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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A casa almada: a experiência do reassentamento involuntário / Not informed by the author

Denise Lisboa de Almeida 18 December 2015 (has links)
O reassentamento involuntário é uma forma de intervenção que promove a remoção forçada de uma população de suas casas para uma nova casa em outra localidade, visando à implementação de um projeto de habitação. Sendo um processo que envolve mudanças de casa, espaço e comunidade, o presente trabalho busca uma maior compreensão sobre a dimensão psicológica do reassentamento involuntário a partir da perspectiva de famílias reassentadas sobre a sua experiência e os sentidos atribuídos ao processo. Assim, foram entrevistados quatro reassentados do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento/Projetos Prioritários de Investimento, do município de Pinhais do estado do Paraná, em diferentes estágios do reassentamento. Considerando o espaço como simbólico e a casa como referência do indivíduo no mundo, verificou-se a grande mobilização de conteúdos emocionais a partir da experiência do reassentamento para estes sujeitos. A ausência de participação na execução do programa e as perdas inerentes às mudanças exigidas, em especial da casa, mobilizaram imagens de sofrimento e morte por parte dos reassentados-independente de uma concordância anterior dos entrevistados pelo reassentamento. Assim, antes que possam se ver como beneficiários de uma casa nova, os reassentados enfrentam perdas profundas e uma morte simbólica, necessitando de uma elaboração da experiência para conseguir reconstruir a sua vida, seu lar e, por fim, renascer / Involuntary resettlement is a form of intervention that promotes the forced removal of a population from their homes to a new home in another location in order to implement a housing project. Being a process that involves home changes, and community space, this paper seeks a greater understanding of the psychological dimension of the involuntary resettlement from the perspective of resettled families about their experience and the meanings attributed to the process. Consequently, we interviewed four resettled PAC program / PPI in the city of Pinhais / Paraná, at different stages of resettlement. Considering the space as a symbol and the house as the individual reference in the world, there was a great mobilization of emotional content from the resettlement experience for these persons. The lack of participation in the program implementation and losses of the inescapable changes, especially the house, mobilized suffering and death images by the resettled - regardless of a previous agreement of the interviewed about the resettlement. So, before they can see themselves beneficiaries of a new home, the resettled must deal with deep losses and a symbolic death, requiring an elaboration of experience to be able to reconstruct their life, their home and finally reborn

Separação amorosa e individuação feminina: uma abordagem em grupo de mulheres no enfoque da psicologia analítica / Separation from love relationships and womens individuation: an approach into a group of women in the focus of the Analytical Psychology

Silvana Parisi 22 May 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a compreensão da separação amorosa vivenciada pela mulher de meia idade relacionada ao processo de individuação através de um trabalho realizado em grupo vivencial sob o enfoque da Psicologia Analítica. O método utilizado na pesquisa foi qualitativo sob a perspectiva simbólico arquetípica. Foram realizados oito encontros de grupo com sete participantes na faixa etária de quarenta a cinqüenta e cinco anos que estavam vivenciando uma separação amorosa. No grupo foram utilizados recursos expressivos, contos e mitos para favorecer a elaboração simbólica. A partir do material coletado observou-se uma grande diversidade de experiências em relação à perda como sentimentos de tristeza, solidão, desamparo, raiva, desejos de vingança, sensação de vazio e desorganização. Um tema comum manifestado pelas participantes foi a sensação de perda de identidade no relacionamento anterior ou em decorrência da separação. Identificou-se que esta perda estava associada a conteúdos inconscientes projetados no parceiro e na conjugalidade que ainda não haviam sido reintegrados à consciência. Verificou-se que em alguns casos a identidade estava alicerçada no vínculo simbiótico mantido com o parceiro. Reconhecer a raiva que estava na sombra do relacionamento, recolher as projeções depositadas no parceiro e ter que enfrentar a solidão se revelaram como oportunidades de diferenciação necessárias ao processo de individuação. Na compreensão dos dados, foi utilizado o referencial de mitos e contos para estabelecer algumas amplificações e analogias. Alguns padrões arquetípicos femininos mostraram estar ativados ou negligenciados na psique das participantes: a traição acionou uma Hera raivosa e vingativa em algumas mulheres, enquanto Afrodite parecia abandonada pelo desinteresse manifestado por algumas participantes para novos relacionamentos. Por outro lado a separação constelou arquétipos de deusas mais independentes em algumas mulheres que investem em trabalho e estudos. Observou-se que a temática da descida ao mundo inferior expressa nos mitos de Inana e de Core-Perséfone era constelada na vivência depressiva de algumas participantes, uma experiência necessária à elaboração do luto e ao enraizamento no Self feminino simbolizado pelo encontro com a deusa escura reprimida na cultura patriarcal. O grupo vivencial se mostrou eficaz para favorecer a elaboração do luto pela perda amorosa através da criação de um espaço ritual, permitindo a constelação de uma nova coniunctio. Os recursos expressivos e os contos e mitos utilizados facilitaram a expressão simbólica das participantes e mobilizaram as forças curativas da psique para iniciar a cicatrização das feridas ocasionadas pela perda. Constatou-se no grupo uma apropriação da própria trajetória de vida possibilitando assumir a responsabilidade pelo processo de individuação. São sugeridos novos estudos e o desenvolvimento de trabalhos em grupos vivenciais de mulheres e também de homens para lidar com a separação amorosa em consultórios e instituições de saúde, visando contribuir para a área de relações de gênero. / This thesis sought to understand the separation from a love relationship as experienced by middle-aged women related to the individuation process through experiential group work in the focus of Analytical Psychology. The method used in the research was qualitative, under a symbolic archetypal perspective. Eight group meetings were held with seven participants aged from forty to fifty-five who were undergoing separation from love relationships. Expressive resources, tales and myths were used in the group in order to favor the symbolic development. The material gathered showed a large diversity of experiences in relation to the loss, such as feelings of sadness, solitude, distress, anger, wishes of revenge, a feeling of emptiness and derangement. A common matter expressed by the participants was the feeling of loss of identity in the past relationship or as a result of the separation. It was identified that this loss was associated to unconscious contents projected in the partner and in the conjugality that had not yet rejoined their consciousness. It was verified that, in some cases, the identity was grounded on the symbiotic relationship had with the partner. To recognize the anger that was in the shadows of the relationship, to bring in the projections deposited in the partner and have to face solitude revealed to be opportunities of differentiation that are necessary for the individuation process. The referential of myths and tales was used in the understanding of the data, in order to establish some expansions and analogies. Some feminine archetypal standards were shown to be activated or neglected in the psyche of the participants: betrayal turned some women into an angry and vengeful Hera, while Aphrodite looked abandoned by the lack of interest for new relationships expressed by some participants. On the other hand, the separation constellated archetypes of more independent goddesses in some women who invest on their career and education. It was noted that the thematic of the descent to the underworld expressed in the myths of Inanna and Core-Persephone was constellated on the depressive life experience of some participants, a necessary experience for the elaboration of mourning and rooting into their feminine Self, symbolized by the meeting with the dark goddess repressed in the patriarchal culture. The experiential group was shown to be efficient to favor the elaboration of mourning for the loss of their love mate through the creation of a ritual space, allowing the constellation of a new coniunctio. The expressive resources and tales and myths used facilitated the symbolic expression and mobilized the healing forces of the psyche to start the healing of the wounds caused by the loss. The group demonstrated an appropriation of their own trajectories of life, allowing them to take responsibility for the individuation process. New studies are suggested, as well as the development of experiential group work with women and man to handle the separation from love relationships in clinical settings and health institutions, seeking to contribute to the gender relationship area.

Dramatização espontânea e psicologia analítica de Jung: consideração da sombra em um grupo de psico-sociodrama / Spontaneous dramatization and the Analytical Psychology of Jung: Consideration of the shadow in a psycho-sociodrama group

Marcia Alves Iorio Quilici 20 March 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação estuda, a partir do referencial da psicologia analítica de Jung, um grupo vivencial que utiliza a dramatização espontânea como recurso expressivo. Procura investigar se este instrumento é um facilitador para a exploração da sombra em grupos. Parte da hipótese que, ao dramatizarmos espontaneamente, a sombra tem a possibilidade de adquirir expressão, aproximarse e ser reconhecida pela consciência. Este diálogo entre a esfera consciente e inconsciente estimulado pelo drama improvisado e compartilhado pelo grupo pode permitir a emergência, o desenvolvimento e a estruturação de uma consciência que funcione em alteridade, pois há uma abertura para o reconhecimento daquilo que é diverso em si e no outro, com uma atitude de inclusão deste aspecto. Como método de investigação, há a pesquisa de um ato psicosociodramático no Centro Cultural São Paulo que utiliza a ação dramática espontânea para o desenvolvimento de grupos. É feito o relato de uma vivência e entrevistas com quatro participantes e a diretora dessa atividade procurando identificar, na vivência e nas respostas dos entrevistados, os momentos nos quais a sombra se expressou e quais foram as atitudes então tomadas pela consciência diante desta situação. A fundamentação se dá principalmente através dos conceitos de sombra, persona, complexo, self (grupal) e abordagem simbólica. Apoiada neles os atos de psico-sociodrama são apresentados como rituais criativos importantes para o desenvolvimento da personalidade, ao possibilitarem uma abertura da existência para a realização do self e permitirem que diferentes singularidades coexistam e não se excluam mutuamente, o que faz com que se tornem caminhos possíveis para a estruturação e exploração de uma consciência de alteridade. / This dissertation studies, from the reference of the Analytical Psychology of Jung, an experiential group that uses spontaneous dramatization as an expressive resource. It tries to investigate if this instrument is a facilitator for the exploration of the shadow in groups. It is based on the hypothesis that when we dramatize spontaneously the shadow has the possibility to acquire expression, come closer and be recognized by the consciousness. This dialogue between the consciousness and unconscious sphere, stimulated by the improvised drama and shared by the group, could allow the emergence, development and structuring of a consciousness that works in alterity, because there is an availability to acknowledge what is different in oneself and in the other, with an attitude of inclusion. As a method of investigation, there is the research of a psycho-sociodramatic act at Centro Cultural São Paulo that uses the spontaneous dramatic action for the development of groups. There is the report of an experience and interviews with four participants and the director of this activity, trying to identify in the experience and in the respondents answers, the moments in which the shadow is expressed and what were the attitudes adopted by the consciousness during this situation. The theoretic basis is mainly upon the concepts of shadow, persona, complex, (group) self and symbolic approach. Supported by these concepts, the acts of psycho-sociodrama are presented as creative rituals important for the development of personality, because they make possible an availability of the existence for the realization of the self and they allow that different singularities coexist and are not mutually excluded, which means that they become alternative ways to structure and explore an alterity consciousness.

A trama em atitude simbólica: um olhar da psicologia analítica de Jung sobre mãos que costuram, bordam e tecem / The web in symbolic attitude: a Jung\'s analytical psychology glance at hands that sew, embroider and weave

Patrícia Elizabeth Widmer Costa 02 May 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho buscamos tecer um panorama, como uma grande colcha de retalhos, apontando possíveis sentidos para a costura, o bordado e a tecelagem, a partir do pano de fundo da psicologia analítica de Carl G. Jung. São comentadas pesquisas acadêmicas sobre tais atividades em diferentes épocas e contextos, alguns mitos e contos, materiais relativos a grupos de mulheres, fatos com caráter sociopolítico e dados de uma página virtual com o tema da costura. Buscamos destacar as diferentes possibilidades de atitude simbólica presentes nessas atividades, sobretudo considerando uma sociedade excessivamente patriarcal, que emudece e desvaloriza o trabalho manual, as mulheres e o princípio do feminino. Identificamos uma relação, pelo fio norteador estabelecido pelo símbolo e a função transcendente, entre tecido e texto, e nos interrogamos sobre peculiaridades da vida contemporânea, tão marcada por abstrações e virtualidades. Refletimos sobre os aspectos criativos das experiências com a costura em diferentes contextos e do que podemos considerar a sua reinvenção nos dias de hoje, incluindo simbolicamente uma dimensão regida por Eros sem que se perca a possibilidade de reflexão também sobre a realidade sem fio do homem virtual / In this study, we aim to weave a perspective, like a big patchwork quilt, to indicate possible meanings for sewing, embroidery and weaving, using, of the analytical psychology of Carl G. Jung as our fabric background. We comment some academic research on such activities in different times and contexts, some myths and tales, materials related to groups of women, facts with social-political content and data from a webpage with the theme of sewing. We seek to highlight different possibilities by which the symbolic attitude can be present in these activities, especially considering a society which is extremely patriarchal, which silences and diminishes handcraft, women and the feminine principle. We connect, by the thread established by the symbol and the transcendent function, textile and text and questioned ourselves about the peculiarities of contemporary life, strongly marked by abstractions and virtualities. We think over the creative aspects of the experiences of sewing in different contexts and on what can be considered its reinvention nowadays, including a symbolically dimension ruled by the thread of Eros without losing the possibility of reflection on the wireless reality of the virtual man

I psykets vildmark : En komparativ studie av Brott och Straff och Mörkrets Hjärta / In the psyche's wilderness : A comparative study of Crime and Punishment and Heart of Darkness

Segura Parra, Amaru Lautaro January 2017 (has links)
The aim of analyzing Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is to study the symbolic undertones of each work from a Jungian psychoanalytical perspective. My thesis revolves around the archetypical story of man versus himself, that is to say, man versus psyche: his own demons personified as a reflection of nature and therefore the environment. The bulk of the analysis is described using narratological tools. By doing a close reading report I compare how the inner processes of the two novels’ protagonists are presented, in both imagery and style, using Aristoteles’ terminology in accordance with Gerald Prince’s definitions. The Jungian model and the concept of the shadow archetype is put into play in correspondence with Aristotelian terms such as anagnorisis and catharsis, where the chosen point of view (or focalization) is also discussed in its relationship to the psyche, characters and setting. The analysis leads me to conclude that the discussed archetypical themes found in the novels are used to portray an essential part of human existence. A recognizable pattern arises once we delve into and reflect upon the encounter with the unknown darkness (or shadow) that eventually leads to a newfound wisdom (catharsis).

Bridging the divide: An exploration of Jungian psychoanalysis and African healing practices and implications for a south African psychology

Marks, Lynne January 2005 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / There has recently been a lot of interest in the role of traditional healers in various cultures. This study explores the merit of an integrative approach between western based psychological practices in South Africa and what is known as traditional African healing. In order to do so, this study aims to present the epistemological views of Jungian analytical theory and African healing practices. The purpose is to ascertain whether or not there are sufficient commonalities to allow for relatedness between these two worlds. Jungian analytical thought and practice is reviewed with particular reference to the collective unconscious, archetypes, complexes and dream interpretation as a pathway to individuation. The traditional healer's pervasive role within the context of the African cosmology is explored with particular reference to the understanding of the role of the ancestors, the causes of illnesses and the use of dreams, symbols and rituals in the healing process. The importance of the sacred in both healing modalities is presented. The study employs a qualitative research design with the phenomenological approach as an example of one of the traditions of this design. Interviews with five traditional healers comprise the data for the study. The data is analyzed according to the procedure recommended by Moustakas (1994). The interviews focused specifically on eliciting information regarding the calling and the training process of the traditional healer. It is proposed that the two approaches to healing investigated in this study present possible mechanisms to bridge the divide between the westernized approaches to healing and that of the non-technical practitioner. It is further proposed that this will have implications for the broadening of the training and implementation of psychology in South Africa today.

The process of Individuation in Willy Loman : A Jungian Archetypal Literary Analysis of the Protagonist in Arthur Miller’s Play Death of a Salesman Compared to the Classical Hero of Odysseus in Homer’s The Odyssey

Åberg, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
This study is an archetypal literary analysis of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman and Homer’s The Odyssey. The analysis aims to demonstrate how Arthur Miller’s protagonist, Willy Loman, in Death of a Salesman demonstrates several stages of Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of the individuation process, similar to Odysseus in Homer’s The Odyssey. This is done by identifying set archetypes and stages of Jung’s individuation process, the persona, the shadow, the anima, and the self. After that, the stages are applied to both Miller’s play and Homer’s epic poem. The analysis shows that both protagonists demonstrate and complete Jung’s individuation process. Willy Loman completes a symbolic journey, whereas Odysseus completes a physical one.

Otidsenliga upplevelser : Om erfarenhetens betydelse i Carl Gustav Jungs liv och verk / Untimely Observations : On the Meaning of Experience in Carl Gustav Jung's Life and Thought

Södergren Arleij, Vanja January 2022 (has links)
The importance of experience in relation to intellectual work has been of growing interest within historical research, as it focuses on the subjective, biographical, and thus historical conditions preceding any claim to abstract or objective knowledge. This paper explores the connection between experience and intellectual thought in relation to the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961), primarily through an examination of his autobiography. The analysis shows that experience was essential to Jung in several ways, and that he struggled with it as an intellectual, epistemological, and personal problem. His encounters with Kant, Nietzsche and Freud were especially formative in this regard, as they brought him theoretical and practical insights into the limits of communicable knowledge. Mystical experiences, beginning from hischildhood, gave rise to a dichotomy between the inner and the outer world, and with it a deep sense of solitude, which remained important throughout his life and work. The sense of being outside of his time informed his psychological conceptions of “the shadow”, individuation and the collective unconscious. However, Jung’s struggle to lend credibility to his experiences resulted not so much in recognized scientific knowledge as in what Nietzsche once called a “personal confession”.

Ishmael: The Dissolution of a Romantic and the Emergence of a Poet.

Pepper, Allison M. 16 August 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Although Ishmael does not appear to be a main character in Moby Dick, his narration is integral to the text. Only through telling the story is Ishmael able to give himself a concrete identity, which is reflected not only through himself, but through the thoughts, speeches, and actions of the other characters, specifically Ahab and the shipmates. Ishmael represents the fragmented Romantic of nineteenth century American society. He is bound by a traditional patriarchal world where he must break away from the father to establish his own identity. He has lost his connection to nature, the primal source of his beginningsùthe womb of the mother. Through his hermetic voyage into nature and back to the unconscious, he is able to reconnect to his origins. No longer is he the alienated wanderer, but recreated as the artist, able to create his own myth and identity.

Os efeitos de uma intervenção psicoterápica breve junguiana em um grupo de portadores de doença periodontal / The effects of brief Jungian psychotherapeutic intervention for individuals suffering from periodontal disease

Greghi, Mônica Perri Kohl 16 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:40:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monica Perri Kohl Greghi.pdf: 3478004 bytes, checksum: a580a5114c0db04ae57fb84e398509c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-16 / The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of a brief Jungian psychotherapeutic intervention for a group of individuals suffering from periodontal disease. A total of 26 subjects were selected, male and female, aged between 30 and 60. The subjects were randomly divided between an experimental group (N=13) and a control group (N=13). The experimental group experienced a psychotherapeutic process, which consisted of 14 weekly sessions, of one and a half hours each. The two groups were evaluated with respect to the level of cortisol saliva, level of stress and periodontal conditions, before and after the experimental period. The results identified improvements in the experimental group, that were statistically significant, with respect to the levels of cortisol saliva (NC), the levels of stress and evidence of plaque (IP) gingivitis (IG), which measure, respectively, the accumulation of bacterium plaque and gum inflammation. The control group, which did not undergo a psychotherapeutic process, reported a statistically significant worsening in the plaque levels (IP), with no statistically significant alterations in the other indices. Descriptions and qualitative analyses were made of some thematic categories from the psychotherapeutic sessions, highlighting, amongst others, the difficulty of verbal assertive expression by the subjects. Interpretations and symbolic interpretations were made of the mouth and speech. Non verbal expressive techniques and symbolic amplification provided the transduction of the organic symptom to the abstract expression of the complex, which resulted in improvements in the periodontal disease. The results identified the need to consider the use of psychotherapy as an integral part of treating periodontal disease / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção psicoterápica breve Junguiana em um grupo de portadores de doença periodontal. Foram selecionados 26 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 30 e 60 anos. Os sujeitos foram divididos aleatoriamente em grupo experimental (N=13) e controle (N=13). O grupo experimental passou pelo processo psicoterápico, que constou de 14 encontros semanais, com a duração de 1H30. Os dois grupos foram avaliados quanto à taxa de cortisol salivar, nível de estresse e condições periodontais, antes e depois do período experimental. Os resultados apontaram melhoras no grupo experimental, com significância estatística, nas taxas de cortisol salivar (NC), nos níveis de estresse e nos índices de placa (IP) e gengival (IG), que medem, respectivamente, o acúmulo da placa bacteriana e a inflamação gengival. O grupo controle, que não passou pelo processo psicoterápico, apresentou piora estatisticamente significante para o índice de placa (IP), não ocorrendo modificações com significância estatística nos demais indicadores. Foram descritas e analisadas qualitativamente algumas categorias temáticas das sessões psicoterápicas, destacando-se entre elas, a dificuldade de expressão verbal assertiva dos sujeitos. Foram feitas interpretações e amplificações simbólicas da boca e da fala. As técnicas expressivas não-verbais e o método de amplificação simbólica propiciaram a transdução do sintoma orgânico para a expressão abstrata do complexo, promovendo a melhora da doença periodontal. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de se considerar o uso da psicoterapia como parte integrante no tratamento da doença periodontal

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