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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of temperature variability and trends in Svalbard and Franz Joseph Land

Renberg, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Arctic warming is assumed to be four times the global warming. A published study by Ivanov et al. (2019) shows that the annual average temperature of Franz Joseph Land (the world’s northernmost island region, a Russian territory) has increased by 5.2 °C from 2000-2017. This result supported the idea of determining whether Svalbard (Norwegian territory) is experiencing similar warming. Svalbard has historically been an attractive research center for examining climate change in the Arctic. Due to easier accessibility, the vast majority of weather stations have been located on the western part of the main island, Spitsbergen, which does not provide a representative picture of the entire archipelago. Therefore, this project has focused on eastern Spitsbergen. Data from six stations have been processed to analyze the temperature changes based on linear regression (the same method as at Franz Joseph Land). As eastern Spitsbergen has never been a priority, only short datasets are available, with the longest one dating from 2009. Because of this, no statistically significant result could be elucidated. Instead, data from Longyearbyen, which is located southwest were implemented, allowing analysis over the same period as Franz Joseph Land (2000-2017). This result suggested a temperature increase of 5.6 °C for the same period, with a statistical significance of P = 0.13, as well as that the winters are extra vulnerable to warming. The stations from eastern Spitsbergen’s local variability were also examined, which showed that the local climate varies although the stations are relatively close. Among others, Pyramiden seemed to be most affected by the lapse rate feedback, meaning a significant strong warming at the surface.

Seasonal permafrost subsidence monitoring in Tavvavuoma (Sweden) and Chersky (Russia) using Sentinel-1 data and the SBAS stacking technique

Rehn, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Permafrost deformation is expected to increase due to climatic perturbations such as amplified air and soil temperatures, resulting in permafrost thawing and subsequent subsidence. Palsas and peat plateaus are uplifted ice-rich peat mounds that experience permafrost subsidence. This is due to the uppermost layer of permafrost, known as the Active Layer (AL), that seasonally thaws and freezes. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is an interferometric stacking technique successfully applied over permafrost regions when monitoring ground subsidence. The Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) technique is based on interferograms produced by stacking Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) acquisitions with small normal baselines. In this study, seasonal Sentinel-1 SAR C-band data obtained during June, July, August and September (JJAS) was used to generate seasonal Line of Sight (LoS) deformation time series of palsas and peat plateaus in Tavvavuoma (Sweden) by using the SBAS technique. Chersky (Russia) has documented permafrost subsidence and was used as a reference site. Findings include that seasonal stacks with short normal baselines generated more robust results than inter-annual stacks with longer normal baselines and temporal data gaps. No instances of pronounced subsidence were reported during JJAS. Nevertheless, minor subsidence during the early season and negative development trends were identified in the Tavvavuoma 2020 andChersky 2020-2021 stacks, respectively. Increased subsidence during the mid-and late thaw season was detected. The SBAS technique performed better and resulted in less temporal and seasonal decorrelation in areas above the tree line (Tavvavuoma) compared to the lowlands in the forest-tundra (Chersky). The challenge lies in whether surface subsidence of palsas and peat plateaus in sporadic permafrost regions experience irreversible long-term changes or seasonally cyclic changes in the permafrost ground regime. Future studies are recommended to implement annual intervals, including winter images over Tavvavuoma.

Sambandet demokrati och klimatpåverkan:En fråga om ålder?

Blomqvist, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Följande uppsats syftar tillatt undersöka huruvida det finns en villkorlig relation mellan demokrati och klimatpåverkan, där ålder spelar en avgörande roll för sambandetsexistens samtutfall. Frågeställningarna kring demokratis effekt på klimatpåverkanmed ålder i beaktning utgör en lucka i aktuellaforskningenoch är anledningen till attjust detta uppsatsämne valdes. Genom att undersöka dessa frågorså kan en bredare förståelseerhållasförpotentiellaorsak-och verkan sambandetmellan demokrati och klimatpåverkan, samtidigt som ålderns roll i detta fenomenstuderas. För att kunna undersöka dettaså genomförs dels en regressionsanalys, dels en interaktionsanalys, av 149 länders värden för olika variabler. Dessa variabler utgörs av index och data framtagna av erkända organisationer för det utvalda året 2021. I analysernaär Demokrati oberoendevariabeln, Koldioxidutsläpp per capita beroende variabeln och Demokrati interagerande med Andel Ungaär interaktionsvariabeln. Utöver dessa huvudvariabler så inkluderas ett antal kontrollvariablerockså,vars syftenär att stärka den interna validiteten, undvika urvalsfel samt tillgodose andra potentiella relationer.Tidigare forskning består av inkonsekventa ställningstagandetill sambandet mellan demokrati och klimatpåverkan. Uppsatsens finner ett positivt sambandmellan demokrati och koldioxidutsläpp per capitasom sedan övergår till ett negativt samband vid introduktionen av vissa kontrollvariabler. Utöver detta samband så finner uppsatsen ingetresultat som insinuerar existensen av en villkorlig relation mellan demokrati och klimatpåverkandärålder har någon inverkan påsambandets utfall. Således blir uppsatsen istället ett incitament för vidare forskning av dennavillkorliga relation.

Reconstructing Past Climate by Using XRF and Loss of Ignition on Loess from Adventdalen, Svalbard : Rekonstruktion av tidigare klimat genom attanvända XRF analys och antändningsförlust på lössavlagringar från Adventdalen, Svalbard

Andreasson, Albin, Lind, Noa January 2023 (has links)
By analyzing the texture, composition and chemical composition of loess soils, the reconstruction ofpast climate regimes is enabled, which can improve our understanding of current and future climatechange. Properties such as grain size and composition, mineralogy, organic matter and chemicalcomposition can provide information about which environmental factors were present during thedeposition of the sediment, which can lead to a detailed picture of the climate history of a site. Researchon loess soils in the polar regions is particularly valuable because its climate is most rapidly affected byglobal warming. The purpose of the study has therefore been to understand and convey new data to thepaleo-climate around the Arctic by examining and analyzing loess soil sequences at a depth between 0and 175 cm from Adventdalen, Svalbard. In this study, the samples are analyzed with XRF (X-rayfluorescence) and LOI (Loss of Ignition). XRF is used to find out the mineral composition of the soils,while LOI is used to find out the percentage of organic content and carbonates.Data from the oldest part of the stratigraphic section indicate a sharp increase in weathering, from acooler period about 3000 years ago to a warming until about 2000 years ago. Weathering intensitiesderived from Na/Al-based indices show relatively frequent oscillations throughout the section, but arestable from about 100-70 cm. The high and stable weathering values during this period can probably beattributed to the Medieval Warm Period, which coincides with the relative dating of the site. Datacollected from the LOI shows a clear trend throughout the section, with a decrease in organic matterfrom 3000 BC to the present.

A Historic Record of Sea Ice Extents from Scatterometer Data

Otosaka, Inès January 2017 (has links)
Sea ice is a vital component of the cryosphere and does not only influence the polar regions but has a more global influence. Indeed, sea ice plays a major role in the regulation of the global climate system as the sea ice cover reflects the sun radiation back to the atmosphere keeping the polar regions cool. The shrinkage of the sea ice cover entails the warming up of the oceans and as a consequence, a further amplification of the melting of sea ice. Therefore, the polar regions are sensitive to climate change and monitoring the sea ice cover is very important. To assess sea ice change in the polar regions, satellite active microwave sensors, scatterometers, are used to observe the evolution of sea ice extent and sea ice types. Thus, this research aims at creating a historic record of daily global Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extents and analysing the change in sea ice types with scatterometer data. A Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm, developed for the Advanced scatterometer (ASCAT), is applied and tuned to the configurations of the scatterometers on board the European Remote Sensing satellites, ERS\textendash 1 and ERS\textendash 2. The sea ice geophysical model functions (GMFs) of ERS and ASCAT are studied together to validate the use of ASCAT sea ice GMF extrapolated to the lower incidence angles of ERS. The main adaptations from the initial algorithm aim at compensating for the lower observation densities afforded by ERS with a refined spatial filter and time\textendash variable detection thresholds. To further analyse the backscatter response from sea ice and derive information on the different sea ice types, a new model of sea ice backscattering at C\textendash band is proposed in this study. This model has been derived using ERS and ASCAT backscatter data and describes the variation of sea ice backscatter with incidence angle as a function of sea ice type. The improvement of the sea ice detection algorithm for ERS\textendash 1 and ERS\textendash 2, operating between 1992 and 2001, leads to the extension of the existing records of daily global sea ice extents from the Quick scatterometer (QuikSCAT) which operated from 1999 to 2009 and ASCAT operating from 2007 onwards. The sea ice extents from ERS, QuikSCAT and ASCAT show excellent agreement during the overlapping periods, attesting to the consistency and homogeneity of the long\textendash term scatterometer sea ice record. The new climate record is compared against passive microwave derived sea ice extents, revealing consistent differences between spring and summer which are attributed to the lower sensitivity of the passive microwave technique to melting sea ice. The climate record shows that the minimum Arctic summer sea ice extent has been declining, reaching the lowest record of sea ice extent in 2012. The new model for sea ice backscatter is used on ERS and ASCAT backscatter data and provides a more precise normalization of sea ice backscatter than was previously available. An application of this model in sea ice change analysis is performed by classifying sea ice types based on their normalized backscatter values. This analysis reveals that the extent of multi\textendash year Arctic sea ice has been declining remarkably over the period covered by scatterometer observations.

How climate change impacts the habitat building vegetation in the Baltic Sea : How are the species bladderwrack & common eelgrass impacted by climate change in the Baltic Sea?

Axelsson, Sophia January 2022 (has links)
The world's seas are without a doubt being changed by global warming, affecting all species, causing ecosystem changes. The overall low biodiversity in the Baltic Sea leads to sensitive unique qualities. Understanding how climate change in the Baltic Sea will affect key species is important to understanding how the Baltic Sea coastal environment will look in the future. Fucus vesiculosus, and Zostera marina, are key habitat building vegetation in the Baltic Sea, building up most of the canopies by the coasts on rocky and sandy bottoms. How are these species affected by climate change in the Baltic Sea? The result showed that both Fucus and Zostera growth is stimulated during most of the year with rising temperatures, but during summer heatwaves inhibit the plants, raising the mortality. Fucus will migrate more south, as the Baltic Sea will likely become fresher, and Zostera will continue to thrive if nutrients are reduced. Both species will experience die-offs during summer heatwaves. / Världens hav förändras utan tvekan av den globala uppvärmningen, vilket påverkar alla arter och leder till ekosystem förändringar. Den övergripande låga biologiska mångfalden i Östersjön leder till känsliga unika förhållanden. Att förstå hur klimatförändringarna i Östersjön kommer att påverka nyckelarter är viktigt för att förstå hur Östersjöns kustmiljö kommer att se ut i framtiden. Fucus vesiculosus och Zostera marina, är viktiga habitatsbildande växter i Östersjön, som bygger upp majoriteten av ekosystemen vid kusterna på steniga och sandiga bottnar. Hur påverkas dessa arter av klimatförändringar i Östersjön? Resultatet visade att tillväxten av både Fucus och Zostera stimuleras under större delen av året med stigande temperaturer, men under sommaren hämmar värmeböljor växterna, vilket ökar dödligheten. Huvudslutsatserna är att Fucus kommer att vandra mer söderut, eftersom Östersjön med största sannolikhet kommer att bli sötare från norr, och Zostera kommer fortsätta trivas om näringsmängden minskar. Båda arterna kommer drabbas av dödsfall under värmeböljor på sommaren.

Climate change education with a bright horizon? : Pedagogical reflections on teacher training for climate education that aims to empower students

Eklund, Sheri January 2018 (has links)
Climate change is already affecting communities around the world and the impacts will only get worse, according to scientists, unless we significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  These realities can lead to climate anxiety, not least among youth.  How can teachers educate students about climate change in a constructive way?  This study examines pedagogical reflections from grade school and gymnasium teachers who participated in a professional development workshop entitled “Climate workshop with a bright horizon” organized by The House of Science, the Bolin Center for Climate Research, and Stockholm City.  To address students’ climate anxiety, research says that teaching methods characterized by pluralism, democratic participation, and authenticity can be empowering to students in helping them to engage, act, and cope with unpredictability.  This study identifies opportunities to strengthen these aspects in climate education by, for example, using socio-scientific issue dialogues.

Användning av spel för att utbilda och engagera människor om klimatförändringarna / The use of games to educate and engage people about climate change

Paulsén, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Följande studie har genomförts i syfte att undersöka om spelande i samband med klimatinformerande påverkade och motiverade deltagaren mer till klimatagerande jämfört med då deltagaren endast fick läsa information om klimatet. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av en spelprototyp som skapats i detta syfte. Spelprototypen skapades i Scratch, vilket är ett interpreterande dynamiskt visuellt programmeringsspråk, och spelet innehöll tre olika nivåer. Mellan dessa nivåer så fick deltagaren information om klimatet som var relaterat till nivån de precis spelat. Efter att ha gjort experimentet skulle deltagaren besvara en enkät, som innehöll frågor där deltagaren skulle uppskatta, med hjälp av likertskalor, om denne kände sig påverkad och motiverad. Svaren på enkäten analyserades med ett Mann Whitney U test. Resultaten från dessa frågor var inte signifikanta, och därför kan inga slutsatser dras om spelet i samband med informationen hade en positiv påverkan. Även om resultaten inte var signifikanta så bör ytterligare forskning utföras inom ämnet, då tidigare forskning visat hur spel kan påverka beteende, och hur människors klimatagerande kan påverkas till det bättre genom spel.

Prospective of biogas production in the Mexican agroindustry : the traditional tortilla manufacturing sector

Soria Baledón, Mónica January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an assessment of the availability and quality of biomass from the wastewaters in a traditional corn mill in Mexico City for biogas production. To date, these wastewaters (called nejayote) are discharged untreated to the sewer with a chemical composition that surpasses the maximum permissible levels of pollutants established in the Official Mexican Standards (NOMs). From the study case four scenarios were proposed to tackle this problem: 1) separate the suspended solids (SS) by sedimentation in order to reduce the organic content of nejayote, 2) recover a protein-rich microbial biomass for animal feed through the aerobic treatment of these wastewaters, 3) produce biogas to cover part of the energy demand of the corn mill under study, and 4) switch to the alkaline extrusion of corn as an alternative the traditional corn-cooking technique known as nixtamalization. Despite their environmental benefits, none of the proposed scenarios offer, separately, the economic incentives to change the business as usual in this traditional corn mill. Yet, biogas production can be combined with other alternatives like the alkaline extrusion of corn in a two-stage technological package. This processing technology would completely eliminate nejayote while preserving the nutritive value of the nixtamal dough and most importantly, the organoleptic uniqueness of the traditionally-made tortillas.

Strategies for overcoming barriers to implementation of Nature-based Solutions

Håkanson, Louise January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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