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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facing Peak Oil and Climate Change: A Pragmatic Approach to a Re-localized Food Production System in Uppsala, Sweden

Lönnerud, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Globalization and industrial agriculture have enabled consumers in Sweden and other countries in the Western world to enjoy foodstuffs from many parts of the world at very affordable monetary prices, but at the same time involving a lot of external costs in the form of environmental degradation, and a high dependency on foreign agricultural ecosystems as well as on oil and other non-renewable inputs, thus degrading sustainability and resilience in the food system. Accelerated climate change and the upcoming peak oil crisis call for a reorientation and a transition to a more locally-based system. The prospects for a re-localized food system have been investigated in a case study of Uppsala Municipality, Sweden. The results consist of a study of the current primary food production in Uppsala, also including an allotment garden survey, a study of how much additional food may be produced on idle land, and an analysis of opportunities and challenges for a re-localized food system in Uppsala. The allotment garden survey revealed that c. ten percent of the total area of plots containing cottage houses was used for food production, while the figure for plots without cottages was several times higher, c. 65 percent. The total estimated yield for allotment gardens in Uppsala Municipality was about 90 tons of vegetables and 48 tons of fruits and berries. Quantitative calculations on the yield produced by local farmers, horticulturists and leisure gardeners were made for the five categories grain, dairy products, eggs, meat, and vegetables, fruits and berries, together constituting about 85 percent of the total Swedish food consumption. The estimated balance of supply and demand differed a lot between food categories, ranging from 400 percent for grain to 20 percent for meat as well as for vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to empirical uncertainty, the latter figure should be interpreted with caution. For eggs and dairy products the balance of supply and demand was 67 percent and 50 percent respectively. A quantitative estimation for idle land showed that the greatest potential for an increased food production is within leisure gardening, which could be increased by 3.5 to 6 times. A transition to full self-sufficiency would, however, require drastically altered consumer habits towards seasonal vegetables and fruits and less beef in favor of vegetarian proteins. The qualitative analysis of possibilities and obstacles concluded that the greatest assets for a re-localized food production were the large production capacity within rural agriculture, the abundance of mostly unutilized private garden land, the increased interest for urban agriculture among the population, positive attitudes among consumers towards local food, and a relatively high general awareness of climate change and the need for a more sustainable society. Among the challenges were found lacking economic viability and access to suitable farmland, the centralized food industry, an imbalanced agricultural output, unsustainable consumer habits, the tendency among Swedish municipal planners to support exploitation of fertile soil, and a low awareness among both the population and decision makers regarding peak oil and social resilience generally. / Globaliseringen och det industriella jordbruket har möjliggjort för konsumenter i Sverige och andra västländer att få tillgång till matvaror till låga priser och från många olika delar av världen. Samtidigt har detta medfört ett högt pris i form av miljöförsämringar och ett stort beroende av utländsk jordbruksproduktion, samt av olja och andra råvaror som inte är förnybara. Resultatet har blivit ett livsmedelssystem med urholkad hållbarhet och ökad sårbarhet. Accelererande klimatförändringar och den kommande krisen i samband med oljetoppen manar till nyorientering och en övergång till ett mer lokalbaserat system. Denna fallstudie av Uppsala kommun har undersökt utsikterna att återknyta matproduktionen till lokala system. Resultaten omfattar både en studie av den nuvarande matproduktionen i Uppsala, vilken även inkluderade en enkätundersökning av kolonilotter, en studie av potentialen att öka matproduktionen på mark som idag inte används aktivt för det ändamålet, samt en analys av möjligheter och utmaningar för en lokal matproduktion i Uppsala. Enkätundersökningen visade att på kolonilotter med stugor användes ca tio procent av den totala ytan för matproduktion, medan motsvarande siffra för kolonilotter utan stugor var flera gånger högre, ca 65 procent. Den totala skörden för alla kommunala kolonilotter i Uppsala uppskattades till 90 ton grönsaker och 48 ton frukt och bär. För den totala matproduktionen från jordbruket, trädgårdsnäringen och fritidsodlingen gjordes beräkningar för fem olika kategorier: Spannmål, mejeriprodukter, ägg, kött samt grönsaker, frukt och bär, som tillsammans utgör ca 85 procent av den totala svenska matkonsumtionen. Den uppskattade försörjningsbalansen varierade starkt mellan olika kategorier, från 400 procent för spannmål till 20 procent för kött samt för grönsaker, frukt och bär. Osäkerheten kring det vetenskapliga underlaget gällande fritidsodlingen är dock stort, vilket gör att siffrorna för grönsaker, frukt och bär bör tolkas försiktigt. För ägg och mejeriprodukter var försörjningsbalansen 67 procent respektive 50 procent. Studien av obrukad mark visade att den största potentialen för en ökad matproduktion finns inom fritidsodlingen, som beräknades skulle kunna öka med 3.5 till 6 gånger. En övergång till full självförsörjning skulle dock kräva drastiska förändringar i konsumtionsvanorna mot säsongsbetonade grönsaker och frukt samt mindre nötkött till förmån för mer vegetabiliskt protein. Analysen av möjligheter och utmaningar för en återgång till en mer lokal matproduktion pekade på att de största fördelarna är den stora produktionskapaciteten inom jordbruket, den stora sammanlagda arealen privat trädgårdsmark som till stor del är outnyttjad för matproduktion, det ökande intresset för stadsodling bland befolkningen, positiva attityder till lokal mat bland konsumenter, och en relativt hög medvetenhet kring klimatförändringar och behovet av ett mer hållbart samhälle. Bland de viktigaste utmaningarna fanns den bristande ekonomiska lönsamheten inom yrkesodlingen, den centraliserade livsmedelsindustrin, obalansen inom jordbruksproduktionen, med överskott på spannmål och underskott på andra livsmedelsråvaror, ohållbara konsumtionsvanor, tendenser hos svenska kommunala tjänstemän att stödja exploatering av bördig mark, samt den låga graden av medvetenhet hos både befolkningen och beslutsfattarna kring oljetoppen och samhällets sårbarhet generellt.


Shoshtari, Salahaldin January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find potential areas suitable for energy production using renewable sources. For this aim, accurate assessments are necessary. The assessments include geographical suitability, closeness of infrastructure and observing local and regional framework concerning the use of renewable sources together with environmental protection. In addition, economical factor is considered in such an assessment. In this study, the Photovoltaic (PV) production potential for Germany is considered. An accurate and complete data set is necessary in order to achieve reliable results. In addition, a powerful database management and strong analysis tools are required. Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool for finding suitable sites for the photovoltaic production.Using GIS, energy generation planners are able to visualize solar densities throughout the considered area. In addition, they can find the optimal and most economical sites by the combination of solar potential with the information about land. In this study, data sources consist of meteorological and geographical conditions. Furthermore, all analyses have been performed using Arc GIS Desktop. This study demonstrates the possible places for photovoltaic plants and indicates suitable candidates according to weights and factors in multi criteria analysis. The solar radiation data is from year 1995 to 2005. Land cover data is according to Corine 2000 and the more detailed Raumordnungskataster (Rok) for Weser-Ems. Numerical results are reliable from a comparison point of view. This study demonstrates the sensitivity of the defined criteria with respect to electricity production. In particular, this study is useful to see the capabilities of GIS for site selection regarding photovoltaic plants.The purpose of this study is to find potential areas suitable for energy production using renewable sources. For this aim, accurate assessments are necessary. The assessments include geographical suitability, closeness of infrastructure and observing local and regional framework concerning the use of renewable sources together with environmental protection. In addition, economical factor is considered in such an assessment. In this study, the Photovoltaic (PV) production potential for Germany is considered. An accurate and complete data set is necessary in order to achieve reliable results. In addition, a powerful database management and strong analysis tools are required. Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool for finding suitable sites for the photovoltaic production.Using GIS, energy generation planners are able to visualize solar densities throughout the considered area. In addition, they can find the optimal and most economical sites by the combination of solar potential with the information about land. In this study, data sources consist of meteorological and geographical conditions. Furthermore, all analyses have been performed using Arc GIS Desktop. This study demonstrates the possible places for photovoltaic plants and indicates suitable candidates according to weights and factors in multi criteria analysis. The solar radiation data is from year 1995 to 2005. Land cover data is according to Corine 2000 and the more detailed Raumordnungskataster (Rok) for Weser-Ems. Numerical results are reliable from a comparison point of view. This study demonstrates the sensitivity of the defined criteria with respect to electricity production. In particular, this study is useful to see the capabilities of GIS for site selection regarding photovoltaic plants.

Vielfältige Landschaften: Biodiversität, Ökosystemdienstleistungen und Lebensqualität

17 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Jahrestagung 2013 der deutschen Sektion der International Assiciation for Landscape Ecology (IALE) fand vom 10.-12.Oktober 2013 in Dresden statt. Motto der Tagung mit circa 70 Teilnehmern war "Vielfältige Landschaften: Biodiversität, Ökosystemdienstleistungen und Lebensqualität". Der Tagungsband entält die Kurzfassung der ca. 30 Tagungsbeiträge und 20 Poster.

A Convenient Truth

Vice President Research, Office of the January 2009 (has links)
The Local Climate Change Visioning Project is using 3D visualization to bring climate change action to life for local communities.

Modellgestützte Bewertung und Optimierung landschaftsbezogener Planungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Erosionsschutzes

Schob-Adam, Annekatrin 19 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Planung geeigneter Maßnahmen zu Verminderung des Bodenabtrags ist gebunden an eine möglichst präzise Ermittlung von Erosions- und Depositionsflächen, die Lokalisierung des Oberflächenabflusses und die Erfassung möglicher Eintrittspunkte des erodierten Bodens in Fließ- und Stillgewässer (siehe auch DUTTMANN 1999). Dazu stehen verschiedene Instrumente zur Verfügung. Neben den klassischen Methoden wie Kartierungen von Erosionsformen sowie deren Verteilung oder Messungen zur Quantifizierung von Bodenab- und aufträgen kommt der Anwendung von Modellen eine deutlich steigende Bedeutung zu. Dazu stehen einerseits empirische Modelle und andererseits prozessorientierte physikalisch basierte Modelle zur Verfügung. Bedingt durch den damit verbundenen Aufwand wurde bisher auf einen Einsatz dieser Modelle im Rahmen der planerischen Praxis weitgehend verzichtet. Mit der Anwendung des physikalisch basierten Erosionsmodells EROSION 3D wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Modells als Instrument in der Planungspraxis untersucht. Dazu wurde geprüft, ob der Ist-Zustand der Flächen dargestellt und die Planung von Maßnahmen präzisiert und objektiviert wurden kann. Diese Zielstellung wurde an drei, in verschiedenen Regionen Sachsens gelegenen Fallbeispielen mit verschiedenen planerischen Zielstellungen untersucht. Alle Untersuchungsgebiete befinden sich in überwiegend agrarisch geprägten Landschaften, da mit dem gewählten Modell vorrangig erosive Prozesse auf ackerbaulich genutzten Standorten dargestellt werden. Das erste Fallbeispiel untersucht, inwieweit die Funktion des Bodens als Archiv der Natur- und Kulturgeschichte auf Ackerflächen gewährleistet wurde und welche Maßnahmen zum Schutz dieser Bodenfunktion beitragen können. Archäologische Bodendenkmäler auf landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen unterliegen durch die deutliche Intensivierung der landwirtschaftlichen Bodenbearbeitung einer zunehmenden Gefährdung. Als Vorgehensweise wurde hier zuerst die graduelle Gefährdung der archäologischen Bodendenkmäler auf mesoskaliger Ebene bestimmt. Dazu erfolgt die Ermittlung der potentiellen Erosionsgefährdung. Anschließend für mehrere Hot-Spot-Flächen auf der Ebene des Kleineinzugsgebietes (chorische Ebene) eine hochaufgelöste Prüfung des derzeitigen Zustandes der Flächen und die Ableitung und Prüfung von Schutzmaßnahmen unter der Annahme von mehreren Landschaftsszenarien durchgeführt. Das zweite Fallbeispiel betrachtet den Einsatz des Erosionsmodells im Rahmen des Artenschutzes am Beispiel der Flussperlmuschel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Die Flussperlmuscheln sind durch Sediment- und Stoffeinträge in Fließgewässer extrem in ihrem Bestand gefährdet. Mit Hilfe der Modellierungsszenarien wurde untersucht, ob Stoffeintragspfade aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen und Sedimentübertrittspunkte in Gewässer nachvollziehbar ermittelt werden. Die Erwartung wurde durch den Modelleinsatz bestätigt. Auf Basis des Ist-Zustandes wurden anschließend Maßnahmenvorschläge erarbeitet, die zur Minimierung der Gewässereutrophierung und damit zum Schutz der Flussperlmuschel beitragen. Fallbeispiel 3 untersucht im Untersuchungsgebiet Baderitzer Stausee vorliegende umweltrelevante Planungen hinsichtlich ihrer Aussagen zum Erosionsschutz und den möglichen Einsatz von Erosionsmodellierungen auf dieser Planungsebene. Dazu wurde für dieses Fallbeispiel ein optimiertes Szenario mit der Fokussierung auf den Erosionsschutz entwickelt. Zusammenfassend wird festgestellt, dass das Modell EROSION 3D den unterschiedlichen Planungsansprüchen der drei ausgewählten Fallbeispiele gerecht werden konnte und ein weiterer Einsatz des Modells im Rahmen umweltrelevanter Maßnahmen sehr gut vorstellbar ist. Dazu bedarf es neben der noch zu beantwortenden Frage nach dem Finanzierungskonzept vor allem der Mitarbeit und kompetenten Beratung der Entscheidungsträger durch die Planer und Planerinnen. / The planning of suitable measurements for reducing soil erosion is linked to a possible precise calculation of size of erosion and deposition, the localization of the overland flow and the side identification of any possible signs of eroded soil in flowing and in slack water (DUTTMANN 1999). A number of different instruments are available. Additionally to the classical methods, such as, field mapping the erosion forms, as well as, the allocation or measurements for the quantification of soil erosion and application, it also increases the importance of models. On the one side there are the empirical models and on the other the process orientated physical models. Due to the amount of work involved in using such models in the real world, they have been mainly ignored. Under the use of physical based erosion models EROSION 3D the use of these models as instruments of planning practice has been examined. The actual condition of the areas has also been produced and to see if the planning of measurements can be precise and objective. This aim has been examined in three different regions in Saxony in case studies each with different methods of planning. All examination areas were located in mainly agricultural countrysides and examined mainly with chosen model of erosion process concerning agronomic used locations. The first case study examined to what extent the function the soil as archive the nature and cultural history on agronomic areas had been allowed for and which measurements for the protection of these soil functions can make a contribution. Archaeological sites on used agricultural areas are exposed to greater danger due to the increased use of soil cultivation. First the potential erosion danger of archaeological sites on a mesoskalig level with subsequent gradual erosion levels was calculated. Finally for several hot spot areas followed a detailed examination of the current condition of the areas and the diversion and examination of protection measurements concerning several countryside scenarios. The second case study looked at the application of erosion models in the framework of wildlife conservation with the example choosen of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). The freshwater pearl mussels are extremely endangered in their population as they are in the sediment and element inputs in flowing water. The examination looked comprehensibly at the help of element input ways on countryside areas and loose sediment in waters. Based on the actual situation a number of measurement suggestions were prepared for the reduction of water eutrophication and add to the protection of the freshwater pearl mussel. Case study 3 looked at the examination point Baderitzer Stausee the actual status of the countryside planning and the possible use of erosion models as possible methods of these planning levels. To what extent the existing plans for erosion protection in these planning procedures had been taken into account up to now.

Urban design quality, neighbourhood urban form and travel behaviour: case studies of four Adelaide suburbs

Soltani, Ali January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents the results from a comparative study of travel patterns among residents of four suburban residential areas in metropolitan Adelaide. Using existing datasets together with inventory data of urban environment characteristics from original fieldwork, this research examines to what extent there are associations between various attributes of a particular urban location as they relate to travel behaviour and household socio-economics. The findings derived from quantitative and qualitative methods suggest that urban form/design must be taken into consideration in policy making for mobility reduction.

Zhodnocení efektivity návrhu jednotlivých prvků plánu společných zařízení / Evaluation of effectivness of common facilities plan objects projection

SMRŽOVÁ, Edita January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on evaulation of effectivity of particular components of the plan of common measurement. For my reaserch I chose a polder in the municipality of Košice u Soběslavi, the road network in the same area and then a stripe of greenery in the nearby municipality of Myslkovice. In my thesis there is a description of particular components and the areas of their location. Further, I focused on price estimation according to the oficial ordinance and evaluation of their added valuefor surrounding landscape and for the society.

Česká urbanistická tvorba 1938-1948: regionalismus a činnost Zemského studijního a plánovacího ústavu v Brně. / Czech Urbanism 1938 - 1948: Regionalism and Work of the Country Research and Planning Institute in Brno

Pražanová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The given dissertation presents the work of the Country Research and Planning Institute in Brno and depicts regional tendencies in the Czech urbanism in the 40's. In her paper the author focuses on the period between 1938 and 1948 that marks the active existence of Brno's institute which was the most progressive institution within the field of regional planning in that era and whose activities have never been described sufficiently. The main initiators and authors of the institute concept were Bohuslav Fuchs, Jindřich Kumpošt and Josef Mrkos; later a significant figure of the Czech regional planning - Emanuel Hruška joined them. The dissertation defines the urbanistic works of the specified period as continuance of the previous development forcibly interrupted in 1948. In order to understand the motives for the regional planning, this paper outlines the principal idealistic concepts of the planners: criticism of liberalism, holism, technocracy, and redefinition of so called scientific stage of functionalism related to the problem of mental functions in the architecture. After introducing the regional planning in the world and Czechoslovakia at the beginning of the 40's the history, concept and functioning of Brno's institute is presented, including analyses of its main projects. The following...

Análise de processos de erosão celerada, com base em fotografias aéreas e geoprocessamento: Bacia do Rio Bonito (Descalvado, SP). / Analysis of accelerated erosion processes using aerial photographs and GIS: Rio Bonito basin (Descalvado, SP).

Feres, Roberto 08 April 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DoutRF.pdf: 13100736 bytes, checksum: 515f9348d4125b7e6433e83b6ecaedbc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-04-08 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This study relates the methodology adopted to organize the information on the abiotic environment related to the characterization of erosive processes visible in aerial photographs in order to contribute towards actions of planning of the drainage basin of the Bonito river, a sub-basin of the Mogi-Guaçu river, in the municipality of Descalvado-SP, Brazil. The area of study is part of a region highly susceptible to erosive phenomena as a result of favorable conditions provided by the unconsolidated cover material, easily erodible. The environmental fragility of the terrains, however, contrasts with the great fragmentation of the landscape. Under a GIS single georeferenced database at a 1:50,000-compatible scale, all available cartographic and sampling information was organized and compared with a photo mosaic adjusted to a cartographic base of the same area at a 1:10,000 scale, and a visual analysis of the features was performed by photo interpreting. A preliminary map of the unconsolidated material was developed from the information regarding the geological surface formations correlated with the field slope patterns, allowing the automation of the mapping in GIS. The field inspection, aided by real time navigation system on the cartographic information, made possible to diagnose the events found there. The organization applied to the collected information allows the planner to understand each individual developed feature, their causes and the reasons that contribute to it s persistence, correlating them with the local patterns of the environment fragility and compounding an overview of the events that occur in hydrographic basin as a whole. / Este trabalho relata a metodologia adotada para organização das informações do meio abiótico, relativas à caracterização de processos erosivos visíveis em fotografias aéreas, com a finalidade de contribuir em ações de planejamento da bacia de drenagem do Rio Bonito, sub-bacia do Rio Mogi-guaçu, no município de Descalvado-SP, Brasil. A área de estudo encontra-se em região fortemente susceptível a fenômenos erosivos, em decorrência de condições propícias oferecidas pelos materiais inconsolidados de cobertura, facilmente erodíveis. A fragilidade ambiental dos terrenos, entretanto, contrasta com a grande fragmentação da paisagem e variedade do uso da terra. Foram organizados, em ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas - SIG, sob um mesmo banco de dados georreferenciados, em escala 1:50.000, todas as informações cartográficas e amostrais disponíveis e comparadas com um foto-mosaico ajustado à base cartográfica da mesma área, em escala 1:10.000, onde foi possível proceder uma análise visual das feições, por foto-interpretação. Um mapa de materiais inconsolidados foi desenvolvido a partir das informações sobre formações geológicas de superfície correlacionadas com os padrões de declividade do terreno, permitindo automação do mapeamento em ambiente de SIG. As inspeções de campo, assistidas por um sistema de navegação em tempo real sobre as informações cartográficas disponíveis em meio digital, permitiram a complementação das informações necessárias ao diagnóstico dos eventos encontrados. A organização aplicada às informações coletadas permite ao planejador entender os processos individuais, suas causas e os motivos que contribuem para sua persistência, correlacionando-as com os padrões locais de fragilidade do ambiente e compondo uma imagem geral dos eventos que ocorrem na bacia hidrográfica como um todo.

Zpracování průzkumných prací ve zvolené lokalitě jako podklad pro KPÚ / Survey analysis processing as the basis for land adjustment in the selected locality.

VOJÁČKOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to process a research material obtained from a fieldwork in the region around Zálesí in Sumava, Czech Republic, in order to elaborate bases for a global countryside improvement of the area. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the explanation of the concepts that define the forms and goals of the countryside and land improvement. It is followed by an introduction of the relations among the land improvement and a stability of the ecology system, landscape and common devices planning. The theoretical part is concluded with a short description of the natural conditions and, according to the methodology, an analysis of the current situation in the field. The applied part of the thesis follows the methodology of Dumbrovsky at al., 2004. In the first part, there is a general characterization of the field, spatial analysis and an analysis of the differentiation of the area around Zálesí. It is followed by an identification of its concrete characteristics and values. The outcome of the thesis is a detailed and global research of the countryside, which could be used during the planning of the improvements of the global stability of the region.

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