyvacija kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius 9–12 kl. mokinių motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo uždaviniai : 1. Nustatyti vidinio pasitenkinimo veiksnius, įtakojančius 9-12 kl. mokinių požiūrį į motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose, lyties aspektu. 2. Nustatyti vidinio nepasitenkinimo veiksnius, įtakojančius 9-12 kl. mokinių požiūrį į motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose, lyties aspektu. 3. Nustatyti išorinio pasitenkinimo veiksnius, įtakojančius 9-12 kl. mokinių požiūrį į motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose, lyties aspektu. 4. Nustatyti išorinio nepasitenkinimo veiksnius, įtakojančius 9-12 kl. mokinių požiūrį į motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose, lyties aspektu. Tiriamieji: Kauno technologijos universiteto gimnazijos, 9-12kl. mokiniai. Bendras apklaustųjų kiekis 237 mokiniai , iš kurių 122 mergaitės ir 115 berniukų. Išvados: 1. Nustatyta, kad mergaites ir berniukus stipriausiai motyvuoja tokie vidinio pasitenkinimo veiksniai kaip: gebėjimas padaryti tai, ko anksčiau nemokėjo, sėkmė ir užtikrintumas pamokų metu, gebėjimas užsiimti naujomis veiklomis, galimybė rungtyniauti ir išbandyti save, pastangos pamokų metu. 2. Vidiniai nepasitenkinimo veiksniai kurie įtakoja 9-12 kl. mergaičių ir berniukų motyvaciją kūno kultūros pamokose yra : galimybė sumažinti stresą, galimybė užsiimti mėgstama ir prasminga veikla, savirealizacijos galimybė. Lyties aspektu nustatyta , kad mergaitėms lyginant su berniukais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research: factors, that affect 9 – 12 grade students’ attitude to motivation in physical education classes. Aim of the study: determine the factors that affect the 9 – 12 grade students’ motivation in physical education classes. Research objectives: 1. Determine the intrinsic satisfaction factors, that affect the 9 – 12 grade students’ motivation in physical education classes, gender related aspect. 2. Determine the intrinsic dissatisfaction factors, that affect the 9 – 12 grade students’ motivation in physical education classes, gender related aspect. 3. Determine the extrinsic satisfaction factors, that affect the 9 – 12 grade students’ motivation in physical education classes, gender related aspect. 4. Determine the extrinsic dissatisfaction factors, that affect the 9 – 12 grade students’ motivation in physical education classes, gender related aspect. Participants: Kaunas University of Technology gymnasium 9 – 12 grade students’. The total amount of respondents is 237 students’, of which 122 girls and 115 boys. Conclusion: 1. It was found that girls and boys are strongly motivated by such inner satisfaction factors like: the ability to do what you did not know before, success and assurance in class, the ability to engage in new activities, the ability to emulate and test themselves and efforts at school. 2. Internal dissatisfaction factors that influence the 9 - 12 grade girls' and boys' motivation in physical education lessons are: the possibility to reduce... [to full text]

Studenters prokrastineringsbeteende förklaras mer av deras grad grit än av deras inre motivation / Students' propensity to procrastinate is explained by their degree grit rather than of thier intrisic motivation

Nyqvist, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of grit and intrinsic motivation regarding students' propensity to procrastinate. Three specific research questions were constructed: "How much of the variance in participants' procrastination is explained solely by their degree of grit?" "Does the degree of intrisic motivation contribute with additional explanatory information for the regression between grit and procrastination?" "Is intrisic motivation a mediator for the regression between grit and procrastination?" To test this, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis was constructed. To collect data an electronic questionnaire was constructed. The sample consisted of 271 students who all studied at Karlstad University. The data was collected through the learning platform itslearning. Grit was measured with Swedish-Grit Scale. Intrinsic motivation was measured with a modified version of Task Evaluation Questionnaire and the students' propensity to procrastinate was measured with Pure Procrastination Scale. Grit and intrinsic motivation constituted the independent variables and the students' propensity to procrastinate was the dependent variable. The results showed that both the grit and intrinsic motivation significantly contributed with explained variance in the students' propensity to procrastinate. The strongest predictor variable was grit. The results also showed that intrinsic motivation was not a mediator for the regression between grit and procrastination. The conclusion is that grit should play a greater part in the Swedish school system. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka betydelsen av grit och inre motivation för studenters benägenhet att prokrastinera. Tre konkreta frågeställningar konstruerades: ”Hur stor del av variansen inom deltagarnas prokrastinering förklaras ensamt av deras grad grit?”, ”Bidrar inre motivation med ytterligare förklarande information för regressionen mellan grit och prokrastinering?” och “Är inre motivation en mediator för regressionen mellan grit och prokrastinering?” För att testa detta genomfördes en hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys. För att samla in data konturerades en elektronisk enkät. Stickprovet bestod av 271 studenter som alla studerade på Karlstads universitet. Datainsamlingen gjordes via lärplattformen itslearning. Grit mättes med Swedish-Grit Scale. Inre motivation mättes genom en modifierad version av Task Evaluation Questionnaire Prokrastinering mättes med hjälp av Pure Procrastination Scale. Grit och inre motivation utgjorde oberoende variabler och studenternas prokrastineringsbeteende utgjorde den beroende variabel. Resultatet visade att både grit och inre motivation signifikant bidrog med förklarad varians inom studenternas prokrastineringsbeteenden. Den starkaste prediktorvariablen var grit. Resultatet visade också att inre motivation inte var en mediator för regressionen mellan grit och prokrastinering. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att grit borde spela en större del i det svenska skolväsendet.

Cognitive Evaluation Theory Applied to Nonhuman Subjects

Hafer, Donald G. 08 1900 (has links)
The Cognitive Evaluation Theory explains the outcomes of studies employing Deci's paradigm, but only when used post hoc. A basic assumption is that extrinsic rewards always increase intrinsic motivation for nonhuman subjects. Deci's paradigm was modified for use with 22 rats to test this assumption. Running in an exercise wheel was the intrinsically motivated activity studied. ANCOVA revealed that external rewards increased intrinsic interest on the first day following the cessation of reinforcement (F = 8.32), but on two subsequent days and again a week later, no significant differences between the reward and control groups were evident (F = .29; F = .33; F = 3.70). The assumption was not supported. It was demonstrated that repeated posttest measures are necessary to avoid basing conclusions upon one point along the extinction continuum.

Intrinsic Motivation and its Neural Correlates

Lidén, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
Why is motivation important? The answer is simple to most of us: it is what makes people push forward and act. Intrinsic motivation is the kind of motivation that arises from within a person, making her or him strive towards a goal for no other reward than the feeling it will bring. Additionally, this kind of motivation has shown correlations with enhanced learning, creativity, performance, optimal development, and well-being. While intrinsic motivation has long been a topic within the field of psychology, the neural correlates underlying it have only recently become of interest for researchers, and studies have shown some interesting but also contradictory findings. Therefore, the aim of this literature review thesis is to investigate the neural correlates of intrinsic motivation further. Firstly, a background review of motivation in general and intrinsic motivation in particular is presented, focusing on concepts such as the self-determination theory, flow, and cognitive evaluation theory. This is followed by a chapter on motivation- and intrinsic motivation from a neuroscientific perspective, concerning concepts such as the reward system, the undermining effect, and studies examining the neural correlates of intrinsic motivation. These studies show that there was activity in several different areas when participants were intrinsically motivated. However, a frequent pattern of activity in dopaminergic pathways involving the striatum and the prefrontal cortex (PFC) was detected in most studies, indicating the involvement of these areas in particular when a person is intrinsically motivated.

What motivates a student to do voluntary work? : A qualitative case study of Östgöta nation

Georganakis, Michail, Lazarov, Hristo January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to provide an understanding of the underlying motives behind students’ voluntary work at a student nation. It was carried out as a qualitative case study, where the focus was placed on Östgöta nation workers. Östgöta nation represents one of the thirteen student nations found in Uppsala, Sweden. The theoretical review draws upon four concepts, namely, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, organisational identification, and organisational citizenship behaviour. Consequently, these four concepts were used to construct a theoretical model, which served as a framework to understand what factors affect worker motives. Empirical material was collected through the conduct of one focus group and five individual interviews, and was subsequently analysed using a thematic approach. Our findings suggest that the underlying reasons behind a student’s work motives are their inherent need to socialize, as well as to belong to a social group. In addition, workers tend to develop a high degree of relatedness between one another. This, in turn, leads them to exhibit behaviour, where they over-perform and help each other. The presence of such behaviour in the workplace, in conjunction with non-monetary rewards, provides us with an understanding of how students motivate their decision of working in a student nation. In conclusion, we advocate student nations to foster altruism and solidarity within their work environment, which would improve their capability of securing and maintaining a sufficient workforce.

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