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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skadlig kod och sårbarheter i Windows : En studie i virusens historia och nutidens olika säkerhetsrisker

Lejdemalm, Roger, Andreasson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
I dag kan man oftast läsa om olika säkerhetshot och risker en datoranvändare måste tänka på för att inte ge någon utomstående möjlighet att komma åt känslig och/eller privat information. Här talas det om nya virus och nya typer av trojaner som sprids som epidemier över Internet, och i bland handlar det om ett spionprogram som följer med en nedladdad fil. Det är svårt att hålla reda på alla typer av skadlig kod som nämns fast med ökad förståelse ökar också chanserna för att klara sig från smitta. Det har visat sig att utvecklingen av skadlig kod är lika stark som den inom kommersiella mjukvaror. Från persondatorns uppkomst i början av 80-talet och fram till i dag, har utveckling skett i alla områden av den skadliga kod det handlar om strategi, syfte och framförallt ren kodkomplexitet. Dagens ledande leverantör av operativsystem och webbläsare, Microsoft, lovar allt mer sofistikerade säkerhetslösningar varje gång en ny version av ett program släpps. Framförallt nämndes det i samband med lanseringen av Windows Vista att säkerheten var det som stod högst på listan. Vi har tillsammans med WM-data i Stockholm tagit fram en programvara för fjärradministration av Windows. Huvudmålet var att med hjälp av våra baskunskaper i programmering skapa ett program för Windows XP och Windows Vista där en rad funktioner skulle kunna fjärrstyras utan att en användare vid den drabbade datorn upptäckte intrånget. I denna rapport beskrivs utvecklingen av programvaran och de tester som gjorts på de båda operativsystemen. Vidare delas begreppet ”skadlig kod” upp i kategorierna virus, maskar, trojaner samt rootkits och förklaras mer ingående tillsammans med en historisk bild över hur utvecklingen av skadlig kod har sett ut. / In media today, you often read about different security threats and risks that one has to be aware of. Many things must be taken into consideration in order to maintain your integrity and information secrecy. It might be new virus outbreak, a new trojan or some kind of spy ware that undetected finds the way to your computer. It’s hard to keep track of all terms and types of malicious code, and with greater understanding, the risk of infection decreases. The development when it comes to malicious code is as strong as the one in commercial software development. From the 80’s until present day, every area in the development of malicious code has evolved, from strategy and purpose to the pure complexity of the code. Microsoft, the worlds leading supplier of operating systems and web browsers, ensure us with every new release, that measures has been taken in order to enhance the security features. As the new operating system Windows Vista was released, spokesmen said that the security was now the highest priority. We have, together with WM-data in Stockholm, developed software for remote administration of Windows. The objectives where by using our limited programming skills only, to come up with a program for Windows XP and Windows Vista, where a number of functions could be remotely executed without alerting a user at the infected computer. This report describes the development of the software together with test results of execution on both operating systems. Further on, the report discusses different types of malicious code, such as viruses, worms, Trojans and root kits, together with a historical study of the development of malicious code.

Diagnóstico de laboratório da sífilis adquirida e congênita e definição das fases clínicas da doença por western-blotting / Industrialization and evaluation of Western blotting method - WB Tp-IgG - as confirmatory for syphilis serology

Elaine Antunes de Lemos 13 September 2002 (has links)
A sífilis adquirida e a congênita continuam aumentando e preocupando as autoridades sanitárias do mundo, ao verem que as metas estabelecidas para o seu controle estão longe de serem atingidas. Apesar dos esforços feitos na descoberta de novas ferramentas para o diagnóstico e monitoramento da sífilis, vemos um despreparo muito grande, principalmente entre os laboratoristas, em processar corretamente os reagentes disponíveis e melhor selecionar aqueles que apresentem qualidade para serem usados na rotina do laboratório. O que constatamos neste estudo é um espelho da realidade do diagnóstico da sífilis e mostra a dificuldade que os clínicos enfrentam ao receberem um laudo do laboratório. Trabalhando em colaboração com diferentes serviços e grupos de pesquisa, selecionamos aqueles que trabalhavam com: gestantes atendidas no pré-natal, doadores de sangue, pacientes infectados pelo HIV e pacientes de laboratório clínico e fizemos um estudo crítico da sorologia utilizada em cada serviço. Verificamos discrepância dos resultados obtidos nos testes não-treponêmicos VDRL e RPR, principalmente entre os soros de baixa reatividade, e nos treponêmicos FTA-abs, TPHA e ELISA. Decidimos aplicar o método de Western blotting e analisar o seu comportamento em todas as amostras de soros ensaiadas. Para obtenção de resultados reprodutíveis, fizemos a industrialização do método e formatamos um reagente na forma de um kit diagnóstico, WB Tp-IgG, que pudesse ser facilmente utilizado e interpretado. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o WB Tp-IgG pode ser utilizado como método confirmatório da sífilis, substituindo o FTA-abs, tradicionalmente recomendado para essa finalidade e que pudesse fazer parte de uma proposta de algoritmo para o diagnóstico sorológico da sífilis. / Acquired and congenital syphilis have been increased and worried the worldwide health authorities, mainly because the WHO targets for syphilis control are far from to be held. Much effort had been made for development of new tools to be used in syphilis diagnosis and following up, however we noticed a lack of ability of laboratory workers in the correctly choosing and using the reagents in laboratory routine. In this study what we observed were the reality of syphilis diagnosis and the difficulties that physicians have in how to procedure when they received the results from the laboratory. Working in collaboration with different settings and research groups we choose some of them that attend pregnant women, blood donors, HIV patients and patients from clinical laboratory. With these group individuals we made a critical study of the serology methods used in each one. We verified high level of discordant results between nontreponemal tests VDRL and RPR, mainly in serum samples with low reactivity and between treponemal tests FTA-abs, TPHA and ELISA, in all services. To obtain reproducibility of the results we made the industrialization of the method and set up a reagent as a kit diagnosis, easily to performer. Appling the western blotting method we evaluated the performance of the test in all sera samples assayed. The results showed that the WB Tp-IgG can be useful as confirmatory test for syphilis, replacing FTA-abs, traditionally recommended for this and that could be included in algorithm propose for serological diagnosis of syphilis.

Industrialização e avaliação do método de Western blotting - WB Tp-IgG - como confirmatório na sorologia da sífilis / Industrialization and evaluation of Western blotting method - WB Tp-IgG - as confirmatory for syphilis serology

Elaine Antunes de Lemos 17 August 2007 (has links)
A sífilis adquirida e a congênita continuam aumentando e preocupando as autoridades sanitárias do mundo, ao verem que as metas estabelecidas para o seu controle estão longe de serem atingidas. Apesar dos esforços feitos na descoberta de novas ferramentas para o diagnóstico e monitoramento da sífilis, vemos um despreparo muito grande, principalmente entre os laboratoristas, em processar corretamente os reagentes disponíveis e melhor selecionar aqueles que apresentem qualidade para serem usados na rotina do laboratório. O que constatamos neste estudo é um espelho da realidade do diagnóstico da sífilis e mostra a dificuldade que os clínicos enfrentam ao receberem um laudo do laboratório. Trabalhando em colaboração com diferentes serviços e grupos de pesquisa, selecionamos aqueles que trabalhavam com: gestantes atendidas no pré-natal, doadores de sangue, pacientes infectados pelo HIV e pacientes de laboratório clínico e fizemos um estudo crítico da sorologia utilizada em cada serviço. Verificamos discrepância dos resultados obtidos nos testes não-treponêmicos VDRL e RPR, principalmente entre os soros de baixa reatividade, e nos treponêmicos FTA-abs, TPHA e ELISA. Decidimos aplicar o método de Western blotting e analisar o seu comportamento em todas as amostras de soros ensaiadas. Para obtenção de resultados reprodutíveis, fizemos a industrialização do método e formatamos um reagente na forma de um kit diagnóstico, WB Tp-IgG, que pudesse ser facilmente utilizado e interpretado. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o WB Tp-IgG pode ser utilizado como método confirmatório da sífilis, substituindo o FTA-abs, tradicionalmente recomendado para essa finalidade e que pudesse fazer parte de uma proposta de algoritmo para o diagnóstico sorológico da sífilis. / Acquired and congenital syphilis have been increased and worried the worldwide health authorities, mainly because the WHO targets for syphilis control are far from to be held. Much effort had been made for development of new tools to be used in syphilis diagnosis and following up, however we noticed a lack of ability of laboratory workers in the correctly choosing and using the reagents in laboratory routine. In this study what we observed were the reality of syphilis diagnosis and the difficulties that physicians have in how to procedure when they received the results from the laboratory. Working in collaboration with different settings and research groups we choose some of them that attend pregnant women, blood donors, HIV patients and patients from clinical laboratory. With these group individuals we made a critical study of the serology methods used in each one. We verified high level of discordant results between nontreponemal tests VDRL and RPR, mainly in serum samples with low reactivity and between treponemal tests FTA-abs, TPHA and ELISA, in all services. To obtain reproducibility of the results we made the industrialization of the method and set up a reagent as a kit diagnosis, easily to performer. Appling the western blotting method we evaluated the performance of the test in all sera samples assayed. The results showed that the WB Tp-IgG can be useful as confirmatory test for syphilis, replacing FTA-abs, traditionally recommended for this and that could be included in algorithm propose for serological diagnosis of syphilis.

Production Development : Layout Project at Lundqvist Trävaru AB

Berglund, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the master thesis has been to examine the production system at the company Lundqvist Trävaru AB and use the gathered information to create a layout suggestion together with a couple of improvement ideas. The thesis is the final part of the Industrial Design Engineering programme at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). Lundqvist Trävaru AB is a manufacturing company that specializes in producing prefabricated building kits out of wood, but the insufficient size of their current factory located in the industrial area of Öjebyn on the outskirts of Piteå, have created a need to relocate to alarger site. This new site is located at Haraholmen south of Piteå. The aim and objective have therefore been to develop a layout suggestion as well as a couple of improvement ideas, with the purpose of solving the identified problems at the current factory, thereby making sure that they do not reappear at the new site. Methods in the form of interviews, observations and documentation reviews were performed to identify potential problems with the production system and the work organization. To aid the investigation of the current factory, literature reviews of scientific books and articles were also performed during the project, with the purpose of giving the thesis a solid scientific foundation. After an overview of the production system had been created, the next step was to analyze the identified problems. These affected many different aspects of the company, for instance the material handling, work organization, flow ofinformation, production flexibility, inventory capacity and production flow. The main problem that in turn caused many of the identified problems was the insufficient inventory capacity, which led to problems with overflowing inventories and long delivery times for materials. This in turn affected thematerial handling negatively and made it hard to keep track of materials in the factory.  Additional problems that were identified was divided workstations, scattered areas for material storage, an increasing amount of special orders with dimension outside of the ordinary size range, a lack of standardized working methods and lack of communication between the office and the production team. After the problems had been identified, the next part of the project was dedicated to performing creative methods with the purpose of developing layout concepts as well as improvement ideas. The methods that were used to fulfill this task was brainstorming, mind map, requirement specification, proximity chart and workshop. After these methods had been performed the result was four layout concepts and several improvement ideas.  The next step was to evaluate the layouts and the ideas with the help of the requirements that had been specified together with the management at Lundqvist. The evaluations resulted in a final layout together with the most promising improvement ideas. These ideas were to standardized drawings and working methods, increase the work with creating manuals for the different stations and machines, adapt the workstations for special orders, purchase tablet computers for each workstation thereby allowing better information sharing and contact between the production team and the office, create a digital map of the factory, use markings and colors at inventories to facilitate identification of specific materials, better routines for the disposal of production waste and larger passages for trucks and wheel loaders. The result of the last part of the project was a 3D-model of the factory and the site, which showed the placement of the different machines, workstations and inventories used during the production of the prefabricated building kits. The benefits of the suggested layout and improvement ideas are bettermaterial handling, increased inventory capacity, better information sharing, standardized working methods and drawings, a straighter production flow and an increased production flexibility, which gives a better ability to produce special orders. If it turns out that it is hard to implement the layout at thepresent, the recommendation for Lundqvist Trävaru AB is to start with implementing the improvement ideas and then successively implement the layout. The suggested ideas and layout will make the company more prepared for the future and increase their ability to handle the planned productionincrease, while also making sure that they are able to better keep production deadlines, attract more customers and successfully establish themselves at Haraholmen. Which in turn will lead to reduced unemployment and increased tax revenue for Piteå municipality / Syftet med examensarbete har varit att undersöka produktionssystemet hos företaget Lundqvist Trävaru AB, samt använda den insamlade informationen för att skapa ett layoutförslag tillsammans med ett par förbättringsidéer. Detta examensarbete är sista delen av programmet Teknisk Design vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU). Lundqvist Trävaru AB är ett tillverkningsföretag som är specialiserade på att producera prefabricerade byggsatser gjorda av trä, men otillräckligt utrymme vid deras nuvarandefabriken belagd i industriområdet Öjebyn i utkanten av Piteå, har skapat ett behov av att flytta till en större anläggning. Denna nya anläggning är placerad i Haraholmen söder om Piteå. Syftet och målet har därför varit att utveckla ett layoutförslag, såväl som ett antal förbättringsförslag, med syftet att lösa de identifierade problemen vid den nuvarande fabriken och därmed se till att de inte dyker upp igen vid den nya anläggningen. Metoder i form av intervjuer, observationer och dokumentgranskningar utfördes för att identifiera potentiella problem med produktionssystemet och arbetsorganisationen. För att underlätta undersökningen av den nuvarande fabriken utfördes också litteraturgranskningar av vetenskapliga böcker och artiklar under projektets gång, i syfte att ge examensarbetet en stabil vetenskaplig grund. Efter att en översikt av produktionssystemet hade skapats var nästa steg att analysera de identifierade problemen, vilket påverkade många olika aspekter av företaget, bland annat materialhanteringen, arbetsorganisationen, informationsflödet, produktionsflexibiliteten, lagerkapaciteten och produktionsflödet. Huvudproblemet som i sin tur orsakade många av de identifierade problemen, var den otillräckliga lagerkapaciteten, som lede till problem med överfyllda lager och långa leveranstider för material. Detta påverkade i sin tur materialhanteringen negativt och gjorde det svårt att hålla reda på material i fabriken. Ytterligare problem som identifierades var uppdelade arbetsstationer, utspridda områden för materiallagring, en ökande mängd specialbeställningar med dimensioner utanför det vanliga storleksområdet, brist på standardiserade arbetsmetoder samt brist på kommunikation mellan kontoret och produktionsteamet. Efter att problemen hade identifierats ägnades nästa del av projektet åt att utföra kreativa metoder i syfte att utveckla layoutkoncept och förbättringsidéer. Metoderna som användes föratt utföra denna uppgift var brainstorming, mind map, kravspecifikation, närhetsanalys och workshop. Efter att dessa metoder hade utförts blev resultatet fyra layoutkoncept och flera förbättringsidéer. Nästa steg var att utvärdera layouterna och idéerna med hjälp av de krav som hade specificerats tillsammans med ledningen hos Lundqvist. Utvärderingen resulterade i en slutlig layout tillsammans med de mest lovande förbättringsidéerna. Dessa idéer var att standardisera ritningar och arbetsmetoder, öka arbetet med att skapa manualer för de olika stationerna och maskinerna, anpassa arbetsstationerna för specialbeställningar, köpa surfplattor för varje arbetsstation och därmed möjliggör bättre informationsdelning och kontakt mellan produktionsteamet och kontoret, skapa en digital karta över fabriken, använda markeringar och färger vid lager för att underlätta identifiering av specifikt material, bättre rutiner för hantering av produktionsavfall och större passager för truckar och traktorer. Resultatet av projektets sista del var en 3D-modell av fabriken och tomten, som visade placeringen av de olika maskinerna, arbetsstationerna och lagren som används under produktionen av de prefabricerade byggsatserna. Fördelarna med den förslagna layouten och förbättringsidéerna är bättre materialhantering, ökad lagerkapacitet, bättre informationsdelning, standardiserade arbetsmetoder och ritningar, ett rakare produktionsflöde samt ökad produktionsflexibilitet, vilket ger en bättre förmåga att producera specialbeställningar. Om det visar sig vara svårt att implementera layouten i nuläget är rekommendationen för Lundqvist Trävaru AB att börja med att implementera förbättringsidéerna och sedan succesivt implementera layouten. De förslagna idéerna samt layouten kommer att göra företaget mer förberett för framtiden och öka deras förmåga att hantera den planerade produktionsökningen, samtidigt som de ser till att de kan hålla produktionsdeadlines bättre, locka fler kunder och framgångsrikt etablera sig på Haraholmen. Vilket i sin tur kommer att leda till minskad arbetslöshet och ökade skatteintäkter för Piteå kommun.

Jugando Ando

Agüero Hermoza, Carola Cintia, Alvarado Cueva, Luis Miguel, García Cabrera, Ana Hilda, Peña Herrera, Kenggit Jacqueline, Soberón Asanza, Carmen Marola Amelia 06 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto empresarial consiste en la comercialización de kits educativos para niños en edad inicial, inicialmente ubicados en Lima metropolitana. Estos Kits constan de juguetes didácticos y clases por medio de nuestra plataforma virtual llamada Jugando Ando. El motivo por el cual estamos llevando este proyecto a cabo es porque hemos detectado que en este último siglo la tecnología se ha vuelto un eje importante para nuestras vidas, sobre todo para los niños que forman parte de la nueva generación Alpha. Generación compuesta por nativos digitales que ven en la tecnología como una manera de ver el mundo. Por este motivo, si bien los medios tecnológicos dentro del núcleo familiar son considerados como un distractor para ellos, podrían ser de gran importancia como medio de enseñanza para su desarrollo. Por ese motivo, deseamos contribuir al brindar contenido educativo de calidad a través de internet y así con ello poder generar mayor demanda en el mercado. En este sentido, para llevar a cabo este cometido e iniciar nuestro negocio contamos con capital propio, sin embargo, requeriremos de un accionista inversor que cubra el 16.67% del total de las acciones con un monto de 19,367 soles. Tal monto estará destinado como inyector de capital para los próximos periodos según el incremento de ventas. Creemos que nuestro proyecto tendrá el éxito deseado porque según nuestros análisis, este es atractivamente rentable para los accionistas. De igual manera, porque Jugando Ando se mantendrá en constante innovación con nuestros servicios y lanzamientos de nuevos productos. / This business project consists of the commercialization of educational kits for children of the initial age, initially located in metropolitan Lima. These Kits consist of educational toys and classes through our virtual platform called Jugando Ando. The reason why we are carrying out this project is because we have found that in the last century technology has become an important axis in our lives, especially for children who are part of the new Alpha generation. Generation is made up of digital natives who see technology as a way of seeing the world. For this reason, although technological means within the family nucleus are considered a distraction for them, they could be of great importance as a means of teaching for their development. For this reason, we want to contribute by providing quality educational content through the internet and thus be able to generate greater demand in the market. In this sense, to carry out this task and start our business we have our own capital, however we will require an investor shareholder that covers 16.67% of the total shares with an amount of s/ 19,367 soles. This amount will be used as a capital injector for the next period according to the sales grow. We believe that our project will be successful because according to our analysis, it is attractively profitable for shareholders. And, because Jugando Ando will keep in constant innovation with our services and new product launches. / Trabajo de investigación

Investigation of factors affecting consumers' perception and food safety risk of home meal kits

Nitjaree Maneerat (11197710) 28 July 2021 (has links)
Two studies were conducted to investigate potential factors that affect consumers' perception towards home meal kits, and potential foodborne illness risks factors of home meal kits usage. <div>In study 1, a cross-sectional data collection was performed by using an online, self-administrated questionnaire. The participants who were the adults residing in U.S. were asked to answer the survey using the Likert scales. Multiple linear regression and moderation analyses were conducted to determine the associations between variables. The differences between HMK users and non-users were assessed by an independent t-test.</div><div>In study 2, three studies were developed to investigate the risks factors, including the (1) analysis of the available food safety-related information and delivery protocol collected from the vendors’ websites, (2) examination of the actual commercial HMK shipments, and (3) examination of the temperature changes inside the insulated HMK packages held under the average summer temperatures over time. Potential risk factors retrieved from the three studies were analyzed and the suggested guidelines to control those risks were identified.</div>

Networks and Cultural Bridges: A Case Study with the Tarahumara of Northern Mexico

Nations, Jennifer Marie 20 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Network and cultural bridge theories predict the source and durability of cultural boundaries, including how cultural boundaries are overcome in order for differing groups to have meaningful exchanges. Ethnographic interview data with three research subjects in Northern Mexico reveals the strengths and weaknesses of each theory. Minita Bustillos, Juan Daniel Villalobos, and Horacio Echeverrí­a contribute to bridging ties between the closed indigenous community of the Tarahumara and outside Mexican and American groups. Their positions elucidate the veracity of theoretical propositions found in network and cultural bridge theories. Findings suggest that though useful in understanding several aspects of network structure and bridging, network theory does not fully explain how a person becomes part of a network bridge or what social capabilities may be useful for someone in that position. Cultural bridge theories extend the explanation by showing the importance of relationship building in bridging, but rely too heavily on the notion that a single individual can provide the cultural capital and resources necessary to be a cross-cultural bridge in and of themselves. The additional concepts of habitus and cultural tool-kits supplement these perspectives by explaining how respondents acquired cultural and social knowledge that allows them to make connections in multiple distinct networks and how the respondents can so naturally say and do things to garner trust from members of both groups. This research shows how the theoretical concepts can be used in application to a specific social context. It also provides support for the possible use of the concepts of habitus, network bridging, and tool-kits for training members of grass roots organizations attempting to bridge between distinct, and even opposing, social groups.

A Comparison of Classification Methods in Predicting the Presence of DNA Profiles in Sexual Assault Kits

Heckman, Derek J. 11 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of the use of resource kits in professional development in science teaching

Isaacs, Akeda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The research was done in a period of curriculum transformation and reform in South Africa, a period during which teachers attended many interventions by service providers other than the education department to sharpen their skills. In this study, I investigate teacher professional development and professional development programmes using two case studies, MTN-SUNSTEP (Mobile Telecommunications Network – Stellenbosch University Schools Technology in Electronics Programme) and SWAP (Schools Water Project). These INSET programmes were intended to assist with the improvement of science teaching in terms of the new curricula suggested for the country. The study proceeds by way of two case studies within an interpretive paradigm. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the two programmes based on the criteria developed through a literature review and to understand and give meaning to the process of teacher professional development that might have occurred in the programmes. This process is framed by my research question, “can resource kits enable professional development in science teaching”. Data was collected at various stages by way of field notes, questionnaires, interviews and observations at workshops. Teachers generally found the processes useful but do indicate dissatisfaction with certain areas of the programmes. Issues that emerged from the study were that teacher development processes need to be organized over a long period, the development of teacher networks needs to be nurtured, and support at school level was essential to ensure implementation. An important insight was that the research, once again, emphasized a key aspect of effective teacher development programmes. Effective programmes require a team consisting of three agents that bring their own expertise to the process namely, teachers, district officials and university staff. This team has to take into account the factors that ensure effective teacher professional development and should occur within the parameters of accepted professional development practices and learning support materials play an important role in supporting this process.

Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo / Iniciativa privada na educação pública: a Fiat e o Programa Moto Perpétuo

Gonçalves Junior, Oswaldo 20 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como meta confrontar estudos teóricos sobre a problemática das ações sociais de empresas com os resultados de um estudo de caso sobre o Programa Moto Perpétuo da Fiat Automóveis S.A. que, durante cinco anos (1997 a 2001), voltou-se à doação de kits de materiais paradidáticos para milhares de escolas de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Apesar do amplo alcance do Programa, base na qual seus promotores se apoiaram para afirmar tratar-se da maior parceria da iniciativa privada com o governo federal dentro do Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da Escola - programa do Ministério da Educação dedicado a estimular a participação da iniciativa privada através de ações em prol da educação -, não havia, até o momento, nenhum estudo que demonstrasse os efeitos práticos dessa ação, seja na melhoria da educação (propósito declarado como motivação principal para sua existência), seja nas implicações de um redimensionamento das esferas pública e privada, assunto que acalora muitos debates na atualidade. Diante dessas constatações, optou-se pela realização de levantamento e leitura de diferentes fontes que tratam, de maneira direta ou não, da chamada responsabilidade social de empresas. Além de passo fundamental para uma adequada abordagem do objeto estudado, em última instância, esta etapa possibilitou subsidiar inferências mais amplas sobre este tema que condensa interesses conflitantes, na maioria das vezes expressos por discursos de promoção e de crítica mais afeitos às ideologias que espelhados no significado concreto de muitas dessas ações sociais. Numa outra parte, mediante informações obtidas com a realização de entrevistas e pelo levantamento e exame de diversos documentos, se analisou o Programa Moto Perpétuo. Como um exemplo da atuação privada junto ao setor público, pôde-se verificar que as correntes expectativas da eficiência de gestão e transferência de recursos em quantidade e qualidade suficientes não se concretizaram. Não obstante, os números sobre o Programa que foram divulgados (alunos e escolas beneficiadas e montante de recursos investidos), comparativamente altos diante de outras iniciativas deste tipo, foram componentes do êxito na construção de uma imagem positiva por parte dos promotores dessa ação junto a setores da opinião pública. Na somatória dessas constatações e de outros aspectos analisados, foi possível demonstrar que prevaleceram interesses de ordem comercial em detrimento das motivações declaradas da iniciativa de ajuda à educação. Apesar de não se poder afirmar que a iniciativa tenha resultado num avanço privado redefinidor do caráter público dos sistemas estadual e municipal de ensino atingidos pelo Programa, há indícios de que a implementação do Moto Perpétuo esteve condicionada pelas relações público (governo federal) - privado (empresa do setor automobilístico), representando um inédito capítulo centrado na educação, frente a um panorama no qual sobressaem historicamente acordos de ajuda mútua de caráter político-econômico. / The aim of this research is to confront theoretical studies about the problematic of social actions promoted by private companies with the results of a case study focusing the Moto Perpétuo Program sponsored by Fiat automobiles S.A. which, for five years (1997 a 2001), donated kits of educational materials to thousands of schools from different regions of Brazil. Despite the ample reach of the Program, in which its promoters based themselves to assert that it was the biggest partnership of a private institution with the Brazilian Federal Government Program of Education Acorda Brasil! Está na hora da escola (Wake up Brazil! It´s time of school) destined to encourage private institutions to act for the education there wasn t, up to now, any study that could demonstrate the practical effects of this action, whether it was for the educational improvement (declared purpose as the main motivation for its existence), or in the implications to reassess the extent of the public and private spheres, a question that heats many debates nowadays. In the face of these observations, it was opted to do a reading and research from different sources that deal, directly or not, with the business social responsibility. More than a fundamental step for an appropriated approach of the studied object, this stage permitted to subsidise broader inferences about this subject, which condenses conflicting interests, frequently expressed by speeches of promotion and criticism more accustomed to ideologies than mirrored in the concrete meaning of many of these social actions. In another part, the Moto Perpétuo Program was analysed by the information obtained from interviews and researches. As an example of the private acting in the public sector, it was verified that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources, in quantity and quality, didn t come true. Nevertheless, the data published about the Program (resources invested, students and schools benefited) comparatively high in the face of other initiatives like that, were components of success in the construction of a positive image made by the promoters of this action for the public opinion. In the sum of these observations and other aspects analysed, it was possible to demonstrate that commercial interests prevailed over the declared motivations to assist the education. Although it was not possible to assert that the initiative has resulted in a private advancement redefining the public nature of the State and Municipal system of teaching reached by the Program, there are evidences that the implementation of the Moto Perpétuo was conditioned by the relationship between the public (Federal Government) and the private (automobiles company), representing an unheard-of chapter centred on the education, facing a survey that stands out agreements of mutual help of political-economical nature.

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