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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perception de la qualité du vin par les consommateurs / Perception of wine quality by consumers

Medel Maraboli, Marcela 04 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis quelques années la consommation de vins tend plutôt à décroitre rendant la production mondiale de vins excédentaire. Par conséquent, les entreprises viticoles souhaitent diversifier leur production vers des vins plus qualitatifs et donc plus onéreux. Ainsi, il est important de comprendre comment est perçue la qualité du vin par les consommateurs. Ce travail propose un questionnaire de mesure de la perception de la complexité du vin et démontre l'existence d'un lien fort entre la perception de cette complexité et la qualité du vin. Ainsi les vins perçus comme les plus qualitatifs sont, d'un point de vue sensoriel, des vins concentrés avec de nombreux aromes persistants en bouche. Cette perception sensorielle de la qualité est de plus corrélée avec la qualité affichée par le marché. Toutefois, il existe des disparités de perception de cette qualité selon l'origine des consommateurs. Dans ces travaux, les consommateurs français ont su associer des différences sensorielles entre les vins aux différentes catégories de prix du marché, alors que ce ne fut pas le cas des consommateurs anglais. De plus, il a été démontré, grâce à l'adaptation de la méthode de la Dominance Temporelle des Sensations aux consommateurs de vin, que les profils temporels des vins les plus qualitatifs comportaient plusieurs sensations perçues quasiment simultanément, plutôt que des séquences de sensations. Ainsi, la complexité sensorielle d'un vin serait l'intégration de plusieurs sensations dans une même unité de temps, plutôt qu'une suite de signaux sensoriels simples. Finalement, un effet lié à une exposition répétée à court et long terme a été confirmé: les préférences des consommateurs exposés à des vins de qualité supérieure évoluent bien vers les vins les plus qualitatifs. / In the recent years the wine consumption tends to decline, causing a world wine production surplus. Therefore, the wineries want to diversify their production to wines more qualitative and therefore more expensive. Thus, it is important to understand how the consumers perceived the wine quality. This work proposes a questionnaire measuring the perceived complexity of the wine. It demonstrated a strong link between the perception of the complexity and quality of a wine. The wines which are perceived like qualitative are wines concentrated in aromas persistent for the sensory point of view. Moreover, the sensory perception of quality is more correlated with the quality displayed by the market. However, there are differences in the quality perception according to the original consumer. In this study, French consumers were able to associate sensory differences between wines to different categories of market prices, whereas the British consumers cannot do this association. Moreover, it has been shown, by adapting the method of Temporal Dominance of Sensations consumers of wine, that the temporal profiles of the wines had several more qualitative sensations perceived almost simultaneously, rather than sequences of sensations. Thus, the complexity of a wine would be a sensory integration of multiple sensations in the same unit of time, rather than a series of simple sensory signals. Finally, an effect associated with repeated exposure to short and long term was confirmed: the preferences of consumers exposed to high quality wines are progressing well towards the wines most qualitative.

De la première gorgée de bière au concept : le même processus pour tous ? Effet de l'expertise sur la catégorisation et la représentation des bières / Beer, from the first sip to the concept : the same process for all ? Effect of expertise on beer categorization and representation

Lelièvre, Maud 08 January 2010 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse était de comprendre comment l’expérience modifie les représentations mentales liées à nos perceptions dans le domaine de la bière. Plus précisément, il s’agissait d’étudier les différences au niveau des catégorisations perceptives et au niveau des représentations mentales entre des personnes dont les connaissances sensorielles et théoriques sur la bière varient. Notre approche a été de comparer entre elles et par rapport à un groupe contrôle de novices, des personnes possédant des expertises variées sur la bière. Quatre études ont été mises en place, s’appuyant sur différentes tâches issues de la psychologie cognitive, telles que des tâches de tri et d’appariement. Nous avons mis en évidence qu’il existait des différences de catégorisation perceptive des bières entre des panélistes entraînés à l’évaluation sensorielle de la bière, des brasseurs, des personnes familières de certaines bières et des novices, traduisant des représentations mentales des bières différentes selon le type d’expertise. Les résultats indiquent également qu’une exposition répétée à des bières de différentes catégories permet à des novices d’apprendre à identifier l’appartenance catégorielle de ces bières, mais pas de généraliser leur apprentissage à de nouvelles bières. L’examen des différents aspects de chaque type d’expertise nous a permis d’identifier que le type d’approche lors de la dégustation (analytique vs. globale) pouvait être un des facteurs impliqués dans les changements conceptuels s’opérant avec le développement de l’expertise. Ensuite, il semblerait que les seules connaissances des caractéristiques sensorielles typiques des catégories de bières, acquises par une exposition répétée à différentes bières, ne permettent pas de construire des représentations mentales des bières. Le changement conceptuel lié au développement de l’expertise serait induit à la fois par des informations perceptives et par des informations plus abstraites (connaissances générales et techniques sur les bières). Par ailleurs, nos résultats ont mis en évidence un effet de la familiarité sur les capacités de discrimination des bières. Ceci pose la question de l’influence de la familiarité pour certaines bières sur les résultats des tâches de catégorisation. / This current work was undertaken to understand the influence of expertise on mental representations linked to beer perception. Precisely, this study explores the differences in terms of perceptive categorisation and mental representation between individuals having varied sensory and theoretic knowledge of beer. Our approach was based on comparisons of individuals having different beer expertises between themselves and to a control group of novices. Four studies were organised, based on different tasks of cognitive psychology, e.g. sorting and matching tasks. We found there were differences in the perceptive categorisation of beers between beer sensory trained panellists, brewers, individuals familiar with certain kinds of beers and novices. These findings suggest that mental representations of beers vary with the type of expertise. The results also indicate that a repeated exposure to beers from different categories leads novices to correctly identify the category membership of these beers, but not to generalise their learning to new beers. An examination of the different angles of each type of expertise allowed us to identify the tasting approach (analytic vs. global) as a possible factor of the conceptual changes taking place with expertise development. Moreover, it seems that the only knowledge of the typical sensory characteristics of beer categories, gained through repeated exposures to different beers, is not sufficient to build mental representations of beers. The conceptual change would be led both by perceptive information and more abstract information (e.g. general and technical knowledge on beer). Besides, our results showed a familiarity effect on beer discrimination performance. This finding questions the influence of familiarity for certain beers on the results of beer categorisation.

Les incidences de l'accès à la propriété immobilière des étrangers sur le droit cambodgien de la copropriété / The effects of foreign ownership over property on Canbodian law on co-ownership

Phal, Theany 05 February 2016 (has links)
Pas de résumé / No abstract

L' Exposition internationale du surréalisme de 1938 / The International surrealist exhibition of 1938

Chaullet, Fabienne 28 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose une monographie de l’Exposition internationale du surréalisme qui se déroula à Paris en janvier-février 1938. Cette manifestation qui marque une date importante dans l’histoire des dernières véhémences du surréalisme sera étudiée dans une réflexion contextualisée du point de vue historique, idéologique et iconologique reposant prioritairement sur la base des archives, correspondances, témoignages, articles de presse et photographies de l’époque. La première partie de ce travail est consacrée à la reconstruction historique de cet événement, de sa genèse, aux préparatifs jusqu’à la visite de l’exposition, telle que les visiteurs purent la vivre le soir du vernissage à la Galerie Beaux-Arts le 17 janvier 1938. La seconde partie est dédiée aux œuvres et aux artistes. Cette recherche a pour objectif de proposer un catalogue au plus près de la réalité des œuvres ayant été exposées à la Galerie Beaux-Arts (voir Annexes II). Mais aussi d’aborder la volonté rétrospective de cette manifestation ainsi que le développement de l’internationalisation du mouvement au travers des nationalités représentées.La dernière partie de cette recherche s’attache à l’analyse des intentions avouées et inavouées de l’exposition de 1938 et à sa réception. Notamment à l’étude des enjeux de pouvoir historique, politique et artistique sous-jacents, qui permettent d’interpréter cette manifestation sous un angle différent, non pas celui d’un bilan du surréalisme, mais bien plutôt celui d’une revanche éclatante face à ses détracteurs et d’une réaffirmation de la suprématie du groupe parisien dans l’exposition du surréalisme. / This thesis dissertation propounds a monograph of International Exhibition of Surrealism, which was held in Paris in the months of January-February 1938.This event, which was an important landmark in the history of the last vehemences of Surrealism will be analysed in an outlook contextualized from an historical, ideological and iconological points of view. This research will be based primarely on archives, letters, testimonies, newspapers articles, photographs of the era. The first part of this work is devoted to the historical reconstruction of this event, from its genesis to the preparations until the visit of the exhibition, as the visitors were able to experience it on the opening evening at the Galerie Beaux-Arts on January 17, 1938. The second part is dedicated to the works and artists.The purpose of this research is to present a nearest catalogue of works exhibited in the Galerie Beaux-Arts (see Annex II).This research also analyzes the will of the surrealists to present a retrospective exhibition, as well as the development of the internationalisation of the movement. The last part of this research focuses on the analyses of the intentions spoken and unspoken of the exhibition of 1938 and its reception.Specially in regards to the study of underlying issues of powers, from an historical, political and artistic point of view. These issues analyse this event from a different angle : not that of a balance of Surrealism, but rather that of glittering revenge in front of his detractors and a reaffirmation of the supremacy of the Parisian group in the exhibition of Surrealism.

Rôles de la Nucléophosmine au cours de la différenciation monocytaire et de l'activation macrophagique / Nucleophosmin roles during monocytic differentiation and macrophagic activation

Terret-Guéry, Leslie 19 November 2010 (has links)
Les caspases sont des protéases à cystéine, très étudiées dans la mort cellulaire par apoptose et impliquées dans de nombreux autres processus de survie tels que la prolifération, l’inflammation et la différenciation. Au cours de la différenciation des monocytes en macrophages induite par le M-CSF, les caspases sont activées au sein d’un complexe multiprotéique composé de FADD, de RIP1, de FLIP et de la caspase-8. Ce complexe se forme indépendamment des récepteurs de mort et en réponse à des vagues d’activation de PI3K/Akt successives d’amplitudes et de durées croissantes prenant naissance au niveau du récepteur au M-CSF. La caspase-8, activée dans ce complexe, active par clivage les caspases effectrices, qui clivent à leur tour des protéines dont la Nucléophosmine. La Nucléophosmine, aussi appelée NPM, B23, NO38 ou Numatrine est une protéine chaperonne nucléolaire effectuant la navette entre noyau et cytoplasme. Cette protéine est impliquée dans de nombreux processus dont la ribogenèse, la duplication du centrosome ou la régulation de la transcription. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai décrit le clivage de NPM au cours de la différenciation macrophagique. NPM est clivée une première fois par les caspases sur le site NGKD213 puis pas la cathepsine B. La surexpression du fragment de clivage généré par les caspases inhibe la phagocytose de bactéries ainsi que la migration cellulaire, sans affecter la phagocytose des corps apoptotiques suggérant que le clivage de NPM par les caspase participe au maintien au repos des macrophages. La protéolyse de NPM est arrêtée lorsque les macrophages sont activés par des ligands des TLR comme les LPS. La forme native s’accumule et inhibe la synthèse de cytokines in vitro et in vivo. NPM est recrutée sur le promoteur de MCP-1 en présence de LPS suggérant une fonction transcriptionnelle de NPM. / Caspases are cystein proteases whose function in apoptosis has been largely explored. Caspases play a role in various other cellular processes, such as proliferation, inflammation or differentiation. During M-CSF-driven macrophagic differentiation, caspases are activated in a multimolecular complex, including FADD, RIP1, FLIP and caspase-8. This complex is death receptor independent and is linked to M-CSFR by successive PI3K/Akt waves of increasing amplitude and duration. Caspase-8 is activated in this complex, activates downstream effector caspases, which in turn cleaves cellular targets such as Nucleophosmin. Nucleophsomin (also called NPM, B23, NO38 or Numatrin) is a nucleolar chaperon protein that shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm. This protein is involved in various cellular processes such as ribogenesis, centrosome duplication or transcription regulation. During my PhD, I described NPM cleavages during macrophagic differentiation. NPM is first cleaved by caspases at NGKD213 site and then by cathepsin B. Caspases-generated fragment overexpression inhibits bacteria phagoctosis and migration without affecting apoptotic bodies engulfment, suggesting that caspase-mediated NPM cleavage maintains macrophages at steady-state. NPM proteolysis is abrogated upon macrophage activation by TLR ligands such as LPS. Full-length NPM accumulates and inhibits cytokine synthesis in vitro and in vivo. NPM is recruited on MCP-1 promoter, suggesting a transcriptionnal function for NPM.

Tryggheten och otryggheten i Södertälje : En etnologisk studie om sex stycken ungdomars upplevda trygghet och otrygghet i Södertälje

Gorgis, Diana January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain insight into how six young men in Södertälje view the security and insecurity in the district. The young people in the study talk about safety in terms of family, friends and home. In relation to this security is the insecurity, crime, “corners”, “places” and various areas in Södertälje such as Gneta, Hovsjö, Fornhöjden, Ronna and Lina Hage. Four of the youths refers to the police in Södertälje as an aspect of their perceived insecurity. This insecurity stems from their ethnicity and residential area (Södertälje). These four young people speak in negative terms when they talk about the police in Södertalje. These young people touch on similar experiences and attitudes that revolves around injustice, discrimination, persecution and control. Five out of six young people in the study can relate negatively to the media's way of presenting Södertälje, especially in the television program '’Södertäljepolisen’’. This program also paints a different picture of the police in Södertälje, which neither the police or the young people in the study can relate to.

Återgång till arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie hur kvinnliga handläggare upplever återgång till arbetsplatsen efter covid-pandemin / Return to the workplace : A qualitative interview study on how female administrators experience a return to the workplace after the COVID pandemic

Vaattovaara, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Abstract When the covid virus spread and took a major grip on society around the world, it was classified as a pandemic and the Swedish Public Health Agency gave society advice and recommendations that those who could work from home should do so as much as possible. When advice and recommendations ceased, employees must return to the workplace again. Many employers today offer new distance contracts so that they can offer employees continued flexible forms of work, such as working remotely. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how women who work in an authority experience the return to the workplace after working remotely for over a year. To achieve the purpose of the following questions: How do female administrators feel about partially returning to the workplace after full-time distance work for a longer period of time? What challenges and opportunities are experienced by partially returning to the workplace?For this qualitative interview study, six semi-structured interviews were conducted where the interviewees would: (1) work at the authority, (2) have worked remotely for a total of at least one year during the pandemic and (3) be women. The collected empirical data has been further analyzed with the help of Karasek & Theorell's Requirements - control and support model, previous research on the balance between private and working life and previous research on flexibility. The results of the study show that the interviewees experience both challenges such as adjusting their days and returning to their old (and new) routines, the logistics in the form of travel time to and from the workplace and the work requirements that are added in the workplace and opportunities such as missing social interactions and continue to be able to use telework, which is seen as the best of both worlds where it is possible to combine working from home and being in the office.

Forgiveness and Gratitude as Mediators of Religious Commitment and Well-Being Among Polynesian Americans

Kane, Davis Kealanohea 24 March 2020 (has links)
An abundance of research has investigated well-being as it relates to religiosity and positive traits, with most research indicating that both relate to improvements in well-being. Moreover, several studies provide evidence for statistically significant relationships between religiosity and specific positive traits, including forgiveness and gratitude. However, few research studies have investigated how increases in positive traits might explain why religiosity enhances well-being. In addition, few studies within the religious and positive psychological literature have included adequate sampling from ethnic/racial minority populations residing in the U.S. As a result, investigations on how ethnic identity interacts with religious and positive psychological variables are virtually nonexistent. This study addressed these areas by investigating whether the positive traits of forgiveness and gratitude mediate the relationship between religious commitment and well-being among Polynesian Americans--a fast growing, yet understudied, American population. This study also investigated whether a Polynesian American's ethnic identity moderates the relationship between religious commitment and the positive traits of forgiveness and gratitude. 627 Polynesian-identified individuals residing in the U.S. completed a 40-minute online survey that contained positive trait, ethnic identity, and well-being measures. Data analyses showed that forgiveness and gratitude traits mediated the statistical relationship between religious commitment and self-esteem. Gratitude was also shown to partially mediate the relationship between religious commitment and satisfaction with life. Moreover, data analyses did not support the hypothesis that ethnic identity would moderate the relationship between religious commitment, forgiveness, and gratitude. This study provides specific implications for clinical research among Polynesian Americans.

School Nurses' Role During Disease Outbreak

Rickenbach, Christina 12 March 2020 (has links)
Background and Purpose: School nurses have the critical task of overseeing the health and wellness of school-aged students. Utah is 1 of 17 states which allow parents to exempt their children from vaccines. The most common parental reason for exempting children from vaccines is personal choice. With the number of students without vaccinations on the rise, school nurses are tasked with responsibilities related to the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. However, few studies have explored the role of school nurses in managing a disease outbreak. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to 1) explore the responsibilities of Utah school nurses during a disease outbreak; 2) review disease outbreak training for Utah school nurses; 3) identify groups with which the Utah school nurse would collaborate during a disease outbreak; and 4) identify Utah school nurse concerns while attempting to manage a disease outbreak. Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was used with a semi-structured interview guide for focus groups (3 focus groups, 24 total participants) of Utah school nurses. Qualitative analysis of content and themes was utilized. Results: School nurses' responses revealed their collaborative role and cited strong teamwork with the local health department; lack of standardized disease outbreak training; high student-to-nurse ratios; and concerns with communication with parents and community. Thematic descriptions with illustrative quotes are presented as well as perceived challenges and barriers Utah school nurses faced during a disease outbreak. Conclusion: Utah school nurses face barriers that prevent them from working effectively during a disease outbreak. Most barriers are due to communication difficulties and lack of training for school nurses. Findings of this study have implications for standardized training, funding to decrease the high nurse-to-student ratio and for further education in the community to raise awareness of outbreak guidelines.

Educators’ Perceptions of Implementation and Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Care Training in Three Appalachian Elementary Schools

Guess, Jeannie 01 May 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the perceptions of the impact of trauma-informed care training in three Appalachian elementary schools. Childhood adversity can negatively affect a student’s experience in the classroom (van der Kolk, 2014; Ogata, 2019) with findings showing an estimate of one half to two-thirds of children experiencing at least one traumatic event before the age of 18 (CDC, 2016; Finkelhor, 2015; McInerney & McKlindon, 2021). Trauma, an event or occurrence that causes great distress by exposure to physical or psychological abuse, violence, crime, has been linked to academic failure, various illnesses, both physical and mental, substance abuse, and criminal behavior, and may impact concentration, memory, language skills and organization, which are considered necessary traits to achieve academic success (Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorder, n.d.; Liberman et al., 2011; Ogata, 2012). Trauma can also affect social, self-regulation, and relational skills as well as cognitive abilities (National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2016). As reported by O’Neill et al. (2010), these situations should be addressed through proper trauma education and training which include intervention strategies. The trauma-informed care (TIC) approach is a strengths-based framework based on the awareness of the impact of trauma that takes a universal precaution approach, emphasizing safety and reestablish control (Huckshor & LeBel, 2013).

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