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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Responsabilidade e imputação: genealogia do direito / Responsability and attribution: genealogy of law

Smilgys, Thaís Helena 22 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de investigar os conceitos responsabilidade e imputação em sua historicidade, isto é, sob o prisma genealógico da formação cultural do direito. O trabalho de pesquisa, assim, consiste em acompanhar, a partir de um várias perspectivas contemporâneas, a evolução das diversas significações destes conceitos, relacionando-os ao conceito de sujeito. Daí, deter-se em dois conceitos específicos que aparecem ao longo da pesquisa, trata-se de proceder a um trabalho de dissertação, o qual abarcará a investigação textual da inter-relação de tais conceitos sob o escopo crítico-genealógico do surgimento do direito. Do ponto de vista teórico, esperamos identificar a compreensão de direito, diante do processo formativo desempenhado pelas forças e instintos humanos. / The present work is to investigate the concepts of responsibility and attribution in its historicity, that is, through the prism of cultural formation of Law. The research, therefore, is to monitor, from a number of contemporary perspectives, the evolution of the various meanings of these \"concepts\", relating them to the concept of the subject. Then the claim to study two specific concepts that appear throughout the research. It is to make a discussion, which will cover the investigation of textual interrelation of these concepts within the scope critical-genealogical emergence of the right. From the theoretical point of view, we hope to identify the understanding of Law and therefore the subject of right, before the process played by forces and human instincts.

Le sport amateur et le risque / Amateur sport and the risk

Portes, Rémi 10 December 2014 (has links)
Le sport amateur, dans nos sociétés modernes, tient une place de plus en plus importante dans la vie quotidienne des français. Environ 17 millions d'entre eux sont licenciés dans un club ou une association sportive et plus de 45 millions déclarent pratiquer une activité sportive au moins une fois par semaine. Cependant, s'il est devenu une activité sociétale, le sport n'en demeure pas moins une activité à risques. Ainsi, le sport pouvant conduire à la réalisation de dommages, des mécanismes particuliers de responsabilité et d'assurance ont été mis en place pour garantir une protection efficace du sportif, notamment amateur. Le Droit s'est ainsi attaché à créer des normes juridiques pour informer, encadrer, diriger, sanctionner, lorsque cela est nécessaire, la pratique sportive. Dans cette optique, la mise en jeu des responsabilités, leurs déterminations et leurs applications, ont conduit les acteurs du sport à se questionner sur les risques que leur activité induit. Ces derniers découlent ainsi de la pratique même de l'activité, du matériel utilisé mais également du sportif lui-même et de son comportement. En outre, si une certaine acceptation de la prise de risque a pu être matérialisée, cette notion semble toutefois ne plus avoir les faveurs de la jurisprudence. En parallèle à l'organisation étatique du sport, il ne faut pas négliger l'apport des relations privées par l'intermédiaire du contrat. Ce mécanisme juridique est en effet présent dans le sport amateur et permet de gérer certaines relations entre ses acteurs. Cela a notamment été le cas avec l'émergence de l'économie du sport qui a considérablement développé la pratique contractuelle. Ainsi, et eu égard à sa simplicité de création, le contrat sera un moyen efficace pour organiser de façon globale les rapports entre les acteurs du sport amateur. Il permettra notamment au sportif d'appréhender de manière claire les dangers que l'activité sportive qu'il souhaite exercer suppose, et les risques qu'il sera amené à prendre. Dans ce cas, le contrat demeurera un moyen efficace d'information pour une pratique éclairée du sport amateur. / Amateur sport, in our modern societies, is getting more and more important in everyday French life. Around 17 million of French people are members of a sport club or a federation and more than 45 million declare to practice a sport at the minimum once a week. Even so it has become a social activity, sport remains a risky activity. In this way, sport can makes damages; special mechanisms of responsibility and insurance were built to guarantee an effective protection of the sportsman, especially the amateur. In this idea, law created juridical norms to inform, to lead, to manage, to punish, if necessary, the sport practice. From this point of view, the responsibilities, their determinations and their applications, made the sport actors to question their selves about the risks due to their activity. The risks arising from the practice of the activity, from the equipment and from the behavior of the sportsman. In addition, if a certain acceptance of the risk-taking could be materialized, this notion does not seem to have the favor of the jurisprudence. Coupled with the state organization of sport, the private relations through the contract are no matters to be neglected. This legal mechanism is part to the amateur sport and makes possible to manage effective relationships between its players. This was the case with the emergence of sport economy which has considerably developed the contracting practice. Therefore, thanks to the simplicity of creation, the contract will be an efficient way to organize on the whole the relations between the players of the amateur sport. It will enable the sportsman to appreciate, in a clear manner, the dangers from the activity and the risks he will take. In this case, the contract remains an effective way to inform a “clear” practice of the amateur sport.

Responsabilidade e imputação: genealogia do direito / Responsability and attribution: genealogy of law

Thaís Helena Smilgys 22 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de investigar os conceitos responsabilidade e imputação em sua historicidade, isto é, sob o prisma genealógico da formação cultural do direito. O trabalho de pesquisa, assim, consiste em acompanhar, a partir de um várias perspectivas contemporâneas, a evolução das diversas significações destes conceitos, relacionando-os ao conceito de sujeito. Daí, deter-se em dois conceitos específicos que aparecem ao longo da pesquisa, trata-se de proceder a um trabalho de dissertação, o qual abarcará a investigação textual da inter-relação de tais conceitos sob o escopo crítico-genealógico do surgimento do direito. Do ponto de vista teórico, esperamos identificar a compreensão de direito, diante do processo formativo desempenhado pelas forças e instintos humanos. / The present work is to investigate the concepts of responsibility and attribution in its historicity, that is, through the prism of cultural formation of Law. The research, therefore, is to monitor, from a number of contemporary perspectives, the evolution of the various meanings of these \"concepts\", relating them to the concept of the subject. Then the claim to study two specific concepts that appear throughout the research. It is to make a discussion, which will cover the investigation of textual interrelation of these concepts within the scope critical-genealogical emergence of the right. From the theoretical point of view, we hope to identify the understanding of Law and therefore the subject of right, before the process played by forces and human instincts.

Responsabilité, fortune morale et causalité physique / Responsibility, moral luck and physical causality. / Responsabilità morale, sorte e causazione fisica delle scelte

Mangiarotti, Marco 16 April 2016 (has links)
Ma thèse développe le problème de la compatibilité de responsabilité morale et des thèses causales (déterminisme et indéterminisme.) Ce problème est traité en analysant l’importance supposée de deux conditions de la responsabilité: le pouvoir d’agir autrement et le contrôle sur les sources causales du comportement. La condition de possibilités alternatives est envisagée en faisant référence aux exemples à la Frankfurt, tandis que la condition de la source est supportée par les exemples de manipulation. Mon analyse refuse ces deux conditions. L’examen des œuvres de P.F. Strawson et de J. Feinberg montre, à mon avis, qu’il est impossible de définir les conditions de la responsabilité sans prendre position dans le champ de l’éthique normative. Ainsi, j’en viens à analyser la notion d’obligation morale, et je propose finalement un approche contractualiste, basé sur la théorie de T.M. Scanlon. / My thesis develops the problem of the compatibility between moral responsibility and the physical causation of human decisions. This problem is dealt with the supposed relevance of two different conditions of responsibility: the power to choose otherwise and the control over the source of behaviour. The alternative-possibilities condition is examined by reference to the Frankfurt-type examples, while the source-condition is supported by the manipulation examples. My analysis rejects both of those argumentations. The examination of P.F. Strawson’s and J. Feinberg’s works show, in my opinion, that it is impossible to define the conditions of responsibility without embracing some sort of normative ethical theory. So I came to analyse the notion of moral obligation and finally I propose a contractualist approach, based on the works by T.M. Scanlon.

L'appréhension du droit des personnes handicapées / The apprehension of the rights of disabled persons

El Amrani, Myriam 19 December 2014 (has links)
L'étude du dispositif législatif reconnaissant des droits aux personnes handicapées nous révèle que le droit appréhende le handicap à travers, d'une part, un droit de protection, et d'autre part, un droit de compensation. Le législateur organise un droit de protection limité à l'égard des personnes handicapées. D'une part, le législateur a mis en place des mesures visant à assurer la protection des personnes handicapées vulnérables et de leurs biens, conditionnant ainsi la protection à un état de vulnérabilité. D'autre part, le législateur a mis en place une protection spécifique des personnes handicapées mentales par un régime de responsabilité adaptée, conditionnant la protection à l'incapacité totale ou partielle de discernement. Contrairement au régime de responsabilité pénale qui organise une protection effective des personnes atteintes d'un trouble mental, le régime de responsabilité civile néglige désormais cette protection au profit de l'indemnisation des victimes.Parallèlement à ce droit de protection limité, le législateur a mis en place un véritable droit à compensation des conséquences du handicap adapté au besoin de chaque personne handicapée, à ses attentes et ses choix de vie. La loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées, permet incontestablement une réelle avancée en matière de compensation des conséquences du handicap, toutefois le dispositif législatif renforcé et sa mise en œuvre présentent encore certaines lacunes qu'il est nécessaire de combler. / The study of the legislative package admitting rights to disabled persons shows that law comprehends the disability through, on the one hand, a right of protection and on the other hand, a right of set off. The legislator organizes a right of protection limited to the disabled persons. On the one hand, the legislator has put in place actions to ensure the protection of vulnerable disabled persons and their assets, thus setting the conditions of the protection as a position of vulnerability. On the other hand, the legislator has put in place a specific protection for mentally disabled persons with a liability regime adapted, setting the conditions of the protection as full or partial discernment disability. Unlike the criminal liability regime that organizes an effective protection for persons with mental disorders, the civil liability regime neglects henceforth this protection in favor of compensation paid to victims. In parallel to this limited protection right, the legislator has put in place an actual right of setoff for disabled persons adapted to the need, the expectations and the choices of life of each disabled person. The law n° 2005-102 of February 11th, 2005 for the equality of the rights and the chances, the participation and the citizenship of the disabled persons, clearly allows a real way forward as regards to the compensation of consequences due to disabilities, however the reinforced legislation and its implementation stills show some gaps that must be filled.

Cosmopolitanism and confrontation : realizing consumer responsibility in a globalized marketplace

Cameron, Duncan Hart 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore des façons de conceptualiser la responsabilité dans des cas où des individus contribuent de façon peu significative à des torts collectifs éloignés. Pour contextualiser la discussion, la relation entre des actes de consommation et la perpétuation des « sweatshops » dans l’industrie des textiles et des chaussures est utilisée. Une approche basée sur les droits humains est déployée pour définir le tort qui est présent dans les usines de textiles et une conceptualisation de la connection est proposée selon la notion de la structure sociale. Guidé par la notion de « unstructured collective harms » proposée par Christopher Kutz, et en comparaison avec des notions de responsabilité qui mettent la responsabilité nationale en premier plan, les conclusions qui sont offertes ici sont centrées sur l’importance de la confrontation du consommateur pour remédier aux effets du problème d’action collective qui est au coeur de la création des torts collectifs lointains. Finalement, l’importance du cosmopolitanisme comme une façon de stabiliser des théories de responsabilité à travers les frontières est mis en évidence. / This paper explores ways of conceptualizing responsibility in cases where individual agents contribute in marginal ways to a distant collective harm. To contextualize the discussion, the relationship between consumer acts and the perpetuation of sweatshop labour in the Textiles, Clothing, and Footwear Industry has been focused upon. A human rights framework is adopted to define the harm that occurs on sweatshop floors and an understanding of connection to the harm has been proposed using the concept of social structure. Guided by the notion of unstructured collective harms, defined by Christopher Kutz, and in contrast to so called nation-centred approaches to responsibility, the conclusions here centre on the need to confront individuals with their contributions to distant collective harms as a way of countering the collective action problem that leads to distant collective harms. Finally, the importance of cosmopolitanism, as a way of stabilizing accounts of responsibility across borders, is emphasized.

Cosmopolitanism and confrontation : realizing consumer responsibility in a globalized marketplace

Cameron, Duncan Hart 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore des façons de conceptualiser la responsabilité dans des cas où des individus contribuent de façon peu significative à des torts collectifs éloignés. Pour contextualiser la discussion, la relation entre des actes de consommation et la perpétuation des « sweatshops » dans l’industrie des textiles et des chaussures est utilisée. Une approche basée sur les droits humains est déployée pour définir le tort qui est présent dans les usines de textiles et une conceptualisation de la connection est proposée selon la notion de la structure sociale. Guidé par la notion de « unstructured collective harms » proposée par Christopher Kutz, et en comparaison avec des notions de responsabilité qui mettent la responsabilité nationale en premier plan, les conclusions qui sont offertes ici sont centrées sur l’importance de la confrontation du consommateur pour remédier aux effets du problème d’action collective qui est au coeur de la création des torts collectifs lointains. Finalement, l’importance du cosmopolitanisme comme une façon de stabiliser des théories de responsabilité à travers les frontières est mis en évidence. / This paper explores ways of conceptualizing responsibility in cases where individual agents contribute in marginal ways to a distant collective harm. To contextualize the discussion, the relationship between consumer acts and the perpetuation of sweatshop labour in the Textiles, Clothing, and Footwear Industry has been focused upon. A human rights framework is adopted to define the harm that occurs on sweatshop floors and an understanding of connection to the harm has been proposed using the concept of social structure. Guided by the notion of unstructured collective harms, defined by Christopher Kutz, and in contrast to so called nation-centred approaches to responsibility, the conclusions here centre on the need to confront individuals with their contributions to distant collective harms as a way of countering the collective action problem that leads to distant collective harms. Finally, the importance of cosmopolitanism, as a way of stabilizing accounts of responsibility across borders, is emphasized.

Responsabilité contractuelle et responsabilité extra-contractuelle en droit administratif / Contractual responsability and extra-contractual responsability in public law

Bousquet, Jérémy 17 June 2017 (has links)
Aujourd’hui encore considérées comme deux ordres distincts de la responsabilité administrative, les responsabilités contractuelle et extra-contractuelle se différencient en raison de leur régime. La coexistence d’une telle dualité de régime de responsabilité en droit administratif implique certaines difficultés pratiques quant au choix du régime à appliquer à tel ou tel litige puisque ils existent des situations où la question du fondement de l’action indemnitaire n’est pas fermement résolue et laisse place à des incertitudes et ambiguïtés. Or, il est essentiel d’y remédier en raison des conséquences insatisfaisantes qu’elles peuvent notamment emporter sur l’exigence de sécurité juridique. Cette nécessité est d’autant plus vraie que l’état du droit est riche de situations d’interaction entre les régimes de responsabilité toutes les fois où peuvent se chevaucher le domaine de responsabilité contractuelle et celui de la responsabilité extra-contractuelle. Les frontières entre les régimes de responsabilité apparaissent ainsi poreuses et mouvantes. Beaucoup d’hypothèses ne peuvent sans hésitation être classées dans l’un ou l’autre des domaines de responsabilité de telle sorte que certaines solutions jurisprudentielles contradictoires peuvent surgir : face à la nécessité d’opter pour un régime de responsabilité, les tribunaux doivent choisir, parfois artificiellement, un régime de responsabilité, solutions sujettes à critiques. Ces problématiques liées à l’existence d’une dualité de régime démontrent l’importance de préciser et de prévoir en amont le régime de responsabilité applicable à chaque litige et nous invite à nous questionner sur l’état des lieux de la dualité en droit administratif. Il convient à ce titre de résister à la tentation d’établir une unification des régimes des responsabilités contractuelle et extra-contractuelle qui apparaîtrait artificielle, afin d’y préférer un travail de délimitation de leur domaine respectif, plus cohérent et plus satisfaisant au regard de certaines préoccupations : sécurité juridique, égalité de traitement, mais également respect de l’engagement tenu et des spécificités du régime contractuel. Ainsi, la recherche d’un élargissement du domaine de la responsabilité contractuelle à l’ensemble des situations dommageables intervenues à l’occasion de l’exécution d’un contrat administratif devrait permettre d’atteindre un tel objectif. / Even today, the contractual and extra-contractual liabilities differ because of their regime and they are considered as two different orders different from the public responsibility, The coexistence of such duality in administrative law involves certain practical difficulties as for the choice of the regime to be applied to such or such dispute because exist some situations where the question of the foundation of the indemnitaire action is not firmly solved and gives way to uncertainties and ambiguities. It is essential to remedy it because of the unsatisfactory consequences which they can take in particular on the requirement of legal security. This necessity is particulary true as the state of the law is rich in situations of interaction between liability regimes all the times when can overlap the domain of contractual liability and that of the extra-contractual liability. The borders between liability schemes seem so porous and unstable. Many hypotheses be classified cannot without hesitation in the one or other one of the domains of responsibility so that certain contradictory case law solutions can appear: in front of the necessity of opting for a liability scheme, the courts have to choose, sometimes artificially, a liability scheme, solutions subject to criticisms.These problems bound to the existence of a duality of regime demonstrate the importance to specify and to plan upstream the liability scheme applicable to every dispute and invites us to question us about the current situation of the duality in public law. It is advisable to resist the temptation to establish a unification of the regimes of the contractual and extra-contractual responsibilities which would seem artificial, to prefer a work of demarcation, more coherent and satisfactorier, of their respective domain with regard to certain concerns: legal security, equal treatment, but also respect for the held commitment and for the specificities of the contractual regime. So, the research for an extension of the domain of the contractual liability to all the harmful situations intervened on the occasion of the execution of a public service contract should allow to reach such goal.

Reconciling Law and Morality in Human Rights Discourse: Beyond the Habermasian Account of Human Rights

Moka-Mubelo, Willy January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: David M. Rasmussen / In this dissertation I argue for an approach that conceives human rights as both moral and legal rights. The merit of such an approach is its capacity to understand human rights more in terms of the kind of world free and reasonable beings would like to live in rather than simply in terms of what each individual is legally entitled to. While I acknowledge that every human being has the moral entitlement to be granted living conditions that are conducive to a dignified life, I maintain, at the same time, that the moral and legal aspects of human rights are complementary and should be given equal weight. The legal aspect compensates for the limitations of moral human rights the observance of which depends on the conscience of the individual, and the moral aspect tempers the mechanical and inhumane application of the law. Unlike the traditional or orthodox approach, which conceives human rights as rights that individuals have by virtue of their humanity, and the political or practical approach, which understands human rights as legal rights that are meant to limit the sovereignty of the state, the moral-legal approach reconciles law and morality in human rights discourse and underlines the importance of a legal framework that compensates for the deficiencies in the implementation of moral human rights. It not only challenges the exclusively negative approach to fundamental liberties but also emphasizes the necessity of an enforcement mechanism that helps those who are not morally motivated to refrain from violating the rights of others. Without the legal mechanism of enforcement, the understanding of human rights would be reduced to simply framing moral claims against injustices. Many traditional human rights theorists failed to reconcile the moral and legal aspects of human rights. That is why Jürgen Habermas, whose approach to human rights provides the guiding intuition of this dissertation, has been criticized for approaching human rights from a legal point of view, especially in Between Facts and Norms. Most of Habermas’s critics overlooked his goal in the project of reconstructing law. Habermas addresses the question of the legitimacy of modern law by finding good arguments for a law to be recognized as right and just. For him, modern law has two sources of legitimacy: human rights and popular sovereignty. He affirms their mutual presupposition in a system of rights within a constitutional democracy. In order to grasp Habermas’s moral considerations in his account of human rights, one has to go beyond Between Facts and Norms. That is why the relationship Habermas establishes between law and morality should constitute the starting point in understanding the moral dimension of human rights in his account of human rights. That relationship is clarified in the discussion on the interdependence between human rights and human dignity. Human dignity provides the ground from which human rights are interpreted and justified. Human dignity is the standpoint from which individuals can claim rights from one another on the basis of mutual respect. Because of human dignity, members of a political community can live as free and equal citizens. In order to achieve such a goal, there must be structures that facilitate social integration. Thus, the existence of a strong civil society that can stimulate discussion in the public sphere and promote a vigilant citizenry and respect for human rights becomes very important. The protection of human rights becomes a common and shared responsibility. Such a responsibility goes beyond the boundaries of nation-states and requires the establishment of a cosmopolitan human rights regime based on the conviction that all human beings are members of a community of fate and that they share common values which transcend the limits of their individual states. In a cosmopolitan human rights regime, people are protected as persons and not as citizens of a particular state. The realization of such a regime requires solidarity and the politics of compassion. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Philosophy.

Culpabilidade e função: análise crítica da culpabilidade na obra de Günther Jakobs / Culpability and function: critical analysis of the Günther Jakobss culpability theory

Ribeiro, Thaísa Bernhardt 11 April 2014 (has links)
A expansão do Direito Penal é um fenômeno jurídico da pós-modernidade que se encontra intrinsecamente relacionado com a configuração da sociedade atual como sociedade de riscos. Tal conjuntura social, política, tecnológica, econômica e, inevitavelmente, jurídica afeta a construção dos institutos dogmático-penais. Neste diapasão é possível observar novidades na realidade dogmática: o surgimento ou incremento dos crimes de perigo abstrato, o aumento da relevância da omissão, bens jurídicos supra-individuais, discussão sobre a responsabilidade penal da pessoa jurídica, dentre outros. O efeito deste novo contexto social expansivo da punição não implica apenas o surgimento de novas estruturas dogmáticas, mas, também, ocasiona a reconstrução das categorias dogmático-penais clássicas. A culpabilidade é um instituto pré-existente que enfrenta modificações de natureza semântica, ou seja, não está sendo construída no afã da novidade, mas reconstruída silenciosamente sob o manto dos costumes. Este estudo busca lançar luzes sobre a reconstrução histórica e funcional da culpabilidade, analisando e valorando as alterações práticas e teóricas sofridas pelo citado instituto no contexto da expansão penal na sociedade de risco. Para tal, o plano teórico condutor será o funcionalismo penal, que constitui escola de expressiva representatividade na pós-modernidade por coadunar-se com o momento histórico atual. O marco teórico específico será a obra de Günther Jakobs, em razão de a vertente funcionalista sistêmica deste autor estar alinhada com uma perspectiva funcional do Direito. O objetivo central do presente trabalho científico será, justamente, analisar em que medida confundir culpabilidade com prevenção geral positiva para atender anseios sociais de confirmação jurídica comunicativa, como faz Günther Jakobs, se coaduna com as funções da culpabilidade em um Estado Democrático de Direito. Assim, com a análise crítica da obra de Günther Jakobs, busca-se reconstruir o instituto da culpabilidade a partir de sua função histórica de valorização do indivíduo oriunda da subjetivação da responsabilidade e limitação da punição. / The expansion of the Criminal Law is a post modernity juridical phenomenon that is deeply related to risk society. This social, political, technological, economical context affects the criminal legal institutions. It is possible, in this situation, observing news concerning dogmatic reality: the emergence of abstract danger crimes, the increase of omission´s relevance, diffuse juridical estate, discussion about the responsibility of companies, among other effects. The effect of this expansive new social context of punishment, not only implies the emergence of dogmatic news, but also affects the reconstruction of the classic dogmatic categories. Culpability is an pre-existing institute in criminal doctrine that faces semantics changes. In other words, culpability is not built by post modernity changes, but it is quietly rebuilt under customs. This study aims to illuminate this reality of culpability reconstruction in post modernity, by analyzing the changes in culpability institute caused by criminal expansion in risk society. In order to accomplish that, the leading theory for the study will be the criminal functionalism, which is a representative criminal school of post modernity because of its consistency of the current historical moment. The specific theoretical framework is Günther Jakobss work, as this systemic functionalism author is related to a post-modern functional law tendency. The central goal of this work will be analyzing to what extent mistaking culpability for general positive prevention, in order to apply social anxiety of juridical communicative confirmation, as Günther Jakobs does, respecting the functions of culpability in a democracy or not. In this way, with a critical analysis of Günther Jakobs´s work, this study pursues the reconstruction of culpability through the historical function of the individuals appreciation, arising from subjective responsibility and punishment limitation.

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