Spelling suggestions: "subject:"logik"" "subject:"gogik""
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New approach in prediction of soil liquefactionDaftari, Abbas 23 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Liquefaction is the phenomena when there is loss of strength in saturated and cohesion-less soils because of increased pore water pressures and hence reduced effective stresses due to dynamic loading. It is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading.
In this study, after the short review of liquefaction definition, the models of prediction and estimation of liquefaction were considered. Application of numerical modelling with two major software (FLAC & PLAXIS) for the Wildlife site liquefaction, under superstition earthquake in 1987 were compared and analysed.
Third step was started with introduction of Fuzzy logic and neural network as two common intelligent mathematical methods. These two patterns for prediction of soil liquefaction were combined. The “Neural network- Fuzzy logic-Liquefaction- Prediction” (NFLP) was applied for liquefaction prediction in Wildlife site. The results show the powerful prediction of liquefaction happening with high degree of accuracy in this case.
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Prospects for energy-efficient edge computing with integrated HfO₂-based ferroelectric devicesO'Connor, Ian, Cantan, Mayeul, Marchand, Cédric, Vilquin, Bertrand, Slesazeck, Stefan, Breyer, Evelyn T., Mulaosmanovic, Halid, Mikolajick, Thomas, Giraud, Bastien, Noël, Jean-Philippe, Ionescu, Adrian, Igor, Igor 08 December 2021 (has links)
Edge computing requires highly energy efficient microprocessor units with embedded non-volatile memories to process data at IoT sensor nodes. Ferroelectric non-volatile memory devices are fast, low power and high endurance, and could greatly enhance energy-efficiency and allow flexibility for finer grain logic and memory. This paper will describe the basics of ferroelectric devices for both hysteretic (non-volatile memory) and negative capacitance (steep slope switch) devices, and then project how these can be used in low-power logic cell architectures and fine-grain logic-in-memory (LiM) circuits.
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Netzorientierte Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassifikation nichtkonvexer ObjektmengenmorphologienHempel, Arne-Jens 06 September 2011 (has links)
Die Arbeit ordnet sich in das Gebiet der unscharfen Klassifikation ein und stellt im Detail eine Weiterführung der Forschung zur Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassifikation dar. Es handelt sich dabei um eine leistungsfähige systemtheoretische Methodik zur klassifikatorischen Modellierung komplexer, hochdimensionaler, technischer oder nichttechnischer Systeme auf der Basis von metrischen Messgrößen und/oder nichtmetrischen Experten-Bewertungen. Die Beschreibung der Unschärfe von Daten, Zuständen und Strukturen wird hierbei durch einen einheitlichen Typ einer Zugehörigkeitsfunktion des Potentialtyps realisiert. Ziel der Betrachtungen ist die weiterführende Nutzung des bestehenden Klassenmodells zur unscharfen Beschreibung nichtkonvexer Objektmengenmorphologien. Ausgehend vom automatischen datengetriebenen Aufbau der konvexen Klassenbeschreibung, deren vorteilhaften Eigenschaften sowie Defiziten wird im Rahmen der Arbeit eine Methodik vorgestellt, die eine Modellierung beliebiger Objektmengenmorphologien erlaubt, ohne das bestehende Klassifikationskonzept zu verlassen.
Kerngedanken des Vorgehens sind:
1.) Die Aggregation von Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassen auf der Basis so genannter komplementärer Objekte.
2.) Die sequentielle Verknüpfung von Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassen und komplementären Klassen im Sinne einer unscharfen Mengendifferenz.
3.) Die Strukturierung des Verknüpfungsprozesses durch die Clusteranalyse von Komplementärobjektmengen und damit der Verwendung von Konfigurationen aus komplementären Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassen.
Das dabei gewonnene nichtkonvexe Fuzzy-Klassifikationsmodell impliziert eine Vernetzung von Fuzzy-Klassifikatoren in Form von Klassifikatorbäumen. Im Ergebnis entstehen Klassifikatorstrukturen mit hoher Transparenz, die - neben der üblichen zustandsorientierten klassifikatorischen Beschreibung in den Einzelklassifikatoren - zusätzliche Informationen über den Ablauf der Klassifikationsentscheidungen erfassen. Der rechnergestützte Entwurf und die Eigenschaften der entstehenden Klassifikatorstruktur werden an akademischen Teststrukturen und realen Daten demonstriert. Die im Rahmen der Arbeit dargestellte Methodik wird in Zusammenhang mit dem Fuzzy-Pattern-Klassifikationskonzept realisiert, ist jedoch aufgrund ihrer Allgemeingültigkeit auf eine beliebige datenbasierte konvexe Klassenbeschreibung übertragbar. / This work contributes to the field of fuzzy classification. It dedicates itself to the subject of "Fuzzy-Pattern-Classification", a versatile method applied for classificatory modeling of complex, high dimensional systems based on metric and nonmetric data, i.e. sensor readings or expert statements. Uncertainties of data, their associated morphology and therewith classificatory states are incorporated in terms of fuzziness using a uniform and convex type of membership function.
Based on the properties of the already existing convex Fuzzy-Pattern-Class models and their automatic, data-driven setup a method for modeling nonconvex relations without leaving the present classification concept is introduced.
Key points of the elaborated approach are:
1.) The aggregation of Fuzzy-Pattern-Classes with the help of so called complementary objects.
2.) The sequential combination of Fuzzy-Pattern-Classes and complementary Fuzzy-Pattern-Classes in terms of a fuzzy set difference.
3.) A clustering based structuring of complementary Fuzzy-Pattern-Classes and therewith a structuring of the combination process.
A result of this structuring process is the representation of the resulting nonconvex fuzzy classification model in terms of a classifier tree. Such a nonconvex Fuzzy-Classifier features high transparency, which allows a structured understanding of the classificatory decision in working mode.
Both the automatic data-based design as well as properties of such tree-like fuzzy classifiers will be illustrated with the help of academic and real word data.
Even though the proposed method is introduced for a specific type of membership function, the underlying idea may be applied to any convex membership function.
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New approach in prediction of soil liquefactionDaftari, Abbas 23 November 2015 (has links)
Liquefaction is the phenomena when there is loss of strength in saturated and cohesion-less soils because of increased pore water pressures and hence reduced effective stresses due to dynamic loading. It is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading.
In this study, after the short review of liquefaction definition, the models of prediction and estimation of liquefaction were considered. Application of numerical modelling with two major software (FLAC & PLAXIS) for the Wildlife site liquefaction, under superstition earthquake in 1987 were compared and analysed.
Third step was started with introduction of Fuzzy logic and neural network as two common intelligent mathematical methods. These two patterns for prediction of soil liquefaction were combined. The “Neural network- Fuzzy logic-Liquefaction- Prediction” (NFLP) was applied for liquefaction prediction in Wildlife site. The results show the powerful prediction of liquefaction happening with high degree of accuracy in this case.
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Relational Exploration: Combining Description Logics and Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge SpecificationRudolph, Sebastian 01 December 2006 (has links)
Facing the growing amount of information in today's society, the task of specifying human knowledge in a way that can be unambiguously processed by computers becomes more and more important. Two acknowledged fields in this evolving scientific area of Knowledge Representation are Description Logics (DL) and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). While DL concentrates on characterizing domains via logical statements and inferring knowledge from these characterizations, FCA builds conceptual hierarchies on the basis of present data. This work introduces Relational Exploration, a method for acquiring complete relational knowledge about a domain of interest by successively consulting a domain expert without ever asking redundant questions. This is achieved by combining DL and FCA: DL formalisms are used for defining FCA attributes while FCA exploration techniques are deployed to obtain or refine DL knowledge specifications.
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Professionell logik eller kommersiell logik, varför inte både och? : En studie om revisorns dualitet i sitt vardagliga arbete / Professional logic or commercial logic, why not both? : A study of the auditor’s duality in his everyday workKull, Ida, Svensson, Alva January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Revision har en viktig samhällsfunktion i och med sitt syfte att oberoende granska finansiell information. Det kan i mångt och mycket härledas till professionell logik, med en utgångspunkt i hög kvalitet och expertis i det utförda arbetet. Detta ställer krav på att revisorn ska få agera under självstyrning, eftersom det är den professionella som bäst vet hur arbetet ska utföras. Åt det andra hållet, är revisionsbyråer vinstdrivande företag. Detta kan härledas till den kommersiella logiken med en utgångspunkt i vinstintresse och att uppnå effektivitet i organisationen. Hur dessa logiker existerar i relation till varandra är till viss del motsägelsefullt. Vissa menar att det finns en grundläggande konflikt på en organisatorisknivå mellan dessa logiker, och att vinstintresset går ut över kvaliteten på revisionen. Andra studier påvisar ett samspel genom att revisorn utvecklar en hybrididentitet och kombinerar de olika logikerna vid olika tillfällen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra till tidigare forskning med en fördjupad förståelse för hur kommersiell och professionell logik synliggörs på en organisatorisk nivå och på individnivå. Syftet är även att förklara vilken roll styrningen har i att förmedla professionalismen och revisionsbyråns ekonomiska intresse. Detta för att få helhetsbild av hur kommersiell och professionell logik förhåller sig till varandra. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju yrkesverksamma revisorer. Empirin har även bestått av företagstexter i form av årsredovisningar, karriärsblogg och material publicerad på revisionsbyråers hemsidor. Slutsats: Vi kan se att revisionsbyråerna och revisorerna både förmedlar en bild av sig som professionella men även kommersiella. Detta synliggörs även i hur revisorn pratar om sin roll och hur denne agerar. Utifrån detta bildas en hybridlogik där både affärsmässiga och professionella aspekter anses viktiga. Vi har även påvisat att professionell och kommersiell logik stärks och styrs mot genom både clan- och byråkratisk styrning. Revisorn går in i olika roller, med antingen den professionella eller kommersiella logiken i fokus, i olika situationer och sätter till viss del egna gränser utifrån detta. Det egna gränssättandet har i vissa situationer visat sig frångå den formella och byråkratiska styrningen. Genom insocialisering och en diskussionskultur bildas en norm om hur revisorn, i sin roll, ska agera i olika kontexter. / Introduction: Auditing has an important social function with the purpose of independently reviewing financial information. It can in many ways be derived from professional logic, based on high quality and expertise in the work performed. This requires that the auditor can act under self-control, since it is the professional who knows best how the work should be performed. On the other hand, auditing firms are profit-making companies. This can be derived from the commercial logic based on profit interest and achieving efficiency in the organization. How these logics exist in relation to each other is to some extent contradictory. Some argue that there is a fundamental conflict at an organizational level between these logics, and that the profit interest goes beyond the quality of the audit. Other studies show an interaction in that the auditor develops a hybrid identity and combines the different logics at different times. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to previous research with a deeper understanding of how commercial and professional logic is visible at an organizational level and at the individual level. The purpose is also to explain the role of the controlling and managing in maintaining professionalism and the financial interests of the auditing firm. Through this a complete picture is given of how commercial and professional logic relates to each other. Method: A qualitative study has been conducted through semi-structured interviews with seven professional auditors. The empirical data also consists of company texts in the form of annual reports, career blogs and materials published on the auditing agencies' websites. Conclusions: We can see that the audit firms and the auditors both convey a picture of themselves as professional but also commercial, this also make visible in how the auditor talks about his role and how he acts. Based on this, a hybrid logic is formed in which both business and professional aspects are considered important. We have also shown that professional and commercial logic is strengthened and guided by both clan- and bureaucratic control. The auditor takes on different roles, with either the professional or commercial logic in focus, in different situations and to some extent set their own boundaries based on this. These own boundaries have in certain situations been shown to deviate from formal and bureaucratic governance. Through socialization and a discussion culture, a norm seems to be formed of how the auditor, in his role, should act in different contexts.
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Partners påverkan på revisionskvalité: En andelsfråga? : En studie om hur partnerandelen i de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige influerar organisationen och på så vis påverkar revisionskvalitén / Partners impact on audit quality: a share question? : A study about how the partner share in the four biggest audit firms in Sweden influence the organization thus effects the audit qualityCronholm, Jacob, Didriksson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Utvecklingen av revisorsprofessionen kan härledas ända till 1895. En utveckling som grundas i professionalitet men som på senare år blivit allt mer kommersialiserad. Revisionsbyråernas ägare benämns som partners och likt andra organisationstyper har ägarna en stor påverkan på organisationen. Partners skiljer sig dock från många andra ägare i stora företag med sin aktiva närvaro i det dagliga arbetet. Positionen som partner innebär bl.a. makt, status och finansiella fördelar. Incitamenten med partnerskapet bör variera beroende på partnerandel, vilket kan tänkas leda till en dominans av antingen professionell eller kommersiell logik. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om partnerandelen påverkar revisionskvalitén inom de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige. Metod: För att undersöka studiens syfte har en hypotes skapats utifrån agentteorin samt kommersiell och professionell logik. Studien utförs med hjälp av en tvärsnittsdesign och en deduktiv ansats. Studien har utförts på ett urval som består av de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige och deras klienter på Stockholmsbörsens tre största listor för år 2012 och 2018. Slutsatser: Studien kan från analys och diskussion komma till en slutsats att partnerandelen har en påverkan på revisionskvalitén. Med studien kan det utläsas att auktoriserade revisorer per partner har en positiv relation till revisionskvalitén / Background: The development of the auditor profession originates from 1895. However, the development that is based on professionalism has in recent years become increasingly commercialized. The audit firm’s owners are called partners and like other types of organizations, the owners have a big impact on the organization. However, partners differ from other owners with their presence in the daily business. The position as a partner comes with power, status and financial advantages, which may lead to a dominance of either professional or commercial logic. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore whether the partner share affects the quality of auditing within the four biggest audit firms in Sweden. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a hypothesis has been formulated with agency theory and commercial and professional logics. This study uses a crosssectional design with a deductive approach. The selection of data includes the four biggest audit firms in Sweden and their clients on the three biggest lists in the Swedish stock market during 2012 and 2018. Conclusions: The study can conclude from analysis and discussion that the partner share has an impact on audit quality. The study shows that authorized auditors per partner have a positive relationship to audit quality
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Automatisierung unscharfer Bewertungsverfahren - Modellierung und prototypische Umsetzung am Beispiel von Virtual Reality ProjektenZilker, Michael 15 November 2001 (has links)
Die Konfrontation mit innovativen IT-Technologien und deren Beurteilung gehört heute zu den Kernaufgaben des Informationsmanagements. Es muss permanent entscheiden, ob neue IT-Technolgien im Unternehmen nutzenstiftend eingesetzt werden können. Zur Beurteilung von IT-Projekten liefert die Teildisziplin des IT-Controllings, die Elemente der Wirtschaftsinformatik und des Controllings vereint, diverse Methoden und Ansätze. Diese Ansätze bilden die Basis für die vorliegende Arbeit, in der insbesondere der Aspekt der Nutzenbewertung von IT-Innovationen diskutiert wird. Bei der Bewertung von IT-Innovationen treten spezifische Probleme auf, denen der Autor mit der Fortentwicklung der vorhandenen Instrumente begegnet. Der Einsatz von unscharfen Methoden (Fuzzy Logik) führt zu einer adäquaten Darstellung von vagen Größen in Form von Zugehörigkeitsfunktionen. Durch den Einsatz von Regelbasen wird ein Expertenwissen repräsentiert, das die Analysemethode nach außen hin vereinfacht und somit zu einer effizienteren Nutzenbetrachtung führt. Die Auswahl und Initiierung von innovativen IT-Projekten wird durch ein Vorgehensmodell gestützt, das bei der fundamentalen Fragestellung nach Schwachstellen und Verbesserungspotentialen im Unternehmen ansetzt. Für diese Analyse wird auf die Erfolgsfaktorenanalyse zurückgegriffen, die durch individuelle Faktoren angepasst wird. Aus den analysierten Schwachstellen werden innovative IT-Projekte abgeleitet und definiert. Die Aufstellung der Nutzenkriterien erfolgt aus einem allgemeinen Nutzenkatalog, der mit den analysierten Erfolgsfaktoren korrespondiert. Die konkrete Bewertung der Projekte erfolgt durch die fuzzybasierte Nutzenbewertung und liefert prägnante Empfehlungen zu den einzelnen Projekten. Die Integration des Vorgehensmodells in das IT-Controlling erfordert eine automatisierte Form, die aufgrund der UML Notation generiert werden kann. Die prototypische Umsetzung und Verwendung der unscharfen Nutzenanalyse haben gezeigt, dass die Methodik für den praktischen Einsatz tauglich ist.
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Linear Logic and Noncommutativity in the Calculus of StructuresStraßburger, Lutz 24 July 2003 (has links)
In this thesis I study several deductive systems for linear logic, its fragments, and some noncommutative extensions. All systems will be designed within the calculus of structures, which is a proof theoretical formalism for specifying logical systems, in the tradition of Hilbert's formalism, natural deduction, and the sequent calculus. Systems in the calculus of structures are based on two simple principles: deep inference and top-down symmetry. Together they have remarkable consequences for the properties of the logical systems. For example, for linear logic it is possible to design a deductive system, in which all rules are local. In particular, the contraction rule is reduced to an atomic version, and there is no global promotion rule. I will also show an extension of multiplicative exponential linear logic by a noncommutative, self-dual connective which is not representable in the sequent calculus. All systems enjoy the cut elimination property. Moreover, this can be proved independently from the sequent calculus via techniques that are based on the new top-down symmetry. Furthermore, for all systems, I will present several decomposition theorems which constitute a new type of normal form for derivations.
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Admissible transformations and the group classification of Schrödinger equationsKurujyibwami, Celestin January 2017 (has links)
We study admissible transformations and solve group classification problems for various classes of linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations with an arbitrary number n of space variables. The aim of the thesis is twofold. The first is the construction of the new theory of uniform seminormalized classes of differential equations and its application to solving group classification problems for these classes. Point transformations connecting two equations (source and target) from the class under study may have special properties of semi-normalization. This makes the group classification of that class using the algebraic method more involved. To extend this method we introduce the new notion of uniformly semi-normalized classes. Various types of uniform semi-normalization are studied: with respect to the corresponding equivalence group, with respect to a proper subgroup of the equivalence group as well as the corresponding types of weak uniform semi-normalization. An important kind of uniform semi-normalization is given by classes of homogeneous linear differential equations, which we call uniform semi-normalization with respect to linear superposition of solutions. The class of linear Schrödinger equations with complex potentials is of this type and its group classification can be effectively carried out within the framework of the uniform semi-normalization. Computing the equivalence groupoid and the equivalence group of this class, we show that it is uniformly seminormalized with respect to linear superposition of solutions. This allow us to apply the version of the algebraic method for uniformly semi-normalized classes and to reduce the group classification of this class to the classification of appropriate subalgebras of its equivalence algebra. To single out the classification cases, integers that are invariant under equivalence transformations are introduced. The complete group classification of linear Schrödinger equations is carried out for the cases n = 1 and n = 2. The second aim is to study group classification problem for classes of generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations which are not uniformly semi-normalized. We find their equivalence groupoids and their equivalence groups and then conclude whether these classes are normalized or not. The most appealing classes are the class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with potentials and modular nonlinearities and the class of generalized Schrödinger equations with complex-valued and, in general, coefficients of Laplacian term. Both these classes are not normalized. The first is partitioned into an infinite number of disjoint normalized subclasses of three kinds: logarithmic nonlinearity, power nonlinearity and general modular nonlinearity. The properties of the Lie invariance algebras of equations from each subclass are studied for arbitrary space dimension n, and the complete group classification is carried out for each subclass in dimension (1+2). The second class is successively reduced into subclasses until we reach the subclass of (1+1)-dimensional linear Schrödinger equations with variable mass, which also turns out to be non-normalized. We prove that this class is mapped by a family of point transformations to the class of (1+1)-dimensional linear Schrödinger equations with unique constant mass.
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