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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a methodology to evaluate business plans for land reform projects in the Western Cape with special emphasis on LRAD grant supported projects

Lombard, Christoffel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study was to develop a methodology to evaluate business plans which support governmental grants to emerging farmers in the Winelands area of the Western Cape. The study focuses primarily on two types of emerging farmer groups namely (i) farm equity groups and (ii) individual farmers (less than 10 members per farm). Empowering disadvantaged people is exceedingly complex, therefore it is of paramount importance to compile a detailed and comprehensive business plan based on a proper feasibility study. If a project is not feasible on paper it will rarely succeed in practice. Four LRAD business plans per group were evaluated and have been scored against a contents list, which was compiled from an ideal farm business plan. This was followed up with a questionnaire to evaluate the current situation on the farms and to test the understanding of the business plan and its elements with the beneficiaries. There is a clear distinction in the quality of business plans between the equity scheme land reform models and individual farmer’s business plans. The quality of the equity farmer’s business plan was in most cases around 25 percent better compared to those of the individual farmers. The result of the study shows that there is a direct link between the quality of the business plan and the sustainability of the projects. Lower scored individual farmer projects under review, struggle to stay afloat with a weak cash flow as their main drawback. On the other hand the better scored equity scheme projects are much more sustainable; however more focus needs to be placed on developing the shareholders in the understanding of the financial side and land ownership principals. The author is of the opinion that only feasible projects must receive grant funding and this should be supported by good mentorship policies from government. South Africa can no longer afford “social business plans” in the land reform process; there is a need for sound farm business plans as a very important first step to feasible and sustainable farming ventures. The methodology developed in this study could become a valuable tool for government departments for directly measuring the quality of business plans and thereby indirectly the feasibility of land reform projects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om 'n metodiek te ontwikkel waarmee plaas besigheidsplanne geёalueer kan word vir die aansoek van skenkings (“grant”) fondse vir opkomende boere in die Kaapse Wynlandarea. Die studie fokus hoofsaaklik op twee tipes groepe, naamlik (i) plaas aandele skema groepe en (ii) individuele boere (minder as 10 lede per plaas). Die bemagtiging van opkomende boere is baie kompleks, daarom is dit baie belangrik om 'n gedetailleerde en omvattende besigheidsplan, gegrond op' n behoorlike ondersoek na die haalbaarheid, daar te stel. As 'n projek op papier nie haalbaar is nie, gaan dit nie sommer suksesvol wees in die praktyk nie. Vier LRAD besigheidsplanne per groep is geëvalueer teen 'n inhoudslys wat vanaf ‘n ideale plaas besigheidsplan saamgestel is. Dit is opgevolg met 'n vraelys om die huidige situasie op die plase te evalueer en die begrip van die besigheidsplan en sy elemente te toets. ‘n Duidelike kwaliteits verskil kan gesien word tussen die aandeel skema boere -en individuele boere se besigheidsplanne. Die gehalte van die aandeel skema boere se planne was in die meeste gevalle ongeveer 25 persent beter as dié van die individuele boere. Die studie kan 'n direkte lyn trek tussen die besigheidsplan inligting en die volhoubaarheid van die projekte. Die individuele boere- projekte onder oorsig sukkel om kop bo water te hou met 'n swak kontantvloei as hulle belangrikste nadeel. Aan die ander kant, is die aandeleskema projekte baie meer volhoubaar, maar meer fokus moet geplaas word op die ontwikkeling van die aandeelhouers se begrip van die finansiële kant van die boerdery asook eienaarskap op die plaas. Die tyd het aangebreek dat slegs haalbare projekte befonds moet word en dat die regering hierdie projekte moet ondersteun met goeie mentorskap beleid. Daar is nie meer plek vir "sosiale besigheids planne" in die Suid-Afrikaanse grondhervormingsproses nie. Goeie werkbare plaas besigheidsplanne is nodig as 'n baie belangrike eerste stap om volhoubare boerdery ondernemings daar te stel. Hierdie studie is 'n waardevolle hulpmiddel in die regering se hand vir die evaluering van besigheidsplanne van grondhervormings projekte.

Herstrukturering van die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor : kan kontrakboerdery 'n rol speel?

Kruger, Abraham Jakobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grondhervorming en dit wat daarmee gepaard gaan, is een van die hoekstene van die normalisering van ons samelewing en is sedert 1994 deel van die transformasieproses. Die huidige regering gaan uit van die oortuiging dat blywende vrede nie verkry kan word sonder dat dié ongelykhede reggestel word nie. Is daar ‘n antwoord op Suid-Afrika se ongelyke grondbesit, en kan kontrakboerdery 'n rol speel in die oorbrugging van die probleme? Een van die belangrikste aspekte van die regstelling van die ongeregtighede van die verlede, is die uitwissing van armoede, en in hierdie verband is Landbou 'n belangrike rolspeler. Ten einde armoede te bestry en werk te skep, moet die toekomstige generasie bemagtig word deur eienaarskap te versprei. Die Wet op Inheemse Grond van 1913, die Inheemse Trust- en Grondwet van 1936, en die Groepsgebiedewet van 1950 het swart Suid-Afrikaners die geleentheid ontneem om plaaseenhede te besit en te bedryf in die blanke gebiede van Suid- Afrika wat, soos ons almal weet, verreweg die grootste gedeelte van die land asook die meer produktiewe boerderygrond uitgemaak het. Die grondhervormingsproses streef om die erfenis van hierdie wette ongedaan te maak. Sedert die Suid-Afrikaanse grondhervormingsprogram in 1994 van stapel gestuur is, heers daar groot debat oor die beleid, implementeringstrategieë en die impak van sodanige pogings op landbougrond, die lewens van die bevoordeeldes, en die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Met die toename in skaal en kompleksiteit van grondhervorming het dit al hoe moeiliker vir die Regering geword om die proses te monitor en te evalueer. Dit is nou alombekend dat, behalwe vir kwantitatiewe aanwysings, daar baie leemtes bestaan in die inligting oor grondhervorming. In die lig van die veranderende aard van wêreld-landbou- en voedselmarkte en die voortspruitende behoefte vir vertikale integrasie van die voedselverskaffingskettings, het hierdie werkstuk ten doel om die rol van kontrakboerdery as 'n instelling te ondersoek, ten einde die voortgesette deelname te verseker van kleinboere in ontwikkelende lande in die markte vir hoëwaarde produkte. Die klem val spesifiek op die Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede vir grondhervorming. Die werkstuk bespreek die teoretiese rasionaal van kontrakboerdery, en illustreer hoe dié vorm van boerdery aangewend kan word om markmislukkings en a-simmetriese informasieprobleme te oorkom. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Land reform and associated matters are some of the cornerstones of the normalizing of our society and have been part of the transformation process since 1994. The present regime is of the conviction that lasting peace cannot be achieved without such unequalities being addressed. Is there an answer to unequal ownership of land in South Africa, and can contract farming play a role in bridging these problems? One of the most important aspects of the unrighteousness of the past, is poverty and in its eradication, agriculture is an important role player. In order to combat poverty and create jobs, the future generation must be empowered by ownership of the economy. The Indigenous Land Act of 1913, The Indigenous Trust and Land Act of 1936, and the Group Areas Act of 1950 deprived Black South Africans of the opportunity to own and run farming units within the white areas of South Africa that, as we all know, formed by far the largest part of the land as well as the more productive farming land. The land reformation process strives to annul the legacy of those laws. Since the South African land reform program was started in 1994, a heated debate has raged about the policy, implementation stategies, and impact of such efforts on agricultural land, the lives of the beneficiaries, and the South African economy. With the increase in scale and complexity of land reform, it became more and more difficult for the regime to monitor and evaluate the process. It is now common knowledge that, except for qualitative indications, many shortcomings are apparent in the information on land reform. In light of the changing nature of world agricultural and food markets and the subsequent need for vertical integration of the food-supply chains, this study aims at investigating the role of contract farming as an institution, in order to ensure the continued participation of small farmers in developing countries in the markets for high-value products. The emphasis falls specifically on the South African conditions for land reform. This study describes the theoretical rationale of contract farming, and illustrates how this form of farming can be applied to overcome market fiascos and assimmetrical information problems.


MAHOI, ISATA 27 May 2016 (has links)
Della proprietà astratta è associata con lo stato, potere e ricchezza nelle società più africane e terreni agricoli di proprietà appartiene agli uomini. Lo scopo di questo studio è di esaminare il legame tra proprietà fondiaria e differenze di genere nei sistemi di possesso della terra. Questo studio esplora l'accesso delle donne alla terra nell'ambito dei sistemi di consueto possesso. Rassegna i principali aspetti del contributo delle donne africane alla produzione alimentare e raccolto in contanti e offre alcuni suggerimenti per migliorare la loro partecipazione e intensificazione nel settore dei piccoli. Inoltre, lo studio esamina come i cambiamenti nella proprietà fondiaria, proprietà, accesso e diritti alla terra come conseguenza di leggi consuete stanno influenzando la produttività dell'agricoltura, sicurezza alimentare e lotta alla povertà. Il dibattito è incentrato sulle preoccupazioni di un'equa distribuzione tra uomini e donne e Guarda le donne rurali come operai agricoli a un livello in cui le disuguaglianze di genere coincidono. I risultati da questo studio illustrano la cultura predominante e le pratiche tradizionali ancora colpiscono le donne, andare a loro discapito a favore degli uomini per quanto riguarda l'ereditarietà e la diretta proprietà di terreni e proprietà in casa. Parole chiave: Equità di genere, Proprietà della terra, Riforma agraria, Sicurezza alimentare. / Landownership is associated with status, power and wealth in most African societies and agricultural land property belongs to men. The aim of this study is to examine the link between land ownership and gender differences in land tenure systems. This study explores women’s access to land under the customary tenure systems. It reviews the major aspects of African women's contribution to food and cash crop production and offers some suggestions to improve their participation and intensification in the smallholder sector. Also, the study examines how the changes in land tenure, ownership, access and rights to land as a consequence of customary laws are affecting agricultural productivity, food security and poverty alleviation. The debate is centred on concerns of equitable distribution among men and women and looks at rural women as agricultural workers at a level where gender inequalities coincide. The findings from this study illustrate the predominant culture and traditional practices still affect women, disadvantaging them in favour of men regarding inheritance and direct ownership of land and property in the household. Keywords: Gender Equity, Land ownership, Land Reform, Food Security.

Land reform in the Limpopo Province : a case study of the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality / Harry Mantaneng Phaahla

Phaahla, Harry Mantaneng January 2011 (has links)
My interest in this research was to interview leaders and members of the three communities within the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality as well as officials of the Regional Land Claims Commission (RLCC). The purpose of the discussions was to find out how the communities involved Government when lodging land claims. The three communities are, Bakwena Ba- Kopa, Bakgaga Ba-Kopa and Masakaneng. The research yielded the following findings: 1. All the three communities followed the correct procedures regarding the relevant legislation and policies when they lodged their land claims. 2. Government played its role through the RLCC by assisting the communities in their endeavor to have their land restored. 3. In the interaction between Government and the communities challenges were encountered that at times led to the delay of the settlements. 4. When the communities keep patient during the land claim processes and Government officials are dedicated to assist the communities, the chance of positive outcomes is maximised. There is evidence that Government made progress to ensure that the affected communities have the dispossessed land restored. However, there is still a lot to be done in addressing the outstanding issues. To handle these matters, as indicated below, co-ordination and interaction between Government and the communities is crucial. One can point out these obstacles by focusing on the three affected communities respectively. Masakaneng: There is a need to tackle the challenge of the concerned group that led to the emergence of another committee in the process. This delays the formal negotiations with the municipality to help facilitate the delivery of the necessary services. Bakwena Ba-Kopa: The role-players missed the time-frames that were targeted for settlement. Government will have to speed up the matter and finalise the settlement, seeing that the beneficiaries have been waiting for many years. Bakgaga Ba-Kopa: Only portion one of RietKloof was restored to the community. The community is eagerly awaiting Government to help facilitate the restoration of the remaining portion. This community also needs to play its part in ensuring that the other sections of the land are restored. It is important that they go back to the drawing board as beneficiaries and tackle the prevailing differences so that they end up with a unanimous stand on this matter. To conclude: It is quite evident that the democratic government post-1994 is committed and prepared to restore the dignity of the black people who were forcibly removed from land they and their ancestors occupied. Government is assisting in this matter by providing all the necessary resources to ensure that land restoration is a success. For Government to succeed, the affected communities must also play their role within the parameters of the relevant legislation. This is what the land Acts expect of all the beneficiaries. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

The role of education in land restitution, redistribution and restrictions as individual, group and national empowerment through land reform

Yeni, Clementine Sibongile January 2013 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Education, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2013. / This study is focused on the role of education to improve awareness of two critically important aspects of the South African situation 19 years after the first democratic elections in 1994. In the first instance, the study aims to augment the grades 10-12 Life Orientation curriculum to promote understanding and appreciation of land rights as human rights for every citizen in South Africa to address the social injustices of the past. In the second instance, the study focuses on grades 10-12 Agricultural Sciences curriculum to ensure that every learner who leaves school is in a position to care for land responsibly, and to use land productively for his or her own benefit and the benefit of others in the future. These foci have been informed by numerous interactions with people in four small communities on the Southern KwaZulu-Natal coast, who have been victims of landless as a result of the Group Areas act of 1960, and are claiming restitution for the land lost, and are required by law to make the restituted land productive. The study records first hand stories told about land ownership, landless, land claims, land restitution, and land (ab)use stories, in the form of narratives, such as autobiographies, auto-ethnographies, accounts of action research and self study. My research participants and I are the authors of our land stories. We tell our stories as a way of making the private public in the interests of a fair and just society. The forms of presentation include narratives, dialogues, playlets, literary references and critical reflections. The perspectives used include the native worldview, rurality as a dynamic, generative and variable milieu, the orality-literacy interface, the effect of oppression, and values and beliefs, customs and mores which (in)form a civil and civilised society. During the course of the study, the role of stories to reveal what is happening in the lives of those people most affected by unjust laws, and to empower them to take action in their own best interests became evident. The major role of education in land reforms cannot be overemphasized, which is why I have used what I have discovered from the many interactions with many people to inform two grades 10-12 school curricula: the grades 10-12 Life Orientation curriculum and the grades 10-12 Agricultural Sciences curriculum . / PDF Full-text unavailable. Please refer to hard copy for Full-text / D


SERGIO DE BRITTO CUNHA FILHO 13 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação procura abordar o atual marco regulatório das desapropriações por interesse social para fins de reforma agrária, formado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e pelas normas que a regulamentaram, analisando o seu processo de elaboração, o seu conteúdo e a sua aplicação. As atuais normas reguladoras da desapropriação por interesse social para fins de reforma agrária apresentam-se como desdobramento de uma luta política travada há tempos na sociedade brasileira, cujo desfecho ainda se encontra distante. Em razão disto, este conjunto normativo, além de contraditório e ambíguo, mostra- se claramente desfavorável à efetivação da reforma agrária, significando um retrocesso se comparado ao texto constitucional anterior, uma vez que provocou uma redução da capacidade expropriatória do Poder Executivo. Contudo, apesar disto, a partir de 1995, em razão da intensa pressão e da mobilização das organizações de trabalhadores rurais em torno da reforma agrária, houve um aumento considerável do número de desapropriações, de assentamentos e de famílias assentadas pelo governo federal. A investigação pretendida tem como principal referência teórica no campo da Teoria do Direito a obra do dinamarquês Alf Ross e busca contribuir para uma exata compreensão das dificuldades atualmente existentes para a realização de uma reforma agrária no Brasil e para um aperfeiçoamento da legislação referente às desapropriações para fins de reforma agrária. / [en] The present dissertation seeks to develop the actual regulatory dispossession landmark made by social interests with agrarian reform goal formed by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and by the laws that regularized it, analyzing its elaboration process, so much as its content and application. The present dispossession regulatory laws of the subject in analysis are the development of a long political struggle in the Brazilian society, struggle that shows no sign of ending in the near horizon. Thus, this conjoint of laws are not only contradictory and ambiguous but are also clearly contrary to the real effectiveness of the agrarian reform. Hitherto, it has been a retrocession to the agrarian reform if compared to the previous Constitution once it has diminished the Executive`s expropriatory capacity. Nevertheless, since 1995, because of the intense pression and the rural workers mobilization in favor of the agrarian reform there has been an increasing number of dispossession and of family settlements made by the federal government .In a nutshell, the intended investigation has as its main theorical reference in the general theory of law the Danish author Alf Ross. It also seeks to contribute to an exact comprehension of the nowadays barriers to the agrarian reform realization in Brazil and to a related legislation improvement.

Territorialização da monocultura de eucalipto e os impactos sobre a estrutura agrária no norte do Espírito Santo /

Lima, Adelso Rocha January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Paulon Girardi / Resumo: Este trabalho busca analisar a territorialização da monocultura de eucalipto e os impactos sobre a estrutura agrária no Norte do Espírito Santo. A partir da década de 1960, foi iniciado plantio de eucalipto em larga escala no Norte do Estado (ao norte do Rio Doce), principalmente em alguns municípios litorâneos, para abastecer a fábrica de papel e celulose instalada no município de Aracruz na década de 1970. Instalado inicialmente sobre as áreas de uso comunal de indígenas e quilombolas, nos municípios de Aracruz, São Mateus e Conceição da Barra, esse monocultivo foi sendo expandido para o conjunto dos municípios, dando uma nova configuração à estrutura agrária capixaba. Fibria, antiga Aracruz Celulose, e Suzano Papel e Celulose, duas empresas de grande influência no Espírito Santo e as maiores responsáveis pelos impactos na estrutura agrária capixaba, têm se utilizado da justificativa de demanda internacional de papel e celulose, mas também do Estado, enquanto financiador e legislador favorável a este projeto. Desterritorializando camponeses, provocando diversos conflitos e violência nesse período, em função dos impactos causados, como é o caso da concentração da terra e da produção, da formação do deserto verde, do bloqueio à reforma agrária, da questão ambiental, impactando o campo e a cidade. A análise documental, entre outras produções bibliográficas, foi a principal fonte de investigação, complementada a partir de pesquisa de campo, ouvindo lideranças de movimentos e do... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

The perceptions of young South Africans to the land reform : -A qualitative study of young people in Stellenbosch

Nilsson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of the land reform by the young population in Stellenbosch, South Africa. So far, the land reform that was implemented already in 1994, has not proven to be effective on the country’s huge inequality of land ownership between the black and white population. The white minority still own the majority of the land, due to historical injustices that developed through colonisation of South Africa and during the apartheid rule.  Since 2014, the discussions of the land reform have got more attention, both nationally and internationally, due to a new policy proposal called land expropriation without compensation. The objective of the thesis were therefore to gain an understanding on the perception of the land reform by both black and white people. To accomplish this, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with seven people from black ethnicities and seven people from white ethnicities. The interviews were outlined to analyse how grievance would be affected by the land reform, as well as if the respondents answers differed due to homogeneous characteristics. The main results from this research was that there were no indication on that the level of relative deprivation would be affected by the land reform. Although, the majority of the respondents stressed the importance of the land reform to be given the right support and attention by the government in order to be successful. This could in turn be seen as problematic whereas most of them did not express much trust for the government. In addition, the perception by the land reform could generally not be interconnected to a certain background characteristics. The answers to both of the research questions could be explained by the uncertainty about the implementation of the land reform.

O conflito organizado: uma abordagem faccional da organiza??o produtiva em assentamentos rurais do RN / Organized conflict: a factional approach to productive organization in rural settlements at RN

Fernandes, Melquisedeque de Oliveira 14 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-24T15:22:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Melquisedeque de Oliveira Fernandes.pdf: 1330146 bytes, checksum: 17d72060102273b283c533dc7ab97cd5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-24T15:22:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Melquisedeque de Oliveira Fernandes.pdf: 1330146 bytes, checksum: 17d72060102273b283c533dc7ab97cd5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This paper proposes to reflect over family farmers? productive organization, regarding their access to public policies, in two land reform settlements of Rio Grande do Norte state ? Brazil. Several studies have systematically pointed out that the conflict is inherent in the settlements organization. If on one hand the associative rationality is based on the convergence of personal interests, on the other, the heterogeneity of their trajectories of life and labor corroborates in the opposite direction. Emerges as issue the way they compose forms of reciprocity and mutual commitment, not necessarily fitted in terms of rights and duties of associative action. The factional dynamics takes place in this gap, articulating social networks, settled on their own conflict relationships. This happens, mainly, when some groups mobilize several moral constraints, creating the groups boundaries, when supporting or attacking one another. They reinforce, therefore, selective affinities of friendship, neighborhood, militancy and religion, which are linked to the contractual reciprocities, supporting common actions. The goal of this thesis is to offer an alternative approach of productive organization in the settlements, different from contractual arrangements or the "collectivism" present in the mediators actions / Este trabalho se prop?e a pensar a organiza??o produtiva de fam?lias assentadas no contato com pol?ticas p?blicas para agricultura familiar, em dois assentamentos rurais do Rio Grande do Norte. Diversos estudos t?m sistematicamente pautado a quest?o do conflito como um dado inerente ? organiza??o nos assentamentos. A esse respeito, h? um vazio entre os princ?pios de uma racionalidade associativa, introduzida como dispositivo comum de gest?o da terra, e a maneira como as fam?lias comp?em formas de reciprocidade e comprometimento. Se a racionalidade associativa se baseia na converg?ncia dos interesses dos sujeitos, a heterogeneidade de suas trajet?rias de vida e trabalho aponta na dire??o contraria. Emerge enquanto problem?tica a maneira como os sujeitos se organizam diante do contato com pol?ticas publicas. ? no vazio das reciprocidades contratuais que a din?mica faccional toma lugar, articulando tecidos sociais que se estabelecem nas pr?prias rela??es de conflito. Isso ocorre, sobremaneira, quando come?a a surgir no interior dos assentamentos grupos que cerram fileiras contra outros, passando a mobilizar uma serie de constrangimentos morais, enquanto criam as fronteiras dos grupos com base em discursos de suporte ou desqualifica??o da a??o do outro. Refor?am, desse modo, afinidades seletivas de amizade, vizinhan?a, milit?ncia e religi?o, que se articulam com as reciprocidades contratuais do associativismo, oferecendo organicidade para a??es comuns. A contribui??o deste trabalho materializa o intuito de oferecer uma interpreta??o ? organiza??o produtiva nos assentamentos, como alternativa aos preceitos contratuais do associativismo ou ao ?coletivismo? presente nas a??es dos mediadores

A configuração do êxodo rural no assentamento Santa Rosa II Abelardo Luz SC: uma análise em construção 1986/2008

Curioni, Antonio Sergio 15 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Sergio Curioni.pdf: 892657 bytes, checksum: 5d2a69daa35a20aaeb870791e4b32867 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present dissertation takes as an object the configuration of the rural exodus in the Assentamento Santa Rosa II Abelardo Luz, SC: an analysis in construction 1986/2008. The objective aims to understand and to analyse for why families that were established by the Movement of the Rural Workers Without Land (MST) in the Assentamento Santa Rosa II, in the local city of Abelardo, SC, after they suffer the whole process of occupation, eviction and definite registration, after his property is installed and organized they sold his share and migrated for city. The lifted hypothesis can be considered multifatorial, of objective and subjective nature, with distinction for the difficulties of survival in the agriculture, weakening in the acting of the MST near the fixed families and lack of leisure options, culture, sport and health in the Assentamento. The adopted concepts of reference were: agrarian question, migration, rural exodus, MST and Land reform, based on classic and contemporary authors of the areas of the rural sociology, economy, history, geography and political sciences. The inquiry is of qualitative nature, having like proceedings methodologic, the bibliographical lifting, the documentary inquiry and he was seeing Internet, the observation participant of the investigator, and the field work. Principal instrument of collection of data in the empirical inquiry was used, the interview semi-structured with topical advisors. There were interviewed six subjects chosen between 27 families that went out from the Assentamento priorizing the six people that migrated for the city of Abelardo it shines, what they were possible of being located. The got informations were analysed through analysis of content. The results of the inquiry pointed that the MST for the immigrants is characterized like a movement of release, of struggle for rights the land, Land reform, social justice, popular sovereignity, as well as, favorable formation partner-politics of his participants, which provides means of individual and collective growth, becoming a school of life, as well as provides conquests that go very much besides the land and the own house, like knowledge, freedom, dignity and spirit of citizenship. The results point still that, in spite of the mentioned conquests the interviewed ones left the Assentamento and migrated for the city, being the principal motives: very small land and with bad lands, lack of agricultural credit, providing a low production, besides the distance and the difficult access to resources like health, education, social work, culture, sport and leisure / A presente dissertação tem por objeto a configuração do êxodo rural no Assentamento Santa Rosa II Abelardo Luz, SC: uma análise em construção 1986/2008. O objetivo visa compreender e analisar por que famílias que foram assentadas pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) no assentamento Santa Rosa II no município de Abelardo, SC, depois de passarem por todo o processo de ocupação, despejo e assentamento definitivo, após se instalarem e organizarem sua propriedade venderam seus lote e migraram para cidade. A hipótese levantada pode ser considerada multifatorial, de natureza objetiva e subjetiva, com destaque para as dificuldades de sobrevivência na agricultura, enfraquecimento na atuação do MST junto às famílias assentadas e falta de opções de lazer, cultura, esporte e saúde no assentamento. Os conceitos adotados de referência foram: questão agrária, migração, êxodo rural, MST e Reforma Agrária, baseados em autores clássicos e contemporâneos das áreas da sociologia rural, economia, história, geografia e ciências políticas. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, tendo como procedimentos metodológicos, o levantamento bibliográfico, a pesquisa documental e via internet, a observação participante do pesquisador, e a pesquisa de campo. Como instrumento principal de coleta de dados na pesquisa empírica foi utilizado, a entrevista semi-estruturada com tópicos orientadores. Foram entrevistados seis sujeitos, escolhidos entre as 27 famílias que saíram do assentamento priorizando as seis que migraram para a cidade de Abelardo luz, as quais foram possíveis de serem localizadas. As informações conseguidas foram analisadas por meio de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que o MST para os imigrantes caracteriza-se como um movimento de libertação, de luta por direitos a terra, Reforma Agrária, justiça social, soberania popular, bem como, propicia formação sócio-política dos seus participantes, o que proporciona possibilidades de crescimento individual e coletivo, tornando-se uma escola de vida, bem como proporciona conquistas que vão muito além da terra e da casa própria, como conhecimento, liberdade, dignidade e espírito de cidadania. Os resultados apontam ainda que, apesar das conquistas mencionadas os entrevistados deixaram o assentamento e migraram para a cidade, sendo os principais motivos: terreno muito pequeno e com terras ruins, falta de credito agrícola, proporcionando uma baixa produção, além da distância e o difícil acesso a recursos como saúde, educação, assistência social, cultura, esporte e lazer

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