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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O cuidado pastoral no âmbito da psicologia junguiana: a análise conduzida perante a cruz

Cleudir José dos Santos 12 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda temas relacionados com o conceito e a prática do cuidado pastoral, com as contribuições da análise junguiana para a orientação e o aconselhamento cristão, bem como estuda as ligações entre a terapêutica junguiana e a poimênica. Em sua consecução, parte da assertiva de que o cuidado pastoral e o aconselhamento cristão estão vinculados aos ministérios da igreja, no sentido da diaconia, aos serviços que implicam a ajuda a pessoas e grupos, porque lhes oferece a perspectiva da fé e da revelação. Desenvolve a idéia de que a psicologia analítica pode oferecer um método adequado às necessidades cristãs, tendo em vista que a abordagem junguiana possibilita tanto a transformação e a integração dos conteúdos psíquicos, quanto uma tomada do caminho do conhecimento de si mesmo, sendo que ambas essas resultantes também apontam para os benefícios da orientação espiritual e religiosa, mostrando que este é o encontro e a relação principal entre a análise junguiana, o cuidado pastoral e a própria religião. No desenvolvimento dessas perspectivas foram exploradas as dimensões religiosas e simbólicas da psique e da teologia da cruz enquanto vértices para uma efetiva cura da alma / This paper discusses issues related to the concept and practice of pastoral care, with contributions from Jungian analysis for Christian guidance and counseling, as well as studies the links between Jungian therapy and pastoral care. To accomplish this, it is based on the assertion that the Christian counseling and pastoral care are linked to the ministries of the church, in the sense of diakonia, to the services that involve helping people and groups, because it offers them the prospect of faith and revelation. It develops the idea that analytical psychology can offer a suitable method for Christian needs, considering that the Jungian approach enables both the transformation and integration of psychic contents, as well as taking on the path of self-knowledge, and both of these results also point to the benefits of spiritual and religious guidance, showing that this is the main meeting of and relationship between Jungian analysis, pastoral care, and religion itself. In developing these perspectives religious and symbolic dimensions of the psyche and the theology of the cross as vertices for effective healing of the soul were explored.

Um estudo dos arquétipos nos sonhos de portadores do HIV / A study about the archetypes in HIV carriers' dreams

Paulo Afrânio Sant'Anna 05 June 1996 (has links)
Este estudo discute a AIDS enquanto um fenômeno simbólico para indivíduos a partir da experiência clínica e do referencial teórico da psicologia analítica.A técnica utilizada foi a análise de registros de sonhos. Durante 22 meses foram registrados 125 sonhos de 9 de pessoas infectadas pelo HIV, e os sintomas relacionados à AIDS. Destes foram selecionadas três séries oníricas totalizando 74 sonhos, segundo os critérios: idade, sexo, orientação sexual, escolaridade, nível sócio-econômico, período de infecção, período de coleta de dados, local de atendimento e número e qualidade dos sonhos registrados. A análise foi realizada primeiro, a partir das associações e dos dados coletados durante as sessões, procurando verificar as relações entre os sonhos e o momento de vida do indivíduo. A seguir, identificou-se a constelação arquetípica mais presente em cada série, amplificando-a a nível arquetípico e relacionando-a com a situação psicológica do sujeito. Procurou-se também averiguar o movimento de compensação e/ou adaptação do inconsciente à experiência de vida marcada pela AIDS. E por último, analisou-se as três séries em conjunto procurando destacar os pontos relevantes para a compreensão do fenômeno da AIDS como um todo. A análise dos dados indica que a AIDS, enquanto fenômeno simbólico, pode ser inserida em um movimento de reestruturação amplo da personalidade. A compensação parece dar-se dentro deste processo e não em relação ao evento da AIDS isoladamente. Porém, foram registradas constelações do Self durante os eventos somáticos mais graves, o que pode indicar um esforço compensatório frente a uma situação de ameaça à vida. Os sintomas menos graves foram acompanhados pela emersão de conteúdos da sombra com os quais parecem ter uma relação simbólica. As várias referências ao mito de Dioniso ao longo das séries pode indicar, que a nível coletivo, a epidemia da AIDS faz parte de um movimento compensatório à cultura judaico-cristã-apolínea, que visa redimensionar a consciência, através da integração dos elementos instintivos da psique. / This study focuses on AIDS while a symbolic phenomenon in individuals, based on clinical experience supported by the analytical psychology theory. The technique used in this work was dream analysis. In a period of 22 months it was registered 125 dreams of 9 people infected with HIV, as well as the symptoms related to AIDS. It was selected three series of dreams totaling 74 dreams according to: age, sex, sex orientation, scholarship, social-economic level, period of infection and data registration, counseling place and amount of registered dreams. First, the analysis was made, from the associations and therapy sessions' data, in order to verify the relations between dreams and the individual situation. Next it was identified the archetypal constellation present in each series. This archetypal constellation was amplified at archetypal level and related to the psychological situation of the individual. It was also verified the compensation and the adaptation movement in relation to AIDS. Finally, the three series were analyzed all together and the significant aspects to the comprehension of AIDS phenomena were discussed. The data analysis suggests that AIDS, while a symbolic phenomenon, can be understood as part of a great movement of personality change. The compensation movement seems to take place in this process and not in relation to AIDS. However, Self constellations were registered during the most serious somatic events, what can denote a compensation in face of a threatening life situation. Less serious somatic events were followed by the emergence of shadow contents, with which they seem to have a symbolic relation. Many references to Dioniso myth can indicate at a collective level, a compensatory movement against the Judaic-Christian-Apolinean culture that aims the consciousness transformation by integrating the instinctive elements of the psyche.

Identificação da tipologia psicológica em pacientes com câncer de esôfago / Identification of psychological type in patients with esophageal cancer

Stela Duarte Pinto 29 November 2016 (has links)
O Câncer de Esôfago é uma das neoplasias mais agressivas do trato gastrointestinal; é considerado como a nona neoplasia mais comum no mundo, além de ter altas taxas de mortalidade. A doença pode ser desencadeada por hábitos de vida, tais como etilismo e tabagismo, e também por fatores intrínsecos ao indivíduo. De todo modo, interfere significativamente em vários setores da vida do sujeito. Uma doença como o câncer pode conter uma tentativa simbólica para compensar uma atitude unilateral do indivíduo, ao relacionar-se com o ambiente e consigo mesmo. Acredita-se que conhecer aspectos do funcionamento e da dinâmica psíquica do sujeito pode contribuir para o foco do tratamento psicológico, de forma a propiciar intervenções psicológicas precoces e a auxiliar as demais equipes assistenciais nos cuidados e no modo de interação com o paciente. Entre elementos da estrutura psíquica do sujeito, buscou-se a tipologia psicológica dos referidos pacientes; para tanto, foi utilizado o Questionário de avaliação tipológica - QUATI (Zacharias, 2003). Além disso, valemo-nos de aspectos contidos na avaliação psicológica, rotina da instituição, com a finalidade de acessarmos as particularidades de cada um dos pacientes, especialmente no que se refere à reação ao diagnóstico e ao significado atribuído à doença. O estudo pode ser considerado como transversal, exploratório e descritivo. Foram incluídos 90 pacientes, derivados de análise estatística. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa pacientes maiores de 18 anos com diagnóstico de câncer de esôfago; com ensino fundamental completo; virgens de tratamento; atendidos em primeira consulta, no ambulatório de cirurgia do aparelho digestivo, do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP-HCFMUSP). Encontramos esses pacientes em sala de espera da consulta médica, onde foram informados sobre o objetivo da pesquisa; e, àqueles que aceitaram participar, foi aplicado o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, seguido da avaliação psicológica (rotina da instituição) e aplicação do instrumento. Os resultados indicaram que a maior parte da nossa amostra tem uma atitude introvertida. O tipo psicológico mais comum foi o introvertido sensação, com função auxiliar sentimento. A partir da avaliação psicológica, constatou-se uma variedade de mecanismos defensivos para minimização da angústia. A grande parte dos pacientes valeu-se de defesas adaptativas diante do processo de adoecimento. Conclui-se que, no atendimento com esses pacientes, torna-se necessária uma postura prática e objetiva dos profissionais de saúde, em que se busque fornecer orientações com base na realidade dos pacientes, assim como ter um modo de agir empático, com o estabelecimento de vínculo significativo, mas respeitando os limites dos pacientes, sobretudo ao que se refere à forma reservada e introspectiva de interagirem com o mundo e com as pessoas que os cercam / Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and can be triggered by life habits such as alcoholism and smoking and factors intrinsic to the individual. A disease such as cancer can hold a symbolic attempt to compensate for a onesided attitude of the individual. It is believed that knowing aspects of the psychic dynamics of the person, can contribute to the focus of a psychological treatment, in order to provide early psychological interventions, as well as assisting other attending teams in the care of and interaction with the patient. Among the psychic structure elements of a subject, we looked for the psychological typology of these patients. Typological Assessment Questionnaire was used to evaluate the psychological typology. In addition, we drew on aspects from within the psychological assessment, routine of the institution, in order to access the particularities of each one of the patients, especially concerning their reaction to the diagnosis and the meaning attributed to the disease. Ninety patients were included. They were over 18 years old, having completed middle-school education, diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and interviewed during their first medical appointment at the Digestive Surgery Clinic at the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo (ICESP-HCFMUSP). We met these patients in the waiting room, where they were informed of the purpose of the survey. Those who agreed to participate, were given the terms of free and informed consent, followed by a psychological evaluation and the application of the instrument used. The results indicated a predominant introverted attitude. The most common psychological type was the introverted feeling, with feeling as a secondary function. From this psychological evaluation, we found a variety of defensive mechanisms to minimize the anguish. Most of the patients made use of adaptive defenses when facing the illness process. Therefore, when attending these patients, health professionals must have a practical and objective posture, seeking to guide the patients according to their reality. In addition, they should be empathetic in their manner, establishing significant bond, but respecting the patients\' limits, especially when it comes to their reserved and introspective way of interacting with the world and the people around them

Paternidade e subjetividade masculina em transformação : crise, crescimento e individuação. Uma abordagem junguiana / Fatherhood and male subjectivity in transformation : crisis, growth and individuation. A Jungian perspective

Maria Beatriz Vidigal Barbosa de Almeida 28 March 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é, a partir do referencial junguiano, ampliar a compreensão de como está se dando a experiência de paternidade atualmente, com foco na subjetividade masculina: qual o impacto que a experiência de se tornar pai vem causando no processo de desenvolvimento psicológico do homem - seu processo de individuação. Em busca de maior compreensão do significado atual da paternidade para os próprios homens na condição de pais, procura-se observar como o arquétipo paterno está se constelando na sociedade atual, de acordo com os novos modos de sentir e de se comportar, tendo em vista uma atitude mais favorável à alteridade e às relações democráticas. A partir de uma contextualização histórico-social, reconstitui-se um cenário marcado pelas reformulações nas concepções de masculino e feminino que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas, e que interferem coletivamente nas identidades de gênero, portanto na subjetividade masculina, com desdobramentos nas expectativas que recaem sobre a figura do pai. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tem como principal instrumento a entrevista individual, com base em um roteiro de temas e questões abordados de forma semi-dirigida. A partir dos depoimentos, observa-se a representação e a vivência de paternidade em transformação através de manifestações da paternidade distintas do padrão patriarcal dominante, caracterizado pelo afastamento afetivo no comportamento masculino. Verifica-se uma crescente expectativa por parte dos homens de maior participação na gravidez, parto e cuidados junto ao filho, acompanhada de envolvimento emocional expresso. Destacam-se na análise os temas do \'desejo de ser pai\' e \'modelos de pai\', que se articulam em torno da afetividade masculina e paterna em transformação. Constata-se a coexistência de múltiplas referências e a valorização dessa pluralidade expressa em comportamentos e valores, o que contrasta com antigos modelos até então tidos como hegemônicos. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que a crise vivenciada nesse âmbito, em função da instabilidade gerada pelo período de transição que desorganiza tanto a estrutura emocional quanto as estruturas familiares, promove, a médio e longo prazo, crescimento tanto para o indivíduo como para a sociedade. / The purpose of this research is to broaden the understanding of how the experience of fatherhood is taking place at the present time, using a Jungian perspective: to find out what the impact of the experience of becoming a father is causing on men\'s developmental process and process of individuation. As a better understanding about the meaning of fatherhood nowadays for men themselves as fathers is searched, we analyse how the paternal archetype is being constellated in contemporary society, according to new modes of feeling and behaviour, aiming at a more favorable approach towards alterity and democratic relationships. After a sociohistoric contextualization, emerges a scenario marked by reformulation in the conceptions of masculine and feminine over the last decades, which interferes on the aggregate level in gender identities and, therefore, on male subjectivity as well, with consequences for the expectations towards the father figure. This is a qualitative research based on individual interviews supported by a semi-directed script of issues and questions. Based on these statements, we observe the representation and the experience of fatherhood in transformation throughout manifestations of fatherhood that differ from the dominant pattern (patriarchal) and characterized by emotional aloofness as a common male trait. Men\'s growing expectation towards greater participation over pregnancy, childbirth and day-to-day care has been identified, as well as explicit emotional involvement. \'Willingness to be a father\' and \'models of father\' were emphasized issues, involving male and paternal affection in transformation. The coexistence of multiple frames of reference along with such diversity, as expressed in behaviours and values, have been demonstrated. This contrasts with old models considered, until now, to be hegemonic. We worked with the hypothesis that the crisis in this area, due to instability generated by this transitory period that disorganizes both emotional and family structures, generates, over medium and long range, development for the individual as well as for society.

Witches are not so delicate : A Jungian analysis of gendered oppression in Madeline Miller’s Circe and the novel’s pedagogical potential in the EFL classroom

Ida, Hermansson January 2022 (has links)
Circe (2018) by Madeline Miller is a retelling of The Odyssey from the perspective of the witch Circe. The novel challenges the previous portrayal of Circe as a vindictive seductress and provides insight into the narrative of a woman negotiating a man’s world, in which she is denied autonomy due to her gender. This essay focuses on how oppressive structures prevent the protagonist to psychologically develop towards their true potential in Circe. Jungian psychoanalytic theory of individuation and archetypes are applied to analyze the psychological process. In addition, the impact of hegemonic masculinity in Circe is examined as it stunts the protagonist’s progress in individuation. Furthermore, Circe can be a tool in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom in upper secondary school to enable discussions on gender oppression and unjust social structures. A feminist reading of the individuation process in Circe can provide new insight into the effects of gender oppression as it concerns the psychological impact of unjust treatment.

American Masculinity in Crisis: Trauma and Superhero Blockbusters

Mason, Lizabeth Dutilly 18 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Terapie met die seksueel gemolesteerde seun in die middelkinderjare-ontwikkelingsfase vanuit 'n Jungiaanse perspektief / Dissertation

Van Wyk, Carel Johannes 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die teoretiese basis van die verhandeling behels 'n uiteensetting van die Jungiaanse teorie en 'n bespreking van die seksuele molestering van seuns. Met die uiteensetting van die Jungiaanse teorie word die psigodinamiese aspekte van die psige verduidelik en grafiese voorstellings van die strukturele komponente daarvan word weergegee. Die ontwikkelingsfase van die seun word aangespreek, met klem op die rol van die gesin in sy ontwikkeling. In die beskrywing van die terapeutiese proses word spesifiek gefokus op die benutting van die reekstekeningmodel. Die fokuspunt van die beskrywing van seksuele molestering van seuns, behels die aanbieding van die korttermyngevolge binne 'n multimodale raamwerk. Die definiering en tipes seksuele molestering, asook die bekendmaking en faktore wat die trauma van seksuele molestering intensiveer, word verder aangespreek. Twee gevallestudies word as empiriese data aangebied. In elke gevallestudie word tekeninge deur middel van toto's bespreek nadat agtergrondinligting omtrent elke respondent aangebied / The theoretical basis of the thesis compromises an exposition of Jungian theory, and a discussion of the sexual abuse of boys. In the exposition of Jungian theory, the psychodynamics aspects of the psyche are elucidated and graphic illustrations of the structural components thereof are provided. The developmental phase of the boy is addressed, with emphasis on the role of the family in his development. In the discussion of the therapeutic process, specific focus is placed on the utilisation of the serial drawing model. The focal point of the description of sexual abuse of boys comprises the presentation of the short-term consequences within a multimodal framework. The definition and types of sexual abuse, as well as the making known thereof and the factors which intensify the trauma of sexual abuse, are also addressed. Two case studies are presented as empirical data. In each case study, drawings are discussed by means of photographs after the presentation of background information concerning each respondent. / Social Work

Concrete insight: art, the unconscious and transformative spontaneity

Nutting, Catherine M. 30 August 2007 (has links)
My thesis draws connections among Herbert Read’s aesthetics, his anarchism, and Carl Jung’s aesthetic theory. I discuss Jung’s concept of individuation and its importance in his theory of the creative process of life. He distinguished between personalistic and archetypal art, and argued that the latter embodies primordial symbols that are inherently meaningful. Archetypal art, he believed, symbolizes unconscious knowledge, which can promote self-awareness and impact on society, if an individual is able to discern its relevance and integrate this into an ethical lifestyle. Jung emphasized the importance of rational discernment and ethical choices along with free creativity. I show how Read used these Jungian concepts to explain aspects of his aesthetic and political emphasis on freedom. According to Read, art creates reality and as such it is both personally transformative and socially activist: he believed that aesthetics are a mechanism of the natural world, and that art is a unique type of cognition that manifests new forms. Art communicates new versions of reality because perception is holistic, allowing people to perceive both the essence inherent in forms and the relationships among them. Further, I consider Read’s belief that cognition and society are both organic, and should be allowed to evolve naturally. Therefore, according to Read, society must be anarchist so that creative freedom and aesthetic consciousness can be adequately supported. Finally, I conclude by highlighting the pivotal role of creative freedom in Jung’s and Read’s theories of personal and social change. I illustrate that Jung and Read concurred that the unique individual is the site of transformation, living out the organically creative nature of life.

Concrete insight: art, the unconscious and transformative spontaneity

Nutting, Catherine M. 30 August 2007 (has links)
My thesis draws connections among Herbert Read’s aesthetics, his anarchism, and Carl Jung’s aesthetic theory. I discuss Jung’s concept of individuation and its importance in his theory of the creative process of life. He distinguished between personalistic and archetypal art, and argued that the latter embodies primordial symbols that are inherently meaningful. Archetypal art, he believed, symbolizes unconscious knowledge, which can promote self-awareness and impact on society, if an individual is able to discern its relevance and integrate this into an ethical lifestyle. Jung emphasized the importance of rational discernment and ethical choices along with free creativity. I show how Read used these Jungian concepts to explain aspects of his aesthetic and political emphasis on freedom. According to Read, art creates reality and as such it is both personally transformative and socially activist: he believed that aesthetics are a mechanism of the natural world, and that art is a unique type of cognition that manifests new forms. Art communicates new versions of reality because perception is holistic, allowing people to perceive both the essence inherent in forms and the relationships among them. Further, I consider Read’s belief that cognition and society are both organic, and should be allowed to evolve naturally. Therefore, according to Read, society must be anarchist so that creative freedom and aesthetic consciousness can be adequately supported. Finally, I conclude by highlighting the pivotal role of creative freedom in Jung’s and Read’s theories of personal and social change. I illustrate that Jung and Read concurred that the unique individual is the site of transformation, living out the organically creative nature of life.

Terapie met die seksueel gemolesteerde seun in die middelkinderjare-ontwikkelingsfase vanuit 'n Jungiaanse perspektief / Dissertation

Van Wyk, Carel Johannes 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Die teoretiese basis van die verhandeling behels 'n uiteensetting van die Jungiaanse teorie en 'n bespreking van die seksuele molestering van seuns. Met die uiteensetting van die Jungiaanse teorie word die psigodinamiese aspekte van die psige verduidelik en grafiese voorstellings van die strukturele komponente daarvan word weergegee. Die ontwikkelingsfase van die seun word aangespreek, met klem op die rol van die gesin in sy ontwikkeling. In die beskrywing van die terapeutiese proses word spesifiek gefokus op die benutting van die reekstekeningmodel. Die fokuspunt van die beskrywing van seksuele molestering van seuns, behels die aanbieding van die korttermyngevolge binne 'n multimodale raamwerk. Die definiering en tipes seksuele molestering, asook die bekendmaking en faktore wat die trauma van seksuele molestering intensiveer, word verder aangespreek. Twee gevallestudies word as empiriese data aangebied. In elke gevallestudie word tekeninge deur middel van toto's bespreek nadat agtergrondinligting omtrent elke respondent aangebied / The theoretical basis of the thesis compromises an exposition of Jungian theory, and a discussion of the sexual abuse of boys. In the exposition of Jungian theory, the psychodynamics aspects of the psyche are elucidated and graphic illustrations of the structural components thereof are provided. The developmental phase of the boy is addressed, with emphasis on the role of the family in his development. In the discussion of the therapeutic process, specific focus is placed on the utilisation of the serial drawing model. The focal point of the description of sexual abuse of boys comprises the presentation of the short-term consequences within a multimodal framework. The definition and types of sexual abuse, as well as the making known thereof and the factors which intensify the trauma of sexual abuse, are also addressed. Two case studies are presented as empirical data. In each case study, drawings are discussed by means of photographs after the presentation of background information concerning each respondent. / Social Work

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