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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag på saneringsåtgärder gällande gjuteriet och plåtverkstaden

Petterson, Sandra, Vinberg, Ulrika January 2009 (has links)
The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where “Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad” once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent “plate-workshop” and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center.   An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection agency guidelines of less sensitive land. The purpose of this report has been to provide possible suggestions for remedial action for these two options and to describe the effects, consequences and costs of the various proposals. It appears from the report that there are two possible solutions to reduce exposure and proliferation of heavy metal pollution in the building. If the building is used for storage and concerts then the pollution should be encapsulated, while if the building is built into a cultural center, it is suggested that the pollutants are to be removed.   In an encapsulation it is suggested that the floor surfaces are reconstructed, the walls must be painted with an elastic paint and all the dust on the beams are to be vacuumed. In addition to the measures proposed is that the ground floor is dug up and the walls are milled down a few millimeters to remove the highest levels of pollutions. But there are some uncertainties and knowledge gaps in the report. It is mainly the economic aspect as calculated using prices from construction firms on the Internet and estimates on the building's size and degree of pollution. There are also gaps and uncertainties about the pollution distribution and dissemination of building materials, soil and groundwater. / Sveriges utveckling till industriland har gett upphov till att ett stort antal områden blivit förorenade med olika typer av föroreningar. Ett flertal av dessa områden har blivit så förorenade att de riskerar att skada människors hälsa och miljön. Idag har drygt 80 000 potentiellt förorenade områden kartlagts i Sverige och Arboga mekaniska verkstad är ett av dessa förorenade områden. Sverige riksdag har antagit 16 miljökvalitetsmål som ett steg i arbetet mot en hållbar utveckling. Ett av miljökvalitetsmålen är ”Giftfri miljö”. Målet innefattar ett flertal delmål, varvid två delmål behandlar ”Efterbehandling av förorenade områden”.   I Arboga kommun, på fastigheten Höjen 3:24 har Arboga mekaniska verkstad en gång legat som är en före detta mekanisk verkstad där det har tillverkats bland annat järnvägsgods, strykjärn och manglar. Verksamheten bedrevs i ett flertal olika byggnader. På området finns idag till exempel en gammal gjuteribyggnad med angränsande plåtverkstad. Arboga mekaniska verkstad startade sin verksamhet år 1858 och år 1967 lades verksamheten i gjuteribyggnaden ned. Resterande verksamhet lades ned år 1982, när företaget gick i konkurs.  Idag används gjuteribyggnaden med angränsande plåtverkstad endast till lagerlokal.   Med uppdrag från Länsstyrelsen i Västmanland har SGI utfört en inventering av området enligt MIFO fas 2 med statliga medel. Gjuteribyggnaden med angränsande plåtverkstad riskklassades i en MIFO fas 1 utfört av länsstyrelsen till risklass 2, stor risk. MIFO fas 2 utredningen resulterade i att byggnaden klassades ner till risklass 3, måttlig risk. Utredningen i MIFO fas 2 omfattade gjuteribyggnaden samt angränsande plåtverkstad och marken i och omkring dessa byggnader. Det påvisades förhöjda halter av föroreningar i form av tungmetallerna arsenik, koppar, zink och bly. Dessa förhöjda halter har påträffats i framförallt i det äldre sandgolvet, omkring ugnen i gjuteriet samt i marklager med slaggrester. De förhöjda halterna av koppar i området utgör inte någon hälsofara, men de kan däremot påverka markekosystemet i området. Arsenikförekomsten bedöms kunna utgöra en hälsorisk. På vissa platser i gjuteribyggnaden överskrider arsenikhalterna det hälsobaserade riktvärdet för MKM. Vid labbanalys har det visat sig att endast ett prov innehåller halter över MKM, men eftersom antalet prov är begränsat i förstudien kan det finnas fler platser med höga arsenikhalter. Undersökningen tyder på att åtgärder för att förhindra föroreningsspridning samt exponering bör utföras. I första hand bör föroreningarna tas bort och åtgärder som minskar exponeringsrisken bör övervägas i andra hand. De förhöjda metallhalterna kan begränsa markfunktionen i viss mån.   Det finns flera olika saneringsmetoder för att behandla metallförorenad mark. Exempel på några sådana metoder är reaktiva barriärer, jordtvätt och termiska metoder, stabilisering och solidifiering, elektrokemiska metoder samt fytoremediering. För att behandla en förorenad byggnad kan flera olika metoder användas, bland annat: rivning, sanering, forcerad ventilation och inkapsling. Målning kan vara en relativt enkel metod för att kapsla in föroreningarna och minska exponeringsrisken. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att ge åtgärdsförslag till saneringen av gjuteribyggnaden med angränsande plåtverkstad utifrån två alternativ inklusive förslagens effekter, konsekvenser och kostnader. Alternativ ett innebär att gjuteriet med angränsande plåtverkstad fortsätter ha lagerverksamhet men i utökad form och att konserter kan anordnas i byggnaden. Detta innebär att en rad åtgärder kan behöva vidtas för att förhindra exponeringsrisken samt spridningsrisken. Byggnaden är dessutom eftersatt och kräver en viss renovering före en utökad användning. Alternativ två innebär att gjuteribyggnaden med angränsade plåtverkstad görs om till ett kulturcentrum med konserthall, museum, hantverksstäder och café. Den gamla industrikulturen ska bevaras så mycket som möjligt. Projektets framtidsversion kräver stora ekonomiska resurser och större saneringsåtgärder än alternativ ett.   De åtgärdsalternativ som förespråkas i båda alternativen är framförallt dammsugning av bjälkar, hårdgöra golvet samt att lägga in en geotextilduk som förhindrar föroreningarnas spridning samt inkapsling av föroreningarna i väggarna i form av målning. Under själva sanerings- och renoveringsarbetet med byggnaden och marken kommer boende och djur- och växtliv inte störas i någon större omfattning, då de boende bor ca 100 meter ifrån fastigheten samt att industriverksamhet redan pågår i området. Industriverksamheten kan i dagsläget ge upphov till buller, vibrationer och andra störningar.   De slutsatser vi kan dra från vårt arbete är att det finns två lösningar för att bevara och öka användningen av byggnaden. Det ena är alternativ ett som bygger på att byggnaden används till lagerlokal och konserthall. I det alternativet kapslas föroreningarna in. Det andra är alternativ två som går ut på att ett kulturcentrum upprättas i byggnaden. För detta alternativ avlägsnas föroreningarna. Alternativ två är ett mer långsiktigt alternativ än alternativ ett med avseende på exponeringsrisk och föroreningsspridning. Däremot är det ur ett kortsiktigt ekonomiskt perspektiv billigare att genomföra åtgärdsförslagen för alternativ ett. Den totala kostnaden som sammanställts är mycket preliminärt och osäker då endast antaganden har gjorts på byggnadens storlek samt hur mycket av jorden som behöver saneras. Det har heller inte tagits någon hänsyn till förarbeten och andra underarbeten.   Det finns osäkerheter rörande gjuteribyggnaden med angränsande plåtverkstad som behöver utredas, främst vid alternativ två. I den gjorda MIFO fas 2 utredningen var antalet prov begränsat, därmed kan fler platser påvisa höga föroreningshalter. I utredningen fann man bland annat enstaka platser i gjuteribyggnaden där arsenikhalterna överskrider det hälsobaserade riktvärdet för MKM. Utredningen tyder på att ingen provtagning har utförts på överbyggnaden av trä. Förorenat byggmaterial är heller inte avgränsat i djup- och ytled.   För fortsatt arbete bör förslagsvis dammet ovanpå bjälkarna i gjuteribyggnaden provtas med ett XRF-instrument först för att se om det finns något arsenik dammet. Detta ska ske enligt ett förläggande som finns från kommunens miljö- och hälsoskyddsenhet. Sedan bestäms vilket alternativ som ska genomföras. Väljs alternativ ett kan åtgärder börja vidtas direkt för att kapsla in föroreningarna. För alternativ två behövs en mer omfattande provtagning genomföras för att ta reda på föroreningsspridning samt föroreningshalter i området. Utifrån resultatet från provtagningen kan en plan för saneringen upprättas och saneringen kan sedan påbörjas, följt av ombyggnad och renovering.

"Bad boys" - företeelsen i fyra amerikanska och engelska romaner / The Story of a Bad Boy, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn och Just William

Bowman Lindell, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
Romanerna som ligger till grund för uppsatsens analys är Thomas Bailey Aldrich The story of a bad boy, Mark Twains Tom Sawyers och Huckleberry Finn samt Richmal Cromptons Just William. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de litterära gestalter som tar sig skepnad i företeelsen "bad boys" och de frågor som ställs i uppsatsen är: Hur och varför uppkom företeelsen "bad boys"? Hur växte genren "bad boys" fram? Vad karaktäriserar "bad boys" företeelsen? Uppsatsens narratologiska utgångspunkter bygger bland annat på Mieke Bals teori om fabelns och de textanalytiska begrepp som Maria Nikolajeva redogör för: tid och plats, författarens och läsarens föreställning av författaren, samtid och tidsperspektiv. Uppsatsen tar även stöd i R.W. Connell, John Stephens och Kenneth B. Kidds teorier. Uppsatsen visar att "bad boys"-genren har sitt ursprung under en period då bilden av mannen var under förändring och romaner för pojkar blev allt mer robusta."Bad boys" – genren karaktäriseras av driftiga pojkgestalter som delvis formar sin identitet i pojkgänget. "Bad-boys"- genren är även en konsekvens av de ändrade förhållandena för unga pojkar i USA. Dessa pojkar sågs ofta som små vandaler och det är dessa som återspeglas i "bad-boys" genren.

Harmonisation de l'indication géographique dans la Loi de la propriété industrielle du Mexique

Santos, Jacqueline 07 1900 (has links)
Les produits du terroir occupent une place privilégiée dans le goût des consommateurs qui, aujourd’hui, s’intéressent davantage à connaître la provenance et les qualités des produits qu’ils consomment. Le Mexique a une grande variété de produits du terroir, appris et transmis aux producteurs de génération en génération, mais certains manquent de protection ou la protection est inefficace. Les producteurs du Mexique vivent souvent dans des conditions marginales, et l'imitation de leurs produits résulte en une réduction de leurs ventes. Ils sont souvent contraints à changer de métier. Cette situation met en péril le patrimoine national en raison de l’abandon des connaissances traditionnelles, lesquelles représentent l'identité et la diversité culturelle de la nation mexicaine. La « Ley de la Propiedad Industrial » (LPI) prévoit l'appellation d’origine et la marque collective en tant que mécanismes de protection; cependant, ils ne sont pas toujours adéquats pour assurer une protection efficace des produits du terroir. Notre objectif est d'analyser si l'inclusion de l’indication géographique à la LPI peut favoriser l’enregistrement des produits du terroir qui sont à risque de disparaître. Cette étude fait donc ressortir la nécessité de modifier la LPI afin qu’elle réponde mieux aux besoins et aux réalités du Mexique. / Local products occupy a privileged place in the preferences of consumers who are more and more interested in knowing the origin and the quality of the products they consume. Mexico has a great variety of “terroir products”, learned and passed on to producers from generation to generation, but some of them lack protection or their protection is ineffective. Mexican producers oftentimes live in marginal conditions, and the imitation of their products results in a reduction in sales. They are often forced to change their trade. This situation puts the national patrimony in jeopardy due to the abandonment of traditional knowledge, which represents the identity and cultural diversity of the Mexican nation. The « Ley de la Propiedad Industrial » (LPI) provides for the appellation of origin and the collective mark as mechanisms of protection; however, they are not always adequate to ensure an effective protection of “terroir products”. Our goal is to analyze whether the inclusion of the geographical indication in the LPI will strengthen the registration of “terroir products” that are at risk of disappearing. This study thus highlights the need to revise the LPI to better reflect the needs and realities of Mexico.

La droite chrétienne américaine : une analyse féministe foucaldienne des cas du pasteur Mark Gungor et du mouvement des centres d'aide à la grossesse

Pronovost, Véronique 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Prenant appui sur la littérature existante, l'objectif de ce mémoire est d'analyser la droite chrétienne selon une perspective nouvelle en employant un cadre théorique féministe postmoderne. Cette perspective théorique permet d'analyser certain-e-s acteurs-trices de la droite chrétienne se situant à l'extérieur du champ traditionnel du politique (État, institutions, etc.) et n'ayant été que peu étudié-e-s jusqu'à maintenant. Plus spécifiquement, le mémoire a pour but de mettre en lumière les stratégies qu'emploient certain-e-s acteurs-trices locaux-les issu-e-s de la droite chrétienne pour diffuser le programme conservateur chrétien. Notre thèse est que des acteurs-trices locaux-les de la droite chrétienne américaine, comme les centres d'aide à la grossesse et le pasteur Mark Gungor, ont développé diverses stratégies pour convaincre les Américain-e-s que les idées qu'ils propagent sont exemptes de toute considération politique. Ces stratégies ont au moins deux effets : elles induisent les Américain-e-s en erreur à propos des réelles intentions de ces acteurs-trices et, surtout, permettent à ces mêmes acteurs-trices d'exposer les gens qui les consultent à un discours en apparence « neutre », mais qui a pour but de discipliner les Américain-e-s en les convaincant d'embrasser un code de conduite sexiste et antiféministe basé sur une vision conservatrice de la moralité. Cette vision conservatrice encourage entre autres les femmes à rejeter l'avortement et à se cantonner à « leurs » rôles traditionnels d'épouses, de génitrices et d'objets sexuels. En ce sens, la droite chrétienne contribue à la diffusion et au maintien de certaines normes sexistes et antiféministes au sein de la société américaine. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : droite chrétienne, États-Unis, conservatisme, religion, féminisme postmoderne, Michel Foucault, antiféminisme, centre d'aide à la grossesse, thérapie conjugale.

Fighting tomorrow : a study of selected Southern African war fiction.

Rogers, Sean Anthony. January 2005 (has links)
This research provides an analytical reading of five southern African war novels, in a transnational study of the experience of war as represented by the novels' authors. In order to situate the texts within a transnational tradition of writing about modern warfare, I draw on Paul Fussell's work on the fictional writings of the Second World War in combination with Tobey Herzog's work on the writings of America's war in Vietnam. Through a reading of Sousa Jamba's Patriots and Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples. I illustrate that while these and other southern African war texts can be situated within a transnational tradition of writing about modern warfare, they also extend the tradition by adding new and previously silenced voices. I then turn to a focus on specific experiences of southern African anti-colonial war as represented in Pepetela's Mayombe and Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples. These texts are read in light of Franz Fanon's extensive writings on the nature of colonial violence and with a focus on the role of the victim and perpetrator in violent resistance to colonial oppression. Following this, and keeping with my examination of the experience of war in southern Africa, I read Pepetela's Mayombe. Sousa Jamba's Patriots and Chenjerai Hove's Bones with a view to highlighting their writing of women in times of war. Using the work of Florence Stratton, this section exposes the great difficulties faced by women in times of war as a result of war's complicity in the maintenance of patriarchal societal structures. Finally, I read Chenjerai Hove's Bones and Mia Couto's Under the Frangipani as post-war texts so as to highlight the authors' use of organic images to imagine post-war futures that are not tainted by the experience of war. In examining this topic, I aim to suggest that all of the texts studied show war to be a continuum that results in failed societies. I therefore read the texts as active interventions that seek to break the destructive cycle of the region's wars in the hope of better and constructive futures. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Inheriting man's estate : constructions of masculinity in selected popular narrative.

January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the violence of patriarchal culture as it is staged in three twentieth century texts: the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), the South African novelist Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples (1993) and the American film Night of the Hunter (1954) directed by Charles Laughton. Each of these works focuses on the induction of the boy child into culture and the trauma attendant on this process of accession. The thesis is that if culture is violent then it must follow that damage is done to the developing subject in the process of its construction by the cultural forces that shape masculinity. The theoretical grounding of the analysis is derived from two main sources: Jacques Derrida's account of the violence of culture in Of Grammatology (1976) and the analysis of patriarchy and the Oedipal development of the boy child into manhood found in the work of Freud and Lacan. Derrida is used for his thinking on the inherently violent nature of culture and the way in which cultural discourse is structured through binary dualisms. The three chosen works all critique and dismantle binarist thinking as a move towards imagining a less destructive discursive order. The Oedipal narrative, as a myth which describes and explains the forces shaping the male child in the process of acculturation, exemplifies and illustrates cultural violence: As expounded by Freud and Lacan, the Oedipal myth is one which underpins all three of the chosen works. Derrida, Freud and Lacan have been very usefully mediated by several cultural critics and therefore extensive use is made of commentaries by Kaja Silverman, Frank Krutnik and Madan Sarup. Slavoj Zizek's interpretations of Lacan have also yielded much that is interesting about the nature of the Law of the Father and consequently reference is made to his ideas, principally in Chapter Four.This dissertation analyses the violence of patriarchal culture as it is staged in three twentieth century texts: the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981), the South African novelist Mark Behr's The Smell of Apples (1993) and the American film Night of the Hunter (1954) directed by Charles Laughton. Each of these works focuses on the induction of the boy child into culture and the trauma attendant on this process of accession. The thesis is that if culture is violent then it must follow that damage is done to the developing subject in the process of its construction by the cultural forces that shape masculinity. The theoretical grounding of the analysis is derived from two main sources: Jacques Derrida's account of the violence of culture in Of Grammatology (1976) and the analysis of patriarchy and the Oedipal development of the boy child into manhood found in the work of Freud and Lacan. Derrida is used for his thinking on the inherently violent nature of culture and the way in which cultural discourse is structured through binary dualisms. The three chosen works all critique and dismantle binarist thinking as a move towards imagining a less destructive discursive order. The Oedipal narrative, as a myth which describes and explains the forces shaping the male child in the process of acculturation, exemplifies and illustrates cultural violence: As expounded by Freud and Lacan, the Oedipal myth is one which underpins all three of the chosen works. Derrida, Freud and Lacan have been very usefully mediated by several cultural critics and therefore extensive use is made of commentaries by Kaja Silverman, Frank Krutnik and Madan Sarup. Slavoj Zizek's interpretations of Lacan have also yielded much that is interesting about the nature of the Law of the Father and consequently reference is made to his ideas, principally in Chapter Four. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Travel motivations of tourists to selected marine national parks / Tiedt L.

Tiedt, Lourien January 2011 (has links)
Tourism comprises the world's largest industry, and beaches (marine tourism) are considered as one of the major tourism attractions in the world. Marine tourism includes different aspects such as the ocean, coastal water sports, hotels and restaurants, island and beach resorts, recreation, fishing boat operators, cruise ships and charter yacht companies. One of the main contributors to marine and wildlife tourism in South Africa, is South African National Parks (SANParks), comprising of 21 national parks. Of the 21 National Parks six are marine national parks covering 4004.4 square kilometres namely West Coast, Wilderness, Tsitsikamma, Addo Elephant, Agulhas and Table Mountain National Parks. The two most known Marine National Parks in South Africa are Tsitsikamma and Addo Elephant National Parks: Addo Elephant for the fact that it is the only national park in South Africa hosting the BIG 7, namely elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, leopard, whales and great white sharks. Tsitsikamma National Park is important as it is the first and oldest Marine National Park in Africa. South African National Parks receive thousands of visitors each year and tourists visiting these parks are a source of revenue for national parks and by determining travel motives, marketing can be undertaken more effectively, and specific factors can be taken into account when the marketing strategies are being planned. The literature review indicated that an understanding of tourist motives is a key aspect in understanding tourist behaviour. If the travel motives of tourists are known to product owners, in the case of South African National Parks, they will assist the product owner with product development as well as its marketing strategy. By understanding tourist behaviour one can understand why tourists buy certain products and why they make certain decisions. Tourist behaviour can be analysed in terms of the purchasing process a tourist goes through when making a decision. Different tourists will have different decision making processes and will have different motives for buying different products and services. To be able to understand how buyers proceed through the decision making process one has to look at the tourist decision–making process which consists of different influences like demographic factors, the marketing mix, internal/ psychological, external/social and situational factors. From the literature review, the following travel motivations theories were identified: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Murray's classification of needs, Mill and Morrison's needs and wants theory, Push and Pull theories and the Sun lust and Wanderlust theory. It was found in the literature review that there are some travel motives that are found in most of the nature based destinations such as “relaxation and escape”, “learn about nature” and “park attributes” to name but a few. The research, however, also found that travel motives are closely linked to what these destinations offer and it was also found that different marine destinations seem also to have different travel motives. The aim of this study is, therefore, to determine the travel motives of tourists to selected Marine National Parks in South Africa. Secondary data was used to determine the visitor's profile as well as the factor analysis on travel motives. Four hundred and eight questionnaires were administered to the Addo Elephant National Park and 495 to the Tsitsikamma National Park. The data analysis consisted of two parts, the first part was descriptive data and here the profile of the visitors to the two selected marine national parks was discussed. In the second part a factor analysis was conducted. The aim of a factor analysis is to reduce the data and to assist in the interpretation of the data. A factor analysis further describes the variance–covariance relationship among a number of variables in terms of a few underlying but unobservable random quantities, called factors. For this research a principal axis factor analysis with Oblimin with Kaiser Normalisation rotation was performed on the 22 travel motive items. The visitors' profiles for both the parks were quite similar except for the following: The largest percentage of the visitors to Tsitsikamma National Park were Afrikaans speaking and not as in the case of Addo Elephant National Park most tourists were English speaking, The major markets for Addo Elephant National Park, were the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces and for the Tsitsikamma National Park the major markets were Gauteng and the Western Cape Provinces. The factor analysis regarding travel motives revealed the following four factors: Education and knowledge seeking, Relaxation and escape, Park attributes and Family togetherness. A comparison was done regarding the travel motives of tourists to the two national parks to determine if there were any differences. A small to medium effect size was found for “relax and escape” and “education and learning about wildlife”, therefore, a small to medium statistical significant difference were found. This research confirmed that different marine destinations have different travel motives. Therefore, marketers can use this information and focus on individual marketing for each park based on the products they offer. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Travel motivations of tourists to selected marine national parks / Tiedt L.

Tiedt, Lourien January 2011 (has links)
Tourism comprises the world's largest industry, and beaches (marine tourism) are considered as one of the major tourism attractions in the world. Marine tourism includes different aspects such as the ocean, coastal water sports, hotels and restaurants, island and beach resorts, recreation, fishing boat operators, cruise ships and charter yacht companies. One of the main contributors to marine and wildlife tourism in South Africa, is South African National Parks (SANParks), comprising of 21 national parks. Of the 21 National Parks six are marine national parks covering 4004.4 square kilometres namely West Coast, Wilderness, Tsitsikamma, Addo Elephant, Agulhas and Table Mountain National Parks. The two most known Marine National Parks in South Africa are Tsitsikamma and Addo Elephant National Parks: Addo Elephant for the fact that it is the only national park in South Africa hosting the BIG 7, namely elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, leopard, whales and great white sharks. Tsitsikamma National Park is important as it is the first and oldest Marine National Park in Africa. South African National Parks receive thousands of visitors each year and tourists visiting these parks are a source of revenue for national parks and by determining travel motives, marketing can be undertaken more effectively, and specific factors can be taken into account when the marketing strategies are being planned. The literature review indicated that an understanding of tourist motives is a key aspect in understanding tourist behaviour. If the travel motives of tourists are known to product owners, in the case of South African National Parks, they will assist the product owner with product development as well as its marketing strategy. By understanding tourist behaviour one can understand why tourists buy certain products and why they make certain decisions. Tourist behaviour can be analysed in terms of the purchasing process a tourist goes through when making a decision. Different tourists will have different decision making processes and will have different motives for buying different products and services. To be able to understand how buyers proceed through the decision making process one has to look at the tourist decision–making process which consists of different influences like demographic factors, the marketing mix, internal/ psychological, external/social and situational factors. From the literature review, the following travel motivations theories were identified: Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Murray's classification of needs, Mill and Morrison's needs and wants theory, Push and Pull theories and the Sun lust and Wanderlust theory. It was found in the literature review that there are some travel motives that are found in most of the nature based destinations such as “relaxation and escape”, “learn about nature” and “park attributes” to name but a few. The research, however, also found that travel motives are closely linked to what these destinations offer and it was also found that different marine destinations seem also to have different travel motives. The aim of this study is, therefore, to determine the travel motives of tourists to selected Marine National Parks in South Africa. Secondary data was used to determine the visitor's profile as well as the factor analysis on travel motives. Four hundred and eight questionnaires were administered to the Addo Elephant National Park and 495 to the Tsitsikamma National Park. The data analysis consisted of two parts, the first part was descriptive data and here the profile of the visitors to the two selected marine national parks was discussed. In the second part a factor analysis was conducted. The aim of a factor analysis is to reduce the data and to assist in the interpretation of the data. A factor analysis further describes the variance–covariance relationship among a number of variables in terms of a few underlying but unobservable random quantities, called factors. For this research a principal axis factor analysis with Oblimin with Kaiser Normalisation rotation was performed on the 22 travel motive items. The visitors' profiles for both the parks were quite similar except for the following: The largest percentage of the visitors to Tsitsikamma National Park were Afrikaans speaking and not as in the case of Addo Elephant National Park most tourists were English speaking, The major markets for Addo Elephant National Park, were the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces and for the Tsitsikamma National Park the major markets were Gauteng and the Western Cape Provinces. The factor analysis regarding travel motives revealed the following four factors: Education and knowledge seeking, Relaxation and escape, Park attributes and Family togetherness. A comparison was done regarding the travel motives of tourists to the two national parks to determine if there were any differences. A small to medium effect size was found for “relax and escape” and “education and learning about wildlife”, therefore, a small to medium statistical significant difference were found. This research confirmed that different marine destinations have different travel motives. Therefore, marketers can use this information and focus on individual marketing for each park based on the products they offer. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Invasion dynamics of a non-indigenous bivalve, Nuttallia obscurata, (Reeve 1857), in the Northeast Pacific

Dudas, Sarah 31 December 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes how life history characteristics of the varnish clam (Nuttallia obscurata), and interactions with the physical environment and other species, have contributed to its successful invasion in coastal British Columbia. Lab and field experiments were conducted to investigate varnish clam larval ecology (i.e. larval rearing experiments), adult population dynamics (i.e. annual population surveys, mark-recapture and length-frequency analysis, growth modeling) and ecological interactions with native species (i.e. predator/prey preference feeding trials). Using these results, a matrix demographic model was developed to determine which life history stage contributes the most to varnish clam population growth. Larval rearing experiments indicated that temperature and salinity tolerances of varnish clam larvae are comparable to native species, however the planktonic phase is slightly longer (3-8 weeks). Based on local oceanographic circulation, varnish clam larvae have the potential to disperse throughout their entire geographic range in just one reproductive season. Varnish clam population surveys revealed spatiotemporal variation in density and size. No relationships were evident between varnish clam density and the number or density of co-occurring bivalve species. Length-frequency analysis suggested that recruitment varies among sites, with high post-settlement mortality coinciding with high recruitment. The presence of similar recruitment pulses at geographically separate sites indicates regional scale processes may influence recruitment. Individual growth rates iii varied among sites, with higher growth corresponding to lower population densities and water temperature. Monthly survival rates ranged from 0.81 – 0.99 and were lower for clams 10-30 mm. Predator/prey preference feeding trials showed that crabs prefer varnish clams to local species when clam burial depth is limited. Crabs therefore have the potential to influence varnish clam distributions, particularly on beaches where the varnish clam is unable to bury deeply. Based on matrix demographic analysis, adult survival (e.g. clams ≥ 40 mm) is the most crucial factor for varnish clam population growth, and drives the observed population growth differences between sites. This study of the varnish clam invasion demonstrates that its success lies in both species (e.g. lengthy planktonic phase, high survival) and regional (e.g. favourable ocean circulation patterns for rapid dispersal) characteristics. Measures to reduce introductions should be targeted in areas where introductions are likely to have the furthest reaching impacts.

Constructing chivalry: the symbolism of King Mark in Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"

Heikel, Julie Anne 02 December 2010 (has links)
Despite Tristan’s place as a cornerstone of the operatic repertory, there has been surprisingly little scholarship on King Mark, whom scholars often overlook in favour of the title characters. This study examines Wagner’s adaptation of his source, the Tristan of Gottfried von Strassburg, to construct a character that represents the courtly chivalric society of the opera in opposition to the new order represented in Tristan’s passionate pursuit of love and, ultimately, of death. Building on literary scholarship of the Tristan tradition, this study explores issues of duality and decline in Mark’s character and the elements of his chivalric friendship with Tristan within the homosocial constructs of the courts. Through his use of traditional operatic lament form, associative orchestration, and text expression, Wagner constructs a king who is more nuanced that any of his predecessors: one cleansed by tragedy and capable of forgiveness.

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