Spelling suggestions: "subject:"koncentracija"" "subject:"koncentracijai""
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Model vrednovanja uticaja saobraćajnih tokova i meteoroloških parametara na koncentracione nivoe hazardnog ugljen-monoksida / Model of evaluating the impact of traffic flows and meteorological parameters at concentration levels of hazardous carbon monoxideKojić Radoslav 14 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Degradacija kvaliteta vazduh kao najosetljivijeg dela životne<br />sredine, predstavlja jedan od glavnih problema sa kojim se<br />suočava savremeno društvo. Saobraćaj, naročito kada je reč o<br />velikim urabanim sredinama, je identifikovan kao glavni izvor<br />hazardnog ugljen-monoksida. Formiranje modela predstavlja<br />neophodan preduslov u procesu prognoze koncentracije ugljen-<br />monoksida u ambijentalnom vazdhu, a samim tim i osnovu za<br />provođenja mera i aktivnosti u procesu poboljšanja stanja i<br />kvaliteta vazduha u velikim urbanim sredinama.</p> / <p>Degradation of quality of air, as the most fragile part of<br />environment, is one of the main problems that humanity faces<br />today. Traffic, particularly when it comes to large urban areas, has<br />been identified as a main source of hazardous carbon monoxide.<br />This model development is identified as a necessary postulate in a<br />process of foreseeing the amount of carbon monoxide in<br />surrounding air, and with that, this is also a basis for conducting<br />measures and activities that aim to improve overall air quality in<br />large urban areas.</p>
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Uticaj ambalaže i uslova pakovanja na kvalitet kačkavalja / INFLUENCE OF PACKAGING AND PACKING CONDITIONS ON THE QUALITY OF KASHKAVALLazić Vera 02 November 1994 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>S obzirom da je ambalaža važan faktor u očuvanju kvaliteta tvrdih sireva, cilj ovog istraživanja je proučavanje uticaja ambalažnih materijala i uslova pakovanja na promene konfekcioniranog Kačkavalja. Kačkavalj je sir mediteranskog porekla, a nedovoljno je proučen sa aspekta uticaja ambalaže.<br />U okviru istraživanja izvršena su ispitivanja nekoliko ambalažnih materijala domaće proizvodnje i jednog uvoznog ambalažnog materijala, koji se koristi za pakovanje konfek- cioniranih sireva.<br />Za odabrane ambalažne materijale određeni su IC spektri, barijerna i fizičko-mehanička svojstva kvalitet formiranja ambalaže i koncentracije gasova u ambalaži. Barijerna svojstva, odnosno propustljivosti vodene pare i gasova su osnovna svojstva plastičnih ambalažnih materijala, koja regulišu razmenu gasova i vodene pare između sira i okoline, utičući time na tok i intenzitet biohemijskih procesa u siru. Barijerna svojstva takođe omogućavaju i primenu različitih uslova pakovanja, kao što su vakuum ili modifikovana atmosfera.<br />Kačkavalj upakovan u ambalažne materijale dobrih barijernih svojstava, odnosno niske propustljivosti gasova, posebno kiseonika, i vodene pare, imao je najniži sadržaj peroksida, najmanji gubitak mase, najbolja senzorna svojstva, najmanju tvrdoću, izraženu silom kompresije, kao i drugačiju distribuciju isparljivih komponenata arome, u odnosu na sir upakovan u ambalažne materijale lošijih barijernih svojstava.<br />Na osnovu ostvarene zaštite upakovanog Kačkavalja, izdvojili su se, pored uvoznog ambalažnog materijala i domaći ambalažni materijali polipropilen lakiran sa PVDC/polietilen i poliamid/polietilen. Od primenjenih uslova pakovanja najbolji zaštitni efekat pokazalo je pakovanje pod vakuumom.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The packaging is of great importance for the quality of preservation of hard cheeses, so the aim of the investigations was to determine the influence of packaging materials and packing conditions on the changes of consumer-size packaged hard cheese variety, Kashkaval. Kashkaval originates from Mediterranean area and is insufficiently studied from the aspect of packaging effect.<br />Several domestic and one imported packaging material which have been used for the packing of consumer-size cheeses were investigated.<br />Infra-red spectra, barrier and physico-mechanical characteristics, quality of formed packaging and concentration of gases in the packaging were determined. The barrier characteristics, i.e. the water vapour and gases permability are the basic characteristics of packaging materials which regulate the exchange of gases and water vapour between the chesse and environment, this affecting the flow and intensity of biochemical changes in the cheese. The barrier characteristics enable the application of different packing conditions, like vacuum of modified atmosphere.<br />It was found that Kashkaval cheese packed in packaging materials of good barrier characteristics, i.e. low gases permeability, especially exygen and water vapour, had the lowest peroxides content, lowest mass loss, best sensory characteristics, lowest hardness expressed as the compression force, as well as different distribution of volatile aroma components compared to cheese packed in materials of worse barrier characteristics.<br />On the basis of the achieved protection of packed Kashkaval, the domestic packaging materials polypropylen lacquered with PVDC/polyethylene and polyamid/polyethylene in addition to the imported packaging material were outatanding. The packing under vacuum exibited the best protecting effect.</p>
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Audito pasiūlos Baltijos šalių kapitalo rinkoms tyrimas / The research of audit supply for the capital markets of Baltic countriesČernelis, Vidmantas 14 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra atskleidžiama ir analizuojama audito pasiūla tenkanti kapitalo rinkoms, nagrinėjama jos nepakankamumo problema. Darbo tikslas yra, įvertinus globalius audito pasiūlos pokyčius ir jų įtaką kapitalo rinkoms, atlikti audito pasiūlos ir auditoriaus pasirinkimo veiksnių Baltijos šalių kapitalo rinkoms tyrimą. Darbas skirstomas į tris pagrindines dalis. Pirmojoje dalyje apibūdinamas auditoriaus vaidmuo bei jo reikšmė ekonomikai, atskleidžiamas sisteminės rizikos, kylančios iš audito rinkos pasiūlos nepakankamumo, mastas, aptariamos pagrindinės priežastys, lemiančios esamą audito pasiūlos struktūrą. Antrojoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas darbo objektas – išorinio nepriklausomo finansinio audito pasiūla kapitalo rinkoms, pateikiama darbo tyrimo metodologija. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje aprašomi atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, iškeltų darbe hipotezių tikrinimas, pateikiamos rekomendacijos tyrimo metu nustatytose probleminėse srityse bei tyrimo rezultatų taikymo ir tyrimo plėtotės galimybės. Gauti darbo rezultatai parodė, jog audito rinkos koncentracija visose trijose Baltijos akcijų biržose yra aukšta ir kelia sisteminės kapitalo rinkų rizikos pavojų. Pagrindiniais auditoriaus pasirinkimo veiksniais buvo priimti audituojamos įmonės dydis bei kapitalo kilmė. / This paper discloses and analyses the audit supply for the capital markets and examines its insufficiency problem. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the global changes in the audit supply and to perform a research of audit supply and influencing factors when choosing the auditor in the capital markets of Baltic countries. The paper consists of three main parts. The first part presents the role of the auditor and its significance to the economy, the extent of the systemic risk entailed by the insufficiency of the audit supply, discusses the main causes of the current structure of the audit market. In the second part of this paper the external independent financial audit supply for the capital markets, which is the object of this paper, is analyzed. Also, the research methodology is presented. In the third part of this paper the results of the research and hypothesis testing are presented. It also provides the guideline on the identified problem areas as well as applicability and development capabilities of the research made. The main conclusions showed that the audit market concentration in all three Baltic stock exchanges is high and poses a systemic risk to the capital markets. The key factors when choosing the auditor in the capital markets of Baltic countries is the size and the capital origin of the company.
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Prieširdžių virpėjimo po miokardo revaskuliarizacijos operacijų sąsaja su elektrolitų koncentracija serume bei ekskrecija su šlapimu / Relation of postoperative atrial fibrillation to serum electrolyte concentration and urinary electrolyte excretion after myocardial revascularizationŠvagždienė, Milda 19 December 2006 (has links)
Postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF) after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) remains unresolved problem. Some authors noticed that there were changes in electrolyte balance after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery with CPB. The changes in serum magnesium level and their relation with the rate of postoperative AF are usually analyzed in scientific publications. The aim of the study has been to estimate the relationship between the rate of postoperative AF and the changes in serum electrolyte concentration and their urinary excretion after CABG surgery with CPB. The goals: 1) To estimate the rate and the character of postoperative AF and its influence on haemodynamics after CABG surgery. 2) To estimate changes in serum K+, Na+, Mg++, Ca++, Cl–, P– concentration and compare them between the patients who received, and who did not receive magnesium sulphate supplementation during the surgery. 3)To estimate changes of urinary excretion of K+, Na+, Mg++, Ca++, Cl–, P– and compare them between the patients who received, and who did not receive magnesium sulphate supplementation during the surgery. 3) To evaluate the effects of intraoperatively infused magnesium sulphate on the rate of postoperative AF in the early postoperative period.
In our study the rate of postoperative AF was 27.4 %. AF in 91.3 % of cases was tachyarrhythmic, but haemodynamic remained stabile. Serum Mg++ level was > 1.05 mmol/l during the suregry in all patients. The infusion of... [to full text]
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Paprastosios ir keturbriaunės jonažolių azoto ir sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos ypatumai / Nitrogen and heavy metals concentration‘s peculiarities in Hypericum perforatum L. and Hypericum maculatum CrantzRamonaitė, Kristina 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama paprastosios ir keturbriaunės jonažolių azoto ir sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos ypatumai. / Master degree work cover the studies of nitrogen and heavy metals concentration‘s peculiarities in Hypericum perforatum L. and Hypericum maculatum Crantz.
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Dirvinio ir karčiojo kiečių biologinės charakteristikos nevienodos amoniakinės taršos vietose / Various biological parameters of Artemisia absinthum L. and Artemisia campestris L. growing in the areas effected by different level pollution by ammoniaSkėrytė, Neringa 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama dirvinio ir karčiojo kiečių biologinės cherakteristikos nevienodos amoniakinės taršos vietose.
Darbo tema: Dirvinio ir karčiojo (pelyno) kiečių biologinės charakteristikos nevienodos amoniakinės taršos vietose
Darbo objektas - dirvinis kietis ir pelynas - paplitę Lietuvoje augalai, pasižymintys gausiomis vaistingomis medžiagomis - eteriniais aliejais ir flavonoidais.
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti skirtingų (AB "Achema" atžvilgiu) vietų karčiojo kiečio, pelyno (Artemisia absinthum L.) ir dirvinio kiečio (Artemisia campestris L.) fiziologines-biochemines savybes.
Darbo metodai - Kjeldalio metodas azoto nustatymui, atominės absorbcijos spektroskopija sunkiųjų metalų nustatymui. Salsburo ir sojos agaras mikroorganizmų auginimui.
Darbo rezultatai - ištirtos tokios dviejų rūšių kiečių fiziologinės-biocheminės savybės: dirvožemio azoto ir sunkiųjų metalų koncentracija, kiečių įvairių organų masė, kiečių įvairių organų azoto koncentracija, kiečių antžeminių organų flavonoidų koncentracija, kiečių epifitinių mikroorganizmų skaičius, įvertinta kaip oro amoniakinė tarša ir dirvožemio tarša sunkiaisiais metalais reikšmingai įtakoja ištirtus kiečių fiziologinius rodiklius. Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad dirvožemio ir abiejų rūšių augalų azoto koncentracija išsidėsto tokia tvarka: dirvožemio < stiebų < lapų < žiedų < skrotelių. Tirtos vietos pagal dirvožemio ar organų azoto koncentraciją nesiskyrė. Didžiausios dirvožemio sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos nustatytos abiejų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the master degree diploma: Various biological parameters of Artemisia absinthum L. and Artemisia campestris L. growing in the areas effected by different level pollution by ammonia. Artemisia absinthum L. and Artemisia campestris L. are common wild growing species in Lithuania. Despite these species are rich in flavonoids and essential oils till now in our country biology and biochemistry of these species have not received bigger attention.
Present work aimed at evaluation of Artemisia absinthum L. and Artemisia campestris L. physiological-biochemical parameters depending on sampling site distance from the nitrogen fertilizer factory.
Methods. Following physiological-biochemical parameters of these species were analysed: soil nitrogen and heavy metal concentrations, dry mass and nitrogen concentration of various organs of selected plant species, abundance of epiphytic microflora.
Results. During vegetation period sampling was performed three times: in July, 2; July, 24, and September, 24. Obtained parameters were evaluated in respect of aerial ammonia pollution and heavy metal pollution of the soil. Present study showed that nitrogen concentration of the soil and various organs of both Artemisia species fell into following ascending order: soil < stems < leaves < inflorescences and fruits < rosettes. Between selected sites no differences were observed according to the soil and plant nitrogen concentration. The highest concentrations of heavy metals were observed... [to full text]
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Sunkiųjų metalų šalinimas iš nuotėkų dumblo elektrocheminiu būdu / Heavy Metals Removal from Sewage Sludge using Electrochemical MethodBarišauskas, Giedrius 05 June 2005 (has links)
Heavy Metals Removal from Sewage Sludge using Electrochemical Method
Giedrius Barišauskas
Magister thesis, 50 pages, 14 figure, 7 tables, 85 references.
Research object – municipal sewage sludge.
Research subject – electrochemical removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge.
Aim of this study – to investigate the efectiveness of electrochemical Pb, Cd and Cu removal from simulated heavy metal solutions and liquid organic wastes.
Tasks – to analyze scientific literature as well as normative documents regulating quality parameters of organic wastes and their products used in agriculture in respect of heavy metals. To investigate variation of Pb, Cd and Cu concentrations in Kaunas and Raseiniai sewage sludge; to carry out laboratory experiments of Pb, Cd and Cu removal from model heavy metal solutions as well as sewage sludge, evaluating decrease of both mobile and total metal concentrations.
Methods and instrumentation – following methods have been applied: chemical extraction (preparation of samples), gravitometric, ionometric, atomic absorption spectrophotometric. Results were evaluated using methods of statistical analysis.
Results – in case of monocomponent simulated heavy metal solutions 60–90 efficiency have been reached after 10 hours of electrochemical treatment, while in multicomponent systems and natural liquid sludge the removal percentage appeared to be lower. Depending upon removal from sludge efficiency heavy metals ranked in the... [to full text]
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Kvapiųjų rozmarinų, Vaistinių ramunių ir Paprastųjų pankolių skystųjų ekstraktų technologijos ir kokybės vertinimas / Ethanolic liquid extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis, Matricaria recutita and Foeniculum vulgare technology and quality evaluationJašmontaitė, Lijana 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti, kaip technologiniai veiksniai (brinkinimo trukmė, ekstrahento koncentracija) lemia etanolinių skystųjų ekstraktų (iš rozmarinų lapų, pankolių vaisių, ramunių žiedų) kokybinę sudėtį.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Remiantis mokslo literatūros duomenimis, parinkti žaliavos ir ekstrahento santykį, racionalų ekstrahentą bei ekstrahavimo metodą gaminamiems skystiesiems ekstraktams iš rozmarinų lapų, pankolių vaisių, ramunių žiedų.
2. Iširti brinkinimo trukmės ir ekstrahento koncentracijos įtaką pagamintų skystųjų ekstraktų kokybei, nustatant sauso likučio, bendrą fenolinių junginių kiekį ir antioksidacinį aktyvumą.
3. Iš gautų skystųjų ekstraktų pagaminti kompleksinį preparatą, tinkantį virškinamojo trakto (VT) veiklos sutrikimų šalinimui.
4. Įvertinti saugojimo laiko įtaką etanolinių skystųjų ekstraktų bei iš jų pagamintų mišinių kokybei.
Tyrimo objektai ir metodai: Bendras fenolinių junginių kiekis rozmarinų lapų, ramunių žiedų ir pankolių vaisių etanoliniuose skystuosiuose ekstraktuose nustatytas spektrofotometriniu metodu pagal galo rūgštį. Antioksidacinis aktyvumas įvertintas spektrofotometriškai, naudojant DPPH• laisvojo radikalo sujungimo metodą. Gravimetriniu metodu nustatytas sausasis skystųjų ekstraktų likutis. Gauti rezultatai apdoroti naudojant Microsoft Office Excel 2010 ir Sigma Plot 12.0 programas.
Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados: Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad 2 valandos – optimalus brinkinimo laikas, gaminant nagrinėjamų žaliavų skystuosius ekstraktus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research - to set how the technological factors (soaking duration, ethanol concentration) determine qualitative composition of ethanolic liquid extracts (from rosemary leaves, chamomile flowers, fennel fruit).
The tasks of this research are:
1. According to the literature, to select proportion of the substance and extractive solvent, a rational extractive solvent and the method of production of liquid ethanolic extracts from rosemary leaves, fennel fruit and chamomile flowers.
2. To assess the impact of the soaking duration and ethanol concentration for quality of the liquid extracts by assessing dry residue level, amount of phenolic compouds and antioxidant activity.
3. To produce a complex product, from received ethanolic liquid extracts, suiting for digestive tract activity‘s disorders elimination.
4. To evaluate stability of ethanolic liquid extracts and from them produced compouds.
The objects and methods of analysis: Rosemary leaves, chamomile flowers and fennel fruit ethanolic liquid extracts were analyzed by using spectrophotometric method for total amount of phenolic compounds expressed by gallic acid equivalents (GAE) and for evaluation of antioxidant activity by 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical inactivation. Also gravimetric method was used for determination of dry residue levels. The results were obtained using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and Sigma Plot 12.0 programs.
Results and conclusions of analysis: According to all three methods... [to full text]
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Vilniaus miesto rajonų kietųjų dalelių koncentracijos ore nustatymas ir įvertinimas / Evaluation and Assessment of Particulate Matter Concentration in the Air of Districts of VilniusMorkūnienė, Jurgita 12 June 2006 (has links)
The problems of particulate matter air pollution were analyzed, statistical data about particulate matter pollution in the world and in Lithuania were presented, necessity of particulate matter concentration assessment in the air of Žirmūnai and Žvėrynas districts of Vilnius were described, the main aims and tasks of work were described in the final master work. The data of Lithuanian air quality stations were analyzed too, and it was assessed that Vilnius is one of the most particulate matter polluted Lithuanian cities. The biggest concentrations of this pollutant during analyzed period were fixed in the Žirmūnai and Žvėrynas air quality stations.
The methodology of investigation of particulate matter concentration in the air of Žirmūnai and Žvėrynas districts was described; places of measurement points, operation of a real time monitor „Microdust pro“ were characterized and the results of recording were presented, too. The model of particulate matter carry in Žvėrynas district with the help of „Phoenics“ modelling programme was made. The data of investigation (results of recording particulate matter concentration) and calculated results were compared, conclusions and suggestions given.
The work has 6 chapters: introduction, the ambient air pollution with particulate matter; investigation of particulate matter concentration in the air of Vilnius districts, mathematical modelling of particulate matter concentration in the air of Žvėrynas district, general conclusions and... [to full text]
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Darbo aplinkos norminio užterštumo įtakos energijos sąnaudoms vėdinimui analizė / The analysis of industrial ambient occupational exposure limits’ influence on ventilation energy consumptionJurgelevič, Inesa 28 June 2004 (has links)
Occupational exposure limits are known to have different distribution values around the world. In recent years occupational exposure limits were reviewed in Lithuania and other Eastern European countries. The changes in occupational exposure limits should influence the hood flow rate. However even today the projectors continue using the same air flow rate equations that were developed years ago. The engineering methods are no longer compatible with sanitary standards. The major dangers resulting from this approach are the occupational exposure limits exceed allowed quotas in workplace or the energy consumption is harmfully inefficient. It is crucial to compare the treatment of occupational exposure limits among various countries and the different existing methods of calculating exhaust air flow rate. Additionally, it is important to consider the factors that may compromise the reliability of this study. Lithuania's occupational exposure limits are in general lower than in other countries. The ratio of occupational exposure limits is about 1:100 in different countries.Exhaust air flow should be inversely proportional to occupational exposure limits. It was found that volumetric exhaust flow rate have a circular dependence on occupational exposure limits by making comparison among different countries. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the issue of small countries to use the volumetric exhaust air flow rate equations of big countries (USA, Russia, Germany etc.)... [to full text]
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