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The acquisition of the English article system by Japanese learners of English as a foreign language : learning noun countability / 日本人学習者による英語冠詞システムの習得 : 名詞可算性の学習 / ニホンジン ガクシュウシャ ニヨル エイゴ カンシ システム ノ シュウトク : メイシ カサンセイ ノ ガクシュウ都竹 絢子, Ayako Tsuzuku 20 March 2022 (has links)
英語の冠詞システムは、冠詞システムを持たない日本語を母語とする日本人学習者にとって、習得の難しい文法項目であるとされている。その原因の1つとして、冠詞使用に影響する英語名詞の可算性について正しく理解できていない、という理由が考えられる。本研究では、2つの実験研究を行い、日本人学習者が名詞の可算性を学習することで、英語冠詞を適切に使用できるようになるのかを調査した。 / The acquisition of the English article system is difficult for learners of English, especially when these learners do not have any article systems in their first language. One reason for their difficulty with English article usage is considered to stem from their inadequate understanding about noun countability. The present study examined the extent to which learning noun countability prompts Japanese learners' appropriate usage of English articles. / 博士(英語学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Linguistics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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[pt] Este trabalho investiga as acepções do prefixo des em substantivos de ação no Português Brasileiro por meio de uma abordagem da língua em uso e focaliza a importância do contexto para o reconhecimento do sentido que está sendo ativado pelo afixo. Inicialmente, são apresentadas as principais contribuições da Tradição Gramatical Normativa e da Teoria da Linguística Gerativa para a análise do referido prefixo. Posteriormente, são detalhadas as bases teóricas que compõem este trabalho, que se fundamentam nos pressupostos da Linguística Cognitiva, paradigma de investigação dos estudos da linguagem que enfatiza a importância do sentido em uma perspectiva não-objetivista e da investigação da língua em uso. O corpus utilizado nesta pesquisa foi constituído a partir do mega-corpus eletrônico NILC da Universidade de São Paulo do campus de São Carlos. Os resultados da análise de dados revelam que a acepção do afixo des- na língua em uso é altamente influenciada pelo contexto, de maneira que é possível uma mesma palavra possuir sentidos diferentes, conforme esteja em diferentes situações de uso. / [en] This dissertation investigates the meanings of the prefix des in action nouns in Brazilian Portuguese through an approach to the language in use and focuses on the importance of context for the recognition of the meaning being activated by the affix. Initially, the main contributions of the Normative
Grammatical Tradition and the Theory of Generative Linguistics to the analysis of the referred prefix are presented. Subsequently, the theoretical bases that make up this work are detailed, which are based on the assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics, a research paradigm of language studies that emphasizes the importance of meaning in a non-objectivist perspective and the investigation of the language in use. The corpus used in this research was constituted from the electronic mega-corpus NILC of the University of São Paulo developed on the São Carlos campus. The results of the data analysis reveal that the meaning of the affix des- in the language in use is highly influenced by the context, therefore it is possible for the same word to have different meanings, depending on whether it is in different situations of use.
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Suomen yleiskielestä poikkeava ruotsinsuomen sanasto : Kuvaus ruotsinsuomen omasta sanastosta ja siihen liittyvistä asenteista / Sverigefinska ord som inte förekommer i standardfinska : Beskrivning av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med dessaLarsson, Tarja January 2024 (has links)
Uutta ruotsinsuomalaista sanastoa kehittyy pääasiassa kahdella tavalla. Eniten uutta sanastoa syntyy epävirallisissa keskustelutilanteissa, mutta sanastoa luodaan myös tietoisesti, kun Kielenja kansanperinteen tutkimuslaitos antaa suosituksia esimerkiksi Ruotsin viranomaisten nimienkääntämisestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisia suomen yleiskielestä poikkeavia suomen sanoja Ruotsissa käytetään, ketkä niitä käyttävät sekä millaisia asenteitatällaisen sanaston käyttöön liittyy. Ruotsinsuomalaiselle vähemmistölle on tärkeää, että heidän kieltään tutkitaan, sillä siten voidaan kartuttaa tietoa vähemmistöstä, saada heidän käyttämästään kielestä tutkimukseen perustuvaa tietoa ja vahvistaa heidän ruotsinsuomalaista identiteettiään. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä aineistona on toisaalta Ruotsin radion suomenkielisen toimituksenvuosina 2016–2023 järjestämissä Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat ja toisaalta ruotsinsuomalaisten sanojen käyttöä ja sanoihin liittyviä asenteita kartoittava verkkokysely. Olen lajitellut äänestyksissä ehdotetut sanat lainasanatyypin, sanaluokan jaaihepiirin mukaan. Kyselytutkimuksessa olen analysoinut sekä määrällisen tiedon että vastauksia täydentävät vapaamuotoiset perustelut. Vuoden ruotsinsuomalainen sana -äänestysten aineistosta tehty tutkimus osoittaa, että suurin osa aineistossa esiintyvistä ruotsinsuomen sanoista on niin kutsuttuja erityislainoja eli ruotsistasuomen kieliasuun mukautettuja lainasanoja. Sanojen aihepiirit kuvastavat etupäässä kielenkäyttäjien arkeen liittyviä teemoja. Ruotsissa asuvien suomen puhujien keskuudessa toteutettu kyselytutkimus osoittaa, että ruotsinsuomen sanoja käytetään eniten puheessa mutta melko paljon myös vapaamuotoisessa kirjoituksessa. Nuoremmat ikäryhmät käyttävät tämäntyyppisiä sanoja vanhempia ikäryhmiä enemmän ja myös suhtautuvat niiden käyttöön myönteisemmin. / Nya sverigefinska ord skapas i huvudsak på två olika sätt. De flesta av de nya orden bildas iinformella diskussionssituationer, men ord och termer skapas också medvetet när Institutet förspråk och folkminnen ger rekommendationer om till exempel översättning av svenska myndigheters namn till finska. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken typ av finska ordsom inte ingår i standardfinska som används i Sverige, vilka som använder dessa ord samt vilka attityder som förknippas med användningen av sådana ord. För den sverigefinska minoriteten är det viktigt att deras språk studeras. På så sätt kan man öka kunskapen om minoriteten, få fram forskningsbaserad information om det språk minoriteten använder samt stärka dess sverigefinska identitet. Det empiriska materialet i undersökningen utgörs dels av de föreslagna orden i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord som Sveriges Radios finskspråkiga redaktion har arrangerat under åren 2016–2023, och dels av en webbenkät som kartlägger användningen av sverigefinska ord samt attityder förknippade med användningen av dessa. Jag har kategoriserat de i omröstningarna föreslagna orden efter typ av lånord, ordklass och ämnesområde. I enkätundersökningen har jag analyserat både kvantitativa uppgifter och de fritt formulerade motiveringarna som kompletterar svaren. Undersökningen av de sverigefinska orden som förekommer i omröstningarna Årets sverigefinska ord visar att de flesta orden är så kallade främmande ord, det vill säga lånord från svenska till finska som är anpassade till finskans ortografi. Ordens ämnesområden speglar främst språkbrukarnas vardag. Enkätundersökningen bland talare av finska i Sverige visar att sverigefinska ord används mest i tal men relativt mycket även i informella texter. Yngre åldersgrupper använder denna typ av ord mer än äldre åldersgrupper och förhåller sig också mer positiva till användningen av dem. / Sweden Finnish vocabulary is developed mainly in two ways. Most of the new vocabulary is created in situations of informal communication, but vocabulary is also consciously created when Language Advisors of Finnish at the Institute for Language and Folklore make recommendations on, for example, translation of names of Swedish authorities into Finnish. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of Finnish words deviating from the Finnish standard language that are used in Sweden, who uses them, and what kind of attitudes are involved in the use of such vocabulary. For the Sweden Finnish minority, it is important that their language is studied, as this will contribute to a wider knowledge of the minority, further research-based knowledge about the language they use, and strengthen their Sweden Finnish identity. The empirical material used for the study is, on the one hand, the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes organised by the Swedish Radio in 2016 to 2023, and, on the other hand, an on-line survey on the use of Sweden Finnish words and attitudes related to these. I have analysed the words proposed in the votes by type of loan word, word class and subject matter. For the survey, I have analysed both the quantitative data and the respondents’ arguments supporting their answers. The study of the words proposed in the Sweden Finnish Word of the Year votes indicates that most of the words are so-called special loans, i.e. loan words adapted to the Finnish language structure. The topics of the words mainly reflect the everyday life of language users. A survey among Finnish speakers living in Sweden shows that Sweden Finnish words are used mostly in speech but quite often also in informal writing. Younger speakers use these types of words more than older speakers and also show more positive attitudes towards the use of these words.
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Approche socioconstructiviste pour l’enseignement-apprentissage du lexique spécialisé : apport du corpus dans la conception d'activités lexicalesAlipour, Marjan 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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中文名詞多義性與詞彙認知歷程 / Multiple Senses of Mandarin Chinese Nominals: Implications for Lexical Access林千哲, Lin, Chien-Jer Charles Unknown Date (has links)
針對詞彙辨識歷程的語意效應,本論文有三大研究主題--意義數目效應、意義相關性效應及相對意義頻率效應。各效應之預測如下:「意義數目效應」認為意義數目較多的詞彙在詞彙判斷作業(lexical decision tasks)中比較容易辨識;「意義相關性效應」認為當一個詞的意義之間的相關性較高時,該詞的辨識時間亦會較快;「相對意義頻率效應」則認為一個詞意義之間頻率差異程度越小,該詞越有歧義之特質,也因此越容易辨識。
本研究結果發現只有「意義數目效應」達顯著水準,意義數目較多的詞彙在詞彙判斷作業中比較容易辨識。此一效應支持心理詞彙庫的隨機觸接模型(random access model)及平行觸接模型(parallel access model)並駁斥「序列搜尋模型(serial access model)」。 / This thesis studies the multiple senses of Chinese nominals from semantic, cognitive linguistic, and psycholinguistic viewpoints. It discusses the linguistic and psycholinguistic representations of a word's multiple senses, and the access of these senses in the mental lexicon.
The nature of lexical meaning is examined by discussing lexical semantic notions such as homonymy, polysemy, and vagueness, and by introducing Tuggy's (1993) cognitive linguistic representation of a word's multiple lexical meanings. The "senses" of a word are defined according to the lexical semantic theory of Ahrens (1999) as having three properties: (1) A sense is not an instance of metonymic or meronymic extension, but may be an instance of metaphorical extension. (2) The extension links between two senses cannot be inherited by a class of nouns. (3) Senses cannot appear in the same context (unless the complexity is triggered).
This thesis specifically looks into three semantic effects on word recognition, including the word's number-of-sense (NOS) effect, the effect of sense relatedness, and the effect of relative sense frequency. The predictions of these effects are as follows: The NOS effect predicts that words with more senses are recognized faster than those with fewer senses. The effect of sense relatedness predicts that words with more closely related senses are easier to recognize than those with distantly related senses. The effect of relative sense frequency predicts that words with equal sense frequencies are more easily recognized than words with unequal sense frequencies.
This research aims at empirically verifying these three effects during the recognition of isolated lexical items. Subjects generate the senses of 200 Chinese nominals, and rate the relatedness among these senses. Lexical decision tasks are conducted to obtain the reaction times required to recognize each stimulus item. The semantic effects are verified by comparing the reaction times of different groups of experimental stimuli.
The experimental results confirm only the NOS effect, giving support to the random and parallel access models of lexical access, and refuting the serial access model of the mental lexicon.
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Vocabulario básico de orientación didácticaLópez Martínez, Fuensanta 29 November 1999 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene una finalidad pedagógica, intenta mostrar, a través del vocabulario utilizado por las distintas materias que componen el currículo de educación secundaria, los conceptos y procesos de desarrollo intelectual comunes a ellas para poder contribuir a la coordinación de las mismas. No es un estudio lingüístico, sino que utiliza los contenidos lingüísticos del discurso científico (sustantivos y verbos) para analizar las relaciones que enlazan entre sí a las diversas materias. Este vocabulario recoge los elementos básicos para el desenvolvimiento científico de los estudiantes y sirve de orientación a los profesores, también puede utilizarse en la enseñanza del castellano a extranjeros, elaboración de textos, pruebas o tests, etc.Los términos se han extraído de un corpus compuesto por 24 textos utilizados en educación secundaria (Matemáticas, Física, Química, Biología, Zoología, Botánica, Geología, Lengua, Literatura, Historia, Geografía, Filosofía e Historia de la Filosofía) resultando un total de 6.561 sustantivos y 1.519 verbos, acompañados por los índices de Frecuencia, Dispersión y Uso. / This investigation has a pedagogical purpose. By means of the vocabulary used in the different subjects on the secondary education level, it tries to show which concepts and processes in the intellectual development are common so that we can contribute to coordination among them.We are not dealing with a linguistic study, but we use the linguistic contents in the scientific discourse (nouns and verbs) in order to analyze the relationship between the different subjects. This vocabulary collects the basic elements in the students' scientific development and it is a guide for teachers as well. Moreover, it can also be used when teaching Spanish as a foreign language, in texts processing, in exams and tests, etc. Terms have been extracted from a corpus of twenty-four texts coming from the different subjects on secondary education (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Grammar, Literature, History, Geography, Philosophy and History of Philosophy).The result was a total of 6,561 nouns and 1,519 verbs, together with the indexes of Frequency, Dispersion and Use.
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Asimetrías en la percepción del habla: efectos de la notoriedad del estímulo en el procesamientoVera Constán, Fátima 15 July 2010 (has links)
En los estudios sobre la percepción de los sonidos del habla es fácil encontrar diversos ejemplos que muestran que algunas características de la señal resultan más notorias que otras. En general estas diferencias no han sido incorporadas en los modelos de reconocimiento de palabras. En este trabajo se muestran evidencias de los sesgos en la percepción de vocales en adultos utilizando la técnica de los potenciales evocados. Independientemente de la lengua materna de los participantes, el fonema /i/ resulta mejor discriminado (i.e. respecto a /e/). Además se estudia el papel que la notoriedad de los estímulos juega en la representación y el acceso léxico. El juicio léxico realizado sobre no-palabras se ve acelerado cuando estas contienen como vocal crítica la /i/ (vs. /e/). / In speech perception literature, it is easy to find examples of some characteristics in the signal hich are more salient than others. However, such differences have generally not been incorporated in word recognition models. In this dissertation, evidence of adult vowel perception biases is shown by means of the event-related potentials (ERP) technique. We show that, regardless of the participants' native language, the /i/ phoneme is recognised more easily (relative to the /e/ phoneme). In addition the role that salience plays in lexica representation and access is studied. We find that lexical judgement in non-words is speeded when these contain /i/ as a critical vowel (vs. /e/).
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Jazyk barokních kazatelů Bílovského a de Waldta / The language of two Baroque preachers, Bílovský and de WaldtBUTULOVÁ, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The overall theme of this diploma thesis are homilies entitled to Saint Anna by two baroque homilists, who origin from various language backgrounds. This thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section includes general information about the important baroque preachers {--} with a focus on Bílovský and de Waldt. It also provides valuable information about the contemporary grammars. The first section of this thesis is primarily based on a proven literature theory. The second section of this thesis includes practical analysis of three specific homilies on the phonological and morphological levels. The analysis is based on the theme, style, and lexicon pages of content as well as the confrontation of their means of expression. The objective of this thesis is a comparison of the languages, shown by both preachers through phonology, morphology, and the judgment of a level to which spoken language extends into their language.
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Les quadriconsonantiques dans le lexique de l'arabe / Quadri-consonant groups in the lexicon of ArabicBachmar, Karim 25 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse se répartit en deux tomes. Les quadriconsonantiques forment deux groupes de radicaux distincts, à savoir : les radicaux de forme ABAB et les radicaux de forme ABCD. L’analyse de ces radicaux, en appliquant la TME (Théorie, Matrice, Etymon) élaborée par G. Bohas, permet de définir leur fonctionnement aux plans sémantique, sémantico phonétique et structurel. La première partie Tome 1 analyse les quadriconsonantiques de forme ABAB. La deuxième partie Tome 2 est consacrée aux quadriconsonantiques de forme ABCD.Concernant les radicaux ABAB, dont la structure est issue d’un redoublement de l’unique étymon AB, le travail d’analyse va plus s’orienter sur la sémantique. Il est démontré que le redoublement ne s’accompagne pas d’une modification sémantique systématique, contrairement à ce que l’on observe dans les parlers d’orient et d’occident.La deuxième partie de la thèse, Tome 2, dans les mêmes conditions que précédemment, étudie les radicaux ABCD dans le cadre de la TME en prenant en compte la contrainte phonétique formulée par Angoujard (1997), notée : CPA. L’objectif est de déterminer leur mode de fonctionnement tant sur le plan structurel que sur le plan sémantico phonétique. L’étude de ces radicaux ABCD ne se limite pas uniquement à montrer le fonctionnement structurel des radicaux mais établit une relation entre la TME de Bohas et la CPA d’Angoujard. / The thesis is divided into two volumes. Quadri-consonant groups form two distinct sets of radicals: ABAB and ABCD pattern radicals. Applying the Theory of Matrices and Etymons (TME) elaborated by Georges Bohas to the analysis of these radicals enables their functioning at the semantic, semantic-phonetic and structural levels to be defined.The first part which constitutes Volume 1 consists in the analysis of ABAB pattern quadric-consonant groups while the second part contained in Volume 2 is devoted to ABCD pattern quadric-consonant groups. In the study of the ABAB pattern radicals, the structure of which is the result of a reduplication of the single AB etymon, the analytical work focuses more on semantics. The analysis demonstrates that reduplication is not accompanied by a systematic semantic modification, contrary to what may be observed in eastern and western dialects.Under the same conditions, the second part of the thesis, Volume 2, consists in a study of ABCD pattern radicals which employs the framework of TME while also taking into consideration the phonetic constraints formulated by Angoujard (1997): CPA. The objective is to determine the modes of functioning of the ABCD pattern radicals on both the structural and semantic-phonetic levels. The study of these ABCD pattern radicals is not merely restricted to demonstrating the structural functioning of these radicals but also establishes a relationship between TME elaborated by Bohas and Angoujard’s CPA.
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Les Baka du Gabon dans une dynamique de transformations culturelles- Perspectives linguistiques et anthropologiques / The dynamics of cultural change in the Baka society (Gabon)- linguistic and anthropological perspectives.Paulin, Pascale 06 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse approfondie de la dynamique des changements observés au sein d’une communauté de chasseurs-cueilleurs, les Baka du Gabon. Ce groupe se compose de moins de 1000 individus et parle une langue oubanguienne dans un environnement bantuphone. Une comparaison avec les autres langues du même sous-groupe linguistique met en évidence les spécificités du baka et met au jour des affinités entre cette langue et le monzombo. Ces deux groupes ethnolinguistiques semblent avoir entretenu des relations qui s’inscrivent dans une dynamique d’échange de compétences (chasse-cueillette vs pêche-maîtrise du fer). Ce type de complémentarité se retrouve dans les relations entre les Baka et leurs voisins bantu actuels, dont en particulier les Fang, pour ce qui concerne le Gabon.Le mode de vie des Baka demeure, encore aujourd’hui, largement marqué par la mobilité et la forêt. Toutefois, la sédentarisation imposée par voie gouvernementale, la contigüité avec les Fang de même que l’influence croissante de la mondialisation entraînent des transformations par rapport auxquelles les Baka cherchent à se positionner. Ces dernières touchent la langue (système et utilisation) de même que bon nombre de pratiques socioculturelles (habitat, mobilité, alimentation, subsistance, religion, etc.).La thèse s’efforce d’identifier ces transformations, de les décrire et d’en évaluer l’impact en tenant compte de la diversité des situations. Elle comporte, par ailleurs, une réflexion critique des principes de catégorisation fondée sur l’étude de plusieurs domaines lexicaux (faune, flore, maladie). Certains changements peuvent apparaître en surface sans pour autant remettre en cause, de manière fondamentale, leur attachement à la forêt et à certaines valeurs ancestrales. Toutefois, les différentes pressions exogènes (i.a. sédentarisation, mondialisation) et endogènes (i.a. attitude des individus, transmission) qui déterminent alors le degré d’avancement des différentes transformations, ne doivent pas être sous évaluées en tant qu’elles sont une menace pesant sur la langue, la connaissance de la flore et de la faune et certaines pratiques socioculturelles. / This thesis proposes a detailed analysis on the dynamic of change observed among the Baka from Gabon, a hunter-gatherer community. This group is composed of less than 1000 individuals speaking an Ubangian language inside a Bantu environment. By comparing their language with others from the same linguistic sub-group, some singularities from Baka and some resemblance with the Monzombo sub-group can be seen. These two ethnolinguistic groups, Baka and Monzombo groups, seem to have kept close contact based on skill exchanges (hunting/gathering and fishing/iron skills). This interaction is witnessed in the exchanges the Baka population preserves with their current Bantu neighbors, especially with Fang in Gabon.Nowadays, the Baka way of life is still characterized by their mobility and the forest. Nevertheless, due to a non-migratory lifestyle imposed by the State, the proximity with the Fang group and the growing globalization, dramatic changes are inflicted to the Baka community. Changes at which they are trying to adapt. These constraints do not affect only their language (system and use) but also many sociocultural habits such as settlement, mobility, food and means of support or religion.The aim of this thesis is to identify these ongoing transformations, to describe and to evaluate their impact bearing in mind the singularity of many contexts. An argumentative reflection on categorization principles is also proposed on lexical domains such as fauna, flora and diseases. Certain changes could arise without necessarily questioning their bonds to the forest and ancestral values. Nonetheless, both exogenous (globalization and a sedentary life) and endogenous pressures (individual behavior and culture transmission) determining the progress of different transformations should not be under evaluated as being a threat to the language, to the knowledge of the flora and fauna and to certain sociocultural practices.
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