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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évaluation de la diversité du contenu phytochimique de trois espèces à racines et tubercules amylacées tropicales, le taro, la grande igname et le manioc / Evaluation of the diversity of the phytochemical content of three root and tuber staple crop species, taro, greater yam and cassava

Muñoz Cuervo, Ismael 15 July 2015 (has links)
Le taro (Colocasia esculenta L.), la grande igname (Dioscorea alata L.) et le manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) représentent trois cultures amylacées d'importance dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales du monde. Afin d'évaluer la diversité chimique en molécules bioactives de ces espèces, nous avons développé des méthodologies analytiques CLHP/DBD et CPG/SM à moyen débit permettant de doser les teneurs de 129 caroténoïdes et composés phénoliques/indoliques et de 16 acides organiques/gras dans les tissus souterrains consommés. Ces substances ont ensuite été dosées pour la première fois sur un large échantillonnage représentatif de la diversité agro-morphologique de ces trois espèces (respectivement 173, 113 et 79 cultivars de taro, grande igname et manioc cultivés sur un même site). Les résultats montrent l'existence d'une énorme diversité qualitative et quantitative des marqueurs chimiques et une absence de chimiotype marqué. De nombreux métabolites secondaires n'ont été détectés que dans peu de variétés en accord avec les résultats d'études antérieures sur la diversité, et la distribution, d'allèles génétiques neutres. Bien qu'appréciées, les substances colorées ou perceptibles en bouche n'ont pas fait l'objet d'amélioration variétale poussée sur leurs teneurs et ne peuvent être perçues que dans un petit nombre de cultivars. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats soutiennent l'importance de la sélection participative de petits agriculteurs pour la création et le maintien d'une large biodiversité chimique chez ces plantes. Ils offrent également des perspectives et des outils nouveaux pour améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle de ces espèces / Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.), the greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) are three important staple crop species from tropical and subtropical regions. In order to evaluate the diversity in bioactive molecules of these three species, we have developed medium throughput HPLC/DAD and GC/MSbased analytical methodologies to estimate the contents of 129 carotenoids and phenolic/indolic compounds and 16 organic/fatty acids in the consumed underground tissues. The contents of these substances have then been quantified for the first time in a large sampling representative of the agro-morphological biodiversity of these three species (respectively 173, 113 and 79 landraces of taro, greater yam and cassava that were cultivated on a common site). Results demonstrate the existence of a large qualitative and quantitative diversity of chemical traits and the absence of clear-cut chemotype. Most secondary metabolites have only been detected in few landraces in agreement with results from previous studies on the diversity, and distribution, of neutral genetic alleles in these plants. Though well appreciated by consumers, colored and mouth-perceivable substances have not been subjected to major content improvement through targeted selection and are in fact only detectable in a limited number of landraces. As a whole, these results support the importance of participatory selection by small farmers in the creation, and maintaining, of a large chemical diversity in these species. They also offer novel tools and perspectives for the improvement of the nutritional value of these species by plant breeders

Prävalenz und geographische Verteilung des Duncker´schen Muskelegels (Alaria-alata-Mesozerkarie) in Wildschweinen (Sus scrofa) im Freistaat Sachsen

Dolle, Sandra 30 August 2016 (has links)
Prävalenz und geographische Verteilung des Duncker´schen Muskelegels (Alaria-alata-Mesozerkarie) in Wildschweinen (Sus scrofa) im Freistaat Sachsen Institut für Lebensmittelhygiene der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig Eingereicht im Juni 2016 (97 Seiten, 30 Abbildungen, 24 Tabellen, 276 Literaturangaben, 12 Anhänge) Einleitung: Entgegen früherer Lehrmeinungen, dass der Duncker´sche Muskelegel (DME) ein seltener, harmloser und vernachlässigbarer Nebenbefund der Trichinellen-Untersuchung sei, ist heute belegt, dass dieses mesozerkariale Stadium der zoonotische Trematode Alaria alata ein potentielles Gesundheitsrisiko darstellt. Die Symptome der humanen larvalen Alariose reichen von leichten kutanen Krankheitszeichen bis hin zu einem letalen anaphylaktischen Schock, wobei vor allem die okuläre Infestation häufig beschrieben wurde. Berichte von Erkrankungen innerhalb Deutschlands fehlen bislang, gleichwohl muss aufgrund der geringen Bekanntheit der Zoonose mit einer Dunkelziffer gerechnet werden. Das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung empfiehlt daher, DME-positive Wildschweine als untauglich für den menschlichen Verzehr zu beurteilen; allerdings kam es bisher zu keiner allgemeingeltenden Durchsetzung dieser Empfehlung. Seit 2002 kam es vermehrt zu Zufallsfunden des DME während der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Untersuchung von Wildschweinfleisch auf Trichinellen. Die künstliche Verdauung mittels Magnetrührverfahren ist jedoch aufgrund der erheblichen biologischen Unterschiede zwischen Trichinella spp. und A. alata für den Nachweis des DME ungeeignet. Die Alaria spp. mesocercariae migration technique (AMT) stellt eine wesentlich geeignetere und validierte Methode zum Nachweis dieses Parasiten dar. Aufgrund der humanpathogenen Bedeutung sind allein zufällige Nachweise der Mesozerkarie aus Sicht des Verbraucherschutzes nicht hinzunehmen, dennoch ist die AMT bislang kein vorgeschriebenes Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Wildschweinen. Zielstellung: Bislang wurden Prävalenzen des Parasiten beim Schwarzwild größtenteils mit dem Magnetrührverfahren im Rahmen der amtlichen Trichinellen-Untersuchung erhoben, wobei aufgrund der dafür ungeeigneten Methodik von einer erheblichen Untererfassung ausgegangen werden muss. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte erstmals ein umfassendes, flächendeckendes Monitoring realisiert und durch den Einsatz der AMT verlässliche Daten zur Prävalenz und Befallsintensität des DME beim Wildschwein erhoben werden. Außerdem sollten potentielle Risikofaktoren wie Lebensraum, Alter, Geschlecht und Gewicht der Wildschweine sowie saisonale Einflüsse und Verbreitungsschwerpunkte ermittelt und beurteilt werden. Um all diese Faktoren berücksichtigen zu können, sollte ein hoher Anteil der gesamten sächsischen Jagdstrecke untersucht werden. Material und Methoden: Im Untersuchungszeitraum Juli 2014 bis August 2015 wurden insgesamt 7.303 Gewebeproben (Zwerchfell, Zunge, Zwischenrippenmuskulatur) von Wildschweinen mithilfe der AMT untersucht. Die aus dem gesamten Bundesland Sachsen stammenden Proben wurden anhand der Erlegungsorte der Tiere den 13 sächsischen Landkreisen/kreisfreien Städten zugeteilt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurde ca. 26 % der sächsischen Schwarzwildstrecke untersucht. Davon waren 243 (3,3 %) Wildschweine DME-positiv, welche in 10 (76,9 %) der 13 Gebiete erlegt wurden. Die Prävalenzen in den einzelnen Gebieten lagen zwischen 0,2 % und 27,7 %. Bei der statistischen Auswertung ergab sich ein starker Zusammenhang zwischen der Wasserfläche und der Prävalenz der untersuchten Gebiete (rs = 0,8880). Im Jahresverlauf wurde deutlich, dass der absolut höchste Anteil DME-positiver Tiere an untersuchten Tieren im April (10,2 %) bzw. Mai (10,9 %) und der absolut niedrigste Anteil im November (0,5 %) zu verzeichnen war. In den positiven Proben (30 g) wurden im Durchschnitt 5,6 (Median 2) DME nachgewiesen. Die Befallsintensität variierte dabei von 1 bis 268 DME pro Probe. Schlussfolgerungen: Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erhobenen exakten Informationen zur Prävalenz von DME beim Wildschwein sollen als Basis für den Schutz sowohl von Verbrauchern als auch der Jägerschaft dienen. Daraus können rechtliche Grundlagen einer angemessenen fleischhygienerechtlichen Beurteilung DME-positiver Wildschweine erarbeitet werden, um Unsicherheiten im vorbeugenden Verbraucherschutz sowie wirtschaftliche Verluste zu vermeiden. Es wurde deutlich, dass das Vorkommen von DME je nach Jagdgebiet sehr stark variiert und mit der Wasserfläche des Gebietes zusammenhängt. Darüber hinaus scheint auch die Jahreszeit, in der das Wildschwein erlegt wurde, eine bedeutende Rolle zu spielen. Diese kritischen Punkte müssen in der Kontrolle der Humanexposition mit dem DME durch Wildschweinfleisch größere Beachtung finden. Die Untersuchung von Wildschweinfleisch auf den DME sollte mit der geeigneten und amtlich anerkannten AMT, insbesondere in Gebieten mit Wasserflächen, zukünftig routinemäßig durchgeführt werden. / Prevalence and geographical distribution of the Duncker’s musklefluke (Alaria alata mesocercariae) in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in the Free State of Saxony Institute of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig Submitted in June 2016 (97 pages, 30 figures, 24 tables, 276 references, 12 appendices) Introduction: Contrary to former expert opinion considering the Alaria alata mesocercariae as a rare, harmless and negligible subsidiary finding during the trichinella examination there is clear evidence today that the mesocercarial stage of the zoonotic trematode Alaria alata represents a potential health risk. The clinical signs of human larval alariosis range from mild cutaneous symptoms up to a letal anaphylactical shock, the occular infestation being the most frequently described. Although there have no such cases been reported in Germany so far an estimated number of unknown cases must be assumed due to the low level of awareness of this zoonosis. Thus, the Federal Institute of Risk Assessment recommends that Alaria alata mesocercariae positive wild boar meat should not be released for human consumption; a general enforcement of this recommendation, however, has not been implemented so far. Increased incidental findings of mesocercariae have been reported during the official examination for trichinella in wild boar meat since 2002. But the artificial digestion by magnetic stirrer method is not suitable for the detection of the parasite because of the significant biological diversity of Trichinella spp. and Alaria alata. The Alaria spp. mesocercariae migration technique (AMT) offers a far more applicable and validated method to detect this parasite. Purely incidental findings of the mesocercariae are not acceptable from the consumer protection`s perspective because of their significance in human pathogenicity, but so far the AMT has not been established as a stipulated method for the examination of wild boar meat. Objective: Prevalences of the parasite in wild boar have mainly been assertained by the magnetic stirrer method during the official trichinella inspection so far where a substantial failure frequency as a result of the inadequate method has to be assumed. The present study was aimed to realize a comprehensive, wide-spread monitoring for the first time and to acquire reliable data about prevalence and infestation density of the A. alata mesocercariae in wild boars by applying the AMT. In addition potential risk factors like habitat, age, gender and weight of the examined animals as well as seasonal influences and distribution centers had to be inspected and evaluated. To take all these factors into consideration a large number of wild boar of the whole Saxon hunting bag had to be examined. Material and methods: In the course of the examination period from July 2014 to August 2015 a total of 7.303 tissue samples (diaphragm, tongue, intercostal muscles) taken from wild boars were examined by using the AMT. The samples, originating from different areas all over the Federal State of Saxony, were assigned to the 13 administrative districts/cities based on the place of their hunting. Results: Approximately 26% oft he wild boars hunting bag of Saxony was examined. 243 (3.3 % ) of the wild boars hunted in 10 (76.9 %) of the 13 districts were A. alata mesocercariae positive.The prevalences in the different districts ranged from 0.2 % to 27.7 %. The statistical evaluation revealed a strong correlation between the share of water areas and the parasite prevalence in the examined district (rs = 0.8880). During the course of the year it became obvious that the absolutely highest percentage of positive animals from all examined wild boars was recorded in April (10.2 %) and May (10.9 %), the absolutely lowest percentage in November (0.5 %). Inside the positive samples (30 g) an average of 5,6 (median 2) mesocercariae could be detected, where the infestation density varied between 1 and 268 mesocercariae per sample. Conclusions: The exact data about the prevalence of A. alata mesocercariae in wild boar meat compiled and evaluated in this study should serve as a foundation for the protection of consumers as well as of hunters. Based on this information legal bases for an adequate meat hygiene assessment of A. alata mesocercariae positive wild boars could be drafted to avoid uncertainty in preventive consumers protection as well as economic losses. The study showed that the occurence of the parasite varied to a large extent according to the hunting area and in dependence on the size of water area. Furthermore the season in which the animals were hunted seems to play an important part. These critical points must be the focus of greater attention in the future supervision of human exposure to A. alata mesocercariae by consuming wild boar meat. The inspection for Alaria alata mesocercariae of this meat should become a standard procedure with the applicable and officially approved AMT, especially in districts with large water areas.

Crescimento de mudas de Dipteryx alata Vogel. em função da restrição radicular

Honorio, Ana Beatriz Marques 19 December 2017 (has links)
O Cerrado é o segundo maior bioma do país, ocupando cerca de 23% do território nacional, sendo superado em área apenas pela Amazônia. Possui uma vegetação com diversas fitofisionomias, tendo a mais rica flora dentre as savanas do mundo, as frutíferas do Cerrado são espécies de diversos gêneros e famílias, produzindo frutos de interesse para alimentação “in natura” quanto para industrialização como também são fontes de alimentos para os animais, a espécie arbórea Dipteryx alata Vog. apesar da sua irregularidade na produção de frutos, possui alta produtividade, facilidade no transporte e armazenamento dos frutos e a qualidade do produto, assim O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar características de crescimento e parâmetros fisiológicos de mudas de Dipteryx alata Vog. em diferentes tamanhos de recipientes sob condições de viveiro no Sul do estado do Tocantins idades diversificadas após o transplantio. Em condições de viveiro foram plantadas sementes de baru em sementeira de areia, quarenta dias após as plântulas foram transplantadas para recipientes de tamanhos diferenciados. Permaneceram durante dez dias em condições de 75 % de sombra para que houvesse a aclimatação das mudas, após esse período foram transportadas para condições de 50% de luminosidade. O teste foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Aos 30, 60 e 120 dias após o transplantio para a coleta das variáveis fisiológicas, foi utilizado o analisador de gasses infravermelho portátil (Irga – Infra Red Gas Analyser), modelo Li – 6400XT (Portable Photosynthesis System – LI) da LICOR, em datas semelhantes a coleta dos caracteres morfológicos. Para as análises de crescimento, os dados de diâmetro do colo e altura foram coletados com paquímetro digital com 0,001 mm de confiança e régua graduada. Ao final do experimento foram coletados materiais para análises de matéria seca de raiz e parte aérea, como também feita a relação raiz por parte aérea, os dados então foram analisados a partir do software Assistat 7.7. Após rodar a análise de dados constatou-se que para as análises de crescimento assim como as variáveis fisiológicas, os recipientes de maior volume (20x30 cm) condicionaram melhor meio para o desenvolvimento das mudas. / The Cerrado is the second largest biome in the country, occupying about 23% of the national territory, being surpassed in area only by the Amazon. It has a vegetation with several phytophysiognomies, having the richest flora among the savannas of the world, the fruit of the Cerrado are species of diverse genera and families, producing fruits of interest for food "in natura" as for industrialization as well as sources of food for the animals, the arboreal species Dipteryx alata Vog. in spite of its irregularity in fruit production, it has high productivity, ease in transport and storage of fruits and product quality, as well. The present work had the objective of evaluating growth traits and physiological parameters of Dipteryx alata Vog. in different sizes of containers under nursery conditions in the South of the state of Tocantins diversified ages after transplanting. Under nursery conditions baru seeds were planted in sand sowing, forty days after the seedlings were transplanted to containers of different sizes. They stayed for ten days under conditions of 75% shade for acclimatization of the seedlings, after that period they were transported to conditions of 50% luminosity. The test was installed in a completely randomized design. At 30, 60 and 120 days after transplanting for the collection of the physiological variables, the portable infrared gas analyzer (Irga - Infra Red Gas Analyzer), model LI - 6400XT (Portable Photosynthesis System - LI) of LICOR, was used on dates similar to the collection of morphological characters. For the growth analyzes, the data of diameter of the neck and height were collected with digital caliper with 0.001 mm of confidence and graduated ruler. At the end of the experiment, materials were collected for analysis of dry matter of root and shoot, as well as the root ratio for aerial part, the data were then analyzed from Assistat software 7.7. After running the data analysis it was verified that for the growth analyzes as well as the physiological variables, the containers of larger volume (20x30 cm) conditioned better medium for the development of the seedlings.

Caracterização dos ácidos graxos das sementes e compostos voláteis dos frutos de espécies do gênero Passiflora

Vieira, Maria Aparecida Ribeiro [UNESP] 18 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-12-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:30:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 vieira_mar_me_botfca.pdf: 520927 bytes, checksum: af245c033cd628b8c652472ae99a6a70 (MD5) / A cultura do maracujazeiro encontra-se em expansão no Brasil. A espécie mais cultivada no país é Passiflora edulis (maracujá-amarelo), representando 95% dos pomares comerciais. O suco, em conjunto com o aroma, é utilizado na elaboração de refrescos, doces, geléia, sorvete e licores. A produção de suco gera toneladas de resíduo, composto por cascas e sementes, sendo em grande parte descartados. Outros usos ligados à indústria cosmética, farmacêutica e alimentícia, ainda permanecem inexplorados, mesmo para P. edulis. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização química do aroma da polpa e do óleo das sementes dos frutos de Passiflora edulis (maracujá-amarelo), Passiflora alata (maracujádoce) e Passiflora nitida (maracujá-suspiro). O óleo das sementes foi extraído com hexano e o aroma da polpa pela técnica de headspace dinâmico. As análises da composição química dos óleos e aromas foram efetuadas por cromatografia gasosa acoplada e espectrometria de massas. Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento do óleo entre as espécies P. edulis (25,62%) e P. nitida (26,10%), mas ambas diferiram significativamente da espécie P. alata (20,12%). Para as espécies P. edulis e P. alata a proporção relativa dos ácidos graxos majoritários (linoléico, oléico e palmítico) foram semelhantes (P. edulis: 67,99; 14,54 e 15,30%); (P. alata 63,16; 15,02 e 18,75%) e divergentes de P. nitida (35,53; 28,35 e 28,97%). A composição química do aroma da polpa diferiu entre as três espécies avaliadas. Os compostos voláteis majoritários para o aroma de P. edulis e P. alata pertencem à classe química dos ésteres, sendo os compostos majoritários o butanoato de etila (45,12%) e 2 hexanoato de etila (30,89%) para a primeira espécie e trans-crotonato de metila (40,78%), butanoato de metila (20,52%) e 2-hexenoato de metila (15,70%) para... / Passion fruit culture is expanding in Brazil. The most commonly cultivated Passiflora species is Passiflora edulis (yellow passion fruit), representing 95% of the commercial orchards in the country. The juice along with its aroma is used to elaborate of sweet drinks, candies, jam, ice-cream and brandy. Juice production generates several tons of residues, consisting in passion fruit peel and seeds, the majority of which is discarded. Other uses in association with cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industry remain unexploited even for P. edulis. The present work aimed to characterize chemically the pulp aroma and the fruit seed oil from Passiflora edulis (yellow passion fruit), Passiflora alata (sweet passion fruit) and Passiflora nitida (meringue passion fruit). The oil was extracted from the seeds using hexane and the fruit aroma was obtained using the dynamic headspace technique. The analyses of the chemical composition of the oils and aromas were performed by mass spectrometry-coupled gas chromatography. There was no significant difference in the oil yield between the species P. edulis (25.62%) and P. nitida (26.10%), however, both were significantly different from the species P. alata (20.12%). For P. edulis and P. alata, the relative proportion of major fatty acids (linoleic, oleic and palmitic) was similar (P. edulis: 67.99; 14.54 and 15.30%); P. alata 63.16; 15.02 and 18.75%) and distinct from P. nitida (35.53; 28.35 and 28.97%). The chemical composition of the pulp aroma was distinct in the three species studied. Major volatile compounds of the aroma from P. edulis and P. alata belong to the chemical class of the esters, being the majoritary compounds: ethyl butanoate (45.12%) and ethyl hexanoate (30.89%) for the first species, whereas in P. alata the majoritary compounds were: methyl trans-crotonate (40.78%), methyl butanoate (20.52%) and... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

Avaliação da atividade antioxidante e dos efeitos do consumo crônico do extrato aquoso de Passiflora alata Curtis na expressão do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 em camundongos NOD (non obese diabetic) / Evaluation of antioxidant activity and the effects of chronic consumption of aqueous Passiflora alata Curti extract in the expression of type 1 diabetes in NOD (non obese diabetic)

Colomeu, Talita Cristina, 1987- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo de Lima Zollner / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T16:26:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Colomeu_TalitaCristina_M.pdf: 1606110 bytes, checksum: ed843e2069440cf659e4ab7cc6c4c21f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A linhagem NOD (non obese diabetic) é utilizada como modelo experimental de DM-1, pois desenvolve espontaneamente a doença com marcante similaridade ao observado em humanos. Vários são os mecanismos propostos para ruptura da tolerância imunológica no DM-1, como a predisposição genética do indivíduo, juntamente com fatores ambientais, tais como estresse e alimentação, parecem favorecer o desencadeamento de mecanismos auto imunes. Nos últimos anos o interesse por alimentos fitoterápicos pelos órgãos governamentais, com a finalidade de auxiliar no tratamento de doenças vem aumentando. A espécie Passiflora sp., é descrita pela farmacopeia Brasileira como fitoterápico e seu uso na medicina popular está relacionado ao tratamento de diversas doenças. Estudos sobre as propriedades das folhas do Passiflora alata Curtis no diabetes mellitus são escassos. Neste contexto, investigamos quais os melhores solventes (água, etanol e metanol/acetona) para extração de compostos bioativos da folha de P.alata, a atividade antioxidante dos solventes pelas técnicas DPPH, FRAP, ABTS e ORAC, fenóis totais, composição centesimal e investigação de quatro compostos fenólicos (vitexina, isovitexina e isoorientina) nas folhas. Além disso, avaliamos as propriedades do consumo crônico do extrato aquoso das folhas de P.alata sobre a incidência do DM-1, a insulite, os níveis de GSH no fígado/rim, a insulina sérica nos camundongos NOD e o estresse oxidativo, a apoptose e a imunofluorescência de infiltrados CD4+,CD8+ e CD11+ nas ilhotas pancreáticas desses animais. Nossos resultados sugerem que o extrato aquoso em comparação com o metanol/acetona e etanólico, apresenta atividade antioxidante e fenóis totais superiores e que seu consumo crônico é capaz de diminuir o índice de infiltrado inflamatório e consequentemente a expressão do diabetes, ajudar a manter os níveis de GSH no fígado/rim e reduzir o estresse oxidativo e apoptose nos camundongos NOD / Abstract: The strain of NOD mice (non obese diabetic) is common used for study with type 1 diabetes mellitus, because develops spontaneously the disease with strong similarity to the observed in humans. Several mechanisms are proposed to break immune tolerance in DM-1, such as genetic predisposition, environmental factors, as infections and dietetic, seem to favor the triggering of autoimmune mechanisms. In recent years the interest in herbal foods in order to prevent diseases is increasing in the population. The species Passiflora sp. is described by Brazilian Pharmacopoeia as herbal medicine and in folk medicine is related to the treatment of various diseases. Studies about properties of leaves of Passiflora alata Curtis related with diabetes mellitus are scarce. In this context, we investigate what the best solvent (water, ethanol and methanol/acetone) for the extraction of bioactive compounds from P.alata leaf, the antioxidant activity of the solvents by DPPH, FRAP, ABTS and ORAC, total phenols, composition and investigation of four phenolic compound (vetexin, isovitexin and isoorientin) in leaves. Furthemore, we evaluated the chronic consumption of aqueous extract on incidence of DM-1, insulits, GSH levels in liver/ kidney, serum insulin in NOD mice and oxidative stress, apoptosis and immunofluorescence of infiltrated CD4+,CD8+CD11+ in the pancreatic islets of these animals. Our results suggest that the aqueous extract shows higher values of antioxidant activity, total phenols and the chronic consumption can reduce the number of inflammatory infiltrate and consequently the expression of diabetes, help maintain the levels of GSH in the liver / kidney and reduce oxidative stress and apoptosis in NOD mice / Mestrado / Clinica Medica / Mestra em Clínica Médica

Propagação, estabelecimento in vitro e tamanho de parcelas experimentais de espécies de maracujazeiro /

Pigari, Lucas Bernardo. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Glaucia Amorim Faria / Resumo: A passicultura vem sofrendo com patógenos, os quais limitam muito a produtividade e a viabilidade do cultivo de maracujá. Dentre os principais patógenos estão a antracnose (Colletotrichum gloesporioides Penz.), a mancha bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. passiflorae) e a morte-prematura (Fusarium oxysporum f. passiflorae), esta é a principal doença e gargalo da cultura, limitando o tempo da passicultura de perene para anual. Alternativas que visem a melhoria deste cenário devem ser estudadas, deste modo os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) avaliar a germinação, contaminação endógena e exógena em sementes de maracujá-azedo comercial (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa; b) avaliar o estabelecimento in vitro de Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora foetida e Passiflora tenuifila, através do Teste exato de Fisher, Teste do Qui-Quadrado e Índice Kappa para as variáveis de natureza qualitativas e Teste de Tukey e análise de variância para as quantitativas; c) encontrar o tamanho ótimo de parcelas para experimentos em casa de vegetação com Passiflora setacea e Passiflora alata utilizando o método da máxima curvatura modificado. Conclui-se que na germinação o substrato orgânico pode substituir o meio MS, que a giberelina teve um efeito positivo na germinação e que o melhor tratamento físico de semente foi a escarificação. No estabelecimento, as espécies Passiflora caerulea e Passiflora tenuifila apresentaram melhores resultados que a Passiflora foetida, indicando que se adaptaram melhor ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Passiculture has been suffering with a several pathogens problems, which limit the productivity and viability of the passion-fruit culture. Between the mainly pathogens are the antracnosis (Colletotrichum gloesporioides Penz.), the bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. passiflorae) and the premature-death (Fusarium oxysporum f. passiflorae), this one, the mainly bottleneck disease of the crop, limiting time of passiculture from perennial to annual. Alternatives aiming at improving of this scenario must been study, that way the objectives of this study was: evaluate the germination, endogen and hexogen contamination of commercial passion-fruit seed (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) in factorial design of 10x3 (10 substrates and 3 physical treatments); evaluate the in vitro establishment of Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora foetida and Passiflora tenuifila, through Fisher’s Exact Test, Chi-Square Test and Cohen’s Kappa for the qualitative variables and Tukey’s Test and variance analysis for the quantitatives; find the optimum plot sizes for the experiments on green house with Passiflora setacea and Passiflora alata. Concluded that for the germination the organic substrate can substitute the MS medium, that the gibberellin had a positive effect in germination and that the best physical treatments for seed was scarification. In establishment, the species Passiflora caerulea and Passiflora tenuifila shown better results than Passiflora foetida pointing that those one adapts its... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre


Vienažindytė, Sandra 02 September 2010 (has links)
Morfogenezė yra reikšmingas procesas augalų audinių kultūrose, pasižymintis greita organų regeneracija. Tyrimai, susiję su regeneracijos reguliacija, yra aktualūs siekiant sukurti intensyvaus dauginimo biotechnologijas ar plėtojant genetines manipuliacijas. Siekiant greitos ir produktyvios organų regeneracijos, svarbu nustatyti morfogenetinę audinio potenciją ir jos priklausomybę nuo kultivavimo sąlygų. Yra žinoma, jog regeneracijos procesui įtakos turi augalo genotipas, šviesa, augalo dalis, iš kurios izoliuotas eksplantas, mitybinės terpės pH, sudėtis, taip pat fitohormonų sudėtis mitybinėje terpėje. In vitro technologijose, fitohormonai yra būtini skatinant naujų organų atsiradimą audinyje. Bakalauro darbo tema – „Fitohormonų poveikio įtaka kvapiojo tabako (Nicotiana alata) regeneracijai in vitro“. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti fitohormoninės indukcijos trukmę, reikalingą ūglių regeneracijai kvapiojo tabako (Nicotiana alata) lapo eksplantuose. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai: išauginti tėvinius Nicotiana alata augalus aseptinėse sąlygose, atlikti eksperimentą izoliuojant kvapiojo tabako eksplantus, atlikti eksperimentą indukuojant regeneraciją fitohormonais, nustatyti optimalų regeneraciją determinuojantį fitohormonų santykį. Tyrimams naudoti Nicotiana alata augalai išauginti iš sėklų in vitro. Laboratorinėse sąlygose izoliuoti eksplantai iš augalų lapų buvo kultivuojami Murashige ir Skoog (MS) terpėje į kurią: vienu atveju papildomai įdėta 0,1 mg / l IAR ir 0,1 mg... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Morphogenesis is an important process for plant tissue culture, characterized by rapid regeneration of organs. Studies relating to the regulation of regeneration is urgent to create an intense propagation of biotechnology or the development of genetic manipulation. In order to fast and efficient organ regeneration is important to determine morphogenetic tissue potency and its dependence on culture conditions. It is known that the regeneration process is affected by plant genotype, light, the plant is isolated from the explants, nutrient medium pH, composition and phytohormones nutrient composition of the medium. At in vitro technology, phytohormones are necessary to promote the emergence of new organ tissue. Undergraduate thesis- “Phytohormonal impact on Nicotiana alata regeneration in vitro“. The investigation aim- to determine phytohormonal induction time required for shoot regeneration of Nicotiana alata leaf explants. To achieve this, the next targets are: to grow Nicotiana alata parent plants in aseptic conditions, to experiment by isolating flowering tobacco explants, to experiment by inducated regeneration with phytohormones, to establish the optimal ratio of phytohormones determine regeneration. In investigation used Nicotiana alata plants grown from seeds in vitro. Explants isolated from leaves were cultivated in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium to which is: in one case added an additional 0.1 mg / l IAA and 0.1 mg / l BAP, otherwise 0.1 mg / l IAA 0.5 mg/ l... [to full text]

Desenvolvimento inicial de três espécies nativas do Cerrado em função de lâminas de irrigação e tamanhos de recipiente / Initial development of three native plants species of the Savannah in function of irrigation levels and container sizes

Silva, César Antônio da 15 October 2012 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento e qualidade de mudas de três espécies nativas do Cerrado, em função de lâminas de irrigação e tamanhos de recipiente, três experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, em Piracicaba, São Paulo. As espécies utilizadas foram o jatobazeiro (Hymenaea courbaril L.), a pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.) e o baruzeiro (Dipteryx alata Vog.), nos Experimentos I, II e III, respectivamente. Os experimentos foram instalados no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, em parcelas subdivididas, no esquema 2 x 5. Nas parcelas, utilizaram-se dois tamanhos de recipientes, e nas subparcelas, cinco lâminas de irrigação (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100% da evapotranspiração potencial - ETp, obtida por pesagem das mudas). Cada subparcela foi constituída por oito mudas, espaçadas em 22,5 cm entre si. Os recipientes, no Experimento I, foram vasos de 3,1 L e citrovasos de 4,0 L, enquanto nos Experimentos II e III, foram utilizados vasos (2,3 L) e sacos de polietileno (2,0 L). O substrato foi constituído de uma mistura de 50% substrato comercial e 50% areia fina (v/v). Para cada 100 L da mistura, foram adicionados 15 L de vermiculita. Utilizou-se o sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, com emissores autocompensantes de 2,0 e 4,0 L h-1, em diferentes combinações para atender as lâminas. As irrigações foram realizadas diariamente. Durante o período experimental, foram registrados em datalogger, a temperatura, a umidade relativa e a radiação solar global, e em tanque Classe A, a evaporação. Aos 80, 120, 160 e 200 dias após a semeadura (DAS), foram avaliados a altura, o diâmetro de caule e o número de folhas. Aos 120, 160 e 200 DAS, foram mensurados a área foliar, o comprimento do sistema radicular, as massas de matéria seca de raízes, caule, folhas e de muda, a relação das massas de matéria seca de raízes e parte aérea (MSR/MSPA) e a qualidade das mudas (Índice de Qualidade de Dickson - IQD). O coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) foi determinado em cinco fases de desenvolvimento. Lâminas de irrigação de 90,1% a 100% da ETp proporcionaram maior desenvolvimento vegetativo e IQD das mudas de H. courbaril L., até 200 dias de idade. Com relação aos recipientes, maior desenvolvimento de mudas de jatobazeiro, pitangueira e baruzeiro foi observado no citrovaso, no vaso (2,3 L) e no saco plástico, respectivamente. Mudas de pitangueira e de baruzeiro apresentaram maior desenvolvimento e IQD, na lâmina de irrigação de 100% (ausência de deficit hídrico). Maior ac úmulo de matéria seca pelo jatobazeiro e baruzeiro, foi observado de 120 a 160 DAS, e pela pitangueira, de 160 a 200 DAS. Mudas de pitangueira submetidas a deficit hídrico mais intenso, se mostraram resistentes à seca, em razão da maior relação MSR/MSPA. Nos primeiros 200 dias após semeadura, o Kc das espécies, obtido pela metodologia de Penman-Monteith apresentou os seguintes valores: 0,54 a 1,01 (H. courbaril L), 0,35 a 0,67 (E. uniflora L.) e 0,52 a 0,85 (D. alata Vog), sendo maior na fase de 160 a 200 DAS. / Aiming to evaluate the development and seedlings quality of three native plants species of the Savannah, in function of irrigation levels and container sizes, three experiments were carried in greenhouse, in Piracicaba, São Paulo. The species used were jatoba plant (Hymenaea courbaril L.), Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) and \"baru\" plant (Dipteryx alata Vog.) in the Experiments I, II and III, respectively. The experiments were installed in randomized blocks design, with three replications, in split-plot, in the scheme 2 x 5. Two sizes of containers were used in the plots, and five irrigation levels (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the potential evapotranspiration - ETp, obtained by weighting of seedlings) were used in the subplots. Each subplots was constituted by eight seedlings, at the spacing 22.5 cm between themselves. The containers in the Experiment I, were pots 3.1 L and stiff plastic tube of 4.0 L, while in the Experiments II and III, pots (2.3 L) and container of polyethylene (2.0 L) were used. The substrate was constituted of 50% commercial substrate and 50% fine sand (v/v) mixture. Fifteen liters of vermiculite were added per each 100 L of that mixture. The drip irrigation system was used, with self compensating emitters at flow of 2.0 and 4.0 L h-1, in different combinations to satisfy the irrigation levels. The irrigations were accomplished daily. During the experimental period, the temperature, relative humidity and global solar radiation were recorded in data logger, and the evaporation was mensured in class A pan. The seedling height, the stem diameter and leaves number were appraised at the 80, 120, 160 and 200 days after sowing (DAS), while the leaf area, the root system length, the dry matter mass of roots, stem, leaves and seedling, the ratio between roots dry matter mass and aerial part (MSR/MSPA) and seedlings quality (Dickson Quality Index - IQD) were measured at 120, 160 and 200 DAS. The crop coefficient (Kc) was determined in five stages of the species development. Irrigation levels between 90.1% and 100% of ETp provided larger vegetative development and IQD of H courbaril L. seedlings, up to 200 days of age. Regarding the containers, larger development of the H. courbaril L., E. uniflora L. and D. alata Vog. seedlings was obtained in the stiff plastic tube, the pot (2.3 L) and the polyethylene container, respectively. E. uniflora L. and D. alata Vog. seedlings presented larger development and IQD, under the irrigation level 100% (absence of water deficit). Larger dry matter mass production of the H. courbaril L. and D. alata Vog. seedlings was observed between 120 and 160 DAS, and of the E. uniflora L., in the stage from 160 to 200 DAS. E. uniflora L. seedlings under to more intense water deficit, they presented resistance to the drought, in reason of the largest ratio MSR/MSPA. Seedlings of up to 200 days after sowing, the Kc presented the following values, by methodology of Penman-Monteith: 0.54-1.01 (H. courbaril L), 0.35-0.67 (E. uniflora L.) and 0.52-0.85 (D. alata Vog.), being larger in the stage from 160 to 200 DAS.

Qualidade de rapaduras enriquecidas com farelo de arroz extrusado e amêndoas de baru/amendoim torrados / Quality rapaduras enriched with extruded rice bran and almonds baru/roasted peanuts

SILVA, Célia Caroline Florindo da 06 July 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-08-26T15:31:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Dissertacao CÉLIA CAROLINE FLORINDO DA SILVA.pdf: 2435876 bytes, checksum: 759dde2ef43d28eafb9c6b495e36008b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-26T15:31:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Dissertacao CÉLIA CAROLINE FLORINDO DA SILVA.pdf: 2435876 bytes, checksum: 759dde2ef43d28eafb9c6b495e36008b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-06 / The purpose of this research was to develop, using a mixture design, rapadura enriched with rice bran extruded and baru almonds/peanuts roasted in different proportions, and characterize them in relation to their properties, chemical, physical (texture and parameters of color), microbiological and sensory, comparing them to standard rapadura, composed only of sugar cane juice. With the insertion of the mixture of rice bran extruded and baru almonds/peanuts roasted in formulated rapadura, it was observed that the greater the amount of rice bran extruded under sugar cane juice concentrated tended to the higher ash concentration. The highest levels of proteins, lipids and total dietary fiber were observed when the formulations had higher amounts of baru almonds/ peanuts roasted and rice bran extruded under sugar cane juice concentrated. Regarding the brightness, the rapadura made with baru almond toast and extruded rice bran showed the highest upward trend in higher levels of extruded rice bran and baru almond toast, those made with roasted peanuts and rice bran extruded. This trend was observed in the largest quantities of rice bran and extruded under roasted peanuts and sugar cane juice sugar-concentrated. As for the texture maximum compression force had a greater tendency to increase when the values of sugar cane juice concentrated and baru almond roasted were intermediate and the formulation of peanuts, the smaller the amount of roasted peanuts and sugar cane juice sugar-concentrated and larger extruded rice bran. As the pattern is regarded as a molasses feed unbalanced due to the caloric value to be assigned, almost exclusively to the carbohydrate to the low protein content and the absence of lipids, it can be concluded that with the addition of the mixture of rice bran and extruded baru almonds roasted, the brown sugar has become a more complete food, watching other nutrients, lipids and proteins from rice bran extruded and baru almonds roasted, as well as fibers, which contribute to the better functioning of the organism human. / O propósito desta pesquisa foi desenvolver, utilizando-se delineamento de misturas, rapaduras enriquecidas com farelo de arroz extrusado e amêndoas de baru/amendoim torrados, em diferentes proporções, e caracterizá-las em relação às suas propriedades, químicas, físicas (textura e parâmetros de cor) e sensoriais, comparando-as à rapadura padrão, composta apenas de caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado. Com a inserção da mistura de farelo de arroz extrusado e amêndoas de baru/amendoim torrados nas rapaduras formuladas, observou-se que quanto maior a quantidade de farelo de arroz extrusado e menor de caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado houve tendência ao maior teor de cinzas. Os maiores teores de proteínas, lipídios e fibra alimentar total foram verificados quando as formulações apresentavam maiores quantidades de amêndoa de baru/amendoim torrados e farelo de arroz extrusado e menores de caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado. Em relação à luminosidade, as rapaduras formuladas com amêndoa de baru torrada e farelo de arroz extrusado, apresentaram a maior tendência de aumento com maiores teores de farelo de arroz extrusado e amêndoa de baru torrada, nas formuladas com amendoim torrado e farelo de arroz extrusado, esta tendência foi verificada com maiores quantidades de farelo de arroz extrusado e menores de amendoim torrado e caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado. Já para textura a força máxima de compressão teve maior tendência ao aumento quando os valores de caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado e amêndoa de baru torrada foram intermediários e para a formulação com amendoim, quando menor a quantidade de amendoim torrado e caldo de cana-de-açúcar concentrado e maiores de farelo de arroz extrusado. Como a rapadura padrão é considerada um alimento desbalanceado devido ao seu valor calórico ser atribuído, quase que exclusivamente, aos carboidratos, ao seu baixo teor de proteína e ausência de lipídios, é possível concluir que com a adição da mistura de farelo de arroz extrusado e amêndoa de baru torrada, a rapadura passou a ser um alimento mais completo, contemplando outros nutrientes, sendo os lipídios e proteínas provenientes do farelo de arroz extrusado e da amêndoa de baru torrada, assim como as fibras, que contribuem para o melhor funcionamento do organismo humano.

Caracterização dos ácidos graxos das sementes e compostos voláteis dos frutos de espécies do gênero Passiflora /

Vieira, Maria Aparecida Ribeiro, 1978. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Márcia Ortiz Mayo Marques / Banca: Deborah Helena Markowicz Bastos / Banca: Marcos Eduardo Paron / Resumo: A cultura do maracujazeiro encontra-se em expansão no Brasil. A espécie mais cultivada no país é Passiflora edulis (maracujá-amarelo), representando 95% dos pomares comerciais. O suco, em conjunto com o aroma, é utilizado na elaboração de refrescos, doces, geléia, sorvete e licores. A produção de suco gera toneladas de resíduo, composto por cascas e sementes, sendo em grande parte descartados. Outros usos ligados à indústria cosmética, farmacêutica e alimentícia, ainda permanecem inexplorados, mesmo para P. edulis. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização química do aroma da polpa e do óleo das sementes dos frutos de Passiflora edulis (maracujá-amarelo), Passiflora alata (maracujádoce) e Passiflora nitida (maracujá-suspiro). O óleo das sementes foi extraído com hexano e o aroma da polpa pela técnica de headspace dinâmico. As análises da composição química dos óleos e aromas foram efetuadas por cromatografia gasosa acoplada e espectrometria de massas. Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento do óleo entre as espécies P. edulis (25,62%) e P. nitida (26,10%), mas ambas diferiram significativamente da espécie P. alata (20,12%). Para as espécies P. edulis e P. alata a proporção relativa dos ácidos graxos majoritários (linoléico, oléico e palmítico) foram semelhantes (P. edulis: 67,99; 14,54 e 15,30%); (P. alata 63,16; 15,02 e 18,75%) e divergentes de P. nitida (35,53; 28,35 e 28,97%). A composição química do aroma da polpa diferiu entre as três espécies avaliadas. Os compostos voláteis majoritários para o aroma de P. edulis e P. alata pertencem à classe química dos ésteres, sendo os compostos majoritários o butanoato de etila (45,12%) e 2 hexanoato de etila (30,89%) para a primeira espécie e trans-crotonato de metila (40,78%), butanoato de metila (20,52%) e 2-hexenoato de metila (15,70%) para... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Passion fruit culture is expanding in Brazil. The most commonly cultivated Passiflora species is Passiflora edulis (yellow passion fruit), representing 95% of the commercial orchards in the country. The juice along with its aroma is used to elaborate of sweet drinks, candies, jam, ice-cream and brandy. Juice production generates several tons of residues, consisting in passion fruit peel and seeds, the majority of which is discarded. Other uses in association with cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industry remain unexploited even for P. edulis. The present work aimed to characterize chemically the pulp aroma and the fruit seed oil from Passiflora edulis (yellow passion fruit), Passiflora alata (sweet passion fruit) and Passiflora nitida (meringue passion fruit). The oil was extracted from the seeds using hexane and the fruit aroma was obtained using the dynamic headspace technique. The analyses of the chemical composition of the oils and aromas were performed by mass spectrometry-coupled gas chromatography. There was no significant difference in the oil yield between the species P. edulis (25.62%) and P. nitida (26.10%), however, both were significantly different from the species P. alata (20.12%). For P. edulis and P. alata, the relative proportion of major fatty acids (linoleic, oleic and palmitic) was similar (P. edulis: 67.99; 14.54 and 15.30%); P. alata 63.16; 15.02 and 18.75%) and distinct from P. nitida (35.53; 28.35 and 28.97%). The chemical composition of the pulp aroma was distinct in the three species studied. Major volatile compounds of the aroma from P. edulis and P. alata belong to the chemical class of the esters, being the majoritary compounds: ethyl butanoate (45.12%) and ethyl hexanoate (30.89%) for the first species, whereas in P. alata the majoritary compounds were: methyl trans-crotonate (40.78%), methyl butanoate (20.52%) and... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Mestre

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