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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on income taxes and household production

Wikle, Jocelyn Smith 31 October 2013 (has links)
Couples make dynamic joint decisions, including how much each spouse works at home and in the market throughout life. By building a dynamic model of taxation, I quantify the welfare gains of moving to a gender-based tax. Further, I explore the implications of a gender-based income tax for labor market and time-use choices within a couple, taking into account changing labor market attachment through life. The key finding is that while gender-based taxation always improves household and social welfare, the model-specific household time allocations and government policy implications depend on underlying assumptions about gender differences. I model the inefficiency of income tax due to pooling old individuals and young individuals who differ in their skill distribution and use of time. Because age is correlated with ability and time investments in education, allowing tax rules to vary with age shrinks labor distortions. I use an overlapping generations model to study the effect of an age-based income tax on efficiency. I analytically show the efficiency gains and I numerically estimate a welfare gain equivalent to 5% of aggregate consumption when age-based taxes are implemented. Adult women generally, and married women in particular, spend more time than men doing housework and childcare activities. While gender differences in time-use patterns among adults at home are readily accepted and well documented, the onset and development of gender time-use differences over the adolescent years and into early adulthood are not well understood. In this research, I describe the development of time-use gender differences over the teenage years and into the early adult years using American Time Use Survey (ATUS) data, with a focus on activities relating to family duties and child care activities. I find gender divergence in home duties prior to the teenage years, which sharply stratifies upon high school graduation. Further, I find that time-use outcomes disproportionately impact women from disadvantaged socio-economic and family backgrounds. / text

Människans roll i den sociala verkligheten enligt sambeskattningsdebatten : En undersökning av debattböcker från 1960-talet om jämställdhet och jämlikhet.

Lehmann, Wolfgang January 2021 (has links)
This paper explores various ideas about the function of humans inside the society, as presented in debate books of the 1960s in Sweden, with the background of the discussion that led to the abolition of joint taxation in 1971. The questions that the essay presents are about ideas of equality, housewife, leisure time versus working time, and the definition of work (wage labor) within the debate. / <p>På grund av reglerna angående COVID-19 var platsen dem digitala rummet.</p><p>Angående ORCID-id och Lokalt användarid - Tyvärr har jag ingen aning vad detta ska vara.</p>

Jednotka zdanění jako faktor odvodového zatížení osobních příjmů ve státech OECD / Tax unit as a factor of the personal tax burden in OECD countries

Formánková, Barbara January 2017 (has links)
This Masters thesis elaborates on the influence of tax unit on the amount of the personal income tax burden in OECD countries. Its aim is to analyse the effect of the nominal tax rate on the development of the tax units application. In the first part I deal with the possible theoretical settings of the tax unit and assesses the advantages and disadvantages that such settings bring about. The second part reflects the practical way of taxation in relation to a particular taxing unit and the related tax relief taking into consideration the social status of the taxpayer. In the final part, which analyses the current trend in the application of the tax unit in OECD countries, maps the trend developments throughout the history and points out how this trend was influenced by the nominal tax rate, I examine the transition from joint taxation to the individual taxation that had been recorded in OECD countries in recent fifty years and had been predominantly caused by the negative impact of the marginal tax rates on the work incentives of second earners in the household.

Four Essays on Taxation

Chirvi, Malte 10 February 2020 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus vier Aufsätzen zum Thema Besteuerung, welche sich in drei Themenblöcke unterteilen lassen: Die ersten beiden Aufsätze dieser Arbeit (Maiterth/Chirvi 2015 sowie Chirvi 2019) widmen sich dem deutschen Ehegattensplitting, der dritte Beitrag (Chirvi/Maiterth 2019) behandelt die Besteuerung gesetzlicher Renten in Deutschland und der vierte Aufsatz (Chirvi/Schneider 2019) untersucht Präferenzen bzgl. der Besteuerung von Vermögen in den USA. Eine Aufteilung anhand der behandelten Steuerarten macht die Arbeit noch übersichtlicher: So behandeln die ersten drei Aufsätze jeweils Aspekte der Einkommensteuer, während sich der vierte Beitrag verschiedenen Arten der Vermögensbesteuerung widmet. Es lässt sich ergänzen, dass die Aufsätze zur Einkommensteuer sehr eng mit dem deutschen Steuerrecht verbunden sind. Sie beschäftigen sich mit existierenden Regelungen (§ 26 sowie 32a EStG zum Ehegattensplitting bzw. § 10 sowie 22 EStG zur Rentenbesteuerung) und deren Auswirkungen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Beiträge Maiterth/Chirvi (2015), in dem ein Forschungs- und Rechtsprechungsüberblick zum Thema Ehegattensplitting geliefert wird, sowie Chirvi/Maiterth (2019), in dem eine potentielle Doppel- oder Minderbesteuerung gesetzlicher Renten durch das AltEinkG untersucht wird. Der Aufsatz Chirvi (2019) untersucht Arbeitsangebotswirkungen des Ehegattensplittings und ist daher etwas weniger eng mit dem deutschen Recht verknüpft, da sich zumindest ähnliche Regelungen auch in anderen Ländern finden. Der Beitrag zur Vermögensbesteuerung, Chirvi/Schneider (2019), untersucht dagegen Präferenzen in Bezug auf – bis auf die Nachlasssteuer („estate tax“) – nicht existierende Vermögensteuern in den USA. Zwei der Aufsätze wurden in der Zeitschrift Steuer und Wirtschaft publiziert, die anderen beiden wurden in der arqus Working-Paper-Reihe veröffentlicht. / This dissertation consists of four papers on taxation that can be divided into three different subject areas: The first and the second paper (Maiterth/Chirvi 2015 as well as Chirvi 2019) deal with the ‘income splitting’, i.e. the taxation of married couples in Germany. The third paper (Chirvi/Maiterth 2019) analyzes effects of a reform regarding the transition to downstream taxation of public pensions. Finally, the last paper (Chirvi/Schneider 2019) examines preferences for the taxation of wealth in the United States. While the first three papers analyze (the effects of) specific regulations within the German income tax code (income splitting in Art. 26 and 32a of the German income tax code; the taxation of public pensions in Art. 10 and 22 of German income tax code), the fourth essay is about partially hypothetical types of capital taxation. Maiterth/Chirvi (2015) review the literature on the topic in the areas of public economics, business taxation and tax law and compile arguments for and against the income splitting. As many researchers point out that the income splitting may lead to disincentives for married women to work, Chirvi (2019) empirically analyzes its labor supply effects based on a new approach. Chirvi/Maiterth (2019) evaluate whether the AltEinkG, a reform that lead to a successive transition to downstream taxation, results in under- or double taxation of public pensions in Germany. They develop a measure and subsequently estimate potential under- or double taxation based on official income tax data. Chirvi/Schneider (2019) are interested in preferences regarding capital taxation and conduct a survey-experiment on mTurk to reveal whether preferences depend on the type of tax and/or attributes of assets and personal characteristics. Two of these papers have already been published in the scientific journal Steuer und Wirtschaft, the others can be found in the arqus working-paper series.

所得稅申報制度變動對已婚婦女勞動供給之影響 / Effect on Married Woman's Labor Supply of Change in Individual Income Tax Filing Method in Taiwan

吳君泰, Jun-Tai Wu Unknown Date (has links)
婦女的勞動供給行為,一直是勞動經濟學的主要課題。就長期趨勢來看,女性勞動供給有不斷增加的情形,其中尤以有偶婦女為然,她們對各國的經濟發展實功不可沒。另外,因應景氣變化的短期波動,有偶婦女的勞動參與率呈現了可觀的多變性。由於,這些異於其它勞動力的特性,吸引了許多經濟學家的研究興趣,並設法探討影響有偶婦女勞動行為的決定因素。 在影響有偶婦女勞動行為的決定因素中,所得稅是個不能忽視的重要因子。一般認為高稅率會打擊個人的工作意願,特別是在採行合併申報制的國家,所得稅常被稱為對婚姻的懲罰。註一我國在78年度以前所申報的個人綜合所得稅都是採行夫妻合併申報制度來申報,而在78年12月30日修法通過納稅義務人在申報79年度以後的個人綜合所得稅時,准許納稅義務人之配偶得就其薪資所得分開計算稅負,再由納稅義務人合併報繳,以減輕薪資所得者稅負及避免現行稅制對夫妻形成婚前婚後稅負不同之不合理現象。 本文的研究目的即在探討此項稅制改革對有偶婦女勞動供給是否有上述立法理由的實證效果,以彌補目前國內研究所得稅對婦女勞動供給影響的文獻所未及的課題(如單驥,1988;梁正德,1987)。 第二節 研究方法與資料的限制 傳統的勞動供給理論,主要是透過個體經濟學〝極大化個人效用函數〞之分析模式,來引申個人的勞動供給函數。由於該理論僅將勞動者的時間配置分成工作和休閒兩種型態,所以對於擁有繁重家務工作的已婚婦女來說,該理論是不適合來分析已婚婦女的勞動行為。註二 因此,本研究沿用Gustafsson(1992)中的新古典勞動供給模型,來修改上述傳統的勞動供給理論,並加入所得稅因素於預算限制之中,藉由極大化修正後的個人效用函數,以求得已婚婦女的勞動供給函數。然後將實證資料代入本研究所設定的實證模式中,進行驗證分析。 在實證資料方面,因為本研究探討租稅改革對已婚婦女勞動供給的影響,所以我們利用租稅改革前後各兩年(78至80年)的人力運用調查資料(由行政院主計處於每年5月所舉辦)以估計已婚婦女勞動供給函數。在操作方法上,我們分成4部份,首先我們分別設算租稅改革前後的婦女稅後薪資,接著運用Heckman的二階段分析法,針對前述的實證資料作必須的調整,以克服所謂的樣本選擇偏誤問題(Heckman 1980),再來將經過上述調整後婦女的稅後薪資,配合相關的變數,針對已婚婦女的勞動供給,做一般性迴歸分析與勞動參與率的logit分析,並且檢定78、79年的已婚婦女勞動供給線性迴歸式是否有結構性變動,最後進行78、79兩年的交叉預測分析。 研究結果,獲致下列幾點發現: (一)、稅改前後儘管設算的平均邊際稅率已大幅降低,但影響已婚婦女勞動供給的因素仍呈現一致的結果: 1、就未滿6歲子女數(CH6)一項而言,它具有顯著的負向影響,會妨礙已婚婦女外出工作。 2、就已婚婦女的工作身份是雇主(B2)、自營作業者(S2)或受私人雇用者(P2)三項而言,它們均正面、顯著地影響已婚婦女的勞動工時,換另一個角度來看,這表示已婚婦女的工時均較受僱於公營事業者為長。 3、就稅後工資一項而言,它的增加將顯著地增加已婚婦女本身的勞動工時。但是增加的工作時數(即稅後工資項的係數)卻有逐年下降的趨勢,這表示雖然平均邊際稅率降低了,但稅後工資的邊際效果也在降低,因此最終的勞動工時變量有可能會呈現穩定的態勢。 (二)、78、79兩年的勞動供給與勞動參與的交叉預測分析: 不論是勞動供給(時數)或是勞動參與(%),兩者在分開計稅制度下的數值幾乎都比在合併計稅制度下的數值要高,而且兩數值差距的變動趨勢也會隨著已婚婦女不同的分類而有不同的變動方向。如以未滿6歲子女數為分類標準,則隨子女數增加,變動趨勢是逐漸上升的;若是改以年齡為分類標準,則變動趨勢是先上升後下降,符合生命週期的特性;如果換成以教育年限來區分,則變動趨勢大體上呈現上升的現象,符合一般的預期。 就整體樣本來看,則有下列的重要結果: (一)、分開計稅的新制的確有增加已婚婦女的勞動工時與勞動參與率的政策效果。其中在勞動工時方面:年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限為18年、有1個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改革(稅制由合併課稅變成分開課稅)的反應為最大(ΔW=6.699、eC=4.08、ΔLC=27.33),至於對78年租稅改革反應最小的則為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限為6年、沒有未滿6歲的子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW=0.092、eC=0.46、ΔLC=0.042)。而對79年租稅改革(稅制由分開課稅變成合併課稅)之反應最大者為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限16年、有3個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW= -1.809、eC=1.66、ΔLC=-3)。至於稅改反應最小者則是年齡介於35到40歲、未受教育、無未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女(ΔW= -0.007、eC=0.48、ΔLC=-0.003)。在勞動參與率方面:其中以年齡介於35到40歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改改革的反應最大(勞動參與率由0.2936上升到0.6240,增加了33%)。而反應最小的,則大致是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女,其勞動參與率幾乎不變。對79年租稅改改革反應最大的則是年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用者的已婚婦女 (勞動參與率由0.6606下降到0.5682,減少了9%)。至於反應最小的,則與78年的結果大致相同,也是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女。由於78年的平均邊際稅率大於79年的平均邊際稅率及78年的稅後工資邊際效果大於79年的稅後工資邊際效果可看出,一旦在78年適用會減輕稅負的新制時,它所造成的減稅效果是明顯大於79年的減稅效果。 (二)、但就政策效果的大小來看,此與Gustafsson (1992)的研究結果相比,卻是小巫見大巫,深究其原因,乃是瑞典採行的是已婚婦女獨立計算其所得稅負,而非我國僅允許薪資所得一項可分開計稅而已。因此,就提升我國已婚婦女勞動供給時數、勞動參與率的租稅工具來看,還有很大的發揮空間。 所得稅申報制度變動對已婚婦女勞動供給之影響 目錄 第一章 緒論…………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………1 第二節 研究方法與資料的限制…1 第三節 本文分析架構……………2 第二章 相關文獻回顧………………4 第三章 理論模型與實證設定………17 第一節 理論模型…………………17 第二節 實證模式設定……………17 第四章 實證資料與結果說明………21 第一節 資料的說明與限制………21 第二節 實證結果說明……………26 第三節 交叉預測分析結果………37 第五章 結論與建議…………………55 參考文獻……………………………58

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