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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kabelförläggning i mark / Underground installation of cables

Kaddori, Bashar January 2017 (has links)
Examensarbete utfördes hos konsultföretaget WSP Group- Stockholm med syftet att identifiera och hitta förläggningsmetoder som underlättar förläggning av kablar idag och i framtiden. Examensarbetet fokuserar bara på regionnät och lokalnät i storstäder men med inslag av stamnät. Detta examensarbete bygger på informationssamling från standarder EBR KJ41:15 kabelförläggning max 145 kV, SS-EN 424 14 37 och Stockholm stad tekniska handbok. Som komplettering till standarderna användes handböcker från olika företag samt gamla examensarbeten. Svar på frågeställningar är baserad på intervjuer med olika aktörer inom branschen så som nätägare, konsuler, och entreprenörer. Genom intervjuerna kom man fram till att rör används i första hand inte för att skydda kablar utan för att kunna passera genom en väg, rör leder till att värmeavledningsförmågan försämras vilket innebär att temperaturen på kabeln stiger och i värsta fall förkortar livslängden på kabeln. Att gå upp i ledararea för kablar är inte möjligt eftersom det är trångt i marken och det krävs mycket plats. Bentonitfyllning är ingen bra metod eftersom det inte finns data på vad som kan hända med bentoniten efter 5 år eller 20 år, och det är svårt att komma åt kablarna och reparera de eftersom bentoniten måste spolas ur. Om bentoniten stelnar kan det bli svårt att komma åt kabeln. Det visade sig att grävning är den enda metoden som används i storstäder eftersom andra metoder kan orsaka skador på befintliga ledningar som ligger i marken. De vanligaste kabelfelen är gräv skador på kablar, det är väldigt lätt att man kommer åt markkablarna vid schaktarbetet. För att kunna bygga ut nätet i framtiden kan man förlägga kablar med större ledningar för att täcka framtida behovet. I de områden där man vet att nätet inte behöver förstärkas kan man förlägga i rör för att underlätta underhållsarbetet i framtiden. Staden måste vara mer tydliga med sina planeringar och säga till att hålla sig till det. Staden måste också ansvara för sin mark och inte låta någon annan ta hand om nätet. Ledningsägarna måste bli bättre på att samförlägga och agera snabbt med att komma ut med detaljer på vart man vill samförlägga för att slippa schakta och störa markägaren flera gånger. Det kommer bli ännu trängre i marken i framtiden och det låter som att man kommer behöva bygga tunnlar. Tunnlar är en dyr infrastruktur och ifall flera aktörer väljer att samförlägga kan kostnaderna för tunnelbyggnation fördelas mellan olika aktörer. OPI kanalisation är också en annan typ av lösning och det är väldigt bra om flera aktörer också kan samförlägga. Idag är man ganska dålig på att samförlägga och det är något som man måste bli bättre på. / The thesis work was carried out at the consulting company WSP Group- Stockholm, with the purpose of identifying and finding installation methods that facilitate the placement of cables today and in the future. The thesis focuses only on regional and local grids but with elements of main grids in major cities. This degree project is based on information gathering from standards EBR KJ41: 15 cabling max 145 kV, SS-EN 424 14 37 and Stockholm City Technical Manual and the differences between them. As a supplement to the standards, different manuals were used by different companies and also past thesis work. Answers to main question and subquery are based on interviews with various actors in the industry such as grid owners, consultants, and entrepreneurs.  The interviews revealed that pipes are used primarily not to protect cables, but to pass through a road. Pipes Installation lead to deterioration of heat dissipation in cables, which means that the temperature of the cable rises and, in the worst case, shortens the life of cable. Walking up the cable wiring area is not possible because it is crowded in the ground and requires a lot of space. Bentonite filling is not a good method because there is no data on what can happen with the bentonite after 5 years or 20 years. It would be difficult to access the cables and repair them because the bentonite must be flushed out. If the bentonite is stiff, it can be difficult to access the cable. It turned out that excavation is the only method used in metropolitan areas because other methods can cause damage to existing wires lying in the ground. The most common cable damages are digging in cables, it is very easy to access the ground cables at the installation work. In order to expand the network in the future, cables with larger wires can be placed to cover future needs. In areas where you know that the network does not need to be strengthened, pipes can be placed to facilitate maintenance work in the future. The city needs to be clear about where the future constructions will be and develop a plan and stick to it. The city must also be responsible for its land and not let anyone else take care of the network. Management owners need to be better at co-ordinating and acting quickly to come up with details on where to co-ordinate to avoid bottleneck and disturbing landowners several times. It seems that tunnels will be a way to go in the future. Tunnels is an expensive infrastructure and if several actors choose to collaborate, the costs of tunnel construction can be divided between different actors. OPI channelization is also another type of solution and it is very good if several players can also collaborate / <p>Godkänd</p>

Genetic analysis of the otter population (Lutra lutra) in Kristianstad’s Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve, Sweden / Genetisk analys av utterpopulationen (Lutra lutra) i Biosfärområde Kristianstads Vattenrike

Bergman, Sanne January 2017 (has links)
During the past century the Swedish otter (Lutra lutra) population showed a rapid decline in abundance and genetic diversity. Among the most affected areas was the southern province of Skåne. After prohibiting hunting of otters and banning harmful pollutants like PCB, Swedish populations slowly recovered. To some areas the otter returned late, like Kristianstad in north-eastern Skåne. Here, the River Helge å enters Kristianstad’s Vattenrike, Biosphere Reserve and forms a biodiverse wetland. By 2011, otters had established once more along the river. In recent years, a female otter with cubs have appeared outside Vattenriket visitor’s centre “naturum”, to the joy of inhabitants and visitors. In Kristianstad, otters have become a recurring winter attraction. However, not much is known about this new population. For assessment of abundance and genetic diversity, microsatellite variation was investigated among now-living individuals from eleven sites in the Biosphere reserve, and stored museum samples from ten otters with origins in North-eastern Skåne. Using a non-invasive methodology, investigated DNA was extracted from faeces and muscle tissue from dead individuals. Multiple replicate screening was performed to detect errors in genotyping procedures. Results show the presence of three now-living individuals (two males and one female). Now-living otters and museum specimens from north-eastern Skåne were not closely related. Sampled individuals show Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, but their heterozygosity is very low. Results suggest that, even though some individuals may remain undetected, low admixture of new genes may be a cause for concern. For long-term protection and management in Kristianstad’s Vattenrike, Biosphere Reserve, further knowledge is needed about our new and precious otter population. / Den svenska utterstammen (Lutra lutra) genomgick drastiska populationsminskningar under mitten av 1900-talet. Minskningen ledde till en förlust av genetisk diversitet i många områden, och bland de värst drabbade var Skåne. Uttern blev fredad från jakt och ett förbud mot det skadliga miljögiftet PCB infördes, vilket skapade förutsättningar för utterpopulationen i Sverige att långsamt återhämta sig i antal. Men uttern återvände sent till vissa områden, som Kristianstad i Nordöstra Skåne. Genom staden Kristianstad rinner Helge å, som formar vidsträckta, artrika våtmarker i Biosfärområde Kristianstads Vattenrike. Uttern visade inga tecken på återkomst till området förrän 2011. De senaste åren har en utterhona med ungar regelbundet visat sig vid besökscentret ”naturum”, till glädje för stadens invånare och besökare. Uttrarna har blivit en återkommande vinterattraktion i Kristianstad. Men kunskapen om den nya populationen är begränsad. För uppskattning av antal och genetisk diversitet, undersöktes mikrosatellitvariationer hos nu levande individer från elva lokaler i Vattenriket. För jämförelse inkluderades arkiverade prover från Naturhistoriska Riksmuseets ”Miljöprovbank”, från tio döda uttrar med ursprung i Nordöstra Skåne. Med icke-invasiva metoder undersöktes DNA som extraherats från avföring- och muskelvävnad. Multipel replikatanalys gjordes för detektering av eventuella fel i genotypningsproceduren. Resultaten visar förekomsten av tre nu levande individer i Vattenriket (två hanar och en hona). Det är dock troligt att en- eller flera nu levande individer kan ha undkommit identifiering. Individerna var inte nära släkt med museiexemplaren från Nordöstra Skåne. Studerade individer är i Hardy-Weinberg jämvikt, men heterozygositeten är låg. Låg heterozygositet kan bero på en låg genomblandning i populationen, vilket kan vara en anledning till oro och bör undersökas närmre. Det behövs ytterligare kunskap och studier för att långsiktigt skydda och förvalta den nya, värdefulla utterpopulationen i Kristianstads Vattenrike.

Bråktal, decimaltal och procent : En kvalitativ studie om hur sambandet mellan bråktal, decimaltal och procent undervisas i årskurs 4-6

Abdulrasul, Zahraa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how the connection between fractions, decimals and percent are taught in grade 4-6 with more focuson the fractions. The empirical data was obtained by qualitative methods comprising interviews with four mathematic elementary school teachers, in addition to two observations with two classrooms in grade 6. The data presented is from one school. The theoretical framework is based on Liping Ma profound understanding of fundamental mathematics and theories of subject didactic concepts of Kilborn, Löwing, Karlsson &amp; Kilborn and MacIntosh. The results of the interviews and observations show that the connection between fractions, decimals and percent is being taught without illuminating how the mentioned are connected. The aspect of fractions, which has been taught to show the relation between fractions and decimals, was division as metaphor. While there was no aspect of fractions has been taught to show the relation between it and percent except that a percent is a hundredth. Such as 40% is equal with 40/100. In addition, fractions has been taught by using visual aids, but never taught by using number line. In conclusion the connection between fractions, decimals and percent has not been related clearly with basic concept fractions.

Beyond Morality : Alternative Gay Narratives in Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and Fucking and Dennis Cooper’s The Sluts

Bjuggfält, Makz January 2017 (has links)
The gay male emerged as a visible public consumer during 1990s, when the LGBTQ movement in the United Kingdom and the United States was marked by conflicting commercial and political motives, heightened by the AIDS crisis. The cultural tension surrounding the gay male subject was reflected through various literary expressions. In the United Kingdom Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and Fucking (1996), as part of the in-yer-face theatre, exploded in the face of the bourgeoisie. In the US America Dennis Cooper’s highly publicised George Miles Cycle (1989-2000), was followed by The Sluts (2004) as part of the transgressive literature, provoking both straight and gay communities. Through an analysis of themes such as capitalism, commerce, hyperreality, internalised fear, desire, and violence in the works, an alternative image of the gay male is distinguished. This is an image of the gay male subject that is complex, multi-faceted, contradictory and polyvalent. The characters relate differently to the hegemonic hyperreal role model, but are exposed to the same social structure that dictates their living conditions and positioning them as objects possible to practice violence on. The works provide a widened and complicated image the public image of the gay male. Their countercultural narratives trace how the gay male subject have been affected by the heteronormative society. When the provided stereotype is too narrow to express the burden and the joy of the contemporary gay male subject, alternatives, like the depictions by Ravenhill and Cooper, may allow the subject to fully possess the gay experiences of pain, sorrow and anger that he has been forced to bear. This research explores how the violence within the texts holds a liberating potential.

Prokazování shody v obchodní politice států Evropské unie / Conformity assessment in commerce policy of EU countries

Kozlovská, Barbora January 2005 (has links)
Difference between technical standards, legislation and certification and testing procedures in specific EU countries complicates unification of international markets. Therefore international standards and procedures for conformity assessment of products that are connected to Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade have been created. Completion of all requirements, standards, procedures and marking, including proposals regarding resolving problematic areas, is the main content of this diploma thesis.

The Social Structure and Mating Strategies of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the St. Johns River

Ermak, Jessica Lea 01 January 2014 (has links)
Across populations, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) exhibit a fission-fusion pattern of associations, in which group size and composition change fluidly throughout the day. Beneath this seemingly ephemeral social structure, considerable variation exists across study sites. While females typically have moderate bonds with one another within a large social network, male-male bonds are variable, though males typically take one of two strategies; some males encounter females individually for opportunities to breed while others cooperate within a first-order alliance to collectively herd females. In addition, multi-tiered alliances in which two first-order alliances cooperate to defend or assist in the theft of a female have been documented within Shark Bay, Australia. However, these patterns do not apply to all study sites, as intersexual bonds are strong within several bottlenose dolphin populations. Given the variation in the presence and complexity of male alliances, greater documentation of social structure and male mating strategies across study sites is needed to draw conclusions as to the ultimate factors behind alliance formation. As such, chapter one documents the inclusion of a new study site in the St. Johns River (SJR) in Northeast Florida where males form first and second-order alliances. In addition, variables from the SJR are included within a meta-analysis in chapter two, the first systematic examination of what variables correlate with alliance presence and complexity, with the conclusion that male-male competition best describes the patterns seen in male alliance formation. Chapter three builds upon this conclusion by examining seasonal trends in tooth rake marks, a proxy for aggression, across the sexes and males of two different mating strategies, ultimately highlighting the potential for non-reproductive aggression. Together, this work provides greater insight as to the social structure and mating patterns of bottlenose dolphins, as well as to the ecological pressures that result in complex sociality.

Vers une musique hantologique instrumentale : réflexions sur l’écriture technomorphe dans le contexte de la musique instrumentale contemporaine

Alary, Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche aborde la notion d’écriture technomorphe dans la musique contemporaine. Ce procédé, consistant à transposer des modèles électroniques dans la domaine instrumental, est apparu peu après la création des studios de la Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) et du Groupe de Recherche Musicale (GRM). Au cours de ce mémoire, nous verrons l’origine et l’évolution de cette écriture, ses possibles formes ainsi que des exemples de sa dissémination dans la musique contemporaine. Nous présenterons également quatre oeuvres, réalisées dans le cadre de la maîtrise, proposant l’idée de musique hantologique instrumentale, écriture technomorphe inspirée par les artéfacts audio venant de la défectuosité des supports d’enregistrement analogiques et numériques. / This research explores the notion of technomorphic writing in contemporary music. This process, consisting of transposing electronic models into instrumental music, appeared shortly after the creation of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) and Groupe de Recherche Musicale (GRM) studios. This dissertation addresses the origin and evolution of this approach, its possible forms and examples of its dissemination in contemporary music. Four new pieces, created during this master's degree, further explore the idea of hauntological instrumental music, inspired by audio artifacts from the defective analog and digital recording media.

Natural Innocence in "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the Nick Adams Stories, and "The Old Man and the Sea"

Hall, Robert L. (Robert Lee), 1956- 05 1900 (has links)
Hemingway claims in Green Hills of Africa that "all modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn." If this basic idea is applied to his own work, elements of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn appear in some of Hemingway's Nick Adams stories and his novel The Old Man and the Sea. All major characters and several minor characters in these works share the quality of natural innocence, composed of their primitivism, sensibility, and active morality. Hemingway's Nick, Santiago, and Manolin, and Twain's Huck Finn and Jim reflect their authors' similar backgrounds and experiences and themselves come from similar environments. These environments are directly related to their continued possession and expression of their natural innocence.

Supplemental Studies for Mastering Extended Techniques in Three Late Twentieth-Century Works for Solo Trombone: Luciano Berio's Sequenza V, Folke Rabe's Basta and Mark Phillips' T. Rex, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Wagenseil, Grøndahl, Gotkovsky, and Others

Scott, Deb 05 1900 (has links)
Many, if not most, student trombonists have perhaps had little or no previous experience with "extended techniques"-novel or unconventional modes of sound production. To address this deficiency of experience, this document sets forth a progressive sequence of descriptive explanations and supplementary studies, which are specifically designed to assist trombonists in mastering the particular extended techniques that will prepare them to perform three of the most popular late Twentieth-Century pieces for trombone that include extended techniques-Luciano Berio's Sequenza V, Folke Rabe's Basta, and Mark Phillips' T.Rex. Following the introductory chapter, the body of the document consists of three chapters, each of which deals with one of the three solos, presenting descriptive explanations of relevant extended techniques interspersed with performance commentary (solicited from prominent trombonists) and supplementary studies (composed by the author). The studies presented in each chapter are specifically geared toward mastering the extended techniques as they relate to the music of each particular solo. They are also especially focused toward learning the more difficult passages of music in each solo.

Site-specificity in The educators new clothes by Mark Rautenbach / Mošomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego ka go bkogabo bjo bo bitšwago The educators new clothes ka Mark Rautenbach / Plekspesifisiteit in The educator's new clothes deur Mark Rautenbach

Cloete, Zelda 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with summaries and keywords in English, Sesotho and Afrikaans / This study is an enquiry into how The educator’s new clothes by Mark Rautenbach is an example of site-specific art. The aim is to demonstrate how boundaries in TENC become blurred between site-specific performance, other art forms, and every-day activities. The key concepts explored are: Rautenbach’s approach to the concept of site, the connections that develop between his performance and each site that he travels to; his use of the art gallery and viewer participation. Through literature study relevant theory is explored, and several arguments are applied in a selective manner to my analysis of TENC. Various International and South African site-specific artworks are discussed as an indication of how site-specificity can be applied in alternative ways. In October 2017 I installed GREENER?, a site-specific exhibition in the UNISA Art gallery. The works on the show underline the theoretical findings and highlight the flexible application of theory relating to site-specificity. / Dinyakišišo tše ke phatišišo mabapi le seo se dirago bokgabo bja The educator’s new clothes (TENC) ka Mark Rautenbach go ba mohlala wa bokgabo bja lefelong le itšego. Maikemišetšo ke go laetša ka fao ka go TENC mellwane magareng ga mošomo wa ka lefelong le mehuta ye mengwe ya bokgabo le mediro ya ka mehla di thomago go se sa bonagala gabotse. Mareo ao a šomišwago ke: mokgwa wa Rautenbach go kgopolo ya lefelo, dikgokagano tše di hlamegago magareng ga phethagatšo ya ya gagwe ya mošomo le lefelo le lengwe le le lengwe leo a yago go lona, tšhomišo ya gagwe ya kalari ya tša bokgabo le go kgatha tema ga babogedi. Ka go diriša dingwalwa teori ya maleba e a utollwa, gomme dintlha tše mmalwa di a dirišwa ka mokgwa wa go kgetha go tshekatsheko ya ka ya TENC. Mešomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego ya mehutahuta e a ahlaahlwa bjalo ka kutollo ya ka fao bokgabo bja ka mafelong bo ka dirišwago ka ditsela tše dingwe. Ka Oktoboro 2017 ke hlomile GREENER?, e lego pontšho ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego, ka Kalaring ya Bokgabo ya ka Unisa. Mešomo ye e bontšhitšwego e laeditše dikutollo tša teori le go laetša tirišo ye e fetogago ya teori mabapi le mešomo ya bokgabo ya ka lefelong le itšego. / Hierdie studie behels ʼn ondersoek na wat van The educator’s new clothes (TENC) deur Mark Rautenbach plekspesifieke kuns maak. Die oogmerk is om aan te toon hoe die grense tussen plekspesifieke uitvoering, ander kunsvorme en daaglikse bedrywighede vervaag. Die kernkonsepte wat verken word, is Rautenbach se beskouing van die konsep van plek, die verband tussen sy uitvoering en elke plek waarheen hy reis, sy aanwending van ʼn kunsgalery, en kykerdeelname. Die tersaaklike teorie word aan die hand van ʼn literatuurstudie verken, en ʼn aantal argumente word op selektiewe wyse op my ontleding van TENC toegepas. Verskeie internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse plekspesifieke kunswerke word bespreek as ʼn verkenning van hoe plekspesifisiteit op ander maniere toegepas word. Ek het in Oktober 2017 ʼn plekspesifieke uitstalling met die titel GREENER? in die Unisa Kunsgalery gehou. Die werke wat uitgestal is, onderstreep die teoretiese bevindings en vestig die aandag op die buigsame toepassing van die teorie in verband met plekspesifisiteit. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.V.A.

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