Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life story."" "subject:"wife story.""
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Motivations for Lifelong Learning in the Life of Mrs. Hendrika Schuster.Austin, Rebecca Lee 03 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
As we enter the 21st century our population of elderly citizens is growing at a rate never seen before in our history. With the baby boomers retiring, society is realizing the vast potential of untapped resources. These individuals are also seeking opportunities to remain as active and engaged members of their communities.
The purpose of this study was to examine the motivations for lifelong learning in the life of Hendrika "Henny" Schuster, an 81-year-old resident of Abingdon, Virginia. Her life story is presented in a narrative form and in a thematically organized chronological format. Interviews were conducted and recorded. These tapes were transcribed and analyzed to determine themes. Additional information was collected from personal journals, scrapbooks, and newspaper and magazine articles and photographs. The importance of family, formal educational opportunities, the influence of others, selfdirected study, and involvement in community all emerged as motivating themes in her pursuit of lifelong learning opportunities. For Henny, the factors identified as barriers to her quest included the internal stressors of family, gender, culture, and educational opportunities.
Recommendations include the need to not only provide more educational opportunities for adult learners but also ensure that such opportunities are readily accessible. It is suggested that future studies look at the roles of gender and culture in regard to the ever changing populace and the global view of our world. There is a need to continue studies such as this in which older adult learners are provided opportunities to reflect on their experiences. Insight for learners of all ages can be gained from such studies.
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Levnadsberättelsens betydelse för personcentrerad omvårdnad av personer med demenssjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / The importance of life story for person-centered care for persons with dementia : a litterature study reviewNysköld, Anett, Obeid, Marwa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är en obotlig sjukdom som drabbar personens kognitiva funktioner. Detta leder till att personer med demenssjukdom riskerar att förlora förmågan att förmedla sina önskemål och behov över tid. En personcentrerad vård och omsorg innebär att personer med demenssjukdom står i fokus i stället för sin sjukdom och behandlas som unika personer med egna erfarenheter, självbild, tillit och rättigheter. Socialstyrelsen har tagit fram levnadsberättelse som grund för utformande av vård och omsorg av personer med demenssjukdom som en indikator för att mäta vårdens kvalitet och resultat vid vård av personer med demenssjukdom. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa levnadsberättelsens betydelse för en personcentrerad omvårdnad av personer med demenssjukdom ur tre perspektiv - personer med demenssjukdom, anhöriga och vårdpersonal. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt med en systematisk sökstrategi i CINAHL och PubMed genomfördes. Efter kvalitetsgranskning analyserades och inkluderades 17 artiklar som besvarade syftet. Resultat: I resultatet sammanställdes huvudkategorier: Personcentrerad vård utifrån levnadsberättelsen, Trygghetsskapande gemenskap, och Samarbetets fördelar och utmaningar. Resultatet visade upplevelser av levnadsberättelsen utifrån tre olika perspektiv som är personer med demenssjukdom, anhöriga och vårdpersonal. Levnadsberättelsen har visat sig vara en utgångspunkt för en personcentrerad vård för personer med demenssjukdom. Slutsats: Resultat visar att ett strukturerat arbete med levnadsberättelsen för att öka en personcentrerad vård och omsorg är betydelsefullt vid vård av personer med demenssjukdom. Det kvarstår utmaningar som försvårar arbetet med levnadsberättelse i alla verksamheter vilket påverkar den personcentrerade vården negativt. Därför är det av stor vikt att implementering av levnadsberättelsen i det dagliga arbetet fortgår. / Background: Dementia is an incurable disease that affects people's cognitive functions. This leads to people with dementia risking losing the ability to convey their wishes and needs over time. Person-centred care means that people with dementia are treated as unique people with own experiences, self-image, trust and rights. The National Board of Health and Welfare has developed life story as a basis for designing care for people with dementia as an indicator to measure quality of care and results when caring for people with dementia. Aim: The aim was to highlight the importance of life story for person-centered care in people with dementia from three perspectives- persons with dementia, relatives and caregivers.Methods: A general literature review with a systematic search strategy in CINHAL and PubMed was conducted. After quality review 17 articles that preserved the purpose of the work were included. Results: In the results three main categories were compiled: Person-centered care based on life story, Safety-creating community and Cooperation´s advantages and challenges. Results showed experiences of the life story from three different perspectives that are people with dementia, relatives and caregivers. The life story has proven to be a starting point for person-centred care for people with dementia. Conclusions: Results show that a structured work with the life story to increase person-centered care is important in care of people with dementia. There remain challenges that complicate the work with life stories in all organizations, which negatively affects person-centered care. Therefore, it is of great importance that the implementation of the life story in the daily work continues.
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"Livet går inte under för att du har dyslexi” – tre berättelser om att erhålla en dyslexidiagnosRafsten, Erik January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge and understanding of how young people with dyslexia think, feel and act. Another aim is to spread knowledge about how young peoples’ schooling, self-concept, academic self-concept and self-esteem are effected by obtaining a dyslexia diagnosis.How was school experienced prior to being diagnosed with dyslexia? How was the period during which the youths received their dyslexia diagnosis experienced? How did students experience school after being diagnosed with dyslexia?The study is theoretically grounded in Anthony Giddens socialization-process, Erving Goffman's dramaturgy and stigmatization as well as Maarit Johnson's dynamic model of self-esteem.The study has a narrative approach where young people's life stories have been in focus. Three in-depth interviews were conducted with adolescents aged 22 who all received a dyslexia diagnosis during their time in secondary school.The stories show that young people periodically was unable to live up to the expectations that the school had on them, which meant that the young people's self-image and self-esteem were affected negatively. Throughout the youths’ time in school they have been met with a social support structure in the form of one or more persons, significant others, who paid attention to their needs which meant that their motivation and academic self-concept significantly increased. The treatment from the people in their surroundings has been decisive for if they would experience themselves as stigmatized or not. The stigmatization caused them to experience lower self-esteem and in two of their stories they express that they experienced emotional strain, which expressed itself in an aggressive or deviant behaviour. They also point out social pressure as a factor, where the youths compared themselves with their classmates and the norms, values and expectations that existed within the school culture; which meant that they perceived themselves as deviants. It appears that the young people during theirschooling, before, during and after being diagnosed with dyslexia, never fully understood the meaning of it. It was not until they got older that they accepted and understood the meaning of dyslexia.
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Life story narratives of Ethiopian women activists: the journey to feminist activismAbye, Tigest January 2016 (has links)
Through the life story narratives of Ethiopian women activists, this research explores the journey of Ethiopian women activists during three political and historical periods (1955–1974; 1974–1991; 1991–2015). Thus, the study proposes a new perspective on the forms of Ethiopian women’s activism and
subsequently the different types of feminism emerging from their narratives. Through examination of how the activists reflect on, reconstruct and give meaning to their life stories, this research unravels that their activism is informed by feminist principles. It also exposes that it is shaped by a long history of resistance to patriarchy, which enabled women in traditional Ethiopia to negotiate a certain level of “autonomy and liberty”. Contrary to the general expectation, the research demonstrates that the process of modernization (read: westernization) came with its own structure based on western patriarchy, and reinforced local patriarchy. In this new, formalized patriarchy, the rights that women had negotiated through their resistance in earlier times were diminished. This study on women activists, categorized for the purpose of this research as pioneers, revolutionaries and negotiators, suggests that Ethiopian women activists have since adopted different forms of engagement that tend to improve the social, cultural, economic and political conditions of Ethiopian women. Consequently, I argue that, while Ethiopian women’s activism and feminism is firmly embedded in the history of resistance of previous
generations of Ethiopian women, the form of activism varies according to the political and historical context in which the activists negotiate and adapt the way they act.
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"Mina beslut måste göra skillnad för barnen" : Livsberättelser om skolchefers yrkesresor och yrkesidentiteterLundén, Amelie, Näsström, Jessica January 2024 (has links)
Rollen som skolchef i Sverige idag innebär ett ansvar för att alla styrdokument förutbildningen följs. Det finns dock inga lagstadgade erfarenhetskrav för skolchefer.Huvudmannen för utbildningsorganisationen bestämmer vilka erfarenheter och kunskapersom skolchefen behöver. Denna studie fokuserar på yrkeslivsberättelser från tre skolcheferinom en förskoleorganisation som alla har pedagogisk bakgrund. Studiens syfte är attundersöka skolchefers berättelser om deras yrkesresa från pedagog till skolchef samt attanalysera de yrkesidentiteter som framträder. Studien tillämpar en livsberättelseansats ochanvänder sig av en narrativ teorigrund. Genom tematisk narrativ analys presenterar studien deenskilda yrkeslivsberättelserna i sin helhet. Därefter följer en jämförande analys av likheteroch skillnader mellan berättelserna utifrån teoretiska begrepp. Studiens resultat och analysger, i form av berättelser, en bild av skolchefernas yrkesresor från pedagoger till skolcheferoch de individuella yrkesidentiteter som framträder. Utifrån studiens gemensamma analys sesskillnader i vad som är mest framträdande för skolcheferna utifrån subidentiteter och vad sommotiverar dem. De gemensamma likheterna utifrån yrkesidentiteterna visar på att samtligarespondenter såg fördelar med sin pedagogiska bakgrund i sin roll som skolchef samt att deansåg att deras sociala relationer var viktiga för deras möjligheter att utvecklas. Dessutomfann studien att skolcheferna framträder som individer med stort driv. / The role of school superintendent (Swedish: Skolchef) entails the responsibility of assuring that all educational regulations are observed. There are however no specific requirements for the school superindentents background. The head of the educational organisation decides what previous experience the school superintendent should have. This study focuses on the work life stories of three school superintendents in a private preschool organisation, all with pedagogical backgrounds. The purpose of the study is to explore the superintendents’ stories about the journey from educationist to superintendent, and to analyse the professional identities that emerge. The study employs a life story method and uses narrative theory as its theoretical framework. Through thematic narrative analysis the study first presents each work life story as a whole. Then follows a comparative analysis of similarities and differences between the stories through theoretical concepts. The results and analysis of the study illustrates the work life journey of the respondents, from educationist to school superintendents, and the professional identities that emerge. The joint comparative analysis found the differences between the school superintendents included their sub-identities as well as their sources of motivation. Regarding similarities, the study found that all three respondents saw their pedagogical backgrounds as beneficial for their role as school superintendents. Other similarities included the importance of work relationships for their growth and development, as well as a shared characteristic of ambition.
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Immigrant entrepreneurship challenges in Sweden. : Their obstacles, strategies, and proposed solutions.Ghaibour, Rim January 2021 (has links)
The wars in some Middle Eastern countries have played an essential role in increasingthe number of immigrants to Sweden in recent years. Some of these immigrants hadean entrepreneurial background in their home country. As former entrepreneurs, theyhave been seeking for opportunities since their arrival in Sweden in order to open theirown business. Our research focuses on the obstacles encountered by seven immigrants from theMiddle East with an entrepreneurial background after their stay in Sweden for at leastfive years, the measures they have taken and are taking to overcome these obstacles,and identifying their views and suggestions for needs. Alternatively, the solutionsneeded for them to overcome these obstacles and start their business. The researchaccording to the qualitative method, the research is conducted based on using the lifestory as a kind of semi-structured interviews to collect empirical data and to obtainwhat is unique in each story. The research was analyzed utilizing thematic analysisand interpretation of the interviewees' explanations. As for the strategies they undertook to overcome these obstacles, they were traditionaland similar to those undertaken by former immigrant entrepreneurs, such as ethnicentrepreneurship and networks, or new, such as early communication with businesssupport organizations, work, training and volunteer, and they showed great flexibilityto adapt and overcome obstacles. Their proposed needs were centred around teachingthe Swedish language and work culture during training or work, working with Swedish entrepreneurs, government support, tax cuts and government encouragementfor them, in addition to the need for effective support when establishing the companyand after incorporation, real analysis of the needs and increased police interest inimmigrant areas and facilitating their access to resources, suppliers and customers.Our group has shown great flexibility to adapt and overcome obstacles and be awareof the majority of obstacles that may arise as a result of ethnic entrepreneurship.
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[pt] Esse estudo propõe-se a criar um diálogo entre histórias de vida de (i)migrantes com as principais correntes teóricas explicativas do processo migratório. Além do próprio autor, fomos capazes de coletar outras duas histórias de vidas: a primeira, de uma brasileira que viveu no mesmo período e no mesmo lugar que o autor; e a segunda, de outra brasileira, que viveu nos EUA, mas ainda vive por lá, hoje já com dupla-cidadania. As narrativas foram obtidas por correio eletrônico, através de algumas trocas explicando o objetivo, o objeto e as questões pertinentes para conhecer a história de vida (i)migratória dessas duas voluntárias. A estrutura dessa pesquisa se apoia no movimento migratório enquanto objeto de análise, exemplificado nas histórias de vida (i)migrante coletadas. Através desse método, visualiza-se o processo migratório em sua essência, amparado por outras pesquisas que se aproximam do ambiente vivido pelos (i)migrantes pesquisados, corroborando suas narrativas. Fazemos também um estudo generalizado das principais correntes migratórias, a fim de identificar elementos norteadores, similaridades e disparidades entre as mesmas. Por fim, através dos exemplos coletados, é possível identificar partes das narrativas que se aproximam ora de uma, ora de outra corrente teórica. De fato, nenhuma corrente isoladamente consegue explicar o processo migratório, conferindo à empiria uma proposta que deva ser holística, plural e complexa como a vida e experiência dos (i)migrantes se mostra. Sendo assim, aponta-se para uma utilização mais abrangente dos modelos teóricos
existentes, a fim de que reflitam essa complexidade da vida. / [en] This research aims to build a dialogue among life stories (Menezes 1992) of (im)migrants and the main theoretical trends over the migration process. Besides the author himself, we were able to collect two other life stories: the first is a Brazilian woman who shared the migratory experience with the author; the second is another Brazilian woman who still lives in the US, already naturalized American. The narratives were acquired through emails. Information was exchanged regarding the study s objectives, object, and questions regarding the elements of life story methodology. The structure of this study is set on the object of analysis, which is the migration process itself, explained by these (im)migrant life stories. Based on this methodology, it is possible to observe the migration process in essence, supported by other researches that are related or quasi-related to the environment experienced by the (im)migrants interviewed. Additionally, a generalized study of the main studies in migratory theory are produced in order to identify their main questions, similarities, and disparities. In the end, based on the samples collected it is possible to identify parts of the narratives that near one or another theory. In fact, no single theory can explain by itself the complexity of the migratory process. According to the experiences collected, a theoretical proposal must be holistic, plural and complex such as how the lives of the (im)migrants are perceived. Therefore, it is necessary to use a broader theoretical approach in order to reflect such complexity.
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Levnadsberättelsens betydelse för omvårdnaden och vardagen för personer med kognitiv sjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / The importance of life story in nursing and every day life for people with cognitive disease : a literature reviewLundén, Josefine, Perås, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kognitiv sjukdom är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika sjukdomstillstånd i hjärnan som påverkar kognitiva funktioner. En av de främsta orsakerna till vårdbehov hos äldre personer är kognitiv sjukdom. Kognitiv sjukdom kan påverka personen psykiskt och fysiskt. Levnadsberättelsen berör information om personens erfarenheter och händelser i livet. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa levnadsberättelsens betydelse vid omvårdnaden av och i vardagen för personer med kognitiv sjukdom. Metod: En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt med strukturerad sökning i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PsycInfo genomfördes. Efter kvalitetsgranskning genomfördes integrerad innehållsanalys och 16 artiklar som besvarade syftet inkluderades. Resultat: I resultatet formulerades huvudkategorierna betydelsen av levnadsberättelsen i vardagen och betydelsen av levnadsberättelsen i omvårdnad. Resultatet visar levnadsberättelsens betydelse för personer med kognitiv sjukdom. Arbete utifrån levnadsberättelsen har visat sig utgöra en grund för personcentrerad omvårdnad. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att levnadsberättelsen beskrivs vara ett verktyg för att stärka den enskilda individen, minska och förebygga BPSD samt för personcentrerad omvårdnad. Arbete med levnadsberättelsen beskrivs även som en meningsfull aktivitet som kan stärka relationer. Enligt prognoser kommer förekomsten av äldre personer med kognitiv sjukdom öka de kommande åren, det ställer krav på nya arbetssätt och ökad kompetens hos vårdpersonal. / Background: Cognitive disease is a collective term for various disease in the brain that affect cognitive functions. One of the main causes of increased care needs in older people is cognitive disease. Cognitive disease can affect the person psychologically and physically. The life story concerns information about the person’s experiences and life events. Aim: The aim was to highlight the importance of the life story in nursing and in everyday life for people with cognitive disease. Method: A non-systematic literature review with a structured search strategy in CINAHL, PubMed and PsycInfo was conducted. After quality review, integrated content analysis was conducted and 16 articles that answered the aim of the work were included. Results: In the result, the main categories were the meaning of the life story in everyday life and the meaning of life story in nursing. The result shows the importance of the life story for people with cognitive disease. Work based on the life story has been shown to form a basis for person-centered nursing. Conclusion: The results highlights that the work with the life story is described as a tool to strengthen the individual, to reduce and prevent BPSD and for person-centered care. Work with the life story is also described as a meaningful activity that can strengthen relationships. Future years has a forecast with an increase incidence of elderly people with cognitive disease, which will require an increased level of knowledge among healthcare professionals and new working methods.
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[pt] Esta dissertação trata de um estudo realizado na cidade de
Porto Novo, na ilha de
Santo Antão - Cabo Verde, que teve como objetivo principal
estudar o fenômeno das
crianças e adolescentes que se encontram em situação de
rua nesta ilha. O estudo visa traçar
o perfil dos entrevistados e apresentar um panorama atual
das suas trajetórias de vida,
considerando algumas das suas especificidades e
contrapondo-as com alguns aspectos das
crianças e adolescentes que estão também em situação de
rua na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Tendo em conta que o fenômeno das crianças e adolescentes
em situação de rua é recente e
pouco conhecido em Cabo Verde, espera-se suscitar e
influenciar discussões, debates e
reflexões sobre o tema no país. / [en] This dissertation aims at exploring the phenomenon of
children and youth living on
the streets in the city of Porto Novo located at Santo
Antão Island, Cape Vert. The study
analysed the profile of these children and youth through
interviews and presented an
overview of their life trajectories. In order to establish
a comparative perspective it was also
analyzed differences between children and youth living on
the streets in the city of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil and Santo Antão. Considering that it
constitutes a fairly unknown and recent
phenomenon in the country, the objective is to contribute
in future debates and in-depth
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Životní příběhy ředitelek mateřských škol / Life Stories of Preschool DirectressesKidlesová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines life stories of three chosen preschool directresses. Based on life story interviews it brings and partially compares their life stories, picks out the critical incidents and characteristic features of their lives, gives insight into individual phases of their director's role and document their reflection of the role itself. The in - depth interviews focus on complex understanding of individual's life. The directresses are examined based on both their professional development and personal experiences. This thesis documents own interpretations of life stories; it is a source of self-reflection for the examined directresses. It also serves as an inspiration source for directors newly in the office. It is formally divided into two parts: the theoretical one gives an overview of life-story interview as a methodological approach applied. Furthermore, it is also devoted to the director as an individual being defined mainly in the Czech School Law. It also represents the existing results of both teachers' and directors' life stories research. The research part represents an analysis of life story interviews with three chosen preschool directresses in connection to the research questions.
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