Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning experiences"" "subject:"c1earning experiences""
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Learning to Teach in an Intensive Introductory TESL Training Course: A Case Study of English Teacher LearningFreitas, Danielle Coelho Michel 18 March 2013 (has links)
Despite a growing body of research on trainee teachers’ learning during pre-service programs, intensive introductory TESL training courses are still designed to instruct a “standard” type of trainee teacher. This research study investigates the factors that mediate trainee teachers’ learning process as well as the interaction between these factors, which either facilitate and/or hinder trainee teachers’ success during an intensive introductory TESL training course. Using a qualitative holistic single-case study, informed by an interpretivist perspective, this study explores how three trainee teachers learned how to teach during a course in Southern Ontario, Canada. An integrated conceptual framework, formed by a sociocultural perspective of teacher learning, a holistic view of curriculum, and transformative pedagogy was employed and the findings include four major factors that mediated trainee teachers’ teacher learning process and three types of interaction that facilitated and/or hindered their success during the program.
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Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions for higher educationTerefe Feyera Bulti 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is entitled “Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions of higher education”, which is delimited to the private universities. The main question was “What constitutes/determines the institutionalisation of values-based leadership (VBL) to foster collective teacher efficacy (CTE) in the context of Ethiopian private universities (EPrUs)?” The sub-questions were: 1) what does the current state of CTE and its perceived outcomes look like in EPrUs? 2) What sets of behaviours are desired to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? 3) What are the institutional contexts required to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? In addressing these issues, academic leaders, students and teachers from EPrUs participated in the study. As methods of data gathering both the survey method and interviews were used.
Results revealed that CTE is not high enough in EPrUs and hence it needs to be fostered so as to bring the desired change in students’ learning. To foster this, institutionalisation of VBL is required that involves two inter-related aspects. The first one is about institutionalising desired values (behaviours), which are linked to the academic leaders’ yearning for positive sets of values and the teachers’ moral contract to their professional values. To this effect, the positive sets of values that academic leaders should yearn for and the sets of values that teachers should espouse as their professional values are explored. The commonalities between these values are also described and how these would be institutionalised is suggested. The values include integrity and trustworthiness, humility/selflessness, compassion and sense of gratitude, accountability and self-discipline, sense of collaboration and teamwork, and envisioning in leadership as the driving force. The second aspect is about institutionalising the contexts conducive to foster CTE and VBL support behaviours. The need to institutionalise those behaviours and contexts arise out of the perceived leadership gap (between what the teachers believe are the leadership priorities of the leaders and the behaviours they actually see in the leaders). This gap has been linked to CTE, and hence a model has been developed that would foster this efficacy. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)
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Information and communication technology as a learning tool : experiences of students with blindnessNgubane-Mokiwa, Sindile Amina 06 1900 (has links)
The goal of this research was to explore how students with blindness (SwBs) use information and communication technology (ICT) for learning at the University of South Africa (UNISA). To do this the critical paradigm was used as a way of viewing the educational world. Underpinned by Transactional Distance Theory, Cultural Historical Activity Theory, Universal Design for Learning and Critical Theory, the study was qualitative and used narrative inquiry. The selection of the participants was made through purposive and snowball sampling and data collected through life stories, in-depth and telephonic interviews. The findings culminated in two major findings: 1) the use of ICT for learning; and 2) inclusive digital approaches. The first has emerging themes, for instance, (a) challenges with mathematical, scientific and accounting signs; (b) inability to access graphic learning material; (c) incompatibility of software; (d) lack of timely access to electronic learning materials; (e) high cost of ICT tools; (f) personal computers and laptops; (g) myUnisa and myLife; (h) voice recorders, Brailler, screen readers and videoconferencing; (i) electronic mail (e-mail); and (j) mobile telephones. The themes for the second major finding include: (a) authentic use of student-centred approaches; (b) inconsistency between policy and practice; (c) testing and re-testing of assessment tools; and (d) regular seeking of students‘ views and experiences. The proposed ‗Inclusive Critical use of Technology‘ (ICuT) framework was developed to and can be used as an effective guide if it is foregrounded by applicable distance learning theories and appropriate technologies. The study recommends the use of inclusive and critical approaches when integrating ICT into teaching and learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Managing the quality of learning in higher education through a hybrid study approachVan Tonder, Silna 02 1900 (has links)
Technology and globalisation has shaped the experiences and expectations of adult learners
in the 21st century. How adults learn and what they want to learn is highly influenced by the
world they live in at any given time. The need for customisation, extending traditional
learning experiences into new learning experiences will address the quality and value of
higher education learning in South Africa. Restructuring of current programmes to be more
flexible, accessible, interactive, that supports collaboration of learning activities and
accommodates different learning styles, will enrich the adult learners’ learning experience
and quality of learning. In suggesting the use of an alternative learning strategy, the use of a
hybrid study approach (HSA) has been suggested and investigated. Limited research has
been conducted in the use of a hybrid study approach (HSA) and more on what has been said
was conducted on pure online learning, therefore this study focused on managing the quality
of learning in higher education through a hybrid study approach (HSA).
Since the researcher’s interest was to gain insight and understanding of learners’, tutors’ and
institutional managements’ perceptions, understanding, concerns and experiences in their real
world conditions when using a hybrid study approach (HSA), the qualitative research method
was applied. The researcher focused on the micro-level of managing quality of learning by
assessing the ‘learning’ when learning with technology. The study adhered to ethical
principles and techniques to enhance the validity of the findings.
The study found that a need for redress and reform of training and education in South Africa, especially with the integration of technology in higher education, extending into a hybrid
study approach (HSA), which is in harmony with international standards of academic quality,
knowledge, expertise and skills is needed in a changing global economy. A one-for-all
learning approach was found not well suited for the needs of society today and does not foster
an all-inclusive learning approach. The move to a knowledge society where learners are
interconnected and where information circulate around the world faster than ever, it is evident
that much learning occurs in a social environment and does not happen in splendid isolation.
It was found evident that life demands and other different roles adult learners need to fulfill,
adults intentionally search for educational settings that support their way of learning. / Education Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Enseñanza de la arquitectura y educación para el desarrollo sostenible en España. Experiencia académica en grado y resultados de aprendizaje del alumnado del Máster Universitario en ArquitecturaMartínez Ventura, Jordi 20 March 2023 (has links)
[ES] La enseñanza de la arquitectura ha sido llamada a convertirse en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) con el objetivo de empoderar a los futuros profesionales para tomar decisiones conscientes y actuar responsablemente en favor de la sostenibilidad. Para ello, es fundamental comprender qué se está haciendo y qué se puede mejorar en su transformación hacia este tipo de educación. Sin embargo, existen carencias en su conocimiento.
Como respuesta a esta situación, y para facilitar la integración de la EDS en la formación de los futuros arquitectos, esta tesis tiene por objetivo principal (OP) conocer la percepción de los alumnos en torno al estado actual del programa académico de grado más máster habilitante de España en relación con la EDS. Para ello, se han establecido cuatro objetivos específicos: (OE1) determinar el grado en el que consideran haber adquirido los resultados de aprendizaje necesarios para lograr un desarrollo sostenible, (OE2) establecer el nivel en el que piensan que su experiencia de aprendizaje en grado ha integrado la EDS, (OE3) estimar el nivel en el que creen que esta experiencia de aprendizaje ha contribuido a que adquiriesen los resultados de aprendizaje evaluados, y (OE4) analizar la relación existente entre el grado de adquisición que atribuyen a estos resultados de aprendizaje y el nivel de integración de la EDS que asignan a su experiencia de aprendizaje en grado.
Para lograr los objetivos OE1, OE2 y OE3, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, no experimental y transversal mediante encuestas dirigidas al alumnado del Máster Universitario en Arquitectura. Su distribución ha permitido conocer la percepción de 282 estudiantes de 19 de las 22 escuelas que ofrecían estos estudios durante el curso 2020/2021. Además, para lograr el objetivo específico OE4, se ha desarrollado un análisis correlacional y de regresión de estas respuestas.
Desde un punto de vista descriptivo, el estado actual que los alumnos de máster atribuyen al programa académico respecto a la EDS ha sido definido como "moderado" o "muy moderado" (OP): consideran tener un grado de adquisición "moderado" de los resultados de aprendizaje analizados (OE1); piensan que su experiencia de aprendizaje en grado ha presentado un nivel de integración "muy moderado" de la EDS (OE2); y creen que esta experiencia de aprendizaje ha ofrecido un nivel de contribución "moderado" a la adquisición de los resultados de aprendizaje evaluados (OE3). Desde una perspectiva correlacional, se ha determinado la existencia de una asociación significativa de magnitud media y directamente proporcional entre el grado de adquisición que los alumnos atribuyen a estos resultados de aprendizaje y el nivel de integración de la EDS que asignan al grado (OE4). Además, desde un punto de vista causal, los niveles de integración de la EDS que atribuyen a los métodos y a los contenidos de la enseñanza formal se han identificado como predictores significativos del grado de adquisición que asignan a los resultados de aprendizaje.
Con todo ello, se ha contribuido a completar el conocimiento existente en torno al estado actual del programa de grado más máster habilitante de España desde la perspectiva de la EDS. También, respecto a la relación existente entre el nivel de integración de la EDS y el grado de adquisición de los resultados de aprendizaje evaluados. En particular, esta tesis doctoral ha facilitado información valiosa con la que justificar y guiar la transformación de este programa hacia una EDS. En consecuencia, si se quiere promover la capacitación de los futuros arquitectos habilitados en España para contribuir a la transformación de la sociedad hacia un futuro más sostenible, se debe impulsar su transformación. Para lograrlo, será importante promover la toma de decisiones fundamentadas en los hallazgos de esta tesis, en sus antecedentes y en los resultados complementarios de otras aproximaciones al estado de la cuestión. / [CA] L'ensenyança de l'arquitectura ha estat cridada a convertir-se en Educació per al Desenvolupament Sostenible (EDS) amb l'objectiu d'empoderar als futurs professionals per a prendre decisions conscients i actuar responsablement en favor de la sostenibilitat. Per a això, és fonamental comprendre què s'està fent i què es pot millorar en la seua transformació cap a aquest tipus d'educació. No obstant això, existeixen carències en el seu coneixement.
Com a resposta a aquesta situació, i per a facilitar la integració de l'EDS en la formació dels futurs arquitectes, aquesta tesi té per objectiu principal (OP) conéixer la percepció dels alumnes al voltant de l'estat actual del programa acadèmic de grau més màster habilitant d'Espanya en relació amb l'EDS. Per a això, s'han establert quatre objectius específics: (OE1) determinar el grau en el qual consideren haver adquirit els resultats d'aprenentatge necessaris per a aconseguir un desenvolupament sostenible, (OE2) establir el nivell en el qual pensen que la seua experiència d'aprenentatge en grau ha integrat l'EDS, (OE3) estimar el nivell en el qual creuen que aquesta experiència d'aprenentatge ha contribuït al fet que adquiriren els resultats d'aprenentatge avaluats, i (OE4) analitzar la relació existent entre el grau d'adquisició que atribueixen a aquests resultats d'aprenentatge i el nivell d'integració de l'EDS que assignen a la seua experiència d'aprenentatge en grau.
Per a aconseguir els objectius OE1, OE2 i OE3, s'ha dut a terme un estudi descriptiu, quantitatiu, no experimental i transversal mitjançant enquestes dirigides a l'alumnat del Màster Universitari en Arquitectura. La seua distribució ha permés conéixer la percepció de 282 estudiants de 19 de les 22 escoles que oferien aquests estudis durant el curs 2020/2021. A més, per a aconseguir l'objectiu específic OE4, s'ha desenvolupat una anàlisi correlacional i de regressió d'aquestes respostes.
Des d'un punt de vista descriptiu, l'estat actual que els alumnes de màster atribueixen al programa acadèmic respecte a l'EDS ha estat definit com a "moderat" o "molt moderat" (OP): consideren tindre un grau d'adquisició "moderat" dels resultats d'aprenentatge analitzats (OE1); pensen que la seua experiència d'aprenentatge en grau ha presentat un nivell d'integració "molt moderat" de l'EDS (OE2); i creuen que aquesta experiència d'aprenentatge ha oferit un nivell de contribució "moderat" a l'adquisició dels resultats d'aprenentatge avaluats (OE3). Des d'una perspectiva correlacional, s'ha determinat l'existència d'una associació significativa de magnitud mitjana i directament proporcional entre el grau d'adquisició que els alumnes atribueixen a aquests resultats d'aprenentatge i el nivell d'integració de l'EDS que assignen al grau (OE4). A més, des d'un punt de vista causal, els nivells d'integració de l'EDS que atribueixen als mètodes i als continguts de l'ensenyament formal s'han identificat com a predictors significatius del grau d'adquisició que assignen als resultats d'aprenentatge.
Amb tot això, s'ha contribuït a completar el coneixement existent al voltant de l'estat actual del programa de grau més màster habilitant d'Espanya des de la perspectiva de l'EDS. També, respecte a la relació existent entre el nivell d'integració de l'EDS i el grau d'adquisició dels resultats d'aprenentatge avaluats. En particular, aquesta tesi doctoral ha facilitat informació valuosa amb la qual justificar i guiar la transformació d'aquest programa cap a una EDS. En conseqüència, si es vol promoure la capacitació dels futurs arquitectes habilitats a Espanya per a contribuir a la transformació de la societat cap a un futur més sostenible, s'ha d'impulsar la seua transformació. Per a aconseguir-ho, serà important promoure la presa de decisions fonamentades en les troballes d'aquesta tesi, en els seus antecedents i en els resultats complementaris d'altres aproximacions a l'estat de la qüestió. / [EN] Architectural education has been called to become Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to empower future professionals to make conscious decisions and act responsibly in favour of sustainability. For this, it is essential to understand what is being done and what can be improved in its transformation towards this type of education. However, there are gaps in its knowledge.
As a response to this situation, and to facilitate the integration of ESD in the training of future architects, the main objective of this doctoral thesis is (MO) to know the students' perception regarding the current state of the Spanish qualifying academic program constituted by a bachelor's and a master's degree concerning ESD. For this, four specific objectives have been established: (SO1) to determine the degree to which they consider that they have acquired the learning outcomes required to achieve sustainable development, (SO2) to establish the level at which they think that their bachelor's learning experience has integrated ESD, (SO3) to estimate the level at which they believe that this learning experience has contributed to acquiring the evaluated learning outcomes, and (SO4) to analyse the relationship between the degree of acquisition that they attribute to these learning outcomes and the level of integration of ESD that they assign to their bachelor's learning experience.
To achieve objectives SO1, SO2 and SO3, a descriptive, quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional study has been carried out through surveys addressed to students from the Spanish Master's Degree in Architecture (Máster Universitario en Arquitectura). Its distribution has allowed knowing the perception of 282 students from 19 of the 22 schools that offered these studies during the academic year 2020/2021. In addition, to achieve the specific objective SO4, a correlational and a regression analysis of these responses have been developed.
From a descriptive point of view, the current state that master's students attribute to the academic program regarding ESD has been defined as "moderate" or "very moderate" (MO): they consider themselves to have a "moderate" degree of acquisition of the analysed learning outcomes (SO1); they think that their bachelor's learning experience has presented a "very moderate" level of integration of ESD (SO2); and they believe that this learning experience has provided a "moderate" level of contribution to acquiring the evaluated learning outcomes (SO3). From a correlational perspective, the existence of a significant association of medium magnitude and directly proportional has been defined between the degree of acquisition that students attribute to these learning outcomes and the level of ESD integration that they assign to the bachelor's degree (SO4). In addition, from a causal point of view, the levels of integration of ESD that they attribute to the methods and the contents of formal education have been identified as significant predictors of the degree of acquisition that they assign to the learning outcomes.
With all this, a significant contribution has been made to completing the existing knowledge regarding the current state of the Spanish qualifying program constituted by a bachelor's and a master's degree from the perspective of ESD. Also, concerning the relationship between the level of integration of ESD and the degree of acquisition of the evaluated learning outcomes. In particular, this doctoral thesis has provided valuable information to justify and guide the transformation of this program towards an ESD. Consequently, if the training of future architects qualified in Spain is to be promoted so that they can contribute to the transformation of society towards a more sustainable future, its transformation must be fostered. To achieve this, it will be important to promote decision-making based on the findings of this thesis, on its precedents, and on the complementary results of other approaches to the state of the art. / Martínez Ventura, J. (2023). Enseñanza de la arquitectura y educación para el desarrollo sostenible en España. Experiencia académica en grado y resultados de aprendizaje del alumnado del Máster Universitario en Arquitectura [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192546
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<p dir="ltr">Accurately assessing outcomes of students’ motivation when solving complex food system problems through integrating STEM learning can describe their learning experiences and help teachers make relevant connections. This study shows high school students self-reported that they were motivated by solving food system STEM projects.</p><p dir="ltr">The purpose of the study was to predict high school students’ self-efficacy (confirmed by Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA) based on Situated Expectancy-Value Theory (SEVT) variables (confirmed by EFA). The convenience sample for this study was students from four high schools in Indiana (<i>N</i> = 160) who had participated in food system STEM projects at their schools. Quantitative data was collected using the Food System Motivation Questionnaire containing 41 items related to two self-efficacy variables and five SEVT variables. Quantitative data were analyzed using Principal Components Analysis, descriptive statistics, simple linear correlations, and multiple regression. Qualitative data were collected using a focus group interview protocol (Appendix D) and analyzed using thematic coding (deductive) followed by pattern coding. Quantitative and qualitative findings were analyzed using triangulation.</p><p dir="ltr">There were four conclusions to this study. First, the Food System Motivation Questionnaire accurately and reliably measured five variables aligned with SEVT motivation. Second, students were motivated regarding the project’s usefulness in their local contexts and reported higher cultural project self-efficacy after completing the project.<b> </b>Third, over 70% of high school students’ cultural project self-efficacy to complete a food system STEM project can be predicted based on their local context utility value, personal importance and usefulness, intrinsic value, and cost value. Local context utility value was the highest contributor of unique variance. Last, <a href="" target="_blank">after completing the food system STEM projects, urban high school students shared they made connections to their families, local and global community contexts, and future careers and applications. </a>Implications regarding how teachers can motivate high school students to solve food system STEM projects were discussed.</p>
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Developing Skills for Successful LearningSwersky, Liz 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Developing Skills for Successful LearningSwersky, Liz 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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