Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intuition."" "subject:"lntuition.""
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Dar forma é formar-se: processos criativos da arte para a infância / Giving form is to be formed: creative art processes for childhoodGiannotti, Sirlene Maria 04 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado busca compreender a produção plástica das crianças na perspectiva do processo de sua elaboração. A pesquisa de campo se deu em oficinas de arte cerâmica, conduzidas e observadas pela pesquisadora, com um grupo de crianças entre 4 e 10 anos de idade. As oficinas foram oferecidas em uma escola da rede privada de ensino do município de São Paulo, nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Esta experiência forneceu elementos consistentes para a elaboração da reflexão pretendida neste trabalho. O tratamento do conjunto das vivências criativas desenvolvidas se inspira na pesquisa etnográfica e encontra bases conceituais na antropologia. Os dados da pesquisa de campo são registrados em forma de relatos e imagens fotográficas. A análise é feita a partir da experiência acumulada da pesquisadora como arte-educadora ceramista e de um referencial teórico, centrado principalmente nas obras analíticas da artista plástica e pensadora Fayga Ostrower, e nas as contribuições de José Antônio Marina, Anna Marie Holm, Cecília Almeida Salles, Jorge Larrosa e Gaston Bachelard. A compreensão das vivências de criação deste grupo de crianças, em arte cerâmica, permitiu que a autora vislumbrasse a presença de percursos criativos individuais. Estes percursos ofereceram elementos originais para uma compreensão mais aprofundada do papel, importante e significativo, que a vivência de processos criativos da arte pode representar no desenvolvimento da infância. Esta pesquisa leva em consideração a singularidade das individualidades e do processo de formação de cada criança, ampliando, dessa maneira, o diálogo entre arte e pedagogia. / This master dissertation seeks to understand children visual art work within the perspective of their elaboration process, which is taken as object of observation and reflection. The fieldwork took place in Clay Workshops for children, from 4 up to 10 years old. These workshops were conducted and observed by the researcher and were offered in a private school in the city of São Paulo, during the years of 2006 and 2007. This experience gave consistent elements for the elaboration of the reflection intended in this work. The treatment of the set of these creative living experiences was inspired in the ethnographic research, which has its conceptual bases in the anthropology. The data collected in the fieldwork are formed by reports and photographic images. The analysis was made taking into account the accumulated experience of the researcher as a ceramist/pottery maker and art educator, besides some theoretical references centered especially on the analytical work of Fayga Ostrower, and some contributions of José Antônio Marina, Anna Marie Holm, Cecília Almeida Salles, Jorge Larossa and Gaston Bachelard. The understanding of the creative experiences of this group of children in ceramic art allowed the author of this dissertation to see the presence of creative paths. These paths offered original elements that lead us to a deeper understanding of the important and meaningful role played by these art creative processes in the development of children. This research considers the singularity of the individualities besides the formation process of each child, enlarging, this way, the dialogue between Arts and Pedagogy.
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Bergson e Proust: sobre a representação da passagem do tempo / Bergson and Proust: about representing the passage of timeSahm, Estela 21 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Estela Sahm.pdf: 529209 bytes, checksum: 94115dcf24afc4d0312db41ac8c9ca92 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-10-21 / The purpose of this work is to bring, face to face, some of the main theories of Bergson s philosophy and Proust s novel Remembrance of things past . Therefore, we will resort to remarks made by some of their researchers, with whom we shall establish some dialogue.
Considering that philosophy and literature are two different forms of expressing idea, this work also try to research for their sources, and for the distance that was suposelly established between them. In philosophy prevails the language of concepts, as well as in literature prevails the language of metaphor. We shall verify how different forms of expressing idea can get close and at the same time be enlightened, one by the other.
Chapter I will be dedicated to explore some of Bergson s main concepts, followed by some supporting comments of his researchers.
Chapter II analyses Proust s novel, specially considering the possible contacts with Bergson s ideas, such as memory, time, intuition, just to name some of them. Also in this case, followed by comments from some of Proust s researchers.
Finally chapter III, where we shall observe the historical reasons that brought to the distinction between writen texts of different purposes, and also where we shall find what in fact can be considered the smallest distance between the ideas of both Bergson and Proust / O trabalho tem por intuito fazer o confronto entre algumas teorias da filosofia de
Bergson e a obra literária de Proust Em busca do tempo perdido . Para tanto, recorre a alguns comentadores de ambas as obras, com os quais estabelece diálogos.
Por se tratar de discursos de finalidades e gêneros distintos, a saber, o filosófico e o literário, o trabalho pesquisa também as origens de cada um deles, e a suposta distância que se estabeleceu entre os mesmos. No discurso filosófico, prevalece uma linguagem conceitual, enquanto que no discurso literário prevalece a linguagem metafórica, pautada pelas imagens; teremos a oportunidade de verificar de que maneira estas diferentes formas de expressar pensamento podem se aproximar e se iluminarem mutuamente.
Assim, no capítulo I, o trabalho se detém sobre algumas idéias fundamentais do pensamento de Bergson, acompanhadas de alguns de seus comentadores; no capítulo II, analisa e comenta passagens significativas do romance proustiano, sobretudo tendo em vista a aproximação com alguns conceitos de Bergson, a saber, memória, duração e intuição; também neste caso, as observações serão acompanhadas dos comentários de alguns estudiosos da obra de Proust. E finalmente, no capítulo III, o trabalho busca aprofundar as questões relativas às separações estabelecidas historicamente entre os discursos ditos filosófico e literário, onde encontra as aproximações que julga possíveis entre as obras de Bergson e de Proust
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試析康德〈先驗感性論〉中的「先驗的觀念性」和「經驗的實在性」: 以空間為例的闡述(A19/B33-A30-B45) / An Interpretation Kant's Transcendental Ideality and Empirical Reality in Transcendental Aesthetic潘永傑, Phoon, Wing-Kit Unknown Date (has links)
康德主張,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,並且此一觀念性是可以與「經驗的實在性」相容。對於「先驗的觀念性」,處於空間的事物被限定於感性的對象上,即是顯象,因此並不適用在那些「當它們得以透過理性其自身,即是毫無顧及我們感性的狀態」的內容。同樣地,「經驗的實在性」所刻劃的是外在顯象,如同康德在上述引文所指,乃是「在考慮一切可能的外在經驗」。據此,所謂空間的「先驗的觀念性」,從「觀念性」而言,空間是先天的直覺形式,故不屬於對象或事物自身的任何屬性。不過此一空間的觀念性,即先天的直覺形式,乃是任何外在顯象得以可能的條件,所以空間的觀念性,雖是感性主體的認知條件,卻不能等同於僅僅是主觀的觀念性,而是具有先驗條件的觀念性,也就是其是一種先天可能的認知模式,因此,空間的觀念性,乃是「先驗的」,這是康德稱空間為「先驗的觀念性」所持的立場。與此同時,對康德來說,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,則蘊含空間的「經驗的實在性」。從康德看來,我們要意識到任何外在經驗,皆必定在空間秩序關係中被呈現或給與出來,如此一來,空間具有「實在性」。不過,空間的「實在性」其效力僅對於我們外感官的經驗對象才能有效,並無法對事物自身產生任何約束,所以空間的「實在性」,就祇能是屬於經驗的,我們不能將空間的「實在性」歸屬在事物自身。 / Kant advocates the view that space is transcendental ideality and empirical realtiy. This article aims at interpretation of Kant’s space thesis. Kant attempts to offer argument transcendental ideality of space mean that space is subjective and limiting condition to which human intuition. This implication that kant asserts transcendental ideality thesis is that space has limited to appearance, and when applied to the things in themselves, space is merely an idea,or equivalently that is transcendental. However transcendental ideality of space does not mean that objects within of space is nothing, only ideas of our mind. In contrast to this, transcendental ideality thesis as equivalent to empirical reality of space ,that is said to regard space is real, but which is objective validity limited by applicable to outer appearances.
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Le rôle du géométrique dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de l'algèbre linéaireGueudet, Ghislaine 21 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
De nombreux enseignants de l'université déclarent que les étudiants rencontreraient moins de difficultés en algèbre linéaire s'ils avaient développé " l'intuition géométrique " nécessaire. Notre recherche a pour objectif de répondre aux questions qu'une telle affirmation peut susciter. Nous précisons dans un premier temps ce que l'on peut entendre par l'expression " intuition géométrique ". Nous analysons ensuite les interventions d'une telle intuition dans la genèse historique de l'algèbre linéaire. Nous nous penchons alors sur le processus de transposition qui a conduit à l'introduction de l'algèbre linéaire dans l'enseignement supérieur et secondaire. Nous montrons que celui-ci a accentué les liens entre algèbre linéaire et géométrie. L'algèbre linéaire n'est plus enseignée actuellement au lycée en France ; cependant, certaines notions de géométrie rencontrées au lycée sont ensuite revues en algèbre linéaire. Nous étudions l'évolution de ces notions, et de types de tâches associés à ces notions, depuis le secondaire jusqu'en DEUG, voire en licence ou maîtrise. Nous soulignons les ruptures, mais également les continuités effectives ou possibles. Nous avons interrogé étudiants et enseignants afin de décrire les recours au géométrique faits par les enseignants dans leurs cours, et ceux faits par les étudiants dans leurs pratiques en algèbre linéaire. Pour les étudiants, nous observons de plus les liens entre recours au géométrique et compréhension de l'algèbre linéaire. Ces différents éléments nous permettent enfin de faire des propositions d'enseignement de l'algèbre linéaire mettant à profit autant que possible le recours au géométrique.
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PENSIERO INTUITIVO E ANALITICO NEL PROCESSO DECISIONALE: IL RUOLO DELLA MENTALIZZAZIONE E DELLO STILE COGNITIVO IN UN CONTESTO INTERATTIVO STRATEGICO / Intuitive and analytical thinking in decision making: the role of mindreading and cognitive style in a strategic interactive contextIANNELLO, PAOLA 13 March 2009 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si è proposto di indagare i costrutti di intuizione e analisi nell’ambito del decision-making attraverso l’integrazione di differenti tipologie di dati al fine di delineare un quadro esauriente e dettagliato dell’oggetto di studio.
Nello specifico, la prima parte della ricerca si è occupata dello studio di intuizione e analisi attraverso l’impiego di scale self-report. L’obiettivo generale degli Studi 1 e 2 è stato quello di verificare l’esistenza di relazioni tra differenti strumenti che, sebbene propongano definizioni e operazionalizzazioni diverse dello stesso costrutto, presentano aree di sovrapposizione. A partire da tali connessioni, ci si è, quindi, posti l’obiettivo di identificare ampi profili individuali, cognitivi e decisionali, descritti attraverso tali differenti dimensioni stilistiche.
La seconda parte della ricerca si è posta l’obiettivo di indagare intuizione e analisi “in azione”, ossia di valutare il ruolo di strategie e stili individuali intuitivi e analitici nell’ambito di uno specifico contesto strategico. Focalizzando l’indagine sulla prospettiva del proposer, negli Studi 3, 4 e 5 è stato utilizzato l’Ultimatum Game come setting sperimentale. In particolare, lo Studio 3 si è proposto di verificare se le persone siano in grado di attivare processi di mindreading pertinenti per interagire con successo nel corso del gioco. Attraverso lo Studio 4, ci si è posti l’obiettivo di valutare come l’introduzione di due distinte modalità, intuitiva e analitica, di processamento delle informazioni relative all’altro giocatore influenzi le proposte monetarie. Da ultimo, nello Studio 5 ci si è focalizzati sul ruolo giocato dallo stile individuale intuitivo e analitico nell’influenzare direttamente l’entità delle offerte e nel modulare l’effetto della modalità di pensiero intuitivo e analitico. / The present work aimed at researching into the constructs of intuition and analysis in decision-making through the integration of different sources of data in order to provide a comprehensive and multifaceted outline of the issue at hand.
Specifically, the first part of the investigation concerned the study of intuition and analysis by employing self-report inventories. The general purpose of the Study 1 and 2 was to verify the existence of relationships among different instruments which, even though providing varied conceptual and operational definitions of the same constructs, showed some points of overlapping. Basing on these relations the goal was, then, to identify broad cognitive and decision profiles including a set of characteristics, rather than defining individual styles through single and isolated dimensions.
The second part of the investigation intended to study intuition and analysis “in action”, that is to assess the role of both intuitive-analytical strategies and individual styles within a specific strategic context. Focussing on the proposer’s perspective, Study 3, 4, and 5 all employed the Ultimatum Game as experimental setting. Study 3 aimed at assessing whether people can activate relevant mindreading processes in order to successfully interact in the course of the game. Study 4, then, investigated how the monetary proposals were affected by the introduction of two distinct modes, intuitive and analytical, of processing information about the counterpart. Finally, in Study 5, the role of individual intuitive and analytical style in directly influencing the entity of the offers and, in case, modulating the effect of the intuitive and analytical modes of thinking was examined.
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A complicated chain of circumstances : decision making in the New Zealand wool supply chainsBradford, Lori E. A. January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation explores the influences on individual decision making in a complex, real world context – the New Zealand wool supply chain. It asks two fundamental questions, first, how do decision makers make decisions in their everyday settings and, second, how is decision making learned and improved through experience and contextual factors. Two contextual aspects of decision making were also examined; these included whether decision making processes varied as a result of uncertainty and risky surroundings, or in cooperative and competitive environments. Further examination included revealing how being a member of a (multi-layered) group influences individual decision making. In-depth qualitative interviewing of sheep farmers, and associated supply chain members in the wool industry was undertaken. Three key decision journeys were explored from both the 'psychological' and the 'social' schools of social psychology in order to give detail on the flow of decision making influences through human systems (whether entities were present, or implied). One of the main aspects of this study was to employ, by analogy, an analysis inspired by the concept of multi-level selection from evolutionary theory as a means of understanding decision making in such a complex, layered system. Other contributions include commentary on the nature of social psychological studies of decision making, suggestions for the expansion of naturalistic decision making to include processes occurring on more than one 'level' of context, the framing of information in the media and the judgment of information sources on the part of experienced and inexperienced farmers, and, the role that globalization may play in driving decision making behaviour.
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Teorie soudu v brentanovské škole a u raného Husserla / The Theory of Judgment in School of Brentano and in the Early Work of HusserlJanoušek, Hynek January 2015 (has links)
The submitted doctoral thesis is an attempt to describe the nature and of the development of Brentano's theory of judgment. This description is followed by an introduction to the further development of Brentano's theory in the work of Brentano's most distinguished students Kazimierz Twardowski (1866-1938), Alexius Meinong (1853-1920), Anton Marty (1843-1914) and Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). The thesis is divided into five parts: The first part is dedicated to the explanation of Brentano's theory of judgment and starts with an interpretation of Brentano's two early books on Aristotle - On the several senses of Being in Aristotle (1862) and The Psychology of Aristotle (1867). The thesis presents Brentano's understanding of "being" in the sense of truth, his interpretation of the Aristotelian categories, his theory of parts and wholes, and his theory of intentionality and self-consciousness. Our interpretation then proceeds to Brentano's most known work, i.e. to Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (1874), and presents the basic concept of this book, the concept of psychical phenomena. The resulting classification of psychical phenomena into three kinds introduces judgments as a kind of psychical phenomenon whose main feature consists in existential affirmation or rejection of an intentional object....
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From early Hinduism to Neo-Vedanta : paradigm shifts in sacred psychology and mysticism : their implications for South African HindusSaradananda, Swami 06 1900 (has links)
This research was stimulated by pastoral concerns pertaining to the South African Hindu Community. It was found that the community had a noticeable number of individuals stagnant or stranded at the level of gross spirituality. On the other hand it is known that the primary texts of Hinduism and its long mystical traditions, from the Vedic Period to the Neo-Vedanta Movement, had adequate motivational and goal-orientated material to address this challenge.
This work surveys the Vedic and Upanishadic texts in order to show the literary, social and philosophical conditions under which they were produced. Hindu mysticism emerges from all these strands of development. Gross mysticism in the form of elaborate rituals occupies the attention of the early Vedic seers. This graduates into subtle subjective mysticism in the Upanishads. At each phase there is a paradigm shift which this study interprets in the light of Shankara (medieval period) and Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Radhakrishnan of the Neo-Vedanta Movement.
In the early Vedic period the soul is a metaphysical entity. Upon death it is judged in accordance with its good or bad actions. Heavenly rewards or the punishment of hell are meted out to it. Heaven and hell are final eschatological goals for the soul in the Vedic period.
In the Upanishadic period heaven and hell are temporary eschatological goals. The ultimate Upanishadic goal is Liberation which implies the mystical cessation of empirical existence and the realization of Unitary Consciousness. The Taittiriya Upanishad defines the soul analytically as a formulation of five sheaths : body, vital energy, mind, intellect and bliss with an immortal consciousness as its divine focus. These sheaths are fundamental to Hindu sacred psychology.
Functioning under the effects of ignorance each sheath binds the soul to mundane existence. However, each sheath also possesses an intrinsic capacity to liberate the soul from suffering. This research explores the limitations and opportunities of each sheath and indicates the path by which the soul's divine potential may be realized. In the light of the Neo-Vedantic outlook this process is considered with a life-affirming attitude which is of relevance to South African Hindus. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Lit et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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Dar forma é formar-se: processos criativos da arte para a infância / Giving form is to be formed: creative art processes for childhoodSirlene Maria Giannotti 04 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado busca compreender a produção plástica das crianças na perspectiva do processo de sua elaboração. A pesquisa de campo se deu em oficinas de arte cerâmica, conduzidas e observadas pela pesquisadora, com um grupo de crianças entre 4 e 10 anos de idade. As oficinas foram oferecidas em uma escola da rede privada de ensino do município de São Paulo, nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Esta experiência forneceu elementos consistentes para a elaboração da reflexão pretendida neste trabalho. O tratamento do conjunto das vivências criativas desenvolvidas se inspira na pesquisa etnográfica e encontra bases conceituais na antropologia. Os dados da pesquisa de campo são registrados em forma de relatos e imagens fotográficas. A análise é feita a partir da experiência acumulada da pesquisadora como arte-educadora ceramista e de um referencial teórico, centrado principalmente nas obras analíticas da artista plástica e pensadora Fayga Ostrower, e nas as contribuições de José Antônio Marina, Anna Marie Holm, Cecília Almeida Salles, Jorge Larrosa e Gaston Bachelard. A compreensão das vivências de criação deste grupo de crianças, em arte cerâmica, permitiu que a autora vislumbrasse a presença de percursos criativos individuais. Estes percursos ofereceram elementos originais para uma compreensão mais aprofundada do papel, importante e significativo, que a vivência de processos criativos da arte pode representar no desenvolvimento da infância. Esta pesquisa leva em consideração a singularidade das individualidades e do processo de formação de cada criança, ampliando, dessa maneira, o diálogo entre arte e pedagogia. / This master dissertation seeks to understand children visual art work within the perspective of their elaboration process, which is taken as object of observation and reflection. The fieldwork took place in Clay Workshops for children, from 4 up to 10 years old. These workshops were conducted and observed by the researcher and were offered in a private school in the city of São Paulo, during the years of 2006 and 2007. This experience gave consistent elements for the elaboration of the reflection intended in this work. The treatment of the set of these creative living experiences was inspired in the ethnographic research, which has its conceptual bases in the anthropology. The data collected in the fieldwork are formed by reports and photographic images. The analysis was made taking into account the accumulated experience of the researcher as a ceramist/pottery maker and art educator, besides some theoretical references centered especially on the analytical work of Fayga Ostrower, and some contributions of José Antônio Marina, Anna Marie Holm, Cecília Almeida Salles, Jorge Larossa and Gaston Bachelard. The understanding of the creative experiences of this group of children in ceramic art allowed the author of this dissertation to see the presence of creative paths. These paths offered original elements that lead us to a deeper understanding of the important and meaningful role played by these art creative processes in the development of children. This research considers the singularity of the individualities besides the formation process of each child, enlarging, this way, the dialogue between Arts and Pedagogy.
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Como entender a noção de espaço em Kant? Uma análise do período de 1756 a 1787 / Understanding space in Kant's writtings: 1756-1787Oliveira, Danilo Fernando Miner de 14 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation shows that the notion of space in Kant is developed in close connection with the controversy over the nature of space conducted around the conceptions endorsed by Newton and Leibniz. It discusses the nature of space 1) as dependent on the relations of external objects, where its configuration as an apparition arises from the sensibility and 2) as not only independent of these objects, but also as the condition of their possibility, and by those means as absolute, universal and independent of all matter. It also shows the oscillating trajectory of the so-called 'pre-critic' writings between these two notions. Kant sometimes seems to advocate the Leibniz's thesis on the space, especially because it nourish the ideal conception of the nature of space, but also because it avoids some difficulties that are characteristic of Newton's, as those associated with the existence of void and with the methodological necessity of postulate the absolute character of space. At other times, however, we can observe a greater identification with the Newtonian thesis of the absolute space due to the increasing admiration and awe that Kant nurtured by the sciences of his day. Indeed, even if the absolute character of the space seems first to exceed the limits of human knowledge, its possibility is later demonstrated by the publication of the Critique of Pure Reason. Thenceforth, the independence from external objects that the notion of Newtonian space posits is a hallmark of Kant's critical thinking. It was only after the publication of the Inaugural Dissertation of 1770 that Kant expressed his most original thoughts on the space: the groundwork of space as a priori intuition. I argue that this innovation in Kant's thought does not constitute a definitive overcoming of the previous notions. Rather, it characterizes the critical articulation of the notion of space that allows not only to avoid the difficulties in which their contemporaries have fallen, but also exhibits the foundations of physics and mathematics as pure sciences. Finally, the arguments showed in the Inaugural Dissertation were incorporated systematically in the Critique of Pure Reason and better articulated in two exhibitions that support the notion of space: besides a pure intuition, the space must be also the subjective form of all external intuition. Only after these formulations it is possible to understand 1) the distinction employed by Kant between phenomena and noumena; 2) the split between philosophy and science; and 3) the foundation of so-called transcendental idealism. / A presente dissertação de mestrado evidencia que a noção de espaço em Kant está elaborada em estreita ligação com a polêmica sobre a natureza do espaço desenvolvida entre as concepções de pensadores modernos como Newton e Leibniz. A investigação discute se a natureza do espaço depende da relação dos objetos externos, ocasionando, por esta razão, sua configuração enquanto uma aparição advinda da sensibilidade, ou se sua natureza não apenas é independente destes objetos, mas antes, a condição de possibilidade dos mesmos e, portanto, algo absoluto, universal e independente de toda a matéria. É apresentada, além disso, a oscilante trajetória de Kant, em seus textos denominados pré-críticos, entre estas duas noções constantemente presentes em seu pensamento. Embora com algumas dificuldades, observa-se em alguns momentos a apologia de Kant à tese do espaço leibniziano, principalmente por essa nutrir a concepção ideal da natureza do espaço. Essa tese também evita algumas dificuldades que a argumentação de Newton adentra, como, por exemplo, a defesa da existência do vazio e o fato de não postular que a noção espacial seja algo absoluto. Em outros momentos, pode-se notar a maior identificação de Kant com a tese do espaço absoluto newtoniano pela crescente admiração kantiana pelo fervoroso contexto científico que marcou seu curso filosófico. Mais do que isto, ainda que a característica de um espaço absoluto contrarie os limites do conhecimento humano, essa possibilidade é demonstrada posteriormente com a publicação da Crítica da Razão Pura, a característica de independência dos objetos externos que a noção do espaço newtoniano postula marca incisivamente o pensamento crítico de Kant. Somente após a publicação da Dissertação de 1770, Kant exprimiu seus mais originais pensamentos em relação à noção de espaço: a fundamentação do espaço enquanto intuição a priori. Argumento que esta inovação no pensamento de Kant não configura uma superação definitiva das noções anteriores. Antes, caracteriza a articulação crítica da noção de espaço que permite não apenas evitar as dificuldades em que seus contemporâneos se enveredaram, mas também demonstrar a fundamentação da física e matemática enquanto ciências puras. Finalmente, os argumentos da Dissertação são retomados sistematicamente na Crítica da Razão Pura e mais bem articulados em duas exposições que fundamentam que a noção de espaço, além de uma intuição pura, deve ser, simultaneamente, a forma subjetiva de toda a intuição externa. Apenas depois destas formulações, é possível compreender a distinção empregada por Kant entre fenômenos e númenos, a cisão entre a filosofia e ciência e, finalmente, a fundação do denominado idealismo transcendental.
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