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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The utility of CRT-a sub-scales for understanding and predicting aggressive behaviors

McNiel, Patrick Dean 27 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to re-analyze existing findings in order to demonstrate and summarize relationships between criteria and the sub-scales/dimensions of the Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression (CRT-A): Externalizing, Internalizing, and Powerlessness. A CRT-A sub-scale was expected to relate more strongly with criteria categorized as being more relevant to the dimension that is represented by that sub-scale. For criteria that were categorized as relevant to only a subset of the dimensions represented by CRT-A sub-scales, the regression of a criterion on all three sub-scales was expected to create a better fitting model than the regression of a criterion on the CRT-A total score alone. Scales were also expected to interact to predict criteria. This was expected to be most likely when multiple dimensions of implicit aggression were activated by environmental factors to influence specific behaviors. Support was found for all expectations

Increasing productivity in software testing : Visualizing and managingarbitrarily structured messages and message queues to increase productivity andusability

Pedersen, Jakob January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates how data sources, message queues, and messages can be generalized in such way that it allows for easy configuration and setup in a frontend visualization application. It also includes increasing the productivity of the application testers and the usability of the user interface. An analysis of one of Dewire’s test tools gave insightful information to identify what was needed in the proof-of-concept application and resulted in a list of requirements. The information gained from Dewire also indicated what technologies to use and resulted in a research phase. Different design proposals were presented and one was chosen to be implemented. An agile approach was chosen as method for the implementation phase to emphasize flexibility. It was set to be iterative and in close communication with people at Dewire. The implementation resulted in a proof-of-concept application with a GUI that allows user to configure data sources, message queues and messages. The messages are uploaded in XML format and the GUI allows for modification through HTML forms which mir-rors the XML files. The user is also able to send these messages as JMS mes-sages. Responses to these JMS messages are also shown in the GUI and saved in a database. The results suggest that accomplishing the common task to select a connection tree and send a message takes 45% less time in the proof-of-concept application compared to Dewire’s tool. To accomplish the common task to alter a message and send it takes 79% less time in the proof-of-concept appli-cation compared to Dewire’s tool. The results also suggest that theory of com-puter-human interaction have been applied during the implementation to ac-complisha usable UI. It is assessed that data sources, message queues and mes-sage can be easy configured in a GUI. Further, it is assessed that the productivi-ty has been increased compared to the former tool used.

網際網路與家庭網路間的整合服務通訊閘 / Integrated Services Gateway between Internet and HomeNet

劉建宗 Unknown Date (has links)

Conception et réalisation d'une plate-forme de répartition dédiée aux environnements nomades

Kaddour, Mejdi 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les technologies intergicielles se révèlent de plus en plus comme des ingrédients indispensables dans les systèmes mobiles. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons mené une réflexion sur les différents types d'intergiciels et leurs aptitudes à relever le défi de la mobilité. Nous avons opté pour les intergiciels orientés messages (MOMs), car ils se caractérisent, par un style de communication permettant un fort découplage entre les entités réparties. Le premier volet de nos travaux concerne la conception et la réalisation de MobileJMS, un intergiciel basé sur la spécification JMS. Par rapport aux MOMs existants, MobileJMS se distingue par l'adaptabilité et la sensibilité au contexte qui caractérisent la communication. MobileJMS intègre dans son module de communication des services qui peuvent être utilisés et configurés dynamiquement afin de réagir à des évènements comme la variation de la bande passante ou les déconnexions fréquentes. Le deuxième volet concerne la définition et la mise oeuvre d'un gestionnaire d'adaptation globale. Ce gestionnaire repose sur un modèle qui prend des décisions d'adaptation à partir des préférences des utilisateurs, des besoins des applications et des paramètres du contexte d'exécution. Nous exprimons les préférences des utilisateurs par des critères de performance comme la vitesse de transmission ou l'économie d'énergie. Les besoins des applications sont représentés sous forme de politiques d'adaptation. La fonction principale du modèle est le choix de la politique la plus adaptée au contexte actuel et à l'usage que l'utilisateur souhaite faire de l'application.

JMS communication : Communicating with a legacy JMS broker using JavaScript

Bylund, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to research how to use JavaScript to communicate with a legacy JMS broker, specifically OpenMQ 4.1 and implementing a proof- of-concept of this. This proof-of-concept should be able to send and receive JMS messages. The necessary preparations for designing this application was to research possible ways of communicating with different JMS brokers using oth- er languages than Java. This research showed that the only viable method in or- der to communicate with this version of OpenMQ is to create a Java bridge be- tween JavaScript and the JMS broker. The results shows that it's possible to use JavaScript to communicate with OpenMQ 4.1 by using a Java Bridge together with NodeJS. This result is performed by making an integration test, by first sending a message with a certain ID to the API and then receiving a response at the intended response destination with the same ID. The front-end of the proof- of-concept provides a web application UI for performing this integration test. Future improvements of this implementation can be done by extending the Java Bridge and API in such a way that it can be used against many different JMS brokers. The configuration data used can also be stored in more reliable ways, if multiple users are using the API and web application at the same time, for example by using a database instead of JSON files.

Integrador de Sistemas Heredados, Una solución para la Integración de Información

Muñoz Recuay, Edison Francisco January 2007 (has links)
The Legacy information systems were created with the purpose of automate process that before of the informatics invention were made in a manual way, these systems have gained prominence over the years because organizations have become increasingly dependent of them, and the information they generate and manage have a great value. Nowadays new tendencies and paradigms make that business and organizations base the majority of their process in information systems and it is imperative that new technology can works together with legacy systems, for this reason the information must be integrated. Therefore under this context, is necessary to raise an alternative solution for integrating information of different legacy systems. In this thesis, is examined the problem, is described the importance of legacy systems in contrast with new current technological tendencies, besides is analyzed tools which we can achieve information integration and is purposed an alternative solution to problem through a multiplatform information system integrator, additionally, it proposes a integration methodology, leaving an established base to perform the development of a new system in order to replace the legacy system. The proposed solution has been proven through a case study in a business tourism sector, which was able to verify: that it is possible to integrate information from a system that handles flat files, display the information on a web interface for example, and start migration to a new relational database. After completing the proof of solution, we can say that this can integrate information regardless of the operating system and can be used in different organizations or companies. / Los sistemas de información legacy o heredados fueron creados con la finalidad de automatizar procesos que antes de la invención de la informática se hacían de forma manual, estos sistemas han cobrado importancia con los años porque las organizaciones han ido dependiendo cada vez más de ellos y la información que generan y administran son de gran valor. Hoy en día con las nuevas tendencias y paradigmas hacen que los negocios y organizaciones basen la mayoría de sus procesos en los sistemas de información y es imprescindible que la nueva tecnología conviva con los sistemas legacy o heredados; por tal motivo la información debe ser integrada. Bajo este contexto, es necesario plantear una alternativa de solución que permita integrar la información de diversos sistemas legacy o heredados. En la presente tesis, se analiza el origen del problema, se describe la importancia de los sistemas legacy o heredados frente a las nuevas tendencias tecnológicas actuales, se analiza las herramientas con las que podemos lograr integración de información, y se propone una alternativa de solución al problema mediante un sistema integrador de información multiplataforma adaptable a cualquier tipo de negocio. Adicionalmente, se propone una metodología de integración que deja una base establecida para realizar el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema que reemplace al sistema legacy o heredado. La solución propuesta ha sido probada mediante un caso de estudio en una empresa del sector turismo, donde se pudo verificar: que es posible integrar la información de un sistema que maneja archivos planos, mostrar la información en una interfase Web por ejemplo, y empezar la migración hacia una nueva base de datos relacional. Después de realizadas las pruebas de la solución se puede afirmar que esta puede integrar información sin importar el sistema operativo y que puede ser usado en distintas organizaciones o empresas.

Integrador de Sistemas Heredados, Una solución para la Integración de Información

Muñoz Recuay, Edison Francisco January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring IBM Integration Designer

Ellström, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
The interest for Business Process Management (BPM) is increasing in Sweden. Government agencies such as the Swedish Nation Board of Student Aid (CSN), the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) are implementing BPM into their organizations. Sogeti is an IT-consulting company that has employees that works at CSN with BPM, and one of the tools they use for integration is IBM Integration Designer. Since this technology is new and is gaining popularity, there is a need for increased knowledge about it. This thesis report explores the tool IBM Integration Designer, regarding its different ways to integrate with systems and compares the different options for exposing the integration solu- tions. By researching documentation from IBM, and by learning how to use the tool itself, knowledge could be acquired about IBM Integration Designer. The result was an implementation of the five different export bindings: SCA, HTTP, SOAP over HTTP, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) and Java Messaging Service (JMS), a comparison of these export bindings and finally a service in IBM Inte- gration Designer that accesses a database and uses an external SMS API to send text messages. The result has been satisfactory to the purpose of this project in giving insight into IBM Integration Designer, one of the popular tools for inte- grating BMP.


黃琮祐 Unknown Date (has links)
在J2EE架構下金融資訊系統整合之研究 研究生:黃琮祐 指導教授:曾淑峰 國立政治大學資訊管理系碩士班 摘要 本研究主要目的在於運用標準J2EE架構建立一個金融資訊系統整合概念,並使用EJB(Enterprise Java Bean)軟體元件與設計樣式(Design Patterns)規劃並設計雛型系統架構,使用訊息系統作為系統與系統之間或軟體元件與軟體元件之間溝通的媒介。 本研究所採行的整合方式為使用訊息系統(或稱Message Oriented Middleware,簡稱MOM),藉由標準的JMS(Java Message Service)作訊息傳遞,是眾多可供選擇的整合方式之一,其優點在於降低系統整合的進入門檻、達成系統之間的耦合、降低連線管理的複雜性、並可作負載平衡等之外,也可妥善運用其建置在J2EE平台上的優勢,每當有新的整合性金融商品被研發出來時,即可藉由軟體元件的佈署加入系統的服務中,除了迅速擴充的彈性之外,也使得系統更易於維護。 本研究發衽於當前金融機構的併購風潮,金控公司如雨後春筍般紛紛成立,期望藉由本研究能夠為金控公司成立後欲進行交叉銷售(Cross-Saling)時的系統整合需求提出一個可行方案,然資訊系統整合的議題所涉及的範圍甚廣,舉凡有關網路通訊整合、資源系統介面整合、資料格式轉換、系統管理、流程管理、甚至開發工具等皆屬之,而本研究所探討的內容或可歸納於網路通訊整合及資訊系統介面整合相關範圍。 本研究經過整合概念設計後,假想一提供整合性金融商品服務的雛型系統,並將之建構在J2EE平台上,運用JMS訊息服務、元件技術與設計樣式概念得到下列研究成果: 1. 提供一個在J2EE上以訊息傳遞達成單一入口多元服務的系統整合概念架構方式。 2. 使用非同步的訊息傳遞,並將設計樣式與EJB元件加入此類系統整合中,這與傳統的整合方法如CORBA、Java RMI、微軟的COM/DCOM等有頗大的不同,可做為未來他人相關研究的參考。 關鍵詞:系統整合、金融控股、JMS、非同步傳輸、EJB、設計樣式

Reportovací nástroj pre monitorovanie stavu energetickej siete v reálnom čase

Poľakovský, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to develop a tool for monitoring electricity grid state in real-time. The theoretical part of the thesis covers real-time power grid monitoring and reporting knowledge, solutions and standards currently existing on the market and answers questions about what, how and why it should be monitored. This thesis describes TSCNET as electricity grid coordinator in Central Europe and Unicorn Systems and its current solutions for this industry. Also, modern approaches for development of the real-time BI are mentioned. Customised solution for the customer is presented. Chapter Material and methods introduces multiple tools used for the development of such a tool – Pentaho, JMS, MOM, AMICA, RIS, Vue etc. BPMN is used for ETL process modelling. Results describe the tool implementation based on the application integration principles, available solutions mentioned in methods part of this thesis and feasibility study. In the next part, physical model is created, communication interface is set, ETL diagrams are provided and all is implemented to generate CSV file output with grid state data. In addition, presentation layer is developed using Vue, NodeJS and client-server sockets. This layer visualises real-time tables containing grid state contingency and load-flow analysis results and also allows managers to regulate the newly implemented tool. Even though this tool presented in this thesis is deeply customised and developed for business processes of a specific company, it still can be the clue for further research of the real-time solutions and tools.

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