Spelling suggestions: "subject:"docking"" "subject:"cocking""
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Theorie und Numerik einer oberflächenorientierten Schalenformulierung / Theory and Numerics of a Surface-Related Shell FormulationSchlebusch, Rainer 18 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This doctorial thesis deals with the derivation of a mechanical model for the simulation of the load-bearing behavior of a strengthening layer made of textile reinforced concrete to strengthen a shell structure. The main focus lies on both the geometrical and physical non-linear three-dimensional shell formulation and on its transfer into an efficient finite element. The distinctive feature of the presented shell formulation is its surface-orientation. This enables the analysis of a strengthening layer applied on one of the outer surfaces of a structure in a very natural way, since a problem-oriented mechanical modeling is achieved. Hereby, in contrast to classical shell theories the three-dimensionality of the material behavior's description can completely maintained. This is necessary, since a more accurate modeling of the material behavior of textile reinforced concrete can only be done three-dimensional. Within the scope of this thesis an anisotropic hyper elastic constitutive relation is given in order to obtain a first approximation of textile reinforced concrete's material behavior against the background of material theory. Furthermore a specification of the hyper elastic constitutive relation is obtained upon the basis of the principle of material symmetry and is prepared for the application in the shell formulation. The numerical solution of the field problem necessitates the transfer of the surface-related shell formulation into a two-dimensional variational formulation in order to obtain a sound mathematical starting point for the conversion into an efficient volume shell element. For the realization of a numerical efficient finite element an element formulation using a low-order ansatz should be favored. Because of reducing the number of degrees of freedom and therewith of possible deformation modes, artificial stiffening effects will appear. A way out is given by a special extention of the assumed natural strain and the assumed strain method for the utilization in the presented surface-related shell formulation. This leads to a slightly higher numerical effort, but allows a reliable and efficient finite element formulation finally verified in distinct meaningful non-linear simulations. / Die Herleitung eines mechanischen Modells zur numerischen Simulation des Tragverhaltens einer Verstärkungsschicht für Flächentragwerke aus textilbewehrtem Feinbeton ist Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Hierbei liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf einer sowohl geometrisch als auch physikalisch nichtlinearen dreidimensionalen Schalenformulierung und deren Umsetzung in ein effizientes finites Element. Die Besonderheit der hier vorgestellten Schalenformulierung ist deren Oberflächenbezug, der es auf natürliche Weise ermöglicht, eine auf die Struktur aufgebrachte Verstärkungsschicht zu berechnen. Diese Verfahrensweise ist als eine der Problemstellung angepaßte mechanische Modellbildung anzusehen. Hierbei kann im Gegensatz zu klassischen Schalentheorien die Dreidimensionalität der Materialbeschreibung vollständig aufrecht erhalten und damit die verfeinerte Erfassung des Materialverhaltens von Textilbeton ermöglicht werden, die nur dreidimensional erfolgen kann. Eine materialtheoretische Herleitung von anisotropen hyper-elastischen konstitutiven Beziehungen als erste Approximation zur Erfassung des Materialverhaltens von textilbewehrtem Feinbeton wird vorgestellt und deren Spezifizierung auf der Basis des Prinzips der materiellen Symmetrie durchgeführt sowie zur Anwendung in der Schalenformulierung aufbereitet. Die numerische Lösung des Feldproblems erfordert die Umsetzung der oberflächenorientierten Schalenformulierung in eine zweidimensionale Variationsformulierung mit dem Ziel, einen mathematisch fundierten Ausgangspunkt für die Entwicklung eines leistungsfähigen Volumen"=Schalen"=Elementes zu erhalten. Zur Realisierung eines numerisch effizienten finiten Elementes ist eine Elementformulierung mit möglichst geringer Ansatzordnung verwendet worden. Da hierdurch die Freiheitsgrade des Elementes und damit die möglichen Verformungsmodi in ihrer Anzahl eingeschränkt werden, sind künstliche Versteifungseffekte zu erwarten. Einen Ausweg bieten hier spezielle Erweiterungen der Assumed Natural Strain und der Enhanced Assumed Strain Methode für die hier vorliegende oberflächenorientierte Schalenformulierung. Dies erhöht den numerischen Aufwand unwesentlich, ermöglicht jedoch insgesamt eine zuverlässige und effiziente Elementformulierung, deren Brauchbarkeit abschließend in verschiedenen aussagekräftigen nichtlinearen Simulationen nachgewiesen wird.
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Modular Locking System to RBS CabinetAlmqvist, Josefin, Sundelius, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Radio base stations contain equipment which enables the use of cell phones all around the world. ERICSSON is developing these stations and everything connected to the area, such as electronics, software and hardware. In a new project ERICSSON plans to make their hardware modular, to satisfy all their customers around the world even if their preferences differ. The task that was given to us was to develop a modular locking system to the radio base station cabinets.The concept was developed in an integrated working process that focused on a user centered final product. The process included the definition of the problem, preliminary studies of areas which are connected to the problem and a summary of the demands that the customers mediated in a list of requirements. The idea generation generated lots of ideas that later on were developed into different concepts. The concepts were evaluated before the final decision was made together with ERICSSON.The final product is a lifting handle connected to a rod and latch system, which already existed. A new mechanical function was created to make the new handle function with the old system. The locking system is modular and it is possible to choose which way to lock the handle, with a cylinder lock or a padlock. Only one module, the cylinder in the middle, needs to be switched to get the other solution. The other parts are the same; this makes the product modular. The lift handle is an entire new design, developed in the project.
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Synchronisation des rythmes locomoteur et respiratoire : influence de stimulations sensorielles et intérêt pour la performance / Synchronization of locomotor and respiratory rhythms : impact of sensory stimuli and application for performanceHoffmann, Charles 11 July 2014 (has links)
L'observation d'une synchronisation entre les systèmes locomoteur et respiratoire soulève de nombreuses questions concernant son utilité fonctionnelle pour l'organisme et les contraintes susceptibles de moduler son apparition. A l'heure actuelle, des contradictions subsistent dans les réponses apportées à ces interrogations, notamment en raison de la multiplicité des méthodes employées pour l'étude de ce phénomène. La théorie des oscillateurs couplés, et plus particulièrement le modèle de la sine circle map, nous permet de rendre compte de façon précise des relations de couplage entre les systèmes locomoteur et respiratoire. Les objectifs de ce travail de thèse sont de renforcer la validité de l'utilisation de ce modèle pour l'étude du couplage locomotion-respiration (CLR), d'examiner le lien entre le CLR et la performance sportive, ainsi qu'identifier les contraintes influençant les relations de couplage entre ces deux systèmes. Dans des tâches de pédalage ou de course à pied, les participants avaient pour consigne ou non de synchroniser leur locomotion ou leur respiration avec une stimulation auditive dont le tempo correspondait à leurs fréquences préférentielles (locomotrice ou respiratoire). Nos résultats montrent l'efficacité du rythme auditif pour induire une stabilisation du CLR, indépendamment de la consigne donnée aux participants et du système rythmé. Ces résultats révèlent une bidirectionnalité dans le couplage entre les systèmes locomoteur et respiratoire. De plus, nous mettons en évidence une forte corrélation entre le gain de stabilité entre les deux systèmes et le gain de consommation d'oxygène (i.e., diminution). Par conséquent, la stabilité du CLR est un facteur important à prendre en compte pour la performance sportive. Nous rapportons également une déstabilisation du CLR lors de l'éloignement d'un des deux systèmes de sa fréquence préférentielle. Ce résultat suggère l'adoption spontanée par les individus d'une synchronisation optimale entre les deux systèmes. Ainsi, il semble primordial de présenter une stimulation adaptée à chacun et adaptable aux changements de fréquences locomotrice ou respiratoire imposés par les contraintes de la tâche. Pris ensemble, nos résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution du CLR face aux contraintes qui lui sont imposées (e.g., fréquences locomotrice ou respiratoire, rythme auditif, modalité d'exercice) et mettent en évidence l'influence positive de sa stabilité sur la performance sportive. Nous rapportons également l'efficacité d'une stimulation visuelle pour apprendre à mieux gérer les ressources énergétiques au cours de l'effort. Ainsi, ce travail ouvre des perspectives de travaux sur l'utilisation d'une stimulation auditive ou visuelle, simple (e.g., métronome) ou complexe (e.g., musique, avatar), dans le cadre de l'entraînement et de l'amélioration de la performance sportive. / The natural synchronization between locomotor and respiratory systems raises many questions regarding its functional utility for the organism, as well as constraints that may modulate its appearance. Currently, contradictions remain in answers provided to these issues, especially because of the multiple methods used to study this phenomenon. The theory of coupled oscillators, and more specifically the sine circle map model, allows to accurately assess the coupling between locomotor and respiratory systems. This work aims at strengthening the validity of the use of this model for the study of locomotor-respiratory coupling (LRC), examining the relationship between LRC and sport performance, as well as identifying the constraints influencing the coupling between both systems. In pedalling or running tasks, participants were instructed or not to synchronize their locomotion or their breathing with an auditory rhythm which tempo matched their preferred frequencies (locomotor or respiratory). Our results show the effectiveness of auditory rhythm to induce stabilization of LRC, regardless of the instructions given to participants and the system paced. These results reflect a bidirectionality in the coupling between the locomotor and respiratory systems. Furthermore, we show a strong correlation between the increase in stability between the two systems and the gain in oxygen consumption (i.e., decrease). Therefore, the stability of LRC is an important factor to consider for sport performance. We also report a destabilization of LRC when one of the two systems is far off its preferred frequency. This result suggests that individuals spontaneously adopt an optimum synchronization between the two systems. Thus, it seems important to use a customized suitable stimulation that could be able to adapt its tempo to changes in locomotor or respiratory frequencies imposed by the constraints of the task. Overall, our results provide a better understanding of the evolution of LRC when confronted to constraints (e.g., locomotor or respiratory frequencies, auditory rhythm, exercise modality) and highlight the positive impact of its stability on sport performance. We also report the effectiveness of a visual stimulation to learn how to better manage energy resources during effort. Thus, this work opens perspectives on the use of auditory or visual stimuli, simple (e.g., metronome) or complex (e.g., music, avatar), for training and performance enhancement.
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Structures localisées temporelles dans les lasers à semi-conducteur à cavité verticale / Time-localized structures in vertical cavity surface-emitting laserMarconi, Mathias 04 December 2014 (has links)
Les Structures Localisées (SL) se forment dans les milieux non-linéaires dissipatifs à large rapport d'aspect où une ou plusieurs solutions peuvent coexister dans l'espace des paramètres. Bien que la formation des SL est un phénomène général, leur mise en œuvre dans les lasers à semi-conducteur se montre très intéressante due au potentiel qu'offre les SL pour le traitement tout optique de l'information. En effet, l'idée de base est d'utiliser les SL comme des bits d'information en exploitant leur propriété d'addressabilité dans un milieu laser rapide et miniaturisé. Dans ce travail, je décrirai les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux obtenus dans les lasers à semi-conducteur à cavité vertical (VCSEL). Après une courte introduction sur les SL spatiales déjà observées dans la section transverse des VCSELs, j'expliquerai comment nous sommes parvenus à générer des SL temporelles à partir d'un régime de Mode-Locking passif obtenu quand le laser est couplé à une longue cavité externe fermée par un absorbant saturable rapide. Nous avons également observé l'émergence d'un autre type de SL, les SL temporelles vectorielles, dont le mécanisme de formation exploite le degré de liberté de polarisation de la lumière émise par le VCSEL alors que celui-ci est soumis à de la rétro-action optique sélective en polarisation (PSF) et de la réinjection de polarisation croisée (XPR). / Localized Structures (LS) appear in nonlinear dissipative media with large aspect-ratios where one or several solutions coexist in the parameters space. Although LS formation is a general phenomenon, their implementation in semiconductor lasers is of great interest due to the potential of LS for all-optical data processing. In fact, the basic idea consists in using LS as bits of information exploiting their property of addressability in a fast and small-sized medium. In this contribution, I will show the experimental and theoretical results obtained in Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). After a brief historical introduction on spatial LS emerging in the transverse profile of VCSELs, I will describe our method for the generation of temporal LS, that we observed in the frame of passive mode-locking when the VCSEL is coupled to a long external cavity closed by a fast saturable absorber, and vectorial LS, whose formation exploits the polarization degree of freedom of the VCSEL, which is submitted to the actions of a polarization-selective feedback (PSF) and a crossed-polarization reinjection (XPR).
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A Study of Injection Locking in Optoelectronic OscillatorPrakasha, Prarthana 30 September 2020 (has links)
The random fluctuations of signal phase of an oscillator limit the precision of time and frequency measurements. The noise and long-term stability of the system’s oscillator or clock is of major importance in applications such as optical and wireless communications, high-speed digital electronics, radar, and astronomy. The Optoelectronic Oscillator (OE Oscillator), a new class of time delay oscillator with promise as a low-phase noise source of microwave carriers, was introduced by Steve Yao and Lute Malek in 1996. The OE Oscillator combines into a closed loop an RF photonic link and an RF chain. The RF photonic link consists of a laser, electro-optic modulator, optical fibre delay line, and a photo-receiver that together provide an RF delay. An RF chain consists of one or more amplifiers and a RF resonator that together provide the sustaining amplification and the frequency selectivity necessary for single mode oscillation of the loop. The low loss of optical fibres enables the attainment of delays that correspond to optical fibre lengths of several kilometers. It is the long delay, unattainable in an all electronic implementations that is responsible for the superior phase noise performance of an OE Oscillator.
In this thesis the fundamental principles of operation of an OE Oscillator are described and the principal sources of in-loop phase fluctuations that are responsible for phase-noise identified. This lays the ground for an exposition of the mechanism that describes the perturbation of a time delay oscillator by injection into the loop of a carrier that is detuned in frequency from the natural frequency of the oscillator. For sufficiently small detuning the oscillator can become phase locked to the injected carrier. The model presented in the thesis generalises the traditional Yao-Maleki and Leeson model to include all the important features that describe the injection locking dynamics of an OE Oscillator. In particular the common assumptions of single mode oscillation and weak injection are removed. This is important to correctly predict the effect of injection locking on the spurious peaks in the phase noise spectrum corresponding to the side-modes of a time delay oscillator. Simulation results are presented in order to validate the dynamics of the oscillator under injection and analytic results on the lock-in range and phase noise spectrum. A 10 GHz OE Oscillator with a single 5km delay line is used as an example in the simulation illustration.
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Fiber Based Mode Locked Fiber Laser Using Kerr EffectWang, Long 17 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Utveckling av rattstång med övre teleskopfunktion / Development of steering column with upper telescopic functionJosefsson, Johannes, Lundberg, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna rapport redogör projektgruppen för resultatet i kursen examensarbete 15hp (C-nivå) utfört på maskiningenjörsprogrammet, inriktning produktutveckling och design, vid Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts i samarbete med Kongsberg Power Product Systems AB i Ljungsarp. Syftet var att utveckla en ny typ av övre teleskopfunktion till Kongsbergs modulsystem för ställbara rattstänger.</p><p>Utgångspunkten i projektet var att skapa en mer ergonomisk förarmiljö, något som Kongsbergs kunder och marknaden för långsamtgående fordon allt mer efterfrågar. Kraven som ställts på projektet bestod i största del av axiella och radiella krafter som konstruktionen skulle klara av, samt den axiella förlängningen av rattstången.</p><p>För att strukturera arbetet har en produktutvecklingsmetod från boken The Mechanical Design Process av David G. Ullman använts. Dessa metoder har använts i genomförandefasen för att leda fram till resultatet.</p><p>Projektet har resulterat i ett koncept som löser Kongsbergs krav på förbättrad förarergonomi.</p> / <p>In this report the project team describes the outcome of the course degree project 15 ECTS (C level) performed at the program of mechanical engineering, targeted product development and design, at Jönköping University.</p><p>The degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Kongsberg Power Products Systems AB in Ljungsarp. The aim was to develop a new type of upper telescopic function to the Kongsberg modular system for adjustable steering columns.</p><p>The starting point of the project was to create a more ergonomic driver's environment, as Kongsberg’s customers and the market for slow vehicles are increasingly demanding.</p><p>The requirements placed on the project consisted in the main part of the forces that construction would meet, and the axial extension of the steering column.</p><p>To structure the work a product development methodology from the book The Mechanical Design Process by David G. Ullman has been used.</p><p>The project has resulted in a concept that solves Kongsberg's demands for improved driver ergonomics.</p>
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Vertical external cavity surface emitting semiconductor lasersHolm, Mark January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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On Decoupling Concurrency Control from Recovery in Database RepositoriesYu, Heng January 2005 (has links)
We report on initial research on the concurrency control issue of compiled database applications. Such applications have a repository style of architecture in which a collection of software modules operate on a common database in terms of a set of predefined transaction types, an architectural view that is useful for the deployment of database technology to embedded control programs. We focus on decoupling concurrency control from any functionality relating to recovery. Such decoupling facilitates the compile-time query optimization. <br /><br /> Because it is the possibility of transaction aborts for deadlock resolution that makes the recovery subsystem necessary, we choose the deadlock-free tree locking (TL) scheme for our purpose. With the knowledge of transaction workload, efficacious lock trees for runtime control can be determined at compile-time. We have designed compile-time algorithms to generate the lock tree and other relevant data structures, and runtime locking/unlocking algorithms based on such structures. We have further explored how to insert the lock steps into the transaction types at compile time. <br /><br /> To conduct our simulation experiments to evaluate the performance of TL, we have designed two workloads. The first one is from the OLTP benchmark TPC-C. The second is from the open-source operating system MINIX. Our experimental results show TL produces better throughput than the traditional two-phase locking (2PL) when the transactions are write-only; and for main-memory data, TL performs comparably to 2PL even in workloads with many reads.
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Estudo biomecânico comparativo entre novo sistema de bloqueio (PAX) e sistema convencional de bloqueio (Synthes) em ensaios de arrancamento e teste de quatro pontos / Biomechanical study comparing new locking plate system (PAX) and conventional locking plate system (Synthes) in pullout and four points test.Cavalcanti, Renato Albuquerque de Oliveira 20 January 2015 (has links)
Os materiais utilizados nas osteossínteses passam constantemente por avanços tecnológicos. Um dos mais recentes dispositivos é a chamada placa bloqueada, suas principais indicações são fraturas com alto grau de cominução, fraturas que não exigem uma redução anatômica, ossos osteopenicos, por exemplo, acometidos pela osteoporose, entre outras. Atualmente novos modelos de placas com bloqueio estão sendo desenvolvidos, onde a interface do parafuso e a placa são feito pela deformação do orifício, com a vantagem da instalação do parafuso em diversos ângulos. O presente projeto tem por objetivo estudar comparativamente a diferença entre os dois tipos de interface parafuso placa, como também realizar teste de quatro pontos comparando o sistema novo de bloqueio com o sistema convencional de bloqueio. Realizamos ensaios de arrancamento com sistema convencional de bloqueio (Synthes) e com o novo sistema de bloqueio (PAX) em parafusos 2,0mm; 2,4mm; 2,7mm e 3,5mm. Em todos os grupos testados o sistema convencional de bloqueio foi mais resistente e apresentou diferença significativa estatisticamente, teste de Mann- Witney (p< 0,05). Os valores de P obtidos foram: sistema 2.0mm p = 0,008; sistema 2.4 mm p= 0,008; sistema 2.7 mm p= 0,016; sistema 3.5 mm p= 0,008. No teste de 4 pontos utilizamos 20 placas da marca Synthes (sistema convencional de bloqueio) e 20 da marca PAX (novo sistema de bloqueio) e o sistema convencional de bloqueio se mostrou novamente mais resistente com diferença significativa. Os valores de P obtidos foram: sistema 2.0mm p = 0,008; sistema 2.4 mm p= 0,008; sistema 2.7 mm p= 0,008; sistema 3.5 mm p= 0,008. Conclui-se que o sistema convencional de bloqueio se mostrou mais resistente tanto no teste de arrancamento quanto no teste de flexão de quatro pontos. / The materials used in osteosynthesis constantly technological advances. One of the most recent devices is called the locking plate, its main indications are fractures with a high degree of comminution, fractures which do not require anatomical reduction, osteopenic bones, for example, affected by osteoporosis, among others. Currently new locking plate designs are being developed, where the screw interface and the plate are made by deformation of the hole, with the installation of the advantage screw at various angles. This study aims to compared the difference between the two types of interface screw - plate but also perform four-point test comparing the new locking system with the conventional system lock. Pullout tests conducted with conventional locking system (Synthes) and the new locking system (PAX) by screws 2.0mm; 2.4mm; 2.7mm and 3.5mm. In all groups tested the conventional system of blockade was stronger and showed a statistically significant difference, Mann-Witney test (p <0.05). P values were obtained: System 2.0mm P = 0.008; system 2.4 mm p = 0.008; System 2.7 mm p = 0.016; system 3.5 mm p = 0.008. In test points 4 used 20 Synthes plate mark (conventional blocking system) and 20 brand PAX (new locking system), the conventional locking system again showed a significant difference resistant. P values were obtained: System 2.0mm P = 0.008; system 2.4 mm p = 0.008; system 2.7 mm p = 0.008; system 3.5 mm p = 0.008. It follows that the conventional locking system has proved much more resistant peel test as in the four point bending test.
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