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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Point Cloud Registration in Augmented Reality using the Microsoft HoloLens

Kjellén, Kevin January 2018 (has links)
When a Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth camera is used to monitor a region of interest, it has to be mounted correctly and have information regarding its position. Manual configuration currently require managing captured 3D ToF data in a 2D environment, which limits the user and might give rise to errors due to misinterpretation of the data. This thesis investigates if a real time 3D reconstruction mesh from a Microsoft HoloLens can be used as a target for point cloud registration using the ToF data, thus configuring the camera autonomously. Three registration algorithms, Fast Global Registration (FGR), Joint Registration Multiple Point Clouds (JR-MPC) and Prerejective RANSAC, were evaluated for this purpose. It was concluded that despite using different sensors it is possible to perform accurate registration. Also, it was shown that the registration can be done accurately within a reasonable time, compared with the inherent time to perform 3D reconstruction on the Hololens. All algorithms could solve the problem, but it was concluded that FGR provided the most satisfying results, though requiring several constraints on the data.

Contrôle et gestion intelligents d'énergie et de puissance dans les systèmes électriques résidentiels

Guzman, Cristina January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Algorithmes de conception de lois de commande prédictives pour les systèmes de production d’énergie / Control design algorithms for Model-Based Predictive Power Control. Application for Wind Energy

Ngo, Van Quang Binh 22 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à élaborer de nouvelles stratégies de commande basées sur la commande prédictive pour le système de génération d’énergie éolienne. La topologie des systèmes de production éolienne basées sur le Générateur Asynchrone à Double Alimentation (GADA) qui convient à des plateformes de génération dans la gamme de puissance de 1.5 à 6 MW est abordée. Du point de vue technologique, le convertisseur à trois niveaux et clampé par le neutre (3L-NPC) est considéré comme une bonne solution pour une puissance élevée en raison de ses avantages: capacité à réduire la distorsion harmonique de la tension de sortie et du courant, et augmentation de la capacité du convertisseur grâce à une tension réduite appliquée à chaque semi-conducteur de puissance. Une description détaillée de la commande prédictive à ensemble de commande fini (FCS-MPC) avec un horizon de prédiction de deux pas est présentée pour deux boucles de régulation: celle liée au convertisseur connecté au réseau et celle du convertisseur connecté au GADA. Le principe de la commande repose sur l’utilisation d’un modèle de prédiction permettant de prédire le comportement du système pour chaque état de commutation du convertisseur. La minimisation d’une fonction de coût appropriée prédéfinie permet d’obtenir la commutation optimale à appliquer au convertisseur. La thèse étudie premièrement les problèmes liées à la compensation du temps de calcul de la commande et au choix et aux pondérations de la fonction de coût. Ensuite, le problème de stabilité de la commande FCS-MPC est abordé en considérant une fonction de Lyapunov dans la minimisation de la fonction de coût. Finalement, une étude sur la compensation des effets des temps morts du convertisseur est présentée. / This thesis aims to elaborate new control strategies based on Model Predictive control for wind energy generation system. We addressed the topology of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind generation systems which is suitable for generation platform power in the range in 1.5-6 MW. Furthermore, from the technological point of view, the three-level neutral-point clamped (3L-NPC) inverter configuration is considered a good solution for high power due to its advantages: capability to reduce the harmonic distortion of the output voltage and current, and increase the capacity of the converter thanks to a decreased voltage applied to each power semiconductor.In this thesis, we presented a detailed description of finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) with two step horizon for two control schemes: grid and DFIG connected 3L-NPC inverter. The principle of the proposed control scheme is to use system model to predict the behaviour of the system for every switching states of the inverter. Then, the optimal switching state that minimizes an appropriate predefined cost function is selected and applied directly to the inverter.The study of issues such as delay compensation, computational burden and selection of weighting factor are also addressed in this thesis. In addition, the stability problem of FCS-MPC is solved by considering the control Lyapunov function in the design procedure. The latter study is focused on the compensation of dead-time effect of power converter.


Jalil Francisco Chavez Galaviz (17435388) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The growing movement toward sustainable use of ocean resources is driven by the pressing need to alleviate environmental and human stressors on the planet and its oceans. From monitoring the food web to supporting sustainable fisheries and observing environmental shifts to protect against the effects of climate change, ocean observations significantly impact the Blue Economy. Acknowledging the critical role of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) in achieving persistent ocean exploration, this research addresses challenges focusing on the limited energy and storage capacity of AUVs, introducing a comprehensive underwater docking solution with a specific emphasis on enhancing the terminal homing phase through innovative vision algorithms leveraging neural networks.</p><p dir="ltr">The primary goal of this work is to establish a docking procedure that is failure-tolerant, scalable, and systematically validated across diverse environmental conditions. To fulfill this objective, a robust dock detection mechanism has been developed that ensures the resilience of the docking procedure through \comment{an} improved detection in different challenging environmental conditions. Additionally, the study addresses the prevalent issue of data sparsity in the marine domain by artificially generating data using CycleGAN and Artistic Style Transfer. These approaches effectively provide sufficient data for the docking detection algorithm, improving the localization of the docking station.</p><p dir="ltr">Furthermore, this work introduces methods to compress the learned docking detection model without compromising performance, enhancing the efficiency of the overall system. Alongside these advancements, a station-keeping algorithm is presented, enabling the mobile docking station to maintain position and heading while awaiting the arrival of the AUV. To leverage the sensors onboard and to take advantage of the computational resources to their fullest extent, this research has demonstrated the feasibility of simultaneously learning docking detection and marine wildlife classification through multi-task and transfer learning. This multifaceted approach not only tackles the limitations of AUVs' energy and storage capacity but also contributes to the robustness, scalability, and systematic validation of underwater docking procedures, aligning with the broader goals of sustainable ocean exploration and the blue economy.</p>

Methodologies for FPGA Implementation of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Electric Motor Drives

Lao, Alex January 2019 (has links)
Model predictive control is a popular research focus in electric motor control as it allows designers to specify optimization goals and exhibits fast transient response. Availability of faster and more affordable computers makes it possible to implement these algorithms in real-time. Real-time implementation is not without challenges however as these algorithms exhibit high computational complexity. Field-programmable gate arrays are a potential solution to the high computational requirements. However, they can be time-consuming to develop for. In this thesis, we present a methodology that reduces the size and development time of field-programmable gate array based fixed-point model predictive motor controllers using automated numerical analysis, optimization and code generation. The methods can be applied to other domains where model predictive control is used. Here, we demonstrate the benefits of our methodology by using it to build a motor controller at various sampling rates for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, tested in simulation at up to 125 kHz. Performance is then evaluated on a physical test bench with sampling rates up to 35 kHz, limited by the inverter. Our results show that the low latency achievable in our design allows for the exclusion of delay compensation common in other implementations and that automated reduction of numerical precision can allow the controller design to be compacted. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Cooperative wireless channel characterization and modeling: application to body area and cellular networks

Liu, Lingfeng 23 March 2012 (has links)
Cooperative wireless communication is an attractive technique to explore the spatial channel resources by coordination across multiple links, which can greatly improve the communication performance over single links. In this dissertation, we study the cooperative multi-link channel properties by geometric approaches in body area networks (BANs) and cellular networks respectively.<p><p>In the part of BANs, the dynamic narrowband on-body channels under body motions are modeled statistically on their temporal and spatial fading based on anechoic and indoor measurements. Common body scattering is observed to form inter-link correlation between links closely distributed and between links having synchronized movements of communication nodes. An analytical model is developed to explain the physical mechanisms of the dynamic body scattering. The on-body channel impacts to simple cooperation protocols are evaluated based on realistic measurements. <p><p>In the part of cellular networks, the cluster-level multi-link COST 2100 MIMO channel model is developed with concrete modeling concepts, complete parameterization and implementation methods, and a compatible structure for both single-link and multi-link scenarios. The cluster link-commonness is introduced to the model to describe the multi-link properties. The multi-link impacts by the model are also evaluated in a distributed MIMO system by comparing its sum-rate capacity at different ratios of cluster link-commonness. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated Uncertainties

González Querubín, Edwin Alonso 26 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] La gran mayoría de procesos del mundo real tienen incertidumbres inherentes, las cuales, al ser consideradas en el proceso de modelado, se puede obtener una representación que describa con la mayor precisión posible el comportamiento del proceso real. En la mayoría de casos prácticos, se considera que éstas tienen un comportamiento estocástico y sus descripciones como distribuciones de probabilidades son conocidas. Las estrategias de MPC estocástico están desarrolladas para el control de procesos con incertidumbres de naturaleza estocástica, donde el conocimiento de las propiedades estadísticas de las incertidumbres es aprovechado al incluirlo en el planteamiento de un problema de control óptimo (OCP). En éste, y contrario a otros esquemas de MPC, las restricciones duras son relajadas al reformularlas como restricciones de tipo probabilísticas con el fin de reducir el conservadurismo. Esto es, se permiten las violaciones de las restricciones duras originales, pero tales violaciones no deben exceder un nivel de riesgo permitido. La no-convexidad de tales restricciones probabilísticas hacen que el problema de optimización sea prohibitivo, por lo que la mayoría de las estrategias de MPC estocástico en la literatura se diferencian en la forma en que abordan tales restricciones y las incertidumbres, para volver el problema computacionalmente manejable. Por un lado, están las estrategias deterministas que, fuera de línea, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en unas nuevas de tipo deterministas, usando la propagación de las incertidumbres a lo largo del horizonte de predicción para ajustar las restricciones duras originales. Por otra parte, las estrategias basadas en escenarios usan la información de las incertidumbres para, en cada instante de muestreo, generar de forma aleatoria un conjunto de posibles evoluciones de éstas a lo largo del horizonte de predicción. De esta manera, convierten las restricciones probabilísticas en un conjunto de restricciones deterministas que deben cumplirse para todos los escenarios generados. Estas estrategias se destacan por su capacidad de incluir en tiempo real información actualizada de las incertidumbres. No obstante, esta ventaja genera inconvenientes como su gasto computacional, el cual aumenta conforme lo hace el número de escenarios y; por otra parte, el efecto no deseado en el problema de optimización, causado por los escenarios con baja probabilidad de ocurrencia, cuando se usa un conjunto de escenarios pequeño. Los retos mencionados anteriormente orientaron esta tesis hacia los enfoques de MPC estocástico basado en escenarios, produciendo tres contribuciones principales. La primera consiste en un estudio comparativo de un algoritmo del grupo determinista con otro del grupo basado en escenarios; se hace un especial énfasis en cómo cada uno de estos aborda las incertidumbres, transforma las restricciones probabilísticas y en la estructura de su OCP, además de señalar sus aspectos más destacados y desafíos. La segunda contribución es una nueva propuesta de algoritmo MPC, el cual se basa en escenarios condicionales, diseñado para sistemas lineales con incertidumbres correlacionadas. Este esquema aprovecha la existencia de tal correlación para convertir un conjunto de escenarios inicial de gran tamaño en un conjunto de escenarios más pequeño con sus probabilidades de ocurrencia, el cual conserva las características del conjunto inicial. El conjunto reducido es usado en un OCP en el que las predicciones de los estados y entradas del sistema son penalizadas de acuerdo con las probabilidades de los escenarios que las componen, dando menor importancia a los escenarios con menores probabilidades de ocurrencia. La tercera contribución consiste en un procedimiento para la implementación del nuevo algoritmo MPC como gestor de la energía en una microrred en la que las previsiones de las energías renovables y las cargas están correlacionadas. / [CA] La gran majoria de processos del món real tenen incerteses inherents, les quals, en ser considerades en el procés de modelatge, es pot obtenir una representació que descriga amb la major precisió possible el comportament del procés real. En la majoria de casos pràctics, es considera que aquestes tenen un comportament estocàstic i les seues descripcions com a distribucions de probabilitats són conegudes. Les estratègies de MPC estocàstic estan desenvolupades per al control de processos amb incerteses de naturalesa estocàstica, on el coneixement de les propietats estadístiques de les incerteses és aprofitat en incloure'l en el plantejament d'un problema de control òptim (OCP). En aquest, i contrari a altres esquemes de MPC, les restriccions dures són relaxades en reformulades com a restriccions de tipus probabilístiques amb la finalitat de reduir el conservadorisme. Això és, es permeten les violacions de les restriccions dures originals, però tals violacions no han d'excedir un nivell de risc permès. La no-convexitat de tals restriccions probabilístiques fan que el problema d'optimització siga computacionalment immanejable, per la qual cosa la majoria de les estratègies de MPC estocàstic en la literatura es diferencien en la forma en què aborden tals restriccions i les incerteses, per a tornar el problema computacionalment manejable. D'una banda, estan les estratègies deterministes que, fora de línia, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en unes noves de tipus deterministes, usant la propagació de les incerteses al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció per a ajustar les restriccions dures originals. D'altra banda, les estratègies basades en escenaris usen la informació de les incerteses per a, en cada instant de mostreig, generar de manera aleatòria un conjunt de possibles evolucions d'aquestes al llarg de l'horitzó de predicció. D'aquesta manera, converteixen les restriccions probabilístiques en un conjunt de restriccions deterministes que s'han de complir per a tots els escenaris generats. Aquestes estratègies es destaquen per la seua capacitat d'incloure en temps real informació actualitzada de les incerteses. No obstant això, aquest avantatge genera inconvenients com la seua despesa computacional, el qual augmenta conforme ho fa el nombre d'escenaris i; d'altra banda, l'efecte no desitjat en el problema d'optimització, causat pels escenaris amb baixa probabilitat d'ocurrència, quan s'usa un conjunt d'escenaris xicotet. Els reptes esmentats anteriorment van orientar aquesta tesi cap als enfocaments de MPC estocàstic basat en escenaris, produint tres contribucions principals. La primera consisteix en un estudi comparatiu d'un algorisme del grup determinista amb un altre del grup basat en escenaris; on es fa un especial èmfasi en com cadascun d'aquests aborda les incerteses, transforma les restriccions probabilístiques i en l'estructura del seu problema d'optimització, a més d'assenyalar els seus aspectes més destacats i desafiaments. La segona contribució és una nova proposta d'algorisme MPC, el qual es basa en escenaris condicionals, dissenyat per a sistemes lineals amb incerteses correlacionades. Aquest esquema aprofita l'existència de tal correlació per a convertir un conjunt d'escenaris inicial de gran grandària en un conjunt d'escenaris més xicotet amb les seues probabilitats d'ocurrència, el qual conserva les característiques del conjunt inicial. El conjunt reduït és usat en un OCP en el qual les prediccions dels estats i entrades del sistema són penalitzades d'acord amb les probabilitats dels escenaris que les componen, donant menor importància als escenaris amb menors probabilitats d'ocurrència. La tercera contribució consisteix en un procediment per a la implementació del nou algorisme MPC com a gestor de l'energia en una microxarxa en la qual les previsions de les energies renovables i les càrregues estan correlacionades. / [EN] The vast majority of real-world processes have inherent uncertainties, which, when considered in the modelling process, can provide a representation that most accurately describes the behaviour of the real process. In most practical cases, these are considered to have stochastic behaviour and their descriptions as probability distributions are known. Stochastic model predictive control algorithms are developed to control processes with uncertainties of a stochastic nature, where the knowledge of the statistical properties of the uncertainties is exploited by including it in the optimal control problem (OCP) statement. Contrary to other model predictive control (MPC) schemes, hard constraints are relaxed by reformulating them as probabilistic constraints to reduce conservatism. That is, violations of the original hard constraints are allowed, but such violations must not exceed a permitted level of risk. The non-convexity of such probabilistic constraints renders the optimisation problem computationally unmanageable, thus most stochastic MPC strategies in the literature differ in how they deal with such constraints and uncertainties to turn the problem computationally tractable. On the one hand, there are deterministic strategies that, offline, convert probabilistic constraints into new deterministic ones, using the propagation of uncertainties along the prediction horizon to tighten the original hard constraints. Scenario-based approaches, on the other hand, use the uncertainty information to randomly generate, at each sampling instant, a set of possible evolutions of uncertainties over the prediction horizon. In this fashion, they convert the probabilistic constraints into a set of deterministic constraints that must be fulfilled for all the scenarios generated. These strategies stand out for their ability to include real-time updated uncertainty information. However, this advantage comes with inconveniences such as computational effort, which grows as the number of scenarios does, and the undesired effect on the optimisation problem caused by scenarios with a low probability of occurrence when a small set of scenarios is used. The aforementioned challenges steered this thesis toward stochastic scenario-based MPC approaches, and yielded three main contributions. The first one consists of a comparative study of an algorithm from the deterministic group with another one from the scenario-based group, where a special emphasis is made on how each of them deals with uncertainties, transforms the probabilistic constraints and on the structure of the optimisation problem, as well as pointing out their most outstanding aspects and challenges. The second contribution is a new proposal for a MPC algorithm, which is based on conditional scenarios, developed for linear systems with correlated uncertainties. This scheme exploits the existence of such correlation to convert a large initial set of scenarios into a smaller one with their probabilities of occurrence, which preserves the characteristics of the initial set. The reduced set is used in an OCP in which the predictions of the system states and inputs are penalised according to the probabilities of the scenarios that compose them, giving less importance to the scenarios with lower probabilities of occurrence. The third contribution consists of a procedure for the implementation of the new MPC algorithm as an energy manager in a microgrid in which the forecasts of renewables and loads are correlated. / González Querubín, EA. (2024). Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control for Systems with Correlated Uncertainties [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203887

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