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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verbanvändning vid skriftlig produktion hos avancerade inlärare av svenska som andraspråk / Verb usage in the written free production of advanced learners of Swedish as a second language

Tranefeldt, Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen undersöker verbanvändningen i skriftlig produktion hos en grupp avancerade svenska som andraspråkselever. Studien granskar såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa aspekter i elevernas verbordförråd. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga L2-elevernas verbvokabulär med avseende på frekvens, variation, fördelning över semantiska fält samt semantisk och konstruktionsmässig korrekthet. L2-gruppens resultat kontrasteras mot en kontrollgrupp bestående av L1-elever. Undersökningsmaterialet består av 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som andraspråk samt 20 argumenterande uppsatser skrivna av komvuxelever med svenska som förstaspråk. Samtliga verb har extraherats, räknats och, i de fall det varit tillämpbart, satts in i ett av de 13 semantiska fält som undersökts i uppsatsen. De olika typer av inkorrekt verbanvändning som påträffats i materialet har kategoriserats utifrån feltyp. De typer av fel som varit av intresse i denna studie är konstruktionsfel i prefixverb, reflexivverb, partikelverb samt fel i verb + substantiv- kollokationer. Förutom konstruktionsfel undersöker uppsatsen även primärt semantiska fel, dvs. fel som i första hand har att göra med verbets semantiska betydelse. Undersökningsresultatet visar att verbfrekvensen hos L2-talarna är lägre i jämförelse med L1-gruppen. Orsaken därtill är att L1-uppsatserna i snitt är längre än L2-uppsatserna och därmed innehåller många fler verb. Det verkar inte föreligga någon anmärkningsvärd skillnad i verbvariationen om man ser till verben i sin helhet. Vissa semantiska fält är dock mer utbyggda och mer varierade i L1-gruppen.         Verbfrekvenstabellerna visar att andelen partikelverb är hälften så stor i L2-gruppen jämfört med L1-gruppen. Listan över de 20 vanligaste verben visar att andraspråkseleverna, vid en jämförelse med L1-eleverna, underanvänder verben få och ska och överanvänder säga, vilja och finnas. Eftersom inga fler indikationer på överanvändning av kärnverb ges i materialet måste just detta interimspråkdrag ses som en mycket begränsad företeelse hos de avancerade L2-eleverna.         De allra vanligaste feltyperna hos såväl L1- som L2-talare är av primärt semantisk karaktär. Bland dessa fel är, i L2-gruppen, fel kopplade till det semantiska fältets betydelsesidoordning vanligast. Det innebär att studien pekar mot att det som ställer till mest problem för andraspråkseleverna, när det gäller verblexikonet, är sådant som har att göra med semantisk precisering och nyansering, dvs. att välja rätt synonym. / Abstract This essay deals with lexical competence in written language production among advanced learners of Swedish as a second language. The study focuses on the use of verbs with regard to both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The aim of this essay is to examine the L2-learners verb vocabulary, paying attention to frequency, variation, distribution in semantic fields as well as semantic and constructional correctness. The results of the investigations are compared to the results of a control group consisting of L1-speakers.         The material in the present investigation consists of 40 argumentative essays written by 20 adult students with Swedish as their second language and 20 adult students with Swedish as their first language. All students were enrolled in an adult education program, attending the courses Swedish as a second language B and Swedish B at senior high school level.         All verbs have been extracted, counted and, where applicable, inserted into the 13 semantic fields which are examined in this study. Errors in connection with the use of verb have been categorized according to two major error types, i.e. constructional errors (errors connected to prefixed verbs, reflexive verbs, particle verbs, and errors in verb + noun combinations) and primarily semantic errors.         The investigation demonstrates that the verb frequency is lower in the L2-group compared to the L1-group. The higher verb frequency in the L1-group is probably due to the, on average, longer essays in that particular group.            The verb frequency tables show that use of particle verbs is twice as high in the L1-essays compared to the L2-essays. The tables of the 20 most common verbs demonstrate that L2-students, compared to the L1-students, tend to underuse certain verbs and overuse others. Three verbs that are particularly overused by the L2-students, are säga, vilja and finnas, while the verbs få and ska underused to a great extent by the same group. The tree overused verbs are nuclear verbs in their specific semantic fields (VERBAL COMMUNICATION, WISH and EXISTENCE). Apart from the overuse of these nuclear verbs the investigation material does not give further indications of overuse of nuclear verbs. This shows that overuse of nuclear verbs as an interlanguage feature is not particularly prominent in the advanced L2-learners.              There does not seem to be any notable difference in verb variation when looking at the verbs in their entirety. However, certain semantic fields are more extended and more varied in the L1-group.         In the essays written by the L1-students there are very few occurrences of constructional errors. The most frequent error type, in both student groups, is of a semantic nature. The L2-material shows that the most common semantic error is related to the horizontal structure (and not the vertical structure) of the semantic fields. This means that L2-students find it hard to differ between synonyms in the same semantic field at the same hierarchical level. The current study thus indicates that, as far as the verb vocabulary goes, the L2-students main difficulty is semantic specification, i.e. choosing the right synonym. Among the combinatory errors, the errors connected to verb + noun combinations have the highest frequency.

As palavras de origem africana em O sumiço da Santa de Jorge Amado / Words of African Origin in The War of the Saints by Jorge Amado

Olofsson, Veronica January 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o aporte de línguas africanas no português do Brasil através da análise dos africanismos lexicais encontrados em uma obra literária moderna. A obra que está sendo analisada é O sumiço da Santa de Jorge Amado (1988). Identificam-se as palavras de origem africana na obra e verifica-se se as mesmas palavras e expressões podem ser encontradas em duas edições do dicionário Aurélio. Uma das edições é de 1986, ou seja, dois anos antes da publicação do livro em questão, enquanto a outra é de 2008. Os resultados mostram que os dicionários citam obras de Jorge Amado para ilustrar o uso de algumas das palavras e que, em termos gerais, a edição mais recente inclui algumas palavras mais que a mais antiga, mas que incorpora informações mais específicas sobre o léxico de origem africana no que diz respeito à sua origem e âmbitos de uso ou campos semânticos. / The aim of this study is to analyze the contribution of African languages in Brazilian Portuguese by analyzing the lexical Africanisms found in a modern literary work. The book that is being analyzed is The War of the Saints by Jorge Amado (1988). The words of African origin are identified and then these words and expressions are searched for in two editions of the Aurélio, a common Brazilian dictionary. One of the issues of this dictionary is from 1986, i.e. two years before the publication of the book in question, while the other is from 2008. The results show that the dictionaries cite the works of Jorge Amado to illustrate the use of some of the words and, in general terms, the most recent edition includes a few words more than the oldest, but it incorporates more specific information about the lexicon of African origin with respect to its origin, scope of use and semantic domains. / Syftet med följande uppsats är att analysera ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk vilka går att återfinna i portugisiskan som talas i Brasilien, utifrån en analys av orden av afrikanskt ursprung återfunna i ett modernt litterärt verk. Det litterära verk som kommer att analyseras är O sumiço da Santa av Jorge Amado (1988). Orden med ursprung i afrikanska språk identifieras i verket, för att därefter sökas efter i två upplagor av den brasilianska ordboken Aurélio. Den ena upplagan är från 1986, det vill säga två år innan den vidare analyserade boken publicerades, och den andra upplagan är från 2008. Resultaten påvisar att ordböckerna citerar Jorge Amados litterära verk i beskrivingen av somliga ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk. Generellt påvisar resultaten även att den nyare upplagan av ordboken innehåller några fler ord med ursprung i afrikanska språk jämfört med den äldre upplagan, samt att den nyare upplagan redovisar tydligare information gällande lexikonet som härstammar från afrikanska språk gällande ordets ursprung, betydelse samt inom vilket användningsområde eller kontext ordet används.

Lexicon-Free Recognition Strategies For Online Handwritten Tamil Words

Sundaram, Suresh 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we address some of the challenges involved in developing a robust writer-independent, lexicon-free system to recognize online Tamil words. Tamil, being a Dravidian language, is morphologically rich and also agglutinative and thus does not have a finite lexicon. For example, a single verb root can easily lead to hundreds of words after morphological changes and agglutination. Further, adoption of a lexicon-free recognition approach can be applied to form-filling applications, wherein the lexicon can become cumbersome (if not impossible) to capture all possible names. Under such circumstances, one must necessarily explore the possibility of segmenting a Tamil word to its individual symbols. Modern day Tamil alphabet comprises 23 consonants and 11 vowels forming a total combination of 313 characters/aksharas. A minimal set of 155 distinct symbols have been derived to recognize these characters. A corpus of isolated Tamil symbols (IWFHR database) is used for deriving the various statistics proposed in this work. To address the challenges of segmentation and recognition (the primary focus of the thesis), Tamil words are collected using a custom application running on a tablet PC. A set of 10000 words (comprising 53246 symbols) have been collected from high school students and used for the experiments in this thesis. We refer to this database as the ‘MILE word database’. In the first part of the work, a feedback based word segmentation mechanism has been proposed. Initially, the Tamil word is segmented based on a bounding box overlap criterion. This dominant overlap criterion segmentation (DOCS) generates a set of candidate stroke groups. Thereafter, attention is paid to certain attributes from the resulting stroke groups for detecting any possible splits or under-segmentations. By relying on feedbacks provided by a priori knowledge of attributes such as number of dominant points and inter-stroke displacements the recognition label and likelihood of the primary SVM classifier linguistic knowledge on the detected stroke groups, a decision is taken to correct it or not. Accordingly, we call the proposed segmentation as ‘attention feedback segmentation’ (AFS). Across the words in the MILE word database, a segmentation rate of 99.7% is achieved at symbol level with AFS. The high segmentation rate (with feedback) in turn improves the symbol recognition rate of the primary SVM classifier from 83.9% (with DOCS alone) to 88.4%. For addressing the problem of segmentation, the SVM classifier fed with the x-y trace of the normalized and resampled online stroke groups is quite effective. However, the performance of the classifier is not robust to effectively distinguish between many sets of similar looking symbols. In order to improve the symbol recognition performance, we explore two approaches, namely reevaluation strategies and language models. The reevaluation techniques, in particular, resolve the ambiguities in base consonants, pure consonants and vowel modifiers to a considerable extent. For the frequently confused sets (derived from the confusion matrix), a dynamic time warping (DTW) approach is proposed to automatically extract their discriminative regions. Dedicated to each confusion set, novel localized cues are derived from the discriminative region for their disambiguation. The proposed features are quite promising in improving the symbol recognition performance of the confusion sets. Comparative experimental analysis of these features with x-y coordinates are performed for judging their discriminative power. The resolving of confusions is accomplished with expert networks, comprising discriminative region extractor, feature extractor and SVM. The proposed techniques improve the symbol recognition rate by 3.5% (from 88.4% to 91.9%) on the MILE word database over the primary SVM classifier. In the final part of the thesis, we integrate linguistic knowledge (derived from a text corpus) in the primary recognition system. The biclass, bigram and unigram language models at symbol level are compared in terms of recognition performance. Amongst the three models, the bigram model is shown to give the highest recognition accuracy. A class reduction approach for recognition is adopted by incorporating the language bigram model at the akshara level. Lastly, a judicious combination of reevaluation techniques with language models is proposed in this work. Overall, an improvement of up to 4.7% (from 88.4% to 93.1%) in symbol level accuracy is achieved. The writer-independent and lexicon-free segmentation-recognition approach developed in this thesis for online handwritten Tamil word recognition is promising. The best performance of 93.1% (achieved at symbol level) is comparable to the highest reported accuracy in the literature for Tamil symbols. However, the latter one is on a database of isolated symbols (IWFHR competition test dataset), whereas our accuracy is on a database of 10000 words and thus, a product of segmentation and classifier accuracies. The recognition performance obtained may be enhanced further by experimenting on and choosing the best set of features and classifiers. Also, the word recognition performance can be very significantly improved by using a lexicon. However, these are not the issues addressed by the thesis. We hope that the lexicon-free experiments reported in this work will serve as a benchmark for future efforts.

Asymmetric Grammatical Gender Systems in the Bilingual Mental Lexicon

Klassen, Rachel January 2016 (has links)
The nature of the bilingual mental lexicon and how the L1 and the L2 interact in language production and processing has been the focus of decades of research from linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives. In spite of this significant body of evidence, the degree to which the L1 influences L2 production and processing remains an area of debate, especially with respect to formal features such as grammatical gender. While it is clear that non-nativelike production and processing of L2 grammatical gender persist even in highly-proficient adult bilinguals, the underlying representation of the L1 and L2 gender features and how this representation affects the use of gender in the L2 is currently unclear. Furthermore, there is no evidence at present regarding the nature of the L1-L2 grammatical gender system when the L1 and the L2 have asymmetric gender systems (in other words, differ in number of gender values), as is the case with German, which bears three gender values (masculine, feminine and neuter), and Spanish and French, which each display two gender values (masculine and feminine). This dissertation investigates the representation of and interactions between the L1 and the L2 at the level of the formal gender feature, with a particular focus on language pairings with asymmetric gender systems. Through complementary data from L2 production and processing, I examine the representation of the asymmetric grammatical gender systems in the mental lexicon of L1 Spanish-L2 German and L1 French-L2 German bilinguals and the consequences this asymmetry between the L1 and L2 gender systems has on gender use strategies in the L2. From the perspective of bilingual lexical access, this research contributes new evidence to inform existing psycholinguistic theories of L1-L2 gender interactions and also proposes the Asymmetric gender representation hypothesis, a new model to account for the unique integrated nature of the gender system in bilinguals with L1-L2 asymmetric gender systems. From a language acquisition perspective, the present study provides new data on L2 gender use strategies with asymmetric gender systems, formulating the L1 transfer continuum, which extends existing proposals to include the degree of (a)symmetry between the L1 and the L2. This research also connects theoretical proposals regarding gender agreement in functional-lexical code-switches (specifically, switches within the Determiner Phrase such as dieGER-F mesaSPA-F or elSPA-M TischGER-M) to bilinguals’ preferences in code-switching between two languages that display formal gender. Taken together, all of these complementary perspectives addressed in this dissertation offer a well-rounded perspective of grammatical gender in asymmetric gender systems specifically, and contribute novel evidence regarding the interactions between the L1 and the L2 in the bilingual mental lexicon in general.

Le lexique-grammaire des verbes du grec moderne : constructions transitives non locatives à un complément d’objet direct / The lexicon-grammar of Modern Greek verbs : transitive non locative constructions with one direct object

Voskaki, Ourania 25 March 2011 (has links)
Cette étude a pour objectif la description syntaxique et sémantique des constructions transitives non locatives à un complément d'objet direct en grec moderne : N0 V N1. Nous nous sommes appuyée sur le cadre théorique de la grammaire transformationnelle de Zellig S. Harris et sur le cadre méthodologique du Lexique-Grammaire, défini par Maurice Gross et développé au Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique. À partir de 16 560 entrées verbales morphologiques, nous procédons à la classification des constructions transitives non locatives, à partir de 24 classes distinctes, sur la base de critères formels posés. Un inventaire de 2 934 emplois verbaux à construction transitive non locative à un complément d'objet direct a été ainsi produit et scindé en neuf classes. Parmi ces emplois, 1 884 sont formellement décrits dans 9 tables de lexique-grammaire établies : plus précisément, il s'agit de celles qui impliquent des constructions à un complément d'objet direct illustrant les concepts « apparition » (table 32GA), « disparition » (32GD), objet « concret » (32GC), « partie du corps » (32GCL), substantif « humain » (32GH), substantif avec « pluriel obligatoire » (32GPL). En outre, la transformation passive est largement interdite pour les emplois verbaux recensés dans la table 32GNM, alors que les tables 32GCV et 32GRA regroupent des verbes acceptant une transformation à verbe support. Nous présentons l'application des données linguistiques recensées dans le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN), avec la conversion automatique des tables en automates à états finis récursifs, suivie de nos suggestions sur leur applicabilité à la traduction en français et à l'enseignement du grec moderne (langue maternelle ou étrangère) : acquisition/apprentissage / The current research aims to provide a syntactic and semantic analysis of Modern Greek transitive non-locative constructions with one direct object: N0 V N1. Our study is based on the syntactic framework of the Transformational Grammar defined by Zellig S. Harris. We followed the Lexicon-Grammar methodology framework developed by Maurice Gross and elaborated at the LADL (Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique). Based on 16 560 morphological verbal entries, we proceeded to the classification of transitive non-locative constructions. On the basis of formal criteria we divided them into 24 distinct classes that formed an inventory of 2 934 transitive non-locative verbal uses with one direct object. Among them, 1 884 verbal uses were split into nine classes and they were formally described in 9 lexicon-grammar tables established for this purpose. More precisely, these structures include a direct object referring to the following concepts: “appearance” (32GA table), “disappearance” (32GD), “concrete” object (32GC), “body part” (32GCL), “human” object (32GH), and “obligatory plural” (32GPL). Likewise, the passive transformation is largely blocked in the 32GNM table, while the 32GCV and 32GRA tables regroup verbs accepting a support verb transformation. We present the linguistic data application in Natural Language Processing (NLP), by means of automatic tables conversion into recursive transition network automata. Moreover, we set forth our remarks on their applicability in translation from Modern Greek to French as well as in language learning/teaching (Modern Greek as first or second language)

Análisis de la imagen del pueblo colombiano en la prensa nacional española a través del léxico

Quijano Urreste, John Freddy 01 September 2016 (has links)
[EN] The image of the Colombian people has been built up in the Spanish press over the past decades. The atmosphere creating the image and the lexical universe is limited to certain themes and this has meant that the discourse used in the Spanish newspapers follows concrete patterns, mainly related to immigration, crime, hired killers and drug trafficking.. The continuous publication of these themes highlights characteristics and manifestations with a clearly negative tendency, where as the argumentation is based on political instability and delinquency. Thus, the national Spanish newspapers focus their publications mainly on criminal activities carried out by Colombians in Spain, from theft to murder, and on the situation in Colombia, relating topics like poverty and extreme violence, generating a direct reaction in the imagination of the readers and spreading the representation of Columbians as delinquents, poor people and outcast victims of an internal conflict and as criminals and drug traffickers. This link has made it possible to have a clear concept with concrete characteristics. That image, embedded in their way of thinking, allows for a specific concept about the Colombians, even in news topics where the nationality of the person concerned has not been specified. The governmental politics concerning immigration, concealed in the media, has managed to establish a sense of fear and rejection towards Colombians. Therefore, the transmission of information focused mainly on criminal activities, in combination with the arguments of the Spanish government, has dominated national public opinion. Within this framework, the present study examines the image of the Colombian people, recreated in the Spanish press through the lexical and thematic content in their publications during the year 2011. The study centers on the keywords that represent the focus group, abbreviated here as C5: Colombia, colombiano, colombiana, colombianos and colombianas, and that conjure up a specific idea in the imagination of the readers. The objective of the present study is to identify, by means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the discourse, the patterns that lead to the creation of a partial image of the Colombian people, as well as to highlight the continuity of the same patterns, contrasting with the results of previous investigation about the C5. To achieve this goal, the corpus of the news articles (821,321 words) was compiled, extracted from the digital newspaper archives, these being amongst the diaries with the highest circulation in the Spanish territory. All the news articles were published between the 1st of January and the 31st of December of the year 2011. This corpus allowed us to analyze the contents of 1491 articles that mentioned in some way or another the variants of the C5. The analysis used methods appropriate in corpus linguistics as well as tools and approaches of content analysis (quantitative) and critical discourse analysis (qualitative). The theoretic framework is based mainly on studies about the role of journalism, the principal theories of Agenda Setting, Frame Theory, Relevance Theory, Language and Power, persuasion tools, control and manipulation, discourses that form ideologies, Operation LUDECO, stereotypes and critical discourse analysis. According to the study of the basic systems of shared beliefs, the organization of the representation of the Colombian people, with the connotation as mentioned before, in the imagination of the readers is still going on. In this sense, this may indicate the power the mass media exerts, the control and authority that are reflected in a discursive manner in the products of communication, and that this represents a way of direct reproduction of the power of the elite, of its control and abuse of power. / [ES] Desde hace más de dos décadas la imagen del pueblo colombiano se ha venido construyendo gota a gota. La atmosfera que ha encerrado su imagen y el universo léxico delimitado a temáticas especificas, han dictado el referente discursivo en los diarios españoles con patrones concretos, vinculados principalmente a la inmigración, crimen, sicariato y narcotráfico. Las constantes publicaciones de estas temáticas tendieron a resaltar características y manifestaciones de referente claramente negativo, donde la argumentación se elaboró desde la inestabilidad y la delincuencia. De esta forma, los diarios nacionales españoles centraron sus publicaciones, en su mayoría, a sucesos delictivos de colombianos en España que iban desde el robo hasta el asesinato, y de Colombia desde la pobreza hasta la violencia extrema, provocando una reacción directa en los imaginarios de los lectores y diseminando la representación de este colectivo como delincuentes, pobres y marginados víctimas de la guerra interna y victimarios por ser los narcotraficantes. La adjetivación y el señalamiento posibilitaron tener un referente claro con características concretas. Esta imagen acuñada en sus pensamientos permitió tener un referente de este colectivo, incluso en noticias donde no se señaló la nacionalidad del implicado. Las políticas de gobierno con referente a la inmigración, disimuladas a través de los medios, lograron instaurar un sentido de miedo y rechazo hacia el colectivo colombiano. De esta manera, la transmisión de información enfocada principalmente en hechos delictivos y bajo el argumento de los organismos de estado, se transformó en opinión pública nacional. Desde este marco referencial, el presente trabajo de investigación examina la imagen del pueblo colombiano recreado en los diarios españoles a través del uso léxico y temático de sus publicaciones en el 2011. El estudio se centra en palabras clave que representan a este pueblo (C5: Colombia, colombiano, colombiana, colombianos y colombianas) que concretan la idea en los imaginarios de los receptores. El análisis tiene como meta identificar, mediante el análisis discursivo cuantitativo y cualitativo, patrones que ayudan a la creación de una imagen parcializada del colombiano, como también resaltar la continuidad de los mismos patrones contrastando los resultados de los análisis con anteriores investigaciones realizadas hacia el C5. Para lograr este objetivo, el corpus de noticias periodísticas está constituído con unas 821,321 palabras, extraídas de las hemerotecas digitales de éstos dos diarios que están entre los de mayor tirada en el territorio español. Todas las noticias fueron publicadas entre el 1 enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2011. Este corpus nos permitió analizar las publicaciones de 1491 artículos donde se mencionó de alguna forma a las variantes de C5. Para concretar el fin, el método de análisis utilizó elementos de la lingüística del corpus, así como herramientas y enfoques propios del análisis de contenido (cuantitativo) y del análisis crítico del discurso (discursivo). El marco teórico se basó principalmente en estudios sobre el papel del periodismo, ideas principales de la Agenda setting, Teoría del encuadre (Frame), Teoría de la relevancia, Lengua y poder, Herramientas de persuasión, control y manipulación, Discurso formador de ideología, Operación LUDECO, Estereotipo, y del Análisis crítico del discurso. Conforme al estudio de los sistemas básicos de creencias compartidas, todavía se continúan organizando en el imaginario de los receptores la representación del colombiano enmarcado dentro de la connotación descrita anteriormente. En este sentido, esto sería solo una forma de indicar que el poder de los medios de comunicación ejerce un control y dominio que se refleja en lo discursivo en el trabajo de los productos comunicativos, y que podría representar una forma de reproducción directa del poder de la / [CAT] Des de fa més de dos dècades la imatge del poble colombià s'ha construït gota a gota. L'atmosfera que ha tancat la seua imatge i l'univers lèxic delimitat a temàtiques específiques, han dictat el referent discursiu en els diaris espanyols amb patrons concrets, vinculats principalment a la immigració, crim, sicariat i narcotràfic. Les constants publicacions d'estes temàtiques van tendir a ressaltar característiques i manifestacions de referent clarament negatiu, on l'argumentació es va elaborar des de la inestabilitat i la delinqüència. D'esta manera, els diaris nacionals espanyols van centrar les seues publicacions, majoritàriament, a successos delictius de colombians a Espanya que anaven des del robatori fins a l'assassinat, i de Colòmbia des dela pobresa fins a la violència extrema, provocant una reacció directa en els imaginaris dels lectors i disseminant la representació d'este col.lectiu com a delinqüents, pobres i marginats víctimes de la guerra interna i victimaris per ser els narcotraficants. L'adjectivació i l'assenyalament van possibilitar tindre un referent clar amb característiques concretes. Estaimatge encunyada en els seus pensaments va permetre tindre un referent d'este col.lectiu, fins i tot en notícies on no es va assenyalar la nacionalitat de l'implicat. Les polítiques de govern amb referent a la immigració, dissimulades a través dels mitjans, van aconseguir instaurar un sentit de por i rebuig cap al col.lectiu colombià. D'aquesta manera, la transmissió d'informació enfocada principalment en fets delictius i sota l'argument dels organismes d'estat, es va transformar en opinió pública nacional. Des d'este marc referencial, el present treball d'investigació examina la imatge del poble colombià recreat als diaris espanyols a través de lús lèxic i temàtic deles seues publicacions en el 2011. L'estudi es centra en paraules clau que representen a este poble (C5: Colòmbia, colombià, colombiana, colombians i colombianes) que concreten la idea en els imaginaris dels receptors. L'anàlisi té com a meta identificar, mitjançant l'anàlisi discursiu quantitatiu i qualitatiu, patrons que ajuden a la creació d'una imatge parcialitzada del colombià, com tambéressaltar la continuïtat dels mateixos patrons contrastant els resultats de les anàlisis amb anteriors investigacions realitzades cap al C5. Per a aconseguir este objectiu, el corpus de notícies periodístiques està constituït amb unes 821,321 paraules, extretes de les hemeroteques digitals d'estos dos diaris que estan entre els de major tirada al territori espanyol. Totes les notícies van ser publicades entre l'1 de gener i el 31 de desembre de 2011. Este corpus ens va permetre analitzarles publicacions de 1491 articles on es va mencionar d'alguna manera a les variants de C5. Per a concretar el fi, el mètode d'anàlisi va utilitzar elements de la lingüística del corpus, així com ferramentes i enfocaments propis de l'anàlisi de contingut (quantitatiu) ide l'anàlisi crític del discurs (qualitatiu). El marc teòric es va basar principalment en estudis sobre el paper del periodisme, idees principals de l'Agenda setting, Teoria de l'enquadre (Frame), Teoria de la relevància, LLengua i poder, Ferramentes de persuasió, control i manipulació, Discurs formador de ideologia, Operació LUDECO, Estereotipus, i de l'Anàlisi crític del discurs. Conforme a l'estudi dels sistemes bàsics de creences compartides, encara es continuen organitzant en l'imaginari dels receptors la representació del colombià emmarcat dins de la connotació descrita anteriorment. En este sentit, açò seria només una forma d'indicar que el poder dels mitjans de comunicació exercix un controli domini que es reflexa en allò que és discursiu en el treball dels productes comunicatius, i que podria representar una forma de reproducció directa del poder de les elits, de domini i abús de poder. / Quijano Urreste, JF. (2016). Análisis de la imagen del pueblo colombiano en la prensa nacional española a través del léxico [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68504 / TESIS


Daniela Marinho Ribeiro (10725957) 30 April 2021 (has links)
<p>A great deal of the research on cross-linguistic phonetic influence demonstrates that a speaker’s knowledge of their first language (L1) significantly affects their ability to perceive and produce sounds in any other language. While current studies show that cross-linguistic transfer occurs at the L3 level, some research suggests that properties of both L1 and L2 are present in the production of L3 (Ionin, Montrul & Santos, 2011). Many studies have addressed perception, production and factors that influence foreign speech in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Watkins, Rauber & Baptista, 2009). As the number of multilingual individuals rises, so does the need for studies that investigate not only SLA but also that of additional languages (i.e., Third Language Acquisition). This dissertation examines how cross-linguistic influence (CLI) occurs among English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese (BP), examining instances of vowel reduction, an aspect of phonological production. English and BP are assumed as vowel reducing languages, whereas Spanish displays negligible vowel reduction in comparison. The vowel productions in L3 BP of two multilingual groups, L1English-L2Spanish-L3BP (ESP) and L1 Spanish-L2 English-BP (SEP) were investigated in two tasks: a paragraph reading task (PRT) and a carrier phrase task (CPT). The study sought to determine whether i) a native speaker of a vowel reducing L1 and a non-vowel reducing L2 displays more or less vowel reduction in a vowel reducing L3 than a native speaker of a non-vowel reducing L1 and vowel reducing L2 and ii) how length of exposure to an L3 affects phonological production. Three fixed effects were considered: duration ratio, intensity ratio and height (F1). The goal was to ascertain whether the Typological Primacy Model (TPM) (Rothman 2011, 2015) or the L2 Status Factor Model (Bardel & Falk 2007, 2012; Hammarberg, 2001) would be a better predictor for how vowel reduction would occur in the L3. Results for duration ratio and vowel height showed no significant difference between groups ESP and SEP. Results for intensity ratio suggest L2 Status as a better predictor, as group SEP displayed more phonological transfer than the ESP group. A hybrid approach to L3 acquisition models is proposed. </p>

Nářeční slovník jihozápadního Vsetínska / Dialect Dictionary of Southwest Part of the Vsetin Region

Goláňová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
There are only few dialect regions within Czech language territory, where a systematic dialect research can be made, since the traditional territorial dialect irreversibly disappears. In the northern part of the East-Moravian dialect region we would find Valachian region, where the dialect is still maintained alive, and where the lexicon collected in Dialect dictionary of southwest part of the Vsetin region (hereinafter as DDSV) originates. During the field survey I managed to collect a rich lexical material, on the basis of which the DDSV consisting of 2.027 basic and 427 referential lexical units was created. DDSV is a type of local, alphabetic and differential dictionary. The aim of this work is mainly to catch and elaborate the lexicon collected in DDSV, based on contemporary lexicographical methods. A differential approach was used at the selection of phraseology, it means, that achieved lexical material was thoroughly confronted with Czech explanatory dictionaries. The dialect research for DDSV was made among the members of the oldest generation (above 60 years). Among the youngest generation (under 30 years), a research for inter-generation comparison of the lexicon of substantive semantic register area of meals, drinks and smoking was led, focused at sub-groups poléfka, máčka, kaša, placka...


James M Stratton (9248147) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>The question of whether second languages (L2s) are best learned implicitly or explicitly has been a topic of much empirical discourse, with the majority of studies pointing to the benefits of explicit instruction when learning L2 grammar rules. However, given the focus on grammar, it is unclear how generalizable these findings are to other linguistic domains, such as L2 speech and L2 vocabulary. The previous focus on laboratory-based settings, and the language bias in the literature, also make it unclear how ecologically valid and applicable these findings are to the real world. To address these macro research questions, two experiments were carried out on English-speaking L2 learners of German.</p> <p>Experiment I (ExI) investigated the effects of implicit and explicit learning on the acquisition of Final Obstruent Devoicing and Dorsal Fricative Assimilation. The effect of the two learning conditions on L2 perception was also measured using a perceptual discrimination task and a perceptual identification task. Experiment II (ExII) investigated the effects of explicit historical instruction on the learning of English-German cognates, which were compared to the effects of a non-explicit learning condition. To examine whether declarative knowledge of relevant historical changes can aid in vocabulary learning, an explicit condition received instruction on the Second Germanic Sound Shift, Ingvæonic Palatalization, and relevant historical semantic changes. Both experiments followed a pre-/post-/delayed-post-test design.</p> <p>Results indicate that the two explicit conditions significantly outperformed the non-explicit conditions, suggesting that explicit learning and explicit instruction can be beneficial when learning L2 speech and L2 vocabulary. In ExI, acoustic analyses of learner speech samples indicate that the explicit condition was more successful in the learning of the two phonological rules. In ExII, the explicit condition was more successful in the identification and learning of cognates, suggesting that knowledge of language history, and instruction on applied historical linguistics, can be beneficial when learning a language that is historically related to a language that learners already speak. The results from this dissertation are discussed in the context of implicit and explicit learning and instruction, the role of attention, and the role of declarative knowledge, with concluding remarks pointing to the importance of metacognitive and metalinguistic awareness in adult or university-level language courses.</p>

Investigating the Portuguese-English Bilingual Mental Lexicon: Crosslinguistic Orthographic and Phonological Overlap in Cognates and False Friends

Alves-Soares, Leonardo 01 October 2020 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how cognates are organized in the bilingual mental lexicon and examines whether orthography in one language, via phonological representations, influences the processing of cognates and false friends in the other language. In light of the framework of two well-known models of bilingual visual word recognition, the Bilingual Interactive Activation (BIA) and the Bilingual Interactive Activation Plus (BIA+), the premise is that there is activation from orthography to phonology across a bilingual’s two languages and that this activation is modulated by the degree of orthographic and phonological code overlap. Two objective metrics were used to assess crosslinguistic similarity of Portuguese-English cognates and false friends that were selected for a cross-language lexical decision task with masked priming. Dynamic time warping (DTW), an algorithm that was originally conceived to compare different speech patterns in automatic speech recognition and to measure acoustic similarity between two time-dependent sequences, was used to compute crosslinguistic phonological similarity. The Normalized Levenshtein Distance (NLD), an algorithm that calculates the minimum number of single-character insertions, deletions or substitutions required to change one word into another and normalizes the result by their lengths, was used to compute crosslinguistic orthographic similarity. Portuguese-English bilinguals who acquired their second language after reaching puberty, and English functional monolinguals who grew up speaking primarily English were recruited to participate in the experimental task. Based on collected reaction time and accuracy data, mixed-effects models analyses are used to estimate the individual effects of crosslinguistic orthographic, phonological and semantic similarity and the role each of them, along with English proficiency, word frequency and length play in the organization of the Portuguese-English bilingual mental lexicon.

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