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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití powerpointových prezentací v hodinách zeměpisu / Powerpoint presentation usage in geography education

Mrázová, Marcela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis studies using PowerPoint presentation in geography teaching, especially for the impact of visualized substance on the effectiveness of teaching. The theoretical part is followed by questionnaire survey to monitor the current situation in Czech schools. Students and teachers of Geography were asked if they are computer users and how are their subjective views and experiences of using PowerPoint in teaching. I also examined the technical background of Czech schools and whether there is even possible to use audio-visual technology in education. I also asked which teaching method was preferred by students and whether they prefered the lessons with PowerPoint presentations. The numer of 62 teachers and 283 students were participants in this survey. Most of them is an ordinary computer user. PowerPoint presentations are often used in Geography. Their opinion of using powerpoint presentations in lessons is rather positive. The most popular method among students is an interpretation, which corresponds with the most common PowerPoint usage. The second part of the thesis includes qualitative research of effectiveness using PowerPoint in Geography lessons. In two parallel classes, there were teached substance, which has been visualized by PowerPoint presentation in one class and by any analog...

Утицај етничке припадности учитеља на реализацију друштвених садржаја у настави природе и друштва / Uticaj etničke pripadnosti učitelja na realizaciju društvenih sadržaja u nastavi prirode i društva / THE IMPACT OF A TEACHER'S ETHNIC LEGALITY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL CONTENTS IN TEACHING NATURAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES

Cvijanović Đorđe 28 September 2018 (has links)
<p>У раду су истражене релације између садржаја у<br />наставним програмима и уџбеницима наставе<br />природе и друштва у односу на ставове учитеља<br />различите етничке припадности. У склопу тако<br />реализованог истраживања, утврђена је структура<br />садржаја у програмима разредне наставе, који се<br />односе на област природе и друштва у Србији,<br />Хрватској и Босни и Херцеговини. Након тога,<br />анализирани су ставови учитеља о другим<br />(суседним) народима, не само у паралели са<br />наставним садржајима и коришћеним уџбеницима,<br />већ и на нивоу њихове кореспонденције са<br />практично коришћеним наставним методама и<br />дидактичко-методичким принципима. Посебна<br />истраживачка пажња посвећена је поступцима, који<br />пружају могућност учитељима да у важнијим<br />аспектима доживљаја националног идентитета<br />формирају став о одређеним садржајима наставе<br />природе и друштва везаним за свој народ и друге<br />народе из региона. Овако постављен дијагностички<br />приступ био је неопходан, нарочито због тога што<br />је омогућио да се идентификују важнији елементи<br />на пољу мишљења и социјалног опажања, на шта<br />ставови директно утичу, а у сврху побољшања<br />васпитно-образовног рада са ученицима.<br />Преиспитани су односи и међусобно разумевање<br />култура српског, хрватског и бошњачког народа.<br />Циљ емпиријског дела био је да се утврде ставови и<br />утицаји учитеља различите етничке припадности<br />према реализацији друштвених садржаја наставе<br />природе и друштва. Резултатима истраживања<br />констатовано је да етничка припадност учитеља не<br />утиче на реализацију садржаја наставе природе и<br />друштва. Резултати говоре и у прилог основне<br />претпоставке истраживања да се учитељи,<br />припадници сваког испитиваног ентитета,<br />статистички значајно разликују у ставовима иначину реализације друштвених садржаја наставе<br />природе и друштва. Закључује се да извор за<br />ослобађање од многих предрасуда, пре свега<br />етничких, треба тражити у адекватном васпитнообразовном процесу, у коме су главни актери<br />васпитања и образовања учитељи.</p> / <p>U radu su istražene relacije između sadržaja u<br />nastavnim programima i udžbenicima nastave<br />prirode i društva u odnosu na stavove učitelja<br />različite etničke pripadnosti. U sklopu tako<br />realizovanog istraživanja, utvrđena je struktura<br />sadržaja u programima razredne nastave, koji se<br />odnose na oblast prirode i društva u Srbiji,<br />Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Nakon toga,<br />analizirani su stavovi učitelja o drugim<br />(susednim) narodima, ne samo u paraleli sa<br />nastavnim sadržajima i korišćenim udžbenicima,<br />već i na nivou njihove korespondencije sa<br />praktično korišćenim nastavnim metodama i<br />didaktičko-metodičkim principima. Posebna<br />istraživačka pažnja posvećena je postupcima, koji<br />pružaju mogućnost učiteljima da u važnijim<br />aspektima doživljaja nacionalnog identiteta<br />formiraju stav o određenim sadržajima nastave<br />prirode i društva vezanim za svoj narod i druge<br />narode iz regiona. Ovako postavljen dijagnostički<br />pristup bio je neophodan, naročito zbog toga što<br />je omogućio da se identifikuju važniji elementi<br />na polju mišljenja i socijalnog opažanja, na šta<br />stavovi direktno utiču, a u svrhu poboljšanja<br />vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa učenicima.<br />Preispitani su odnosi i međusobno razumevanje<br />kultura srpskog, hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda.<br />Cilj empirijskog dela bio je da se utvrde stavovi i<br />uticaji učitelja različite etničke pripadnosti<br />prema realizaciji društvenih sadržaja nastave<br />prirode i društva. Rezultatima istraživanja<br />konstatovano je da etnička pripadnost učitelja ne<br />utiče na realizaciju sadržaja nastave prirode i<br />društva. Rezultati govore i u prilog osnovne<br />pretpostavke istraživanja da se učitelji,<br />pripadnici svakog ispitivanog entiteta,<br />statistički značajno razlikuju u stavovima inačinu realizacije društvenih sadržaja nastave<br />prirode i društva. Zaključuje se da izvor za<br />oslobađanje od mnogih predrasuda, pre svega<br />etničkih, treba tražiti u adekvatnom vaspitnoobrazovnom procesu, u kome su glavni akteri<br />vaspitanja i obrazovanja učitelji.</p> / <p>The paper examines the relations between the content in curricula and the content in textbooks of teaching natural and social studies with respect to the attitudes of the teachers of different ethnic backgrounds. Within the framework of this research the content structure in the class teaching curricula, which is related to the field of natural and social studies in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, was determined. After that, the teachers&rsquo; attitudes were analyzed, not only in parallel with the teaching contents and the textbooks used, but also at the level of their correspondence with practically used teaching methods and didactical-methodical principles. Special research attention is devoted to the procedures that provide teachers with the opportunity to formulate a view on certain contents of teaching natural and social studies related to their nation and other nations from the region in the most important aspects of the experience of national identity. The diagnostic approach outlined in this way would be necessary, especially because it enables the identification of more important elements in the field of thinking and social perception, which are directly influenced by the attitudes, and with the aim of improving educational work with students. Relations and mutual understanding of the cultures of the Serbian, Croatian and Bosniak peoples are reviewed. The aim of the empirical work is to determine the attitudes and influences of teachers of different ethnic backgrounds on the realization of social contents of teaching natural and social studies. It has been found that the ethnicity of a teacher does not influence the realization of the content of teaching natural and social studies. The results also speak in favour of the basic assumption of the research, which is that the teachers, the members of each examined ethniciity, significantly differ in the attitudes and the manners of realization of social contents of teaching natural and social studies from statistical point of view. It is concluded that a&nbsp;starting point of removing many prejudices, primarily ethnic ones, should be sought in an adequate educational process, in which the main actors of education are teachers.</p>

Event-технологии в методике преподавания русского языка как иностранного : магистерская диссертация / Event-technologies in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Шилин, Б. А., Shilin, B. A. January 2020 (has links)
Проведенное исследование посвящено изучению event-технологий в методике преподавания русского языка как иностранного на примере фестиваля русского языка «Кириллица-Fest». В первой главе изучены точки зрения специалистов на наиболее распространенные подходы к обучению иностранным языкам, в частности, русскому. В практической части рассмотрены российско-монгольские отношения, статус русского языка в Монголии, подробно проанализирован фестиваль русского языка «Кириллица-Fest» на соответствие критериям event-мероприятия. Описаны принципы и приемы обучения русскому языку в рамках фестиваля. Практическая польза работы заключается в потенциале задействования данной методики в подобных образовательных мероприятиях. / The research is focused on review of event-technologies in the methodic of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the example of «Cyrillic-Fest». The first part examines the views of specialists on the most common approaches to teaching foreign languages, especially Russian. The practical part adresses Russian-Mongolian relations, the status of the Russian language in Mongolia, festival of the Russian language and its conform to the criteria of event-technologies. The principles and techniques of teaching the Russian language in the framework of the festival are described. The practical benefit is in the potential for involving this technique in educational events.

The application of OBE principles in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase

Babane, Maurice Thembhani 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the application of OBE principles such as the learner-centred approach, teacher facilitation and integration of knowledge in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase. The study was conducted in Vhembe and Mopani District in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Data were collected through observation, an interview schedule and documentary analysis. The constructivist grounded theory provided a theoretical framework for this study. Data were analysed simultaneously with the data-collection process informed by the constructivist grounded theory. This investigation revealed that teachers do not apply the investigated OBE principles in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase. Instead, they still teach in the manner they used before the introduction of the OBE approach. There were many reasons advanced by teachers for their failure to apply these principles in their teachings. A lack of knowledge and skills necessary to apply this new approach was prevalent. This lack of knowledge could be attributed to the inadequate teacher training received and noncommitment to OBE approach by the teachers. The study found that the investigated principles were not applied because of a lack of application strategies, the failure to interpret policy documents and resistance to change by teachers. In view of the findings in this study, the researcher deemed it imperative to make recommendations which could be used for further studies in order to achieve the proper application of OBE principles in the teaching of African languages. / D. Ed. (Didactics) / Educational Studies

An investigation into the solving of polynomial equations and the implications for secondary school mathematics

Maharaj, Aneshkumar 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the possibilities and implications for the teaching of the solving of polynomial equations. It is historically directed and also focusses on the working procedures in algebra which target the cognitive and affective domains. The teaching implications of the development of representational styles of equations and their solving procedures are noted. Since concepts in algebra can be conceived as processes or objects this leads to cognitive obstacles, for example: a limited view of the equal sign, which result in learning and reasoning problems. The roles of sense-making, visual imagery, mental schemata and networks in promoting meaningful understanding are scrutinised. Questions and problems to solve are formulated to promote the processes associated with the solving of polynomial equations, and the solving procedures used by a group of college students are analysed. A teaching model/method, which targets the cognitive and affective domains, is presented. / Mathematics Education / M.A. (Mathematics Education)

The responsiveness of social studies teacher training curriculum towards democratic citizenship education in Botswana

Oats, Reginald 02 1900 (has links)
This is a qualitative interpretive study undertaken through a case study design. The study was carried out to investigate the responsiveness of Social Studies teacher training curriculum towards democratic citizenship education (DCE) with two colleges of education (primary) in Botswana, and the University of Botswana. The following instruments were used as a means to gather data: individual interviews, group interviews, qualitative-questionnaire and document analysis. The participants for the study were drawn from colleges of education Social Studies lecturers and student-teachers with Social Studies as a major subject and the University of Botswana lecturers in the Faculty of Education. The study was inspired by the quest for democratisation of the school system in Botswana through a responsive curriculum. Botswana is dubbed a shining example of democracy, yet active participation of citizens in the national agenda is far to be admired. The best genesis for this enormous task is with teacher training because teachers play a pivotal role in transforming the society through the diffusion of requisite knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes. Thus, this argument positions this study to explore the responsiveness of teacher training curriculum at primary teacher training colleges towards DCE. This study was informed by the constructivist perspective on education and teaching. Constructivism is defined by Darforth and Smith (2005) as a broad set of interrelated theories that suggest that knowledge is human creation. This means that, the ideas, attitudes and practices referred to as constructivism are about how humans who learn by building knowledge cooperatively through social interaction and application of prior knowledge in a continual interpretation of ongoing experiences. Moreover, this explains that people explore events and environments, interact among themselves and confront situations and challenge they encounter. The findings of the study show that the teaching of DCE at colleges of education has not been successful as was expected. Firstly, according to the participants, the curriculum does not have adequate content on DCE. Secondly, the values of DCE which are capable of developing student-teachers to be effective citizenship education teachers are not well included in the syllabus. Thirdly, college lecturers believe in active methods of teaching for DCE but perform the opposite in their classes. Lastly, colleges have a lot of challenges that hamper effective transmission of DCE. These range from lack of appropriate educational material for DCE to college leadership that does not recognise the voices of the students in decision making. This study, however, recognises efforts made by colleges to train formidable Social Studies teachers for the transmission of DCE. The study elevates an argument that in-service teachers need support in their effort to transmit DCE to pupils in primary schools. Thus, in the light of the pervasive influence of findings from this study I recommend that policy makers and curriculum planners should consider updating lecturers about the type of Social Studies teacher they are expected to produce. Also I recommend that colleges should review their study materials to align them to the ideals of DCE, with a view to fill the gaps and deficiencies that exist in some topics. Lastly, the study concludes by raising an essential argument that with the current teacher training curriculum and classroom atmosphere in colleges of education, Botswana’s goal of training effective and functional citizenry is an illusion. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum studies)

Les professeurs de l'université de Paris au XIXème siècle et le droit romain / The professors at the university of Paris in the XIXth century and roman law

Ducret, Patricia 16 November 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche sur les professeurs de droit romain à l’Université de Paris au XIXe siècle tente de démontrer la constitution d’une école historique. La prosopographie met en lumière le milieu géographique et social des professeurs par le biais des contrats de mariage, des déclarations de successions et des inventaires après décès. Après avoir examiné la vie privée des romanistes, nous avons étudié leur parcours depuis leurs études doctorales jusqu’à l’obtention d’une chaire, en observant le mode d’accès au professorat. Nous avons aussi voulu mettre en exergue leur choix de carrière : la recherche, l’enseignement, la carrière administrative, la pratique juridique, la magistrature ou la politique. Enfin, nous voulions déterminer dans quelle mesure il existait une école historique chez les romanistes, malgré le carcan exégétique. Pour cela nous les avons dissociés des civilistes et avons recherché leurs spécificités puisqu’ils s’en différenciaient dans leurs conceptions et méthodes d’enseignement, comme en témoigne leur production scientifique. Nos sources nous ont conduite à puiser dans le vaste patrimoine que constituent leurs oeuvres pour déterminer les domaines du droit romain qu’ils privilégiaient. Les romanistes ont réussi à faire triompher une méthode évolutive, même sous l’emprise exégétique, pour constituer progressivement ce que nous appelons une « école historique romaniste / Our research concerning the professors of Roman Law at the University of Paris in the XIXth century attempts to demonstrate the emergence of a historical school of thought. It’s prosoprography that brings to light the Professors’ geographical and social environment through marriage contracts,declarations of inheritance and inventories after death. After examining at the Romanists’ private life,we studied both their career paths from their PhD studies up to their professorships and the means of access to this Professorship.We also intended to highlight their career choices : research, teaching,administrative responsibilities, practice of law, judiciary or politics. Finally, we aimed to determine the extent to which a Romanist historical school of thought existed in spite of the exegetical straightjacket. To reach that goal, we separated them from the Civilists and looked at their own specificities as they differed in both the conception and the methods of teaching as shown by their scientific output. Our sources led us to draw on their works to determine which fields of Roman Law they would have favoured. The Romanists succeeded in ensuring the triumph of an evolutionary approach, despite being under an exegetical constraint, which gradually built up to what we can definitively call a “Romanist historical school of thought

The responsiveness of social studies teacher training curriculum towards democratic citizenship education in Botswana

Oats, Reginald 02 1900 (has links)
This is a qualitative interpretive study undertaken through a case study design. The study was carried out to investigate the responsiveness of Social Studies teacher training curriculum towards democratic citizenship education (DCE) with two colleges of education (primary) in Botswana, and the University of Botswana. The following instruments were used as a means to gather data: individual interviews, group interviews, qualitative-questionnaire and document analysis. The participants for the study were drawn from colleges of education Social Studies lecturers and student-teachers with Social Studies as a major subject and the University of Botswana lecturers in the Faculty of Education. The study was inspired by the quest for democratisation of the school system in Botswana through a responsive curriculum. Botswana is dubbed a shining example of democracy, yet active participation of citizens in the national agenda is far to be admired. The best genesis for this enormous task is with teacher training because teachers play a pivotal role in transforming the society through the diffusion of requisite knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes. Thus, this argument positions this study to explore the responsiveness of teacher training curriculum at primary teacher training colleges towards DCE. This study was informed by the constructivist perspective on education and teaching. Constructivism is defined by Darforth and Smith (2005) as a broad set of interrelated theories that suggest that knowledge is human creation. This means that, the ideas, attitudes and practices referred to as constructivism are about how humans who learn by building knowledge cooperatively through social interaction and application of prior knowledge in a continual interpretation of ongoing experiences. Moreover, this explains that people explore events and environments, interact among themselves and confront situations and challenge they encounter. The findings of the study show that the teaching of DCE at colleges of education has not been successful as was expected. Firstly, according to the participants, the curriculum does not have adequate content on DCE. Secondly, the values of DCE which are capable of developing student-teachers to be effective citizenship education teachers are not well included in the syllabus. Thirdly, college lecturers believe in active methods of teaching for DCE but perform the opposite in their classes. Lastly, colleges have a lot of challenges that hamper effective transmission of DCE. These range from lack of appropriate educational material for DCE to college leadership that does not recognise the voices of the students in decision making. This study, however, recognises efforts made by colleges to train formidable Social Studies teachers for the transmission of DCE. The study elevates an argument that in-service teachers need support in their effort to transmit DCE to pupils in primary schools. Thus, in the light of the pervasive influence of findings from this study I recommend that policy makers and curriculum planners should consider updating lecturers about the type of Social Studies teacher they are expected to produce. Also I recommend that colleges should review their study materials to align them to the ideals of DCE, with a view to fill the gaps and deficiencies that exist in some topics. Lastly, the study concludes by raising an essential argument that with the current teacher training curriculum and classroom atmosphere in colleges of education, Botswana’s goal of training effective and functional citizenry is an illusion. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum studies)

Analýza čtenářské úrovně žáků 1. - 3. ročníků se zaměřením na genetickou metodu čtení / Analysis of Pupils' Reading Level in 1st - 3rd Grade Focused on the Evolutionary Reading

FRČKOVÁ, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the teaching of the first reading focused on the Genetic method. It is divided into theoretical and research part. The theoretical part contains an overview of currently used methods of teaching reading. The Genetic method is described from the historical and present point of view. Also included are an overview of available textbooks for teaching this method. Also it deals with the basic features of reading performance, with the reading level of pupils through diagnostic examinations and with working with lagging readers. The research part deals with the analysis of reading level of pupils of the 1st - 3rd year of the Genetic method. The analysis was performed using diagnostic examinations, which were recorded and subsequently analyzed on the basis of basic reading characters. The research is focused primarily on mistakes against the qualities of reading, which are detailed and compared.

The application of OBE principles in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase

Babane, Maurice Thembhani 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the application of OBE principles such as the learner-centred approach, teacher facilitation and integration of knowledge in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase. The study was conducted in Vhembe and Mopani District in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Data were collected through observation, an interview schedule and documentary analysis. The constructivist grounded theory provided a theoretical framework for this study. Data were analysed simultaneously with the data-collection process informed by the constructivist grounded theory. This investigation revealed that teachers do not apply the investigated OBE principles in the teaching of African languages in the senior phase. Instead, they still teach in the manner they used before the introduction of the OBE approach. There were many reasons advanced by teachers for their failure to apply these principles in their teachings. A lack of knowledge and skills necessary to apply this new approach was prevalent. This lack of knowledge could be attributed to the inadequate teacher training received and noncommitment to OBE approach by the teachers. The study found that the investigated principles were not applied because of a lack of application strategies, the failure to interpret policy documents and resistance to change by teachers. In view of the findings in this study, the researcher deemed it imperative to make recommendations which could be used for further studies in order to achieve the proper application of OBE principles in the teaching of African languages. / D. Ed. (Didactics) / Educational Studies

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