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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trender i ämnesval hos magisteruppsatser inom kunskapsorganisation 1995-2005 : en innehållsanalys / Subject trends in Swedish knowledge organization master theses published between 1995-2005 : a content analysis

Gyllström, Charlotta January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to establish whether there are any specific trends in master theses concerning knowledge organization. To identify the past and current trends a method of content analysis has been applied to 110 theses over a time period of ten years. The results of this study show that there is an increasing interest in subjects concerning for example the evaluation of retrieval effectiveness in search engines on the Internet. A subject which was popular in the late 1990:s was information technology and its different applications. This subject has since that time decreased in popularity. The dominating area of study during the studied time period is classification research, which has received a relatively constant interest during the time period as a whole. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Folksonomi : en förklaring i perspektiv av kunskapsorganisation / Folksonomy : an explanation in perspective of knowledge organisation

Forsberg, Benjamin, Mogren, Hans January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate and to explain the concept of folksonomy in the perspective of knowledge organisation. By creating a conceptual explanation and defining what folksonomy as a concept consists of, the intent is to establish a basis for evaluating folksonomy and to discuss what relevance folksonomy may have in the field of knowledge organisation. By applying a qualitative content analysis a review is performed on how folksonomy is perceived and discussed in a selection of articles written on the subject. Employing the theory of classification, subject indexing and bibliographic retrieval, folksonomy as a method for knowledge organisation is analysed. The practice of tagging in existing systems is also studied. The study shows that folksonomy as a concept consists of documents, tags and users as well as the relations between these factors. The essential attributes are the lack of rules regarding creation of tags, the freedom from authorities imposing guidelines on how to determine the subject matter of documents and the participation of the users in both the indexing and retrieval phases. The term folksonomy represents both the browsable collection of documents and tags, the activity of assigning tags to documents and the vocabulary that is constructed. The relativistic and subjective nature, the simplicity and the lack of rules are inherent qualities of folksonomy, by some perceived as its major merits and by others as its flaws, hence the reasons why the application of folksonomy in knowledge organisation may be problematic. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Boksomäromöjligatthitta… : En studie av de sociala taggarna i Stockholms stadsbiblioteks OPAC / Bookthatisimpossibletofind… : A study of the social tags in the City of Stockholm libraries’ OPAC

Vinterheden, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to, through an empirical study ofthe social tags in the City of Stockholm libraries’ OPACwith critical discourse analysis, examine the social tags’linguistic design, usability, and communicative potential– all in relation to the context. It is a linguistic study andit is important to take into account that the tags are extremelyshort texts – single-word-texts. My starting-pointis that the tags are a form of utility texts.What I find is that a clear majority of the tags are nounsand function as index terms, but that there are differencescompared to authorized index terms. The study showshow the tag-authors solve their contextual premises by forexample word-compositions. I find that a balance is importantbetween specific and general as the tags lack aparent-child or sibling semantic relationship. Compared totraditional knowledge organization, there is a consistentfeature of subjectivity in the tags. I see a fourth type oforganization in addition to cataloguing, classification, andindexing – the personal comment. In the retrieval, the tagsare best suited for browsing. I also find that the social tagscould function as a complement to a controlled vocabulary,but not replace it. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Att sammanföra i tanke och bild : Kunskapens visuella gestaltning i Aby Warburgs Bilderatlas Mnemosyne / To combine in thought and image : Visual configurations of knowledge in Aby Warburg’s Bilderatlas Mnemosyne.

Leman, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to explore the visual knowledge organization of Aby Warburg’s Bilderatlas Mnemosyne by tracing some of the essential lines in his thinking and relating these to the conceptualization and realization of the atlas project. The image atlas – which at the time of Warburg’s death in 1929 remained unfinished – can be described as a synoptical and experimental didactic instrument, a monumental work in progress conceived to guide art historical thought, which in Warburg’s research expands into a pluridisciplinary field of ”kulturwissenschaftlicher Bildgeschichte”. Within its historical context the Mnemosyne atlas can be seen as an object of critical knowledge that, in presenting art history as an open and mobile visual structure, evades the universalistic aims of encyclopaedic projects. Drawing upon Foucault’s archaeological examination of the humanities in The Order of Things and Agamben’s reflection on method – and specifically on the notion of the paradigm – in The Signature of All Things, I argue that the Mnemosyne atlas with its non-linear arrangement and associative technique should be read in its relation to a pre-encyclopaedic knowledge culture where similarity, kinship and analogy, rather than division, taxonomy and binarity, rule the organization of the world and its objects. This allows us to better understand the scientific foundations of the atlas and to perceive its ongoing compilation of documents as a systematic procedure. Lastly, the study also emphazises the vicinity between Warburg’s image atlas and his library, both in the physical space of his research institute in Hamburg and as a mode of thought.

Barns delaktighet i folkbibliotekets samlingar : En studie av barns egen kunskapsorganisation

Buhr, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka barns egen kunskapsorganisation. Tidigare studier visar att när barns röster tas till vara i utformningen blir det möjligt att skapa kunskapsorganisationssystem som är bättre anpassade efter barns informationssökning. Studien sökte att besvara följande forskningsfrågor. Hur väljer barn själva att strukturera information? Hur kommer det sig att de sorterar information på det sätt de gör? Hur förhåller sig barnens egen klassifikation till de system som används på biblioteken idag? I syfte att besvara dessa frågor tillämpades två olika metoder tillsammans med en grupp barn som var regelbundna deltagare i ett anonymt folkbiblioteks biblioteksklubb. Coopers metod för att undersöka hur barn kategoriserar information i ett bibliotek användes för att samla in data om barns egen kunskapsorganisation. Fokusgrupper användes som metod för att generera data om hur barnen tänkte kring sorteringen. Den insamlade datan analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning och de teoretiska begreppen becomings och beings och barnperspektiv och barns perspektiv. Resultaten visar att omslagsbilder var oerhört viktiga för hur barnen valde att sortera böcker, viktigare än ex. baksidestext. Linjen mellan fack- och skönlitteratur ärbetydligt mjukare för barn än för både vuxna och klassifikationssystemen SAB och DDK.Tidigare erfarenheter utgör också en viktig variabel för barnens kategorisering, bland annatgenom att deras genreförståelse informeras av tidigare erfarenheter från andra medier. Huruvida barnen tolkade en boks innehåll som påhittat eller inte hade också det avgörande effekt på hur de valde att sortera.

Informationsåtervinning på ett Specialbibliotek för Tvärvetenskaplig Forskning : med utgångspunkt i domänanalys / Information retrieval in a library specialized in an interdisciplinary subject : a case study of domain analysis

Löfgren, Anna January 1996 (has links)
The main object of this master thesis is to examine whether domain-analysis could be used toorganize the collections in a library serving interdisciplinary studies, and in that case - howthat could be done. The thesis is based on a case study of a library for Asian studies, which alsoserves as a library specialized in that subject in the Nordic countries. The author has used, i.e.interviews and observations examining who the users of the library are and how these seekinformation. A theory part deals with some earlier studies of information users within arts andsocial sciences, and these are compared to the users of the examined library.The thesis states that one has to look at the different disciplines in which research is done (andcould be done) at the institute to which the library belongs, and that subject terms could beadded to the various documents from the view of those domains.

Interna informationsresurser : Fallstudie av en statlig myndighet / Internal information resources : A case study of a governmental agency

Bohlin, Anita January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to study the relations between internal information and the principal business objectives in a knowledge organization. The questions are: how does the organization behave to its internal information resources, how is the information management related to the principal objectives and strategies, what information policy does the organization develop, and how is the management experienced by the employees. The purpose was to study the supply and management of information designed for internal use and the study was carried out with qualitative, semi-structured interviews to get a picture of the internal information management. The informants were mostly key persons with deep knowledge of internal information. After two opening visits in the organization, the interviews were carried out, and the interview material was examined to discover patterns. A model formed by Jo Bryson was also used to structure the results. The organization in question is The Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI), a governmental agency that is currently introducing a new management system, “quality certification”, a new website and a new intranet. Its information resources are plentiful and supporting the principal objectives and strategies of cooperation, knowledge development and expertise provision even if there are some shortcomings. The experiences of the employees differ but the informants show awareness about information issues. Even if the information resources are plentiful, there is a lack of clear connection between the goals and the information management. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Kundnöjdhet ur en kunskapsbaserad serviceorganisations perspektiv

Bergqvist, Terese, Lundqvist, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p>The objectives of this research we have examined how the people in a knowledge-based service organization relate to the concept “customer satisfaction”. Our purpose was to evaluate if we could find resemblances or differences among people whit different positions in the organization. The research is empery-driven, which means that the theory chapter will not be central in this research presentation in other means than supporting our argumentation. We have used an exploratory research method with the purpose to find issues concerning customer satisfaction I service organizations that are up to date. Our empirical study was carried out in Swedbank. The data was collected from ten interviews whit people that worked at Swedbank. The concluding remark from this essay is that service positioning is commonly trusted and used strategy. We are questioning if there are situations when customers are not profitable. We have also come to the conclusion that there are different motivations for the employees to satisfy the customers. By examining these we think the companies can be helped in motivating the employees. We propose a client based course of action to motivate the employees. We also propose a variation of this method that also considers the employees wellbeing. We alert service organizations not to forget to be active and trying to find new customers. We also mark upon a gap in the theories that concerns exciding customer expectations. We argue that there has to be a limit. We also encourage findings of new methods for vertical communication within the organization.</p><p>This research has contributed with an increased understanding of what factors that motivates the people in a knowledge-based service organization to trying to satisfy the customers.</p><p>We also want this research to enlighten the possibilities whit client control because we think this method has a great potential. We also wish that this essay will contribute to further research that can help the companies to motivate their employees to be even better at satisfying their customers.</p>

Kundnöjdhet ur en kunskapsbaserad serviceorganisations perspektiv

Bergqvist, Terese, Lundqvist, Louise January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of this research we have examined how the people in a knowledge-based service organization relate to the concept “customer satisfaction”. Our purpose was to evaluate if we could find resemblances or differences among people whit different positions in the organization. The research is empery-driven, which means that the theory chapter will not be central in this research presentation in other means than supporting our argumentation. We have used an exploratory research method with the purpose to find issues concerning customer satisfaction I service organizations that are up to date. Our empirical study was carried out in Swedbank. The data was collected from ten interviews whit people that worked at Swedbank. The concluding remark from this essay is that service positioning is commonly trusted and used strategy. We are questioning if there are situations when customers are not profitable. We have also come to the conclusion that there are different motivations for the employees to satisfy the customers. By examining these we think the companies can be helped in motivating the employees. We propose a client based course of action to motivate the employees. We also propose a variation of this method that also considers the employees wellbeing. We alert service organizations not to forget to be active and trying to find new customers. We also mark upon a gap in the theories that concerns exciding customer expectations. We argue that there has to be a limit. We also encourage findings of new methods for vertical communication within the organization. This research has contributed with an increased understanding of what factors that motivates the people in a knowledge-based service organization to trying to satisfy the customers. We also want this research to enlighten the possibilities whit client control because we think this method has a great potential. We also wish that this essay will contribute to further research that can help the companies to motivate their employees to be even better at satisfying their customers.

Ämnesorden i regnbågshyllan : ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv / Subject headings on the rainbow shelf : a queer theoretical perspective

Karlsson, Erika, Melander, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Rainbow shelves, shelves with a LGBTQ theme, are becoming popular in Swedish libraries, and may have been created to counteract the poor indexing of the fiction with LGBTQ themes. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the books on this shelf are indexed in one Swedish library. In order to do so we first examine the subject headings list used to index fiction to see what LGBTQ subject headings there are and if they are lacking in any way. Then we examine the representation of these subject headings on the rainbow shelf to see how the shortcomings of the list influence the indexing. We also do a content analysis on the books found to have no LGBTQ subject headings to examine why they have been placed on the shelf. Are there shortcomings in the indexing of these books? We use queer theory to suggest that the shortcomings of the indexing is caused by the underlying heteronormativity of our society. We find that many LGBTQ words are not represented in the subject headings list and that heteronormativity is predominant but only made visible through what does not conform to the norm. The most prevalent LGBTQ subject headings in the rainbow shelf are those concerning homosexuality, while bisexuality and transgender subject headings are barely used at all. We find that the indexing of the books without LGBTQ terms in many cases is lacking, but in others it is a question of how you choose to interpret the book.

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