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Synthesis And Studies Of Perovskite NanostructuresSingh, Satyendra 08 1900 (has links)
The group of materials with ABO3 type perovskite structure are very important due to their attractive electrical and magnetic properties for technological applications and have been studied in the form of single crystals, bulk polycrystalline materials and thin films. Recently, efforts have been made to synthesize and understand the growth of ABO3 type perovskite nanostructures because of their distinctive physical properties and potential applications in the nanodevices. The primary aim of the present thesis is to synthesize the perovskites at nano-scale, with zero-dimension (0D), and one-dimension (1D) configurations. Basic work was carried in terms of synthesis – structure – composition correlation. Due to the small nature of the synthesized materials, few attempts were done to examine the physical properties, but to a limited extant. Efforts were also done to emphasize the structural behavior of nano perovskite in comparison with their bulk counterparts.
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to perovskite materials and nanostructures, their technological applications and the fundamental physics involved. A brief review of the perovskite nanostructures both from fundamental science and technological point of view is provided. Finally the specific objectives of the current research are outlined.
Chapter 2 deals with the experimental studies carried out in this thesis. It describes the methods used for the synthesis, experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), compositional analysis (EDX), focused ion beam (FIB), electrical and magnetic studies of the materials prepared.
Chapter 3 describes the fabrication of porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates with different pore size, basic steps for synthesis of nanotubes and the possible growth mechanism of nanotubes in the AAO template.
In chapter 4, we report the synthesis of ferroelectric Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0, 0.3) nanoparticles (diameter range: 20-40nm) and Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0, 0.4) nanotubes with diameter about 200nm by the sol-gel method. The Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanostructures so obtained were characterized by number of techniques, including FE-SEM, XRD, DTA/TGA, FTIR spectroscopy, TEM, HRTEM as well as EDX and SAED. Formation of Y-junctions and multi-branches in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanotubes were also observed. The wall of the nanotubes were found to be made of randomly oriented nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM image. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found around 15(±5) nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 5-10nm. Diffused phase transition (cubic to tetragonal), shifted to lower temperature side and leaky ferroelectric P–E loops were observed in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0) ceramic prepared from nanoparticles. Curie temperature was observed at 120oC in the BT nanotube array as confirmed by the dielectric study. The P–E loops of as-prepared Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0) nanotube array were also measured and the hysteresis clearly demonstrates the room temperature ferroelectricity in the as prepared nanotubes, indicating these nanotube array is potential media as ferroelectric information storage.
In chapter 5, we report the synthesis of single crystalline nanoparticles and polycrystalline nanotubes of Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 (PCT24) by sol-gel processing and characterized by various techniques. The crystallinity and phase purity of the PCT24 nanoparticles and nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD and SAED pattern. Compositional homogeneity and their crystalline structure confirms the formation of the tetragonal perovskite phase. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made of nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM analysis. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found around 20nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 5-8nm. Formation of some single crystalline PCT24 nanorods was also observed as confirmed by SAED and HRTEM analysis. Formations of Y-junctions and multi-branches in this complex functional oxide were observed. Dielectric measurements shows the diffuse phase transition and frequency dependence of Tm (temperature at which real part of dielectric constant shows maxima) suggesting the relaxor type behavior in the PCT24 ceramic prepared from nanoparticles. Polarization study was carried out on PCT24 nanotube array, which shows the ferroelectric nature at room temperature.
Chapter 6 reports the synthesis and studies of PbZrO3 (PZ) nanoparticles and PbZr1-xTixO3 for x = 0.0, 0.48 and 1.0 nanotubes. PZ nanoparticles were prepared by a novel sol-gel method based on diol-based solution. Initially, PZ was crystallized with some intermediate m-Z and t-Z phases at 400-550oC and start transforming to orthorhombic at around 600oC and then finally transformed into pure orthorhombic PZ phase at about 700oC. XRD and TEM confirmed the nanocrystalline nature of PZ particles. Curie temperature in the PZ ceramic prepared from PZ nanoparticles was observed around at 205oC, which is lower as compared to the bulk (233oC). P–E hysteresis loops of PZ ceramic prepared from nanoparticles were measured at different applied voltages and single ferroelectric loops of leaky nature were observed rather than antiferroelectrics. The lead zirconate nanoparticles produced may have potential applications as materials used in microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems. PbZr1-xTixO3 for x = 0.0 (PZ), 0.48 (PZT48) and 1 (PT) nanotubes were fabricated by sol-gel method within the closely packed porous alumina templates and characterized by various techniques. The crystallinity of the PZ, PZT48 and PT nanotubes were confirmed via XRD and SAED studies. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometry was formed. Formation of Y-junctions in this complex functional oxide was also observed. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made up of randomly oriented nanoparticles, which were confirmed by the HRTEM studies and also by a typical SEM image. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found to be around 10-20nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall was found to be in the range of 3 – 8nm. The Curie temperature was observed at 220oC in the PZ nanotube array. For the first time, PLD has been employed for the synthesis of lead zirconate nanotubes using AAO template. Well-registered arrays of these nanotubes could function as three dimensional (3D) device elements in miniaturized ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM).
In chapter 7, we report the synthesis of single crystalline 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.35PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) nanoparticles. PMN-PT nanoparticles were developed by a novel sol-gel method based on diol route. After partial calcination at 450oC/1h, PMN-PT powder morphology started transforming from pyrochlore to perovskite phase. It is interesting to note that this partially crystallized PMN-PT powder was unstable under electron beam and generated freestanding lead nanoparticles after absorbing energy from a focused electron beam. PMN-PT powder annealed at 700°C was fully transformed to perovskite phase and was stable under electron beam. XRD calculations and TEM imaging confirmed the nanocrystalline nature of PMN-PT particles. Magnetic measurements on PMN-PT nanoparticles prepared at 650 and 750oC show room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis, whereas the bulk or the agglomerated particles show diamagnetic behavior. With an increase of annealing temperature or the particle size the magnetic moment decreases. PMN-PT nanotubes with diameter about 200nm were fabricated successfully by the sol-gel method based on diol route within the closely packed porous nanochannel alumina templates. Phase purity and crystalline perovskite phase formation of PMN-PT nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD and SAED pattern. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometry was formed within accepted limit. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made of nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM analysis. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotube was found around 20 nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 10-20 nm. Since electroceramic materials are following a similar trend to miniaturization as conventional semiconductors, the synthesis of nanosized oxidic building blocks is moving into the focus of scientific and technological interest. Ferroelectrics are promising class of materials for the fabrication of electronic devices, as they are already an integral part of modern nanotechnological operations.
Chapter 8 deals with the synthesis and properties of BiFeO3 (BFO) nanoparticles and nanotubes. Single crystalline BFO nanoparticles of different size and polycrystalline BFO nanotubes were prepared by sol-gel method. As prepared nanostructures were characterized by various techniques such as XRD, TGA-DTA, FTIR, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), high resolution TEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The crystallinity and phase purity of the BFO nanoparticles and nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD, SAED pattern and HRTEM analysis. Compositional homogeneity and their crystalline structure confirms the formation of the rhombohedrally distorted perovskite phase. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometric BiFeO3 was formed within accepted limit. The HRTEM analysis confirmed that wall of the BFO nanotubes was made of nanoparticles, which were randomly oriented in the wall. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found to be around 15 nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 3-6nm. Formation of Y-junctions in this complex functional oxide was observed. Magnetic measurements show clearly the enhancement of ferromagnetism in BFO nanotubes and ferroelectric loops were also observed in these nanotubes, that indicates the multiferroic nature of these nanotubes. BFO nanostructures at a large scale might be important for many applications such as memory elements in nanoscale devices in future.
Chapter 9 reports the synthesis of a series of crystalline La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) nanoparticles with average diameter about 20 nm by an improved sol-gel method. The crystallinity and phase formation of as prepared nanoparticles was confirmed via XRD, SAED and HRTEM studies. EDX analysis demonstrated that desired stoichiometric was formed. Magnetic characterization reveals that the PM-FM transitions (Tc) occurs around at 205, 235, 235 and 230 K for x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, respectively. The strong irreversibility between zero field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) magnetization curves, a cusplike peak in ZFC curve and unusual shape of M versus H loop at T = 5 K gives strong support for surface spin glass behavior. The highly stable charge ordering state in bulk manganites is suppressed, while the ferromagnetism is enhanced in these nanoparticles (x = 0.5 and 0.7). La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 were fabricated by sol-gel method within the closely packed porous alumina templates. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made up of randomly oriented nanoparticles (8-12nm) as confirmed by HRTEM studies. The strong irreversibility between ZFC and FC magnetization curves as well as a cusplike peak in ZFC curve gives strong support for surface spin glass behavior. Magnetization value as obtained from M-H loop was about 28.5% of expected value, suggesting the existence of a magnetic dead layer, which avoids the propagation of exchange interaction between magnetic grains. The PM-FM transition was observed at 235 K.
Chapter 10 gives the summary and conclusions of the present study and also discusses the possible future work that could after more insights into the understanding of the perovskite nanostructures.
Highlight of the present work
(i) Successful growth of nanostructures in both particles and tube forms, and study of their structure – composition correlations.
(ii) Present work could optimize the necessary chemistry to successfully grow nanoparticles and nanotubes of various perovskite compositions.
(iii) Successful studies of physical properties of nanoparticles and nanotubes, ofcourse, to a limited extent. However the properties observed in the present nanostructures have a strong indication of nonlinear phenomena similar to their bulk counterparts.
(iv) It was reported in the literature, the observation of ferromagnetic behavior in several nonmagnetic compositions at nano-scale. Surprisingly, similar ferroelectric behavior was noticed even in our perovskite complex oxides such as relaxors (PMN-PT). A clear interaction of magnetic spin and an electric dipole was evident in these oxides such as relaxors and also multiferroics at nano-scale (~10-20 nm).
(v) In ferromagnetic compositions such as LCMO, a very interesting spin-glass type behavior was observed.
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Investigation Of Electronic Structure Of Transition Metal Oxides Exhibiting Metal-insulator Transitions And Related PhenomenaManju, U 02 1900 (has links)
Transition metal oxides have proven to be a fertile research area for condensed matter physicists due to the fascinating array of superconducting, magnetic and electronic properties they exhibit. A particular resurgence of intense activity in investigating the properties of these systems followed the discovery of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates, colossal magnetoresistance in the manganites, ferroelectricity in the cobaltites and simultaneous ferroelectric and ferromagnetic ordering in the manganites. These diverse properties of transition metal compounds arise due to the presence of strong electron-electron interactions within the transition element 3d states. Indeed, it is the competition between the localizing effects of such interactions and the comparable hopping strengths driving the system towards delocalization, that is responsible for these wide spectrum of interesting properties. In terms of theoretical and fundamental issues, electronic structure of transition metal oxides play a most important role, providing a testing ground for new many-body theoretical approaches treating the correlation problem at various levels of approximations. In addition to this rich spectrum of properties, metal-insulator transitions often occur and can even be coincident with structural or magnetic changes due to the strong coupling between charge, magnetic and lattice degrees of freedom. However, in spite of the immense activities in this area, the underlying phenomena is not yet completely understood. A careful investigation of the electronic structure of these systems will help in the microscopic understanding of these and photoelectron spectroscopy has been established as the most powerful tool for investigating the electronic structures of these systems. In this thesis we investigate the electronic structures of some of these transition metal oxides and the metal-insulator transition as a function of electron correlation strength and doping of charge carriers by means of photoelectron spectroscopy; we analyze the experimental results using various theoretical approaches, in order to obtain detailed and quantitative understandings. This thesis is organized into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the various concepts discussed in this thesis. Here we briefly describe the various mechanisms and theoretical formalisms used for understanding the metal-insulator transitions in strongly correlated systems and the evolution of the electronic structure across the transition. The experimental and the calculational techniques used in this thesis is described in Chapter 2. This includes different sample synthesis techniques and the characterization tools used in the present study. Photoelectron spectroscopic techniques used for probing the electronic structure of various systems are also discussed in this chapter.
In Chapter 3, we discuss the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in ruthenocuprates by looking at the electronic structures of RuSr2Eu1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10 which is a ferromagnetic superconductor having the ferromagnetic TC ~ 100 K and a superconducting transition of ~ 30 K compared with RuSr2EuCeCu2O10 which is a ferromagnetic (TC ~ 150 K) insulator in conjunction with two reference systems, RuSr2GdO6and Sr2RuO4. The coexistence of ferromagnetic order with superconductivity below the superconducting temperature is an interesting issue since the pair-breaking due to magnetic interactions is not significant in these cases. Extensive photoelectron spectroscopic measurements were performed on these systems and our results show that Eu and Ce in both the ruthenocuprates exists in 3+ and 4+ states, respectively. Also the analysis of the Ru 3d and 3p core levels suggests that Ru remains in the pentavalent state in both the cases. The constancy of Ru valency with doping of charge carriers that bring about an insulator to metal transition and the superconducting state suggests that the electronic structure and transport properties of these compounds are not governed by the Ru-O plane, but by the Cu-O plane, much as in the case of other high TC cuprates. Analysis of the Cu 2p core level spectra in terms of a cluster model, including configuration interaction and multiplet interactions between Cu 3d and 2p as well as that within the Cu 3d states, establish a close similarity of the basic electronic structure of these ruthenocuprates to those of other high TC cuprates. Here the charge transfer energy, Δ << Udd,Cu 3d multiplet-averaged Coulomb repulsion energy, establishing the compounds to be deep in the charge transfer regime.
Continuing with the ruthenocuprate systems in Chapter 4, we look at the electronic structure of hole doped La2CuRuO6systems using various photoemission techniques. It was expected that since the substitution of La3+by Sr2+changes the d electron count, the system will undergo a metal to insulator transition, but the transport properties show that all of them remain semiconducting through out the lowest temperature of measurement. A careful analysis of the Ru 3d and 3p core level spectra shows that Ru exists in Ru 4+state in La2CuRuO6and goes towards Ru 5+state with hole doping. This suggests that the doped holes affects the electronic structure of the Ru levels in these systems. A spectral decomposition of the Ru 3d core level suggests the existence of a spin orbit split doublet having two peaks, a main core level peak and a satellite peak at the higher binding energy side of the main peak and the intensity ratio of the satellite peak to the main peak increases with the insulating nature of the compounds as reported for other Ru 4d strongly correlated systems. This observation is also consistent with the transport properties. Cu 2p core level spectra also shows variations in the satellite-to-main peak Cu 2p intensities suggesting that the electronic structure of the Cu levels are also getting affected with Sr doping. Valence band spectral features near the Fermi level shows that the spectral weight is highest for La2CuRuO6and depletes slowly with Sr doping consistent with the expected d electron count as suggested by the Ru valencies.
In Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 we discuss the electronic structure investigations of two early transition metal oxide series, namely Ca1−xSrxVO3and Ce1−xSrxTiO3. Surface sensitivity dependence of photoemission experiments has been explored to show that the surface and the bulk electronic structures of Ca1−xSrxVO3system is different. Photoemission spectra of this system using synchrotron radiation reveal a hither to unnoticed polarization dependence of the photoemission matrix elements for the surface component leading to substantial underestimation. Extracted bulk spectra from experimentally determined electron escape depth and underestimation of surface contributions resolve the puzzling issues that arose due to the recent diverse interpretations of the electronic structure in Ca1−xSrxVO3. Keeping in mind the above-mentioned caveat, the present results still clearly establish that the linear polarization of synchrotron radiation plays a key role in determining the spectral lineshape in these systems. The experimentally-determined bulk spectra provide an understanding of the electronic structure in Ca1−xSrxVO3, consistent with experimental γ values, calculated change in the d-bandwidth and the geometrical/structural trends across the series, thereby resolving the puzzle concerning the structure-property relationship in this interesting class of compounds. In Chapter 6 we discuss the issues of metal-insulator transition close to the d0limit as well as the evolution of the electronic structure of a strongly correlated system as a function of electron occupancy, by investigating the family of Ce1−xSrxTiO3compounds by recording core level as well as valence band photoemission spectra using lab source as well as synchrotron radiations. Core level Ce 3d spectra from Ce1−xSrxTiO3samples establish a trivalent state of Ce in these compounds for all values of x confirming that charge doping in the present system does not alter the electronic structure of Ce. Hence the change in valency due to Sr substitution and thus, the carrier number, takes place only in the Ti 3d-O 2p manifold. We also carried out extensive VUV photoemission experiments on these samples with the photon energy varying between 26-122 eV. From the difference spectrum obtained by subtracting the off-resonance spectrum from the on-resonance one, we obtain the Ce 4f spectral signature; thus obtained Ce 4f spectrum which has a peak at about 3 eV binding energy and shows no intensity at EF even for the metallic samples, consistent with a Ce3+state. In order to study the states near EF responsible for the metal-insulator transition in these compounds, we recorded the valence band spectra at the Ce 4f off-resonance condition so that the coherent and the incoherent spectral features arising from the Ti 3d states could be clearly resolved, allowing us to investigate the metal insulator transition in the Ce1−xSrxTiO3system as a function of Sr or hole doping. The experimental spectra of the metallic compounds exhibit an intensity of the incoherent feature considerably larger than that predicted by theory. This discrepancy is possibly due to a difference in the surface and the bulk electronic structures of these compounds.
Chapter 7 is divided into two parts. In the first part we discuss the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies performed on two transition metal oxide series, La1−xSrxCoO3and La1−xSrxFeO3to look at the local structure distortions happening around the transition metal ions and its role in bringing out metal to insulator transitions in transition metal oxide systems. Here we chose to investigate these two systems since La1−xSrxCoO3undergoes an insulator to metal transition for x ∼ 0.15 and La1−xSrxFeO3remains insulating for the entire range of doping. The static mean square relative displacement, which we believe to be a representation of the disorder present in the system, extracted by fitting the experimental data by a correlated Einstein model, as a function of composition in La1−xSrxCoO3saturates beyond the critical composition where as the disorder parameter continues to increase through out the entire doping range in the case of La1−xSrxFeO3where metal-insulator transition is absent. In the second part of Chapter 7 we discuss the x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) studies performed on the above mentioned series of systems. Co K-edge XANES spectra of La1−xSrxCoO3show that there is a systematic shift of the main absorption peak with hole doping suggesting that the Co valency changes systematically with Sr doping. Also, the pre-edge feature of LaCoO3shows the transitions to t2g level clearly showing that Co3+in LaCoO3is not in a pure low spin (t6 2g) state. The Fe K-edge XANES spectra of La1−xSrxFeO3also exhibit a systematic shift to the higher energy side with increase in Sr content, indicating an increase in the Fe valence. Also from the La L3edge analysis, it can be concluded that the oxygen environment around La and the electronic configuration of La are systematically changing with Sr doping.
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Grenzflächeneffekte in Manganatschichten / Interfacial effects in manganite thin filmsEsseling, Markus 10 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudo do efeito magnetocalórico e barocalórico de sistemas magnéticos baseados em MnSilva Júnior, José Almeida da 16 March 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work we detail the magnetoelastic coupling method in which the elastic term is
absorbed by the exchange term allowing it to obtain additional contributions, Sadd,
to the total entropy variation, by means of the dependence of the exchange parameter
(T;H; P). For this purpose, we proposed the dependence of the bulk modulus with temperature,
B(T), for the linear case (L-case) and Wachtman type (W-case), thus verifying
that the total entropy variation , SMaxwell, is the sum of the conventional entropy variation,
Sconv, with the additional contribution, that is, SMaxwell = Sconv + Sadd.
In addition, we analyzed: i) the action of hydrostatic pressure on magnetic and magnetocaloric
properties for both L and W cases, where there was a reduction in transition
temperature, TC, a change in nature of the magnetic transition and the increase in the
intensity of the magnetocaloric e ect, Siso, keeping constant the area under the curves,
with increasing pressure; (ii) the action of the magnetic eld on the barocaloric properties,
where an increase in TC and a reduction of the barocaloric e ect, bar
iso , could be observed,
constant keeping the area under the curves, with the increase of the magnetic eld, thus
verifying that the barocaloric e ect is energetically more e cient under the action of low
elds than the magnetocaloric e ect; and (iii) the action of the magnetic eld and the
pressure simultaneously, verifying an alternative way to potentiate the magnetocaloric
e ect for a wide temperature range, which makes possible to apply the results to other
systems besides MnAs and their parents. Finally, an extension of the Kubo and Ohata
model, similar to Bean-Rodbell, was presented for the manganites, La1-xCaxMnO3 and
La2=3(Ca1-xSrx)1=3MnO3, in the presence of magnetic eld, thus describing its magnetic,
magnetocaloric, barocaloric and structural properties, by means of such magnitudes as:
magnetization, variation of magnetic entropy, deformation, double exchange energy and
electron conduction bandwidth eg, thus showing the connectivity between these quantities
in the description of the physical properties of these compounds and showing an
alternative model in the theoretical study of these manganites of Lanthanum. / Neste trabalho de pesquisa detalhamos o m etodo de acoplamento magnetoel astico no qual
o termo el astico e absorvido pelo termo de troca possibilitando obter contribui c~oes adicionais,
Sadd, a varia c~ao de entropia total, por meio da depend^encia do par^ametro de
troca (T;H; P). Com esta nalidade, se prop^os a depend^encia do m odulo de volume com
a temperatura, B(T), para o caso linear (caso-L) e do tipo Wachtman (caso-W), veri -
cando assim que a varia c~ao de entropia total, SMaxwell, e a soma da varia c~ao de entropia
convencional, Sconv, com a contribui c~ao adicional, ou seja, SMaxwell = Sconv+ Sadd.
Al em disso, analisou-se: i) a a c~ao da press~ao hidrost atica nas propriedades magn eticas e
magnetocal oricas para ambos os casos, L e W, onde veri cou-se uma redu c~ao na temperatura
de transi c~ao, TC, uma mudan ca na natureza da transi c~ao magn etica e o aumento na
intensidade do efeito magnetocal orico, Siso, mantendo a area sob as curvas constante,
com o aumento da press~ao; ii) a a c~ao do campo magn etico nas propriedades barocal oricas,
onde constatou-se um aumento em TC e uma redu c~ao do efeito barocal orico, Sbar
iso , mantendo
a area sob as curvas constante, com o aumento do campo magn etico, veri cando
assim que o efeito barocal orico e energeticamente mais e ciente sob a c~ao de baixos campos
do que o efeito magnetocal orico; e iii) a a c~ao do campo magn etico e da press~ao de forma
simult^anea, veri cando uma forma alternativa de potencializar o efeito magnetocal orico
para uma larga faixa de temperatura, sendo poss vel aplicar os resultados a outros sistemas,
al em do MnAs e seus parentes. Por m, apresentou-se uma exten c~ao do modelo
de Kubo e Ohata, similar ao de Bean-Rodbell, para as manganitas, La1-xCaxMnO3 e
La2=3(Ca1-xSrx)1=3MnO3, em presen ca de campo magn etico, descrevendo assim as suas
propriedades magn eticas, magnetocal oricas, barocal oricas e estruturais, por meio de grandezas
como: magnetiza c~ao, varia c~ao de entropia magn etica, deforma c~ao, energia de dupla
troca e largura da banda de condu c~ao dos el etrons eg, evid^enciando desta forma, a conectividade
entre essas grandezas na descri c~ao das propriedades f sicas desses compostos
e apresentando um modelo alternativo no estudo te orico destas manganitas de Lant^anio.
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Studies Of Multiferroic OxidesSerrao, Claudy Rayan 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the results of investigations of the synthesis, structure and physical properties of multiferroic materials. Multiferroics are materials in which two or all three of ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism and ferroelasticity occur in the same phase. Such materials have the potential applications of their parent materials, as well as new ones because of the interaction between the order parameters. The thesis is organized into four sections.
Section 1 gives an overview of multiferroics, explaining the origin of mul-tiferroicity , occurrence of magnetoelectric coupling, their possible technological ap-plications and the challenges involved.
Section 2 gives the scope of the investigations. The specific objectives of the present research on yttrium chromite, heavy rare earth chromites, solid solutions of yttrium chromite, rare earth manganites doped with alkaline earth metals, charge-ordered rare earth ferrites and indium manganite are outlined.
Experimental aspects of the work carried out are discussed in section 3. It gives details of the experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations of the materials prepared.
In section 4, results of the investigations are discussed. Magnetic and di-electric properties of yttrium chromite (YCrO3), heavy rare earth chromites and YCr1-xMnxO3 are reported in section 4.1. These materials show canted antiferro-magnetic behavior below the Nel transition temperatures and dielectric transitions at high temperatures. Role of local non-centrosymmetry is discussed based on high-resolution neutron powder diffraction data. In 4.2 we discuss the results of charge-ordered rare earth ferrites which show good magnetoelectric effect. Magnetic, dielectric and magneto-dielectric properties of YCr1-xMnxO3 (Ln = rare earth) are discussed in 4.3. These materials show magneto-dielectric effect. In 4.4 we discuss the near normal incidence far infrared reflectivity spectra of a single crystal of TbMnO3, in the spectral range of 50cm−1 to 700 cm−1 from 10 K to 300 K. Finally in 4.5, magnetic and dielectric properties of bulk and thin films of indium manganite are discussed.
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An ARPES study of correlated electron materials on the verge of cooperative orderTrinckauf, Jan 30 June 2014 (has links)
In this thesis the charge dynamics of correlated electron systems, in which a metallic phase lies in close proximity to an ordered phase, are investigated by means of angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The analysis of the experimental data is complemented by electronic structure calculations within the framework of density functional theory (DFT).
First the charge dynamics of the colossal magnetoresistant bilayer manganites are studied. The analysis of the ARPES spectra based on DFT calculations and a Peierls type charge density wave model, suggests that charge, orbital, spin and lattice degrees of freedom conspire to form a fluctuating two dimensional local order that produces a large pseudo gap of about 450 meV in the ferromagnetic metallic phase and that reduces the expected bilayer splitting.
Next, the interplay of Kondo physics and (magnetic) order in the heavy fermion superconductor URu2Si2 is investigated. The low energy electronic structure undergoes strong changes at 17.5 K, where a second order phase transition occurs whose phenomenology is well characterized, but whose order parameter could not yet be unambigeously identified. Below THO, non-dispersive quasi particles with a large scattering rate suddenly acquire dispersion and start to hybridize with the conduction band electrons. Simultaniously the scattering rate drops sinificantly and a large portion of the Fermi surface vanishes due to the opening of a gap within the band of heavy quasi particles. The observed behaviour is in stark contrast to conventional heavy fermion systems where the onset of hybridization between localized and itinerant carriers happens in a crossover type transition rather than abruptly. These experimental results suggest that Kondo screening and the hidden order parameter work together to produce the unusual thermodynamic signatures observed in this compound.
Finally, the influence of charge doping and impurity scattering on the superconducting porperties of the transition metal substituted iron pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2 (TM = Co, Ni) is studied. Here, resonant soft X-ray ARPES is applied to see element selective the contribution of the 3d states of the TM substitute to the Fe 3d host bands.
The spectroscopic signatures of the substitution are found to be well reproduced by DFT supercell and model impurity calculations. Namely, the hybridization of the dopant with the host decreases with increasing impurity potential and the electronic states of the impurtiy become increasingly localized. Simultaniously, in all simulated cases a shift of the Fermi level due to electron doping is observed. The magnitude of the shift in the chemical potential that accurs in BaFe2As2, however, is in stark contrast to the marginal doping values obtained for the impurity model, where the shift of the chemical potential is largely compensated by the influence of the increasing impurity potential. This suggests that the rigid band behaviour of TM substituded BaFe2As2 is a peculiarity of the compound, which has strong implications for the developement of superconductivity. / In dieser Arbeit wird die Ladungstraegerdynamik in korrelierten Elektronensystemen, in denen eine metallische Phase in direkter Nachbarschaft zu einer geordneten Phase liegt, mit Hilfe von winkelaufgeloester Photoelektronenspektroskopie (ARPES) untersucht. Die Analyse der experimentellen Daten wird ergaenzt durch lektronenstrukturrechnungen im Rahmen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT).
Zuerst wird die Ladungstraegerdynamik in gemischtvalenten zweischichtmanganaten mit kolossalem Magnetiwiderstand studiert. Die Analyse der Photoemissionsspektren basierend auf DFT Rechnungen und einem Peierls artigem Ladungsdichtewellenmodell, legt nahe, dass die Freiheitsgrade von Ladung, Orbitalen, Spin und des Ionengitters konspirieren, um eine fluktuierende zweidimensionale lokale Ordnung zu bilden, die verantwortlich ist fuer die beobachtete Pseudobandluecke von 450 meV, und die zur Reduktion der erwarteten Zweischichtaufspaltung beitraegt. Als naechstes wird das Zusammenspiel von Kondo Physik und (magnetischer) Ordung im Schwerfermionensupraleiter URu2Si2 untersucht. Die iedrigenergetische elektronische Struktur zeigt starke Veraenderungen bei 17.5 K, wo ein Phasenuebergang zweiter Ordnungstattfindet, der phenomenologisch gut charakterisiert ist, aber dessen Ordungsparameter nocht nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden konnte. Unterhalb von THOerlangen nicht dispergierende Quasiteilchen mit gro en Streuraten abrupt Dispersion und hybridisieren mit den Leitungselektronen. Gleichzeitig sinkt die Streurate und ein gro er Teil der Fermiflaeche verschwindet durch das Oeffnen einer Bandluecke innehalb des Bandes schwerer Quasiteilchen.
Das beobachtete Verhalten steht in starkem Kontrast zu dem von konventionellen Schwerfermionensystemen, in denen die Hybridisierung zwischen lokalisierten und itineranten Ladungstraegern in einem kontinuierlichen Uebergang ablaeuft, anstatt abrubt. Diese experimentellen Befunde lassen den Schluss zu, dass das zusammenspiel zwischen Kondo Abschirmung und dem unbekannten Ordnungsparameter die ungewoehnlichen thermodynamischen Signaturen in dieser Verbindung hervorruft.
Abschliessend wird das Zusammenwirken von Ladungstraegerdotierung und Streuung an Stoeratomen auf die Supraleitung uebergangsmetalldotierter Eisenpniktid Supraleiter Ba(Fe1-xTMx)2As2 (TM = Co, Ni) untersucht. Mit Hilfe von resonantem Weichenroentgen ARPES gelingt es, elementselektiv den Beitrag der 3d Zustaende des TM Substituenten zu den Eisen 3d Wirtsbaendern zu beobachten. Die spektroskopischen Signaturen der Substitution sind mit Hilfe von DFT Rechnungen und Modelrechnungen mit zufaellig verteilten Stoeratomen gut zu reproduzieren. Insbesondere nimmt die Hybridisierung des dotierten Uebergangsmetalls und der Eisenbaender mit zunehmender Kernladungszahl ab und die elektronischen Zustaende der Stoeratome werden zunehmen lokalisiert. Gleichzeitig wird in allen gerechneten Faellen eine Verschiebung des Fermi Niveaus durch Elektronendotierung beobachtet. Der Betrag der Verschiebung des chemischen Potentials in BaFe2As2 steht allerdings in starkem Kontrast zu den Werten, die man im Falle der Modellrechnungen erhaelt, wo die Verschiebung des Fermi Niveaus durch den Einfluss des Potentials der Stoeratome groesstenteils kompensiert wird. Dies legt nahe, dass das beobachtete "rigid band" Verhalten von TM substituiertem BaFe2As2 eine Besonderheit dieser Verbindung ist, welches starke Auswirkungen auf die Ausbildung von Supraleitung hat.
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Theoretical Investigations Of Core-Level Spectroscopies In Strongly Correlated SystemsGupta, Subhra Sen 12 1900 (has links)
Ever since the discovery of exotic phenomena like high temperature (Tc) superconductivity
in the cuprates and colossal magnetoresistance in the manganites, strongly correlated electron systems have become the center of attention in the field of condensed matter physics research. This renewed interest has been further kindled by the rapid development of sophisticated experimental techniques and tremendous computational power. Computation plays
a pivotal role in the theoretical investigation of these systems, because one cannot explain their complicated phase diagrams by simple, exactly solvable models. Among the plethora of experimental techniques, various kinds of high energy electron spectroscopies are fast gaining importance due to the multitude of physical properties and phenomena which they
can access. However the physical processes involved and the interpretation of the spectra obtained from these spectroscopies are extremely complex and require extensive theoretical modelling. This thesis is concerned with the theoretical modelling of a certain class of high energy electron spectroscopies, viz. the core-level electron spectroscopies, for strongly correlated systems of various kinds. The spectroscopies covered are Auger electron spectroscopy
(AES), core-level photoemission spectroscopy (core-level PES) and X-ray absorption spec-
troscopy (XAS), which provide non-magnetic information, and also X-ray magnetic circular
and linear dichroism (XMCD and XMLD), which provide magnetic information.
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Ladungs- und Orbitalordnungsphänomene in Übergangsmetalloxidverbindungen unter hydrostatischem Druck / Diffraktometrische Studien mit Synchrotronstrahlung / Charge and orbital order phenomena in transition metal oxide compounds under hydrostatic pressureKiele, Sven 27 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis is dealing with the investigation of charge and orbital order and their behaviour under external pressure. Therefore, a new pressure cell has been developed which allows the observation of superlattice reflections corresponding to the order phenomena under pressure using scattering of high-energy synchrotron radiation. The maximum pressure that can be reached is 1.25 GPa. Until today there has been no possibility to conduct such studies of charge and orbital order superlattice reflections under pressure using x-ray scattering. The intensities of the reflections of the single crystalline samples are quite weak compared to fundamental peaks. Therefore the measurements are strongly affected by the absorption of the radiation in the pressure cell itself. Further difficulties result from the facts that low temperatures are needed and the sample has to be oriented in reciprocal space after being mounted into the cell. Therefore, the design of a compact clamp-type piston pressure cell was chosen here. The cell is made from a copper-beryllium alloy with the wall thickness reduced in the height of the sample volume. This allows the usage inside a closed-cycle cryostat mounted on a three-axis-diffractometer. Absorption effects are minimized due to the combination of reduced wall thickness and the usage of high energy synchrotron radiation (E = 100 keV at the beamline BW5 at HASYLAB/DESY). The new experimental technique was established and used for a study of two representatives of the transition metal oxide compounds, i.e. doped cuprates and manganites, which belong to the class of strongly correlated electron systems. The 1/8-doped cuprate La_{2-x}Ba_{x}CuO_{4} reveals an ordered state at low temperatures. Inside the CuO_{2} planes a combined order of charge stripes and antiferromagnetic spin stripes is observed. The ordering results from the interaction between charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom. Here the lattice degrees of freedom play a major role. Particularly, a structural transition from an orthorhombic to a tetragonal symmetry is prerequisite for the observation of the ordered state. The cell constructed in this work allows a more exact analysis of the coupling between the crystal lattice and the formation of the charge and spin ordered phase. The manganite system Pr_{0.7}(Ca_{0.9}Sr_{0.1})_{0.3}MnO_{3} shows a strong magnetoresistive effect, called colossal magnetoresistance (CMR). In this system, several ordered phases can be found, which exhibit charge, spin and - since the orbital degree of freedom is also present in the manganites - additionally orbital ordering phenomena. In particular, an antiferromagnetically spin ordered insulating phase, which is connected to a charge- and orbital ordered state competes with a ferromagnetic metallic phase. This competition leads to a phase separation, which determines the properties of the sample. Both phases are strongly coupled to the lattice degrees of freedom, so that application of external pressure drastically affects the interplay between the different phases and allows a detailed study of the relation between the charge and orbital ordered phase and the crystal structure. / Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit dem Studium der Ordnungszustände von Ladungen und Orbitalen und deren Beeinflußung durch externen Druck. Als experimentelle Neuentwicklung wurde dafür eine Druckzelle entworfen, mit deren Hilfe die Beobachtung der jeweiligen Ordnungsphänomene unter Druck mittels der Streuung hochenergetischer Synchtrotronstrahlung möglich ist. Die Zelle erlaubt die Messung der orbitalen und Ladungsüberstrukturreflexe, welche aus den geordneten Zuständen resultieren, in einem Druckbereich bis 1.25 GPa. Die experimentelle Herausforderung ergibt sich hierbei aus der Tatsache, dass die Überstrukturreflexe im Vergleich zu den fundamentalen Reflexen der einkristallinen Proben sehr schwach sind und zusätzlich durch die Absorption im Mantelmaterial der Druckzelle stark beeinträchtigt werden. Darüber hinaus soll die Zelle bei tiefen Temperaturen einsetzbar und die Probe auch innerhalb der Zelle im reziproken Raum orientierbar sein. Bei dem hier realisierten Ansatz wurde für das Design daher der Typ einer kompakten Klemmdruckzelle aus einer Kupfer-Beryllium-Legierung gewählt, deren Zellwände im Bereich des Probenvolumens reduziert wurden. Dadurch ist der Einsatz der Zelle im Inneren eines Closed-Cycle-Kryostaten auf einem Einkristall-Diffraktometer möglich. Aufgrund der geringen Wandstärke der Zelle und der Nutzung von hochenergetischer Röntgenstrahlung (E = 100 keV am Messplatz BW5 des HASYLAB/DESY) werden Absorptionseffekte minimiert. Die neue Messmethode wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit etabliert und zur Untersuchung zweier wichtiger Übergangsmetalloxidverbindungen (dotierte Kuprate, Manganate), die zur Klasse der stark korrelierten Elektronensysteme gehören, eingesetzt. Das 1/8-dotierte Kupratsystem La_{2-x}Ba_{x}CuO_{4}, weist bei tiefen Temperaturen einen statisch geordneten Zustand auf. Innerhalb der CuO_{2}-Schichten des Kristalls ergibt sich eine Ordnung, bei der sich Streifen lokalisierter Löcher und antiferromagnetische Bereiche abwechseln. Ursache dieses Zustands ist das Wechselspiel von Ladungen, Spins und strukturellen Freiheitsgraden. Dabei spielen letztere eine herausgehobene Rolle. So ist insbesondere ein struktureller Übergang von einer orthorhombischen zu einer tetragonalen Phase Voraussetzung für die Beobachtung der Ordnung. Die in dieser Arbeit aufgebaute Druckzelle erlaubt eine genauere Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen Struktur des Kristalls und der Ausbildung der ladungs- und spingeordneten Phase. Das Manganatsystem Pr_{0.7}(Ca_{0.9}Sr_{0.1})_{0.3}MnO_{3}, zeichnet sich durch einen sehr starken magnetoresistiven Effekt aus, der auch als kolossaler Magnetowiderstand (CMR) bezeichnet wird. Auch hier kann bei tiefen Temperaturen eine geordnete Phase beobachtet werden. Allerdings spielt in diesem System zusätzlich der orbitale Freiheitsgrad der Elektronen eine entscheidende Rolle, so dass sich eine kombinierte Ladungs- und Orbitalordnung ergibt. Diese Phase, die isolierend und zusätzlich antiferromagnetisch geordnet ist, steht im direkten Wettbewerb zu einer ferromagnetischen Phase. Aus dieser Konkurrenz ergibt sich eine Tendenz zur Phasenseparation, deren Effekte die Eigenschaften des Kristalls dominieren. Da beide Phasen stark an die strukturellen Freiheitsgrade gekoppelt sind, läßt sich das Gleichgewicht zwischen ihnen durch externen Druck beeinflussen und die Abhängigkeit der ladungs- und orbitalgeordneten Phase von den strukturellen Eigenschaften des Kristalls im Detail untersuchen.
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Gestaltung der elektronischen Korrelationen in Perowskit-Heterostrukturen auf atomarer Skala / Atomic Layer Design of Electronic Correlations in Perovskite HeterostructuresJungbauer, Markus 16 December 2015 (has links)
Zur Präparation von hochwertigen Heterostrukturen aus Übergangsmetallperowskiten wurde eine Anlage zur metallorganischen Aerosol-Deposition mit Wachstumskontrolle durch in-situ Ellipsometrie aufgebaut. Durch numerische Anpassung der in-situ Ellipsometrie kann man den beim Wachstum stattfindenden Transfer der $ e_{g} $-Elektronen zwischen unterschiedlich dotierten Perowskit-Manganaten erfassen. Im Verlauf des Wachstums von Übergittern aus $ \mathrm{LaMnO_{3}} $ (LMO) und $ \mathrm{SrMnO_{3}} $ (SMO) variiert die Längenskala, über die die $ e_{g} $-Elektronen delokalisieren, in einem Bereich von $ 0.4\, \mathrm{nm} $ bis $ 1.4 \, \mathrm{nm} $.
Mit der neu eingeführten Atomlagenepitaxie (ALE) kann man die Chemie von Perowskit-Grenzflächen vollständig definieren. Am Beispiel von gestapelten $ \mathrm{SrO-SrTiO_{3}} $ (STO) Ruddlesden-Popper-Strukturen und LMO/SMO-Übergittern wird dieses Verfahren erprobt. Mit der in-situ Ellipsometrie kann man Defekte in der SrO-STO-Abfolge vorhersagen, die in anschließenden strukturellen Untersuchungen mit Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) erkennbar sind. Außerdem lässt sich die Sr/Ti-Stöchiometrie mit einer Genauigkeit von $ 1.5\, \mathrm{\%} $ festlegen. In Bezug auf das Wachstum von LMO und SMO kann man über die in-situ Ellipsometrie Veränderungen der Mn-Valenzen erkennen und so auf ein zweidimensionales Wachstum jeder halben Perowskitlage schließen.
Die in dieser Arbeit etablierte Depositionstechnologie erlaubt das systematische Studium der magnetischen Eigenschaften von Heterostrukturen aus verschieden dotierten Lanthan-Strontium-Manganaten ($ \mathrm{La_{1-x}Sr_{x}MnO_{3}} $ (LSMO(x)). Zunächst wird das magnetische Verhalten von Doppellagen aus dem ferromagnetischen LSMO(0.3) und verschiedenen antiferromagnetischen LSMO(x)-Lagen ($ x=0.6-1.0 $) untersucht. Für $ x>0.6 $ beobachtet man ein erhöhtes Koerzitivfeld und eine Verschiebung der Hysterese entlang der Feldachse (exchange bias (EB)). Als Funktion der Sr-Dotierung zeigen die durch das STO-Substrat verspannten LSMO(x)-Filme einen Übergang vom Antiferromagneten des G-Typs ($ x>0.95 $) zum Antiferromagneten des A-Typs ($ x \leq 0.95 $). Dieser Übergang wird von einer Halbierung der EB-Amplitude begleitet. Für LSMO(0.3)/SMO-Strukturen registriert man eine Abnahme der EB-Amplitude, wenn die epitaktischen Verzerrungen mit zunehmender Dicke der SMO-Lagen relaxieren. Bei Änderungen der tetragonalen Verzerrung der Manganat-Filme kommt es zu einer Modifikation der Balance zwischen den magnetischen Kopplungen in der Filmebene und senkrecht dazu. Dadurch verändern sich die Eigenheiten des Spin-Glases an der Grenzfläche und damit das magnetische Verhalten der Heterostruktur.
LMO/SMO-Übergitter auf STO (001) zeigen eine zuvor noch nicht beobachtete Phänomenologie. Wenn die LMO/SMO-Bilagendicke $ \Lambda $ 8 Monolagen übersteigt, bemerkt man zwei separate ferromagnetische Signaturen. Die Tieftemperaturphase (LTP) hat eine Curie-Temperatur $ T_{C}^{L}=180\, \mathrm{K}-300 \, \mathrm{K} $, die mit $ \Lambda $ kontinuierlich abfällt, die Hochtemperaturphase (HTP) hat eine Curie-Temperatur $ T_{C}^{H}=345 \, \mathrm{K} \pm 10 \, \mathrm{K} $, die keine systematische Abhängigkeit von $ \Lambda $ besitzt. LTP und HTP sind magnetisch entkoppelt. Das Skalierungsverhalten des magnetischen Momentes der HTP mit der Bilagendicke und der Zahl von Wiederholungen der LMO/SMO-Einheit deutet auf einen Grenzflächencharakter der HTP. Außerdem besitzt die HTP eine große magnetische Anisotropieenergie, die Literaturwerte für dünne Manganatfilme um zwei Größenordnungen übersteigt. Beim Wachstum auf $ \mathrm{(La_{0.3}Sr_{0.7}) (Al_{0.65}Ta_{0.35})O_{3}} $ (LSAT), das eine kleinere Gitterkonstante als STO besitzt, verschwindet die HTP. Zur Erklärung der HTP stellt man ein Modell vor, bei dem die HTP an der chemisch scharfen SMO/LMO-Grenzfläche lokalisiert ist. Das STO-Substrat führt zu epitaktischen Zugspannungen, die die $ e_{g} $-Elektronen in den an den SMO/LMO-Grenzflächen befindlichen $ \mathrm{MnO_{2}} $-Lagen auf die $ d_{x^{2}−y^{2}} $-Orbitale zwingen. Dadurch ist der Austausch zu den in c-Richtung benachbarten $ \mathrm{MnO_{2}} $-Lagen sehr schwach und der magnetische Austausch findet vorwiegend in der Ebene statt. Durch den Ladungstransfer liegt in der $ \mathrm{MnO_{2}} $-Lage an der SMO/LMO-Grenzfläche ein $ \mathrm{Mn^{4+}} $-Anteil von $ x \approx 0.4 $ vor. Durch den Doppelaustausch bildet sich in dieser Ebene dann eine zweidimensionale ferromagnetische Phase, die die HTP darstellt.
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Growth and Studies of Phase Transitions in Multifunctional Perovskite MaterialsYadav, Ruchika January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Crystal growth and characterization of few multifunctional materials with perovskite (ABX3) structure are discussed in this thesis. Efforts were made to modify the magnetic and electric behaviour of these materials by selective tuning of A, B and X components. Structural, magnetic and dielectric characterization are detailed in various chapters for doped (A and B site) rare-earth manganites and organometallic compounds with different (Chloride or formate) anions.
The relevant aspects of crystal structure and its relationship with ordered ground states are discussed in the introductory chapter. A detailed review of prominent theories pertaining to magnetic and ferroelectric ordering in the literature is provided. Growth of various inorganic compounds by solid-state reaction and floating zone method as well as use of solvothermal techniques for growing organometallic compounds are discussed. Material preparation, optimization of crystal growth processes and results of characterization are addressed in various chapters.
The effect of Yttrium doping on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of rare-earth manganites (RMnO3 where R = Nd, Pr) has been investigated. Neutron diffraction studies (Pr compounds) confirm A-type antiferromagnetic structure and fall in transition temperature as the Yttrium doping level increases. Diffraction experiments in conjunction with dc magnetization and ac susceptibility studies reveal magnetic frustration in excess Yttrium dopedcompounds. When mutliglass properties of 50% B-site doped Nd2NiMnO6 were investigated, evidence of re-entrant cluster glass phase was seen probably due to presence of anti-site disorder. The relaxor-like dielectric behaviour arises from crossover of relaxation time in grain and grain boundary regions. Multiferroic behaviour of the organometallic compound (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 as well as the ferroelectric transition were investigated in detail. The role of Hydrogen bond ordering in driving structural transitions is elucidated by low temperature dielectric and Raman studies in (C2H5NH3)2CdCl4. It was found possible to tune the magnetic and ferroelectric properties in metal formate compounds (general formula AB(HCOO)3) by selectively choosing organic cations [(CH3)2NH2+; C(NH3)3+] and transition metal ion [B = Mn, Co and Cu]. The nature of magnetic ordering and transition temperature could be altered by the transition metal ion. The effect of reorientation of organic cations which leads to ferroelectric nature is discussed using dielectric and pyroelectric data. Significant results are summarized in the chapter outlining general conclusions. Future prospects of work based on these observations are also provided. The conclusions are corroborated by detailed analysis of experimental data.
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