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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La signification de la demande d’aide pour des hommes atteints d’un cancer de la sphère oto-rhino-laryngologique (ORL)

Berger, Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
À ce jour, peu d’études ont été conduites pour mieux comprendre le phénomène de la demande d’aide auprès d’hommes dans le contexte du cancer. Les études consultées suscitaient de nombreuses questions et hypothèses sur la signification que pouvaient accorder ces hommes à la demande d’aide. C’est pourquoi l’étudiante chercheuse a réalisé cette étude phénoménologique auprès d’hommes atteints d’un cancer de la sphère otorhinolaryngologique, afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène. Huit hommes ont accepté de participer à l’étude. Suite aux entrevues semi-structurées, l’analyse des données, assistée par la méthode proposée par Giorgi (1997), a fait ressortir les thèmes centraux suivants : 1) Se sentir capables de faire face seuls aux diverses adversités; 2) Bénéficier du soutien des proches et de l’équipe de soins; et 3) Utiliser des stratégies cognitives. Les résultats ont révélé que la signification accordée à la demande d’aide est intimement liée à la construction sociale du genre, c’est-à-dire aux normes d’identité masculine acquises culturellement. Les valeurs accordées à l’autonomie, à l’estime de soi et à « l’égo masculin » expliqueraient en partie pourquoi les hommes interviewés demandent peu d’aide. Par ailleurs, la présence constante de la conjointe et le soutien de l’équipe professionnelle de santé semblent avoir grandement modulé les comportements de demande d’aide des participants en anticipant leurs besoins avant même qu’ils puissent les exprimer; ce qui invite à une réflexion sur l’empowerment, stratégie d’intervention fondée sur la responsabilisation individuelle. Des recommandations pour la pratique et la recherche infirmières sont formulées afin d’optimiser le soin et le développement du savoir infirmier dans ce domaine d’intérêt. / To date, few studies have been conducted to better understand the phenomenon of help seeking of men in the context of cancer. The reviewed studies elicited many questions and hypotheses about men’s understanding of help seeking in the context of cancer. Therefore, the research student has conducted a phenomenological study to describe this phenomenon in men with otorhinolaryngological cancer. Eight men have agreed to participate in the study. Following semi-structured interviews, the data analysis, assisted by the method proposed by Giorgi (1997), highlighted the following key themes: 1) Feeling able to cope alone with the various adversities, 2) Having the support of the family and the care team, and 3) Using cognitive strategies. The results showed that the lived experience of help seeking is closely linked to the social construction of gender, that is to say to the culturally acquired male norms. Values of autonomy, self-esteem and “male ego” explain in part why most of the participants did not ask for help. Moreover, the constant presence of the spouse and the support of the professional health care team appear to have greatly modulated participants’ help seeking behaviors by anticipating their needs, before they could even express them; this issue invites us to a reflection on the phenomenon of empowerment, intervention strategy based on the individual responsabilisation. Recommendations for practice and nursing research are formulated to optimize nursing care and to insure the pursuit of the development of nursing knowledge in this area of interest.

Le vécu de l'infertilité chez les Luo : entre tradition, modernité et réalité médicale

Rietmann, Michèle January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Personal-professional Interconnections: Contextualizing Teachers' Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Classroom

Shori, Nivedita Mani 20 November 2013 (has links)
Teachers' use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom has largely been studied to date with a focus on what is lacking. An important aspect that seems to have been understudied is how teachers' own histories and experiences of ICT connects to their teaching practices - in essence, focussing on what is 'present' and not what is 'missing'. This study examines five teachers working in the same school, but working very differently with ICT in their classrooms. The narratives of their lived experiences highlight the acquisition of their beliefs, attitudes and their in situ behaviours about the role of ICT in the classroom. A critical look at the factors responsible for shaping such behaviours suggests the value of understanding individuals' experiences when planning for technology-utilization, rather than prescribing a "teacher-proof" (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988) approach to technology uptake.

Arbetsterapeuters användning av Basal Kroppskännedom TM för att stärka patienters aktivitetsutförande / Occupational therapists’ use of Basic Body Awareness Therapy to strengthen patients' occupational performance

Sporre, Pernilla, Engslätt Jansson, Ingegerd January 2014 (has links)
Aktivitet som terapeutiskt medium har varit centralt för att utveckla arbetsterapiprofessionen genom att använda aktivitet som mål och medel. Arbetsterapi är grundat på att engagemang i aktivitet är nödvändigt för hälsa och välmående. Trots detta har mycket av professionsutvecklingen lett till interventioner som inte är aktivitetsbaserade. Basal Kroppskännedom™ (BK) och arbetsterapi har flera gemensamma grundantaganden. Vår kliniska erfarenhet visar möjligheter att använda BK-principerna inom arbetsterapi och vi ville undersöka andra arbetsterapeuters uppfattning om förut-sättningar och värde av att arbeta med BK-principerna för att stärka patienternas aktivitetsutförande. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med 11 informanter utifrån ett strategiskt urval. Intervju-materialet analyserades och bildade tre teman; Arbetsterapeutens kunnande och görande, Att jobba med sig själv – den mänskliga utvecklingsprocessen samt Hinder och möjligheter i organisationen. I relation till ergonomikunskaper uttrycker informanterna att BK-principerna ger ytterligare möjlig-heter att se, förstå och känna in patienten och åtgärda konkret i aktivitet. Aktiviteter bryts ner i delmoment där enkla, rytmiska rörelser hittas och patientens meningsfullhet fångas. Patienten känner och upplever aktivitetsutförandet i kroppen. Att använda sig själv som instrument beskrivs i resultatet som en förutsättning för att själv vara både i aktiviteten och i kontakten med patienten. Det stärker då möjligheten att utveckla den terapeutiska alliansen. / Activity as a therapeutic medium has been central to the development of the occupational therapy profession by using meaningful and purposeful activities. Occupational therapy is founded on the commitment of activity as essential for health and wellbeing. Despite this, much of the profession has led to the development of interventions that are not activity-based. Basic Body Awareness Therapy (B-BAT) and occupational therapy have several common basic assumptions. Our clinical experience shows the potential of using the B-BAT-principles in occupational therapy. We wanted to explore other occupational therapists’ perceptions of conditions and the value of working with B-BAT-principles to strengthen patients' occupational performance. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 informants, strategically selected. The interview material was analyzed and formed three themes: The occupational therapists’ knowledge and performance, Working with self – the human development process, and The Obstacles and Opportunities in the organization. In relation to ergonomic knowledge, informants expressed the view that B-BAT-principles provide further opportunities to see, understand and comprehend patients and use activities as a part of their treatment. Activities are broken down into stages where simple, rhythmic movements are used to catch the meaningfulness. The patient feels and experiences occupational performance in the body. The results of the study describe the use of self as an instrument as a prerequisite for being both in activity and in contact with the patient. That strengthens the possibility of developing a therapeutic alliance.

Barns levda medborgarskap : en studie av barns vardagskunskaper om olycksrisker och säkerhet / Children's lived citizenship : a study on children's everyday knowledge of injury risks and safety

Olsson, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
Child safety is a well investigated field of research, as is the field of children’s citizenship. This study explores the intersection between these two areas. The aim of the study is to explore children’s lived citizenship from their everyday knowledge about injury risks and safety. The idea of "lived citizenship" refers to how children understand and negotiate rights and responsibilities, and to how they actually practice their citizenship in their daily lives. In the study, a concept of citizenship is used, defining it as composed of the following dimensions: rights, responsibilities, participation, identity, membership, equal status, respect, and recognition. In the study children in grades 2, 5 and 8 participated in focus group interviews. The results of the study suggest that, although the children had good awareness of risk and safety, they regarded risk as something largely positive, connecting it with opportunities for challenges and exciting adventures. School rules and also traffic rules were frequently called into question by the children, even though they were very well aware of the potential physical or legal consequences. The rules at the children’s sports clubs, in contrast, were not challenged. Talk of injury risks and safety may be understood as individual and collective identity work. When children told stories about injuries and accidents, they were also telling stories about themselves, who they were, and where they belonged. Being adventurous and daring gave status in the groups for both girls and boys.  Drawing on the results an “action zone,” as an analytical concept is suggested. The action zone is about the physical and symbolic dynamic space where children can move and act independently. Some features of the action zone are proposed in terms of boundaries, boundary guards, (rules, norms and authorities), negotiation, boundary crossing, identity, self-management and situated agency. I argue that the concept puts focus on children’s lived citizenship as a whole and that the physical aspect of citizenship is emphasized. / Barnsäkerhet och barns medborgarskap är två områden som var för sig är väl undersökta. Den här avhandlingen tar sitt avstamp i gränssnittet mellan dem, ett inte lika utforskat område. I studien samtalar barn mellan åtta och femton år i fokusgrupper om olycksrisker och säkerhet. Utifrån deras vardagskunskaper om dessa ämnen dras slutsatser om gemensamma föreställningar om levt medborgarskap. Studien visar att risker och olyckor enligt barnen är en del av livet, något som gör det roligare. Tal om säkerhet har således liten relevans i barnens tillvaro. Säkerhetsregler i skolan men också i trafiken ifrågasätts av barnen, trots att de är väl medvetna om såväl risker som tänkbara påföljder. I de idrottsföre­ningar som barnen tillhör, ifrågasätts regler däremot över huvud taget inte. Resultaten visar vidare att barn och föräldrar ofta har nått ett samförstånd runt regler och att barnen i stor utsträckning tar ett eget ansvar. När det gäller delaktighet i skolan, så finns möjligheter för barnen att göra sig hörda i råd av olika slag, även om inflytandet i realiteten tycks vara begränsat. Barnens tal om olycksrisker och säkerhet kan förstås som ett uttryck för identitetsskapande, visar studien. Att vara någon som tar risker ger status i kamratgruppen, för såväl flickor som pojkar. Utifrån resultaten föreslås aktionszon som ett begrepp för att studera barns levda medborgarskap. Aktionszonen avser det dynamiska, fysiska och symboliska utrymme barn har, i tid och rum, att fritt röra sig i och agera självständigt.

Arrestation et placement en détention avant jugement : points de vue et expériences des justiciables

Brassard, Virginie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a comme objectif d’analyser le vécu des justiciables placés en détention avant jugement. Plus précisément, cette étude se veut préciser ce vécu sur les volets judiciaire et carcéral impliqués dans une mise en détention provisoire. Nous voulons de plus dégager les sentiments issus d’un tel placement. Enfin, nous souhaitions réfléchir sur le recours à la détention avant jugement à travers la perspective d’un modèle de justice basé sur la gestion des risques et sur une logique d’efficience, d’efficacité et de responsabilisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé l’approche qualitative pour mener vingt-trois entrevues auprès d’hommes et de femmes incarcérés en attente de leur jugement dans quatre établissements de détention du Québec. De ces entretiens, deux thèmes centraux sont ressortis, soit le Vécus carcéral et judiciaire du prévenu, marqué par l’incertitude, l’incompréhension, l’impuissance, la dépendance, les conditions difficiles de détention, les pertes ainsi que l’attente et les Sentiments issus d’une mise en détention provisoire, marqué par la souffrance, l’injustice et l’urgence de sortir de cette situation provisoire. Il ressort de nos analyses que la façon dont est administré le système de justice, l’opinion du public ainsi que les politiques en vigueur ont un impact sur la façon de gérer le recours à la détention provisoire en favorisant tout le contraire de sa mission initiale. Ainsi, la mesure s’en trouve conduite au détriment de l’acteur principal : le prévenu. / This thesis aim to understand and analyze the experiences of individuals placed in pretrial detention. More specifically, this study aims to clarify that lived on the judicial and prison components involved in a remand. We want more free from the felling of such an investment. Finally, we wanted to reflect on the use of pretrial detention from the perspective of justice based on risk management and on the logic of efficiency, effectiveness and accountability. To do this, we used a qualitative approach to conduct our twenty-three interviews with men and women incarcerated awaiting trial in four detention facilities in Quebec. From these interviews, two main themes emerged, namely The judicial and prison experiences of the accused, marked by uncertainty, incomprehension, helplessness, dependency, difficult conditions of detention, losses and expectation and Sentiments from a remand, marked by suffering, injustice and the urgency out of this temporary situation. It is clear from our analysis that the way the system is administered justice, public opinion and the policies in effect have an impact on how to manage the use of remand in promoting the opposite of its original. Thus, the measurement is to be conducted at the expense of the main actor: the accused.

Lived experiences of young people living with mental health care users in Limpopo Province

Molepo, Mamokota Maggie 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the lived experiences of young people living with mental healthcare users (MHCUs) in order to gain insight into their needs and how their daily coping can be maximised. A qualitative, descriptive phenomenology study was undertaken, with face-to-face, audiorecorded individual in-depth interviews conducted with 10 participants aged between 19 and 23 years, at their homes. Participants were recruited from one of the local health clinics in Dikgale area, Limpopo province, where the MHCUs collect medication and attend follow-up medical reviews. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample size. The following were the objectives of the study:  To explore and describe the lived experiences of young people living with MHCUs.  To determine the coping strategies of young people living with MHCUs. Five themes and 12 sub-themes emerged from the study. The findings of the study revealed that young people were faced with psychological effects, caring demands and responsibilities, effects on their schooling performance, and lack of coping and support. The study results informed recommendations to the psychiatric nursing services on the needs and support to be provided to these young people in order to ensure maximum coping in their life situation. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

This is not working : an ethnographic exploration of the symbolically violent nature of everyday unemployment and job searching practices

Wolferink-Schaap, Gaby S. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the everyday experiences with unemployment and job searching practices in a so-called work club in Northern England. A work club is a place, often a community initiative, where jobseekers who are finding it difficult to look for work independently can go to for support and assistance. These initiatives are encouraged to be set up by volunteers by the UK Department for Work and Pensions and its Jobcentre Plus and are aimed at reducing unemployment levels by helping people apply for jobs. Specifically, the thesis focuses on contemporary job searching practices and asks what Banterby SC work club, the fictional name of the field work location, can tell us about how neoliberal ideologies influence both these job searching practices as well as the way we think about the relationship between employment and citizenship. Work clubs have only received scant academic attention, and this study shows how more in-depth explorations can provide us with some valuable insights. Specifically, because doing so helps us to look beyond policy formulations, framings and imperatives to the implications of neoliberal ideologies in peoples everyday lives. The study uses an iterative inductive ethnographic approach, focusing on one single site field work location, encompassing two hundred hours of field work, during which at least 96 jobseekers have visited the premises of the work club. The study s approach to doing ethnographic fieldwork was based on viewing participant observation as hanging out ; that is, more than merely being somewhere, but rather as engaging and being active in an informal fashion, something that the flexible and unstructured nature of the field work location suited very well. Through this ethnographic, in-depth exploration, then, I do not only explore the observations and findings as offered by some of the previous scholars exploring work clubs, but also seek to connect the findings to Bourdieu s theories of symbolic power/violence as a theoretical framework, which allows us to explore the wider implications of neoliberal governmentalities imposed on jobseekers that influence their everyday practices. This study extends not only our knowledge of the lived experiences of unemployment, but also provides a contemporary insight into work clubs, and how Banterby SC work club has proven to be a valuable site of knowledge about everyday experiences with neoliberal governmentalities toward unemployment and job searching practices. It also extends the application of a symbolic power/violence lens by bringing it together with Foucault s neoliberal governmentalities. Specifically, the study argues that neoliberal governmentalities influencing job searching and unemployment practices are a form of symbolic violence. This approach helps us to problematise job searching practices at work clubs in order to argue for increased critical attention on these sites. Furthermore, the study uncovers the extent to which a welfare system gearing towards a digital by default administration disadvantages many jobseekers who are finding it difficult to work with computers and navigate the internet. The study also addresses and explores to what extent compliance with symbolic power/violence is also shared by staff and volunteers of third sector organisations whose main goal it is to alleviate the burden of unemployment by assisting jobseekers to fulfil their job searching obligations as asked of them by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Jobcentre Plus. Finally, the study calls for more beneficiary-centred voluntary sector research, and proposes a new methodological model for exploring voluntary action and organizations, arguing for a more integrated analysis of the experiences of various actors.

Odraz archeologizovaných krajinných prvků v etnografických pramenech / Reflection of archaeologized landscape elements in ethnographic resources

Pohunek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Reflection of archaeologized landscape elements in ethnographic resources Mgr. Jan Pohunek Abstract: This thesis discusses contemporary folklore interpretations of meanings of abandoned and decaying buildings and other types of artificial immovable monuments. Mutual relations between these interpretations and modes of place usage are also being observed. The research is based on ethnographic survey focused on Czech republic and including primarily interviews with various respondents and crtitical analysis of written, electronic and audiovisual resources. Aside from general part of the research, several sites were chosen as a more in-depth example of formation of meanings belonging to an archaeologizing place, a complex proces influenced by the history of the site, its physical appearance and other attributes. An attached catalogue includes collected contemporary legends related to abandoned places and a system of categorization of their motifs is offered. This collection is further discussed, especially with regard to ways how character of a location and activities that take place here influence appearance of various motifs. In general, it can be said that different abandoned places are also perceived differently and there are groups of motifs that are more characteristic for certain categories of places....

Redefining psychology in a South African context : facilitating epistemological curiosity

Vermeulen, Justin Graeme 07 1900 (has links)
Western psychology has in its current position and definition laid claim to the “psychology” landscape, despite being the construction of one epistemology. This imposition allows western psychology to dominate and control the “psychology” landscape, to the detriment of other equally valid and “scientific” “psychologies”. We argue for redefinition of western psychology in terms of lived experience or soul, so that it can co-exist with other “psychologies”. This should co-facilitate the process of repositioning western psychology into a dialogically equal relationship with indigenous african psychology. Redefinition of western psychology is dependant on psychologist’s appreciation of the relativity of epistemological frameworks and ability to challenge their own subjectivities. This in turn requires epistemological curiosity. This study adopts a conceptual, autoethnographic approach and methodology. Our aim is not to provide answers, but rather create a context for dialogue. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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