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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Catch | Bounce : towards a relational ontology of the digital in art practice

Charlton, James January 2017 (has links)
How might ‘the digital’ be conceived of in an ‘expanded field’ of art practice, where ontology is flattened such that it is not defined by a particular media? This text, together with an installation of art work at the Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University (13-24 March), constitutes the thesis submission as a whole, such that in the practice of ‘reading’ the thesis, each element remains differentiated from the other and makes no attempt to ‘represent’ the other. In negating representation, such practices present a ‘radical’ rethinking of the digital as a differentiated in-itself, one that is not defined solely by entrenched computational narratives derived from set theory. Rather, following Nelson Goodman’s nominalistic rejection of class constructs, ‘the digital’ is thus understood in onto-epistemic terms as being syntactically and semantically differentiated (Languages of Art 161). In the context of New Zealand Post-object Art practices of the late 1960s, as read through Jack Burnham’s systems thinking, such a digitally differentiated ontology is conceived of in terms of the how of practice, rather than what of objects (“Systems Aesthetics”). After Heidegger, such a practice is seen as an event of becoming realised by the method of formal indication, such that what is concealed is brought forth as a thing-in-itself (The Event; Phenomenological Interpretations 26). As articulated through the researcher’s own sculptural practice – itself indebted to Post-object Art – indication is developed as an intersubjective method applicable to both artists and audience. However, the constraints imposed on the thing-in-itself by the Husserlian phenomenological tradition are also taken as imposing correlational limitations on the ‘digital’, such that it is inherently an in-itself for-us and thus not differentiated in-itself. To resolve such Kantian dialectics, the thesis draws on metaphysical arguments put forward by contemporary speculative ontologies – in particular the work of Quentin Meillassoux and Tristan Garcia (After Finitude; Form and Object). Where these contemporary continental philosophies provide a means of releasing events from the contingency of human ‘reason’, the thesis argues for a practice of ‘un-reason’ in which indication is recognized as being contingent on speculation. Practice, it is argued, was never reason’s alone to determine. Instead, through the ‘radical’ method of speculative indication, practice is asserted as the event through which the differentiated digital is revealed as a thing-in-itself of itself and not for us.

Adoptee Access to Original Birth Certificates and the Politics of Birthmotherhood in Ohio, 1963-2014

Livingston, Katherine G. 09 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Smart Characters: Psychometrics and the Twentieth-Century Novel

Michalowicz, Naomi January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the trait of intelligence is portrayed in novels of twentieth-century Britain, and how this portrayal grapples with the quantitative revolution in the conception of intelligence, brought on by the invention of IQ testing in the 1900s. I trace the construction of characters’ intelligence across different genres, starting with Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, through the modernist Bildungsromane of Henry James, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf, to Iris Murdoch’s realism, and finally to Lee Child’s late twentieth- century serial thrillers featuring Jack Reacher. I posit that the IQ model of intelligence as abstracted, quantified, and statistically measurable is profoundly at odds with the novelistic investment in the unique individual subject. This project traces the narratological strategies of characterization through which intelligence—or cleverness, or smartness, or brightness—are conveyed to the reader. Novels, generally speaking, do not provide the IQ scores of their characters; and though we might occasionally encounter an explicit narratorial characterization of some fictional being or other as “remarkably clever,” most often we must rely on perceptions of behavior, speech, and thought in order to assess characters’ intelligence, much as we do in real life. As the psychometric paradigm gained prominence in the psychological circles in the United States, England, and Europe, and as more people were exposed—and subjected—to intelligence testing, its values and assumptions gained more cultural traction. Attributes like mathematical facility, logical and systemic thinking, or a large vocabulary, are likely to yield a high score on an IQ test, as well as a favorable judgment in an informal, casual assessment, such as that of a date or a new acquaintance at a party. This dissertation, therefore, explores how this permeation of the psychometric paradigm into general culture affect the novelistic construction of smartness. Ultimately, I argue that against the IQ model, the novels I am reading construct a conception of intelligence as a coherent set of cognitive abilities, remarkably consistent across genres, which overlaps, yet reconfigures, the priorities and epistemological frameworks of psychometrics. This model centers on the notion of observation, i.e., a mix of sensory susceptibility to impressions and the cognitive skill of taking notice of the world and of other people. It is both anchored to the body by connoting a sensory experience, and divorced from it in conveying a more purely cognitive process, one of directing attention and processing information, thus renegotiating psychometric assumptions regarding embodiment and sensory experience—as well as the relationship between the individual’s intelligence, the world, and the minds of others.

Props and Power: Objects and economies of knowledge in four plays of Sophocles

Pletcher, Charles January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation demonstrates how props act as conduits of knowledge and (thus?) power in Sophocles’ “non-Theban” plays. I show how certain props challenge the definitions and values that they accrue as they move between actors onstage. Key props in these four plays behave unlike other props in extant tragedy, opening up the possibility for a sustained inquiry into the ways that property speaks to and for power. Focusing on the urn in Electra, the bow in Philoctetes, Hector’s sword and Ajax’s own shield in Ajax, and the robe in Trachiniae, this project argues for the centrality of these props in these plays’ verbal exchanges. The introduction sets up a framework and methodology that draws on Michel Foucault’s notion of power-knowledge (pouvoir-savoir) and the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu alongside contemporary thinkers like Jack Halberstam, Jane Bennett, and Sara Ahmed. The first chapter, “The Urn is the Wor(l)d in Sophocles’ Electra,” builds on prior scholarship on this much-studied stage object by showing how it accrues “symbolic power” and comes to construct reality and the social world. The possibility of that consensus breaks down, however, in the face of the familiar/l strife at Argos, and it is through this breakdown that the urn gives audience members a way to examine the play’s puzzling lack of resolution. The second chapter, “Stringing a Bow: Learning, use, and power in Sophocles’ Philoctetes,” builds on the previous chapters’ by showing how the bow defines the limits of Neoptolemus’ education on Lemnos and the terms of its own exchange. The bow’s frequent back and forth between characters and its role in Odysseus’s subterfuge belie the fact that it still belongs to Heracles, who alone can authorize its use. This reading draws out the strange relationship between the deceptions of the False Merchant and the divine interventions of Heracles, demonstrating an uncomfortable consonance between the two scenes. The third chapter, entitled “Ajax’s economy of hostility: the necropolitics of kleos,” explores how Ajax paradoxically gives up his shield even as it merges with his identity as a defense for the Achaeans against the Trojans. Ajax himself attempts to manipulate this threat through the handling and “exchange” of the sword of Hector with its native soil, misleading his compatriots — and possibly himself — about his intentions in his so-called “deception speech.” When Hector’s sword pierces Ajax’s body, Trojan and personal hostilities merge until Odysseus manages to rectify the play’s errant exchanges and restore Ajax’s status as a shield for his companions. The fourth and final chapter, “Ceci n’est pas un prop: The robe as gift and garment in Sophocles’ Trachiniae,” shows that the robe’s failure to appear onstage as a prop — the audience might see it as part of Heracles’ costume at the end of the play — enacts the conflict between oikos and wilderness that the characters inhabit, exposing them to the threats of order and disorder as they attempt to integrate Heracles’ pure excess into the oikonomia of Trachis. This process ultimately reveals the futility of attempts to analyze the play in terms of its dichotomies: female-male, oikos-polis, concealed-revealed, etc. The circulation of the robe in its box charts a path for understanding the play in terms that defy dichotomization by locating the play’s exchanges along intersecting modes of valuation. In the conclusion, I widen the perspective of this methodology again, turning to the instrumentalization of bodies in Sophocles’ Theban plays. I raise questions about how meaning, use, value, and power come to be confused via onstage exchanges, and I gesture towards possible future avenues of inquiry that might account for the trouble with bodies that Ajax raises.

The Face of God at the End of the Road: The Sacramentality of Jack Kerouac in Lowell, America, and Mexico

Albarran, Louis 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Any Other Immoral Purpose: The Mann Act, Policing Women, and the American State, 1900 – 1941

Pliley, Jessica Rae 22 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 7 no. 1 (Feb 1973)

Hollingsworth, Marcia, Wilson, Carol R., Gaay Fortman, Wilhelm Friedrich de., Spykman, Gordon 27 February 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Perspective vol. 7 no. 1 (Feb 1973) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship

Hollingsworth, Marcia, Wilson, Carol, Gaay Fortman, Wilhelm Friedrich de., Spykman, Gordon 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Vice President Research, Office of the January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of the fire resistance of traditional timber flooring systems in historic buildings

García Castillo, Ester 30 July 2025 (has links)
[ES] Los edificios históricos tienen un gran valor arquitectónico y cultural y son un bien muy preciado de nuestra civilización. Por ello, no es de extrañar que se hagan grandes esfuerzos para conservarlos. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances en la investigación, el fuego sigue siendo una amenaza importante para lograr la conservación del patrimonio construido. Además, los códigos de incendios actuales no suelen proporcionar directrices o métodos específicos que tengan en cuenta las características únicas de los edificios históricos. En consecuencia, conseguir que estos edificios cumplan la normativa de seguridad contra incendios evitando al mismo tiempo la pérdida de patrimonio supone un gran reto. En este contexto, la presente tesis doctoral se centra en el análisis de la resistencia frente al fuego de los forjados de viguetas de madera y revoltones de ladrillos, que pueden encontrarse en muchos edificios históricos de todo el mundo, utilizando enfoques deterministas y probabilistas basados en el rendimiento. Además, la tesis propone modelos probabilísticos para caracterizar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera contemporánea e histórica a temperatura ambiente y a temperaturas elevadas, que se adoptan en dichos enfoques probabilistas. Debido a la singular geometría y configuración estructural de estos forjados históricos, los métodos establecidos por los códigos de incendios actuales para verificar su resistencia frente al fuego no son aplicables. Por ello, se propone una nueva metodología basada en el "Método de la sección reducida" de la actual EN 1995-1-2. A continuación, la metodología se aplica a un amplio número de forjados que abarcan diferentes luces, resistencias a flexión de la madera y exposiciones al fuego para evaluar la influencia de estos parámetros en la resistencia frente al fuego. Posteriormente, debido al considerable número de parámetros de entrada con una alta incertidumbre que influyen en la resistencia frente al fuego de los forjados de viguetas de madera y revoltones de ladrillos, se adopta un enfoque probabilístico. El análisis asume diferentes secciones transversales y luces para los forjados históricos, así como múltiples geometrías del sector de incendio. Además, considera la incertidumbre de las cargas permanentes y variables aplicadas, así como de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de la madera a temperatura ambiente y a altas temperaturas. De este modo, en base a un gran número de simulaciones numéricas, se desarrollan curvas de fragilidad y se obtienen los índices de fiabilidad de los forjados históricos frente al fuego. Los resultados muestran que, aunque los enfoques probabilísticos pueden ayudar a preservar un número significativamente mayor de forjados históricos de viguetas de madera y revoltones de ladrillos, muchos de ellos pueden no cumplir los requisitos de resistencia frente al fuego establecidos por los códigos actuales, lo que es motivo de preocupación. Por lo tanto, llevar a cabo estos análisis resulta esencial para garantizar su resistencia frente al fuego y tomar medidas en caso necesario. En definitiva, esta tesis doctoral pretende promover la conservación racional de las estructuras históricas de madera y, en consecuencia, del patrimonio construido. Además, se prevé que los modelos deterministas y probabilistas propuestos también permitan el diseño de estructuras de madera más fiables y eficientes. Así, fomentando la rehabilitación frente a la demolición y la nueva construcción e incentivando el uso de la madera en nuevas estructuras, se puede contribuir también a la mejora de la sostenibilidad del sector de la construcción. Por último, se espera que esta tesis sirva para concienciar sobre la alta vulnerabilidad de los edificios históricos frente al fuego y, en última instancia, para fomentar futuras investigaciones encaminadas a la búsqueda de soluciones que permitan cumplir los requisitos de seguridad contra incendios sin comprometer el patrimonio existente. / [CA] Els edificis històrics tenen un gran valor arquitectònic i cultural i són un bé molt preuat de la nostra civilització. Per això, no és d'estranyar que es facen grans esforços per a conservar-los. No obstant això, malgrat els avanços en la investigació, el foc continua sent una amenaça important per a aconseguir la conservació del patrimoni construït. A més, els codis d'incendis actuals no solen proporcionar directrius o mètodes específics que tinguen en compte les característiques úniques dels edificis històrics. En conseqüència, aconseguir que estos edificis complisquen la normativa de seguretat contra incendis evitant al mateix temps la pèrdua de patrimoni suposa un gran repte. En este context, la present tesi doctoral se centra en l'anàlisi de la resistència al foc dels forjats de biguetes de fusta i revoltons de rajoles, que poden trobar-se en molts edificis històrics de tot el món, utilitzant enfocaments deterministes i probabilistes basats en el rendiment. A més, la tesi proposa models probabilístics per a caracteritzar les propietats físiques i mecàniques de la fusta contemporània i històrica a temperatura ambient i a temperatures elevades, que després s'adopten en els enfocaments probabilistes. A causa de la singular geometria i configuració estructural d'estos forjats històrics, els mètodes establits pels codis d'incendis actuals per a verificar la seua resistència al foc no són aplicables. Per això, es proposa una nova metodologia basada en el "Mètode de la secció reduïda" de l'actual EN 1995-1-2. A continuació, la metodologia s'aplica a un ampli nombre de forjats que abasten diferents llums, resistències a flexió de la fusta i exposicions al foc per a avaluar la influència d'estos paràmetres en la resistència al foc. Posteriorment, a causa del considerable nombre de paràmetres d'entrada amb una alta incertesa que influïxen en la resistència al foc dels forjats de biguetes de fusta i revoltons de rajoles, s'adopta un enfocament probabilístic. L'anàlisi assumix diferents seccions transversals i llums per als forjats històrics, així com múltiples geometries del sector d'incendi. A més, considera la incertesa de les càrregues permanents i variables aplicades, així com de les propietats físiques i mecàniques de la fusta a temperatura ambient i a temperatures elevades. D'esta manera, a partir d'un gran nombre de simulacions numèriques, es desenvolupen corbes de fragilitat i s'obtenen els índexs de fiabilitat dels forjats històrics davant del foc. Els resultats mostren que, encara que els enfocaments probabilístics poden ajudar a preservar un nombre significativament major de forjats històrics de biguetes de fusta i revoltons de rajoles, molts d'ells poden no complir els requisits de resistència al foc establits pels codis actuals, la qual cosa és motiu de preocupació. Per tant, dur a terme estes anàlisis resulta essencial per a garantir la seua resistència al foc i prendre mesures en cas necessari. En definitiva, esta tesi doctoral pretén promoure la conservació racional de les estructures històriques de fusta i, en conseqüència, del patrimoni construït. A més, es preveu que els models deterministes i probabilistes proposats també permeten el disseny d'estructures de fusta més fiables i eficients. D'esta manera, fomentant la rehabilitació per sobre de la demolició i la nova construcció i incentivant l'ús de la fusta en noves estructures, es pot contribuir també a la millora de la sostenibilitat del sector de la construcció. Finalment, s'espera que la present tesi doctoral servisca per a conscienciar sobre l'alta vulnerabilitat dels edificis històrics davant del foc i, en última instància, per a fomentar futures investigacions encaminades a la cerca de solucions que permeten complir els requisits de seguretat contra incendis sense comprometre el patrimoni existent. / [EN] Historic buildings hold significant architectural and cultural value and are a precious asset of our civilisation. It is therefore not surprising that great efforts are being made to preserve them. However, despite advances in research, fire remains a major threat to achieve the conservation of the built heritage. In addition, current fire codes generally do not provide specific guidelines or methods that address the unique characteristics of historic buildings. Consequently, bringing these buildings into compliance with fire safety regulations while avoiding heritage loss is a great challenge. In this context, the present doctoral thesis focuses on the analysis of the fire resistance of timber jack arch flooring systems, which can be found in many historic buildings around the world, using deterministic and probabilistic performance-based approaches. Furthermore, the thesis proposes probabilistic models to characterise the physical and mechanical properties of contemporary and historic timber at ambient and elevated temperatures, which are then adopted in such probabilistic approaches. Due to the singular geometry and structural configuration of these historic flooring systems, the methods established by current fire codes to verify their fire resistance are not applicable. Thus, a new methodology based on the "Reduced cross-section method" of the current EN 1995-1-2 is proposed. Then, the methodology is applied to a wide number of flooring systems covering different span lengths, timber bending strengths, and fire exposures to evaluate the influence of these parameters on the fire resistance. Subsequently, due to the considerable number of input parameters with high uncertainty that influence the fire resistance of timber jack arch flooring systems, a probabilistic approach is adopted. The analysis assumes different cross-sections, span lengths and geometries of the compartment where the fire occurs. Moreover, uncertainty in the applied permanent and live loads, as well as in the physical and mechanical properties of timber at ambient and elevated temperatures, is considered. Thus, based on a large number of numerical simulations, fire fragility functions are developed and the reliability indices of the historic flooring systems against fire are derived. The results of the fire resistance analyses show that, although probabilistic approaches can help to preserve significantly more historic timber jack arch flooring systems, many of them may not meet the fire resistance requirements set by current codes, which is a cause for concern. Conducting these analyses is therefore essential to ensure their fire resistance and take action where necessary. In summary, this doctoral thesis aims to promote the rational conservation of historic timber structures and, consequently, of the built heritage. Moreover, it is envisaged that the proposed deterministic and probabilistic models will also enable the design of more reliable and efficient timber structures. Thus, by fostering rehabilitation over demolition and new construction and by encouraging the use of timber in new structures, a more sustainable construction can also be achieved. Finally, the present doctoral thesis is expected to raise awareness of the high vulnerability of historic buildings to fire and, ultimately, encourage future research aimed at finding solutions that allow fire safety requirements to be met without compromising the existing heritage. / García Castillo, E. (2024). Analysis of the fire resistance of traditional timber flooring systems in historic buildings [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207365

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