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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of African reluctance to meet the labour demands of the Transvaal colony as expressed in the Labour Commission of 1903 and the South African Native Affairs Commission, 1903-1905

Masina, Edward Muntu 02 1900 (has links)
The Transvaal Colony experienced a huge problem with the scarcity of African labour for the mines and for the farms after the South African War. From 1901 to 1906 African labourers displayed great reluctance to meet the labour demands of the Transvaal colony. Both black and white witnesses to the Transvaal Labour Commission (TLC) and the South African Native Affairs Commission (SANAC) gave their views regarding the reasons why African labourers were unavailable for wage labour. The Chamber of Mines dominated the proceedings of the TLC so that in the end very little objective information could be gained from the TLC. Africans themselves, testifying before SANAC stated a number of grievances which might have been responsible for the widespread withdrawal from employment on the mines. It became clear that Africans preferred to work independently rather than to provide labour for whites who ill-treated them. This they could only do if land was available to them. / History / M. A. (History)

Mining booms impact on local labor markets in Norrbotten county, Sweden

Andrup, Axel, Sundström, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis has been to analyze whether booms in the iron ore market has any significant effects on local labor markets in certain municipalities in Norrbotten County during the time period 2000-2016. Previous research has established that certain types of booms and busts influenced local labor markets. The analysis was done by using panel data and regression models where the results where compared over non-mining and mining municipalities. The results gave a vague response with both conclusive and inconclusive results over the variables investigated. The main conclusion is that although the mining industry is a big part of local labor markets in Norrbotten County, it is important for firms and policymakers to understand that the mining industry is not the only important factor and that decisions should not be entirely based on the mining industry and its markets. / Målet med denna uppsats var att analysera ifall booms i järnmalmsmarknaden har någon signifikant påverkan på lokala arbetsmarknader i utvalda kommuner i Norrbotten under tidsperioden 2000–2016. Tidigare forskning har fastställt att vissa booms och busts kan influera lokala arbetsmarknader. Analysen har genomförts med paneldata och regressionsmodeller där resultat jämförts mellan gruvkommuner och ickegruvkommuner. Resultaten gav otydliga resultat då vissa var konklusiva medan andra inte var konklusiva. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen som nåtts är att även om gruvindustrin är en viktig del av de lokala arbetsmarknaderna, är det viktigt för företag och beslutsfattare att förstå att gruvindustrin inte är den enda påverkande faktorn och att framtida beslut och satsningar inte enbart ska baseras kring gruvindustrin och dess marknad.

An investigation of enabling and constraining factors affecting the supply and demand of specific biodiversity scarce skills to the biodiversity sector

Mckrill, Leanne Joy January 2015 (has links)
This study is situated within the context of the emerging South African Biodiversity Sector and focuses on the supply of and demand for scarce skilled biodiversity professionals. It does so through investigating the transition a young biodiversity professional makes from a higher education institution to the workplace by drawing attention to the factors encountered or perceived to be encountered during this development. The study forms part of a research programme established between Rhodes University, GreenMatter and the Culture Arts Tourism Hospitality Sport Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA), which seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge pertaining to "green" skills development and retention within the South African biodiversity sector. It is a qualitative study, comprising nested case studies within two larger case studies of scarce skills – those of wildlife veterinarians and freshwater ecologists – as identified by the biodiversity priority scarce skills list (SANBI & Lewis Foundation, 2012). The study is supported by Bronfenbrenner's (1979) Ecological Systems theory and underpinned by the principles of basic critical realism and emergence (Archer, Bhaskar, Collier, Lawson, & Norrie, 1998). Data was generated through a range of data collection methods, including semi-structured interviews, participant observation and document analysis. The aim of these methods was to enable a greater understanding of the factors influencing transitioning and the unique transitions of selected individuals. Findings revealed that the transitions of the participants, although unique to each of them, included the following commonalities: exposure to biodiversity at an early stage in an individual's life paved the way for the development and nurturing of an interest or passion in biodiversity; experience gained prior to entry into the workplace is a powerful enabling factor; the presence or absence of a mentor can be pivotal in the transition of an individual; the gap in knowledge pertaining to demand side or workplace information is a large constraining factor; workplace dynamics affect the demand for, and eventual supply of, biodiversity professionals; the presence of human capital development strategies and structures is beneficial to the individual's transition, and the overall ecosystemic development of an individual has an effect on the supply of specific scarce-skilled individuals to the workforce. This study demonstrates that through the employment of nested case studies, similar research focussing on other scarce skills within the biodiversity sector, as per the GreenMatter Priority Skills List of 2012, can be produced, which would help to address the knowledge gaps pertaining to scarce skills, as indicated by the Biodiversity Human Capital Development Strategy (2010).

Skilled Immigration and the Great Recession: A Panel Data Analysis

Nagaraj, Eashwar 08 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Participation in Global Value Chains : A Study of the Effects of Participation in Intermediate Trade on the Value Added Through Services and the Relative Demand for Skilled Workers in the Swedish Manufacturing Industry

Höijer, Anna Maria January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the effects of the integration in global value chains on the specialization in the production of services and the relative demand for high-skilled labor in the Swedish manufacturing industry. The empirical model and the predictions are based on theories and findings such as the phenomenon of servicification, the Hecksher-Ohlin theorem, and the Stolper-Samuelsson theorem. The study is conducted using a regression analysis of panel data and employs a fixed effects model to control for unobserved heterogeneities between the entities. An interaction variable based on the initial ICT capital stock of each sector is used in an attempt to establish causality. The results show that there is a positive and significant correlation between the growth of intermediate imports and the growth value added through total services and business services between 2000 and 2018. The results also display a positive and significant correlation between the growth of intermediate trade and the value added through total services between 1995 and 2018. The direction of causality of the relationships are not established. Furthermore, the results for growth of relative employment and relative wage are insignificant. Based on these findings it is concluded that there is a correlation between increased participation in global value chains and the growth of value added through services.

Essays on socio-economic consequences of violent conflict in the Middle East

Swed, Nannette 14 March 2014 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, welche die sozio-ökonomische Konsequenzen der Verwicklung in Konflikte untersuchen. Der erste Artikel untersucht den Einfluss der “Operation Iraqi Freedom” und des folgenden Bürgerkrieges auf die Beschulung von irakischen Kindern im schulpflichtigen Alter. Einen Schwerpunkt der Studie bildet die Überwindung eines Endogenitätsproblems, welches sich durch nicht-zufällige Verwicklung in Gewalt ergibt. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass in Abhängigkeit von der Intensität des Konfliktes die Schuleinschreibung von Mädchen durch eine Verwicklung in Konflikte zwischen sechs bis zwölf Prozent reduziert wird. Der bei Jungen gemessene Effekt beläuft sich auf eine Reduzierung um ein bis neun Prozent. Im zweiten Artikel werden Lohnzuschläge von hochqualifizierten palästinensischen Arbeitskräften in Zusammenhang mit alternierender Intensität im Nahostkonflikt gestellt. Mit dem Ausbruch der Zweiten Intifada im Jahr 2000 führen erhöhte Grenzkontrollen zu eingeschränkte Mobilität. Dadurch gewinnt Der Dienstleistungssektor in den Besetzten Gebieten an relativer Bedeutung. Dieser beschäftigt anteilig mehr hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte als andere Sektoren, was den Anstieg ihrer relativen Löhne erklärt. Im dritten Artikel wird die Entwicklung des Geschlechterlohndifferentials in den Palästinensischen Gebieten untersucht. Während der Lohnunterschied zwischen Mann und Frau bis 1999 ansteigt, lässt sich mit dem Ausbruch der Zweiten Intifada die Umkehrung dieses Trends verzeichnen. Die Verlagerung der palästinensischen Beschäftigung aus Israel in den lokalen Arbeitsmarkt erklärt dabei 57,8 Prozent der schrumpfenden Lohnlücke. Die dadurch veränderte Industriestruktur macht weitere 26,5 Prozent der Lohnkonvergenz aus. Die veränderte Beschäftigung zugunsten der Agrar- und Dienstleistungssektoren, welche sich beide durch einen hohen Anteil an Arbeiterinnen auszeichnen, führt zu einem Anstieg ihrer relativen Löhne. / This thesis consists of three essays that analyze the socio-economic consequences of conflict involvement. The first essay studies the effect of the Operation Iraqi Freedom and the following civil war on schooling outcomes of Iraqi children in mandatory schooling age. Several conflict measures which vary over geographic regions are proposed to capture different traits of conflict involvement. A special focus is laid on overcoming the potential endogeneity arising from non-random involvement into conflicts. I find decreased school enrollment of six-year-old boys and girls. Depending on the intensity of the conflict enrollment of girls is reduced by six to twelve percent. The detrimental effect measured for boys ranges between one and nine percent. The second essay examines wage differentials of high-skilled workers in relation to relaxing and tightening conflict intensity in the Israeli-Palestinian case. After the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000 the relative wage of skilled workers experiences a substantial increase. Regional employment shifts coming along with a change in the sector composition are responsible for a higher skill-intensive labor employment which translates into higher relative wages for skilled workers. The third essay explores the evolution of the gender wage gap in the Palestinian Territories. While the male-female wage differential increases till 1999, this trend is reversed with the outbreak of the Second Intifada. The catch-up of the female wages is mainly driven by relative employment shifts across workplaces and sectors. The shift of employment in Israel to the local labor market explains 57.8 percent of the closing wage gap between men and women. The related change in the industry structure explains another 26.5 percent of the wage convergence. I find relative gains of the service and agricultural sectors located in the Palestinian Territories, both of which rely on high shares of female labor input.

Essays on the Economics of Structural Change

Liepmann, Hannah 18 February 2019 (has links)
Im ersten Aufsatz dieser Dissertation analysiere ich, wie sich ein negativer Arbeitsmarktnachfrage-Schock auf Fertilität auswirkt. Ich analysiere dies anhand des ostdeutschen Fertilitätsrückgangs nach dem Mauerfall und nutze unerwartete, exogene, und permanente Anpassungen der Arbeitsnachfrage, welche von industriellen Restrukturierungsprozessen resultierten. Ostdeutsche Frauen, die stärker vom negativen Arbeitsnachfrage-Schock betroffen waren, haben in den 1990er Jahren relativ mehr Kinder bekommen als jene Frauen, die von dem Schock weniger stark betroffen waren. Der Schock hat somit nicht nur das aggregierte Fertilitätsniveau gesenkt, sondern auch die Zusammensetzung der Mütter beeinflusst. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht den Einfluss staatlicher Hilfen auf den späteren ökonomischen Erfolg junger Flüchtlinge. Wir untersuchen dies anhand von ostdeutschen Flüchtlingen, die von 1946 bis 1961 nach Westdeutschland geflohen sind. Nur „politische Flüchtlinge“ hatten ab 1953 Anspruch auf Flüchtlingshilfen. Somit können wir Identifikations-Probleme adressieren, die durch Selektion entstehen. Es zeigen sich positive Effekte der Flüchtlingshilfen auf die Bildung, Jobs, und das Einkommen von Flüchtlingen, die als junge Erwachsene migriert sind. Wir finden keine vergleichbaren Effekte für Flüchtlinge, die als Kinder migriert sind. Das letzte Kapitel präsentiert Ergebnisse eines Projektes, das partiell die Lücke schließt, welche derzeit für Ostdeutsche in den deutschen Sozialversicherungsdaten existiert. Durch die Verknüpfung letzterer mit dem „Datenspeicher Gesellschaftliches Arbeitsvermögen“ der DDR von 1989 haben wir einen neuen Datensatz geschaffen, welcher Analysen von Phänomenen wie Arbeitslosigkeit, beruflicher und regionaler Mobilität ermöglicht. Der neue Datensatz kann auch dazu beitragen, das existierende Wissen über die individuellen Arbeitsmarktkonsequenzen des Mauerfalls zu erweitern. / In the first essay of this dissertation, I analyze how a negative labor demand shock impacts fertility. I analyze this question in the context of the East German fertility decline after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. I exploit differential pressure for restructuring across East German industries which led to unexpected, exogenous, and permanent changes to labor demand. I find that throughout the 1990s, women more severely impacted by the demand shock had relatively more children than their less-severely-impacted counterparts. Thus, the demand shock not only depressed the aggregate fertility level, but also changed the composition of mothers. The second essay explores the question of how refugee-specific aid impacts the medium-term economic success of young refugees. We address this question in the context of German Democratic Republic (GDR) refugees who escaped to West Germany between 1946 and 1961, exploiting that only the subgroup of "political refugees" was granted refugee-targeted aid, and that this only occurred after 1953. The quasi-experiment allows us to address identification difficulties resulting from the fact that refugees eligible for aid are both self-selected and screened by local authorities. We find positive effects of aid-eligibility on educational attainment, job quality and income among the refugees who migrated as young adults. We do not find similar effects of aid-eligibility for refugees who migrated as children. The final chapter of this thesis presents results of a project which partially closes a gap that currently exists for East Germans in the German social security data. By linking these data with the GDR's "Data Fund of Societal Work Power" from 1989, we have created a new data set that permits the analysis of phenomena such as unemployment, job mobility, and regional mobility. The new data set can also be used to refine existing knowledge of the individual-level labor market consequences of German reunification.

Uplatnění absolventů studijního programu Tělesná výchova a sport UK FTVS na trhu práce / The use of graduates of the Physical Education and Sport study program at Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport on the labor market

Omcirk, Vilém January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the use of full-time Masters' graduates of the Physical Education and Sport study program at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University on the labor market. In the theoretical part a review of the current state of knowledge about the use of graduates on the labor market was completed, especially university graduates. On the basis of this review the construct of the use of Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport graduate was operationalized and the main tool of the survey, the electronic questionnaire, was compiled. The basic set of the survey was formed by the graduates of the full-time Masters' studies program between the years 2010 and 2015 in the fields of Secondary School Teaching (double-subject), Physical Education and Sport (single-subject), Military Physical Education and Sports Management. 346 responses from 671 questionnaires were obtained (52% return rate). In the result part collected data was first analyzed by the chi-square test on the basis of 3 identification variables (gender of the respondents, field of study and year of graduation) and subsequently individual results of the survey were presented. These results were mainly related to respondents' transition to the labor market after having finished Masters'...

Uplatnění absolventů studijního programu Tělesná výchova a sport UK FTVS na trhu práce / The use of graduates of the Physical Education and Sport study program at Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport on the labor market

Omcirk, Vilém January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the use of full-time Masters' graduates of the Physical Education and Sport study program at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University on the labor market. In the theoretical part a review of the current state of knowledge about the use of graduates on the labor market was completed, especially university graduates. On the basis of this review the construct of the use of Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport graduate was operationalized and the main tool of the survey, the electronic questionnaire, was compiled. The basic set of the survey was formed by the graduates of the full-time Masters' studies program between the years 2010 and 2015 in the fields of Secondary School Teaching (double-subject), Physical Education and Sport (single-subject), Military Physical Education and Sports Management. 346 responses from 671 questionnaires were obtained (52% return rate). In the result part collected data was first analyzed by the chi-square test on the basis of 3 identification variables (gender of the respondents, field of study and year of graduation) and subsequently individual results of the survey were presented. These results were mainly related to respondents' transition to the labor market after having finished Masters'...

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