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Designen leder vägen : En kvalitativ studie om att skapa positiv användarupplevelse och hög användarnytta vid uppgiftsorienterade informationssystem / The design leads the way : A qualitative study about creating a positive user experience and high usability in task-oriented information systemsJakobsson, Mikael, Lindahl, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
Ett faktum som inte går obemärkt förbi är den ständigt ökade e-handeln. E-handelnökar på många plan världsvitt. Både antalet e-handelsbutiker som tillkommerdagligen och antalet konsumenter som använder e-handeln genom att köpaprodukter eller tjänster blir bara fler. I och med de ökande siffrorna både på antalete-butiker och antalet konsumenter kan det konstateras att e-handeln är enbetydelsefull del i samhället, både för verksamheter och privatpersoner.Användandet måste vara enkelt för att kunna inkludera användare oavsett tidigarekunskap och teknisk bakgrund. E-handelns system innebär att användare behöverutföra nödvändiga uppgifter i en viss ordning, vilket denna studie kallar föruppgiftsorienterade informationssystem (UOIS). Detta innebär den digitala processsom en användare behöver genomföra i samband med köp av en vara, bokning ellerbeställning av en tjänst.Studiens syfte var att skapa större förståelse för hur gränssnitt kan utformas inomdigitala UOIS som leder till en positiv användarupplevelse med en höganvändbarhet. Forskningsfrågan som studien ämnade besvara lyder: Hur kan designav gränssnitt skapa en positiv användarupplevelse och hög användarnytta viduppgiftsorienterade informationssystem?För att besvara forskningsfrågan skapades en litteraturgenomgång vilket äveninkluderar en modell som prioriterar systemets viktigaste element.litteraturgenomgången tar upp viktiga delar inom e-handeln där fokus ligger påanvändaren. Studiens huvudfokus är användarupplevelse (UX) och användbarhet.Inom dessa breda begrepp lyfts det även fram betydelsefull kunskap inomuppmärksamhet, navigering och visuell hierarki.För att undersöka användarens upplevelser av UOIS och vilka behov som fanns såanvände studien en kvalitativ ansats. Den datainsamling som genomförts har gjorts isamband med en fallstudie vars syfte var att ta fram ett bokningssystem på enbefintlig plattform. Den metod som använts för datainsamling var semistruktureradeintervjuer. Studiens erhållna kunskap exemplifieras i form av en prototyp.För att utformningen av UOIS ska kunna skapa en positiv användarupplevelse ochhög användarnytta bör systemets gränssnitt hjälpa användaren mot önskat mål utanatt avbryta eller skapa frustration. System som överför användarensuppmärksamhet- och kunskapskrav till systemets gränssnitt tillåter användaren attfokusera på dennes uppgift och inte användandet av systemet. / A fact that does not go unnoticed is the ever-increasing e-commerce. E-commerce isincreasing on many levels worldwide. Both the number of e-commerce stores thatare added daily and the number of consumers who use e-commerce by buyingproducts or services will only increase. With the increasing figures for both thenumber of e-shops and the number of consumers, it can be stated that e-commerce isan important part of society, both for businesses and private individuals. The usemust be simple to be able to include users regardless of previous knowledge andtechnical background. The e-commerce system means that users need to performnecessary tasks in a certain order, which this study calls task-oriented informationsystems (TOIS).The purpose of the study was to create a greater understanding of how interfaces canbe designed within digital UOIS that lead to a positive user experience with a highlevel of usability. The research question that the study intended to answer is: Howcan interface design create a positive user experience and high user benefit intask-oriented information systems?To answer the research question a literature review was created, which also includesa model that prioritizes the most important elements of the system. The literaturereview addresses important parts of e-commerce where the focus is on the user. Themain focus of the study is user experience (UX) and usability. Within these broadconcepts significant knowledge in attention, navigation and visual hierarchy is alsohighlighted.To investigate the users experiences of TOIS and to identify user needs, the studyuses a qualitative approach. The data collection that has been carried out has beendone in connection with a case study whose purpose was to develop a bookingsystem on an existing platform. The method used for data collection wassemi-structured interviews. The knowledge obtained in the study is exemplified inthe form of a prototype.In order for the design of TOIS to be able to create a positive user experience andhigh user value, the system's interface should help the user towards the desired goalwithout interrupting or creating frustration. Systems that transfer the user's attentionand knowledge requirements to the system's interface allow the user to focus ontheir task and not the use of the system.
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Designing Usable Transparency for Mobile Health Research: The impact of transparency enhancing tools on the users’ trust in citizen science appsMaus, Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
Medical researchers are exploring the potential of patients’ mobile phones and wearables for medical studies. The contribution of volunteers in a form of citizen science, where citizens donate their data for research purposes, can enable studies on a large scale. This research area, known as mobile health, often relies on shared data such as tracked steps or self- reporting forms. Privacy, transparency and trust play a fundamental role in the interaction of users with related platforms that agglomerate medical studies.This project explores privacy concerns of potential users of mobile health citizen science apps, summarises similar user patterns and analyses the impact of transparency enhancing tools on the users’ trust. In this context, a prototype with different features that aim to increase the transparency is designed, tested and evaluated. The results indicate how users perceive the importance and the generated trust of the proposed features and provide recommendations for data donation platforms.
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Nulägesanalys och förbättringsåtgärder på lanseringsplaner för tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt på Systembolaget ABBerglund, Robert, Lundborg, Philip January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to study a process within Systembolaget AB that affects a selected part of the assortment model. The assortment is defined as TSE, which stands for tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt, that can be described as temporary assortment exclusively. According to Systembolaget the process currently lacks clarity with associated deviations in launch plans of TSE items to stores. The purpose is to improve visibility to counteract deviations in the process. Method: The report's data collection consists of semi-structured interview studies, literature studies and document review. Analysis of data has been accomplished by a fishbone diagram. Theory: The theoretical framework is made up of the kano model, Porter's five forces and ISO 9000. Results: The TSE process is necessary for Systembolaget's attractiveness as an alcohol monopoly. The range contributes to a width of offers for the customer and satisfies customers who demand more alcoholic drinks than what is available in the fixed range. TSE is mostly a stated need that has one-dimensional attributes that increase customer satisfaction and fulfillment rates. The fishbone diagram has excavated underlying root causes and identified method and measurement as the most serious in affecting quality deficiencies. Systembolaget's power structures in the microenvironment are significantly dependent on the suppliers' ability to act. Currently, the TSE process lacks a quality and management system, with the consequence that a vision, business concept and definition of quality are missing. Likewise, there is no measurement system for measuring the performance of the process in the form of deviations from launch plans. There are still challenges with the lack of internal software systems that impair the transparency of the process. Conclusion: The report suggests that the organization examines the suitability of implementing a quality and management system, measurement system, system support and vision and business idea. / Syfte: Rapportens syfte är att studera en process inom Systembolaget AB som berör en utvald del inom sortimentsmodellen. Sortimentet betecknas TSE som står för tillfälligt sortiment exklusivt. Processen i dagsläget brister i överskådlighet med tillhörande avvikelser i lanseringsplaner av TSE-artiklar till butiker. Syftet är att förbättra överskådligheten i TSE-processen för att motverka avvikelser lanseringsplanerna. Metod: Rapportens datainsamling består av semistrukturerade intervjustudier, litteraturstudier och dokumentgranskning. Dataanalysen har gjorts med hjälp av fiskbensdiagram. Teori: Det teoretiska ramverket är uppbyggt av kanomodellen, Porter´s five forces och ISO 9000. Resultat: TSE-processen är nödvändig för Systembolagets attraktivitet som alkoholmonopol, då sortimentet bidrar till en bredd i erbjudande för kunden och tillfredsställer kunder som efterfrågar fler alkoholdrycker än det som finns i fasta sortimentet. TSE är till största del ett uttalat behov som har endimensionella attribut som höjer kundtillfredsställelsen och uppfyllelsegraden. Fiksbensdiagrammet har urholkat bakomliggande rotorsaker och identifierat metod och mätning som störst allvarlighet i påverkan av kvalitetsbrister. Systembolagets maktstrukturer i mikromiljön är signifikant beroende av leverantörernas handlingskraft. I dagsläget saknar TSE-processen ett kvalitets- och ledningssystem med efterföljd att vision, verksamhetsidé och definition av kvalitet saknas. Likaså saknas mätsystem för mätning av processens prestanda i form av avvikelser av lanseringsplaner. Fortsättningsvis finns utmaningar med avsaknad av interna stödsystem som försämrar överskådligheten av processen. Slutsats: Rapporten föreslår att organisationen undersöker lämplighet av att implementera ett kvalitets- och ledningssystem, mätsystem, systemstöd och vision samt verksamhetsidé.
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A Curricula Assessment And Improvement Quantitative Model For Higher Education: A Design For Six Sigma MethodologyHalawany, Abdullah 01 January 2014 (has links)
Curricula assessment is an integrated process to assist higher education institutions in addressing the challenges in a designated field of study and in exploring the opportunities to better educate and prepare their students for an increasingly complex world. Although assessment as a topic has been researched extensively, there has been a lack of quantitative tools that address the requirements of many of the stakeholders that may be critical to the curriculum design and assessment processes. This research proposes the utilization of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) to develop a quantitative model for curriculum assessment and improvement for higher education institutions. A review of the literature indicates that there is a lack of quantitative tools that enhance the reliability and efficiency of gathering customer requirements for curriculum in higher education environment. In addition, there is a lack of tools to translate these requirements into actual characteristics that can be used for curriculum design and assessment purposes. The literature also indicates that curriculum assessment is one of several educational processes that affect the quality of education. This research proposes a quantitative model for curriculum assessment and improvement in higher education institutions, utilizing design for six sigma methodology. The proposed model explores the use of the Kano model concept to translate needed requirements into desirable curriculum attributes and the general concept of establishing transfer function to determine the level at which those requirements have been satisfied. The use of the developed model can help improve student learning and provide curriculum stakeholders with timely feedback about the curriculum and identify areas in need of improvement. To validate the capability of the proposed model, an ABET accredited department of Industrial Engineering in a US university was used a case study.
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以狩野品質模型探討排隊資訊透明化、服務品質和顧客滿意度的關係 / Application of Kano model to the relationships of queueing information provision, service quality, and customer satisfaction聶齊佑 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代人越來越忙碌的生活步調,排隊帶來的負面情緒影響也越來越大;對於企業而言,必須面對因為在消費的過程中等待,而造成顧客對於服務評價降低的現象。當許多研究致力於提出應對排隊問題的可行方案時,時代的推進帶來了行動裝置與網路的普及化,也因此出現了透過應用程式推播排隊資訊,藉此舒緩顧客負面情緒的解決方案。本研究串聯排隊心理、知覺管理…等不同的研究議題,在不同的消費情境中,透過狩野模型(Kano model)探索排隊資訊具備的服務品質,以及透過SERVQUAL的概念建構研究模型,驗證排隊資訊的整體服務品質與顧客滿意度之間的關係。研究結果發現排隊資訊具備的服務品質,多數歸類於魅力品質 (Attractive quality) 要素,一維品質(One-dimensional quality)要素則為其次,其中服務品質大多維持著一致性,但消費情境會對於特定幾項服務品質的帶來影響。研究模型亦驗證了排隊資的整體服務品質和顧客滿意度有正向關係。 / The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of queue information provisions. As we observe the latest application of revealing queue information via mobile device to deal with the queuing management problem, this research intends to provide a new viewpoint of queuing information crossing different research issues. We develop research framework from four facets: (1) perception management, (2) queuing research, (3) Kano model, and (4) SERVQUAL. The research is divided into three parts. First, via Kano model we find the service quality of queuing information and categorize the service qualities into 6 categories. Second, we examine the relationships between the overall service quality of queuing information provision and customer satisfaction. Third, we are also concerned the impact of consume situation, so the hypothesis will be tested in the different simulated situation in experiment. According to the result, we discover that most queuing information provisions’ service qualities are attractive quality dimension and One-dimensional quality. Besides, the hypothesis of queuing information provisions’ service quality is accepted, which also proves the results which we find in the first part of this research by Kano model. Finally, this research examines the effect of consume situations on the queuing information, and we also have further discussion about the exception situation.
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Societal Responses to the State of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Kano Metropolis- NigeriaKurfi, Mustapha Hashim 27 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Struggling to belong : nativism, identities, and urban social relations in Kano and AmsterdamEhrhardt, David Willem Lodewijk January 2011 (has links)
The research problem of this thesis is to explore the effects of top-down, bureaucratic definitions of belonging and social identity on urban social relations. More specifically, the thesis analyses the ways in which the nativist categorisations of indigeneity in Kano and autochtonie in Amsterdam can help to understand the tensions between ethnic groups in these two cities. Methodologically, the study is designed as a least-similar, comparative exploration and uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods in its case studies of Kano and Amsterdam. Theoretically, this study uses identity cleavages and identification as the mediators between policy categories and social relations. It combines social-psychological, historical, and institutional theories to link bureaucratic nativism to ethnic identities and, finally, to conflictual (or ‘destructive’) interethnic relations. The resulting theoretical argument of the thesis is that nativist policy categorisations are likely conducive to antagonism, avoidance, and conflict between groups defined as ‘natives’ and ‘settlers’. The central finding of the thesis is that both in Kano and in Amsterdam, indigeneity and autochtonie have entrenched a primordial and competitive (or ‘exclusionary’) notion of ethnic identities and have thus been conducive to interethnic antagonism, avoidance, and conflict. Introduced at a time of rapid immigration, social change, and persistent horizontal inequalities, the two top-down policy categories came to redefine urban belonging in Kano and Amsterdam. As a result, previously apolitical ethnic boundaries between ‘natives’ and ‘settlers’ became politicised, connected to exclusionary definitions of religion and class, and ranked on the basis of their claim to a primordial ‘native’ status - that is, their status as historical ‘first-comers’ in their place of residence. The categorisation and group positioning effects of nativism have, therefore, intensified the urban struggle to belong in Kano and Amsterdam. At the same time, however, the thesis underlines that ethnic conflict in Kano and Amsterdam is limited, partly because nativist forms of belonging are continuously challenged by, for example, inclusive multiculturalism in Kano and urban citizenship in Amsterdam.
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Hur användardata & andra arbetssätt nyttjas för att nå hög kundtillfredsställelse / How user data & other work methods are utilized to attain high customer satisfactionKALZÉN, EMMA, SÖRENSEN, JULIA January 2020 (has links)
Att integrera insamling och analysering av användardata inom produktutveckling förekommer hos företag inom alla branscher över hela världen. Användardata kan ge ett företag information om användare och den informationen kan i sin tur utnyttjas för att utveckla befintliga och nya produkter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur användardata och andra arbetssätt i kombination kan identifiera och tillfredsställa kundbehov under utveckling av webbplatser och appar. För att besvara frågeställningen byggdes en teoretisk referensram från en vetenskaplig litteraturstudie. En stor del av litteraturstudien består av Kano modellen för att förklara sambandet mellan olika kundbehov och kundtillfredsställelse. Vidare presenteras vanligt förekommande användardata och andra arbetssätt. Sedan genomfördes en kvalitativstudie hos fyra företag som arbetar med produktutveckling av appar och/eller webbplatser. Den kvalitativa studien bestod av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten från den kvalitativa studien analyserades sedan och jämfördes mot den teoretiska referensramen. Efter analys och diskussion av resultaten visar studien att en kombination av användardata och andra arbetssätt är fördelaktigt i en produktutvecklingsprocess för att uppnå hög kundtillfredsställelse. Vidare upptäcker studien svårigheten i att mäta kundtillfredsställelse då användares behov ständigt förändras samt för att tillfredsställelse oftast mäts på specifika produktfunktioner, inte produkten i sin helhet. / Integrating collection and analysis of user data within product development is occurring in companies worldwide and across all industries. User data can provide a company with information about the users which can be utilized to develop existing and new products. This study aims to explore how a combination of user data and other work methods can identify and satisfy customer needs during the development of websites and apps. To answer the research questions a theoretical framework was built from a scientific literature study. The literature study gives much focus to the Kano model to explain the connection between different customer needs and customer satisfaction. Additionally, common user data and other work methods are presented. Subsequently, a qualitative study was conducted at four companies who are working with product development of apps and/or websites. The qualitative study consisted of semi-structured interviews. The results from the qualitative study were analysed and compared to the theoretical framework. After analysis and discussion, the study shows that a combination of user data and other work methods is profitable in a product development process to achieve high customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the study discovers the difficulties in measuring customer satisfaction since customer needs are constantly changing and also because customer satisfaction is often measured on specific product features, not the product as a whole.
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