Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ipi"" "subject:"tipi""
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Utvärdering av ekonomisk lönsamhet idigital marknadsföring : En undersökning av företags nuvarande metodik ochförbättringspotentialAlmasri, Mohammad, Hewer, Kevin, Jönsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
AbstraktSyfte: Syftet med studien var att analysera hur företag kan förbättra förståelsen för denekonomiska lönsamheten i sina marknadsföringsaktiviteter, detta genom att undersöka hurföretag idag arbetar med att följa upp den lönsamheten av digital marknadsföring samtvilken förbättringspotential företag upplever att det finns kring sätten de arbetar på. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har genomförts i denna studie där fyra intervjuer hargenomförts med tre respondenter som arbetar med att utvärdera lönsamhet av digitalmarknadsföring. Den insamlade empirin har sedan jämförts med nuvarande teorier för attförsöka förbättra förståelsen för ämnet. Resultat: Företag använder idag främst ROAS för att mäta lönsamheten avmarknadsföring och att den data som utgör grunden för utvärderingen kommer ochbearbetas av Google och Metas AI modeller. Däremot behandlas dessa olika av företag,vilket har visat sig motsvara deras erfarenhet och expertis inom området. De mest väsentliga aspekter som uppmärksammades var förbättringen och utnyttjandet avAI och dataanalysverktyg då den är kärnan i att utvärdera lönsamheten avmarknadsföringsaktiviteterna. Respondenterna är övertygade om att AI kommer utgöra enallt större del av arbetet med att utvärdera lönsamheten med digital marknadsföring därförmågan att förstå och hantera dessa AI modeller kommer att vara viktigt för företag iframtiden.Slutsats: Studien beskriver hur företag arbetar i praktiken och bidrar till nuvarande teoriergenom att visa på områden som bekräftar och säger emot tidigare forskning. Till exempelhar studien bekräftat problemet med att kunden inte delar med sig av information på nätet,vilket styrks av litteraturen. Medan det också visat sig att företagen i studien endast harutvärderat lönsamhetsmåttet ROAS, vilket säger emot tidigare forskning. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to analyze how companies can improve theirunderstanding of the economic profitability of their marketing activities by examining howcompanies currently work to follow up on the profitability of digital marketing, as well asthe potential for improvement that companies perceive in the ways they work. Method: A qualitative method has been employed in this study, where four interviewshave been conducted with three respondents who work on evaluating the profitability ofdigital marketing. The collected empirical data has then been compared with currenttheories in order to enhance understanding of the subject. Results: Companies today primarily use ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) to measurethe profitability of marketing, and the data that forms the basis for evaluation is providedand processed by Google and Meta's AI models. However, these are treated differently bycompanies, which has been found to correspond to their experience and expertise in thefield. The most significant aspects that were highlighted were the improvement and utilization ofAI and data analysis tools, as they are at the core of evaluating the profitability ofmarketing activities. The respondents are convinced that AI will play an increasinglyimportant role in evaluating the profitability of digital marketing, where the ability tounderstand and manage these AI models will be crucial for companies in the future.
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Using KPIs in decision-making tools in the construction industryHedin, Nathalie, Zander, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
The construction industry has a great opportunity to streamline its operations even more by making greater use of the digital revolution. The industry today uses a lot of manual data management and analysis to get an overview of the business and to make decisions. This can be a time-consuming process that could be made more efficient through Business Intelligence (BI). BI is a technology that automatically, with the help of selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), shows the current status of how a business performs. This can allow managers and executives to make decisions easier and faster.This study examines which KPIs that are of common interest to companies and organizations in the construction industry as well as how these KPIs can be presented to the end users of a BI application. To investigate this, data is collected through literature studies and interviews, which results in a list of common KPIs for the industry. From this common list, a number of KPIs are selected to be visually represented.An analysis of the results, indicates that KPIs are of different importance and relevance depending on which sector of the construction industry the interviewee belongs to. There also appears to be sector-specific KPIs and the common list suggests that the profit margin is of great importance throughout the whole industry. KPIs can be represented in different types of charts and diagrams, depending on the purpose they hold, and should be designed so that they are intuitive and easy to understand. / Bygg- och hantverksbranschen har stor möjlighet att effektivisera sin verksamhet ännu mer genom att i större utsträckning utnyttja den digitaliserade utvecklingen. Branschen använder idag mycket manuell datahantering och manuell dataanalys för att få en överblick över verksamheten och ta beslut. Detta kan vara en tidskrävande process, som skulle kunna effektiviseras ytterligare genom Business Intelligence (BI). BI är en teknologi som automatiskt, med hjälp av valda nyckeltal (KPI:er), visar aktuell status på hur en verksamhet presterar. Detta kan göra att beslutsfattare kan fatta beslut enklare och snabbare.Denna studie undersöker vilka nyckeltal som är av gemensamt intresse för företag och organisationer i byggoch hantverksbranschen samt hur dessa nyckeltal kan presenteras för slutanvändarna av en BI-applikation. För att ta reda på detta samlas data in genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer, vilket resulterar i en lista över gemensamma KPI:er i branchen. Ur denna lista handplockas ett antal nyckeltal ut för att representeras visuellt.En analys av resultaten indikerar att nyckeltal är av olika vikt och relevans, beroende på vilken sektortillhörighet av byggoch hantverksbranschen den intervjuade tillhör. Det verkar även finnas sektorspecifika KPI:er samt att listan med de branchgemensamma nyckeltalen antyder att vinstmarginal är av stor vikt. KPI:er kan representeras i olika typer av diagram beroende på vilket syfte de innehar och bör designas så att de är intuitiva och lättförståeliga.
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Оптимизация системы управления производительностью в компании Z : магистерская диссертация / Research of Optimization of Company Z’s Performance Management SystemДу, Ц., Du, J. January 2023 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В теоретической части представлены смежные понятия управления эффективностью, процесс управления эффективностью, инструменты исследования, методы исследования. Практическая часть: характеристика компании Z как объекта управления, структура человеческих ресурсов компании Z, оценка по системе PM компании Z, проблемы и причины в системе PM компании Z. На основе полученных данных разработаны предложения: Цели и принципы оптимизации, Основы построения схемы оптимизации, Мероприятия по оптимизации. В заключении подводятся итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendixes. The theoretical part presents related concepts of performance management, process of performance management, research tools, research methods. The practical part characteristics of Company Z as an object of management, human resource structure of Company Z, appraisal on the PM system of Company Z, problems and causes in the company Z’s PM system. Based on the data obtained, proposals have been developed Objectives and principles of optimization, Optimization scheme design framework, Optimization measures. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set.
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Propuesta para identificar, priorizar y cuantificar el impacto de variables multidisciplinares sobre el rendimiento deportivo de élite aplicando Analytic Network Process. Una aplicación al Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Judo de ValenciaUriarte Marcos, Sugoi 30 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] El judo es un deporte complejo donde hay identificadas muchas variables multidisciplinares como por ejemplo la fuerza, la potencia, la velocidad, las habilidades técnicas y tácticas, la motivación, la gestión del estrés o la alimentación que tienen una importancia clave e influyen en el resultado final de los combates. Si bien muchos trabajos académicos han estudiado estas variables, generalmente de forma aislada o combinando unas pocas normalmente del mismo ámbito, se ha detectado que no existen estudios que hayan analizado un conjunto de variables multidisciplinares heterogéneas de manera integral, considerando al mismo tiempo variables de diferentes ámbitos (por ejemplo físicas, técnicas, psicológicas, de estilo de vida, etc) y analizado su impacto sobre el rendimiento estratégico de los judokas. Además, una vez que se han identificado esas variables multidisciplinares, es complejo determinar cuáles de ellas están directamente relacionadas con la capacidad del judoka para alcanzar sus objetivos estratégicos, los cuales pueden definirse como las principales metas estratégicas que el deportista pretende alcanzar a medio-largo plazo (por ejemplo, obtener la clasificación para los Juegos Olímpicos), y que por tanto condicionan el esfuerzo y la planificación del deportista. Por tanto, esta Tesis Doctoral desarrolla una propuesta metodológica para identificar, priorizar y cuantificar el impacto de variables multidisciplinares sobre el rendimiento en el ámbito del judo, proporcionando una visión más completa y global y, por extensión, valiosa información adicional para tomar decisiones importantes tales como preparar planes de entrenamiento o planificar el calendario de competiciones. Para ello, se aplica una técnica de ayuda a la toma de decisiones multicriterio, el Analytic Network Process, la cual posibilita la evaluación y cuantificación conjunta de dichas variables multidisciplinares, las cuales son heterogéneas y de las que de muchas no se poseen datos históricos y cuyo impacto sobre el rendimiento del judoka es difícil de determinar. En este sentido, es necesario tener en cuenta que existen también otras relaciones importantes, las interrelaciones entre variables, que también deben evaluarse. Por tanto, se consideran las siguientes relaciones entre variables: Relaciones entre un conjunto de variables multidisciplinares claves del judo y el rendimiento del deportista. Interrelaciones entre las variables multidisciplinares claves del judo que afectan al rendimiento. Interrelaciones entre los objetivos estratégicos definidos y que representan el rendimiento del deportista. Por todo ello, la presente Tesis Doctoral se estructura en diferentes capítulos de la siguiente forma: El Capítulo 1 describe el planteamiento y la estructura de la Tesis Doctoral. En el Capítulo 2 se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los principales trabajos científicos, justificando el hueco investigador e identificando las principales variables multidisciplinares de judo. En el Capítulo 3 se lleva a cabo un estudio práctico de la importancia de las variables técnico-tácticas en judo, analizando para ello todos los torneos de judo de élite (Grand Prix, Gran Slam, Master y Campeonato del Mundo) celebrados en el año 2019. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta la propuesta metodológica desarrollada en el ámbito de la Tesis. Para ello, inicialmente se justifica el uso del Analytic Network Process como Técnica Multicriterio de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones más adecuada para aplicar en la presente Tesis, describiendo a continuación las cuatro fases de la metodología desarrollada. En el Capítulo 5 se aplica la propuesta metodológica al Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Judo de Valencia, donde un grupo de expertos formado a tal fin desarrolla las cuatro fases de la metodología para la categoría de -66 kgs. En el Capítulo 6 se presentan las principales conclusiones de la Tesis Doctoral y se proponen líneas futuras de investigación. / [CA] El judo és un esport complex on hi ha identificades moltes variables multidisciplinars com ara la força, la potència, la velocitat, les habilitats tècniques i tàctiques, la motivació, la gestió de l'estrès o l'alimentació que tenen una importància clau i influeixen en el resultat final dels combats. Si bé molts treballs acadèmics han estudiat aquestes variables, generalment de forma aïllada o combinant unes poques normalment de el mateix àmbit, s'ha detectat que no hi ha estudis que hagin analitzat un conjunt de variables multidisciplinars heterogènies de manera integral, considerant a el mateix temps variables de diferents àmbits (per exemple físiques, tècniques, psicològiques, d'estil de vida, etc.) i analitzat el seu impacte sobre el rendiment dels judokes. A més, una vegada que s'han identificat aquestes variables multidisciplinars, és complex identificar quines d'elles estan directament relacionades amb la capacitat de l'judoka per assolir els seus objectius estratègics, els quals poden definir-se com les principals fites estratègiques que l'esportista pretén assolir a mig-llarg termini (per exemple, obtenir la classificació per als Jocs Olímpics), i que per tant condicionen l'esforç i la planificació de l'esportista. Per tant, aquesta tesi doctoral desenvolupa una proposta metodològica per identificar, prioritzar i quantificar l'impacte de variables multidisciplinars sobre el rendiment en l'àmbit de l'judo, proporcionant una visió més completa i global i, per extensió, valuosa informació addicional per prendre decisions importants tals com preparar plans d'entrenament o planificar el calendari de competicions. Per a això, s'aplica una tècnica d'ajuda a la presa de decisions multicriteri, l'Analytic Network Process, la qual possibilita l'avaluació i quantificació conjunta d'aquestes variables multidisciplinars, les quals són heterogènies i de les que moltes no es posseeixen dades històriques i el impacte sobre el rendiment de l'jukoka és difícil de determinar. En aquest sentit, cal tenir en compte que existeixen també altres relacions importants, les interrelacions entre variables, que també s'han d'avaluar. Per tant, es consideren les següents relacions entre variables: Relacions entre un conjunt de variables multidisciplinars clau de judo i el rendiment de l'esportista. Interrelacions entre les variables multidisciplinars clau de judo que afecten el rendiment. Interrelacions entre els objectius estratègics definits i que representen el rendiment de l'esportista. Per tot això, la present Tesi Doctoral s'estructura en diferents capítols de la següent manera: El capítol 1 descriu el plantejament i l'estructura de la tesi doctoral. En el capítol 2 es realitza una revisió bibliogràfica dels principals treballs científics, justificant el buit investigador i identificant les principals variables multidisciplinars de judo. En el capítol 3, es porta a terme un estudi pràctic de la importància de les variables tècnic-tàctiques en judo, analitzant per a això tots els tornejos de judo d'elit (Grand Prix, Gran Slam, Master i Campionat del Món) celebrats a l'any 2019. En el capítol 4 es presenta la proposta metodològica desenvolupada en l'àmbit de la Tesi. Per a això, inicialment es justifica l'ús de l'Analytic Network Process com a Tècnica Multicriteri d'Ajuda a la Presa de Decisions més adequada per aplicar en la present Tesi, presentant a continuació les quatre fases de la metodologia desenvolupada. En el Capítol 5 s'aplica la proposta metodològica a el Centre d'Alt Rendiment de Judo de València, on un grup d'experts format a aquest fi desenvolupen les quatre fases de la metodologia per a la categoria de -66 kg. En el capítol 6 es presenten les principals conclusions de la tesi doctoral i es proposen línies futures d'investigació. / [EN] Judo is a complex sport where many multidisciplinary key variables, i.e. strength, power, speed, technical and tactical abilities, motivation or estrés management, which have a significant impact on the final result of combats have been identified. However, these studies have usually focused on either only one or a few variables from the same ambit instead of considering a full set of heterogeneous multidisciplinary variables at the same time, which are of different ambits such as physical, tactical-technical, psychological or lifestyle and, at the same time, assessing their impact over judokas' performance. Additionally, once these multidisciplinary variables are identified, it is a complex process to determine which ones are directly linked with the capacity of the athlete for reaching his/her strategic objectives, which can be defined as the main medium-long term strategic goals (i.e. to get the classification for the Olympic Games) and which, therefore, condition the judokas efforts and planning. Then, this Doctoral PhD Thesis develops a methodological proposal for identifying, priorisiting and quantifying the impact of a set of multidisciplinary variables on the strategic performance of judokas, providing a more complete and global vision and, extensively, valuable additional information to make important decisions such as designing training plans or planning the competitions calendar. To this end, a Multi-Criteria Decision Technique, the Analytic Network Proces, is applied, which allows to jointly evaluate and quantify such a set of multidisciplinary variables, which are heterogeneous and which many of them lack of historical data and whose impact on the judoka's performance is very difficult to determine. In this sense, it is also necessary to take into account the existence of other type of relationship, the inter-relationships between the multidisciplinary variables, which should also be assessed. Then the next relationships between variables are considered: Relationships between a set of multidisciplinary variables of judo that are affecting to the judoka's performance. Inter-relationships between the judo multidisciplinary variables. Inter-relationships between the strategic objectives that represent the judoka's performance. Therefore, this Doctoral PhD Thesis is structured as follows: In Chapter 1, the approach and structure are presented. In Chapter 2, a literature review is carried out, justifying the research gap and identifying the main judo multidisciplinary variables. In Chapter 3, a practical study of the importance of the tactical-variables in judo is carried out, analysing all the judo ellite tournaments of 2019. Chapter 4 presents the methodological proposal, justifying initially the application of the Analytic Network Process and then the phases of the methodology. In Chapter 5, the methodological proposal is applied to the High Performance Judo Center of Valencia, where a judo expert group applies the phases of the methodology for the under 66 kgs category. In Chapter 6, the main conclusions as well as the future research lines are presented. / Uriarte Marcos, S. (2021). Propuesta para identificar, priorizar y cuantificar el impacto de variables multidisciplinares sobre el rendimiento deportivo de élite aplicando Analytic Network Process. Una aplicación al Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Judo de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165363
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Key performance indicators for the evaluation of an air navigation service providers' safety management systemEhliar, Lars-Johan, Wagner, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Safety is the main concern of the aviation industry. All Air Navigation Service Providers must have a Safety Management System (SMS) which states how safety is handled, promoted and prioritized. By developing Key Performance indicators (KPIs), it is possible to quantify the effectiveness of a SMS, discover potential flaws and improvement measures. This thesis identifies principles behind the SMS, the development of KPIs and suggest potential KPIs for the Swedish air navigation service provider LFVs’ SMS. A literature study was performed and organisation specific documents were analysed to develop potential KPIs within the areas timely compliance with international obligations, competency and adoption and sharing of best practices based on an EASA questionnaire. This work presents a set of 27 performance indicators and recommends 6 as potential KPIs for the three areas together. The KPIs are developed specifically for LFV but could be applicable for other organisations with similar SMS structure and processes. They should be analysed within the organisation and, potentially, have thresholds set before implementation.
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策略與績效評估結合之研究—以國內某食品公司為例 / The research of the linkage between strategy and performance measurement — an example of one Taiwanese food company.劉亭君 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵績效指標計分卡(以下簡稱KPI Scorecard)之觀念及相關問題首見於Kaplan and Norton(2001)研究中,其概念簡單易懂,但若設計過程沒有與策略作連結,依然無法協助企業資源之聚焦與運用。故如何設計正確之績效評估制度使策略與績效評估有效結合,為吾人所關注之議題。
本研究係針對國內一導入KPI Scorecard之食品公司進行個案研究,於分析個案公司績效評估之相關問題後,運用策略形成及平衡計分卡相關概念,具體提供策略與績效評估結合之四大步驟,期協助個案公司確實將策略引導至各績效衡量要素中,解決現行KPI Scorecard的問題並提升管理之效率及效能。同時,亦可作為其他企業績效評估設計之實務指南與理論基礎。 / Performance measurement has been an important issue for management teams for a long time. However, the current literature shows that most of the companies cannot implement their performance measurement system efficiently and effectively. Besides, the more and more competitive economic environment forces managers seeking alternative management measures, other than the traditional financial performance measures, to fulfill the increasing pressure of better performance.
KPI Scorecard has been released by Kaplan and Norton(2001).The concept is simple and easily to apply but if KPI Scorecard fails to link with the strategy, it still can’t help enterprises to focus on key resources and activities. Therefore, we try to provide a guideline to solve the gap between strategy and performance measurement system.
The thesis is a case study and conducts one Taiwanese food company which has implemented KPI Scorecard for about three years as a research subject. We will firstly analyze the problems of their existing performance measurement system. Second, we will discuss how to use the related ideas of balanced scorecard to solve these KPI Scorecard problems. Furthermore, the thesis addresses four steps about how to link performance measurement system with strategic effectiveness and stresses the importance of this integration. Therefore the thesis can be a reference for other companies to implement the performance measurement system in the future.
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Challenges and the use of performance measurements in humanitarian supply chainsWillner, Daniel, Zafeiridis, Stavros January 2013 (has links)
The field of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management is increasingly the subject of research. Even though there has been some research in the field in the past, the necessity for more research related to the measurement of the effectiveness of humanitarian supply chains is required. Humanitarian supply chain management deals not only with natural disasters but also with man-made disasters. Thus, different types of disasters create different challenges for humanitarian aid. Moreover, the different stages of the disasters require different courses of action. The lack of extended research in the field of humanitarian supply chain and logistics, the increase of the impact of disasters as well as the differences between the commercial and the humanitarian supply chains, make it clear that the sector should find ways to improve its efficiency. Tools and metrics can be used to measure and improve the efficiency of the supply chains. According to literature there are no sophisticated measures of effectiveness for humanitarian logi stics and supply chains. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the main challenges in humanitarian supply chains and what is the role of performance measurements in humanitarian operations. Moreover, the thesis aims to identify an appropriate model for measuring and thus, enhancing performance in the humanitarian supply chains. The research strategy chosen for this study is a holistic multiple case study. The empirical data is collected through interviews. For this research in total 3 organisations’ representatives and 2 volunteers were interviewed. The collected data have been analysed by combining theories and previous studies in the literature. The main findings from analysing the empirical data revealed that, depending on the disaster phase, humanitarian organisations face different challenges in their supply chains. By implementing appropriate performance measurements, the humanitarian organisations can limit the impact of the challenges in the supply chain operations, gain more relevant and precise information regarding the humanitarian operations, and enhance supply chain coordination among different stakeholders. As an outcome, by implementing appropriate performance measurement systems, the humanitarian organisations can overcome some of these challenges in their supply chains, and therefore enhance the overall supply chain performance.
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Förvaltningsfastigheter : Den globala finans krisens påverkan på svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagens nedskrivningar / Investment property : The global financial crisis influence on Swedish Property companies impairmentsGüzel, Ramazan, Milovanovic, Adriana January 2010 (has links)
Introduction and background: The 1990s crisis and the global financial crisis year 2008 shows the same indications that the property market was affected negative. The Swedish Property companies had a difficult time on the market when the crisis led to decreased property trade and financing problems for the Property companies. The Swedish property companies became less attractive on the market and contributed to a drop in prices on investment property. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examine if there is any relation between the Swedish Property companies impairments on their investment property and the global financial crisis year 2008. Method: The essay is based on a quantitative study where we examined Swedish Property companies’ annual reports. We answered our questions and our purpose from the empirical data that we collected from the annual reports. Conclusions: The study resulted in that we found a correlation between the Swedish Property companies’ impairments on their investment properties and the global financial crisis year 2008. However, we found that the Swedish Property companies’ impairments were lower than market indications prove.
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Kalkylmodellering : En studie om hur en kalkylmodell kan konstrueras för att göra ett lagerkostnadsindex användbart i företag med geografiskt spridda lager / Modelling : A study on how a model can be developed in order to make a warehouse cost index useful in a company with geographically dispersed warehousesPavlovic, Anica, Johnsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Globalisering har skapat ett ökat behov för företag att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Att hantera kostnader effektivt blir allt viktigare i organisationer. Medutgångspunkt i ett fallföretag så har problem kring mätning och jämförbarhetmellan hanteringen av lagerkostnader i geografiskt spridda lager identifierats. I nuläget finns det ingen metod som jämför hur väl hanteringen av lagerkostnader görs i olika länder. De landspecifika egenskaperna skapar olikheter och för att åstadkomma en jämförbarhet så krävs anpassad ekonomistyrning. Syfte: Syftet är att utveckla en kalkylmodell som möjliggör en homogen mätning för olika länders hantering av lagerkostnader. Detta ska kunna skapa en jämförbarhet mellan geografiskt spridda lager. Studien ska utveckla ett komplement till rådande beslutsunderlag som avser stödja en organisations beslutsprocess för lageroptimering. Metod: Här motiveras vilka metodologiska val som gjorts under studiens gång. För att studien ska uppnå sitt syfte så har vi först utvärderat det befintliga styrmedlet för att sen genomföra modellutvecklingen i förhållande till uppställda kriterier för innehålls- och processegenskaper. Materialet för studien har samlats in via det multinationella företaget och genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre respondenter inom företaget. Avsnittet motiverar valet av teori och empiri som används och huruvida utvecklingen av modellen i analysdelen ska leda till studiens slutsats. Slutsats: Organisationer har sedan tidigare använt prestationsmätningar för att genom ekonomistyrning kontrollera sina lagerkostnader. Den ökade globalisering har försvårat jämförbarheten givet landsspecifika variabler som påverkar kostnaderna. Genom en kalkylmodellering har ett lagerkostnadsindex utvecklats vilket representerar en standardiserad varukorg. Kapitalstrukturerna neutraliseras och en intern benchmarking möjliggör på så vis att samtliga lagerlokaler kan introduceras att hantera sina lagerkostnader på bästa sätt. / Background: Globalization has created a growing need for companies to remain competitive. It’s becoming more important to manage costs effectively in organizations. Based on a case company problems regarding measurement and comparability of management in warehouse costs between geographically dispersed countries has been identified. Currently there’s no method available for comparison of cost-efficiency of warehouse costs in different countries. The country-specific characteristics create differences. In order to achieve comparability adapted financial control is needed. Purpose: The purpose is to develop a model that enables a homogeneous measurement for management of warehouse costs in different countries. With the intention to make possible comparability between geographically dispersed warehouses. The case study will develop a complement to the existing decision-making. With the aim to support the organization’s decision-making process for warehouse optimization. Method: A motivation for methodological choices made during the study will be presented here. We have first evaluated the existing instrument and then implemented the model in relation to criteria for content- and process characteristics, in order to achieve the aims of the study. Material for the study was collected through the multinational company and by semi-structured interviews with three employees from the company. The section justifies the choice of theory and empirical content used. In the analysis a justification for whether the development of the model leads to the study’s conclusion. Conclusion: Organizations have previously used performance measurements for their financial control of warehouse costs. The increased globalization has complicated the comparability due to country-specific variables that affect costs. Warehouse cost indexes have been developed through a model that takes into account a standardized basket of goods that are relatable to warehouse costs. The capital structure becomes neutralized and internal benchmarking enables such that all warehouse costs can be compared in order to how cost-efficient each and every are.
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Framdrift av projekt mellan Gater : Analys och rekommendation av lämpliga framdriftsindikatorer och arbetsmetoder för att framgångsrikt kunna driva ett projekt mot gaterna mellan gaterna.Uhlán, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Hur vet man att ett projekt är på banan? Vad ska man driva och följa upp mellan gaterna för att nå gaternas specificerade kriterier i tid och med rätt resultat? Vilka mätpunkter behövs? Med vilka intervall ska framdriften mätas? Och hur visar projektledaren framdriften för intressenterna så att rätt åtgärder för att styra rätt kan sättas in om det är på väg att gå fel? En huvudfaktor för att lyckat leda projekt mellan faser och gater torde ligga i förmågan att se hur uppgifter fortskrider mellan gaterna. Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap kring hur en sund framdrift mellan gaterna i projekt kan erhållas så att man vid gaterna uppfyller de kriterier som specificerats samt söka besvara hur framdriften kan kommuniceras till dess intressenter på ett framgångsrikt sätt. Följande forskningsfrågor ställdes: 1. Vilka indikatorer är enligt forskning och ledande praktik lämpliga att använda för att följa framdriften i projekt mellan gaterna i projektledningsprocessen? 2. Hur kommuniceras framdriften så att det är lätt för ett projekts alla intressenter att förstå hur projektet framskrider mellan gaterna? 3. Med vilka intervall mäts lämpligen framdriften mellan gaterna? 4. Hur kan indikatorer formuleras/utvecklas utifrån en specifiks verksamhets behov? En hermenuistisk kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats genomfördes. Studien genomfördes delvis på det företag författaren själv arbetar på varför metoden innehåller stora delar av aktionsbaserade forskningselement. Sammanställning av rekommendationer från forskning och ledande praktik jämfördes med resultat hämtade från benchmarkingstudie och fallstudie ur vilken slutsatser dragits. Under benchmarkingstudien och fallstudien genomfördes totalt 23 semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med avsikt att förstå behov och framgångsfaktorer. Processen för arbetet kan liknas med en explorativ designprocess där författaren succesivt sökt ta fram och forma lämpliga framdriftsindikatorer utifrån en specifik verksamhets behov. Studien visade att det, sedan de tre framdriftsindikatorerna "Scope, time och cost" befästes i begynnelsen av användandet av projekt som arbetsform, numer finns insikter om att det är många faktorer som tillsammans leder ett projekt framåt. Olika faser i projekt kräver olika insatser, olika intressenter kräver olika information, olika nivåer i projektet har olika behov av uppföljning varför en väl avvägd kombination av ett 15-tal olika indikatorer så kallade Key Performace Indicators (KPI’er), designade för respektive projekts och verksamhets unika behov rekommenderas. Studien visade vidare att en framgångsfaktor för kommunikation av projektframdrift ligger i hur samarbete i projekt sker. Rekommendationen är att design av kommunikationstruktur utformas så att helhetsperspektiv och röd tråd i forum och dialog erhålls. Visualisering av framdriften och samtliga intressenters deltagande vid möten och framdriftskommunikation konstaterades vara en grundförutsättning för framgångsrika resultat. Avseende lämpliga intervall drogs slutsatsen att även dessa rekommenderas att sättas utifrån behov eftersom behoven av dialog av respektive indikator varierar under projektens gång. Kommunikationsprincipen "hellre ofta och lite, än sällan och mycket" rekommenderades. Grundat i studiens resultat rekommenderades slutligen lämpliga indikatorer, lämplig kommunikationsstruktur och lämpliga intervall designade unikt för den specifika verksamheten i uppsatsens fallstudiedel. / How does one know that a project is on track? What criterias should be monitored between the Gates so that specified criterias is obtained at the Gate? Which measuring points are needed? At what intervals should the progress be measured? How does the project manager present the progress to its stakeholders in a successful manner so that the stakeholders understand the status and decide upon corrective actions if needed? A key factor in successfully managing projects between phases and Gates would most presumably lie in the ability to see the progress of tasks between the gates. The objective of this Master thesis is therefore aimed to contribute with knowledge regarding how to achieve a sound progress between the Gates of the project so that specified gatecriterias will be obtained at the Gate. This Master thesis will also seek to contribute knowledge about how to communicate the progress to its stakeholders in a successful manner whereupon the following questions where put: 1. What indicators are suitable to use in the project management process when following the project progress between the Gates in accordance to previous research and leading practice findings? 2. How can the progress be communicated to its stakeholders so that it will be easy to follow the progress of the project between the Gates? 3. What measurement intervals are considered to be suitable when following the progress between Gates? 4. How can indicators be designed/developed based on a specific business requirements? A hermenuistic qualitative study with an inductive approach was conducted. Since the author of this thesis works at the company where the study was conducted the method contains many elements of action research. A summary of recommendations from research and leading practice were compared with results obtained in the benchmarking study and the case study from which conclusions were drawn. A total of 23 semi-structured interviews were conducted during the benchmarking study and the case study with the intention of understanding the needs of information at the specific business and to understand which factors that could be considered as success factors. The progress of the work can be considered as an explorative design process in which the author successively have designed and developed suitable Key Perfomance Indicators, KPI’s based on a specific business requirements. The results shows that modern research has come to an insights that the progress of a projects consists of more factors than the three indicators "Scope, time and cost" recommended at the early stages of using project as a working method. The different phases of the project require different actions and efforts and interventions, various stakerholders requires different information, different levels of the project management has different needs for follow-up and require different levels of detailed information, why a balanced combination of some 15 different Key performace Indicators (KPI's), designed for the unique needs of each project and activity is recommended. The study shows that the success of communicating project progress lies in the way cooperation is based in the project. It is recommended that the communication structure is designed so that a holistic perspective and a "red thread" in forum and dialogue are obtained. Visualization of progress and participation of all stakeholders at pulsmeetings were found to be a prerequisite for successful results. Regarding an appropriate interval, it is concluded that each interval are recommended to be set on the basis of need since the needs of dialogue for each indicator varies with the progress of the projects. However, communication using the principle "rather babysteps - often and short, than elephant paces - seldom but long" is recommended. Based on the results from the study, the thesis ends with recommending suitable indicators, suitable communication structure and suitable intervals designed uniquely for the specific business in the case study.
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