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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Castro Rodriguez, Sabela January 2017 (has links)
<p>Toshio Hosokawa. Sen VI. 11'</p><p>Toshi Ichiyanagi. The Source. 12'</p><p>Maki Ishii. Thirteen drums. 13'</p>

Entwurf adaptierbarer Signaturen für Karten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum

Rünger, Carolin 22 November 2021 (has links)
Die Gestaltung der Symbole der freien Sammlung Maki von der amerikanischen Firma Mapbox orientiert sich an den gebräuchlichen Zeichen im englischsprachigen Raum. Viele Studien bestätigen jedoch, dass Personen mit verschiedenen kulturellen und ethnischen Hintergründen Symbole anders wahrnehmen und besonders die Bedeutung der Symbole unterschiedlich interpretieren. Die amerikanischen Maki-Symbole sind somit nicht optimal für deutsche Karten geeignet. Aufgrund dessen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der optimalen Gestaltung von Positionssignaturen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Zum einen wird untersucht, inwiefern sich die Gestaltung der Maki-Symbole von den Signaturen des deutschsprachigen Raums unterscheidet. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit entsteht zum anderen aufgrund der Notwenigkeit eines kulturell angemessenen Repertoires an Signaturen eine Sammlung von adaptierbaren Positionssignaturen für touristische Karten des deutschsprachigen Raums. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung von Signaturen insbesondere im Hinblick auf ein kultur-abhängiges Design erarbeitet. Außerdem erfolgt eine Analyse von Positionssignaturen in touristischen Karten des deutschsprachigen Raums bezüglich ihres Bestands und ihrer Gestaltung. Daraufhin werden die gebräuchlichsten Signaturen mit der Maki-Sammlung verglichen, um Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zu verdeutlichen. Die Bestandsaufnahme ergibt, dass Denkmäler und Kirchen die meistverwendeten Signaturen in Karten des deutschsprachigen Raums sind. Ihre Gestaltung ist auf geometrischen Formen und den wichtigsten Merkmalen der Bezugsobjekte ausgerichtet. Das Aufrissbild, rechteckige Hintergründe und die Verwendung der Farbe Schwarz unterliegen einer hohen Beliebtheit. Im Vergleich der deutschen Signaturen mit den amerikanischen Symbolen kommt diese Arbeit zum Ergebnis, dass die deutschen Signaturen weniger bildhaft, aber kultur- und begriffsspezifischer als die amerikanischen Symbole sind. Die Gestaltung der designten Signaturen orientiert sich an den technischen und gestalterischen Richtlinien von Maki sowie den erarbeiteten Gestaltungsrichtlinien. Die Sammlung wird frei verfügbar im SVG-Format auf GitHub bereitgestellt.:1. Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung 1.2 Aufbau der Arbeit 2. Gestaltung von Positionssignaturen 2.1 Kartographische Grundlagen 2.1.1 Signatur 2.1.2 Systematisierung der Signatur 2.1.3 Positions- und Lokalsignatur 2.2 Vermittlung kartographischer Informationen 2.2.1 Aufmerksamkeit und Wahrnehmung 2.2.2 Aufbau von Kartenzeichen 2.2.3 Zeichentheorien 2.2.4 Merkmale, Funktionen und Ziele von Kartenzeichen 2.3 Gestaltung von Positionssignaturen 2.3.1 Gestaltungsanforderungen 2.3.2 Gestaltprinzipien 2.3.3 Gestaltungsempfehlungen 2.3.4 Abstraktion und Generalisierung 2.3.5 Kulturabhängige Gestaltung 2.3.6 Zusammenfassung der Gestaltungsrichtlinien 3. Methodik 3.1 Entstehungsprozess der Signaturensammlung 3.2 Maki-Symbolsammlung 3.2.1 Technische Richtlinien 3.2.2 Gestalterische Richtlinien 3.3 Wahl der Signaturgestalt 3.4 Technische Umsetzung 3.4.1 Inkscape 3.4.2 SVG-Dateiformat 3.4.3 CC BY-Lizenzierung 4. Signaturen des deutschsprachigen Raums 4.1 Analyse von Positionssignaturen in touristischen Karten 4.1.1 Bestandsaufnahme 4.1.2 Gestaltung 4.2 Auswahl der zu gestaltenden Signaturen 4.3 Vergleich mit der Maki-Sammlung 4.4 Entwurf einer Sammlung von Positionssignaturen 4.5 Veröffentlichung 5. Diskussion 6. Fazit 6.1 Zusammenfassung 6.2 Limitationen und Forschungsausblick

Generalizações e teoremas limites para modelos estocásticos de rumores / Generalizations and limit theorems for stochastic rumour models

Rodriguez, Pablo Martin 13 October 2010 (has links)
Os modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson são os dois modelos estocásticos para difusão de rumores mais citados até o momento. Em ambos, uma população finita fechada e totalmente misturada é subdividida em três classes de indivíduos denominados ignorantes, informantes e contidos. Depois de um rumor ser introduzido na população, difunde-se através desta seguindo determinadas regras que dependem da classe à qual a pessoa que sabe do rumor pertence. Tanto a proporção final de indivíduos que nunca chegam a conhecer o rumor quanto o tempo que este demora em ser difundido são variáveis de interesse para os modelos propostos. As técnicas encontradas na literatura para estudar modelos de rumores são o princípio de difusão de constantes arbitrárias; argumentos de martingais; o método de funções geradoras e a análise de versões determinísticas do processo. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma alternativa para essas técnicas baseando-nos na teoria de cadeias de Markov \"density dependent\'\'. O uso desta nova abordagem nos permite apresentar resultados assintóticos para um modelo geral que tem como casos particulares os famosos modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson, além de variações de modelos de rumores apresentados na literatura recentemente. / Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models are the two most cited stochastic models for the spread of rumours phenomena, in scientific literature. In both, a closed homogeneously mixing population is subdivided into three classes of individuals called ignorants, spreaders and stiflers. After a rumor is introduced in the population, it spreads by following certain rules that depend on the class to which the individual who knows the rumor belongs. Both the final proportion of the population never hearing the rumor and the time it takes are variables of interest for the proposed models. The main tools used to study stochastic rumours have been the principle of the diffusion of arbitrary constants, martingale arguments, generating functions and the study of analogue deterministic versions. Relying on the theory of density dependent Markov chains, we present an alternative to these tools. This approach allows us to establish asymptotical results for a general model that has as particular cases the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models, and other variations for rumour models reported in the literature recently.

Generalizações e teoremas limites para modelos estocásticos de rumores / Generalizations and limit theorems for stochastic rumour models

Pablo Martin Rodriguez 13 October 2010 (has links)
Os modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson são os dois modelos estocásticos para difusão de rumores mais citados até o momento. Em ambos, uma população finita fechada e totalmente misturada é subdividida em três classes de indivíduos denominados ignorantes, informantes e contidos. Depois de um rumor ser introduzido na população, difunde-se através desta seguindo determinadas regras que dependem da classe à qual a pessoa que sabe do rumor pertence. Tanto a proporção final de indivíduos que nunca chegam a conhecer o rumor quanto o tempo que este demora em ser difundido são variáveis de interesse para os modelos propostos. As técnicas encontradas na literatura para estudar modelos de rumores são o princípio de difusão de constantes arbitrárias; argumentos de martingais; o método de funções geradoras e a análise de versões determinísticas do processo. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma alternativa para essas técnicas baseando-nos na teoria de cadeias de Markov \"density dependent\'\'. O uso desta nova abordagem nos permite apresentar resultados assintóticos para um modelo geral que tem como casos particulares os famosos modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson, além de variações de modelos de rumores apresentados na literatura recentemente. / Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models are the two most cited stochastic models for the spread of rumours phenomena, in scientific literature. In both, a closed homogeneously mixing population is subdivided into three classes of individuals called ignorants, spreaders and stiflers. After a rumor is introduced in the population, it spreads by following certain rules that depend on the class to which the individual who knows the rumor belongs. Both the final proportion of the population never hearing the rumor and the time it takes are variables of interest for the proposed models. The main tools used to study stochastic rumours have been the principle of the diffusion of arbitrary constants, martingale arguments, generating functions and the study of analogue deterministic versions. Relying on the theory of density dependent Markov chains, we present an alternative to these tools. This approach allows us to establish asymptotical results for a general model that has as particular cases the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models, and other variations for rumour models reported in the literature recently.


SILVANA CASTRO NICOLLI 12 June 2015 (has links)
[pt] No final dos anos 1960, os projetos arquitetônicos em grandes escalas foram desacreditados no Ocidente por estarem associados à presença dos Poderes vigentes. Influenciados pelos ideais de Maio de 1968, os arquitetos ocidentais passaram a procurar modelos alternativos, baseados na linguagem histórica. Eles buscavam com isso alcançar a autonomia da forma arquitetônica, esvaziando-a do suposto conteúdo ideológico, que estaria aderido às formas abstratas modernas. No entanto, o enfoque pós-moderno nos elementos formais do objeto arquitetônico e do espaço urbano implicava no abandono da questão urbanística na escala metropolitana. Esta escala espacial seria marcada pela perda das referências às estruturas formais orgânicas. No Japão, a pesquisa moderna em grandes escalas não foi interrompida, oferecendo um amplo instrumental para a questão urbanística contemporânea. Esta dissertação verifica como os arquitetos Fumihiko Maki e Rem Koolhaas propõem a retomada e a revisão do urbanismo moderno metropolitano. Eles partem do pressuposto de que a Forma arquitetônica seria vazia de significados intrínsecos. A apropriação por parte dos Poderes e, também, por parte das pessoas imprimiria à arquitetura significados, retirando dos arquitetos a responsabilidade sobre a totalidade do projeto e devolvendo-lhes a legitimidade da disciplina. Esta pesquisa percorre os caminhos seguidos por esses arquitetos a partir de suas referências orientais e ocidentais, mostrando como, em diversos momentos, os conceitos arquitetônicos dos dois mundos convergem, apontando a persistência do pensamento moderno. / [en] By the end of the 1960s, large-scale architectural projects were discredited in West because they were associated with the established Power. Influenced by the ideals of May 1968, architects began searching alternative models based on the Historical language. They wanted to reach the autonomy of the architectural form by releasing it from their supposed ideological content, which was adhered to the abstract modern forms. Nevertheless, the post-modern approach, which was based on formal elements of the architectonical object and of the urban space, implied in the relinquishment of the metropolitan-scale. This urban-scale would be characterized by the references loss of organic formal structures. In Japan, modern research on large-scales was not interrupted, offering an important arsenal to the questions of contemporary urbanism. This dissertation verifies how the architects Fumihiko Maki and Rem Koolhaas propose the retaking and revision of modern metropolitan urbanism. They presuppose that architectonical Form is devoid of intrinsic meaning. Its appropriation by Power and also by people gives it meaning, removing architects responsibility on the totality of the project and giving them back the legitimacy of the discipline. This research follows the paths opened by these two architects through their Eastern and Western references, revealing the many instances in which architectonical concepts of both worlds converge, aiming to the persistence of modern thought.

Die Beziehungen beider deutscher Staaten zu Israel, 1949-1963

Lein, Cornelia 06 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das vorliegende Werk stellt eine zweibändige quellengestützte Analyse und einen Vergleich der Beziehungen beider deutscher Staaten zu Israel unterhalb der Schwelle der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen während der Jahre 1949 bis 1963 dar. Dazu wurden in den Archiven Quellen aus den Beständen aller drei Staaten gesichtet. Die Rahmenbedingungen für die bundesdeutsche und ostdeutsche Israelpolitik, welche sich aus dem Kalten Krieg herleiteten, werden ebenso aufgezeigt, wie die besondere moralische Verantwortung beider deutscher Saaten gegenüber Israel sowie Israels spezifische Stellung im nahöstlichen Staatensystem. Neben den militärischen, wissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Kontakten zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Israel stehen auch die Kontakte zwischen der DDR und MAKI im Zentrum des Interesses.

Optimal Control of Information Epidemics in Homogeneously And Heterogeneously Mixed Populations

Kandhway, Kundan January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Social networks play an important role in disseminating a piece of information in a population. Companies advertising a newly launched product, movie promotion, political campaigns, social awareness campaigns by governments, charity campaigns by NGOs and crowd funding campaigns by entrepreneurs are a few examples where an entity is interested in disseminating a piece of information in a target population, possibly under resource constraints. In this thesis we model information diffusion in a population using various epidemic models and study optimal campaigning strategies to maximize the reach of information. In the different problems considered in this thesis, information epidemics are modeled as the Susceptible-Infected, Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible, Susceptible-Infected-Recovered and Maki Thompson epidemic processes; however, we modify the models to incorporate the intervention made by the campaigner to enhance information propagation. Direct recruitment of individuals as spreaders and providing word-of-mouth incentives to the spreaders are considered as two intervention strategies (controls) to enhance the speed of information propagation. These controls can be implemented by placing advertisements in the mass media, announcing referral/cash back rewards for introducing friends to a product or service being advertised etc. In the different problems considered in this thesis, social contacts are modeled with varying levels of complexity---population is homogeneously mixed or follows heterogeneous mixing. The solutions to the problems which consider homogeneous mixing of individuals identify the most important periods in the campaign duration which should be allocated more resources to maximize the reach of the message, depending on the system parameters of the epidemic model (e.g., epidemics with high and low virulence). When a heterogeneous model is considered, apart from this, the solution identifies the important classes of individuals which should be allocated more resources depending upon the network considered (e.g. Erdos-Renyi, scale-free) and model parameters. These classes may be carved out based on various centrality measures in the network. If multiple strategies are available for campaigning, the solution also identifies the relative importance of the strategies depending on the network type. We study variants of the optimal campaigning problem where we optimize different objective functions. For some of the formulated problems, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of the solution. Sometimes our formulations call for novel techniques to prove the existence of a solution.

Die Beziehungen beider deutscher Staaten zu Israel, 1949-1963

Lein, Cornelia 17 July 2006 (has links)
Das vorliegende Werk stellt eine zweibändige quellengestützte Analyse und einen Vergleich der Beziehungen beider deutscher Staaten zu Israel unterhalb der Schwelle der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen während der Jahre 1949 bis 1963 dar. Dazu wurden in den Archiven Quellen aus den Beständen aller drei Staaten gesichtet. Die Rahmenbedingungen für die bundesdeutsche und ostdeutsche Israelpolitik, welche sich aus dem Kalten Krieg herleiteten, werden ebenso aufgezeigt, wie die besondere moralische Verantwortung beider deutscher Saaten gegenüber Israel sowie Israels spezifische Stellung im nahöstlichen Staatensystem. Neben den militärischen, wissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Kontakten zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Israel stehen auch die Kontakte zwischen der DDR und MAKI im Zentrum des Interesses.

Pour une aide au Sisyphe de la carrière: nouvelles études empiriques du rôle de quelques variables décisionnelles explicatives / For an help to career Sisyphus: new empirical studies on the role of some explanatory decisional variables

Di Fabio, Annamaria 20 February 2013 (has links)
Résumé. Le but de cette thèse de doctorat est d’analyse le rôle des quatre variables individuelles (traits de personnalité, sentiment d’efficacité de la décision de carrière, support social perçu et intelligence émotionnelle) dans l’explication des différents aspects décisionnels (difficultés à prendre des décisions de carrière, styles décisionnels, indécision généralisée). Dans ce travail de doctorat on va utiliser les résultats des articles suivants qui ont été publiés ou sont sous presse sur journaux. L’article de Di Fabio et Palazzeschi (2009a) permet de mettre en évidence chez les apprentis italiens une relation entre les difficultés à prendre des décisions de carrière (Manque de promptitude, Manque d’information et Inconsistance de l’information) et les traits de personnalité (liaison négative avec l’Extraversion et positive avec le Névrosisme) et négatives avec l’intelligence émotionnelle. L’étude montre également comment l’intelligence émotionnelle est en mesure d’expliquer un pourcentage de variance incrémentale de chacune des trois dimensions du CDDQ par rapport aux traits de personnalité. L’article de Di Fabio et Blustein (2010) permet de démontrer chez des lycéens italiens l’existence de relations entre l’intelligence émotionnelle et les styles décisionnels du modèle de Mann et al. (1997), en montrant comment, parmi les dimensions de l’intelligence émotionnelle, c’est l’Intrapersonnelle qui apporte le plus grand pourcentage d’explication inverse des styles non adaptifs du MDMQ (évitement, procrastination, hypervigilance) tandis que c’est l’Adaptabilité qui apporte le plus grand pourcentage d’explication positive du style adaptatif vigilance du MDMQ. L’article de Di Fabio et Kenny (2012) permet de confirmer chez des lycéens italiens l’existence de relations entre l’intelligence émotionnelle et les styles décisionnels dans ce cas définies selon le modèle de Scott et Bruce (1995). Cette étude permet de souligner aussi que c’est surtout l’intelligence émotionnelle auto-évaluée plutôt que l’intelligence émotionnelle comme habileté qui explique les styles décisionnels. L’article de Di Fabio, Palazzeschi, Asulin-Peretz et Gati (sous presse) permet de démontrer que l’intelligence émotionnelle explique un pourcentage de variance incrémentale soit par rapport à les traits de personnalité soit par rapport à le sentiment d’efficacité de la décision de carrière et au support social perçu en ce qui concerne tant les difficultés à prendre des décisions de carrière que l’indécision généralisée. L’étude a aussi révélé que les difficultés à prendre des décisions de carrière sont mieux expliquées par l’intelligence émotionnelle alors que l’indécision généralisée est mieux expliquées par les traits de personnalité. L’article de Di Fabio et Kenny (2011) a montré l’efficacité d’une formation pour le développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle conçue spécifiquement pour des lycéens italiens selon le modèle des habiletés, en montrant comment cette formation augmente l’intelligence émotionnelle tant comme habileté qu’ auto-évaluée et diminue l’indécision de carrière et l’indécision généralisée. Les hypothèses ont été confirmées par les articles présentés, ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives de recherche et d’intervention. <p><p>Références bibliographiques<p><p>Di Fabio, A. & Blustein, D. L. (2010). Emotional intelligence and decisional conflict styles: Some empirical evidence among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 18, 71-81.<p>Di Fabio, A. & Kenny, M. E. (2011). Promoting emotional intelligence and career decision making among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 19, 21-34.<p>Fabio, A. & Kenny, M. E. (2012). The contribution of emotional intelligence to decisional styles among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 20, 404-414. <p>Di Fabio, A. & Palazzeschi, L. (2009a). Emotional intelligence, personality traits and career decision difficulties. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 9(2), 135-146.<p>Di Fabio, A. Palazzeschi, L. Asulin-Peretz, L. & Gati, I (sous presse). Career indecision versus indecisiveness: Associations with personality traits and emotional intelligence. Journal of Career Assessment./Abstract. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to analyse the role of four individual variables (personality traits, career decision-making self-efficacy, perceived social support and emotional intelligence) in explaining different decisional aspects (career decision-making difficulties, decisional styles, indecisiveness). In this doctoral work, it was using the results of the following articles that were published or were in press on journals. The article of Di Fabio and Palazzeschi (2009a) highlighted in Italian young workers engaged in paid professional training a relationship between career decision-making difficulties (Lack of readiness, Lack of information, Inconsistent information) and personality traits (inverse relationship with Extraversion and positive with Neuroticism) et inverse with emotional intelligence. The study also showed how emotional intelligence was able to explain a percentage of incremental variance in each of the three dimensions of CDDQ in relation to personality traits. The article of Di Fabio and Blustein (2010) demonstrated in Italian high school students the existence of relationships between emotional intelligence and decisional styles according to Mann et al. (1997) model showing how, among emotional intelligence dimensions, was the Intrapersonal which provided the largest percentage of inverse explanation of non-adaptive styles of the MDMQ (avoidance, procrastination, hypervigilance) whereas was Adaptability which brought the highest percentage of positive explanation of vigilance adaptive style of the MDMQ. The article of Di Fabio and Kenny (2012) confirmed in Italian high school students the existence of relationships between emotional intelligence and decisional styles in this case defined according to Scott and Bruce (1995) model. This study also underlined that it was especially self-reported emotional intelligence rather than ability-based emotional intelligence which explained decisional styles. The article of Di Fabio, Palazzeschi, Asulin-Peretz and Gati (in press) demonstrated that emotional intelligence explained a percentage of incremental variance in relation to both personality traits and career decision-making self-efficacy and perceived social support with regards to both career decision-making difficulties and indecisiveness. The study also revealed that career decision-making difficulties were better explained by emotional intelligence while indecisiveness was better explained by personality traits. The article of Di Fabio and Kenny (2011) showed the effectiveness of a training for the development of emotional intelligence designed specifically for Italian high school students according to ability-based model, showing how this training increased emotional intelligence both ability-based and self-reported and decreased career indecision and indecisiveness. The hypotheses were confirmed by the described articles, opening new perspectives for research and intervention.<p><p>References<p><p>Di Fabio, A. & Blustein, D. L. (2010). Emotional intelligence and decisional conflict styles: Some empirical evidence among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 18, 71-81.<p>Di Fabio, A. & Kenny, M. E. (2011). Promoting emotional intelligence and career decision making among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 19, 21-34.<p>Fabio, A. & Kenny, M. E. (2012). The contribution of emotional intelligence to decisional styles among Italian high school students. Journal of Career Assessment, 20, 404-414. <p>Di Fabio, A. & Palazzeschi, L. (2009a). Emotional intelligence, personality traits and career decision difficulties. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 9(2), 135-146.<p>Di Fabio, A. Palazzeschi, L. Asulin-Peretz, L. & Gati, I. (in press). Career indecision versus indecisiveness: Associations with personality traits and emotional intelligence. Journal of Career Assessment.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L’absurde dans les mangas de l’après Deuxième Guerre mondiale au Japon –Nejishiki de Tsuge Yoshiharu (つげ義春)et l’oeuvre de Sasaki Maki(佐々木マキ)

Lopez Lena, Surya 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se penche sur l’absurde dans les oeuvres de deux mangakas de l’après Deuxième Guerre mondiale, soit Tsuge Yoshiharu(つげ義春) et Sasaki Maki(佐々木マキ). Cette étude comparative approche l’absurde comme expérience et tente de penser l’écho que le concept a pu ou non avoir chez les auteurs en question. Pour ce faire, une exploration de divers courants underground des années 50 et 60 au Japon (culture kasutori, nouvelle vague japonaise et avant-garde) est menée afin de retracer comment ceux-ci auraient éventuellement influencés les oeuvres des auteurs analysées, elles-mêmes s’inscrivant dans la culture manga underground de l’époque. Cette section sert également de point d’appui afin de réfléchir sur la place que l’absurde aurait pu prendre au sein de la société japonaise, voyant ses fondements basculer à l’aube de la défaite et contrainte à coopérer sous tutelle américaine. C’est dans cette optique que nous proposons une lecture de l’oeuvre culte de Tsuge Yoshiharu, Nejishiki (ねじ式) comme exprimant une nostalgie propre à une « sensibilité absurde », telle que théorisée par Camus, via le motif de la réparation du corps. Parallèlement à ceci, nous nous attarderons à l’oeuvre de Sasaki Maki au coeur de laquelle le nansensu, compris comme interjection ainsi que référence au courant de l’ero-guro-nansensu, s’érige. À la suite de quoi, nous conclurons sur une comparaison entre les deux expressions de l’absurde chez les mangakas étudiés de manière à dégager, également, ce qui différencie le nansensu de l’absurde. / This text focuses on the artwork of two mangakas of the post Second World War, Tsuge Yoshiharu(つげ義春) and Sasaki Maki(佐々木マキ). This comparative study investigates the absurd through its experimental component and tries to think the resonance that the concept might have had (or not ) among the authors cited. To this effect, we will explore diverse movements of the 50’s and 60’s in Japan (kasutori culture, Japanese new wave and avant-garde) in order to retrace how they might have eventually influenced the works of the mangakas analysed, themselves being part of an underground culture in the manga community of the time. This section also serves as a starting point for reflecting on the place that the absurd had in the Japanese society of that era, the country being recently defeated and obliged to cooperate under the American occupation which will bring profound changes to the society. It’s in the same vein that we propose a reading of Tsuge Yoshiharu’s masterpiece, Nejishiki (ねじ式), as expressing a nostalgia specific to what Camus calls an « absurd sensibility » through the motive of a body in search of repair. Alternatively, we will analyse Sasaki Maki’s work in the heart of which nansensu, thought as an interjection and in reference to the movement of the ero-guro-nansensu, is present. Finally, we will conclude on a comparison between the two expressions of the absurd in Tsuge and Sasaki’s respective work in order, as well, to elucidate what distinguishes nansensu from the absurd.

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