Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Low-Back main"" "subject:"Low-Back gain""
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Avaliação clínica e radiográfica de pacientes com estenose do canal lombar submetidos a técnica de artrodese lateral minimamente invasiva / Clinic and radiological evaluation of patients with lumbar canal stenosis submitted to lateral minimally invasive technicCoutinho, Thiago Pereira 30 July 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O acesso lombar transpsoas extremo lateral (LLIF) é uma abordagem retroperitoneal para artrodese intersomática que constitui num implante (cage) o qual se sustenta nas duas margens laterais do anel epifisário, maximizando o apoio na placa terminal. Há também a descompressão indireta das estruturas nervosas através da discectomia e restauro da altura discal pelo cage. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia clínica e radiológica da descompressão indireta após o LLIF para estenose do canal lombar. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo clínico e radiológico em único centro, com 20 pacientes portadores de estenose do canal lombar, sem resposta ao tratamento clínico, submetidos à cirurgia de artrodese por via lateral transpsoas minimamente invasiva. Foram coletados dados clínicos e radiológicos no período pré-operatório, em 6 semanas, em três meses, seis e doze meses após a cirurgia. Dados radiológicos medidos em RNM incluíram área e altura dos forâmens, área do canal, diâmetro do canal e altura anterior e posterior do disco intervertebral. Questionários clínicos incluíram EVA e ODI. A incidência de complicações e re-operações foram descritas. Resultados: A idade média do grupo foi de 57,8 anos. Foram tratados ao todo 25 níveis. As cirurgias decorreram sem complicações intra-operatórias. Um caso (5%) recebeu re-operação. A área do canal aumentou de 109 mm para 149mm (p < 0,001) e de 9,3mm para 12,2mm (p < 0,001) em diâmetro anteroposterior. Os valores de área dos forâmens também demonstraram o efeito da descompressão indireta em ambos lados (p < 0,001). A altura do forâmen mostrou ganhos significativos, de 2,8mm de média (p < 0,001). A altura discal foi aumentada em média 25% (p < 0,001). Os resultados de questionários EVA e ODI respondidos pelos pacientes confirmaram o efeito clínico da descompressão indireta demonstrada radiologicamente. Conclusão: Observamos que a descompressão indireta pelo método de LLIF apresenta resultados que comprovam a melhora tanto radiológica quanto clínica com baixa taxa de complicações e re-operações / Background: Lateral transpsoas lateral access (LLIF) is a retroperitoneal approach for intersomatic arthrodesis that constitutes an implant, which is supported on the two lateral margins of the epiphyseal ring, maximizing the support in the terminal plate. There is also indirect decompression of nerve structures through discectomy and restoration of disc height by cage. Aim: Evaluate the clinical and radiological improvement of the indirect decompression after LLIF for lumbar canal stenosis. Methods: Prospective clinical and radiological study in a single center, with 20 patients with lumbar canal stenosis, without response to clinical treatment, submitted to minimally invasive transpsoas lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF) surgery. Clinical and radiological data were collected in the preoperative period, at 6 weeks, at three, six and twelve months after surgery. Radiological data measured on MRI included area and height of foramen, canal area, canal diameter and anterior and posterior height of the intervertebral disc. Clinical questionnaires included VAS and ODI. Complications and re-operations were described. Results: The mean age of the group was 57.8 years. A total of 25 levels were treated. Surgeries were performed without intraoperative complications. One case (5%) received reoperation. The canal area increased from 109 mm to 149 mm (p < 0.001) and from 9.3 mm to 12.2 mm (p < 0.001) in the anteroposterior diameter. The values of the foramen area also demonstrated the effect of indirect decompression on both sides (p < 0.001). The height of the foramen showed significant gains, of 2.8 mm of mean (p < 0.001). Disc height was increased by an average of 25% (p < 0.001). The results of VAS and ODI questionnaires answered by the patients confirmed the clinical effect radiologically demonstrated of indirect decompression. Conclusion: We observed that indirect decompression by the LLIF method is feasible radiologically and clinically with a low rate of complications and reoperations
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Vergleich der Effektivität von rehabilitativen Trainingsformen im Wasser zu herkömmlichen Maßnahmen bei Patienten mit Low Back PainSchlünz, Uwe January 2002 (has links)
Die wachsenden Kosten für die Behandlung chronischer lumbaler Rückenschmerzen stehen zunehmend in Diskrepanz mit den begrenzten Mitteln für das Gesundheitswesen.<br />
Untersuchungen zeigen, dass aktive Trainingsprogramme, je früher sie eingesetzt werden, einen positiven Einfluss auf die Senkung von Kosten für die Gesellschaft haben. Ein rechtzeitiger Einsatz der medizinischen Kräftigungstherapie bei Rückenschmerzpatienten ist somit unter rehabilitativen Gesichtspunkten notwendig. Insbesondere das Training im Wasser gestattet gelenkschonende Übungen in frühen Phasen der Rehabilitation und lassen eine raschere Wiederherstellung erwarten.<br />
Über die körperlichen Auswirkungen therapeutischer Trainingsmaßnahmen im Wasser sind bis dato wenige Studien verfügbar, welche die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf konditionelle Parameter objektiv quantifizieren und bewerten. Jedoch sind bislang die Möglichkeiten für ein gezieltes Krafttraining im Wasser begrenzt.<br />
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Eine gerätetechnische Entwicklung, die ein rumpfstabilisierendes Krafttraining im Warmwasser ermöglicht, lässt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Trainingsmöglichkeiten eine noch effizientere rehabilitative Behandlung erwarten.<br />
Es wird die Fragestellung verfolgt, inwieweit aktive Trainingsformen im Wasser die Maximalkraft und die neuromuskuläre Funktion der Rumpfmuskulatur, sowie den Schmerz von Rückenpatienten beeinflussen. Ferner soll im Rahmen der Untersuchungen die Effektivität eines neu entwickelten Wassertrainingsgerätes geprüft werden.<br />
Die Untersuchungen der Ergebnisse von 80 weiblichen Probanden (in fünf Gruppen aufgeteilt: Kontrollgruppe, Aquajogging, Aquarücken, Aquagerät und Rückengymnastik an Land) zeigen, dass durch aktive Interventionsmaßnahmen eine Verbesserung der Kraftfähigkeit und eine Reduzierung von Schmerzen erzielt werden kann. Hingegen kommt es in der Kontrollgruppe, ohne Trainingsanwendungen, zur Stagnation des chronischen Schmerzzustandes, sogar zur Verschlechterung der Kraftentwicklung der Rückenstreckmuskulatur.<br />
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In allen Trainingsgruppen konnten kurzfristig und mittelfristig weniger Muskelfunktionsstörungen nachgewiesen werden. Bei Betrachtung der Kraftentwicklung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur fällt auf, dass die höchsten Zuwächse der Bauchmuskelkraft in den Gruppen Aquarücken und Aquagerät festzustellen sind. Die Kraft der Rückenstreckermuskulatur entwickelte sich in der Gruppe Aquagerät mit einer Steigerung von 55% nach der Intervention am stärksten. Es kann die Hypothese aufgestellt werden, dass das Training im warmen Wasser unter stabilisierten Voraussetzungen eine effizientere Methode zur Stärkung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur zu sein scheint.<br />
Bei der Entwicklung der Kraft der oberen Rücken- und Schultergürtelmuskulatur kommt es in den Gruppen Aquajogging und Aquarücken zu den größten Steigerungen. Dies könnte mit der höheren Aktivität der Arme im Übungsprogramm zusammenhängen.<br />
Positiv ist die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzen in allen Trainingsgruppen zu bewerten. Jedoch ist bei Betrachtung der Ergebnisse festzustellen, dass für eine weitere Manifestierung der Trainingserfolge ein weiterführendes Training bedeutsam ist.<br />
Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie belegen, dass durch ein gezieltes Training im Wasser und an Land über 6 Wochen, je zweimal pro Woche, deutliche Verbesserungen in der Entwicklung von Kraft, Schmerzintensität, Funktionseinschränkung und Muskelfunktion möglich sind. Ferner werden in dieser Arbeit positive Zusammenhänge zwischen den Entwicklungen Schmerzintensität und Rückenstreckerkraft, sowie Schmerzintensität und Bauchmuskelkraft beobachtet. Zwischen den Versuchsgruppen im Wasser und der Versuchsgruppe an Land konnten nur geringe Unterschiede in den Ergebnissen nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch geben die Resultate Hinweis darauf, dass bei höheren Schmerzintensitäten die Intervention im Wasser die Therapie der Wahl zu sein scheint.<br />
Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen machen deutlich, dass der Einsatz eines Wassertrainingsgerätes in der Therapie chronischer Rückenschmerzpatienten eine effiziente Methode zur Senkung von Schmerzen und zur Steigerung der Kraft der Rücken- und Bauchmuskulatur ist.<br />
Vorteile des Wassertraingsgerätes sind die gute Stabilisation des Beckens, trotz auftriebswirksamer Mechanismen im Wasser, die bedienerfreundliche Handhabung, der separat einstellbare Widerstand, die schnellen Therapieerfolge und die hohe Motivation der Kursteilnehmer. Diese Beobachtungen lassen eine effizientere Therapie und damit Kostenersparnisse vermuten.<br />
Nachteile sind das hohe Gewicht des Wassertraingsgerätes und die relativ hohen Anschaffungskosten. Die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzintensität bei den Probanden, die am Wassertrainingsgerät Interventionen durchführten, lassen vermuten, dass diese Geräteanwendungen für Patienten mit sehr schmerzhaften oder subakuten Verlaufsformen besonders geeignet ist.<br />
Der schonende Charakter der Aquatherapie und der Einsatz eines neuen Wassertrainingsgerätes unterstützt in effektiver Weise die modernen Konzepte der Rehabilitation chronischer Rückenschmerzpatienten. / Question: Aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different aquatic exercise programmes on trunk strength, pain level, neuromuscular function and functional ability for patients with low back pain. Another aim was to construct and implement of a new aquatic exercise machine.<br />
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Methods: 80 female subjects aged from 25 to 45 years with low back pain were randomized into a control group or one of the following training groups: aqua jogging, aqua gymnastics, aqua machine and gymnastics on land. The four training groups took part in a muscle strengthening program two times a week over 6 weeks. The control group did not receive any alternative physiotherapeutic treatment. All groups were tested at the beginning, after 6 weeks and 4 months later.<br />
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Results: The data obtained for the control group remained unchanged over all periods of investigation. The isometric maximum of trunk strength improved significantly in all exercise groups. Furthermore it was to be seen that there were less malfunction in all training groups after 6 weeks. The most significant improvements are in the exercise machine group concerning reduction of pain level and increase strength of lumbar extension.<br />
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Conclusions: The results of this study should be viewed as encouraging. The aquatic exercise machine is to be seen as an effective complement of treatment for low back pain.
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Work-related low back pain among clinical nurses in Tanzania.Mwilila, Mary Chandeu. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Low back pain (LBP) is a significant problem among the nursing population worldwide. Manual lifting and shifting of heavy objects and patients are primary contributing factors. Nurses are supposed to be knowledgeable about the risk factors and preventive measures and effectively apply it into practice to prevent them from sustaining back injuries. Strategies to reducing the incidences of LBP in nurses have been previously implemented but with little outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between occupational risk factors and the prevalence of LBP in nurses at MOI, Tanzania. Therefore, the study examined / the prevalence of LBP amongst nurses, work-related risk factors contributing to LBP, knowledge and effectiveness of back care techniques, and barriers to effective back care techniques in clinical nurses.</p>
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Pain modulation in patients with chronic lumbar myalgia : An experimental studyNygren, Karin, Glimstedt, Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur statisk muskelkontraktion och cold pressor test påverkar kroppsegna smärtreglerande system (”Exercise induced analgesia” (EIA) och ”Conditioned pain modulation” (CPM)) hos patienter med kronisk ländryggssmärta kännetecknad av lumbal myalgi (LM) jämfört med friska kontroller. Försökspersoner och metod: Tjugosex friska köns- och åldersmatchade personer och tjugosex LM-patienter deltog. De utförde standardiserad statisk muskelkontraktion med m. Erector spinae (ME) i form av rygglyft och kontraktion av m. Quadriceps femoris (MQ) i form av knäledsextension. För att bedöma CPM användes sk cold pressor test. Smärttrösklar för tryck (PPTs) mättes över m. Deltoideus (MD), m. Erector spinae (ME) samt över m. Quadriceps (MQ) i vila och under resp. efter kontraktionen/cold pressor test. Under kontraktion mättes PPTs över den arbetande muskeln respektive över de två vilande musklerna. Dessutom undersöktes PPTs och känsligheten för övertrösklig trycksmärta (P7) i vila på 8 olika punkter på kroppen. Resultat: Kvinnliga LM-patienter hade ökad känslighet för trycksmärta (PPT) och övertrösklig trycksmärta (P7) jämfört med köns- och åldermatchade friska kontroller, medan manliga LM-patienter paradoxalt nog hade minskad känslighet för övertrösklig trycksmärta. Beträffande EIA fann vi att LM-patienter och kontroller kunde aktivera lokal EIA under kontraktion med ME. Vi fann dessutom en minskad förmåga hos LM-patienter att rekrytera generaliserad EIA under kontraktion med MQ. Slutligen hade LM-patienterna en normal funktion av CPM. Slutsats: LM-patienter kunde aktivera lokal EIA under kontraktion av ME, men hade mindre effektiv generaliserad EIA jämfört med kontrollerna, trots normal funktion av CPM. Våra resultat tyder på att muskelarbete med smärtande ryggmuskler skulle kunna användas för att minska smärtkänslighet i det drabbade området.
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Intervenció per a la prevenció del mal d'esquena en escolarsVidal Conti, Josep 10 December 2008 (has links)
Actualment es considera que entre el 60 i el 80% de les persones han sofert o sofriran en qualque moment de la seva vida algun tipus de mal vertebral. En general, quasi tres quartes parts dels mals d'esquena no tenen causa orgànica precisa, i es precisa de l'estudi dels factors de risc associats a la seva aparició.En el present estudi s'exposa el procés d'elaboració i aplicació d'un protocol d'intervenció per a la prevenció del mal d'esquena en escolars d'entre 10 i 12 de Mallorca, i l'avaluació de la seva efectivitat després de la intervenció i al cap de tres mesos, analitzant l'efecte sobre variables relacionades amb l'autopercepció, la higiene postural quotidiana, i les motxilles escolares.Els resultats mostren millores significatives en els tres grups de variables esmentats, de manera que la promoció de la salut a les escoles és possible mitjançant l'aplicació d'estratègies d'intervenció bassades en l'educació postural. / Actualmente, entre el 60 y 80% de las personas han sufrido o sufrirán en algún momento de su vida dolor de espalda y casi tres cuartas partes de este mal no tiene causa orgánica determinada, precisándose del estudio de factores de riesgo asociados a su aparición. El presente estudio expone el proceso de elaboración y aplicación de un protocolo de intervención para la prevención del dolor de espalda en escolares de entre 10 y 12 de Mallorca, y la evaluación de su efectividad tras la intervención y a la cabo de tres meses, analizando el efecto sobre variables relacionadas con la autopercepción, la higiene postural cotidiana, y las mochilas escolares. Los resultados muestran mejoras significativas en los tres grupos de variables mencionados, de manera que la promoción de la salud en las escuelas es posible mediante la aplicación de estrategias de intervención basadas en la educación postural.
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Predictors of the Incidence and Charges for Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery in Florida Hospitals During 2010Ialynychev, Anna 01 January 2013 (has links)
Over the past several decades rates of spine surgeries in the U.S. have increased dramatically. Spinal fusion surgery rates, in particular, have grown exponentially despite being one of the most costly, invasive, and controversial methods for treating patients suffering from back conditions. Furthermore, lumbar fusion surgeries continue to be performed at increasing rates despite a lack of scientific evidence and consensus that they are cost-effective and produce better clinical outcomes than less radical treatment of lower back pain. As a result, large amounts of healthcare dollars continue to be invested in these costly procedures which are potentially dangerous and have questionable efficacy in terms of improving patient outcomes.
Importantly, there is a lack of population studies in the literature on spinal fusion surgeries from a health services research perspective. Therefore, the present research is a population based study using an administrative database and includes patients of all ages and payer types. The data used in the present study come from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and include all hospitalizations in Florida in 2010.
The objective of the study is to analyze the incidence of spinal fusion surgeries in Florida hospitals for patients of all ages and payer types by demographic variables to understand who gets these surgeries and for which conditions. The first null hypothesis is that there are no statistically significant predictors of the incidence of lumbar/lumbosacral, dorsal/dorsolumbar spinal fusion surgeries in Florida hospitals. Logistic regression was used to analyze the incidence of fusion surgeries. The binary dependent variable was coded as a "1" for all patients who were a case (i.e. they received one of the five procedure codes being studied in the present research) and a "0" for all patients who were controls (meaning they did not receive any of the five fusion procedure codes). Logistic regression was used to predict the probability of an observation being a "1" given the independent variables included in the model.
Additionally, hospital charges were analyzed to understand the associated hospital charges with these surgeries. The second null hypothesis is that there are no statistically significant predictors of the charges of Lumbar/Lumbosacral, Dorsal/Dorsolumbar spinal fusion surgeries in Florida Hospitals. A mixed effects model was used to test this hypothesis and the fixed effects which were included in the model were gender, age, race, principal payer, and principal procedure. A mixed effects model was chosen due to the fact that cases who had surgeries performed at the same hospital are not independent and therefore the data were clustered on hospitals. A random intercept term was used to address this fact. SAS software was used to complete all of the analyses.
In 2010, there were 16,236 Lumbar/Lumbosacral, Dorsal/Dorsolumbar fusion surgery cases in Florida hospitals that were included in the case population and 21,856 individuals included in the control population for a total of 38,092 included in the study population. An understanding of who is most likely to receive a fusion surgery, at what age, and for which diagnoses, as has been done here, is extremely important. This knowledge can help researchers, policy makers, and physicians alike. Comprehensive physician practice guidelines for performing fusion surgeries still do not exist in the year 2013; therefore, in order to have the greatest impact, the efforts for creating the guidelines should be focused on those individuals who are most likely to receive fusions as shown for the first time by the data analyzed here. Given the high incidence of these surgeries in Florida alone, the need for practice guidelines cannot be overstated.
The total hospital charges in Florida hospitals for the 16,236 cases were $2,095,413,584. Despite having the same principal diagnoses and a similar number of additional diagnoses, patients who received a fusion surgery resulted in approximately three times the charges as those incurred by the controls.
Overall, the high incidence and charges for fusion surgeries shown in this study emphasize the importance of having a better understanding of when these surgeries are justified and for which patients. Without comprehensive practice guidelines established through evidence-based research this is difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. The diagnoses which are most prevalent and show the most inconsistencies between cases may be a good starting point for such guidelines.
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Beeinträchtigung und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung bei chronischen RückenschmerzpatientInnen / Disability and self-efficacy in patients with chronic low back painWendt, Andrea 29 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Epidemiologie und Behandlung von Kreuzschmerzen in der Hausarztpraxis / Epidemiology and therapy of low back pain in general practiceKögel, Katja 15 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Interdisziplinäre Kommunikation bei der Überweisung von Patienten mit Kreuzschmerzen vom Hausarzt zum OrthopädenPieper, Anna 02 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Muskuloskeletala besvär, krav, kontroll och stöd hos plattsättareLovén, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Många människor arbetar en stor del av sitt liv och det är därmed viktigt med en hållbar hälsa för var enskild individ genom alla deras yrkesverksamma år. Studier visar att både fysisk och psykisk hälsa är viktigt i arbetslivet. Byggindustrin är ett utsatt yrkesområde med stora hälsorisker. Det finns idag mycket forskat inom byggindustrin som helhet men inom yrket plattsättning finns det idag nästan ingen forskning. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga muskuloskeletala besvär hos plattsättare och använda modellen för krav, kontroll och stöd i syfte att bedöma om det kan bidra till att förklara någon form av muskuloskeletala besvär. I föreliggande studie har en kvantitativ ansats använts i form av enkät. Undersökningen mätte självskattad allmänt hälsotillstånd, stress, krav, kontroll och stöd tillsammans med subjektiva muskuloskeletala symptom av plattsättare. I studien deltog 13 män med en medelålder på 38 (std=11,6) och fem kvinnor med en medelålder på 31 (std=9,7) som har arbetat som plattsättare 2-26 år. Resultatet indikerar att den övergripande allmänna hälsan, stress, krav och kontroll var god hos plattsättarna. Förekomsten av muskuloskeletala besvär var som högst i nedre delen av ryggen och knä/knäna med en besvärsfrekvens på 72 procent. Muskuloskeletala besvär som en funktion av självskattad krav-kontroll gav ett resultat där de flesta (78 %) hamnade i kategorin "aktiv". Detta begränsade möjligheten till att jämföra självskattade besvär mellan olika kategorier i krav och kontrollmodellen. Slutsatsen är att inom yrket plattsättare finns ett stort problem med muskuloskeletala besvär och vidare forskning är viktigt. / The aim of the present study was to identify musculoskeletal symptoms in pursuit tiler and use the model of demands, control and support in order to assess if it may help to explain the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms. In the present study a quantitative approach was used. The survey measured self-rated general health, stress, demands, control and support together with subjective musculoskeletal symptoms of the tilers. The sample group included 13 men with a mean age of 38 (std= 11,6) and five women with a mean age of 31 (std=9,7) that had worked as a tiler 2-26 years. Result indicates that the overall self-rated level of general health, stress, demand and control was good. The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the lower back and the knee/knees was high with frequency of 72%. Musculoskeletal symptoms as a function of self-rated control-demand categories yielded the following results. Most of the tiler ended up in the categorie for "activ". This limited the ability to compare the self-reported symptoms between different categories in the demand and control model. It is concluded that the profession tiler have a big problem with musculoskeletal symptoms and further research is important.
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