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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The legal rights of the women of ancient Egypt

Ferreira, Andriette 29 February 2004 (has links)
The legal rights of the women of ancient Egypt are discussed in this dissertation. All the different aspects of the legal system were examined in order to conclude whether the ancient Egyptian women indeed had legal rights. An inquiry was therefore conducted into the Egyptian Family Law, the Law of Succession, Property Law, Law of Contract and Criminal Law. The modern classification of the law was used, seeing that no evidence exists to provide us with the ancient Egyptians' classification method. / Ancient Languages and cultures / M.A.

Soft law као инструмент хармонизације међународног трговинског права / Soft law kao instrument harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava / Soft law as an instrument of harmonization of International commercial law

Mijatović Marija 15 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Даља хармонизација међународног трговинског права је неопходна. Међутим, поставља се питање којим методима вршити овај процес. Значајан и несумњив допринос су у том погледу остварили тзв. hard law извори (извори тврдог права), пре свега међународне конвенције. Ипак, услед њихових недостатака отворен је простор за употребу алтернативних видова нормативних метода.<br />Предмет анализе у докторској дисертацији је допринос тзв. soft law инструмената (инструмената меког права) процесу хармонизације међународног трговинског права. С обзиром на то да се ради са теоријског гледишта о проблематичном и неуједначено дефинисаном феномену, истраживање је сконцентрисано на утврђивање карактеристика, те предности и мана коришћења ових инструмената. Наиме, soft law акти су несанкционисана правила која производе значајне de facto правне ефекте чиме доприносе процесу хармонизације права на међународном нивоу, и значајно на нивоу Европске уније у којој се врши главница пројеката ове врсте.<br />Централно место у анализи заузимају Принципи UNIDROIT за међународне трговинске уговоре и Начела европског уговорног права, те судска и арбитражна пракса која се односи на примену ових прописа меког права.<br />Након уводних разматрања, рад се излаже у два дела. У првом делу анализира се сложеност савременог система међународног права која је последица, између осталог, разноликости нормативних техника које се користе при његовом стварању и све већег значаја међународних организација у овим процесима. Затим се на основу мноштва теоријских ставова излажу карактеристике, врсте, функције soft law аката, те поређење са hard law прописима. У другом делу дисертације наглашава се потреба интензивније хармонизације међународног трговинског права, те начини на које се овај процес постиже кроз употребу soft law аката. Могу се користити као модел извори међународним и националним легислативним телима, као меродавно уговорно право, у поступцима пред судовима и поготово арбитражама и као важно средство тумачења и попуњавања правних празнина међународног униформног и националних права. На крају, у закључним разматрањима износе се закључци на основу спроведеног истраживања.</p> / <p>Dalja harmonizacija međunarodnog trgovinskog prava je neophodna. Međutim, postavlja se pitanje kojim metodima vršiti ovaj proces. Značajan i nesumnjiv doprinos su u tom pogledu ostvarili tzv. hard law izvori (izvori tvrdog prava), pre svega međunarodne konvencije. Ipak, usled njihovih nedostataka otvoren je prostor za upotrebu alternativnih vidova normativnih metoda.<br />Predmet analize u doktorskoj disertaciji je doprinos tzv. soft law instrumenata (instrumenata mekog prava) procesu harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava. S obzirom na to da se radi sa teorijskog gledišta o problematičnom i neujednačeno definisanom fenomenu, istraživanje je skoncentrisano na utvrđivanje karakteristika, te prednosti i mana korišćenja ovih instrumenata. Naime, soft law akti su nesankcionisana pravila koja proizvode značajne de facto pravne efekte čime doprinose procesu harmonizacije prava na međunarodnom nivou, i značajno na nivou Evropske unije u kojoj se vrši glavnica projekata ove vrste.<br />Centralno mesto u analizi zauzimaju Principi UNIDROIT za međunarodne trgovinske ugovore i Načela evropskog ugovornog prava, te sudska i arbitražna praksa koja se odnosi na primenu ovih propisa mekog prava.<br />Nakon uvodnih razmatranja, rad se izlaže u dva dela. U prvom delu analizira se složenost savremenog sistema međunarodnog prava koja je posledica, između ostalog, raznolikosti normativnih tehnika koje se koriste pri njegovom stvaranju i sve većeg značaja međunarodnih organizacija u ovim procesima. Zatim se na osnovu mnoštva teorijskih stavova izlažu karakteristike, vrste, funkcije soft law akata, te poređenje sa hard law propisima. U drugom delu disertacije naglašava se potreba intenzivnije harmonizacije međunarodnog trgovinskog prava, te načini na koje se ovaj proces postiže kroz upotrebu soft law akata. Mogu se koristiti kao model izvori međunarodnim i nacionalnim legislativnim telima, kao merodavno ugovorno pravo, u postupcima pred sudovima i pogotovo arbitražama i kao važno sredstvo tumačenja i popunjavanja pravnih praznina međunarodnog uniformnog i nacionalnih prava. Na kraju, u zaključnim razmatranjima iznose se zaključci na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja.</p> / <p>Further harmonization of International commercial law is necessary. However, there is a question of methods to be used during this process. So-called hard law sources, especially international conventions, had a significant and undoubtful contribution, but their flaws opened some space for using alternative means of normative methods.<br />The subject of this dissertation&rsquo;s analysis is the contribution of so-called soft law instruments to the process of harmonization of International commercial law. Considering the fact that the subject matter that is being theorized about is a difficult and an unevenly defined phenomenon, the research was focused on determining characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of using those instruments. Namely, soft law acts are non-sanctioned rules, which produce important de facto legal effects, contributing to the process of harmonization of the law at the international level, especially at the level of The European union in which the majority of this kind of projects is realized.<br />The UNIDROIT Principles for commercial contract law and Principles of European contract law, court and arbitration practice dealing with applying those soft law regulations are the center of this analysis.<br />After introductory considerations, this thesis is divided into two parts. In the first one, the subject of analysis is the complexity of modern international law system, which is a consequence of, among other things, diversity of normative techniques used in the making of the system, and ever growing importance of international organizations involved in those processes. After that, characteristics, types and functions of soft law acts, and their comparison to hard law regulations, are being presented, all based on a large quantity of theoretical standpoints. The second part of the dissertation emphasizes the need for intensifying the harmonization of International commercial law, and presents the ways to achieve that through using soft law acts. Those acts can be used as model sources to international and national legislation bodies, as law governing the contract, in processes before courts and especially arbitration tribunals and as an important mean of interpretation and supplement to both international uniform and national law. At the end, final considerations present conclusions about the research conducted.</p>

The legal rights of the women of ancient Egypt

Ferreira, Andriette 29 February 2004 (has links)
The legal rights of the women of ancient Egypt are discussed in this dissertation. All the different aspects of the legal system were examined in order to conclude whether the ancient Egyptian women indeed had legal rights. An inquiry was therefore conducted into the Egyptian Family Law, the Law of Succession, Property Law, Law of Contract and Criminal Law. The modern classification of the law was used, seeing that no evidence exists to provide us with the ancient Egyptians' classification method. / Ancient Languages and cultures / M.A.

O sistema de formação, aplicação e superação dos precedentes vinculantes

Araújo Júnior, Pedro Dias de 06 February 2017 (has links)
The present master thesis has its start point on Nicklas Luhmann's system theory and political science in David Easton to demonstrate that the legal system interacts with society through structural couplings, creating binding precedents through existing normative consolidation or, alternatively, from current legal system. One of the key points of the thesis is the participation of the amicus curiae as a legitimizing element of the binding precedents policy. Although they interpret the law in very open interpretation, we defend the thesis that this interpretation can not have the breadth defendend by Peter Häberle in the sense of being greatly enlarged, but the interpretations outside the legal system are realized through codes because a fundamental characteristic of any sound social system – including law system - is open cognitiveness and closed operability according to Luhmann's theory, creating rules and these same rules return to the environment. In the formation of the precedent, we analyzed the participation of the amicus curiae as an element of cognitive openness. In its application, we understand that the integrity of the system should not be understood only in its Dworkian principle theory, defended by Lenio Streck, but rather that it should be understood as a system, in the light of Luhmann's theory. The preservation of the internal operability of the subsystem of binding precedents is one of the means to avoiding systemic corruption - this defies the integrity of any kind of system. With regard to the application of the precedents, there is a need for a more detailed study of the ratio decidendi and the obiter dictum, in order to correct the innumerable imperfetcions of judicial decisions in Brazil, especially those coming from the Federal Supreme Court. When studying the precedents, it is discovered that frozen view of jurisprudence is more typical of the English system than the American system, which makes predict that the Brazilian system will also be more flexible than the two systems under study. In the Constitutional Court, we analyze the main arguments for and against the constitutionality of the binding precedents system and we conclude by its constitutionality. Finally, after the extensive study, it competed to frame the binding precedent - and not the jurisprudence - as a formal source of Brazilian law. / A presente dissertação parte da teoria sistêmica de Nicklas Luhmann e da ciência política em David Easton para demonstrar que o sistema jurídico interage com a sociedade, através dos acoplamentos estruturais, criando precedentes vinculantes através do adensamento normativo até então existente ou, alternativamente, extraindo normas do atual sistema jurídico. Um dos pontos chaves da tese é a participação do amicus curiae como elemento legitimador da política de precedentes vinculantes. Apesar dos mesmos interpretarem o ordenamento em uma possível interpretação aberta do ordenamento, defende-se a tese de que esta interpretação não pode ter o elastério emprestado por Peter Häberle no sentido de ser excessivamente ampliada, mas sim as interpretações advindas de fora do sistema jurídico são metabolizadas através de códigos próprios deste sistema, pois uma característica fundamental de qualquer sistema social íntegro é a cognitividade aberta e a operacionalidade fechada, na teoria de Luhmann, criando regras gerais e estas mesmas regras retornam ao meio ambiente. Na formação do precedente, é analisada a participação do amicus curiae como elemento da abertura cognitiva. Em sua aplicação, entende-se que a integridade do sistema não deve ser compreendida apenas em sua acepção dworkiana da teoria dos princípios, defendida por Lenio Streck, mas sim que ela deve ser compreendida como um sistema, à luz dos ensinamentos de Luhmann, ou seja, a preservação da operatividade interna do subsistema dos precedentes vinculantes é um dos meios de se evitar a corrupção sistêmica – esta sim desafiadora da integridade de quaisquer sistemas. No que se refere à aplicação dos precedentes, há a necessidade de um estudo mais aprofundado da ratio decidendi e do obiter dictum, de forma a se corrigir os inúmeros vícios das decisões judiciais Brasil afora, em especial daquelas oriundas do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Ao se estudar os precedentes, descobre-se que aquela visão engessadora da jurisprudência é mais típica do sistema inglês que do norte-americano, o que gera uma previsão de que o sistema brasileiro será, também, mais flexível que os dois sistemas em estudo. Na seara constitucional, são analisados os principais argumentos a favor e contrário à constitucionalidade do sistema dos precedentes vinculantes e conclui-se pela sua constitucionalidade. Por fim, após o amplo estudo, competiu enquadrar o precedente vinculante – e não a jurisprudência - como fonte formal do direito brasileiro.

O sistema de formação, aplicação e superação dos precedentes vinculantes

Araújo Júnior, Pedro Dias de 06 February 2017 (has links)
The present master thesis has its start point on Nicklas Luhmann's system theory and political science in David Easton to demonstrate that the legal system interacts with society through structural couplings, creating binding precedents through existing normative consolidation or, alternatively, from current legal system. One of the key points of the thesis is the participation of the amicus curiae as a legitimizing element of the binding precedents policy. Although they interpret the law in very open interpretation, we defend the thesis that this interpretation can not have the breadth defendend by Peter Häberle in the sense of being greatly enlarged, but the interpretations outside the legal system are realized through codes because a fundamental characteristic of any sound social system – including law system - is open cognitiveness and closed operability according to Luhmann's theory, creating rules and these same rules return to the environment. In the formation of the precedent, we analyzed the participation of the amicus curiae as an element of cognitive openness. In its application, we understand that the integrity of the system should not be understood only in its Dworkian principle theory, defended by Lenio Streck, but rather that it should be understood as a system, in the light of Luhmann's theory. The preservation of the internal operability of the subsystem of binding precedents is one of the means to avoiding systemic corruption - this defies the integrity of any kind of system. With regard to the application of the precedents, there is a need for a more detailed study of the ratio decidendi and the obiter dictum, in order to correct the innumerable imperfetcions of judicial decisions in Brazil, especially those coming from the Federal Supreme Court. When studying the precedents, it is discovered that frozen view of jurisprudence is more typical of the English system than the American system, which makes predict that the Brazilian system will also be more flexible than the two systems under study. In the Constitutional Court, we analyze the main arguments for and against the constitutionality of the binding precedents system and we conclude by its constitutionality. Finally, after the extensive study, it competed to frame the binding precedent - and not the jurisprudence - as a formal source of Brazilian law. / A presente dissertação parte da teoria sistêmica de Nicklas Luhmann e da ciência política em David Easton para demonstrar que o sistema jurídico interage com a sociedade, através dos acoplamentos estruturais, criando precedentes vinculantes através do adensamento normativo até então existente ou, alternativamente, extraindo normas do atual sistema jurídico. Um dos pontos chaves da tese é a participação do amicus curiae como elemento legitimador da política de precedentes vinculantes. Apesar dos mesmos interpretarem o ordenamento em uma possível interpretação aberta do ordenamento, defende-se a tese de que esta interpretação não pode ter o elastério emprestado por Peter Häberle no sentido de ser excessivamente ampliada, mas sim as interpretações advindas de fora do sistema jurídico são metabolizadas através de códigos próprios deste sistema, pois uma característica fundamental de qualquer sistema social íntegro é a cognitividade aberta e a operacionalidade fechada, na teoria de Luhmann, criando regras gerais e estas mesmas regras retornam ao meio ambiente. Na formação do precedente, é analisada a participação do amicus curiae como elemento da abertura cognitiva. Em sua aplicação, entende-se que a integridade do sistema não deve ser compreendida apenas em sua acepção dworkiana da teoria dos princípios, defendida por Lenio Streck, mas sim que ela deve ser compreendida como um sistema, à luz dos ensinamentos de Luhmann, ou seja, a preservação da operatividade interna do subsistema dos precedentes vinculantes é um dos meios de se evitar a corrupção sistêmica – esta sim desafiadora da integridade de quaisquer sistemas. No que se refere à aplicação dos precedentes, há a necessidade de um estudo mais aprofundado da ratio decidendi e do obiter dictum, de forma a se corrigir os inúmeros vícios das decisões judiciais Brasil afora, em especial daquelas oriundas do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Ao se estudar os precedentes, descobre-se que aquela visão engessadora da jurisprudência é mais típica do sistema inglês que do norte-americano, o que gera uma previsão de que o sistema brasileiro será, também, mais flexível que os dois sistemas em estudo. Na seara constitucional, são analisados os principais argumentos a favor e contrário à constitucionalidade do sistema dos precedentes vinculantes e conclui-se pela sua constitucionalidade. Por fim, após o amplo estudo, competiu enquadrar o precedente vinculante – e não a jurisprudência - como fonte formal do direito brasileiro.

Report on OCDE’s tax bases erosion and shifting benefits: origin and implementation within international and global framework / El informe sobre erosión de bases imponibles y traslación de beneficios de la OCDE: origen e implementación en un marco internacional y globalizado

Serrano Antón, Fernando 10 April 2018 (has links)
This work is intended to analyze circumstances leading to OCDE’s report on tax bases erosion and shifting benefits. Inconsistency of tax systems and unilateralism in current economic globalization framework might have led to asymmetric tax situations, mostly exploited by multinational companies. Means and tools used and proposed by several international institutions in order to implement legally binding actions through soft law and acceptance by different countries as method used in the fight against tax avoidance and fraud are also discussed. / El trabajo propone al lector un análisis de las circunstancias que han dado lugar al Informe de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) sobre la erosión de bases imponibles y la traslación de beneficios. En el contexto actual de globalización económica, la falta de coherencia de los sistemas fiscales y el unilateralismo han podido dar lugar a situaciones fiscales asimétricas, en gran parte aprovechadas por las multinacionales. Son también objeto de examen los medios e instrumentos utilizados y propuestos por distintas instituciones internacionales para implementar sus acciones con fuerza legal, en concreto, a través del soft law y su aceptación por parte de los distintos Estados, como método utilizado en la lucha contra la evasión y fraude fiscal.

L'institution des nipûtum dans les royaumes paléo-babyloniens, 2000-1600 av. J.-C.

Scouflaire, Marie-France A. 28 April 2008 (has links)
Les deux codes de lois de l'époque babylonienne ancienne consacrent plusieurs rubriques à la nipûtum, elles ont été transcrites, traduites et commentées à de multiples reprises. D’autre part, des dizaines de textes éparpillés, auxquels il n'est fait que de vagues allusions dans les commentaires, abordent le même sujet; chaque fois qu'ils sont cités, ils ne le sont que parce qu'ils peuvent éclairer un peu le sens des codes .<p>Nous avons décidé d'agir en sens contraire de la recherche traditionnelle et de proposer une définition de la nipûtum grâce aux textes de la pratique .Les codes semblent en effet traiter de l'anormal plutôt que du normal .La nipûtum n'y est définie qu'en termes d'abus :saisie non justifiée ou mauvais traitements pouvant entraîner la mort de la personne saisie .De plus, ils ne parlent de la nipûtum qu'en cas de dettes et seulement pour des opérations entre particuliers, mettant face à face un banquier tout puissant et un citoyen pauvre en difficulté .<p>L'institution des nipûtum se met tout d'abord en valeur par sa grande extension chronologique, elle est présente dès le début des dynasties amorrites jusqu’au dernier roi de Babylone, soit pendant trois siècles .En ce qui concerne la répartition géographique, elle est en usage dans l'ensemble de la Mésopotamie, du nord au sud, de Sippar à Ur, et d'est en ouest, même dans des zones tout à fait éloignées, comme Mari .<p>\ / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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