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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků cestovní kanceláře a návrhy na její zlepšení / Analysis of Travel Agency Customer Satisfaction and Suggestions for its Improvement

Svoboda, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on increasing the customer satisfaction of travel agency. Customer satisfaction is a key component for maintaining market position, company reputation and its growth. Client satisfaction is especially important in the area of services, including travel agencies. Based on a questionnaire survey among customers, using the NPS method and the KANO model, measures are designed for increasing it. Also the suggestions are obtained to improve company promotion with the use of customer survey.

The effect of IoT on revenue streams and product features within the mechanical industry : Development of a business model / IoT’s effekt på intäktsströmmar och produktegenskaper inom verkstadsindustrin : Utveckling av en affärsmodell

FRANSSON, JOHN, WÅHLSTRAND, MARTIN January 2018 (has links)
A mechanical industry company’s need for an effective and suitable business model is higher than ever before due to new emerging technologies, especially within digitalization and Industry 4.0. As the Internet of Things (IoT) trend is emerging, companies need to identify new value propositions and adapt their offerings and revenue models in order to meet the customers’ new demands. The current amount of studies that have been conducted in the area of new business models and product offerings with regards to the IoT technology are limited. Therefore, this study has examined and analyzed how a new business model should be designed and what kind of new product offerings a company in the mechanical industry should offer in the area of IoT and servitization. The literature study contains information about Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and Servitization while the theory study addresses theories regarding the business model canvas together with the KANO model. The study has been executed by conducting eleven semi-structured interviews, where nine of the interviewees were employees at our commissioner and the remaining two were customers of our commissioner. The internal interviews were held with executives and managers who represented eight different divisions as well as three different nationalities. The customer interviewees represented two different companies with different sizes and ownership structures. The results of the study indicate that the IoT technology contributes to several new possible product and service offerings, together with new revenue streams, as well as a need for implementing a new servitized business model. Conclusively, offerings such as predictive maintenance, remote assistance, and machine optimization among others, can be offered to the customers with the help of the IoT technology. Furthermore, new payment models such as upfront payments together with a service agreement with monthly payments, are vital parts of a new business model that has to be implemented. In addition, a closer customer relationship is required when moving towards servitization in the area of digitalization and IoT. / För ett bolag inom verkstadsindustrin finns behovet av en effektiv och passande affärsmodell på grund av de nya digitaliseringskoncepten Industri 4.0 och Internet of Things (IoT). Företag måste identifiera nya värdeskapande erbjudanden och anpassa sina affärsmodeller och intäktsströmmar för att möta kundernas nya behov. Antalet studier som genomförts inom området “nya affärsmodeller och produkterbjudanden baserade på IoT-teknik” är begränsat. Därför har denna studie undersökt och analyserat hur en ny affärsmodell bör kunna se ut med hänsyn till vilka typer av nya produkterbjudanden ett bolag inom verkstadsindustrin borde erbjuda inom området för IoT. I kombination med dessa digitaliseringskoncept, ses konceptet servitization som en möjlig väg för att kunna leverera dessa nya erbjudanden till kunderna. Litteraturstudien innehåller information om Industri 4.0, Internet of Things och servitization medan teoristudien adresserar teorier om business model canvas tillsammans med KANO-modellen. Vi har genomfört elva semistrukturerade intervjuer, där nio utav de intervjuade var anställda hos rapportens beställare och de resterande två var kunder till samma beställare. De interna intervjuerna hölls med chefer på ledande befattningar som representerade åtta olika affärsdivisioner och tre olika nationaliteter. Kunderna som intervjuades representerade två företag av olika storlek och olika ägarförhållanden. Studiens resultat visar på att IoT bidrar till ett antal nya produkt- och serviceerbjudanden, tillsammans med nya intäktsströmmar, och det visar även behovet av att implementera en ny serviceinriktad affärsmodell. Slutsatsen visar att erbjudanden som prediktivt underhåll, fjärråtkomst och maskinoptimering med flera, kan erbjudas till kunden med hjälp av IoT-tekniken. Vidare identifieras nya betalningsmodeller, till exempel direktbetalning för en maskin tillsammans med ett serviceavtal som inkluderar månadsvisa betalningar, som viktiga delar utav den föreslagna affärsmodellen. Slutligen visar studien att starkare kundrelationer måste etabler

Mätning av kundnöjdhet enligt Kano-metodiken : En undersökning av produktegenskapers betydelse för kundnöjdhet hos ekologisk kombucha / Measuring customer satisfaction according to the Kano methodology : An exploration of the importance of product attributes of organic kombucha for customer satisfaction

Andén, Amanda, Zetterberg, Elise January 2024 (has links)
Examensarbetet har utförts tillsammans med ett företag som tillverkar ekologisk kombucha. Företaget var intresserade av att ta reda på om just ekologisk kombucha är den fortsatta vägen framåt, då smakutbudet på kombuchan begränsas av tillgången på ekologiska fruktjuicer. Att efterfrågan på ekologiska livsmedel minskat under de senaste åren var ytterligare ett incitament att undersöka problemet. Studiens syfte var därför att leverera ett utlåtande om produktegenskapen ekologisk är den fortsatta vägen framåt avseende betydelsen för kundnöjdhet. För att uppfylla syftet användes en särskild metod inom mätning av kundnöjdhet inspirerad av Kano-modellen, där konsumenter tillfrågades om deras inställning till vissa nuvarande eller potentiella produktegenskaper hos kombuchan. Studiens resultat visar att olika kundgrupper värderar och prioriterar produktegenskaper annorlunda. De flesta av produktegenskaperna uppfyller dock omedvetna kundbehov vilket visar på att den undersökta organisationen har en god möjlighet att sticka ut på marknaden och vara konkurrenskraftiga. Produktegenskapen ekologisk är inte lika viktig att inkludera som producerad i Sverige, men kan fortsättningsvis inkluderas i kombuchan då ett stort smakutbud och ett lägre pris varken är förväntade eller nödvändiga egenskaper. Att inte inkludera ekologisk har även en mycket större påverkan på missnöjdheten hos kunderna än att inte inkludera ett större smakutbud. De implementeringsförslag som presenteras i studien är bland annat vikten av att undersöka möjligheten att producera kombuchan i Sverige, fortsätta mäta kundnöjdhet, se över hur vissa egenskaper synliggörs på produktens flaska samt undersöka om endast en del av sortimentet kan vara ekologiskt. Genom att beakta dessa förslag kan företaget uppfylla deras kunders behov ytterligare. / This thesis was conducted in collaboration with a company that manufactures organic kombucha. The company wanted to know whether organic kombucha is the way forward, as the flavour range of their kombucha is limited due to the availability of organic fruit juices. The decreasing demand for organic foods was an additional incentive to research the issue. The purpose of the study was therefore to deliver an opinion on whether the product attribute organic is the way forward, in terms of its significance for customer satisfaction. To do that, a method within the customer satisfaction measurement field inspired by the Kano model was used, where consumers were asked about their attitudes toward current and potential product attributes. The study’s results show that different customer groups value and prioritize attributes differently. However, most of the attributes meet unconscious customer needs which indicates that the company has a good opportunity to stand out. Although the attribute ’organic’ is not as important to include as ’produced in Sweden’, it may remain since a wide flavour range and a lower price are neither must-be nor one-dimensional attributes. Also, not including ’organic’ has a much greater impact on customer dissatisfaction than not including a wider range of flavours. Proposals for implementation include investigating the possibility of producing the kombucha in Sweden, continuous customer satisfaction measurement, reviewing the visibility of the product’s labels and examining if only some flavours in the range can be organic. By considering these proposals, the company could further meet their customers’ needs.

Verification of CEVT Steering System Specification

Lundström, Adam January 2019 (has links)
This thesis covers the development of a component specification for the steering system of vehicles engineered by CEVT. This includes the components steering column, intermediate shaft, steering gear and tie rods. Due to the reuse of requirements on the component specification from previous projects it now lacks connection to customer needs. A verification of the component specification is necessary to ensure that no redundant or unnecessary requirements are present. The verification was performed through a comparison between a newly established specification and the current one. Identified customer needs were gathered on complete vehicle level and classified according to customer satisfaction with respect to implementation according to the Kano model. The subjective customer needs were translated into objective, quantifiable metrics on complete vehicle level that was then decomposed onto component level. Customer needs and metrics were then correlated against each other and visualized through the House of Quality matrix. Numeric targets for the metrics were based on its impact on customer satisfaction. This resulted in 50 identified metrics connected to the steering column and 58 metrics connected to the steering gear. The comparison resulted in 22 deviations between the new and current specification where 8 metrics was identified for further investigation. Further development would include investigation of these 8 identified metrics and relate targets to competitors’ performance.

A Study on The Design of Automotive Electronics Product Based on Quality Function Deployment Method-A Case Study on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS)

Tu, Yao-hung 22 June 2007 (has links)
As the introduction of semiconductor¡Bcomputer¡Bnetwork communcation¡Bmulti-media technology¡K¡Ketc. and the development and application of relevant automotive electronics, the car has becoming a high technological product instead of a traditional and machnical conveyance. Based on IC Insights, over 40% of vehicles will be equipped with automotive electronics and the automotive electronics market will reach the scale of US$192 billion in 2010. The scale of market is expected to reach the record of US$400 billion that represented over 50% of vehicles will be equiped with automotive electronics in 2015. The automotive electronics was divided to six functional field including ¡§Powertrain¡¨¡B¡¨Body¡¨¡B¡¨Chassis¡BSecurity¡¨¡B¡¨Safety¡¨ and ¡§Driver information¡¨. According to the research of IEK, ¡§Tire Pressure Monitoring System¡¨ is the most potential product in ¡§Safety¡¨ field for Taiwan manufacturers of IT industry to invest their resource. Based on Strategy Analytics, the global market of Tire Pressure Monitoring System reaches the scale of US$200 million in 2004 and the growth is expected to reach the record of US$1,279 million in 2008 and 63.6% annual compound growth. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematical tool with customer orientated concept. Adopting QFD method to product design efficiently is able to shorten development time¡Breduce cost and improve quality to satisfy customer¡¦s needs in his or her mind. This research is completed by case study of Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) which is developed by certain Taiwan company with potentials that is chosen by specialists. In this research we try to collect related information about certain company and explore customer¡¦s real-life needs by conducting questionnaire surveys. Kano¡¦s two-dimensional quality model is applied to identify customer¡¦s critical quality requirements. Quality factor¡Bsub-system/component and process are deployed by the matrix method of QFD to recognize key items for improving product design.

Identifikace a hodnocení preferencí zákazníků u vybraného produktu / Identification and evaluation of customer preferences for selected product

Tůma, Milan January 2019 (has links)
Finding customer preferences when deciding about buying a tractor in the 201-300 horsepower category. Attributes will be gained through questionnaire survey, and will be used in the QFD method, where there will also be comparison of major competitors in a given market segment. The evaluation of tractors will also include the voice of the customer, gained from KANO model. KANO model will be second survey that will be used in this thesis. The conclusion is to build an ideal tractor structure that matches the customer's wishes.

Is Sexism in Advertising really Necessary? : A quantitative study about Women's Attitudes towards Quality Attributes within the Female Fast Fashion Industry

Nyström, Frida, Forsberg, Mimmi January 2020 (has links)
Advertising is constantly surrounding us in different shapes, meaning that companies need to stand out in order to invoke people's attention. Advertising reflects the society's current norms which means that the media and society's values affect each other (Fagerström & Nilsson, 2008). Women have for a long time been objectified and presented in stereotypical roles since sexism is a common component in advertising (Grau & Zotos, 2016). An industry that is frequently being accused of promoting an asymmetrical image of women's bodies is the fast fashion industry (Fay & Price, 1994). It is crucial in both a societal- and business perspective to take responsibility when it comes to sexism in advertising. This study aims to examine female consumers attitudes towards quality attributes in advertising within the female fast fashion industry. Given the research purpose of this thesis, the research questions are: 1) How can the quality attributes in the female fast fashion industry be used to satisfy women as customers? 2) How does quality attributes contribute to customer (dis-)satisfaction in the female fast fashion industry? A preliminary study was organized to state consumers’ different attributes of sexism to use in the questionnaire. Followed by this was the main study with Kano pair questions that included 201 respondents. The pair questions were formulated by the attributes identified in the preliminary study. This study shows how all the presented attributes (“Size zero”, “White people”, “CIS-person”, “Functional variation”, “Unrealistic ideals”, “High level of nudity”, “Erotic way”, “Sexual desire”, “Body focus”, “Behind or breasts” and “Lips or mouth”) were classified as “Reversed” which is an indication of dissatisfaction and an urge for the attribute to be the opposite. This thesis demonstrates the relationship between the quality attributes and theories regarding objectification and portrayal of women. The customers’ attitudes towards the quality attributes correlate with the consequences as results of advertising in a sexist way. Businesses within the female fast fashion industry can prioritise the customer requirements for their advertisements in all assistance measurement and estimation of customer satisfaction in order to rise above the current way of advertising and become more customer oriented and to take responsibility and participation in the development of a gender equal society.

The Realization of Attractive Quality : Conceptual and practical perspectives within the TQM system

Lilja, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Within the quality community, quality management is often pictured as and referred to as rapidly evolving and continuously learning by interaction with the surrounding world. In general, an ability to evolve and transform is also seen as most desirable and the only choice for long term survival. In line with this picture, quality scholars, consultants, and practitioners strongly accentuate the necessity and great benefits from continuous improvement as well as systematic collection and usage of facts about what customers really value, to guide such improvement. This is reflected in the exhortations “improve continuously”, “focus on the customer” and “base decisions on facts”, found with minor variations in most modern quality literature. Strong exhortations mainly directed outwards, towards the many leaders and organizations out there. Towards leaders and organizations that still have not grasped the necessity and great winnings from continuous improvement, that are still not fully applying modern quality initiatives like Total Quality Management (TQM).   However, while seemingly being busy exhorting others, doubts have been increasingly raised concerning whether TQM, as currently applied, actually lives up to these exhortations. Does TQM itself continuously improve and evolve? Is the current application of TQM really taking into account facts in the surrounding world about what customers value?   When viewing TQM as a system, as now is commonly done, the problem implied is a lack of system goal fulfillment, questioning if the current TQM system’s structure and processes are really purposeful. More specifically the critics highlight the inadequacy of the current reactive one-sided defect avoidance focus, stressing that defects do not matter much if you are making a product no one wants to buy. What can be referred to as “an obsession with error avoidance” is in fact shown to stifle both innovation and value creation.   As for what the TQM system currently is missing, the shortcoming is often referred to as a lack of focus on Attractive Quality. That is, a lack of focus on a different kind of quality elements, often described as being unrelated to the dissatisfaction expressed, but strongly contributing to the customer’s positive emotions, such as delight. The inclusion and realization of Attractive Quality has been widely emphasized as important and urgent for more than 20 years. However, a more systematic inclusion and realization within the TQM system has remained no more than merely “a vision”. A situation seemingly supporting the argument that TQM really has failed in terms of continuously evolving and improving. An inability to learn and adapt that in the long term will jeopardize the survival of the entire TQM system.   This thesis then aims to move “from a vision to reality” both in terms of exploring the realization of Aattractive Qquality within TQM, and in a wider sense towards realizing the desired state of TQM as truly evolving and alive. In doing so the thesis addresses the three questions of what, why and how the vision of a more systematic creation of Aattractive Qquality creation actually should and could be realized within the system of TQM. Among the results presented in this thesis are a new two-dimensional perspective on Attractive Quality and a re-understanding of the TQM system. The thesis also introduces a new methodology called Attraction Detection Study (ADS) as part of the concluding suggestions about how Attractive Quality could be more systematically created within the system of TQM. / Inom kvalitetsrörelsen beskrivs, och hänvisas ofta till, kvalitetsledning som ett område i snabb utveckling och ständigt lärande i interaktion med den omgivande världen. Generellt ses också en förmåga till utveckling och förändring som mycket eftersträvansvärdt och detn enda alternativetvalmöjligheten för långsiktig överlevnad. I linje med denna uppfattning betonar kvalitetsforskare, -konsulter och -praktiker nödvändigheten och vinsten med ständig förbättring och systematisk insamling och användning av fakta om vad kunder värderar för att vägleda denna förbättring. Detta återspeglas i uppmaningarna ”arbeta med ständiga förbättringar”, ”sätt kunderna i centrum” och ”basera beslut på fakta” som återfinns med mindre variationer i en stor del av den moderna kvalitetslitteraturen. Starka uppmaningar som i huvudsak är riktade utåt, mot de många ledare och organisationer som finns där ute. Mot ledare och organisationer och ledare som ännu inte har förstått nödvändigheten och den stora vinsten av ständiga förbättringar, som ännu inte fullt ut applicerar moderna kvalitetsinitiativ såsom offensiv kvalitetsledning (TQM).   Medan man förefallit upptagen med att uppmana andra, har dock alltmer tvivel väckts huruvida TQM i dagens applicerade form lever upp till dessa centrala uppmaningar. Utvecklas och förbättras TQM ständigt? Tar den nuvarande TQM strukturen verkligen hänsyn till fakta i omvärlden om vad kunder faktiskt värderar?   När man ser på TQM som ett system, som nu ofta görs, är det antydda problemet en brist i uppfyllelse av systemmål som ifrågasätter om TQM systemets nuvarande struktur och processer verkligen är ändamålsenliga. Mer specifikt lyfter kritikerna otillräckligheten i den nuvarande reaktiva och ensidiga fokuseringen på att minska defekter och betonar att defekter inte spelar någon roll om du tillverkar en produkt som ingen vill köpa. Vad som kan hänvisas till som ”en besatthet av att undvika fel” visar sig missleda både innovation och värdeskapande.   När det sedan gäller vad det nuvarande TQM systemet saknar, hänvisas ofta till en brist på fokus på Attraktiv kvalitet. Detta innebär en brist på fokus rörande en typ av kvalitetselement som ofta beskrivs som orelaterade till uttalat missnöje men starkt bidragander till kundens starka positiva känslor såsom förtjusning. En inkludering och ett förverkligande av denna Attraktiva kvalitet har nu vida betonats som angelägen under mer än 20 års tid. En mer systematisk inkludering inom TQM systemet har dock stannat vid bara ”en vision”. En situation som ger visst stöd åt påståendet att TQM har misslyckats med att leva upp till strävan mot ständig förbättring och utveckling. En oförmåga att lära och anpassa sig som i ett längre perspektiv äventyrar överlevnaden hos hela TQM systemet.   Denna avhandling syftar således till att gå ”från vision till verklighet” både i termer av att bidra till förverkligandet av Attraktiv kvalitet och i en vidare betydelse till förverkligandet av idealet av TQM som i sanning levande och i ständig utveckling. För att uppnå detta lyfter denna avhandling de tre frågorna vad, varför och hur visionen om ett mer systematiskt skapandet av Attraktiv kvalitet skall och kan förverkligas inom TQM systemet.   Bland resultaten som presenteras i denna avhandling ingår ett nytt tvådimensionellt perspektiv på Attraktiv kvalitet och en ny förståelse och konceptualisering av TQM systemet. Avhandlingen introducerar även ett nytt arbetssätt kallat ”Attraction Detection Study” (ADS) som en del av förslagen till hur Attraktiv kvalitet mer systematiskt kan realiseras inom TQM systemet.

User Preferences of Application Attributes During Product Browsing : An Investigation of Customer Experience in Fashion E-Commerce

Johansson, Anton, Sjöholm, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
In a fast-changing retail environment, including hard competition and demanding consumers, the customer experience of the purchasing service is crucial to gain a competitive advantage. Since consumers are to some extent moving from offline to online, and from desktop shopping to purchasing clothing in a mobile application, there is a need for investigating consumers expectations of their experience of a mobile application. The existing and performance of attributes and functions determines the satisfaction of the user experience, which is why it is reasonable to investigate expectations concerning attributes. The finding and classification of quality attributes in mobile applications in the fashion industry was the main goal of this thesis. Attributes were found using a qualitative study including 16 interviews, where respondents field tested already existing applications. The reasonability to further investigate these attributes was confirmed by a literature research. After finding 35 relevant attributes, these were investigated and analysed using the Theory of Attractive Quality and a 5-level Kano questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using the Theory of Attractive Quality, classifying attributes according to the Kano chart of evaluation. Further, each attribute was analysed using tools such as better/worse diagrams and self-stated importance values. The classification results from the questionnaire were that “Choose product size” was categorised as Must-Be, “Loading speed” as One-Dimensional, eight quality attributes were combinations of classifications, and 25 were classified as Indifferent. A number of 510 respondents answered the questionnaire. The classification of attributes implies that customers are rather indifferent to attributes during their shopping experience. However, further analysis concludes that even though many attributes are classified as Indifferent, many attributes need to be considered, according to the better/worse values and diagrams, which are useful regarding resource allocation. According to the classification and better/worse diagrams, one can distinguish a difference between genders: male respondents proved to be more indifferent to their shopping experience than females. Analysis of the data also shows a difference between age groups. The two youngest age groups including respondents born in 1990-1994 and 1995-2000, had higher better and worse values, implying that younger people expect more from their shopping user experience. Conclusively, this report resulted in an overview of consumers’ expectations regarding their experience when shopping in a fashion mobile application. The Theory of Attractive Quality is a useful method when measuring perceived and expected quality; however, each investigative occasion demands different method setup, adjusting for specific attribute types, as well as business. Some improvements can be made regarding the Theory of Attractive Quality, increasing the chances of a better result.

Referensdesign av tryckknappar för bilinteriör : Förslag och koncept för framtidens tryckknappar / Reference design of push buttons in car interior

Eriksson, Martin, Stridkvist, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
This report presents a thesis done in the field of mechanical engineering with a focus on product development and design. The work was done together with Kongsberg Automotive AB in Mullsjö. The company wants to investigate the push button solutions available on the market today and the solutions that seem promising for the future. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what the user perceives as quality and define which solution the company should use in future products. To make the subject less about an abstract feeling of quality a method for interviewing end users was created. This allowed their feelings about good and bad characteristics to be concretized to statistical data about characteristics and buttons tested in the study. These statistics where then used in a product development process to create concepts from ideas. With support from an experienced professional a direction was set to create prototypes built around existing switches matching the results of the interview based study. The result is a number of concepts for solutions, as well as 3D-printed prototypes of the more promising solutions followed by advice on which direction future research in the area should be headed. The task was solved with several well documented methods such as Kano. With these methods, the market has been reviewed, user comments about quality have been collected and analyzed and new concepts has been created to accompany the coming trend and meet user demands.

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