Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intuition."" "subject:"lntuition.""
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The Sixth Sense of Investing: How Expertise Shapes Gut-Driven Financial DecisionsHerath, Ruwini, Morgan, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Background: This study investigates the role of gut feelings in early-stage venture investments, particularly in environments characterized by high uncertainty. By examining how both inexperienced and experienced investors utilize intuition, the research aims to uncover the cognitive and emotional foundations that influence investment decisions. Purpose: The research aims to understand how gut feelings impact investment decisions across different levels of investor experience. It compares the strategies of seasoned investors with those of novices, providing insights into how intuition and analytical reasoning are integrated. The objective is to offer practical guidance for investors on effectively combining gut feelings with analytical methods to navigate uncertain investment landscapes. Method: A multi-method qualitative approach was employed, combining semi-structured interviews and think-aloud protocols to capture real-time decision-making processes. Data were gathered from 11 investors, resulting in 14 hours of verbal protocols, which were subsequently analyzed using protocol analysis. A hypothetical investment scenario involving a fictional company, EcoPower Innovations, was used to elicit detailed responses from participants. Conclusion: The study finds significant differences in how gut feelings influence investment decisions based on the level of investor experience. Experienced investors skillfully blend intuition with data analysis, leveraging their expertise to manage uncertainty more effectively. In contrast, inexperienced investors tend to rely more on emotional impulses, demonstrating less integration of intuitive judgment with analytical reasoning. These findings highlight the importance of investor education in promoting the balanced use of gut feelings and analytical techniques, thereby improving decision-making in uncertain environments. Additionally, the research offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs on tailoring their approaches to potential investors based on their level of experience and expertise.
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Métamorphose du regard : l'intuition intellectuelle du type dans la morphologie goethéenneZummo, Raphaël 18 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2011-2012 / L'objectif de ce mémoire est de montrer comment, dans La métamorphose des plantes et autres écrits botaniques de Goethe, la connaissance du règne végétal mûrit en intuition intellectuelle. En abordant par cet angle la botanique de Goethe, nous avons voulu la situer dans le cadre de la philosophie qui lui était contemporaine, celle de Kant et de l'idéalisme allemand. La spécificité de la conception goethéenne d'une participation spirituelle de l'homme aux formations de la nature consiste en ceci que, refusant la voie spéculative, elle prend racine dans un empirisme délicat baptisé morphologie. Cette science veut élever la raison humaine à l'intellect archétypique par l'exercice d'une imagination sensible exacte, seule capable d'épouser la légalité mobile des phénomènes organiques. Dans cet esprit, Goethe prétend que l'art est le meilleur interprète de la nature. Réciproquement, la morphologie constitue pour lui la propédeutique idéale à la pratique comme à la théorisation de l'art.
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System-Aufstellungen und ihre naturwissenschaftliche Begründung: Grundlage für eine innovative Methode zur Entscheidungsfindung in der UnternehmensführungGehlert, Thomas 28 February 2020 (has links)
Mit dieser Forschung liefert Thomas Gehlert eine konsistente, auf aktuellen Experimenten und Theorien basierte, fundierte natur- und neurowissenschaftliche Theorie, die den zugrundeliegenden Prozess bei Intuition (Bauchgefühl) und System-Aufstellung beschreiben kann. Damit schließt er eine theoretische Lücke, die die breite Akzeptanz unzähliger experimenteller Ergebnisse in Entscheidungstheorie- und Intuitionsforschung verhinderte. Darauf aufbauend darf die System-Aufstellung als legitimierte Methode im Kontext von Unternehmensführung, strategischem Management und Entscheidungsfindung angesehen werden.:1 Einstieg und Orientierung 1
1.1 Einleitende Gedanken und Ausgangssituation 1
1.2 Zielsetzungen der Forschungsarbeit 6
1.3 Vorgehensweise und Methode 7
1.4 Aufbau der Arbeit 8
2 Methodologischer Zugang 13
2.1 Methodische Vorgehensweise 13
2.2 Wissenschaftliche Legitimation 26
3 Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Zugang 47
3.1 Unternehmensführung in der VUCA-Welt 47
3.2 Unternehmensführung und strategisches Management 58
3.3 System-Aufstellungen, als Antwort auf die VUCA-Herausforderung 106
4 Notwendige interdisziplinäre Erweiterung 141
4.1 Intuitionsforschung 141
4.2 Information und Informationsübertragung 166
5 Erklärungsansätze 229
5.1 Bewertung bisher betrachteter Experimente 229
5.2 Intuition als mögliche Erklärung für die Phänomene bei SyA 234
5.3 Erklärungsversuche im Rahmen von SyA 244
6 Zwischenresümee – Erkenntnisse und Fragen 267
7 Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Theorie 271
7.1 Eine heuristische Betrachtung als Ausgangspunkt 271
7.2 Ausgangsbasis für eine komplementäre Theorie der SyA 276
7.3 Bedingungen für Quantenverhalten in Makrosystemen 282
7.4 Anwendung der geforderten Bedingungen auf SyA 287
8 Modellentwicklung von der Mikro- zur Makrowelt 291
8.1 Quantenphysikalische Annäherung 291
8.2 Biologische Systeme und Physik 406
8.3 Neurowissenschaften – Der Mensch als Entscheider 459
9 Homologie von QPhy–Systemtheorie–SyA 535
9.1 Verbundene Entwicklungsgeschichte 537
9.2 Gemeinsame Prinzipien und Zusammenhänge 544
9.3 Conclusio zur Homologie 549
10 Ergebnisse und Ausblick 553
10.1 Grundsätzliche Ergebnisse auf einen Blick 553
10.2 Naturwissenschaftlich begründetes Theoriemodell zur Intuition im Rahmen von SyA 556
10.3 Antworten zur wissenschaftlichen Legitimation 563
10.4 Ergebnisse in Bezug auf die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Dimension 565
10.5 Grenzen dieser Arbeit 582
10.6 Zukünftiger Forschungsbedarf und Ausblick 584
11 Fazit und Nachwort 589
11.1 Fazit 589
11.2 Nachwort 591
Literatur 597
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WERKSTATTLOGIK - Computer im Spannungsfeld von Handwerks-Expertise und Akteurs-BeziehungenLöwe, Hendrik 20 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit erklärt anhand von Vertragswerkstätten der Volkswagen AG, wie Kfz-Handwerker im komple-xen Feld Werkstatt Probleme lösen. Sie deckt auf, wie und warum Kfz-Handwerker auf besondere Weise Denken und Handeln. Dies meint, wie sie arbeiten, lernen und vor Allem, wie und warum sie Medien an-eignen – oder verweigern: Täglich diagnostizieren und reparieren Kfz-Handwerker Fahrzeuge. Dabei ist oft zu beobachten, dass extra dafür hergestellte Hilfsmedien von ihnen umgangen oder gar offen abgelehnt werden. Dies führt teils zu schweren Fehlern, teils aber auch zu herausragenden Leistungen.
Bislang ist kaum geklärt, aus welchen Gründen dies erfolgt. Von den Handwerkern genannte Gründe er-scheinen in der Außenperspektive oft sonderbar. Doch sie sind subjektiv vernünftig. Die Untersuchung zeigt, mit welchen Begründungen die Handwerker sich gegen Medienaneignung entscheiden. Und sie er-klärt, inwiefern dies daran liegt, dass Computer im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Expertise-Denk¬wei-sen der Handwerker und den sozialen Beziehungen der Akteure stehen. Die Akteure sind Mitarbeiter im Autohaus, aber auch beim Hersteller und beim Importeur des jew. Landes.
Dies gelingt durch die theoretische Basis subjektwissenschaftlicher Lerntheorie, unter Bezugnahme auf wissenschaftliche Nachbardisziplinen und mit der Methodologie, Strategie und Methodik qualitativer So-zialforschung. Die Phänomene werden exemplarisch aus mehrwöchigen Feldstudien in Werkstätten der Volkswagen AG in Deutschland qua O-Ton-Audiomittschnitt, Interview und Beobachtung rekonstruiert und mit begleitenden Quellen ergänzt. So entstehen z.B. Modelle
- zur Typologie intuitiver und analytischer Arbeitsstrategien der Handwerker
- zu Reflexionsauslösern
- zu Medienkontakthürden und
- zur Medien(vertrauens)bewertung im Prozess der Medienkompetenzentwicklung.
Durch diese erstmals in solcher Form geleistete Phänomen-Aufschlüsselung werden
- neue Ansatzpunkte des didaktischen Designs
- und für die technische Redaktion
- Herausforderungen an Medien und Prozesse
- und für die Qualitätssteigerung zwingend zu leistende Aufgaben
Es werden fast banal scheinende, subtile alltägliche Phänomene analysiert und deren massiver Einfluss auf Fehler und Erfolge des Handelns verdeutlicht. Da ersteres oberflächlich altbekannt und oft unhinterfragt ist, wird die große Bedeutung für einen erfolgreichen Reparaturprozess zumeist übersehen. Darum bietet sich hier noch ungenutztes Verbesserungs-Potential.
Die Befunde fokussieren auf deutsche ‚Werkstattlogik‘, sind aber mit kritischem Rückbezug auf kulturelle Besonderheiten auf die Volkswagen AG Vertragswerkstätten in über 150 Ländern anwendbar.
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Overeating, Obesity, and Weakness of the WillSommers, Jennifer Heidrun 28 August 2015 (has links)
The philosophical literature on akrasia and/or weakness of the will tends to focus on individual actions, removed from their wider socio-political context. This is problematic because actions, when removed from their wider context, can seem absurd or irrational when they may, in fact, be completely rational or, at least, coherent. Much of akrasia's apparent mystery or absurdity is eliminated when people's behaviours are considered within their cultural and political context. I apply theories from the social and behavioural sciences to a particular behaviour in order to show where the philosophical literature on akrasia and/or weakness of the will is insightful and where it is lacking. The problem used as the basis for my analysis is obesity caused by overeating. On the whole, I conclude that our intuitions about agency are unreliable, that we may have good reasons to overeat and/or neglect our health, and that willpower is, to some degree, a matter of luck. / Graduate / 0630 / 0573 / 0422 / felshereeno@aol.com
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Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgivingVon Krosigk, Beate Christine 31 May 2004 (has links)
Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgiving is an attempt at uncovering features of the blocks that prevent people to forgive. These blocks to forgiveness can be detected in the real life situations of the six individuals who told me their stories. The inner thoughts, feelings and the subsequent behaviour that prevented them from forgiving others is clearly uncovered in their stories. The facilitation process highlights the features that created the blocks in the past thus preventing forgiveness to occur. The blocks with their accompanying features reveal what needs to be clarified or changed in order to eventually enable the hurt individuals to forgive those who have hurt them. The application of discourse analysis to the stories of hurt highlights the links between the real life stories of the individuals within their contexts with regard to unforgiveness to the research findings of the existing body of knowledge, thereby creating a complexly interwoven comprehensive understanding of the individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in conjunction with their developmental phases within their socio-cultural contexts.
Neuro-linguistic-programming (NLP) is the instrument with which forgiving is facilitated in the six individuals who expressed their conscious desire to forgive, because they were unable to do so on their own. Their emotions had the habit of keeping them in a place in which they were forced to relive the hurtful event as if it were happening in the present. Arresting the process of reliving negative emotions requires a new way of being in this world. The assumption that this can be learnt is based on the results from a previous study, in which forgiveness was uncovered by means of the grounded theory approach as a cognitive process (Von Krosigk, 2000). The results from the previous research in conjunction with the results and insights from this research study are presented in the form of a grounded theory model of forgiveness. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Foundations for spirituality : a 'hermeneutic of reform' for a church facing crises inspired by St Francis of AssisiThönissen, Cornelis Jacques 06 1900 (has links)
Either relational contact with God is seen to be existentially attainable or God will become
increasingly irrelevant to contemporary society. For Church identity and effectiveness as she
serves the world, it is vital that God's initiating power can be seen to impact on this world.
As response to fourteen symptoms the Church faces as 'crises,' an inclusive hermeneutic
seeks fresh categories for a foundational spirituality capable of catalysing reform and
transformation. This comprehensive foundational hermeneutic hypothesised is grounded on
three foundational categories of experience, relationality and spiritual intuition. Any reception
of such transcendence has to occur subjectively ‘in experience.’ Evasive as it is, experience
is posited as a foundational category that needs to be rehabilitated through fundamental
philosophy and theology, as well as interdisciplinary explorations. It will be shown that the
challenges facing the contemporary Church are rooted in lost experience of transcendence.
However the entry point experience provides is never to become narcissistically selfreferential
but aims to establish a reciprocal relationship in faith. As an overarching category,
dynamic relationality will need to be socially transformative. The deep 'God-person' relational
mode, as it synthesises both human capacities and spiritual faculties, is experienced
interiorly and as such is called spiritual intuition. It is argued that the notion of, and capacity
for, intuition has been widely ignored and eroded. It is demonstrated that a 'reasonable
intuition' is a more synthetic faculty 'naturally' open to illumination and infusion by the Spirit
than an excessive traditional Church reliance on the workings of reason-intellect. Here the
witness of the life of St Francis of Assisi allows simpler and accessible entry into the
categories of affective experience and spiritual intuition under overarching relationality.
Francis as model, when compared to other Saints, substantiates the three foundational
categories. The conclusion chapter tests the foundational theory as it is applied to the
fourteen challenges the Church faces. The results of this study, and its applications, offer a
promising, fruitful humble metaphysic as 'solution' for the ‘Church in the world’ much in line
with Pope Francis' recent approaches. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Bachelard: l’objectivité scientifique d’un point de vue constructiviste, entre imagination et raison / Bachelard: scientific objectivity and constructivism, between imagination and rationalityIdlas, Sandrine January 2011 (has links)
In Sweden, Bachelard is mostly known for his works about poetry and literature, but he was also very productive in philosophy of science. Having studied engineering and taught physical sciences, his main writings in this field concern contemporary physics. He developed the idea of “epistemological rupture”, closely linked to the concept of “epistemological obstacle”. Those notions show science in its historicity and are linked to the idea of progress: a progress that strives not only towards a better approximation of reality, but that can also be seen as a progress of the scientific mind itself. Epistemological ruptures take place when epistemological obstacles are defeated. It is when an epistemological obstacle is met that the ways of thinking that prevents progress become visible; it needs to become an obstacle before we can get rid of it, which causes not only a more precise knowledge, but also a restructuration of the scientific mind. This way, epistemological rupture do not only refer to a historical process, but also to a psychological one. In The formation of the scientific mind, Bachelard shows, through examples taken from history of science, the path that each “scientific mind” has to travel. He analyses science with the aim of finding in its history a history of thought and of its progress: therefore, in The formation of the scientific mind, he gives the same status to the errors of the high school students, as to the ways of thinking that have impeded or slowed down sciences’ developments. By stressing the importance of history, Bachelard insists on the psychological aspects of the constitution of science: as much as it is absurd to try to understand an answer without knowing the question it replies to, it is not possible to cut knowledge from its context of emergence, or to understand an object of study without referring to the subject that constituted it. Thus, Bachelard emphasises the importance of the subject in science, but without making of science something subjective, or without falling into psychologism. The reference to the scientists’ subjectivity is not, for Bachelard, a way of questioning the validity of the scientific discourse; on the contrary, it is by describing science in terms of the scientist’s mind and psychology that Bachelard will find the grounds for science’s objectivity and its success. Bachelard shows science as a practice, as a training of the mind, as an effort involving a lot more than mere rationality, thereby destroying the myth of a universal reason as an underlying principle in the construction of science. / En Suède, Bachelard est surtout connu pour ses travaux sur la poésie et la littérature, mais il a été tout aussi productif en épistémologie. Ayant étudié et enseigné les sciences physiques, ses principaux écrits dans ce domaine concernent la physique contemporaine. Il a développé le concept de « rupture épistémologique », lié à celui d’ « obstacle épistémologique ». La notion d’obstacle épistémologique montre la science dans son historicité ; elle est liée à l’idée de progrès : un progrès qui recherche non seulement une meilleure approximation de la réalité, mais qui peut aussi être compris comme un progrès de l’esprit scientifique lui-même. Ce progrès est accompli lors de ruptures épistémologiques, c’est-à-dire lorsqu’un obstacle épistémologique est vaincu : c’est à ce moment que ce qui empêche la pensée d’avancer devient visible, ce qui cause non seulement une connaissance plus précise, mais aussi une restructuration de l’esprit scientifique. De cette manière, le concept de rupture épistémologique ne réfère pas seulement à un processus historique, mais aussi à un processus psychologique. Dans La formation de l’esprit scientifique, Bachelard donne des exemples pris de l’histoire des sciences et montre, à travers elles, le cheminement que chaque « esprit scientifique » doit accomplir. Il analyse la science avec le but de trouver dans son histoire, une histoire de la pensée et de ses progrès : c’est pour cela que Bachelard, dans son livre La formation de l’esprit scientifique, compare le développement des sciences au niveau historique avec l’apprentissage des sciences au niveau individuel, et fait souvent référence aux erreurs des lycéens autant qu’aux bévues historiques. Ainsi, Bachelard met en lumière l’aspect construit des sciences : pour autant qu’il soit absurde d’essayer de comprendre une réponse sans connaître la question à laquelle celle-ci répond, il est impossible de couper la connaissance de son contexte d’émergence, ou d’essayer de comprendre un objet d’étude sans référer au sujet qui l’a constitué. Il ne s’agit pas pour autant faire de la science quelque chose de subjectif ou de tomber dans le psychologisme. La référence à l’esprit du savant ou à l’intersubjectivité scientifique n’est pas, pour Bachelard, un moyen de questionner la validité du discours scientifique ; au contraire, c’est en décrivant la science grâce à la psychologie du savant que Bachelard montre la science comme une pratique, comme un entrainement de l’esprit, comme un effort impliquant bien plus que la simple rationalité, détruisant de ce fait le mythe d’une raison universelle comme principe sous-jacent de la construction des sciences.
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Filozofie přirozeného jazyka - její úpadek a co po něm / Philosophy of Ordinary Language - its Decline and What to Do After ItIvan, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The general topic of the thesis is the history of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. To be more precise, it deals with the critical arguments, which were raised against is. The thesis offers a short historical and sociological review of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. Critical analysis shows two things: 1) the main reason for the rejection was a different understanding of meaning (and consequences of such a understanding); 2) critics begged the question and already assumed the justification of these rejections in their arguments. The area of this criticism was: the paradigm case argument, the empirical nature of the statements of meaning produced by the Ordinary Language Philosophy, the structural elements of meaning and the political implications of the theory of meaning. The thesis criticizes the Ordinary Language Philosophy in those parts (and in such interpretations), where its understanding of meaning does not differ from the understanding of the critics and where they share common assumptions. On the other hand, the thesis argues for an interpretation, which avoids classical understanding of meaning in all its consequences. Finally, the thesis asks how the Ordinary Language Philosophy can be useful for contemporary debates.
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Development of Elicitation Methods for Managerial Decision SupportRiabacke, Ari January 2007 (has links)
Decision‐makers in organisations and businesses make numerous decisions every day, and these decisions are expected to be based on facts and carried out in a rational manner. However, most decisions are not based on precise information or careful analysis due to several reasons. People are, e.g., unable to behave rationally as a result of their experiences, socialisation, and additionally, because humans possess fairly limited capacities for processing information in an objective manner. In order to circumvent this human incapacity to handle decision situations in a rational manner, especially those involving risk and uncertainty, a widespread suggestion, at least in managerial decision making, is to take advantage of support in the form of decision support systems. One possibility involves decision analytical tools, but they are, almost without exception, not efficiently employed in organisations and businesses. It appears that one reason for this is the high demands the tools place on the decision‐maker in a variety of ways, e.g., by presupposing that reliable input data is obtainable by an exogenous process. Even though the reliability of current decision analytic tools is highly dependent on the quality of the input data, they rarely contain methods for eliciting data from the users. The problem focused on in this thesis is the unavailability and inefficiency of methods for eliciting decision information from the users. The aim is to identify problem areas regarding the elicitation of decision data in real decision making processes, and to propose elicitation methods that take people’s natural choice strategies and natural behaviour into account. In this effort, we have identified a conceptual gap between the decision‐makers, the decision models, and the decision analytical tools, consisting of seven gap components. The gap components are of three main categories (of which elicitation is one). In order to study elicitation problems, a number of empirical studies, involving more than 400 subjects in total, have been carried out in Sweden and Brazil. An iterative research approach has been adopted and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used. Findings made in this thesis include the fact that decision‐makers have serious problems in many decision situations due to not having access to accurate and relevant data in the first place, and secondly, not having the means for retrieving such data in a proper manner, i.e. lacking elicitation methods for this purpose. Employing traditional elicitation methods in this realm yield results that reveal an inertia gap, i.e. an intrinsic inertia in people’s natural behaviour to shift between differently framed prospects, and different groups of decisionmakers displaying different choice patterns. Since existing elicitation methods are unable to deal with the inertia, we propose a class of methods to take advantage of this natural behaviour, and also suggest a representation for the elicited information. An important element in the proposed class of methods is also that we must be able to fine‐tune methods and measuring instruments in order to fit into different types of decision situations, user groups, and choice behaviours.
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