Spelling suggestions: "subject:"loanwords"" "subject:"cordwords""
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Castellanización en Suecia : Tendencias en el uso de verbos suecos castellanizados en el habla de hispanohablantes en Suecia.Haglund, Ulrika January 2011 (has links)
The object of this study is to investigate which tendencies there are in terms of the frequency of hispanication of Swedish verbs used by Spanish-speakers who live in Sweden. The emphasis is put on explaining the phenomena of hispanication, and the frequency in which it may occur. The study is based on an empirical corpus, and is carried out with a questionnaire. Verbs found in earlier studies, and with help from a Spanish-speaking professor at the Linneaus University of Växjö, have been used in the questionnaire where the Hispanics have been asked to state the frequency of their use of these verbs. The individuals taking part in the study have also been asked to provide personal information in order to obtain a better understanding of the frequency of the hispanication in comparison to their social-linguistic background and how they themselves evaluate their linguistic competence in both Swedish and Spanish. Comparisons are made between different groups, such as gender, age, linguistic competence and linguistic self-evaluation. To further understand the terms used in the study, which often appears in a linguistic context, the author has made a short explanation of the terms that are most frequently used. Many of the terms used cause great controversy and lots of problems among the ones who study linguistics, and therefore it was important in this study to clarify the meaning of these terms, such as loan word, code-switching and hispanication. The author comes to the conclusion that the tendency of the use of the verbs appearing in this short study generally shows no frequent use, although some verbs such as grilar, parkear and pasar show tendencies of a major use among the informants.
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Införlivandet av svenska ord i arabiska – hos en svensk-syrisk familj / The incorporation of Swedish words into Arabic - in a Swedish-Syrian familyDuberg, Emil January 2020 (has links)
During the last decade Arabic has become the second most common mother tongue in Sweden, so the relationship between Swedish and Arabic is a relatively new area of interest. The purpose of this study is to examine the incorporation of Swedish words into Arabic among Arabic speakers in Sweden. The primary source is an in-depth interview of three fluent speakers of Arabic and Swedish (with origins in Damascus, Syria). My aim was to examine which Swedish words are used in Arabic by Arabic speakers in Sweden and how they are used. Regarding which words are used, my hypothesis was that I would find support for the pattern of how word borrowing functions in general, i.e. that the language follows power; loan words tend to be borrowed from powerful languages and cultures. Thus, I intended to examine whether a similar tendency would also be demonstrated in this study, that is, if the individual L2-words used while speaking L1 were associated with power and authorities. The interview manifested an overrepresentation of words that could be associated with power, but no clear support that this was a correlative relationship. Other factors, such as the simultaneous introduction of the word and the phenomenon, were found to be more plausible. With regards to how words are used, my proposition was that the person having left the L1-environment (in this case Syria) at the oldest age would, in analogy with the prevalent notion concerning L1-attrition in general, incorporate the L2 into the L1 to a greater extent than other interviewees. The study found that the interviewee who had left her L1-environment at oldest age did adapt the Swedish words to Arabic phonology and morphology to a greater extent.
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Ist das Klassenpaar 5/6 des Swahili ein Zwischenlager für Lehnwörter?Pasch, Helma, Strauch, Christiane 30 November 2012 (has links)
Carol Eastman (1991:66) stellt die Hypothese auf, dass im Swahili bestimmte Lehnworter zunächst in das Klassenpaar 5/6 - quasi als einer Art Zwischenlager - kommen, bevor sie bei der endgültigen Integration in die Sprache dem Klassenpaar 9/10 zugeordnet werden. Damit widerspricht sie der etablierten Annahme, dass Lehnwörter, wenn sie einmal in einer Sprache integriert sind, sich bezüglich ihrer Klassenzugehörigkeit nicht anders verhalten als andere Wörter und dass sie diese normalerweise nicht wechseln. Im Folgenden wollen wir aufzeigen, dass Eastmans Hypothese nicht haltbar ist und dass andere Erklärungen für das Nebeneinander verschiedener Klassenzugehörigkeiten von Lehnwortem gefunden werden müssen. Um die Hypothese einer kritischen Überprüfung zu unterziehen, ist es zunächst nötig, festzustellen, wie die inhärenten Nominalklassen im Swahili bestimmt werden. Dann wird die traditionell postulierte automatische Paarung der Singular- und Pluralklassen für die betreffenden Lehnwörter in Frage gestellt. Zunächst aber soll untersucht werden, welche Kriterien das Allokationsverhalten von Lehnwörtern in Nominalklassensprachen im allgemeinen und im Swahili im besonderen bestimmen. Dabei sollen nur die primär entlehnten Formen berücksichtigt werden, d.h diejenigen Formen, die als erste mit bestimmten entlehnten Wortstämmen gebildet worden sind (z.B. 0-pera/ ma-pera (Kl 5/6) \''Guajave\''), während die hier von derivierten Formen (z. B. m-pera/ mi-pera \''Guajavenbaum\'') weitgehend unberücksichtigt bleiben.
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Från bautasten till bautastor : studier över fornvästnordiska bautasteinn och svenska ord bildade med bauta(-) / From bautasten to bautastor : studies on the Old West Norse word bautasteinn and Swedish words created with bauta(-)Haugen, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i två uppslagsord i Svenska Akademiens Ordlista 2006: bautasten och bauta-. Övergripande syfte är att beskriva och förklara lexikala förändringar hos ord bildade med bauta(-) i svenskan under perioden 1664–2006, med särskild hänsyn till dessa förändringars relation till ordens etableringsgrad. Materialet består av 838 belägg för ord bildade med baut- eller böt-, och därutöver undersöks 30 ordböcker. Ordet bautasten är ett isländskt lånord i svenskan. Undersökningen av fornvästnordiska ord visar att bautasteinn kan vara ’sten som är slagen ned i jorden’ eller ’sten rest över en fallen krigare’, två betydelser som kan sammanföras i betydelsen ’minnessten’. Denna betydelse framträder också tydligt i samtliga texter. Historiens höga status under stormaktstiden har haft stor betydelse för att ordet bautasten lånades in i svenskan år 1664. Språkstrukturella faktorer har sannolikt lett till att ordet har uppmärksammats och att det har kunnat användas i svenskan. Under perioden 1664–1790 har etableringsgraden hos bautasten inte har varit hög, men vissa tecken tyder på att den höjs under perioden. Fram till ca 1900 stiger etableringsgraden hos bautasten, men den avtar sedan fram till 1973. I avhandlingen antas att ordets växlande etableringsgrad har varit beroende av synen på historien. I början av 1970-talet stiger etableringsgraden åter hos bautasten och 1985 finns första belägget för bauta- som förstärkande förled, vilket med stor sannolikhet har sin orsak att söka hos den stora populariteten hos och spridningen av seriealbumet Asterix. Förleden bauta- har visat sig vara mycket användbar som förstärkande förled. I materialet finns 3 ord bildade med bauta(-) som inte är etablerade i språksamfundet. / The starting point for the dissertation is two entry words in Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL 13, 2006): bautasten and bauta-. The overall purpose is to describe and explain lexical changes in words created with bauta(-) in the Swedish language during 1664–2006, placing particular em¬phasis on these changes in relation to the degree of establish¬ment. The material consists of 838 pieces of evidence of words created with baut- or böt- and, in addition, 30 dictionaries are exam¬ined. The word bautasten (‘menhir’, ‘standing stone’) is an Icelandic loan word in the Swedish lan¬guage. The examination of Old West Norse words shows that bautasteinn can be ’sten som är slagen ned i jorden’ (‘stone beaten into the ground’) or ’sten rest över en fallen krigare’ (‘stone erected over a fallen warrior’), two meanings which can be brought together in the meaning ’minnessten’ (‘memorial monument’). This meaning also clearly appears in all texts. The high status of history during the Swedish Age of Greatness was significant for the inclu¬sion of the word bautasten into the Swedish language in 1664. Language-structural factors have likely lead to the word being noticed as well as made it possible to use in the Swedish language. During 1664–1790, the degree of establishment of bautasten was not high, but there are indi¬cations that it increased during the period. Until about 1900, the degree of estab¬lish¬ment of bautasten increased, but then it decreased up until 1973. In the disserta¬tion it is assumed that the varying degree of establishment has been dependent on the view of history. In the beginning of the 1970s, the degree of establishment of bautasten increased once again and in 1985, the first instance of bauta- as an augmentative prefix appears, which most likely can be attributed to the great popularity and wide spread of the cartoon magazine Asterix. The prefix bauta- has proven to be very usable as an augmentative. There are 3 words created with bauta(-) in the material that are not established in the language community
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Δια-διαλεκτική σύγκριση στη σύνθεση των νεοελληνικών διαλέκτωνΧαιρετάκης, Γεώργιος 07 May 2015 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας μεταπτυχιακής εργασίας είναι η περιγραφή και η σύγκριση της μορφολογικής διαδικασίας της σύνθεσης στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους όπως προκύπτει από την ανάλυση 2500 συνθέτων από τρεις διαφορετικές διαλέκτους, την Κρητική, την Ποντιακή και την Επτανησιακή. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μία σύντομη επισκόπηση των ορισμών που έχουν προταθεί για τη σύνθεση αναδεικνύοντας τους λόγους που καθιστούν δύσκολη τη διατύπωση ενός ορισμού που να ανταποκρίνεται διαγλωσσικά. Επίσης, παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές ιδιότητες που διέπουν τη σύνθεση της ελληνικής γλώσσας και τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά που διαχωρίζουν τη σύνθεση από τις υπόλοιπες μορφολογικές διαδικασίες (π.χ. παραγωγή) αλλά και από τη σύνταξη κυρίως με βάση τις μελέτες της Ράλλη (2007) και Ralli (2013). Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο εξετάζονται τα κατηγοριακά σχήματα πάνω στα οποία δομούνται τα σύνθετα στις τρεις υπό εξέταση διαλέκτους και στη συνέχεια συγκρίνεται η παραγωγικότητά τους. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο τα σύνθετα ταξινομούνται με βάση τις γραμματικές σχέσεις των συστατικών τους. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο μελετάται η σχέση μορφής και σημασίας και προτείνεται η διαίρεση των συνθέτων σε τρεις μεγάλες τάξεις: α) διαφανή, β) ημιδιαφανή και γ) αδιαφανή σύνθετα. Στο πέμπτο και έκτο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η σχέση της σύνθεσης με την παραγωγή και την κλίση αντίστοιχα μέσα από τα δεδομένα των τριών διαλέκτων. Τέλος, στο έβδομο κεφάλαιο μελετάται η συχνότητα εμφάνισης θεμάτων ξενικής προέλευσης ως συστατικά των συνθέτων στις τρεις αυτές διαλέκτους. / The aim of this master thesis is to describe and compare the morphological process of compounding in Modern Greek dialects based on the analysis of 2500 compounds. Data comes from three dialects, namely, Cretan, Pontic, and Heptanesian. The first chapter briefly presents some of the definitions which have been proposed for compounding highlighting the reasons that make the formulation of a definition that applies cross-linguistically a difficult task. It also presents the basic properties that govern the formation of Greek compounds and the main characteristics that distinguish compounding from the other morphological processes (e.g. derivation) and from syntactic operations based on the studies of Ralli (2007) and Ralli (2013). The second chapter presents the main patterns which are involved in the compounding process and compares their productivity cross-dialectally. In chapter three compounds are classified according to the grammatical relations between their components. The fourth chapter examines the relation between form and meaning and it suggests a division of compounds in three large classes: a) transparent, b) semi-transparent and c)opaque. The next two chapters examine the relation between compounding andderivation and inflection respectively. Finally, chapter seven examines whether stems of foreign origin appear frequently as components of compounds in these dialects.
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