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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oxidative stress in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Peroja, P. (Pekka) 10 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma (FL) are two of the most common lymphomas in the Western world. DLBCL is an aggressive disease with a good response to treatment; about 75% of patients achieve permanent remission after first-line treatment. In patients with relapses or primary refractory disease, prognosis is dismal; only 10–20% of them can be cured, even with aggressive treatments. FL is an indolent lymphoma with a very good response to treatment and slow progression. Median survival with modern treatments is over 15 years. Nevertheless, some patients have short remissions and succumb to disease. Oxidative stress, TP53 mutations, and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 have been linked in many neoplasms to aetiology and poor prognosis. This thesis concerns oxidative stress and redox-state-regulating enzymes in DLBCL and FL, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in DLBCL. High expression levels of the antioxidant enzyme thioredoxin and a marker of oxidative stress, nitrotyrosine, were related to poor prognosis in DLBCL. In FL, high-level expression of peroxiredoxin was associated with good prognosis. TP53 mutations in specific regions LSH and L3 and concurrent translocation of Bcl-2 were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Not all TP53 mutations predicted survival. High expression levels of Bcl-2 and MYC were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Based on the results presented here, antioxidant function may have protective roles, but also may cause resistance to treatment. TP53 mutations have prognostic roles in DLBCL, but should be further defined. Novel therapies could be developed in connection with these mechanisms. / Tiivistelmä Diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) ja follikulaarinen lymfooma (FL) ovat kaksi yleisintä lymfoomaa länsimaissa. DLBCL on aggressiivinen syöpä, joka reagoi hyvin hoitoihin, jopa 75 % paranee. Kuitenkin potilailla, joilla syöpä uusiutuu hoitojen jälkeen tai etenee hoidon aikana, on erittäin huono ennuste, noin 10-20 % näistä potilaista voidaan parantaa. FL on hyväennusteinen lymfooma, joka yleensä reagoi hyvin hoitoihin. Mediaani elossaoloaika kaikilla FL potilailla on yli 15 vuotta taudin toteamisesta. Osalla potilaista FL kuitenkin on aggressiivisempo. Oksidatiivinen stressin, TP53- mutaatioiden, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 -translokaatioiden on todettu olevan huonoon ennusteeseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä monissa syövissä, kuten lymfoomissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutki oksidatiivisen stressin ja hapetus-pelkistys reaktioon liittyvien entsyymien osuutta R-CHOP-hoidetuissa DLBCL:ssa ja FL:ssa immunohistokemian (IHC) avulla. DLBCL:ssa tutkittiin lisäksi TP53 mutaatioita, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 translokaatioiden roolia taudin kulussa. Korkea ekspressio oksidatiivisen stressin merkkiainetta nitrotyrosiinia ja antioksidantti thioredoksiinia olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. FL:ssa runsas ilmentyminen antioksidativiisiin entsyymeihin kuuluvia peroksiredoksiineja olivat yhteydessä hyvään ennusteeseen. TP53 mutaatiot LSH ja L3 alueella ja Bcl-2 -translokaatiot yhdessä olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. Kaikki TP53-mutaatiot eivät olleet assosioituneet huonoon ennusteeseen. DLBCL:ssa Bcl-2 ja MYC –proteiinien runsas ilmentyminen IHC:llä arvioituna liittyi huonoon ennusteeseen. Tulosten perusteella solujen hapetus-pelkistystilaa säätelevillä entsyymeillä voi olla dualistinen rooli, osittain suojeleva ja osittain vahingoittava lymfoomissa. TP53 -mutaatioilla voi olla ennusteellista merkitystä, mutta tämä vaatii lisää tutkimuksia.

Polimorfismos de enzimas de fase 1 e 2 do metabolismo de drogas em pacientes portadores de linfoma difuso de grandes células B / Polymorphisms of phase 1 and 2 enzymes of drugs metabolism in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma

Pamela Oliveira de Souza 27 June 2011 (has links)
Para avaliar a influência dos polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) do CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, PON1, NQO1 e MDR1 na resposta ao tratamento com R-CHOP e CHOP, 82 pacientes com Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B, sem evidências de infecção por HIV, foram selecionados nesse estudo. Amostras de sangue periférico foram coletadas para extração de DNA. Os SNPs foram analisados por PCR-RFLP. Em relação aos pacientes que apresentaram resposta completa (RC) ao tratamento (70%), 51% foram tratados com R-CHOP. Sobre o tratamento, 50% dos pacientes com RC apresentaram classificação de ECOG 0-1 (p=0,0193) e a maioria desses pacientes (41%) não apresentaram envolvimento extranodal (p=0,0377). Não houve associação entre os SNPs do CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTT1, NQO1 e MDR1 (C3435T) e as variáveis estudadas. Apenas CYP3A5 (sexo p=0,0519), GSTM1 (idade p=0,016; tratamento p=0,0372), GSTP1 (envolvimento extranodal p=0,0307), PON1 (sintomas B p=0,0201; Bulky p=0,0148) e MDR1 C1236T (sexo p=0,0316) mostraram associação. Em relação à sobrevida global, apenas tratamento (p=0,0129), IPI (p=0,000342), idade (p=0,0155), estadiamento (p=0,00281) e ECOG (p=0,00869) apresentaram resultados significantes. Quanto à sobrevida livre de doença (SLD), apenas idade (p=0,0292), estadiamento (p=0,0402) e ECOG (p=0,0142) apresentaram resultados significantes / To evaluated the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1, PON1, NQO1 and MDR1 in the treatment response with R-CHOP and CHOP, 82 patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, without evidence of HIV infection, were enrolled in this study. Peripheral blood samples were collected for DNA extraction. The SNPs were analyzed by PCR-RFLP. In relation the patients that showed complete response (CR) to the treatment (70%), 51% were treated with R-CHOP. About the treatment, 50% of the patients with CR showed ECOG classification of 0-1 and the most of these patients (41%) did not showed extranodal involvement (p=0,0377). There was no association between CYP2B6, CYP3A5, GSTT1, NQO1 and MDR1 (C3435T) SNPs and the variables studied. Only CYP3A5 (gender p=0,0519), GSTM1 (age p=0,016; treatment p=0,0372), GSTP1 (extranodal involvement p=0,0307), PON1 (B symptoms p=0,0201; Bulky p=0,0148) e MDR1 C1236T (gender p=0,0316) showed association. In relation to overall survival, only treatment (p=0,0129), IPI (p=0,000342), age (p=0,0155), stadiament (p=0,00281) and ECOG (p=0,00869) showed significant results. To disease-free survival, only age (p=0,0292), stadiament (p=0,0402) e ECOG (p=0,0142) showed significant results

A translational study on the roles of redox molecules, cell cycle regulators and chemokine receptors as prognostic factors in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Pasanen, A. K. (Anna Kaisa) 12 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Lymphomas are a group of more than 70 different malignancies arising from lymphoid tissues and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype of lymphoma. More than 70% of DLBCL patients can be cured with modern therapy, but some patients still die of the disease. The recognition of patients with adverse prognosis, justifying deviation from standard treatment and risking severe side effects, is problematic. The aim of this study was to identify potential biological factors for the prediction of poor treatment response and central nervous system (CNS) relapse in DLBCL patients. The study included 263 lymphoma patients. 205 patients had a DLBCL, and 37 of these represented primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL). Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the expression of oxidative stress markers 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and nitrotyrosine, as well as antioxidant enzymes manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), thioredoxin (Trx) and gamma cysteine ligase (GCL) from samples representing reactive lymphoid tissue and B-cell derived lymphomas. From DLBCL samples staining was also conducted for cell cycle regulating proteins p16, p53, p21 and p27 and chemokine receptors CXCR4, CXCR5 and CCR7. Immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) for CXCR4 and CXCR5, and their ligands CXCL12 and CXCL13 was performed on additional samples from reactive lymphoid tissue, nodal DLBCL, secondary CNS lymphoma and PCNSL. Factors associated with adverse prognosis included expression of nitrotyrosine, Trx and GCL. A prognostic score reflecting the degree of cell cycle dysregulation within each patient’s tumour identified 3 distinct prognostic groups among DLBCL patients. High cytoplasmic CXCR5 expression was associated with CNS involvement, whereas nuclear CXCR4 expression correlated with nodal disease. These results demonstrate the considerable biological heterogeneity seen within DLBCL, but further research is needed to confirm them. High antioxidant activity and the accumulation of damage to cell cycle regulating pathways separated patient groups with a poor prognosis that might benefit from new types of treatment. Chemokine receptor expression seems to play a role in the CNS tropism of DLBCL, and, if confirmed, could in the future contribute to more effective targeting of CNS prophylactic therapies. / Tiivistelmä Lymfoomat ovat yli 70 erilaisen maligniteetin muodostama ryhmä imukudoksen syöpiä, ja diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (engl. DLBCL) on yleisin lymfoomatyyppi. Yli 70 prosenttia DLBCL-potilaista pystytään parantamaan nykyaikaisilla hoidoilla, mutta osa potilaista kuolee edelleen tautiin. Nämä potilaat tarvitsisivat tehokkaampia hoitoja vakavien haittavaikutusten riskistä huolimatta, mutta huonon ennusteen potilaiden tunnistaminen etukäteen on vaikeaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää biologisia tekijöitä DLBCL-potilaiden hoitovasteen ja taudin keskushermostossa (engl. CNS) uusiutumisen ennustamiseen. Aineisto sisältää 263 lymfoomapotilasta. 205 potilaalla on DLBCL, ja 37:llä näistä primaari aivolymfooma (PCNSL). Immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä määritettiin oksidatiivisen stressin markkereiden 8-hydroksideoksiguanosiinin (8-OHdG) ja nitrotyrosiinin, sekä antioksidanttientsyymien mangaanisuperoksidi-dismutaasin (MnSOD), tioredoksiinin (Trx) ja gammakysteiiniligaasin (GCL) ilmentyminen reaktiivista imukudosta sekä B-soluperäisiä lymfoomia edustavissa näytteissä. DLBCL-näytteistä määritettiin lisäksi solusykliä säätelevien proteiinien p16, p53, p21 ja p27 sekä kemokiinireseptorien CXCR4, CXCR5 ja CCR7 ilmentyminen. Lisäksi reaktiivista imukudosta, imusolmuke-DLBCL:aa, sekundaarista CNS-lymfoomaa ja PCNSL:aa edustavista näytteistä määritettiin immunoelektronimikroskooppisesti reseptorien CXCR4 ja CXCR5 sekä ligandien CXCL12 ja CXCL13 ilmentyminen. Tulosten mukaan voimakas nitrotyrosiini-, Trx- ja GCL-positiivisuus ovat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen. Solusyklin säätelyhäiriön vaikeusastetta kuvaava ennusteellinen pisteytys jaotteli DLBCL-potilaat kolmeen ennusteelliseen ryhmään. Runsas sytoplasminen CXCR5-positiivisuus oli yhteydessä CNS-tautiin, kun taas tumapositiivisuus CXCR4:lle korreloi imusolmuketautiin. Tutkimustulokset kuvaavat DLBCL:n merkittävää biologista heterogeenisyyttä, mutta tulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia. Korkea antioksidanttiaktiivisuus ja solusyklin säätelyhäiriöiden kasautuminen erottivat huonoennusteisia potilasryhmiä, jotka voisivat hyötyä uudenlaisista hoidoista. Kemokiinireseptorien ilmentyminen vaikuttaisi olevan yhteydessä DLBCL:n CNS-hakuisuuteen, ja tulosten varmistuessa ekspressioprofiilien analysointia voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää ennaltaehkäisevien hoitojen tehokkaammassa kohdentamisessa.

Migration and adhesion associated molecules in lymphoma biology and their potential roles as biomarkers

Lemma, S. (Siria) 22 August 2017 (has links)
Abstract Lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of malignancies that arise from lymphatic tissues. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoma sub-type. It is an aggressive malignancy with an increasing incidence. The prognosis of DLBCL has improved significantly, but problems also remain. The clinical significance of central nervous system (CNS) relapses has become increasingly important. As secondary CNSL (sCNSL) and primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) are known to have poor prognoses; the prevention of sCNSL is of crucial importance. Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) are rare neoplasms and include several lymphoma subtypes that possess complex and also overlapping morphological and immunophenotypic characteristics. The identification of different entities has improved, but the biological knowledge remains scarce when compared to DLBCL. The optimal treatment schemas for PTCLs are still lacking and they have long been treated with the same therapies as B-cell lymphomas, mainly with suboptimal treatment results. The aim of this study was to identify poor prognostic markers in DLBCL and PTCLs and potential biological markers for the prediction of DLBCL CNS relapse. The study material included patients with systemic DLBCL without CNS affision (sDLBCL), sCNSL, PCNSL and PTCLs. The expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) transcription factors (TFs), chemokines and their receptors and adhesion-, migration- and inflammatory responses-associated molecules were studied by means of immunohistochemistry. IEM was used to verify the specific subcellular location of the studied molecules. GEP was performed on 12 PTCL samples in order to compare the poor prognosis group with the good prognosis group and on one sDLBCL and one sCNSL sample from the time of primary diagnosis. The EMT TFs were found to be expressed in both DLBCL and PTCLs, where they ultimately proved to have prognostic relevance as well. In PTCLs, these TFs were able to delineate a disease group with a specific gene-expression profile. CXCR4, CXCR5, ITGA10, PTEN and CD44 were found to be differently expressed between DLBCL cases with CNS affision when compared to those without CNS disease. These molecules seem to play a role in the development of CNS relapse and hopefully, if further verified, will lead towards the identification of biological markers for CNS relapse prediction. / Tiivistelmä Lymfoomat ovat heterogeeninen ryhmä imukudossyöpiä, joista diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) on yleisin alatyyppi. Se on aggressiivinen maligniteetti, jonka insidenssi on noussut viime vuosina. DLBCL potilaiden ennuste on parantunut merkittävästi, mutta yhä osa potilaista menehtyy tautiinsa. DLBCL:n keskushermostorelapsin kliininen merkitys on tänä päivänä aiempaa suurempi. Sekundaarisen keskushermostolymfooman (sCNSL) ja primaarin aivolymfooman (PCNSL) ennusteet ovat nykyhoidoilla huonoja, joten keskushermostorelapsin ennaltaehkäiseminen on tärkeää. Perifeeriset T-solulymfoomat (PTCLs) ovat ryhmä harvinaisia neoplasioita, joka sisältää useita eri alatyyppejä, joiden morfologiset ja immunofenotyyppiset ominaisuudet ovat monimuotoisia ja osin päällekkäisiä. Eri entiteettien indentifiointi on parantunut, mutta PTCL:ien biologinen tietämys on yhä DLBCL:aa heikompaa. PTCL:ien optimaalinen hoito ei ole selvillä ja tätä tautiryhmää on pitkään hoidettu samoilla hoidoilla kuin DLBCL:aa, mutta huonommilla hoitotuloksilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää huonon ennusteen markkereita, joilla myös pystyttäisiin ennustamaan DLBCL:n keskushermostorelapsia. Aineisto koostui DLBCL, sCNSL, PCNSL ja PTCL näytteistä. Immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä tutkittiin epiteliaalis-mesenkymaalisen transition (EMT) transkriptiotekijöitä (TF), kemokiinireseptoreita sekä adheesioon-, migraatioon ja inflammaatioon assosioituja molekyylejä. Immunoelektronimikroskopialla varmennettiin molekyylien lokalisaatio soluissa. Geeniekspressioprofiloinnilla (GEP) verrattiin kahdentoista hyvän ja huonon ennusteen ryhmään kuuluvan PTCL näytteen välisiä geeniekspressioeroja sekä kahden DLBCL potilaan näytteitä, joista toiselle kehittyi keskushermostorelapsi. EMT TF:ien ekspressiota nähtiin DLBCL ja PTCL näytteissä, joissa niillä myös todettiin olevan ennusteellista merkitystä. PTCL:ssa TF:t pystyivät erottelemaan tautiryhmän, jolla oli oma spesifinen geeniekspressioprofiilinsa. CXCR4, CXCR5, ITGA10, PTEN ja CD44 ekspressio oli erilaista systeemisissä DLBCL tapauksissa verrattuna sCNSL tapauksiin. Edellä mainituilla molekyyleillä näyttää olevan oma roolinsa keskushermostotaudin kehittymisessä ja jos nämä tulokset pystytään vahvistamaan tulevissa tutkimuksissa, johtavat ne toivottavasti kohti keskushermostorelapsiriskin tarkempaa tunnistamista.

Contributions of viral and cellular gene products to the pathogenesis and prognosis of aggressive lymphomas

Simmons, William Minnow January 2016 (has links)
High grade aggressive lymphomas have high mortality. By their nature, more than 40% of patients die from these diseases even with the improved treatment strategies currently available for oncology patients. The characteristic feature is that they are functionally heterogeneous and therefore have different biological and molecular signatures which make it difficult for all groups to respond to same line of treatment. Based on the above, I set out to look at the impact of viral and cellular gene products on these groups of diseases: In chapter 3 I developed monoclonal antibodies against HERV‐K10. I subsequently investigated their expressions in aggressive lymphomas including Diffuse Large B‐cell lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Primary CNS lymphomas. I showed HERV‐K10 is expressed in cell lines of aggressive lymphomas, but not in paraffin‐embedded tissues. In chapter 4 I showed that the expression of ATM using immune‐histochemistry techniques in aggressive lymphomas does offer a guide to prognosis and treatment. Nearly 30% of Diffuse Large B‐cell lymphomas express ATM, 55% of Hodgkin’s lymphomas and more than 80% of Primary CNS lymphomas. I also showed there is a correlation of ATM expression and EBV‐driven aggressive lymphomas and that this has a poor prognostic significance. Chapter 5 analysed the results obtained by generating, validating and evaluating data base of DLBCL and PCNSL from a retrospective cohort over a 17‐year period. The results confirmed that prognostic indicators including ATM, S1PR2, Autotaxin and EBV using immuno‐histochemistry techniques help with categorising aggressive lymphomas into different prognostic groups and does influence future management. In summary, my results showed there is a critical place for immuno‐histochemistry techniques in convincingly helping understand the expressions of viral and cellular gene products in aggressive lymphomas and in contributing positively to their management.

Diffusion-weighted MRI reflects proliferative activity in primary CNS lymphoma

Schob, Stefan, Meyer, Jonas, Gawlitza, Matthias, Frydrychowicz, Clara, Müller, Wolf, Preuss, Matthias, Bure, Lionel, Quäschling, Ulf, Hoffmann, Karl-Titus, Surov, Alexey January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: To investigate if apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values within primary central nervous system lymphoma correlate with cellularity and proliferative activity in corresponding histological samples. Materials and Methods: Echo-planar diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images obtained from 21 patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma were reviewed retrospectively. Regions of interest were drawn on ADC maps corresponding to the contrast enhancing parts of the tumors. Biopsies from all 21 patients were histologically analyzed. Nuclei count, total nuclei area and average nuclei area were measured. The proliferation index was estimated as Ki-67 positive nuclei divided by total number of nuclei. Correlations of ADC values and histopathologic parameters were determined statistically. Results: Ki-67 staining revealed a statistically significant correlation with ADCmin (r = -0.454, p = 0.038), ADCmean (r = -0.546, p = 0.010) and ADCmax (r = -0.515, p = 0.017). Furthermore, ADCmean correlated in a statistically significant manner with total nucleic area (r = -0.500, p = 0.021). Conclusion: Low ADCmin, ADCmean and ADCmax values reflect a high proliferative activity of primary cental nervous system lymphoma. Low ADCmean values—in concordance with several previously published studies—indicate an increased cellularity within the tumor.

CAR T-cellsterapi med axikabtagen-ciloleucel (YESCARTA): En systematisk litteraturöversikt av den senaste landvinningen i behandling av högmaligna B-cellslymfom

Pålsson Östman, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom (DLBCL) är en högmalign cancersjukdom som drabbar B-lymfocyterna, en typ av vita blodkroppar. Incidensen i Sverige är omkring 600 fall per år. Utan effektiv behandling sker sjukdomsprogressionen med ett snabbt förlopp. Under de senaste två årtiondena har behandlingarna som använts i första och andra linjen kunnat bota 60–70% av patienterna med DLBCL. För patienterna som inte svarat på standardbehandlingarna är prognosen mycket allvarlig. YESCARTA är ett nytt genterapiläkemedel som består av patientens egna T-celler modifierade med en chimär antigen receptor (CAR). När CAR T-cellen binder till B-lymfocyter frisätts inflammatoriska mediatorer som orsakar celldöd av både normala och tumöromvandlade B-lymfocyter. Syfte: Hur påverkar behandling med YESCARTA den totala överlevnaden (OS), responsfrekvensen (ORR), progressionsfri överlevnad (PFS), händelsefri överlevnad (EFS), responsduration (DOR), samt komplett och partiell respons (CR & PR) hos patienter med diffust storcelligt B-cellslymfom (DLBCL)? Detta arbete syftar till att systematiskt sammanställa och utvärdera befintlig vetenskaplig litteratur om YESCARTA för att besvara denna frågeställning. Metod: Litteratursökningen utfördes i PubMed. Samtliga MeSH-termer för läkemedlet YESCARTA konsoliderades och filter för observation- och kliniska studier applicerades. Sökningen genererade 34 artiklar, varav 10 kunde inkluderas. Exklusion skedde huvudsakligen av studier som undersökt annat än den terapeutiska effekten av YESCARTA. Resultat: Majoriteten av studierna var av typen fas II. En fas III-studie med varianter i uppföljningstid och undergruppsanalys inkluderades. YESCARTA förefaller vara överlägsen standardbehandling i alla utfallsmått. Resultatet är mest robust för ORR, EFS och PFS. Cirka fyra av fem patienter kan förväntas uppnå remission efter behandling med YESCARTA. Effektfördelen av YESCARTA i OS och DOR är osäker med avseende på statistisk signifikans. Slutsats: För särskilt utvalda patienter med DLBCL är YESCARTA ett effektivt behandlingsalternativ.

Detecção da expressão dos genes associados à resistência múltipla à droga, OCT1 e MDR1 e do gene BCL2 em linfoma difuso de grandes células B\" / Detection of the expression of genes associated with multiple drug resistance, OCT-1 and MDR-1 and BCL-2 gene in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Gouveia, Gisele Rodrigues 15 February 2017 (has links)
O linfoma difuso de grandes células B (LDGCB) é o subtipo de linfoma mais comum em países em desenvolvimento. Entretanto, apesar de sua prevalência e importância, ainda existem poucas publicações com dados epidemiológicos para a população brasileira. Conhecer os fatores de prognóstico é imperativo para identificar os pacientes que responderão melhor ao tratamento, além de permitir sua individualização terapêutica. Alguns estudos demonstraram que pacientes com o mesmo Índice Internacional de Prognóstico (IPI) podem apresentar diferentes sobrevidas, justificando a necessidade de identificar novos marcadores biológicos de prognóstico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto prognóstico da expressão dos genes BCL2, MDR1 e OCT1, de suas respectivas proteínas e da translocação t(14;18), nos desfechos de resposta completa (RC), sobrevida global (SG), sobrevida livre de doença (SLD) e sobrevida livre de progressão (SLP) em pacientes com LDGCB. Foram avaliados de forma retrospectiva 98 pacientes com LDGCB de novo tratados com R-CHOP. A expressão gênica foi avaliada por PCR em Tempo Real com RNA extraído de amostras parafinadas. A expressão proteica foi avaliada pelo método de imuno-histoquímica. A mediana de idade foi de 54,5 anos e 49 pacientes (50%) eram do sexo masculino. Sessenta e quatro pacientes (85,3%) obtiveram RC, com uma mediana de acompanhamento de 2,66 anos. A expressão mediana de BCL2, MDR1 e OCT1 foi 6,27; 0 e 24,49, respectivamente. Não encontramos impacto prognóstico da expressão do gene BCL2 na RC (p=0,277), SG (p=0,068) e SLD (p=0,860). Porém, a expressão de BCL2 >= à mediana associou-se à menor SLP (p=0,040). Encontramos associação entre expressão do gene OCT1 >= à mediana e pior prognóstico para SG (p=0,010) e SLP (p=0,016). Porém, não observamos impacto prognóstico da expressão de OCT1 para RC (p=0,464) e SLD (p=0,717). Não houve associação entre expressão do gene MDR1 e das proteínas BCL-2, Pg-p e OCT-1 com o prognóstico dos pacientes em relação à RC, SG, SLD e SLP. O número de sítios extralinfonodais (p=0,004 e p=0,005), estádio clínico (p < 0,001 para ambas), IPI (p < 0,001 para ambas) e nível de DHL (p=0,010 e p=0,008) apresentaram impacto prognóstico na SG e SLP, respectivamente. Quando os pacientes foram estratificados pelo estádio, IPI e idade, o grupo com expressão de OCT1 >= à mediana e IPI intermediário-alto ou alto risco apresentou pior SG (p=0,048) e o grupo com idade >= 60 anos e expressão de OCT1 >= à mediana apresentou pior prognóstico para SG e SLP (p=0,025 para ambas). Em conclusão, a expressão de MDR1 não apresentou impacto no prognóstico de portadores de LDGCB, porém, a expressão do gene BCL2 >= à mediana foi associada a menor SLP. Além disso, a hiperexpressão de OCT1 apresentou valor preditivo de prognóstico para a SG e SLP em pacientes com LDGCB tratados com R-CHOP / The diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoma subtype in developing countries. However, despite its prevalence and importance, there are still few publications showing the epidemiological data of the Brazilian population. Knowing the prognostic factors is imperative to identify patients supposed to better respond to treatment, as well as to allow their therapeutic individualization. Some studies have shown that patients with the same International Prognostic Index (IPI) may present different survival rates, thus justifying the need to identify new prognosis biomarkers. The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic impact of the genes BCL2, MDR1 and OCT1 and their respective proteins and t (14; 18) translocation on the complete response (CR), overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS) and progression-free survival (PFS) of patients with DLBCL. We retrospectively assessed 98 patients with de novo DLBCL treated with R-CHOP. The gene expression was assessed through real-time PCR using RNA extracted from paraffin samples. The protein expression was assessed through the immunohistochemistry method. The median age was 54.5 years; 49 patients (50%) were men. Sixty-four patients (85.3%) had CR and median follow-up 2.66 years. The median expression of BCL2, MDR1 and OCT1 was 6.27; 0 and 24.49, respectively. We did not find the prognostic impact of the BCL2 gene expression on CR (p = 0.277), OS (p = 0.068) and on DFS (p = 0.860). However, the expression of BCL2 >= the median was associated with the lower PFS (p = 0.040). We found association between OCT1 gene expression >= the median and worse prognosis for OS (p = 0.010) and PFS (p = 0.016). However, we did not find the prognostic impact of OCT1 expression on CR (p = 0.464) and DFS (p = 0.717). There was no association between the MDR1 gene expression and the BCL-2, Pg-p and OCT-1 proteins, and the patients\' prognosis regarding CR, OS, DFS and PFS. The number of extranodal sites (p = 0.004 and p = 0.005), the clinical status (p <0.001 for both), the IPI (p < 0.001 for both) and DHL levels (p = 0.010 and p = 0.008) presented PFS, respectively. When the patients were stratified by stage, IPI and age, the group with OCT1 expression at the median and intermediate-to-high or high-risk IPI had worse OS results (p = 0.048) and the patients in the age group >= 60 years and expression of OCT1 >= the median presented worse prognosis for OS and PFS (p = 0.025 for both). Therefore, the MDR1 expression had no impact on the prognosis of DLBCL carriers. However, the expression of the BCL2 gene >= the median was associated with lower PFS. In addition, the OCT1 hyperexpression presented a predictive prognosis value for OS and PFS in patients with DLBCL treated with R-CHOP

Linfoma difuso de grandes células B, SOE de novo: significado prognóstico de algoritmos e biomarcadores imuno-histoquímicos em pacientes tratados com esquema CHOP-simile e rituximab / Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, NOS de novo: prognostic significance of immunohistochemical algorithms and biomarkers in patients treated with rituximab plus a CHOP-like regimen

Paula, Henrique Moura de 26 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O linfoma difuso de grandes células B, sem outras especificaçoes (LDGCB, SOE) é uma neoplasia agressiva caracterizada pela heterogeneidade morfológica, imunofenotípica e molecular, porém o atual tratamento padrão utilizando imunoquimioterapia (R-CHOP) não considera tal diversidade. Há percentual significativo de pacientes que são refratários à terapia de primeira linha e alguns que apresentam recidiva precoce ou tardia, os quais representam as vítimas desta doença. O estudo imuno-histoquímico (IHQ), que é um método simples e universalmente disponível, vem sendo utilizado para reconhecer a diversidade biológica do LDGCB, SOE, identificando biomarcadores e subgrupos distintos da doença, que poderiam predizer a resposta terapêutica ao tratamento padrão e apontar possíveis candidatos a novas estratégias terapêuticas. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo avalia o valor prognóstico de cinco algoritmos para classificação do LDGCB segundo a célula de origem (COO) e da expressão de três biomarcadores (BCL2, CD30 e MYC) tendo como endpoint a sobrevida global. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo com setenta e nove pacientes com LDGCB,SOE de novo tratados com imunoquimioterapia padrão, estadiados e acompanhados protocolarmente. Os casos foram classificados como subgrupo célula B centrogerminativa símile (GCB) ou como subgrupo célula B não-centrogerminativa símile (NGCB), de acordo com três algoritmos IHQ (Hans, Choi, e Visco-Young) pareados com estudo do perfil de expressão gênica (PEG) e dois algoritmos IHQ não-PEG pareados (Muris e Nyman). Foi estimado o valor prognóstico destes algoritmos e também avaliado a concordância entre eles. O valor prognóstico da expressão do BCL2, CD30 e MYC utilizando IHQ também foi analisado. RESULTADOS: Os algoritmos IHQ PEG pareados revelaram maior concordância entre si, porém nenhum deles revelou força prognóstica. A expressão do CD30 mostrou tendência a melhor prognóstico, porém a expressão de BCL2 e MYC avaliados isoladamente não revelaram impacto prognóstico. Contudo, a coexpressão do BCL2 e MYC, denominado como fenótipo linfoma duplo-expressor (LDE), revelou-se importante marcador prognóstico desfavorável. Foram identificados três subgrupos de risco baseado no fenótipo LDE e o Índice Prognóstico Internacional (IPI). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com LDGCB, SOE de novo tratados com esquema terapêutico padrão, a pesquisa da expressão do fenótipo LDE é mais relevante do ponto vista prognóstico que a classificação em subgrupo GCB ou NGCB. Além disso, a expressão do CD30 pode ser relevante tanto para identificar subgrupo com tendência a melhor prognóstico como para identificar possíveis candidatos a nova terapia alvo / BACKGROUND: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL, NOS) is an aggressive neoplasm characterized by morphological, phenotypic and molecular heterogeneity, but the current standard therapy using immunochemotherapy (R-CHOP) does not consider such diversity. There is a significant percentage of patients who are refractory to first-line therapy and those with early or late recurrence, whose represent the victims of this disease. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), a simple and universally available method, has been used to recognize the biological diversity of DLBCL, NOS, to identify biomarkers and distinct subgroups of the disease, which would predict the therapeutic response to standard treatment and point possible candidates for novel therapeutic strategies. OBJECTIVES: The current study was conducted to evaluate the prognostic value from five algorithms for classification of DLBCL based on cell of origin (COO) and the expression of three biomarkers (BCL2, CD30 and MYC) with overall survival (OS) as an endpoint. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated seventy nine patients with de novo DLBCL, NOS treated with R-CHOP-like immunochemotherapy. The cases were assigned as germinal center B-cell like (GCB) or non-GCB subgroup (NGCB) according to five different IHC algorithms, including three algorithms based on gene expressing profile study (GEP), proposed by Hans, Choi, and Visco-Young, and two non-GEP based algoritms proposed by Muris, and Nyman. We evaluated their prognostic relevance and the concordance between these algorithms. The prognostic power of BCL2, CD30 and MYC expression were also assessed by IHC. RESULTS: None of the profiles assessed by IHC algorithms was able to predict overall survival (OS). The positive expression of CD30 showed a trend toward a better outcome. Neither the positive expression of BCL2 nor the positive expression of MYC were associated with outcome. However, the double-expressor lymphoma phenotype (DEL), represented by the concurrent expression of MYC and BCL2, exhibited a negative prognostic impact. Three different risk subgroups were identified based on the DEL phenotype and the International Prognostic Index (IPI) score. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the DEL, rather than the cell of origin classification based on IHC, is a better predictor of OS in patients with DLBCL treated with R-CHOP-like immunochemotherapy. Besides, the CD30 expression may be a useful prognostic marker and a possible therapeutic target

Odlišení primárně mediastinálního a difuzního velkobuněčného B-lymfomu s využitím metody real-time kvantitativní polymerázové řetězové reakce / Distinguishing of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction

Votavová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is a molecular and prognostic heterogeneous disease. Three main genetic subtypes are called germinal center-like DLBCL (GC-like DLBCL), non-germinal center-like DLBCL (nonGC-like DLBCL) and primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBL). These subtypes can be reliably distinguished only with usage of gene expression profiling (GEP). The GEP method can be applied only when fresh frozen tissue is available. The method is technically difficult and expensive. Thus, it is not used routinely. Since the DLBCL subtypes differ in prognosis, it is extremely important to be able to distinguish them. The presented thesis is focused on distinguishing of PMBL diagnosis in the group of DLBCL. Easily stored formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) and gene expression analysis using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) are used. In the first step, PMBL and DLBCL cases were distinguished with an internationally accepted clinical-pathological method. The agreement between clinical-pathological diagnosis and GEP is only 76%. In the presented text a genetic algorithm for PMBL/DLBCL distinguishing is suggested. It uses three carefully chosen genes and their expression is measured with RTqPCR. Both, the...

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