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Acometimento da força e da funcionalidade dos membros superiores em pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne em corticoterapia / Influence of force and functionality of the upper limbs in patients with muscular dystrophy duchenne in corticosteroidsMarília Della Corte Peduto 17 October 2008 (has links)
O nosso objetivo foi de avaliar evolutivamente a perda da força muscular e das habilidades motoras, bem como a progressão da distribuição da fraqueza muscular nos diferentes segmentos dos membros superiores em pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne em corticoterapia. Selecionamos seguintes testes de fácil aplicação: Teste de força Manual Muscular Escala Medical Research Council; Teste ABC provas de coordenação visual-motora e fatigabilidade provas n° 1, 3, 7 e 8; Grau funcional de Brooke; Índice de Barthel. Os testes foram aplicados em 40 pacientes com idades entre 5 e 15 anos, deambulantes e não deambulantes, os quais foram avaliados três vezes, com intervalos de seis meses entre cada avaliação. Os resultados mostraram que a progressão da distribuição da força muscular nos membros superiores ocorreu dos segmentos proximais para os distais em todos os pacientes e foi maior nos pacientes não deambulantes e com maior idade. O ato de escrever (pegada no lápis e/ou caneta) não foi influenciado pela progressão; no entanto, o aumento da fatigabilidade foi um fator limitante contribuindo para a redução do ritmo e da qualidade da escrita. O grau funcional de Brooke confirmou a variação das medidas de força muscular e nas atividades de vida diária o nível de dependência foi maior nos pacientes com maior idade, acontecendo nestes compensações funcionais importantes que lhes permitiram realizar a atividade de forma adaptada. / Our aim was to analyze the progression of the involvement of muscle strength and functional motor hability as well as the progression of the weakness pattern in the upper limbs of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who were receiving steroid therapy. We evaluated 40 patients with DMD, aged 5-15 years, by using the following simple tests: MRC score based on the upper limbs muscles; ABC tests number 1, 3, 7 and 8 for assessing visual motor coordination and fatigability; Brooke functional ability scale and modified Barthel index. All boys were evaluated every 6 months along a period of 18 months. The loss of muscular strength showed a proximal to distal progression and was greater in non- ambulant and in older patients. The act of writing (to hold pencil or pen) was not influenced by the progression; however, the fatigability increased and was a limiting factor for the speed and the quality of the hand writing. The Brooke functional ability scale confirmed the changes in the muscular strength. The performance in daily activities showed a greater dependence in the older patients who adopted functional compensations for performing the activities in an adapted way.
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Downlink Transmission Techniques For Multi User Multi Input Multi Output Wireless CommunicationsCoskun, Adem 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Multi-user MIMO (MIMO-MU) communication techniques make use of available channel state information at the transmitter to mitigate the inter-user interference. The goal of these techniques is to provide the least interference at the mobile stations by applying a precoding operation. In this thesis a comparison of available techniques in the literature such as Channel Decomposition, SINR Balancing, Joint-MMSE optimization is presented. Novel techniques for the MIMO multi-user downlink communication systems, where a single stream is transmitted to each user are proposed. The proposed methods, different from the other methods in the literature, use a simple receiver to combat the interference. It has been shown that MRC based receivers are as good as more complicated joint MMSE receivers.
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Systémique Relativisée : essences des conceptualisations relativisées du Réel / Relativized systemic : roots of any relativized conceptualization of RealityBoulouet, Henri 03 October 2014 (has links)
La notion de ‘système’ est omni présente dans nos conceptualisations du Réel et dans l’élaboration de nos projets. L’incapacité de lui conférer pourtant une définition généralement et scientifiquement acceptable questionne les traits les plus profonds de la conceptualisation classique, ceux qui fondent les langages courants, les grammaires et la logique classique. Ces traits sont rigidement liés à la croyance que ce que nous connaissons est ce qui existe ‘vraiment’, tel que nous le connaissons. Or cette croyance est démentie par la microphysique où il apparaît que nous engendrons nos connaissances de fond en comble, aussi bien les ‘entités’ que nous examinons, que les qualifications de celles-ci. La Méthode de Conceptualisation Relativisée (MCR) de M. Mugur-Schächter établit que ces processus d’engendrement sont soumis à des relativisations dont l’explicitation précise les significations et permet de maîtriser les finalités. Il est frappant de percevoir à quel point MCR dissout les ambiguïtés intrinsèques à la notion de système. Mais cette mise au clair implique au préalable la mise en évidence des relativisations qui agissent dans la genèse conceptuelle-factuelle des notions fondamentales de persistance, de continuité, d’état et de causalité. Elle entraine la redéfinition relativisée des concepts de loi de probabilité, d’entropie et de complexité. Le résultat est dénommé Systémique Relativisée (SR). Il possède le caractère d’un infra-cadre méthodologique au développement de méthodes technico-scientifiques spécifiquement adéquates à des domaines d’application particuliers, telle l’Ingénierie Système Relativisée, appliquée à la conception d’artefacts à buts utilitaires. / The idea of ‘system’ is pervasive in our descriptions and in our projects. The impossibility to come up with a generally and scientifically valid definition of this idea touches the most profound features of the classical conceptualization, those that underlie the current languages, the grammars and the classical logic. These features are rigidly tied with the belief that what we know is what ‘really’ exists, such as we know it. But this belief is refuted by microphysics, where it appears that that we create our knowledge entirely, as much the ‘entities’ that we examine as the qualifications of these entities. The Method of Relativized Conceptualisation of M. Mugur-Schächter establishes that the processes of creation of knowledge are subjected to relativizations, and that making them explicit clarifies the involved significances and permit to dominate the finalities. It is surprising to perceive to what a point the relativizations required by the method winds up the ambiguities commonly tied up to the idea of system. But such a clarification requires first to bring into light the relativizations acting in the conceptual-factual genesis of such basic concepts as persistence, continuity, state or causality. It brings about the relativized redefinitions of the concepts oflaw of probability, of entropy and of complexity. The global result is called Relativised Systemic (RS). It possesses the character of a methodological infra-frame for the design of technical-scientific constructivist methods, specifically appropriate for particular domains of application, such as the Relativised System Engineering method (RSE), dedicated to the design of utilitarian artefacts.
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Head Injuries: Risk factors and consequencesLalloo, Ratilal January 2002 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Injuries, and head injuries in particular, are a common cause of childhood, adolescent and young adulthood morbidity and mortality. The risk
factors for injuries in general have been well researched. But it remains uncertain whether these factors are similar for specific injuries, such as head injuries. The inter-relationships between individual and environmental risk factors are difficult to study. Whilst much is know of
the short-term consequences of head injuries, relatively little information is available on their long-term conseque~ces. The follow-up period in most research is short (often less than 1 year) and studies are weak in terms of design. Studies generally find a variety of social, cognitive and psychological consequences in children and young adults experiencing head injuries. This study assessed in two large, nationally representative samples, a 1946 birth cohort and a 1997 cross-sectional health survey: 1) the occurrence and risk factors for childhood, adolescent and early adulthood head and other injuries, and 2) the long-term cognitive and psychiatric effects of skull injuries. The overall findings for the risk factors across the two data sets and over 5 decades of data collection were strikingly similar. Maleness was a major
risk factor for the head and other injuries. Some of the behaviour and personality factors such as hyperactivity and being neurotic, even after
adjusting for sex, socioeconomic status and family type, remained significantly related to injuries, particularly those affecting the head
region. A clustering of demographic, socioeconomic, family and behavioural risk factors significantly increased the likelihood of injuries,
particularly recurring injuries with at least one being a head injury. In the unadjusted analyses socioeconomic status and family type were less
consistently related to injuries. The long-term psychiatric and cognitive consequences of skull injuries causing concussion and skull fractures in childhood and early adulthood were negligible. Other childhood factors such as educational ability, behaviour and personality, and level of education achieved were more predictive of psychiatric symptoms and cognitive problems in adulthood. This study suggests that children and adolescents with behavioural and personality problems were at greater risk of head and other injuries in childhood, adolescence and later in adulthood. Children and adolescents with behavioural and personality problems were more likely to live in manual social class families and families with a single parent or stepparent. This combination of behavioural problems and deprived socioeconomic and family circumstances may increase tendencies for violent behaviour, alcohol dependence and manual occupations later in adulthood, which all increase the risk of injuries. There is therefore a need to identify children and adolescents with behavioural and personality problems as early as possible to prevent the impact in the short- and longterm. This will not only reduce the burden of injuries but also the many other consequence of behavioural and personality problems, particularly when located within deprived socioeconomic and family circumstances.
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Le périmètre métropolitain du Grand Montréal, son évolution, son encadrement et ses potentialités : le cas de la Couronne NordGillis, Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
Le nouveau contexte de planification du Grand Montréal engendré par la Loi
modifiant la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme et d’autres dispositions
législatives concernant les communautés métropolitaines (L.Q. 2010, c. 10) soulève
un grand nombre de questions en matière d’aménagement, notamment par rapport à
la gestion de l’urbanisation et plus spécifiquement en ce qui a trait à la notion de
périmètre d’urbanisation. Ce nouveau contexte de planification est donc l’élément
déclencheur de la présente recherche qui vise à examiner la conception du
périmètre métropolitain définie dans le Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de
développement (PMAD) adopté par la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal
(CMM) et qui est entré en vigueur le 12 mars 2012, suite à l’avis favorable du
gouvernement du Québec. Cette recherche vise également à examiner
l’encadrement du périmètre métropolitain en fonction du contenu des schémas
d’aménagement et de développement (SAD) en vigueur des cinq municipalités
régionales de compté (MRC) de la Couronne Nord. Plus précisément, il s’agit
d’examiner ces documents en ce qui a trait à quatre outils de planification
complémentaires, soit les seuils minimaux de densité, les programmes de phasage,
les plans de développement de la zone agricole et les demandes à portée collective,
ceci afin d’évaluer leur présence et leur contribution à l’atteinte des objectifs
poursuivis par le concept de périmètre d’urbanisation. La présente recherche a
permis de conclure qu’en matière de conception, le périmètre métropolitain est un
outil nettement plus stratégique, comparativement au rôle attribué à cette notion au
préalable dans les schémas régionaux, et ce, même considérant le peu de
complémentarité entre les périmètres régionaux et ce dernier. En matière
d’encadrement, il est possible de conclure que le contexte de planification révèle une
situation régionale hautement variable qui illustre le besoin d’une approche de
planification commune afin d’atteindre les objectifs du périmètre métropolitain. / The new planning framework created by The Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other legislative provisions concerning metropolitan communities (S.Q. 2010, c. 10) raises a number of questions about land use issues, notably with regards to growth management and more specifically with the concept of urban growth boundaries. In light of the new planning framework, the aim of this research is to assess the design of Greater Montreal’s Metropolitan Growth Boundary as defined in The Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (PMAD) adopted by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) and which came into effect on March 12, 2012, following approval of the Québec government. This paper will also look at the management of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary within the new planning framework by focusing on the content of The Land Use and Development Plan (SAD) in force in the five Regional County Municipalities (RCM) of Greater Montreal’s North Shore. The regional planning documents will be examined with regards to four complementary planning tools (Minimum Density Thresholds, Phased Growth Programs, Agricultural Development Plans and Demands of Collective Scope) in order to ascertain whether the tools were used and if so, whether they contribute to supporting the Metropolitan Growth Boundary objectives. This research finds that, in terms of its design, even considering the lack of synchronization between regional growth boundaries and the Metropolitan Growth Boundary, the Metropolitan Growth Boundary is now a much more strategic tool than the previous regional incarnations within the regional Land Use and Development Plans. As well, in terms of the management of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary, it is possible to conclude that due to a highly variable planning situation, the regional planning framework highlights the need for a common planning approach in order to achieve the objectives of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary.
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Le périmètre métropolitain du Grand Montréal, son évolution, son encadrement et ses potentialités : le cas de la Couronne NordGillis, Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
Le nouveau contexte de planification du Grand Montréal engendré par la Loi
modifiant la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme et d’autres dispositions
législatives concernant les communautés métropolitaines (L.Q. 2010, c. 10) soulève
un grand nombre de questions en matière d’aménagement, notamment par rapport à
la gestion de l’urbanisation et plus spécifiquement en ce qui a trait à la notion de
périmètre d’urbanisation. Ce nouveau contexte de planification est donc l’élément
déclencheur de la présente recherche qui vise à examiner la conception du
périmètre métropolitain définie dans le Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de
développement (PMAD) adopté par la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal
(CMM) et qui est entré en vigueur le 12 mars 2012, suite à l’avis favorable du
gouvernement du Québec. Cette recherche vise également à examiner
l’encadrement du périmètre métropolitain en fonction du contenu des schémas
d’aménagement et de développement (SAD) en vigueur des cinq municipalités
régionales de compté (MRC) de la Couronne Nord. Plus précisément, il s’agit
d’examiner ces documents en ce qui a trait à quatre outils de planification
complémentaires, soit les seuils minimaux de densité, les programmes de phasage,
les plans de développement de la zone agricole et les demandes à portée collective,
ceci afin d’évaluer leur présence et leur contribution à l’atteinte des objectifs
poursuivis par le concept de périmètre d’urbanisation. La présente recherche a
permis de conclure qu’en matière de conception, le périmètre métropolitain est un
outil nettement plus stratégique, comparativement au rôle attribué à cette notion au
préalable dans les schémas régionaux, et ce, même considérant le peu de
complémentarité entre les périmètres régionaux et ce dernier. En matière
d’encadrement, il est possible de conclure que le contexte de planification révèle une
situation régionale hautement variable qui illustre le besoin d’une approche de
planification commune afin d’atteindre les objectifs du périmètre métropolitain. / The new planning framework created by The Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other legislative provisions concerning metropolitan communities (S.Q. 2010, c. 10) raises a number of questions about land use issues, notably with regards to growth management and more specifically with the concept of urban growth boundaries. In light of the new planning framework, the aim of this research is to assess the design of Greater Montreal’s Metropolitan Growth Boundary as defined in The Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (PMAD) adopted by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) and which came into effect on March 12, 2012, following approval of the Québec government. This paper will also look at the management of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary within the new planning framework by focusing on the content of The Land Use and Development Plan (SAD) in force in the five Regional County Municipalities (RCM) of Greater Montreal’s North Shore. The regional planning documents will be examined with regards to four complementary planning tools (Minimum Density Thresholds, Phased Growth Programs, Agricultural Development Plans and Demands of Collective Scope) in order to ascertain whether the tools were used and if so, whether they contribute to supporting the Metropolitan Growth Boundary objectives. This research finds that, in terms of its design, even considering the lack of synchronization between regional growth boundaries and the Metropolitan Growth Boundary, the Metropolitan Growth Boundary is now a much more strategic tool than the previous regional incarnations within the regional Land Use and Development Plans. As well, in terms of the management of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary, it is possible to conclude that due to a highly variable planning situation, the regional planning framework highlights the need for a common planning approach in order to achieve the objectives of the Metropolitan Growth Boundary.
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Systémy dálkového měření v energetice / Systems for remote measurement in power engineeringHudec, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the measurement and management in power. Provides an introduction to the problems of remote meter reading, management, and describes the current situation in the field of modern technologies Smart metering and Smart grids. It also analyzed the issue of collection of networks and data collection from a large number of meters over a wide area. For the purpose of data transmission are described GPRS, PLC, DSL, ... Further, there are given options to streamline communication. This area is used hierarchical aggregation. Using k-means algorithm is a program designed to calculate the number of concentrators and their location in the group of meters. The finished program is written in Java. It has a graphical interface and shows how the calculation is conducted. To verify the results of the optimization program is given simulation model in OPNET Modeler tool. Audited results are described in the conclusion and can deduce that using the optimization program is to streamline communications.
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The Kamchay Hydropower Project -Hydropower development in Cambodia and eastern AsiaMalmquist, Peter, Sigfridsson, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The objective in this case study is to highlight typical problems of a planned hydropower dam project in Bokor National Park, Cambodia. The focal point in the line of questioning is the usage of public participation in larger exploration plans in a development country and to give a comprehensive survey of some of the participant involved. The study also discusses how the WCD report is used by non-govemental organisation to validate their claims. To be able to understand how the Cambodian society works, the study also includes a short briefing of recent Cambodian history. The study shows that the local people are more or less neglected in the preliminary investigations. Even if information meetings are held open, they are conducted in such a way that it is hard for common people to participate. The meetings are held in English and not in the domestic language Khmer. Critical groups are not formally invited but welcome to attend, most of their statements are withdrawn from the official protocols. The study also reveals that the leading entrepreneurs more or less neglects the environmental hazards in the construction by focus their information and calculations on the positive effects of the project. The study has been made as a field study, on location in Cambodia.
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The Application of Multiuser Detection to Spectrally Efficient MIMO or Virtual MIMO SC-FDMA Uplinks in LTE Systems.Ben Salem, Aymen 20 December 2013 (has links)
Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) is a multiple access transmission scheme that has been adopted in the 4th generation 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) of cellular systems. In fact, its relatively low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) makes it ideal for the uplink transmission where the transmit power efficiency is of paramount importance. Multiple access among users is made possible by assigning different users to different sets of non-overlapping subcarriers. With the current LTE specifications, if an SC-FDMA system is operating at its full capacity and a new user requests channel access, the system redistributes the subcarriers in such a way that it can accommodate all of the users. Having less subcarriers for transmission, every user has to increase its modulation order (for example from QPSK to 16QAM) in order to keep the same transmission rate. However, increasing the modulation order is not always possible in practice and may introduce considerable complexity to the system. The technique presented in this thesis report describes a new way of adding more users to an SC-FDMA system by assigning the same sets of subcarriers to different users. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the system to accommodate more users than conventional
SC-FDMA and this corresponds to increasing the spectral efficiency without requiring a higher modulation order or using more bandwidth. During this work, special attentions wee paid to the cases where two and three source signals are being transmitted on the same set of subcarriers, which leads respectively to doubling and tripling the spectral efficiency. Simulation results show that by using the proposed technique, it is possible to add more users to any SC-FDMA system without increasing the bandwidth or the modulation order while keeping the same performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) as the conventional SC-FDMA. This is realized by slightly increasing the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) at the transmitters.
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The Application of Multiuser Detection to Spectrally Efficient MIMO or Virtual MIMO SC-FDMA Uplinks in LTE Systems.Ben Salem, Aymen January 2014 (has links)
Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) is a multiple access transmission scheme that has been adopted in the 4th generation 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) of cellular systems. In fact, its relatively low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) makes it ideal for the uplink transmission where the transmit power efficiency is of paramount importance. Multiple access among users is made possible by assigning different users to different sets of non-overlapping subcarriers. With the current LTE specifications, if an SC-FDMA system is operating at its full capacity and a new user requests channel access, the system redistributes the subcarriers in such a way that it can accommodate all of the users. Having less subcarriers for transmission, every user has to increase its modulation order (for example from QPSK to 16QAM) in order to keep the same transmission rate. However, increasing the modulation order is not always possible in practice and may introduce considerable complexity to the system. The technique presented in this thesis report describes a new way of adding more users to an SC-FDMA system by assigning the same sets of subcarriers to different users. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the system to accommodate more users than conventional
SC-FDMA and this corresponds to increasing the spectral efficiency without requiring a higher modulation order or using more bandwidth. During this work, special attentions wee paid to the cases where two and three source signals are being transmitted on the same set of subcarriers, which leads respectively to doubling and tripling the spectral efficiency. Simulation results show that by using the proposed technique, it is possible to add more users to any SC-FDMA system without increasing the bandwidth or the modulation order while keeping the same performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) as the conventional SC-FDMA. This is realized by slightly increasing the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) at the transmitters.
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