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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eduardo Kac: uma poética da criação / Eduardo Kac: a poetic of creation

Iara Maia Covas 25 September 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a poética do artista multimídia Eduardo Kac, conhecido internacionalmente por suas obras inovadoras e polêmicas e pela atuação como professor, crítico e pesquisador de modalidades artísticas contemporâneas que envolvem o uso das novas tecnologias, incluindo algumas criadas por ele mesmo, como é o caso da holopoesia, da arte da telepresença e biotelemática e da arte transgênica. Consideramos a idéia da criação presente nos trabalhos, principalmente as relações entre esta e uma concepção mística de linguagem, baseada em conceitos e técnicas da Cabala judaica. A partir das obras de arte transgênica que compõem sua Trilogia da Criação: Gênesis (1999), GFP-Bunny (2000) e O Oitavo Dia (2001), buscamos iluminar as referências e procedimentos criativos que conectam o corpo de conhecimento bastante antigo e tradicional (a Cabala) com a reflexão sobre a criação e suas relações com a linguagem, na tradição cabalística e na arte contemporânea / This dissertation approaches the poetics of the multimedia artist Eduardo Kac, internationally known for his innovative and controversial works and for his performance as a professor, critic and researcher of contemporary artistic modalities that involve the use of new technologies, including some that were developed by himself, such as the holopoetry, the telepresence and biotelematic art and the transgenic art. We consider that the idea of creation in his works, mainly the relationship between this creation and a mystical conception of language, is based on concepts and techniques of the Jewish Kabbalah. By analyzing the transgenic art works that compose the Creation Trilogy: Genesis (1999), GFPBunny (2000) e The Eighth Day (2001), we intend to highlight the references and creative procedures that connect the ancient and traditional structure of knowledge (the Kabbalah) with the analysis of creation and its relationship with language in the kabbalistic tradition and contemporary art.

O mistério de Francisco Peñaranda : a magnífica história de um criptojudeu e seu tesouro oculto na Espanha do século XVI

Bispo, Isis Carolina Garcia 21 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In Portugal and in Spain, for a very long time a belief was cultivated about the Jews, that when being expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, at the beginning of the Modern Age, hid in certain places treasures to be rescued in posterity. Despite this account being cloaked in an atmosphere of mystery and distorted by imagination, in the hope that many nurture of finding riches in gold and jewels, there is evidence that these hidden riches consisted of censored books since, fleeing to other christian countries, they couldn’t take it with them. So in 1992, to corroborate this account, when in the modest Spanish village of Barracota a house was being remodeled, a “kept treasure”, hid by screens in a space between walls, was found. It was a heterogeneous set of 10 prints, a manuscript and a nômina. From those surprising finding its unveiled by extremeño Professor Fernando Serrano Mangas, that the set of clandestine books was hidden around 1557 by Crypto-jew Doctor Francisco Peñaranda. Therefore, this dissertation seeks to illustrate, starting from the analysis of the works “Alborayque” and “A muito devota oração da emparedada”, the mystic crypto-jewish universe and its paths in the 16th century’s contour. Working in this perspective according to the evidentiary method, proposed by Carlo Ginzburg, to highlight fundamental elements from the world vision of this minority that was the object of persecution by the Modern Inquisition. / Durante muito tempo, em Portugal e na Espanha, se cultivou a crença de que os judeus ao serem expulsos da Península Ibérica, no início da Idade Moderna, esconderam tesouros em determinados locais para serem resgatados na posteridade. Apesar desse relato está envolto em um clima de mistérios e também ser distorcido pela imaginação popular, na esperança que muitos acariciam de encontrar riquezas em joias e metais preciosos, existem indícios de que essas riquezas encobertas eram constituídas por livros censurados uma vez que, em sua fuga para outros países cristãos, eles não poderiam levá-los consigo. Assim, para corroborar com esse relato, em 1992 quando era realizada a reforma de uma secular residência na pacata vila de Barcarrota, na Espanha, foi encontrado um “tesouro oculto” escondido por tapumes num espaço vazio existente entre as paredes. Tratava-se de um conjunto heterogêneo de dez impressos, um manuscrito e uma nômina. A partir dessa surpreendente descoberta é desvelado, pelo historiador e professor extremeño Fernando Serrano Mangas, que esse conjunto de livros clandestinos foi ocultado pelo médico criptojudeu Francisco de Peñaranda, por volta de 1557. Portanto, essa dissertação procura ilustrar, a partir da análise das obras “Alborayque” e “A muito devota oração da emparedada”, o universo místico criptojudaico e seus meandros no contorno do século XVI. Nessa perspectiva, trabalhamos segundo o método indiciário, proposto por Carlo Ginzburg, para destacar elementos fundamentais da cosmovisão dessa minoria que foi objeto de perseguição pela Inquisição Moderna. / São Cristóvão, SE

En kvardröjande strålglans : En studie om mystik och kabbalah i judisk liturgi i Stockholm från 1800-tal och i dag / A Lingering Radiance - a study of mysticism and kabbalah in Jewish liturgy in Stockholm from the 19th century and today

Frödeberg Karlin, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This study strives to chart the occurrence of mystic and kabbalistic influences inthe textual liturgic material of Jewish prayer books - siddurim - in Stockholm,during the 19th century as well as of today. Two prayer books, both focusing onthe prayer service for sabbath and festivals, were studied and compared to amaterial corresponding to a more traditionally inclined ashkenaz liturgy. Alongsidethis comparative method, the study made use of the hermeneutics of Hans-GeorgeGadamer in order to gain a more thorough understanding of the backgroundleading up to the selection of materials within the Swedish siddurim. This involveda broad historical research of Jewish mysticism, Jewish liturgy and Jewish life inSweden. Furthermore, the reception history theory of Gadamer and Hans-RobertJauss was employed to analyze the reception of mystic and kabbalistic influencesupon the Swedish prayer books, taking in account the ways in which religioustexts are viewed within a certain tradition, depending on theological agendas,historical context, and the intercommunion between these, especially taking thereformist wave of Judaism in the 19th century under consideration. The results andanalysis came to show that, although there had been an extensive purge of explicitkabbalistic materials in the 19th century, texts with very clear connotations tomerkavah mysticism still remained. The siddur in use today has also reintroducedkabbalistic material to the liturgy. Through the lens of reception history theory,mystic and/or kabbalistic influences are shown to be a part of Jewish liturgy inStockholm, sometimes understood as an integral part of a wider liturgic tradition,sometimes as a devotional - but not explicitly esoteric - addition to the prayerservice.

L'expérience de l'imagination comme agent noétique dans les courants ésotériques occidentaux : aspects méthodologiques, historiques et phénoménologiques

Bourbonnais, Louis January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

L'expérience de l'imagination comme agent noétique dans les courants ésotériques occidentaux : aspects méthodologiques, historiques et phénoménologiques

Bourbonnais, Louis January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

La magie islamique et le « corpus bunianum » au Moyen Âge / The islamic magic and the « corpus bunianum » in the Middle Ages

Coulon, Jean-Charles 06 July 2013 (has links)
Al-Būnī est une figure centrale dans l'étude de la magie en Islam au Moyen Âge. En effet, son principal traité, le Šams al-maʿārif al-kubrā (Le « grand » soleil des connaissances), est le plus grand manuel de magie se basant sur le Coran, les beaux noms de Dieu, les invocations aux anges, etc. Malheureusement, à ce jour, cette oeuvre nous est connue à travers des éditions se basant sur des manuscrits très tardifs, fort éloignés du contenu des manuscrits des oeuvres ayant pu être écrites par al-Būnī : en témoignent les nombreux anachronismes. Aussi, ce travail de recherche propose de faire l'analyse et d'établir une édition critique d'une partie du « corpus bunianum » : le Šams al-maʿārif wa-laṭāʾif al-ʿawārif (Le soleil des connaissances et les grâces exquises) dans sa version courte (la supposée plus ancienne), al-Lumʿa l-nūrāniyya (La lueur luminescente) et d'autres traités qui ont contribué à former le Šams al-maʿārif. L'édition de ces textes correspondant au « noyau historique » de cet immense corpus met en évidence les éléments les plus anciens des oeuvres attribuées à al-Būnī et les influences ayant contribué à la formation d'une magie islamique, se référant non plus essentiellement à des autorités grecques, indiennes, mésopotamiennes, etc., mais aussi au Coran, à la tradition prophétique et aux traditions magiques, mystiques et kabbalistiques juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes. Intimement liée aux sphères du pouvoir, cette littérature magique participe également à leur mise en scène et reflète leur évolution. / Indeed, his main treatise, the Šams al-maʿārif al-kubrā (The "Great" Sun of Knowledge), is the most important magic manual based on the Qurʾān, the beautiful names of God, invocations to the angels, etc. Unfortunately, until now, this work has been known to us through editions based on very late manuscripts, very different from the contents of manuscripts of works written by al-Būnī as the many anachronisms point out. In this research, we propose an analysis and a critical edition of part of the "corpus bunianum": Šams al-maʿārif wa-laṭāʾif al-ʿawārif (The Sun of Knowledge and the ExquisiteGraces) in its short version (the supposedly more ancient one), al-Lumʿa l-nūrāniyya (The Luminescent Glow) and other treaties that have been used to write down the Šams al-maʿārif. Editing these texts corresponding to the "historic core" of this vast corpus highlights the oldest parts of the works attributed to al-Būnī and the influences that contributed to the formation of an Islamic magic, referring not only to Greek authorities, Indian, Mesopotamian, etc.., but also to the Qurʾān, the prophetic tradition and magical, mystical and Kabbalistic Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions.Closely linked to realms of power, this magical literature also contributes to their splendour andreflects their evolution.

Rabi Jehuda Liva ben Becal'el a kniha Zohar / Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel and the Zohar

Kohoutová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the intellectual heritage of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the Maharal of Prague and with his affiliation to the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah sprang up amongst Jewish scholars of 12th century Spain and reached its apex in the composition of the Zohar. This study shows the ways the Maharal used the Zohar and to what end. First chapter deals with the life and writings of the Maharal. The second summarises previous attempts to describe the Maharal's affinity for Jewish mysticism. The third chapter describes how the Zohar was written. It includes a textological comparison, which aims to find which edition or group of manuscripts of the Zohar the Maharal used. It also makes note of the special form of zoharic Aramaic that is present in the Maharal's writings. The fourth chapter raises the question of halakhic authority of the Zohar in the 15th and 16th centuries. Three main chapters of this thesis provide analysis and commentary of chosen zoharic texts (Zohar III,152a, Zohar III,40a, Zohar I,18a a Zohar I,33b) quoted by the Maharal in his writings and with their theological reflection. Zohar III,152a speaks about different layers of meaning implied in the text of the Torah. This chapter deals with the basic development of Jewish hermeneutics and attempts to find Maharal's place in it....

Challenging messianism and apocalyptism : a study of the three surviving Messiahs, their related commonalities, problematic issues and the beliefs surrounding them

Krawitz, Lilian 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with two issues, modern messiahs and their appeal, namely the highly successful Rebbe M.M. Schneerson from Chabad; and hostile, modern day, militant messianists and their beliefs, namely the USA Christian evangelicals and their rapture belief. The study directs attention at the three successful (in the sense that their movements survived their deaths) Jewish Messiahs, the 1st century Jesus, the 17th century Sabbatai Sevi and the present day, but recently deceased (1994) Rebbe Schneerson. The focus in the study falls on the latter two Jewish Messiahs, especially Rebbe Schneerson and Chabad, from Crown Heights, New York, whose messianic beliefs and conduct the thesis has been able to follow in real time. The thesis argues that Rebbe Schneerson and Chabad‟s extreme messianic beliefs and praxis, and the marked similarities that exist between all three Jewish Messiahs and their followers indicate that Chabad will probably, over time, become another religion removed from Judaism. The thesis notes that the three Jewish Messiahs share a similar messiah template, the “„suffering servant‟ messiah” template. The thesis argues that this template is related to the wide appeal and success of these three Jewish messiahs, as it offers their followers the option of vicarious atonement which relieves people from dealing with their own transgressions and permits people to evade the demanding task of assuming personal accountability for all their actions, including their transgressions. The recommendations in this thesis are prompted by the “wall of deafening silence” which is the result of political correctness and the “hands off religion” position, that prevents debate or censure of hostile militant messianism, despite the inherent dangers and high cost attached to the praxis of hostile, militant messianism and militant messianists‟ belief in exclusive apocalyptic scenarios, in modern, multicultural and democratic societies. The thesis argues this situation is not tenable and that it needs to be addressed, especially where modern day, hostile, militant messianists, unlike their predecessors at Qumran, now have access to the military and to military hardware, including nuclear warheads, and are able to hasten the End Times should they simply choose to do so. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Archaeology)

Challenging messianism and apocalyptism : a study of the three surviving Messiahs, their related commonalities, problematic issues and the beliefs surrounding them

Krawitz, Lilian 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with two issues, modern messiahs and their appeal, namely the highly successful Rebbe M.M. Schneerson from Chabad; and hostile, modern day, militant messianists and their beliefs, namely the USA Christian evangelicals and their rapture belief. The study directs attention at the three successful (in the sense that their movements survived their deaths) Jewish Messiahs, the 1st century Jesus, the 17th century Sabbatai Sevi and the present day, but recently deceased (1994) Rebbe Schneerson. The focus in the study falls on the latter two Jewish Messiahs, especially Rebbe Schneerson and Chabad, from Crown Heights, New York, whose messianic beliefs and conduct the thesis has been able to follow in real time. The thesis argues that Rebbe Schneerson and Chabad‟s extreme messianic beliefs and praxis, and the marked similarities that exist between all three Jewish Messiahs and their followers indicate that Chabad will probably, over time, become another religion removed from Judaism. The thesis notes that the three Jewish Messiahs share a similar messiah template, the “„suffering servant‟ messiah” template. The thesis argues that this template is related to the wide appeal and success of these three Jewish messiahs, as it offers their followers the option of vicarious atonement which relieves people from dealing with their own transgressions and permits people to evade the demanding task of assuming personal accountability for all their actions, including their transgressions. The recommendations in this thesis are prompted by the “wall of deafening silence” which is the result of political correctness and the “hands off religion” position, that prevents debate or censure of hostile militant messianism, despite the inherent dangers and high cost attached to the praxis of hostile, militant messianism and militant messianists‟ belief in exclusive apocalyptic scenarios, in modern, multicultural and democratic societies. The thesis argues this situation is not tenable and that it needs to be addressed, especially where modern day, hostile, militant messianists, unlike their predecessors at Qumran, now have access to the military and to military hardware, including nuclear warheads, and are able to hasten the End Times should they simply choose to do so. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Archaeology)

The Quest for the Lost Princess in Rabbi Nachman of Braslav's "Book of Stories from Ancient Times"

Azriel, Yakov Shammai 29 November 2003 (has links)
One of the most innovative and original Hasidic leaders and thinkers, Rabbi Nachman of Braslav (1772 – 1810), related thirteen long, complex fables during the final four years of his life. This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the quest for the Lost Princess in Rabbi Nachman of Braslav's "Book of Stories in Ancient Times." The image of the Lost Princess and the quest to find and rescue her, which appear in four of these stories (including the first and the last ones), are central symbols in Rabbi Nachman's thought. The most important key to an analysis of this image and theme lies in understanding the symbols and concepts of the Jewish mystical tradition (the Kabbalah), as Rabbi Nachman himself suggested. / Classsics, Near & Far East & Religious Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Judaica)

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