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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patrimoine rural et développement : un inventaire dans l'île grecque d'Amorgos (Cyclades).

Kanakari, Aikaterini 24 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les interactions du triptyque patrimoine, paysage et tourisme etexamine leurs relations pertinentes ou contradictoires. Le tourisme, principale sourced’activité financière en Grèce, influence et domine presque tout le territoire et enparticulier les îles, en tant que destinations prioritaires des vacanciers. Sur toutes lesîles grecques, le tourisme a eu des impacts, positifs et négatifs, plus ou moinsperceptibles. La croissance urbaine et le tourisme contribuent à mettre en dangerl’intégrité des patrimoines naturel et culturel des îles : leurs territoires, leurs nappesphréatiques, leurs coutumes et leurs architectures. Le facteur décisif est sans doute ladisposition des populations locales à agir et à faire face à ces changements. Avant quetout ne soit transformé, nous avons choisi d’étudier la situation culturelle à travers lepatrimoine rural bâti qui domine un espace simultanément insulaire et agricole. Danscette perspective, nous avons sélectionné comme terrain d’étude l’île d’Amorgos, quisemble connaître un développement touristique modéré et a su conserver soncaractère propre. Le tourisme et le paysage agricole y cohabitent harmonieusement enmaintenant un équilibre entre l’environnement (paysage) et le développement(tourisme) qui permet la conservation de l’identité locale, tout en ayant le potentiel derésister au passage du temps. Comme outil méthodologique nous avons choisi laréalisation d’un inventaire qui identifiera le bâti rural et contribuera à lareconnaissance du monde rural insulaire. / This thesis discusses the interaction of heritage, landscape and tourism and identifiestheir relationship, either associative or contradictory. Tourism, being the main sourceof financial activity in Greece influences and dominates almost every geographicallocation, particularly the islands, as these constitute priority destinations for visitors inevery island. Urban development and tourism have often contributed in compromisingthe integrity of natural and cultural heritage of islands, including their territories,water tables, customs and architecture. Without doubt, a key and decisive factor is thedisposition of local populations to act and react to these changes. Before everythingtransforms, we decided to study culture through the rural built heritage that dominatesa space that is insular and agricultural at the same time. In this framework, we decidedto choose as a case of study the island of Amorgos, in Cyclades, which seems toexhibit a moderate tourism development and has managed to preserve its profile andidentity. Tourism and rural landscape coexist harmoniously, keeping a balancebetween environment (landscape) and development (tourism), a balance that allowsthe preservation of the local identity, and has the potential to resist time. Asmethodology, we decided to use an inventory, which identifies rural buildingscontributes to the recognition and mapping out of the insular rural world. / Αυτή η διατριβή αναλύει τις αλληλεπιδράσεις του τριπτύχου κληρονομιάς, τοπίου καιτουρισμού και εξετάζει τη σχέση τους, σε συνδυασμό ή σε αντίθεση. Ο τουρισμός,κύρια πηγή της οικονομικής δραστηριότητας στην Ελλάδα, επηρεάζει και καθορίζεισχεδόν κάθε χωρικό πεδίο και κυρίως τα νησιά, ως κυρίαρχο τόπο προτίμησης τωνεπισκεπτών. Σε όλα τα νησιά, ο τουρισμός είχε επιδράσεις θετικές και αρνητικές,αισθητές. Η αστική ανάπτυξη και ο τουρισμός θέτουν σε κίνδυνο την ομοιογένεια τουφυσικού και πολιτισμικού τοπίου των νησιών: το χώρο, τον υδάτινο ορίζοντα, τα ήθηκαι την αρχιτεκτονική. Ο αποφασιστικός παράγοντας είναι η διάθεση των τοπικώνκοινωνιών να δράσουν και να αντιμετωπίσουν αυτές τις αλλαγές. Πριν μεταβληθείριζικά η κατάσταση, αποφασίσαμε να μελετήσουμε την πολιτισμική κατάσταση μέσωτης αγροτικής κληρονομιάς που χαρακτηρίζει ένα χώρο νησιώτικο και αγροτικό. Μεαυτό τον άξονα, επιλέξαμε να ερευνήσουμε το τοπίο της Αμοργού, που έχειδιατηρήσει μια τουριστική ανάπτυξη μεσαίου μεγέθους και μπόρεσε να κρατήσει τοναυθεντικό της χαρακτήρα. Ο τουρισμός και το αγροτικό τοπίο συνυπάρχουναρμονικά, διατηρώντας μια ισορροπία ανάμεσα στο περιβάλλον(τοπίο) και τηνανάπτυξη(τουρισμό), επιτρέποντας έτσι τη διατήρηση της τοπικής ταυτότητας κιέχοντας τη δυνατήτητα να αντισταθεί στο πέρασμα του χρόνου. Σα μεθοδολογικόεργαλείο χρησιμοποιήσαμε την καταγραφή που θα ταυτοποιήσει τα αγροτικάκτίσματα και θα συνεισφέρει στην αναγνώριση ενός κόσμου νησιώτικου καιαγροτικού.


[pt] Este trabalho estuda os conteúdos socioculturais presentes na obra literária de Cora Coralina e a sua relevância para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico da Cidade de Goiás nas últimas décadas. A temporalidade deste estudo compreende o período que se estende entre os anos de 1937 a 2001. A pesquisa se inscreve parcialmente no quadro dos Estudos Culturais, tomados como base para o desenvolvimento de um novo tratamento acadêmico do conceito desenvolvimento sustentável. Além disso, ela se vale de aportes do campo da análise literária, incluindo uma discussão sobre a literatura feminina no cânone literário brasileiro. Os conceitos fundamentais para o seu desenvolvimento são o de intelectual orgânico - do pensamento gramsciano -, capitais social e cultural - provenientes das discussões recentes sobre desenvolvimento social - esferas pública e privada - tomadas da reflexão de Hannah Arendt e complementadas pela discussão sobre o lócus do feminino na sociedade brasileira, que emana da obra de Roberto Da Matta, através dos conceitos casa e rua e, finalmente, do conceito identidade cultural - de acordo com a reflexão de Denise Fonseca. O tratamento deste tema obriga um novo olhar sobre a questão local e uma nova valorização do patrimônio cultural, em resposta ao esvaziamento das identidades nacionais, ao declínio do papel social do Estado e a busca de novas formas de superação das desigualdades sociais, a partir dos legados das identidades culturais locais. / [en] This work deals with the socio-cultural contents of Cora Coralina s literary work and its relevance to the social and economic development of the Goi s City during the last decades. The timeframe comprehends the period that spread from 1937 to 2001. The research is partially inscribed within the frame of the Cultural Studies, taken as a base for the departure of a new academic approach to the concept sustainable development. Furthermore, the approach adopted benefits from inputs taken from the field of literary analysis, including a discussion about feminine literature within the Brazilian literary cannon. The main concepts used in the development of this work were: organic intellectual - taken from Gramsci s work - social and cultural capitals - taken from the most recent debate about social development - public and private spheres - taken from the work of Hannah Arendt and complemented by the discussion about the female locus within Brazilian society, taken from Roberto Da Matta s work, who put forward the concepts house and street and, finally, the concept cultural identity - as conceived by Denise Fonseca. The approaching of such a theme demanded an innovative perspective and a new valorization of the local question and the cultural legacy, as a response for the weakening of the national identities, the decline of the social role of the State and the search for new means to surpass social inequalities, based on local cultural identities legacy.

Agentes y dinámicas territoriales locales. ¿Quiénes producen lo local?/Agents et dynamiques territoriales locales : qui produit le local?

González Meyer, Raul 11 January 2006 (has links)
Los territorios locales y regionales son una “producción social” a partir de la interacción entre agentes que poseen intereses, lógicas y estrategias diversas y que actúan desde diversas escalas de la realidad. Esto suele obviarse cuando se habla de políticas de desarrollo territorial, como si éstas operasen en campos sociales vacíos. En América Latina y Chile existe un déficit (inter)disciplinario que abra una socio-economía política de lo territorial. Ella es clave, además, para analizar las viabilidades de sociedades locales con protagonismo de sus agentes más enraizados en los territorios, en cuanto medio de vida y trabajo. El recorrido por las teorías y conceptos que han destacado el lugar ocupado por determinados agentes como estructurantes de los territorios subnacionales muestra una diversidad de aproximaciones, así como de espacios y tiempos históricos que han servido de referencia. Un período especial es la de los últimos decenios, en que se constituye un importante debate acerca del peso y las relaciones que tienen los agentes globales, nacionales y locales en las dinámicas territoriales. Los estudios de territorios -las ciudades chilenas de Valdivia, Temuco y Arica- permiten visualizar el juego denso de agentes que va imprimiendo el movimiento de lo local: grupos globales exportadores; cadenas nacionales e internacionales de comercio y servicios; distintos expresiones sectoriales del Estado y sus niveles centrales, regionales y locales; diversos grupos medios diferenciados en ideologías e intereses; instituciones como universidades, iglesias, partidos políticos y Ongs; agentes populares como el sindicalismo, micro-empresariado popular, grupos vecinales; y manifestaciones étnicas. Entre ellos median relaciones de conflicto, de cooperación o fragmentaciones. Estas ocurren marcadas por una envoltura histórica que expresa la singularidad de cada ciudad construida en el tiempo. En esa dinámica se va revelando el poder aumentado de grandes agentes privados, pero también el de los agentes para empujar una gobernancia local para un desarrollo endógeno y democrático. / La thèse a pour objectif de faire un apport à l'étude et à la compréhension des sociétés locales. Cet objectif naquit de la constatation d'une certaine rareté de ce type d'analyses au Chili en contraste par rapport a la prédominance d'un discours normatif que mettais en avant l'idée de la nécessite de la décentralisation. La question centrale qui a orienté la recherche fut : « qui sont les agents qui produisent les réalités locales ». Comme prémisse dans ma recherche je soutenais que le local est constitue par en ensemble d'agents différents de par leurs intérêts, logiques et stratégies. La action et l'interaction entre ces agents, constituant la scène sociopolitique locale. Un objectif parallèle à ma thèse, lie à l'antérieur, fut de contribuer à la réflexion sur les possibilités d'un développement endogène au niveau des territoires locaux. Ceci, compris comme un développement qui a un haut degré de protagonisme de la part des agents qui font de ce territoire leur lieu de vie et de travail, en particulier les agents populaires. Ceci comme une manière de mieux articuler développement et démocratie.

Re-Inventing the Past, Defining the Future: Historical Representations and Regional Development in the Russian Northwest

Sorokina, Alfia 25 May 2010 (has links)
This work explores the connections between the constructed representations of places based on local histories, the processes of tradition reinvention and the strategies of regional development in two Russian regions. This analysis also outlines the context created by the external to the regions influences and the associated with them local conditions.

Re-Inventing the Past, Defining the Future: Historical Representations and Regional Development in the Russian Northwest

Sorokina, Alfia 25 May 2010 (has links)
This work explores the connections between the constructed representations of places based on local histories, the processes of tradition reinvention and the strategies of regional development in two Russian regions. This analysis also outlines the context created by the external to the regions influences and the associated with them local conditions.

Local Development And Conservation Priorities

Kamberoglu, Bahar Burcu 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis evaluates the case of Ortahisar where natural rock-caved storage sector has been the major dominant traditional economic activity since 1950s. However this economic sector has begun to recess because of conservation priorities after the declaration of G&ouml / reme Historical National Park including Ortahisar settlement in World Heritage List by UNESCO in 1986. In addition, the tourism sector has begun to develop gradually in the Region as large amounts of tourists began to invade because of the world heritage advertisement of UNESCO and has begun to threaten the town&rsquo / s local economy, natural rock-caved storage sector. The aim of this thesis is to balance the stone-caved storage sector and tourism sector facilities and integrate the sustainable sides of them with conservation and sustainability objectives in a socio-spatial planning model and to ensure these two sectors&rsquo / positive contributions to each other and local economy. Finally, the thesis will emphasize the contribution of heritage planning to the sustainability of the local economy, ensuring of each sectors contribution to each other and local economy and heritage conservation process.

Not Quite på två ben : En studie av synen på kulturkooperativet Not Quite's roll för lokal och regional utveckling / 'Not Quite' on Two Legs : A Study of the Perception of the Cultural Cooperative 'Not Quite''s Role for Local and Regional Development

Bertilsson, Sofi January 2015 (has links)
For the past decades, culture has been given a role as a factor for local and regional development. But what is meant by development and in what ways culture can be of importance in this aspect can be unclear. This thesis examines the perception of the role for local and regional development of one specific cultural place and network – the cultural cooperative Not Quite in Fengersfors, Sweden. I study the way the role as developer is expressed and interpreted in the discourse of the cultural workers who are members of the network and in the discourse of public cultural policy in the region Västra Götaland and in Åmål municipality. The study shows that there are both similarities and differences between the discourses concerning how the role as developer is expressed. What differs is the focus on economic growth, which is expressed to be of great importance in the public cultural policy discourse. The cultural workers within Not Quite express a lack of interest in economic growth, or even a negative attitude towards it. They instead express a ”discourse of meaning”. For them, the main purpose of their artistic work is to create meaning and value for other people rather than economic growth. However, the practical effects of the differences seem quite small. There seem to be a balance between the different kinds of development Not Quite is expected to contribute to, and the cultural workers express a relaxed attitude to goals and expectations from the Västra Götaland region and Åmål municipality.

LEADER programos įgyvendinimas Radviliškio rajone / Realization of Leader Programme in Radviliškis district

Buitkutė, Agnė 16 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe analizuojamas Leader programos įgyvendinimas Radviliškio rajone. Pirmoje bakalauro baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjami kaimo plėtros įgyvendinimo aspektai, pasitelkiant Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių įžvalgas atskleista kaimo plėtros samprata bei raida. Atskleista Leader metodo samprata, apžvelgti metodo principai, įgyvendinimo etapai. Taip pat šioje dalyje išanalizuotas Leader programų įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje. Empirinėje bakalauro baigiamojo darbo dalyje atliekama Leader programos įgyvendinimo Radviliškio rajone situacijos analizė, analizuojama vietos plėtros strategija bei jos įgyvendinimas. Taip pat atliekamas VVG veiklos vertinimas procesų aspektu. Kokybinių duomenų rinkimo metodas – formalizuotas interviu su informantais (vietos veiklos grupės atstovais, seniūnijų seniūnais ir bendruomenės pirmininkais) ir su ekspertu (Šiaulių univeriteto socialinių mokslų fakulteto dėstytoju, Kaimo plėtros tyrimų centro direktoriumi). Remiantis teorinėje dalyje aprašytais Leader metodo principais, sukonstruotas tyrimo instrumentas – interviu klausimynas. Jo pagalba apibrėžiamos Leader programos įgyvendinimo Radviliškio rajone tobulinimo galimybės, vietos plėtros strategijos įgyvendinimo problemos, jų priežastys, nustatytos strategijų tobulinimo galimybės. Atlikta Leader principų bei neurbanizuotų vietovių funkcijų įgyvendinimo Radviliškio rajone analizė, bei stiprybių ir galimybių analizė. / There is analyzed realization of Leader programme in Radviliškis area in this Bachelor’s thesis. There are analyzed aspects of realization of rural development in the first part of Bachelor’s thesis. Also, through some insights of Lithuanian and foreign authors and opinion, conception and evolution of rural development is revealed. The conception of Leader method is revealed, principles of this method and stages of implementation are reviewed. Moreover, the Leader programme realization in Lithuania is analyzed in this part of Bachelor’s thesis. In empirical part of this Bachelor’s thesis the situational analysis of Leader programmes’ realization in Radviliškis area is performed, local development strategy and its implementation are analyzed. Moreover, local activity groups performance is evaluated by aspects of processes. The method of qualitative data collection – formalized interview with informants (representatives of local activity group, elders of parish and councils of communities) and with an expert (Šiauliai university Social Sciences Faculty, Rural Development Research Center Director). The survey instrument – interview questionnaire – was designed basing on principles of LEADER method in theoretical part of Bachelor’s thesis. The opportunities for improvement of Leader programme realization, the realization problems and their causes of local development strategy in Radviliškis area are defined, the opportunities for strategies improvement are set. The analysis of... [to full text]

Re-Inventing the Past, Defining the Future: Historical Representations and Regional Development in the Russian Northwest

Sorokina, Alfia 25 May 2010 (has links)
This work explores the connections between the constructed representations of places based on local histories, the processes of tradition reinvention and the strategies of regional development in two Russian regions. This analysis also outlines the context created by the external to the regions influences and the associated with them local conditions.

Redevances forestièrse annuelles et développement local au Cameroun : expériences de deux communes rurales : une analyse anthropologique

Matchioundji, Télesphore 03 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse étudie les liens entre les « redevances forestières annuelles » (RFA) et le « développement local » dans deux communes du Cameroun. Ce travail anthropologique s’inscrit dans le débat qui se fait à l’échelle internationale relativement au rôle et au devenir des populations locales dans la gestion des ressources naturelles. Dans le passé, la gestion des redevances forestières annuelles (RFA) a été, dans les pays d’Afrique centrale et au Cameroun en particulier, sous la seule responsabilité de l’État central. Une telle politique n’offrait pas la garantie nécessaire à l’utilisation durable de ces ressources qui sont indispensables à la vie des populations villageoises riveraines et à l’équilibre de l’environnement. Profitant de la crise des années 1980 et 1990 en Afrique, le FMI et la Banque mondiale ont exercé une pression sur les États africains pour qu’ils revoient, en conformité avec la Conférence de Rio (1992), leurs politiques en matière de gestion et de conservation des ressources forestières. Dans le bassin du Congo, le Cameroun a été le tout premier pays à réviser, en 1994, ses lois forestières par le biais d’une décentralisation de la fiscalité forestière : les taxes perçues furent réparties entre l’État, les collectivités territoriales décentralisées et les populations villageoises riveraines. Les fonds transférés aux communes et aux populations riveraines devaient servir au développement local en contribuant notamment à l’amélioration des conditions générales de vie des populations à travers la réalisation d’œuvres sociales, l’adduction d’eau, la construction et l’entretien des routes, des écoles, des cases de santé, etc. Dans les faits, l’impact de la fiscalité forestière décentralisée reste à ce jour encore peu visible sur la dynamique du développement local des communes. Notre projet de recherche doctorale prend place dans le domaine d’une anthropologie du développement centrée sur l’étude des solutions que les populations locales apportent aux problèmes auxquels elles sont confrontées dans leur vie de tous les jours. L’analyse des impacts que les politiques de développement économique exercent sur les populations villageoises d’Afrique est ici à l’avant-plan, pas seulement au sens d’une critique des politiques étatiques en matière d’exploitation forestière, mais aussi au sens d’une meilleure compréhension des conditions de mise en œuvre de ces politiques et de l’impact de celles-ci sur les populations villageoises, tant sur le plan des avantages financiers directs que des transformations écologiques que les activités forestières introduisent dans les pratiques agricoles des villageois. Sur le plan méthodologique, il faut noter que ce fut très difficile d’obtenir les informations nécessaires, notre sujet d’étude se révélant être très sensible quant à sa portée politique. Nous avons néanmoins pu recueillir un solide ensemble de données par le biais d’une démarche de proximité de type qualitatif qui a été conduite dans deux communes forestières qui représentent deux réalités différentes en matière de gestion des RFA. La collecte des données a été faite, de manière intensive, dans sept villages qui répondaient à nos critères : nous avons ainsi pu étudier, de manière approfondie, la situation des groupes sociaux les plus défavorisés qui sont exclus dans le partage des revenus forestiers. Pour construire notre cadre théorique, nous avons combiné des éléments empruntés aux théories environnementales, à l’anthropologie économique et à l’analyse des modes de gestion. Il faut noter, par ailleurs, que l’anthropologue n’est ni un aménagiste, ni un environnementaliste, ni un spécialiste des études managériales. Nous avons conduit notre étude comparative dans les communes concernées en nous fixant pour objectif de comprendre les mécanismes de gestion des RFA mis en place par les leaders locaux et d’évaluer leur impact sur l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations villageoises et sur leur écosystème. Notre préoccupation était de savoir si les RFA constituent des vecteurs de développement socioéconomique pour des populations vivant dans et de la forêt. / Our thesis is an examination of the relationship between annual forest royalties (AFRs) and local development in two communities in Cameroon. This anthropological study joins the debate that is taking place on an international scale with regard to the role and the future of local populations in the management of natural resources. In the past, the management of annual forest royalties was, especially in Central Africa and in Cameroon, the sole responsibility of the state. Such a policy did not offer the guarantees necessary for the sustainable use of these resources, which are indispensable to the lives of riverside village populations and the stability of the environment. Taking advantage of the crisis of the 1980s and 1990s in Africa, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank applied pressure on African States to revise their policies, in accordance with the Conference of Rio (1992), regarding the management and conservation of forest resources. In 1994, Cameroon was the first country in the Congo river basin to revise its forest laws by means of a decentralization of the forest tax system: taxes received were distributed between the State, decentralized territorial collectives and riverside village populations. Funds transferred to these collectives and riverside populations were to be used for local development, specifically by contributing to the improvement of the general conditions of these populations through the realization of social works, water delivery, the construction and maintenance of roads, schools, health centers, etc. In practice, the impact of the decentralized forest tax system is hardly visible in the dynamics of the local development of communities to this day. Our doctoral research project is in the field of the anthropology of development centered on the study of the solutions local populations bring to the problems they are confronted with in their daily lives. The analysis of the impacts of economic development policies on the village populations of Africa is here foregrounded, not only in the sense of a criticism of state policies regarding forestry development but also in the sense of better understanding the conditions of their implementation and impact on village populations; both from the point of view of direct financial benefits as well as ecological changes forestry activities introduce to the agricultural practices of the villagers. On the methodological level, it is essential to note that it was very difficult to obtain the necessary information, the subject of the study proving to be very sensitive in its political implications. We were nevertheless able to collect a solid set of data by means of a local qualitative approach that was carried out in two forest communities, those of A (68 villages) and B (17 villages), which represent two different realities in terms of the management of annual forest royalties (AFRs). Through an intensive approach, data collection was undertaken in seven villages that responded to our criteria: we were able to study, in depth, the situation of the most disadvantaged social groups excluded in the sharing of the forest royalties. In building out theoretical framework, we combined elements borrowed from environmental theory, economic anthropology and the analysis of management styles. It should be noted, moreover, that the anthropologist is neither a forester, nor an environmentalist, nor a specialist in managerial studies. We focused our comparative study in the municipalities of A and B on the objective of understanding the mechanisms for the management of AFRs set up by the local leaders and to estimate their impact on the improvement of the living conditions of the village populations and their ecosystems. Our concern was to know if AFRs establish vectors for the socioeconomic development for village populations living and from the forest.

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