Spelling suggestions: "subject:"korrespondensanalys"" "subject:"korrespondensanalyse""
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Från öst till väst : En fallstudie av den vikingatida myntimporten med utgångspunkt i de gotländska depåerna från 900-talet / From East to the West : A case study of the Viking Age coin import based on the Gotlandic hoards from the 10th centuryKusserow, Max January 2016 (has links)
In the mid-10th century the import of dirhems from Eastern Europe came to an end. From being a steady flow of Islamic coins from Viking-Age Russia the focus shifted to western European coins such as German and English. Most studies on Viking Age coins and hoards in general have focused on determine the individual coin type and the composition of the hoard in whole. Others have focused on the more social aspects on why the hoards even exist. My study will investigate if it is possible to detect if there are different networks behind the import of coins by analysing the composition of hoards in the transitional phase. By using a correspondence analysis and also GIS analysis, I want to investigate differences and similarities in the hoards composition. The correspondence analysis will show if there are any affiliations between different variables, which a means recurring pattern or combination of data represented in the hoards such as mints, size, TPQ and find distribution on Gotland etc. These presence or absence of affiliations will then be discussed if they could indicate different networks operating the coin import. The material the study is based on are 10th century hoards from Gotland which contain coins from late Islamic dynasties, Germany, England and the Byzantine empire. The result shows no specific indications in the hoards composition on different networks or groups that imported different kinds of coins. There is however a chance that different local groups have imported the same type of coins. The correspondence analysis also clearly visualizes the shift from the import of Islamic dirhams to Western coins.
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Förtroendets Organiseringsmetod : samarbete, svek och dilemmanBörjeson, Love January 2011 (has links)
Firms tend to engage in interorganizational relationships (IORs) to an increasingly large extent. IORs are however problematic. On one hand, they entail expectations of continued possibilities. On the other hand, they entail expectations of complete explicitness – business partners simply expect intentions to be transparent and fixed. Co-workers in IORs manage these expectations with trust: in the context of IORs, trust is both a promise of continued possibilities and explicitness. Continued possibilities require changeable intentions however, making explicitness hard to maintain. The given promise is consequently very hard to keep, and the result is accusations of betrayal. The management method of trust is comprised by dilemmas originating from a complex interplay between strong ideas about what to (and not to) do and the dynamics of IORs. This could be described as an interplay between ideology, cooperative situations and dilemmas of practice. Ideology is investigated using corpus linguistics and functional grammar applied on concordances extracted from academic articles about Trust and the contrasting terms Control and Betrayal. Cooperative situations are investigated using correspondence analysis applied on an indexed interview material. Underlying interviews concern IORs, and informants come from a broad sample reflecting different types of firms, industries and professions. Dilemmas of practice, finally, are represented by in-depth interviews with individuals whom possess rich experience of IORs. The interviews are transcribed in detail and analyzed using functional grammar. Results show that IORs are profoundly dilemmatic and that co-workers use trust as a mean to bridge the dilemmas of IORs. Result also reveals that dilemmas of IORs have an ambiguous quality; dilemmas are not just a problem that needs to be handled, but to an equal extent a resource that can be used for deliberation and decision. In the management method of trust, dilemmas are as inevitable as they are indispensable. / Gränslöst Management
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Endometriosis and Its Correlation with Lifestyle Factors and Health Indicators : A Data Mining Approach Using R and Python / Endometrios och dess samband med livsstilsfaktorer och hälsoindikatorer : En datautvinningsmetod med R och PythonStylbäck, Jonas, Villför, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Around 10% of women in fertile age have endometriosis, despite this there is little known about its origin. It can take years from the first experienced symptoms to an established diagnosis, which is done using invasive methods. A database from the Lucy application containing 11720 questionnaires with up to 41 questions each was examined for signs of associations between lifestyle factors and health indicators with endometriosis. The database was restructured and unusable questionnaires were pruned, leaving 5719 questionnaires for analysis. Questionnaires were assigned a label depending on whether the respondent had an endometriosis diagnosis, some other diagnosis or no diagnosis. Histograms were created for 36 questions to visualize answer distributions among the labels while wordclouds were created for 3 questions to determine commonly used words. Pearson’s chi-square test was performed on 24 questions to determine whether there were statistically significant differences in how respondents answered with regards to their diagnosis. Then, 26 questions were divided between seven question groups based on their similarities. The relative prevalence of endometriosis for every answer alternative was determined and compared withthe average for that group. This was then followed up by a multi-correspondence analysis for every question group. It was found that there are associations between endometriosis and 12 health indicators. These being: affected by infertility, always being tired, regarding own health as bad, having more than 100 birthmarks, severe chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, regularly whole-body pain, muscle stiffness, neck and shoulder tension, forgetfulness, concentration difficulties, regularly experiencing that stress worsens physical symptoms. No statistically significant association between lifestyle factors and endometriosis could be found in the survey database. There were findings of socioeconomic differences between respondents with endometriosis and those without a diagnosis which may have affected the result. / Runt 10% av kvinnor i fertil ålder har endometrios, trots detta är lite känt om dess ursprung. Det kan gå flera år från första upplevda symptom till en etablerad diagnos, som kräver invasiva metoder. En databas från Lucy applikationen med 11 720 enkäter upp till 41 frågor vardera undersöktes efter tecken på kopplingar mellan livsstilsfaktorer och hälsoindikatorer med endometrios. Som ett första steg omstrukturerades databasen och oanvändbara enkäter sållades bort, vilket lämnar 5719 enkäter för analys. Enkäterna blev tilldelad en etikett baserad på huruvida respondenten hade en endometriosdiagnos, någon annan diagnos eller ingen diagnos. Histogram skapades för 36 frågor för att visualisera svarsfördelningen mellan etiketter medan ordmoln skapades för 3 frågor för att bestämma vanligt förekommande ord. Pearsons chi-kvadrattest utfördes på 24 frågor för att bestämma huruvida det fanns signifikanta statistiska skillnader i hur respondenter svarade med avseende på deras diagnos. 26 frågor blev uppdelade i 7 olika grupper baserade på deras liknelser och den relativa utbredningen av endometrios bestämdes för varje grupp och jämfördes med snittet i varje grupp. Slutligen följdes detta upp med multikorrespondensanalys för varje grupp av frågor. Det hittades associationer mellan endometrios och 12 hälsofaktorer. Dessa var: infertilitet, alltid vara trött, betrakta sin egna hälsa som dålig, ha fler än 100 födelsemärken, uppleva allvarlig kronisk bäckensmärta, dysmenorré, regelbunden helkroppssmärta, muskelstelhet, spändhet i nacke och axlar, glömskhet, koncentrationssvårigheter, regelbundet uppleva att stress förvärrar fysiska symptom. Ingen statistisk signifikant association kunde hittas mellan livsstilsfaktorer och endometrios från undersökningsdatabasen. Det hittades socioekonomiska skillnader mellan respondenter med endometrios och de utan diagnos vilket kan ha påverkat resultatet. / FEMaLe
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25 år senare : en nyinventering av keramiken på AjvideJohansson, Nils January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to the spatial and temporal relationship of the shards. Ajvide Stone Age site have been extensively excavated over the past 25 years and the most recent analysis of pottery was carried out by Inger Österholm in 1987 and new analyses of the material are therefore greatly needed. Pottery from three sample areas was analysed in regard to their distribution, decoration, fragmentation, part of pot and quality of the goods. To analyse the material in a contextual way a multivariate statistical analysis called correspondence analysis was used. Two areas denominated “dark areas”, which Österholm defined previously, as possible ritual sites, and one reference area with mixed material were chosen for the analysis. By including two of these “dark areas” the study also examine if similarities or differences could be seen among the shard distribution how these areas have been defined and possibly re-defined.</p>
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Varning för stereotyper : en studie med syfte att urskilja och diskutera identitet / Warning for stereotypes : a study with the aim to discus gender and identityAndersson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Through this thesis I aimed to further investigate how we can adapt our western and modern views of masculinity and femininity in an ancient population, here on the Pitted Ware population from Ajvide on Gotland. A questionnaire survey was used to compile the modern view of masculinity and femininity. This modern view was then compared with patterns which had become visible through statistical processing of the burial gifts found on Ajvide. The thesis is mainly focused around the concept of gender, but age and status have also been discussed. Through several performed correspondence analysis, it became clear that the current view of male and female differed from the one that became visible in the archaeological record. Grave gifts that in the survey, for example, was estimated to be typically feminine turnes out to be more common in mens' graves. This means that the use of burial gifts as a method, for example in gender assessment or as an indicator of identity is inadequate. The study of the interaction between material culture and gender and gender roles require further development.
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25 år senare : en nyinventering av keramiken på AjvideJohansson, Nils January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to the spatial and temporal relationship of the shards. Ajvide Stone Age site have been extensively excavated over the past 25 years and the most recent analysis of pottery was carried out by Inger Österholm in 1987 and new analyses of the material are therefore greatly needed. Pottery from three sample areas was analysed in regard to their distribution, decoration, fragmentation, part of pot and quality of the goods. To analyse the material in a contextual way a multivariate statistical analysis called correspondence analysis was used. Two areas denominated “dark areas”, which Österholm defined previously, as possible ritual sites, and one reference area with mixed material were chosen for the analysis. By including two of these “dark areas” the study also examine if similarities or differences could be seen among the shard distribution how these areas have been defined and possibly re-defined.
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Skärvstenshögar i Uppland : Typer, traditioner och re-vitalisering av sociala hågkomster / Burnt mounds in Uppland : Types, traditions, and re-vitalization of social recollectionsLindström, Stefan January 2024 (has links)
Skärvstenshögarna i Uppland har konstaterats vara en komplex fornlämningstyp och det har visat sig vara problematiskt att förklara dem som homogena i form och funktion över tid. En kategorisering av dem har skapats som har konstaterat att olika former av dem finns. Syftet med denna uppsats är sedermera att utgå från befintlig kategorisering och undersöka om fler kategorier och typer går att isolera ur tillgänglig empiri. Därefter för att beskriva deras form, läge, kronologi och förändring. Teoretiska ramverk som används för att begreppsliggöra skärvstensbrukets mer än tusenåriga användande är de om tradition, minne och ritual. Teorier som kan manifestera bruket som en kulturell process och dimension i tid och rum. Metoder som används för att identifiera fler kategorier och typer är dels multipel korrespondensanalys av 100 skärvstensförekomster för att generera mönster. Dels densitetsanalys av 100 C14-dateringar av detsamma för att utarbeta aspekter av tid i empirin. Slutligen används visibilitetsanalys för att generera belägg för kategoriernas olika lägen samt en kvalitativ genomgång av empirin för att skapa modeller av nya typer inom befintliga kategorier. / The burnt mounds of Uppland have been shown to be remains of a complex type and it has been proven problematic to explain them as homogeneous in form and function over time. A categorization of them has been created which has established that different forms exist. From that categorization the purpose of this essay is subsequently to investigate whether additional categories and types can be isolated from available empirical evidence. Also to include a description of their form, location, chronology, and change. Theoretical frameworks used to conceptualize the more than a thousand-year use of burnt stones are those of tradition, memory, and ritual. Theories that can manifest the practice as a cultural process and a dimension of time and space. Methods used to identify additional categories and types includes a multiple correspondence analysis of 100 burnt mounds to generate patterns. A density analysis of 100 C14 samples of the same deposits to work out aspects of time in the empirics. Finally, visibility analysis is used to ascertain the different positions of the categories as well as a qualitative review of the empirical evidence to create models of new types within existing categories.
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Mer än valkyrior : En omtolkning av vikingatidens feminina figuriner / More than Valkyries : A re-interpretation of Viking Age Female FigurinesWihlborg, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Figurines with a human shape have been created in almost every culture all throughout human history. In this thesis one such group of figurines is under investigation, Viking age female figurines. These figurines are most often interpreted as representations of the Valkyries – shieldmaidens of the god Odin – or as the goddess Fröja. Interpretations made through comparative studies with the medieval written sources. However, these interpretations always privileges some attributes of the figurines over others, creating simplified and general interpretations. The purpose of this thesis is to (re)interpret the figurines beyond the concept of representation, and instead focus on what the figurines, through their various attributes (size, motive, material), do and how they influence human actions. This is realized through the creation of a catalogue of all currently known female figurines from the Viking age (53 pieces), a correspondence analysis and through the use of symmetrical archaeology and embodiment theory. The result shows that the most important attributes of the figurines is their physical bodies, through which they can interact with the world, trigger emotions, hold memory, become animated and be part of the performative practice of upholding individual identity as well as upholding both the social- and cosmological worlds.
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ASI-Intervjun : en explorativ studie av samband och grupperingar / The ASI InterviewRöjdén Thyberg, Sandra, Gabrielsson, Mélica January 2010 (has links)
Med en explorativ ansats syftar denna studie till att kartlägga samband och jämföra grupperingar bland klienter som fått genomföra en ASI-intervju hos Kriminalvården. Studien bygger på 2 317 intervjuer med fokus på missbruksproblematik, gjorda under perioden 2008-2010. Vi illustrerar grafiskt intressanta samband och tittar även på hur klienternas hjälpbehov varierar inom olika livsområden. Ytterligare en aspekt av studien är att utvärdera datamaterialets kvalitet samt att studera eventuellt bortfall för de olika variablerna. Materialet är av relativt god kvalitet och förekomst av respondenters vägran är inte tillräckligt omfattande för att påverka analyser och slutsatser. De felaktigheter som kunde konstateras härhör nästan uteslutande från tillvägagångssätt vid inmatning av data i systemet. Eftersom flertalet av variablerna är kvalitativa visade sig lämpliga analysmetoder vara chi-två-test, korrespondensanalys samt associationsanalys. Den stora majoriteten av våra resultat bekräftar den bild flera tidigare studier ger av gruppen missbrukare och få oväntade samband kunde konstateras. En majoritet av klienterna är män (85%) och den genomsnittliga åldern är 34 år. Intervjuarskattningar av klienternas hjälpbehov visar att narkotika och kriminalitet utgör de absolut största problemen. Dominerande drog är amfetamin (18%), följd av alkohol (15%) och cannabis (10%). Vi kan konstatera att ett flertal signifikanta skillnader föreligger mellan män och kvinnor samt mellan olika åldersgrupper. Unga klienter uppvisar överlag större problem med kriminalitet, narkotika, arbete/försörjning och psykisk hälsa. Med ökande ålder följer istället svårigheter med fysisk hälsa och alkohol. Män uppger vanligen att de har större problem med kriminalitet och narkotika, medan kvinnor ofta redovisar ett större hjälpbehov inom områdena familj/umgänge, fysisk hälsa och psykisk hälsa. / With an explorative approach, this master thesis attempts to map associations and compare groupings of clients who have undergone an ASI Interview by The Swedish Prison and Probation Service, Kriminalvården. The study is based on 2 317 interviews carried out during the period 2008-2010, focusing on abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances. We will graphically illustrate interesting associations and study how the need for help varies throughout different areas of the respondents’ lives. Another aspect of this study is to evaluate the quality of the data material and to investigate non-response in the different variables. The quality of the material is fairly high and non-response is not extensive enough to affect analysis and inference. The errors found are almost exclusively due to how data is fed into the system. Since the majority of variables are qualitative, appropriate methods of analysis proved to be chi-square tests, correspondence analysis and association analysis. Most results confirm the existing image of an abusive personality, which has been presented in several studies before this one. A majority of the clients are men (85%) and the average age is 34 years. Interviewer estimates of the respondents’ need for help show that narcotic substances and criminal behavior are by far the greatest problem areas. The predominant drug is amphetamine (18%), followed by alcohol (15%) and cannabis (10%). We have established several significant differences between men and women, and between clients of different age groups. Young respondents show greater problems concerning criminal behavior, narcotic substances, work/providing and psychological health. With increased age we see enhanced difficulties regarding physical health and alcohol. Men more often exhibit problems concerning criminal behavior and narcotic substances, while women need increased help in areas of family/social life, physical health and psychological health.
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Placera ut de döda : En arkeologisk analys av kroppsposition och begravningsritual inom gropkeramisk kultur på GotlandWesterberg, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
In this paper, I analyze body position and orientation based on material from nine grave fields belonging to the Pitted ware culture (3300-2400 BC) on Gotland, Sweden. The archeological sites consist of Ajvide, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum, Hemmor, Ire, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The aim of the thesis is to generate information, through the use of Correspondence Analysis, about the individuals and similarities and differences in an attempt to discern possible structures in ritual practice. The subject of the thesis is discussed with a focus on ritual based on Pierre Bourdieu's (1977) theories relating to practice and habitus. The analysis shows that specific body positions were preferred, which expressed minor variations between the archaeological sites. At the same time, it was possible to discern specific practices that were more frequent in certain areas. The dead were most often arranged either in a supine position or on their sides with knees straight or flexed, in a crouched position. The placement of the body in flexed position expressed a distinct differentiation linked to the degree of contraction of the knee- and hip joint, which show that there existed guidelines or standards in the practice of body position. The result also indicated age and gender differentiations expressed through skeletal position and orientation, which were expressed differently within some of the populations. The study has identified both regional and local patterns in ritual practice in relation to body position and orientation. Possible interpretations relating to similarities and differences in the material are further discussed in the thesis in order to identify a ritual context.
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