Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning objectives"" "subject:"c1earning objectives""
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Incorporation of Molecular Diagnostics into Medical Laboratory Science Curriculum: Clinical Facilities Expectations. An Asynchronous, Iterative, Online Delphi Study.Kraj, Barbara 01 January 2015 (has links)
The medical laboratory science (MLS) profession is in need for published molecular diagnostics competency-based standards and curriculum. To assess their expectations of new MLS graduates, professionals performing and supervising performance of clinical molecular assays were surveyed to rate the importance of relevant cognitive and psychomotor learning objectives. A modified, asynchronous, iterative online Delphi process was utilized for assessment of consensus on the importance of the objectives. The survey was delivered through online REDCap application. Program directors of 221 MLS programs accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS) were asked to forward the first Delphi survey to target participants at their affiliated clinical sites. Ninety-four experts submitted complete surveys, including 88 who provided email addresses, indicating agreement to participate in future Delphi rounds. Most of the participants were certified by ASCP or NCA (81.9%), had over 10 years of laboratory experience (76.6%), and worked in a hospital setting (43.6%). The reliability of the surveys, assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, was 0.96 and 0.97. In the second survey, the objectives assigned low importance by the majority were removed; and others, assigned high importance were expanded. Respondents were given the opportunity to confirm or change their opinion on the objectives after reviewing quantitative results and narrative comments collected in the preceding survey. Upon completion of the Delphi process, 25 essential items were identified as necessary for inclusion in the entry-level MLS curriculum. These concepts and objectives focused on basic molecular biology principles and general molecular laboratory operations, including practical knowledge of techniques designed to maintain specimen integrity and intense theoretical background of the polymerase chain reaction, as well as comprehension of the principles of laboratory assays designed for pathogens most commonly tested for using molecular methods. In this study, the investigator also provided information on the preferred number of contact hours devoted to each group of the identified essential items. The goal of creating the list of essential concepts and objectives was to share it with MLS educators, the NAACLS and the provider of MLS certification exam, the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP-BOC), to contribute to the existing exam content guidelines.
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Möglichkeiten von webbasierten adaptiven (online) Systemen (am Beispiel des Englisch Assistenten) zur Steigerung der Fremdsprachenkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Sekundarstufe 1Schöftner, Thomas 24 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Weg hin zum kompetenzorientierten Lehren und Lernen und damit die Einführung von Bildungsstandards steht im Zentrum gegenwärtiger schultheoretischer Diskussionen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser Diskurs aufgegriffen und gezeigt, dass die schulpraktische Umsetzung dieser „Outputorientierung“ eine vielschichtige und komplexe ist.
Im Fokus der theoretischen Betrachtungen der Arbeit stehen die Themen Selbststeuerung und Selbstorganisation beim Lernen, Lernziele, Bildungsstandards und Kompetenzorientierung. Die empirische Studie analysiert, basierend auf den theoretischen Erörterungen, die Möglichkeiten der Steigerung der Fremdsprachenkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern. Erforscht wird dies am Beispiel des webbasierten adaptiven Systems des Englisch-Assistenten bzw. Englisch.Digital. Es wurden fünf Explorationen auf Basis von drei Fragebogenuntersuchungen sowie Informelle Kompetenzmessungen (IKM) mit 75 Schüler/‑innen zweier österreichischer Hauptschulen der achten Schulstufe durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung richtete sich auf die hypothesentestende Exploration von vier Konstrukten (Allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung – Selbsteinschätzung, Spezielle Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung im Unterrichtsfach Englisch im Bereich Lesen – Selbsteinschätzung, Selbstregulation – Selbsteinschätzung und spezielle Fremdsprachenkompetenz im Bereich Lesen – Selbsteinschätzung und Informelle Kompetenzmessung).
Die Untersuchung zeigt ein differenziertes Bild in Bezug darauf, welche Schülergruppen vom digitalen Medienangebot des Englisch-Assistenten (Englisch.Digital) am stärksten profitieren, durchgehend signifikante Ergebnisse konnten in den fünf Explorationen nicht erzielt werden, was unterschiedliche Gründe haben kann (z. B. Unterschiede in den individuellen Wirkungen oder in den Unterrichtsprozessen oder auch Beschränkungen des Studiendesigns).
Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass die Frage nach den Wirkungen von digitalen Medien einer weiteren Ausdifferenzierung bedarf und keine allgemeingültigen Aussagen diesbezüglich getroffen werden können, dass digitale Medien per se eine bestimmte Lernwirkung erzeugen. Es ist festzuhalten, dass es nicht ausreichen wird, neue Technologien zu den traditionellen Lehr- und Lernmethoden lediglich hinzuzufügen, es hat auch ein Wandel der Unterrichtsstruktur zu erfolgen (vgl. Dittler, 2003, S. 193 und Lembke & Leipner, 2015, S. 181). Eine Möglichkeit für dies und für die Umsetzung bzw. Anwendung von Informationskompetenz bietet der in dieser Arbeit analysierte Englisch-Assistent (Englisch.Digital). / The road to competency-based teaching and learning, and thus the introduction of educational standards, is at the heart of current educational debate. This doctoral dissertation takes up this discussion and shows that the practical implementation in schools is a multi-layered, multi-faceted and complex one.
The focus of the theoretical discussion of the current paper is the fields of self-control and self-organization of learning, learning objectives, educational standards and competence orientation.
The empirical study analyses, based on the theoretical considerations, the opportunities for developing pupils’ skills in the foreign language (English). This is explored using the web-based adaptive version of the “English Assistant” or “Englisch.Digital”. Five explorations based on three questionnaires and informal competence measurements (IKM) with 75 pupils (grade eight) were carried out at two Austrian secondary schools. The empirical study focused on (the hypothesis testing) exploration of four constructs (self-assessment of general self-efficacy, self-assessment of special self-efficacy in reading, self-assessment of self-regulation and self-assessment and informal competence measurements of specific skills in reading in the foreign language).
The study shows a mixed picture with respect to which groups of students benefit the most from the digital media offer of Englisch.Digital. Consistent significant results in the five explorations could not be obtained, which may be due to any of a number of different reasons (e.g. differences in individual effects/reactions, the teaching processes or limitations of the study design).
To summarise, it can be stated that the question of the effects of digital media requires further differentiation and no general conclusions can be drawn with respect to the supposition that digital media produce a certain learning effect per se. It should be noted that it will not suffice to merely add new technologies to the traditional teaching and learning methods, changes to teaching structures will also have to be made (cf. Dittler, 2003, p. 193 and Lembke & Leipner, 2015, p. 181). The English Assistant (Englisch.Digital) analysed in this dissertation offers one possible solution for this and also the problem of the transposition or implementation of information literacy.
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Clinical supervision in selected hospitals, Cape Town: reflections on registered nurses lived experiencesKlerk, Kate January 2010 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The purpose of this qualitative explorative study is to explain individualized lived experiences of registered nurses working and participating in clinical supervision for nursing students within the clinical environment at selected hospitals. The study explores the challenges faced by registered nurses on a daily basis on how to structure clinical activities for the nursing students and provide high quality care to patients. / South Africa
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The implementation of environmental learning in grade 8-10 Geography in the Caprivi region, NamibiaSimalumba, Patrick Mwilima 06 1900 (has links)
The Namibian curriculum is premised on the view that there is a need for a holistic development and
preparation of learners for a knowledge-based society. The draft National Environmental Education
policy, the basic education policy and curriculum development processes in Namibia devolved the
power and responsibility to implement environmental learning practice to schools.
This research focus on the extent to which schools coordinate environmental education (EE)
activities, educators’ perception of their environment, knowledge of EE processes, assessment
approaches, the out-door activities, learning support materials, community involvement and EE
school policy issues. Wickenburg (2000:56) affirms that “for substantial learning to take place,
stakeholders should work actively and establish local supportive structures for EE in Schools”.
Educators are expected to deal with practical issues which create opportunities for learners to develop
environmentally responsive knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The research design is a mixed methods research approach, which includes aspects of the quantitative
and qualitative approach. The methodology involved data collection methods such as interviews with
educators and a local EE officer, focus group discussions with learners and a self-assessment
questionnaire for educators. The data was then analysed and interpreted in relation to a set of
theoretical perspectives.
The research concluded that educators have knowledge of factual information about environmental
learning topics such as population, biodiversity and environmental degradation. Educators have the
comprehension of indigenous knowledge and continuously assess learners. Educators however,
seldom communicated the way people’s cultural activities affect the environment and did not value
cultural practice and indigenous knowledge. Many educators did not use the local environments to do
practical activities with learners. Schools did not have EE school policy, rarely practised outdoor
activities and local communities are not involved school EE activities. Learners are knowledgeable of
their local environmental issues. Based on the finding of the research I came up with a list of
recommendations to guide the process of implementation of environmental learning at schools. / (M. Ed. (Environmental Education))
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Mellan akademi och profession : Hur lärarkunskap formuleras och bedöms i verksamhetsförlagd lärarutbildningHegender, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att granska hur lärarkunskap formuleras och bedöms i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning (VFU) inom svensk lärarutbildning. Utgångspunkten tas i det faktum att lärares yrkeskunskaper under lång tid varit uppdelade och beskrivna som teoretiska och praktiska, till exempel uttryckta som lärares tänkande respektive lärares handlande, eller vad lärare vet och vad lärare kan utföra. Det senaste policydokumentet för svensk lärarutbildning speglar denna uppdelning och poängterar vikten av en integrering av det teoretiska och praktiska under såväl högskoleförlagd utbildning (HFU) som VFU. Därmed finns det policyintentioner kring en mer forskningsgrundad VFU samtidigt som HFU anmodas ta sin utgångspunkt i erfarenhetsgrundad kunskap. Som analysverktyg används ett kunskapsteoretiskt ramverk där lärarkunskap förstås som påståendekunskap eller procedurkunskap och kunskap-för-praktiken (forskningsgrundad) eller kunskap-i-praktiken (erfarenhetsgrundad). I Studie I granskas kunskapsmål, riktade mot VFU, vid sjutton lärarprogram i Sverige. I Studie II och Studie III granskas bedömningssamtal i två olika VFU-kurser vid ett (1) lärarprogram i Sverige. Resultaten från Studie I visar att kunskapsmålen kan förstås som ett mischmasch av lärares påstående- och procedurkunskaper, där procedurkunskaperna dominerar, och kunskapsmålens kunskapsgrunder kan svårligen spåras. I Studie II och Studie III arrangerar lärarutbildarna sina skolbesök och bedömningssamtal på olika sätt vilket påverkar vilka av, och hur, lärarstudenternas kunskaper bedöms. I Studie II besöker lärarutbildarna lärarstudenterna vid deras skolplaceringar men gör inga lektionsobservationer innan bedömningssamtalen. I Studie III görs lektionsobservationer. Resultaten från de båda studierna visar att bedömningssamtalen explicit kännetecknas av en formativ bedömning där lärarstudenternas procedurkunskaper och kunskap-i-praktiken fokuseras. En bedömning av påståendekunskaper och kunskaper-för-praktiken kan svårligen spåras. I Studie III analyseras bedömningen av lärarstudenternas procedurala kunskaper-i-praktiken även med hjälp av ett ramverk av modeller för bedömning av yrkeskunskap. Resultatet visar att bedömningen av lärarstudenternas procedurkunskaper karaktäriseras av en holistisk modell där lärarutbildarna refererar till flera olika omständigheter som påverkar lärarstudenternas handlingar, med koppling till deras egna erfarenhetsgrundade och tysta yrkeskunskaper, snarare än till kursernas formella kunskapsmål. En diskussion förs om frånvaron av kunskap-för-praktiken i VFU i relation till teorier om yrkeskunskap och yrkeslärande. Vidare diskuteras den tydliga närvaron av kunskap-i-praktiken i VFU i relation till teorier om de tysta dimensionerna av yrkeskunskap. / The purpose of the dissertation is to examine how teacher knowledge is formulated and assessed in the school-based education (SBE) in Swedish teacher education. The basis is that teachers’ vocational knowledge has been divided and described as theoretical and practical, i.e., expressed as teachers’ thinking versus their actions, or what teachers know in relation to what they can do. The recent policy document for Swedish teacher education reflects this division and stresses the importance of integrating practice and theory within both university-based education as well as SBE. Thus, the intention of the policy is directed towards a more research-based SBE at the same time the university-based education is proposed to take its starting point in experience-based knowledge. An epistemological analytical tool is used where teacher knowledge is understood as being propositional or procedural, and knowledge-for-practice (research-based) or knowledge-in-practice (experience-based). In Study I the learning objectives directed to SBE in seventeen Swedish teacher education programs are analyzed. In Study II and Study III student-teaching conferences in two different school-based courses at one (1) Swedish teacher education program are studied. The results from Study I show that the learning objectives can be understood as a mishmash of propositional and procedural teacher knowledge, though procedural knowledge dominates, and the learning objectives’ basis of knowledge can hardly be traced. In Study II and Study III the teacher educators’ school visits and the studentteaching conferences are arranged in different ways, and affect what and how student teachers’ knowledge is assessed. In Study II teacher educators visit the student teachers at their school placements without having done any lesson observations prior the student-teaching conferences. In Study III observations are done. The results from these two studies show that the student-teaching conferences are explicitly characterized by formative assessments where student teachers’ procedural knowledge and knowledge-in-practice is emphasized. An assessment of propositional knowledge and knowledge-for-practice can hardly be traced. In Study III the assessment of student teachers’ procedural knowledge-in-practice is also analyzed within a framework of models for assessment of vocational knowledge. The results show that a holistic model characterizes the assessment of student teachers’ procedural knowledge where teacher educators refer to several circumstances that affect student teachers’ vocational actions, according to their experience-based and tacit teacher knowledge, rather than the course’s formal learning objectives. A discussion is held about the absence of knowledge-for-practice in SBE, in relation to theories of vocational knowledge and vocational learning. Furthermore, the clear presence of knowledge-in-practice in SBE is discussed in accordance with theories of the tacit dimensions of vocational knowledge.
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Zwischen Bologna-Prozess und Approbationsordnung – wie kann die kieferorthopädische Studentenausbildung in Leipzig im Spannungsfeld nationaler, europäischer und internationaler Vorgaben zukunftsorientiert verändert werden?Klässig, Maria 01 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bologna-Prozess hat umfangreiche Reformbewegungen mit dem Ziel einer Harmonisierung des Europäischen Hochschulraums initiiert. Des Weiteren hat die universitäre Lehre in Europa und international fächerübergreifend vielschichtige Veränderungen erfahren und wird zunehmend studierendenzentriert und kompetenzorientiert ausgerichtet. Um mit diesen Entwicklungen Schritt zu halten, war das Ziel dieser Arbeit, ein flexibles und innovatives Lehrkonzept für Fach Kieferorthopädie an der Universität Leipzig zu erarbeiten. Grundlage dafür war die Erstellung eines Lernzielkatalogs, der sowohl allgemeine als auch spezifisch auf die lokalen Gegebenheiten zugeschnittene Anforderungen definiert. Anhand dieses Katalogs wurden vier Module erstellt. Sie halten sich in ihrem strukturellen und inhaltlichen Aufbau sowohl an die Vorgaben der Approbationsordnung als auch an die europäischen und nationalen Empfehlungen. Durch die Einbeziehung traditioneller und moderner Lehr-, Lern- und Prüfungsformen wurde die Lehre studierendenzentriert und kompetenzorientiert gestaltet.
Diese Arbeit kann als Muster für die Implementierung eines modernen Lehrkonzepts in der Kieferorthopädie dienen. Eine Verknüpfung mit anderen Fachrichtungen im Sinne einer interdisziplinären Studentenausbildung ist durch die transparente Gestaltung des Lernzielkatalogs und der Module ebenso möglich wie eine
Anpassung an zukünftige geänderte Rahmenbedingungen.
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”Ihan vaan perusasiat pitää osata hyvin”:ammattikorkeakoulujen insinööriopiskelijoille lukion kokemusten pohjalta rakentunut matematiikkakuvaSulkakoski, M. (Marjut) 16 August 2016 (has links)
This study explores the degree of preparedness for studying at Universities of Applied Sciences that is provided by the content of mathematics curricula in upper secondary schools from the viewpoint of engineering students. The theoretical framework is based on learning objectives and a view of mathematics. I categorized mathematical contents in upper secondary school from the point of view of engineering studies. Students defined important knowledge and skills as learning objectives and evaluated how well they were achieved in upper secondary schools from the standpoint of engineering studies. The view of mathematics is based on students’ descriptions of their experiences with mathematics and of themselves as students of mathematics in upper secondary school with respect to engineering studies.
The empirical data consist of surveys (N = 222), initial mapping of attitudes (N = 65) and thematic interviews (N = 14). The research problem was approached through mixed research methods. The quantitative data were analyzed with basic statistical methods and students’ accounts of their experiences were examined using a qualitative narrative research method. The narratives were analyzed holistically and categorically focusing on content.
According to the engineering students, they felt they should learn how to apply basic algebra and geometry, differential calculus and also equations - the so-called key components of upper secondary school syllabi. These learning objectives were accomplished well in compulsory mathematics courses in the advanced syllabus, but not as well in the basic syllabus. Students experienced mathematics in upper secondary school as instrumentalist and formal. The advanced mathematics syllabus demanded more work with numerous procedures, whereas the basic syllabus required a better understanding of word problems. Even a portion of advanced mathematics provided a good foundation for engineering studies. Supplementing compulsory courses in the basic syllabus with specialized or applied courses created an opportunity to succeed. By combining the advanced and basic syllabi and adding more practical problems, upper secondary school mathematics could provide an even better base for engineering studies. This study can be used for expanding the curricula, designing students’ high school learning paths and supporting teachers’ pedagogical work. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaista osaamista lukion matematiikan oppisisältöjen pohjalta rakentuu ammattikorkeakoulujen insinööriopiskelijoille. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu oppimistavoitteista ja matematiikkakuvasta. Luokittelin lukion matematiikan oppisisältöjä ammattikorkeakoulujen tekniikan ja liikenteen alan matematiikan opetussuunnitelmien kautta. Insinööriopiskelijat määrittivät kokemustensa perusteella ammattikorkeakouluopintojen kannalta tärkeitä matematiikan tietoja ja taitoja – oppimistavoitteita – sekä arvioivat niiden toteutumista lukiossa. Insinööriopiskelijat kertoivat lukion matematiikkakokemuksistaan sekä arvioivat itseään matematiikan oppijana lukiossa ja osaajana ammattikorkeakoulussa. Näiden pohjalta rakentui insinööriopiskelijan matematiikkakuva.
Empiirinen aineisto koostuu insinööriopiskelijoille suunnatusta survey-tutkimuksesta (N = 222), asenteiden alkukartoituksesta (N = 65) sekä teemahaastatteluista (N = 14). Sovelsin mixed methods -tutkimusta. Analysoin kvantitatiivisen aineiston tilastollisten perusmenetelmien avulla. Sovelsin opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin liittyvien kertomusten tarkastelussa narratiivista tutkimusmetodia. Tarkastelin narratiiveja holistisesti sekä kategorisesti keskittymällä sisältöön.
Insinööriopiskelijoiden mukaan lukion matematiikassa pitäisi oppia soveltamaan avainsisältöjä (perusalgebra ja -geometria, differentiaalilaskenta sekä yhtälöoppi). Lukion matematiikassa tunnistettiin instrumentalistis-formaalin oppiaineen piirteitä. Pitkä oppimäärä koettiin työläänä proseduurien muistamisena. Lyhyessä oppimäärässä tarvittiin paljon sanallisten tehtävien ratkaisemista, mistä oli hyötyä insinööriopinnoissa. Pitkän oppimäärän osittainenkin suorittaminen näytti muodostavan hyvän pohjan insinööriopintoihin, mutta myös täydentämällä lyhyen oppimäärän pakollisia kursseja syventävillä tai soveltavilla kursseilla oli mahdollista onnistua. Käytännönläheisyyttä lisäämällä ja molempia oppimääriä yhdistämällä oppisisällöistä muodostuisi vieläkin parempi pohja insinööriopintoihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää opetussuunnitelmia kehitettäessä, opiskelijan matemaattisen lukiopolun suunnittelussa sekä opettajan pedagogisen työn tukena.
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The implementation of environmental learning in grades 8-10 Geography in the Caprivi region, NamibiaSimalumba, Patrick Mwilima 06 1900 (has links)
The Namibian curriculum is premised on the view that there is a need for a holistic development and
preparation of learners for a knowledge-based society. The draft National Environmental Education
policy, the basic education policy and curriculum development processes in Namibia devolved the
power and responsibility to implement environmental learning practice to schools.
This research focus on the extent to which schools coordinate environmental education (EE)
activities, educators’ perception of their environment, knowledge of EE processes, assessment
approaches, the out-door activities, learning support materials, community involvement and EE
school policy issues. Wickenburg (2000:56) affirms that “for substantial learning to take place,
stakeholders should work actively and establish local supportive structures for EE in Schools”.
Educators are expected to deal with practical issues which create opportunities for learners to develop
environmentally responsive knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The research design is a mixed methods research approach, which includes aspects of the quantitative
and qualitative approach. The methodology involved data collection methods such as interviews with
educators and a local EE officer, focus group discussions with learners and a self-assessment
questionnaire for educators. The data was then analysed and interpreted in relation to a set of
theoretical perspectives.
The research concluded that educators have knowledge of factual information about environmental
learning topics such as population, biodiversity and environmental degradation. Educators have the
comprehension of indigenous knowledge and continuously assess learners. Educators however,
seldom communicated the way people’s cultural activities affect the environment and did not value
cultural practice and indigenous knowledge. Many educators did not use the local environments to do
practical activities with learners. Schools did not have EE school policy, rarely practised outdoor
activities and local communities are not involved school EE activities. Learners are knowledgeable of
their local environmental issues. Based on the finding of the research I came up with a list of
recommendations to guide the process of implementation of environmental learning at schools. / Environmental Education / (M. Ed. (Environmental Education))
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Möglichkeiten von webbasierten adaptiven (online) Systemen (am Beispiel des Englisch Assistenten) zur Steigerung der Fremdsprachenkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Sekundarstufe 1: Eine empirische Studie am Beispiel des Unterrichtsfaches EnglischSchöftner, Thomas 26 June 2017 (has links)
Der Weg hin zum kompetenzorientierten Lehren und Lernen und damit die Einführung von Bildungsstandards steht im Zentrum gegenwärtiger schultheoretischer Diskussionen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser Diskurs aufgegriffen und gezeigt, dass die schulpraktische Umsetzung dieser „Outputorientierung“ eine vielschichtige und komplexe ist.
Im Fokus der theoretischen Betrachtungen der Arbeit stehen die Themen Selbststeuerung und Selbstorganisation beim Lernen, Lernziele, Bildungsstandards und Kompetenzorientierung. Die empirische Studie analysiert, basierend auf den theoretischen Erörterungen, die Möglichkeiten der Steigerung der Fremdsprachenkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern. Erforscht wird dies am Beispiel des webbasierten adaptiven Systems des Englisch-Assistenten bzw. Englisch.Digital. Es wurden fünf Explorationen auf Basis von drei Fragebogenuntersuchungen sowie Informelle Kompetenzmessungen (IKM) mit 75 Schüler/‑innen zweier österreichischer Hauptschulen der achten Schulstufe durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung richtete sich auf die hypothesentestende Exploration von vier Konstrukten (Allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung – Selbsteinschätzung, Spezielle Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung im Unterrichtsfach Englisch im Bereich Lesen – Selbsteinschätzung, Selbstregulation – Selbsteinschätzung und spezielle Fremdsprachenkompetenz im Bereich Lesen – Selbsteinschätzung und Informelle Kompetenzmessung).
Die Untersuchung zeigt ein differenziertes Bild in Bezug darauf, welche Schülergruppen vom digitalen Medienangebot des Englisch-Assistenten (Englisch.Digital) am stärksten profitieren, durchgehend signifikante Ergebnisse konnten in den fünf Explorationen nicht erzielt werden, was unterschiedliche Gründe haben kann (z. B. Unterschiede in den individuellen Wirkungen oder in den Unterrichtsprozessen oder auch Beschränkungen des Studiendesigns).
Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass die Frage nach den Wirkungen von digitalen Medien einer weiteren Ausdifferenzierung bedarf und keine allgemeingültigen Aussagen diesbezüglich getroffen werden können, dass digitale Medien per se eine bestimmte Lernwirkung erzeugen. Es ist festzuhalten, dass es nicht ausreichen wird, neue Technologien zu den traditionellen Lehr- und Lernmethoden lediglich hinzuzufügen, es hat auch ein Wandel der Unterrichtsstruktur zu erfolgen (vgl. Dittler, 2003, S. 193 und Lembke & Leipner, 2015, S. 181). Eine Möglichkeit für dies und für die Umsetzung bzw. Anwendung von Informationskompetenz bietet der in dieser Arbeit analysierte Englisch-Assistent (Englisch.Digital). / The road to competency-based teaching and learning, and thus the introduction of educational standards, is at the heart of current educational debate. This doctoral dissertation takes up this discussion and shows that the practical implementation in schools is a multi-layered, multi-faceted and complex one.
The focus of the theoretical discussion of the current paper is the fields of self-control and self-organization of learning, learning objectives, educational standards and competence orientation.
The empirical study analyses, based on the theoretical considerations, the opportunities for developing pupils’ skills in the foreign language (English). This is explored using the web-based adaptive version of the “English Assistant” or “Englisch.Digital”. Five explorations based on three questionnaires and informal competence measurements (IKM) with 75 pupils (grade eight) were carried out at two Austrian secondary schools. The empirical study focused on (the hypothesis testing) exploration of four constructs (self-assessment of general self-efficacy, self-assessment of special self-efficacy in reading, self-assessment of self-regulation and self-assessment and informal competence measurements of specific skills in reading in the foreign language).
The study shows a mixed picture with respect to which groups of students benefit the most from the digital media offer of Englisch.Digital. Consistent significant results in the five explorations could not be obtained, which may be due to any of a number of different reasons (e.g. differences in individual effects/reactions, the teaching processes or limitations of the study design).
To summarise, it can be stated that the question of the effects of digital media requires further differentiation and no general conclusions can be drawn with respect to the supposition that digital media produce a certain learning effect per se. It should be noted that it will not suffice to merely add new technologies to the traditional teaching and learning methods, changes to teaching structures will also have to be made (cf. Dittler, 2003, p. 193 and Lembke & Leipner, 2015, p. 181). The English Assistant (Englisch.Digital) analysed in this dissertation offers one possible solution for this and also the problem of the transposition or implementation of information literacy.
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Evaluation and Games That Music Teachers Play: A Case Study of a Peer Review ProgramHill, Betty J. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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